CMP Honors IV - Newton

Dear Honors English IV Parents and Students,
Welcome to Honors English IV. I am sincerely looking forward to an engaging, enriching,
challenging, and ultimately successful semester. Below I have included information for both
parents and students to serve as a guideline for expected behaviors and outcomes. Senior year is
an exciting and hectic time, and I offer each of you the best I have to offer in the preparations for
college and career readiness.
Course Description: Through reading and writing on a diverse array of classic and
contemporary literature from British History, as well as challenging informational texts in a range
of subjects, students will build knowledge, gain insights, explore possibilities, and broaden their
perspective. Students will gain, evaluate, and present increasingly complex information, ideas,
and evidence through writing, listening and speaking as well as through multi-media. Students
and teachers will work critically, rigorously, and productively to ensure students are prepared to
compete and excel in 21st century education and careers.
Attendance is crucial to a successful completion of this course. Following an excused
absence, students receive three days to compete all make-up work. It is the
student’s responsibility to make arrangements and follow up on missed
assignments. The English department tutorial day is Mondays for remediation and/or makeup work.
Each of the following expectations is required for success in the classroom:
1. Read critically.
2. Write analytically.
3. Actively participate in class discussions.
4. Respect all members of this classroom and environment.
5. Maintain high standards for yourself and the course.
My planning period is from 1:00-2:40 every day.
Also, my email address is Email is the simplest and quickest way to present and receive
input. Never hesitate to call or email whenever you need to work together or communicate.
Again, it is my great pleasure to work with each of you this semester.
Very sincerely,
Elizabeth Gargis
Below is a place for both a parent and a student signature stating that you agree to
the terms of NCHS’s Honors Policy AND that you have read the parent letter.
Student signature
Parent signature
Parent email address:
Dear Honors English IV Parents and Students,
Welcome to Honors English IV. I am sincerely looking forward to an engaging, enriching,
challenging, and ultimately successful semester. Below I have included information for both
parents and students to serve as a guideline for expected behaviors and outcomes. Senior year is
an exciting and hectic time, and I offer each of you the best I have to offer in the preparations for
college and career readiness.
Course Description: Through reading and writing on a diverse array of classic and
contemporary literature from British History, as well as challenging informational texts in a range
of subjects, students will build knowledge, gain insights, explore possibilities, and broaden their
perspective. Students will gain, evaluate, and present increasingly complex information, ideas,
and evidence through writing, listening and speaking as well as through multi-media. Students
and teachers will work critically, rigorously, and productively to ensure students are prepared to
compete and excel in 21st century education and careers.
Attendance is crucial to a successful completion of this course. Following an excused
absence, students receive three days to compete all make-up work. It is the
student’s responsibility to make arrangements and follow up on missed
assignments. The English department tutorial day is Mondays for remediation and/or makeup work.
Each of the following expectations is required for success in the classroom:
6. Read critically.
7. Write analytically.
8. Actively participate in class discussions.
9. Respect all members of this classroom and environment.
10. Maintain high standards for yourself and the course.
My planning period is from 1:00-2:40 every day.
Also, my email address is Email is the simplest and quickest way to present and receive
input. Never hesitate to call or email whenever you need to work together or communicate.
Again, it is my great pleasure to work with each of you this semester.
Very sincerely,
Elizabeth Gargis
Below is a place for both a parent and a student signature stating that you agree to
the terms of NCHS’s Honors Policy AND that you have read the parent letter.
Student signature
Parent signature
Parent email address: