APPLIED SCIENCE (A2) UNIT MARK SHEET ASC5 66 Centre Name: Centre Number: Candidate's Name: Candidate's Number: Identification of Chemicals and determining concentration Assessment Objective Criteria Level of Response Low High Candidates should: demonstrate basic knowledge and understanding of the science. There may be significant omissions 2 marks Candidates should: demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of the science with few omissions 4 marks use basic scientific terminology and conventions in some of their work 2 marks select information and present it clearly, occasionally using the appropriate form such as extended prose, tables, diagrams etc and/or accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. 1 mark use correct scientific terminology and conventions in most of their work 4 marks select relevant information and present it clearly and logically, usually in an appropriate form such as extended prose, tables, diagrams etc and/or accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. 2 marks describe and give limited interpretations of quantitative and qualitative secondary scientific data 2 marks carry out complex calculations, obtaining some correct solutions 1 mark describe and interpret quantitative and qualitative secondary scientific data 4 marks carry out complex calculations obtaining correct solutions 2 marks carry out complex calculations, obtaining correct solutions to an appropriate degree of accuracy. 3 marks (a) Risk Assessments use risk assessments 2 marks produce and use risk assessments with some guidance 4 marks (b) Safety & Accuracy carry out given tasks safely using a range of techniques and equipment 2 marks (c) Measurements & Processing make and record some relevant observations and measurements 2 marks (d) Interpret results provide, with guidance, some interpretation of their results in terms of their scientific knowledge and understanding 3 marks carry out given tasks safely using a range of techniques and equipment, but requires guidance with selection of measuring equipment with appropriate accuracy. 4 marks make, record and process relevant observations and measurements. Inconsistency shown with either the precision of measurements and/or processing. 4 marks interpret and draw a simple (limited) conclusion in terms of their scientific knowledge and understanding and consistent with their evidence 6 marks produce and follow comprehensive risk assessments, consistent with CLEAPSS (Consortium of Local Education Authorities for the Provision of Science Services) guidelines. 6 marks carry out given tasks safely, using a range of techniques and equipment. The measuring equipment that is chosen has an appropriate degree of accuracy. 6 marks (a) Knowledge & Understanding (b) Terminology & Conventions AO1 (c) Information & Presentation (c) Data Handling AO2 (e) Calculations AO3 Candidates should: demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of the science with no significant omissions from most parts of the specification 6 marks use scientific terminology and conventions accurately in all their work 6 marks select relevant information, present it clearly and logically, using the appropriate form such as extended prose, tables, diagrams etc with accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar; and then evaluate and justify it. 3 marks describe, interpret and evaluate quantitative and qualitative secondary scientific data 6 marks make and record relevant observations and measurements with appropriate precision and consistently process these accurately. 6 marks interpret results and draw detailed conclusions, consistent with their evidence, discussing the significance. 9 marks Total (51 max) Candidate mark Assessment Objective 1) Candidate Mark Unit Total Assessment Objective Criteria (c) Information & Presentation AO1 (a) Interpret & Explain AO2 ASC5 An investigation into Forensic Science (b) Apply science (d) Scientific Issues Level of Response Low Candidates should: select information and present it clearly, occasionally using the appropriate form such as extended prose, tables, diagrams etc and/or accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. 2 marks describe phenomena and effects using scientific principles 1 mark apply scientific facts and principles to familiar situations 1 mark describe issues arising from scientific activities which impact on society 1 mark High Candidates should: select relevant information and present it clearly and logically, usually in an appropriate form such as extended prose, tables, diagrams etc and/or accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar. 4 marks describe and explain phenomena and effects using scientific principles 2 marks apply scientific facts and principles to familiar situations and some success to unfamiliar ones 2 marks identify and describe issues arising from scientific activities, which impact on society 2 marks Candidates should: select relevant information, present it clearly and logically, using the appropriate form such as extended prose, tables, diagrams etc with accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar; and then evaluate and justify it. 6 marks describe, interpret and explain phenomena and effects using scientific principles 3 marks apply scientific facts and principles to both familiar and unfamiliar situations 3 marks identify and explain issues arising from scientific activities, which impact on society 3 marks Total (15 max) Unit total (66 max) Further comments (if needed): Candidate mark Assessment Objective 2)