Essay 1 Prompt: Comparison/Contrast

Debra Bronstein
English 1A
Take-home Essay #1
Essay Due Thursday 4/12 at the beginning of class. No late papers will be accepted.
Please write a 5-page essay on one of the following prompts. The paper should be typed
in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins.
Note: Moving from summary into analysis: All essays should examine how the author
uses certain rhetorical techniques in order to drive his argument home (the how). All
essays should analyze those techniques in relation to what the author is saying (the what)
and the author’s purpose (the why). All essays should include quotes from the text and
analysis of those quotes. This is what will move our essays away from the summary
writing we were doing earlier in the semester.
Write a comparison/ contrast paper in which you answer the following question: how do
the authors’ views of the nature of mankind determine the role of the sovereign and the
type of government the sovereign will sanction in one of the following groupings of texts:
 Mencius’ “Man’s Nature is Good” and Lao-Tzu’s “Thoughts from the Tao-te
 Hsün Tzu’s “Man’s Nature is Evil” and Lao-Tzu’s “Thoughts from the Tao-te
 Mencius’ “Man’s Nature is Good” and Machiavelli’s “The Quality of the Prince”
 Hsün Tzu’s “Man’s Nature is Evil” and Machiavelli’s “The Quality of the Prince”
 Lao-Tzu’s “Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching” and Machiavelli’s “The Quality of
the Prince,”
 Machiavelli’s “The Quality of the Prince” and Jefferson’s “The Declaration of
In your conclusion, answer the question: Do you believe that this type of relationship
between the sovereign and the citizens is effective/plausible and why?
In order to answer this prompt, you will need to follow the format for
comparison/contrast essays that we discussed in class. You will need to address the texts
in the order I have placed them (for example, Lao-Tzu must be in the first half of the
essay and Machiavelli in the second, otherwise this essay would be anachronistic).
Using Lao-Tzu and Machiavelli as an example:
You will need a thesis paragraph that explains the main argument of Lao-Tzu’s text and
connect that to (by means of comparison and/or contrast) the main argument of
Machiavelli’s text. (See your notes from the in class thesis paragraph lecture for
comparison contrast essays). Then you will wrap the paragraph up with the Why: what is
the purpose of these text/what is the author trying to convince you of? The last sentence
of the thesis paragraph will address whether or not you find the type of relationship
between the sovereign and the citizen compelling and why; however, you may NOT use
I in this sentence, or anywhere else in the essay. Instead, state, “Machiavelli’s
argument is compelling because it takes into account a more realistic view of human
nature” (or whatever you believe). In your essay, the last sentence of the thesis
paragraph will become the basis for the conclusion of your essay.
Follow the structure for the comparison/contrast essay that I put on the board:
The first half of the essay should be on author A. Develop the main arguments with
supporting quotes and analysis for that first author.
Paragraph 1 on Author A:
 Topic Sentence that presents an argument
 Several sentences developing the main idea
 Provide context in order to situate the reader in the evidence
 Introduce a quote using signal phrases
 Quote
 Several Sentences analyzing the quote (Pay specific attention to the
language of the quote).
Paragraph 2: (same structure as Paragraph 1 but on a different main idea)
Paragraph 3: (same structure as Paragraph 1 but on a different main idea)
Paragraph 4 Transitioning to Author B): Transition in which you wrap up the main
thoughts of Author A and link them to the main arguments that you will be making in the
subsequent section of the essay. This transition is the first few sentences of Paragraph 4.
Then continue as you did with the structure for paragraph one, but this time on Author B.
Make sure you refer to the points that connect to Author A (put the texts in conversation
with one another here. Do not just write on Author B)
Paragraph 5: (same structure as paragraph one but on a main idea for Author B that refers
back to the main ideas in Paragraph 2 on Author A)
Paragraph 6: (same structure as paragraph one but on a main idea for Author B that refers
back to the main ideas in Paragraph 3 on Author A)
Conclusion: Wrap up the main ideas in your essay and then answer the question: Do you
believe that this type of relationship between the sovereign and the citizens is
effective/plausible and why?
Good luck and have fun! 