Curriculum for Excellence: Health and Wellbeing MILESTONES Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport 1 Physical Education, Physical Activity & Sport. Learners develop an understanding of how to build physical competences, improve aspects of fitness, and develop personal and interpersonal skills and attributes. It enables learners to develop the concepts and skills necessary for participation in a wide range of physical activity, sport, dance and outdoor learning, and enhances their physical wellbeing in preparation for leading a fulfilling, active and healthy lifestyle. . Progression and development in many aspects of health and wellbeing will depend upon the stage of growth, development and maturity of the individual, upon social issues and upon the community context. From the early years through to the senior stages, children’s and young people’s progress will be seen in how well they are developing and applying their knowledge, understanding and skills in, for example, key features of healthy living and relationships and in approaches to personal planning, assessing risk and decision making. The milestones are simply a tool for teachers to provide guidance and support to encourage an informed assessment of children’s knowledge, skills and understanding applied throughout the session and for formal reporting. The milestones provide examples of the differentiation between Developing, Consolidating and Secure for each experience and outcome, they are not a prescriptive list to be used in any particular order e.g. when a teacher plans their HWB lessons for their class the milestones can then be used to assess the range of skills applied by the children for that lesson in comparison to the examples provided in the milestones. Assessment in health and wellbeing should also link with other areas of the curriculum, within and beyond the classroom, offering children and young people opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in more complex, demanding or unfamiliar learning or social contexts. 2 Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Early Level I am learning to move my body well, exploring how to manage and control it and finding out how to use and share space. HWB 0-21a I am developing my movement skills through practice and energetic play. HWB 0-22a I am aware of my own and others’ needs and feelings especially when taking turns and sharing resources. I recognise the need to follow rules. HWB 0-23a Gymnastics I can find a space I can stop and start I can travel high and low I can make different shapes with my body I can travel using different body parts I can move around mats and apparatus safely I can travel by walking, running, galloping, hopping, jumping and side stepping I can move in different directions I can move along, over, under, around, and through apparatus Games I can run away from my partner I can follow my partner I can send small equipment into a space I can play a game of tig I can roll a ball along the floor I can use small equipment to hit a target I can throw, catch, roll, spin, chase and bounce using a variety of small equipment I can aim at a target I can play a simple game on my own and with a partner I can share with others I can take my turn I can play/work on my own I can follow simple instructions I can work/play with a partner in a small group I can work with the teacher and others to put out pieces of equipment I can listen and follow instructions I can share apparatus fairly and safely whilst working with others I know how to play fairly and have fun Gymnastics Games 3 Experience and Outcome By exploring and observing movement, I can describe what I have learned about it. HWB 0-24a Context for assessment Fitness I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can watch and try to copy I know what it is like when I am out of breath I can talk about the different parts of my body I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in different kinds of energetic play, both outdoors and indoors. HWB 0-25a I know that being active is a healthy way to be. HWB 0-27a I can describe how I feel after taking part in energetic activities and I am becoming aware of some of the changes that take place in my body. HWB 0-28a 4 I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) I can recognise when I get hot I can tell about how I felt during the task I can feel when my heart beats fast I can talk about my body and how it works I can talk about the effects of exercise on my body I can talk about others’ work without hurting their feelings Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Early Level I have the opportunity and freedom to choose and explore ways that I can move rhythmically, expressively and playfully. EXA 0-08a Dance I can enjoy moving in a big space that I share with others I can have fun whilst making my movements like animals or toys I can follow a rhythm I can follow or copy movements I can move around the floor making big, small, light and heavy movements I can move and respond to percussion and music I can explore pathways, changing directions, level, shape and speed I can work to different rhythms I can move to music and stop at appropriate moments Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express my ideas, thoughts and feelings through creative work in dance. EXA 0-09a I have opportunities to enjoy taking part in dance experiences. EXA 0-10a Dance I can join in simple dances and singing games I can dance on my own I can follow pathways I can respond to the experience of dance by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others’ work. EXA 0-11a 5 I can follow simple patterns for a dance I can dance with a partner I can keep the beat by clapping, tapping, nodding, shaking, and stamping I can take part in a simple set dance by showing a good start and finish I can dance with a partner or small group I can memorise and repeat a dance of short phrases Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) I can balance on different parts of my body I can do a feet high sequence I can roll in different ways First Level I am discovering ways that I can link actions and skills to create movement patterns and sequences. This has motivated me to practise and improve my skills to develop control and flow. HWB 1-21a Gymnastics I am developing skills and techniques and improving my level of performance and fitness. HWB 1-22a Games Fitness I can follow and understand rules and procedures, developing my ability to achieve personal goals. I recognise and can adopt different roles in a range of practical activities. HWB 1-23a I can link two skills I can show a good start and finish position I can jump from apparatus to land safely Athletics I can show control in a sequence I can use a variety of movement showing a change of speed, level, shape and direction I can transfer movement skills and sequences from the floor to the apparatus I can throw and catch a ball on my own and with a partner I can skip using a hoop or a rope I can show that I can take part in energetic exercise for a length of time I can do a variety of bat and ball skills I can take part in simple games using throwing and catching I can take part in a simple fitness programme I can follow the rules of the game/activity that we are doing I can work independently I can develop a responsible attitude for my safety I can help my team to follow rules I can work cooperatively with a partner/group I can develop a responsible attitude for the safety of my group I can work as part of a group to handle and place equipment safely I can take on various roles and understand their differences in an activity I can understand the need to wait until the ‘collect’ call has been given to go and retrieve my throwing object 6 I can dodge and mark I can play simple team games I can take part in a simple fitness programme for a longer period of time Experience and Outcome I can recognise progress and achievement by discussing my thoughts and feelings and giving and accepting feedback. HWB 1-24 a Context for assessment Gymnastics I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) I can act on feedback from the teacher and other pupils to improve my work I can watch and describe a short sequence of movement on the floor of apparatus I can recall ideas from one lesson to the next I can watch others working and comment on what I see I can describe simple actions Within and beyond my place of learning I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in physical activities and sport, making use of available indoor and outdoor space. HWB 1 – 25a I am aware of the role physical activity plays in keeping me healthy and know that I also need to sleep and rest, to look after my body. HWB 1-27a I understand that my body needs energy to function and that this comes from the food I eat. I am exploring how physical activity contributes to my health and wellbeing HWB 1 – 28a 7 I can show and share my ideas and those of others I can give and accept constructive feedback with good manners I can compare my work with a model performance and use this information to improve Experience and Outcome I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) Context for assessment I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) I can use contrasting qualities of weight and time to lend variety to my dance I can create patterns in a dance I can make shapes at different levels and use different speeds on my own and with others when creating a dance I can make my movement suit the ideas presented by the music I can express ‘action words’ in movements I can work as part of a group to create a short sequence First Level I enjoy creating dance sequences using travel, turn, jump, pause and fall within safe practice. EXA 1-08a Dance I can link movements together I can change direction, level, shape and speed I can work safely whilst dancing Inspired by a range of stimuli I can express my ideas thoughts and feelings through creative work in dance. EXA 1-09a I am becoming aware of different features of dance and can practice and perform steps, formations, and short dance. EXA 1-10a Dance Dance I can share my movements with a partner in dance I can use a variety of stimuli to suggest shape or floor patterns I can use my imagination to create movement I can use skipping and side slipping I can perform different formations in a simple dance I can identify the different formations in a dance 8 I can express ideas through simple sequences of movement I can develop very simply one idea in response to a given task I can use contrasting movements in dance I can use my imagination to create movement that matches the dance task I can respond to a variety of stimuli and show a range of dance actions I can express ideas and feelings through simple sequences of movement I can perform simple skip change of step I can successfully practice my steps in a dance I can use the correct steps for given formations in a dance I can dance formations such as rights and lefts and a simple progression I can perform in a group or class dance I can adapt known formations and perform them in a new dance Experience and Outcome I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) Context for assessment I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) I am able to discuss areas of the dance I feel I need to improve I can offer constructive comment on the others work I can speak about how the dance affected my mood First Level I can respond to the experience of dance by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others’ work. EXA 1-11a Dance I can talk about which parts of the dance I enjoyed I can show my dance to others I can watch a dance and talk about it 9 I can watch a dance and feedback I can accept suggestions for improvement from others I can talk about how the dance made me feel Experience and Outcome I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) Context for assessment I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Second Level As I encounter new challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and supported to demonstrate my ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. HWB 2-21a Games I practise, consolidate and refine my skills to improve my performance. I am developing and sustaining my levels of fitness. HWB 2-22a Fitness While working and learning with others, I improve my range of skills, demonstrate tactics and achieve identified goals. HWB 2-23a I can put the learned skills into a game I can pass and receive in a variety of ways I can take part in mini games and play to the rules Games I am learning new exercises in a fitness programme I can participate in energetic activity for longer periods of time each week I can identify where my pulse is I can adapt known skills into a games situation In games I can show greater control, accuracy, speed and weight of pass I can select the right pass and the right player to pass to I have a knowledge of different body parts and how they are being worked in a fitness programme As my fitness improves I can show that I can exercise for longer I can find and record my pulse I can select an appropriate exercise for a specific muscle group I can make up a fitness programme I know the effects of exercise on my body I can respond to others I can create rules for in a game to ensure my games/activities simple tactics work I can respond to I can learn to cope with signals from my team winning and losing mates to succeed in a I can demonstrate game tolerance towards I can cooperate and others in a game compete in a team where individual responsibility is required 10 I can adapt known skills effectively into a new game I can refine my skills of passing and receiving to beat an opponent I can choose or develop the appropriate tactics when attacking or defending in a game I can take on leading and supporting roles I can accept the decision of the referee/umpire I can identify my own strengths and development needs and work on them as part of a team Experience and Outcome Context for assessment By reflecting on my own and others’ work and evaluating it against shared criteria, I can recognise improvement and achievement and use this to progress further. HWB 2-24a Gymnastics I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) Through showing and sharing, I can improve my skills I can give and accept constructive criticism I can identify content and order of a sequence and comment on it I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I am experiencing enjoyment and achievement on a daily basis by taking part in different kinds of energetic physical activities of my choosing, including sport and opportunities for outdoor learning, available at my place of learning and in the wider community. HWB 2-25a/HWB 325a 11 I can accept and evaluate the feedback others have given me I can offer constructive comments and suggest ways of improving skills I can use given criteria to evaluate others’ works I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) I can look at professional performance and recognise important points I can review my performance and look at ways to improve it I can observe others over a period of time and can recognise the improvement and achievement Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I have investigated the role of sport and the opportunities it may offer me. I am able to access opportunities for participation in sport and the development of my performance in my place of learning and beyond. HWB 2-26a / HWB 3-26 I can explain why I need to be active on a daily basis to maintain good health and try to achieve a good balance of sleep, rest and physical activity. HWB 2-27a/HWB 327a I can explain the links between the energy I use while being physically active, the food I eat, and my health and wellbeing. HWB 2-28a / HWB 328a . 12 I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Second Level I can explore and choose movements to create and present dance, developing my skills and techniques. EXA 2-08a Dance Inspired by a range of stimuli, I can express my ideas, thoughts and feelings through creative work in dance. EXA 2-09a Dance I can select and perform from a range of travelling styles I can move with control in a variety of dance environments I can link actions with increased fluency I can contribute my ideas through discussion and demonstration with a partner or in a group I can link my thoughts and feelings to dance I can introduce the use of props or costumes to make my dance more interesting and dynamic 13 I can create a motif of different movements and gestures I can use different levels, speeds, directions when creating a dance I can work with a partner showing mirror, matching and cannon I can introduce body percussion into my dance I can demonstrate an appreciation of the work of others I can express emotion or feeling through gesture I can change the dynamics of my motif through a variety of music I can combine actions and quality to give my movement originality I can link my motif with others to create a short dance I can choose my own stimulus from a range within a topic I can use suggestions from others to make up a dance I can use the accents in music to effect my space/time/weight and flow Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I have taken part in dance from a range of styles and cultures demonstrating my awareness of dance features. EXA 2-10a Dance I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can respond to the experience of dance by discussing my thoughts and feelings. I can give and accept constructive comment on my own and others’ work. EXA 2-11a Dance I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can do new formations eg Allamande I can take part in dances from other countries I can use knowledge from the classroom to perform a dance I can give and accept constructive feedback I can say why I like the dance I can make changes to my dance using the suggestions coming from my classmates. 14 I can perform more difficult formations e.g. Poussette I have explored and learned some modern street dance I can recognise and perform steps or formations from at least one other country I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) I can perform my work for an audience and make improvements based on their comments I can identify content and order and comment on it I can suggest ways of improving own and others performance I can perform more complex steps e.g. corners I can perform with confidence dances I have learned from other cultures I can identify similar features that appear in different dances I can share opinions, and accept constructive criticism I can modify my performance after self assessment I can view professional performance and say what I liked Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Third Level As I encounter new challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and supported to demonstrate my ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. HWB 2-21a / HWB 3-21a Games Gymnastics Athletics Swimming I can occasionally / regularly/ consistently join movement together to make a sequence smooth using twisting, turning jumping, rolling and balancing I can occasionally / regularly/ consistently play a game successfully using the skills learnt I practise, consolidate and refine my skills to improve my performance. I am developing and sustaining my levels of fitness. HWB 2-22a / HWB 3-22a Develop balancing using different parts of the body and using changing levels Twisting and turning, Stillness, and 5 basic jump Increased control of changing speed, direction, levels, shape and strength Smooth linking actions in a sequence Safe handling and using of mats Creative Movement Fitness Social Dance Swimming Outdoor Activities & Teambuilding Athletics Cross Country & Orienteering Energetic warm up Practice and develop know skills in familiar and or new activities Show improvement Show how to adapt and change to suit a new situation Be able to put learnt skills into a game situation I can take part in mini games and play to the rules Energetic warm up Moving with some control in a mini game situation Passing and receiving on the move Change direction and speed Team play I can control my body and show symmetrical and asymmetrical movements when balancing, rolling and jumping. I can move in a controlled way using different heights, directions and speeds 15 Developing balancing using different parts of the body and using different levels Symmetry and asymmetry Stillness Jumping Increased control of changing speed, direction, levels, shape and strength Travelling, jumping, stopping, balancing Moving with increased control of direction, level, shape, speed and strength Revise all basic skills and introduce more advanced ones I can participate in energetic activity and can understand how my body works and feels after exercise Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Third Level I am developing the skills to lead and recognise strengths of group members, including myself. I contribute to groups and teams through my knowledge of individual strengths, group tactics, and strategies. HWB 3 - 23a Games Outdoor Activities & Teambuilding Cross Country & Orienteering Smooth linking actions Awareness of in a sequence importance of Using and handling warming up and apparatus cooling down I can participate in Changing into energetic activity for appropriate clothing longer periods of time for the activity each week Heart rate should rise Children should be slowly and steadily, aware of the aerobic work outs importance of warm All parts of the body up and cooling down gently stretched Should change into An awareness of appropriate clothing different body parts for the activity and how they are Heart rate should rise being worked slowly and steadily Effects of exercise on and there should be the body aerobic work All parts of the body should be gently stretched Develop an awareness of different body parts and how they are being worked Effects of exercise on the body I occasionally / regularly/ consistently Play games with understanding of different roles within the team. display and promote good sportsmanship understand the rules of an activity and apply them whilst participating or officiating Use good judgment and commonsense to maintain a safe environment use positive phrases to encourage the group Cooperate within a group 16 Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Third Level I can analyse and discuss elements of my own and others’ work, recognising strengths and identifying areas where improvements can be made. HWB 3-24a Fitness Outdoor Activities & Teambuilding Gymnastics Swimming follow safety instructions lead a group or partner listen to other people’s ideas and opinions take responsibility for my own actions solve problems assess myself and my peers and suggest improvements perform individually, with a partner and in a small group describe what others and I have done recognise and describe how I feel during gymnastics activity I am experiencing enjoyment and achievement on a daily basis by taking part in different kinds of energetic physical activities of my choosing, including sport and Outdoor Activities & Teambuilding Extra Curricular Sports & Physical Activities I understand that participating in Physical Activity can: Build an appreciation of personal health and fitness; 17 Know the various techniques connected with each individual skill. Know how to set personal/group targets and recognise and implement ways to improve performance. Work independently and as part of a group and valuing opportunities. Know how to evaluate the performance of self and others and identify what makes a performance effective and implement this knowledge to improve own technique. Understand the importance of including all abilities in activities and recognising people’s strengths and weaknesses identify what makes a performance effective and implement this knowledge to improve own technique Know how to build relationships and work cooperatively with others Develop Skills for Work – adopt different roles, work with others, manage change and building relationships Experience different roles and take responsibility in organising a physical event and contribute to a supportive and inclusive environment Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Third Level opportunities for outdoor learning, available at my place of learning and in the wider community. HWB 2-25a / HWB 3-25a I I have investigated the role of sport and the opportunities it may offer me. I am able to access opportunities for participation in sport and the development of my Outdoor Activities & Teambuilding Extra Curricular Sports & Physical Activities Develop a positive self-image; Teaches how to work as part of a team; Develop social skills with other children and adults (such as taking turns and sharing playing time); Teaches both how to manage success and disappointment; and, Teaches how to respect others. Demonstrate behaviour that contributes to fair play. Observe closely, reflect, describe and analyse key aspects of my own and others’ performances Monitor and take responsibility for improving my own performance based on recognition of personal strengths and development needs. I understand that different people have different strengths and that these may be nurture , curbed or focused, however Physical Activity should always will always be about helping people to become well-rounded, socially adept, confident and engaged. occasionally / regularly/ consistently understand how referee games competently and successfully enforce the rules understand the social, physical mental and emotional benefits of participating in increasingly competitive game situations Work independently and as part of a group showing respect for others and encouraging inclusion Benefit from staff support to embrace the opportunity to meet the challenge of new activities with a partner or a group Understand that sport exists at all levels and for all ages and it is never too late to take up a sport. Exposure to unfamiliar roles to ensure resilience can be developed I can occasionally / regularly/ consistently: Creating the opportunity to work with others to achieve success. Develop Skills for Learning – Understanding, Analysing, Evaluating, 18 Experience and Outcome I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) Context for assessment I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Third Level performance in my place of learning and beyond. HWB 2-26a / HWB 3-26 I can explain why I need to be active on a daily basis to maintain good health and try to achieve a good balance of sleep, rest and physical activity. HWB 2-27a / HWB 3-27a Extra Curricular Sports & Physical Activities Fitness Develop Skills for Work – adopt different roles, work with others, ability to learn and continue to learn Develop skills for Life – cooperation, tolerance, perseverance, resilience, growth mindset Encouraging self-motivation and determination in the pursuit of success. I understand the effects activity has on emotional, social, and physical development as well as my level of fitness. understand how the different aspects of fitness affect performance in activities events (strength, stamina speed and flexibility) consistently demonstrate manners and social skills when working with others I know that sleeping approximately 8 hours every night will be of benefit to my Health and Wellbeing 19 I understand how learning a new activity improves my social and collaborative skills I understand that sleep affects our physical and mental health, and is essential for the normal functioning of all the systems of our body. I can confidently explain how learning a new activity improves my social and collaborative skills I can confidently explain how sleep affects our physical and mental health, and is essential for the normal functioning of all the systems of our body. Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Third Level I can explain the links between the energy I use while being physically active, the food I eat, and my health and wellbeing. HWB 2-28a / HWB 3-28a Extra Curricular Sports & Physical Activities Fitness I occasionally / regularly/ consistently understand that every child and adolescent should have an opportunity to participate in sports and regular physical activity. I occasionally / regularly/ consistently Understand that depending on the duration and intensity of the exercise you do, your body needs some extra energy. I can occasionally / regularly/ consistently yalk about the amount of additional calories required will also vary greatly depending on your body size, age, gender. I can occasionally / regularly/ consistently talk about how regardless of the intensity of the exercise, some carbohydrates are always used. I can occasionally / regularly/ consistently talk that Fluid intake is extremely important for exercise to prevent dehydration and to compensate for the loss in minerals and carbohydrates. 20 Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Develop and improve competency in a number of different movement techniques. Perform skills in competitive and non competitive situations. effective use these affects performance. Demonstrate the ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. Know how to evaluate the performance of self and others and identify what makes a performance effective and implement this knowledge to improve own technique. Know how to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm from equipment Fourth Level As I encounter a variety of challenges and contexts for learning, I am encouraged and supported to demonstrate my ability to select and apply a wide range of complex movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with consistency and control. HWB 4-21a Engaging and active Setting challenging goals Shared expectations and standards Timely, accurate feedback Learning intentions, success criteria, personal learning planning Collaborative Reflecting the ways different learners progress Games Gymnastics Athletics Swimming Know a variety of the various skills to perform successfully Know the various techniques connected with each individual skill. Know how to set personal/group targets and recognise and implement ways to improve performance. Work independently and as part of a group and valuing opportunities. Know how to apply the concepts of force, core strength and flexibility. Understand the concept of centre of gravity. 21 Isolate specific parts of individual performances that are weaknesses and know how to make basic improvements to them. Perform skills whilst focussing on core strength and flexibility and understand how the Develop analytical skills to improve self and advise others. Developing higher order thinking skills when trying to dominate an opponent (ensuring that rugby skill can beat pure strength) Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Fourth Level I can occasionally / regularly/ consistently I can organise my time to practise, consolidate and refine my skills to achieve my highest quality performance in a range of contexts. I am developing and sustaining my level of performance across all aspects of fitness. HWB 4-22a Games Creative Movement Fitness Social Dance Athletics Cross Country & Orienteering Understand and perform skills with accuracy. Recognise and attempt to make the right decision in making the appropriate action. use a wide range of skills in a increasingly challenging environment Select, understand and perform skills with fluency, accuracy and control consistently apply learned skills and techniques effectively in game situations move into a space and make or return a pass when under pressure consistently make the right decision to make an appropriate shot I can occasionally / regularly/ consistently While learning together, and in leadership situations, I can: experience different roles and take responsibility in organising a physical event contribute to a supportive and inclusive environment demonstrate behaviour that contributes to fair play. HWB 4-23a Encourage pupils to take initiative and responsibility for their learning Develop skills in working with others Encourage pupils to learn from success and failure Understand the world of work Recognise the values of opportunities Games Outdoor Activities & Teambuilding Cross Country & Orienteering work co-operatively with a number of different people and groups discuss and reflect upon my actions Learn to work out with the normal school environs make suggestions to my group and the whole group use good judgment and commonsense to maintain a safe environment identify strengths and weaknesses within the group and apply these towards group success help involve all the group particularly those who are having difficulty-listen to other people’s ideas and opinions understand the social, physical mental and emotional benefits of participating in increasingly competitive game situations referee games competently and successfully enforce the rules Understand the importance of including all abilities in activities and recognising people’s strengths and weaknesses take calculated risks and perform a range of trust activities showing an awareness of safety 22 Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Fourth Level I can: observe closely, reflect, describe and analyse key aspects of my own and others’ performances make informed judgements, specific to an activity monitor and take responsibility for improving my own performance based on recognition of personal strengths and development needs. HWB 4-24a I continue to enjoy daily participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity and sport and can demonstrate my understanding that it can: contribute to and promote my learning develop my fitness and physical and mental wellbeing develop my social skills, positive attitudes and values make an important contribution to living a healthy lifestyle. HWB 4-25a They understand clearly what they are trying to learn, and what is expected of them They are given feedback about the quality of their work, and what they can do to make it better Fitness Outdoor Activities & Teambuilding Gymnastics Swimming They are given advice about how to go about making improvements They are fully involved in deciding what needs to be done next, and who can give them help if they need it. Isolate specific parts of individual performances that are weaknesses and know how to make basic improvements to them Develop analytical skills to improve self and advise others. Demonstrate the ability to select, adapt and apply movement skills and strategies, creatively, accurately and with control. Evaluate performance and give basic teaching points (information sheets with simple skills broken down) Know how to evaluate the performance of self and others and identify what makes a performance effective and implement this knowledge to improve own and others technique I occasionally / regularly/ consistently am able to do the following: Outdoor Activities & Teambuilding share my knowledge with others and perhaps adopt a leadership role Encouraging self worth and confidence by representing different teams. Show empathy through care, fairness and respect of other team members. Recognise the unique qualities of others and blending abilities to form an inclusive team I can organise my time to practise, consolidate and refine my skills. I am developing and sustaining my level of performance across all aspects of fitness I know that being Physically Active will encourage me to become a positive and productive member of society. I understand that no matter how “good” I am at a particular activity, if it is something that gives me pleasure and helps them build confidence, I understand that Sport and Physical Activity helps shape our moral fabric and provides us the chance to make positive friendships that last a lifetime 23 Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Fourth Level I occasionally / regularly/ consistently I can explain the role of sport in cultural heritage and have explored the opportunities available for me to participate in school sport and sporting events. I make use of participation and performance pathways that allow me to continue and extend my sporting experience in my place of learning and beyond. HWB 4-26a I have investigated factors which can influence participation in physical activity and food choices, and the impact of activity on population health in the Scottish and wider contexts. I can use this information to discuss policies and inform my own health choices. HWB 4-28a Games Extra Curricular Sports & Physical Activities Extra Curricular Sports & Physical Activities I understand that having fun is key to continued enjoyment of physical activity . I understand the importance of designing physical activities which facilitate cooperation rather than just competition so that youth learn about fair play I recognise the importance of understanding the rules of the game and making sure that everyone (players, parents, fans) abides by those rules during competition. I recognise the importance of encouraging and supporting all players on a team. I can control my emotions in frustrating situations I understand the importance of treating officials, coaches, players, teammates, and opponents with respect and avoiding ridicule and sarcasm. I always demonstrate examples of good sportsmanship such as shaking hands with the opponent at the end of the game. I take a positive interest in food. Take care in planning meals and choosing and preparing food. Fitness 24 I can identify and explain why Fluid intake is extremely important for exercise to prevent dehydration and to compensate for the loss in minerals and carbohydrates. I understand that Muscles use two main fuels - carbohydrate and fat I understand that If I am participating in high energy activities I don't need to restrict myself to traditional mealtimes – Sometimes eating smaller but more frequent meals, plus several snacks can be more beneficial. I can Carefully plan the amount of food and fluids, the number of meals, and the timing of meals (before, during and after exercise) to get the most out of your performance. I understand that the intensity, duration, mode of exercise, level of conditioning, and how efficiently you move all influence how many calories you'll need I understand that I need to Start re-fuelling as soon as you can after training as the muscles' capacity to refuel is greatest over the first hour after training. Physical Activity and Sport Experience and Outcome Context for Assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Early Level Physical Activity I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in different kinds of energetic play, both outdoors and indoors. HWB 0-25a Classroom - Classmoves - Shake It Up - Wake Up Shake Up - DPA I choose to take part in energetic play I show you I can take part in a variety of energetic play I can make appropriate choices of what games to play indoors and outdoors. Outdoor Learning - Walk This Way - Scavenger hunt/ orienteering - Bikes/ trikes… I can show you I am enjoying energetic play indoors and outdoors I can explain why I enjoy my favourite kinds of play I can explain and demonstrate to others how to play these games. I can tell you the games I like to play Playground - Playground Games - Trim Trails - Variety of equipment - Markings on playground - Zoning of playground Play@home 25 Experience and Outcome Context for Assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) First Level Physical Activity Within and beyond my place of learning I am enjoying daily opportunities to participate in physical activities and sport, making use of available indoor and outdoor space. HWB 1-25a Classroom - Classmoves - Shake It Up - Wake Up Shake Up - DPA Outdoor Learning - Walk This Way - Orienteering - Cycle proficiency Playground - Playground Games - Trim Trails - Variety of equipment - Markings on playground - Zoning of playground I choose to take part in physical activity and sport I can select what physical activity/ sport I wish to take part in I can discuss why I have chosen to participate in this sport/ physical activity. I can tell what physical activity/ sport I take part in on a daily basis I can explain and answer questions on the activities I take part in I can discuss why these selections are appropriate for the available space (indoor/outdoor) I can tell you what opportunities are available to me I can select appropriate physical activity/ sport for the available space (indoor/outdoor) Extra curricular sport/ physical activity clubs - Breakfast - Lunch - After school Taster sessions and Festivals Active Travel 26 Experience and Outcome Context for Assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) I can tell you which different kinds of physical activities and sports that I enjoy and choose to take part within my place of learning I can explain and answer questions on the activities I have chosen to take part in within my place of learning I can identify opportunities to further my involvement in my chosen Sport / PA I can tell you which different kinds of physical activities and sports that I enjoy and choose to take part within the wider community I can explain and answer questions on the activities I have chosen to take part in within the wider community I can evaluate prior achievements to develop further in my sport or physical activity I can show and/or tell you achievements that I have gained in physical activity/sport I can explain how I gained my achievements in my chosen sport/physical activity Second and Third Level Physical Activity I am experiencing enjoyment and achievement on a daily basis by taking part in different kinds of energetic physical activities of ,my choosing, including sport and opportunities for outdoor learning, available at my place of learning and in the wider community. HWB 2-25a/3-25A Outdoor Learning Orienteering Cycle proficiency Forest Walks Walk this Way Playground Variety of equipment Markings on playground Zoning of playground Extra curricular sport/ physical activity clubs Breakfast Lunch After school Evenings and Weekends School-Club Links Taster sessions Festivals (Local, National & Regional) Promotional Material Active Travel 27 Experience and Outcome Context for Assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Second and Third Level I have investigated the role of sport and the opportunities it may offer me. I am able to access opportunities for participation in sport and the development of my performance in my place of learning and beyond. HWB 2-26a/3-26a Extra curricular sport/ physical activity clubs - Breakfast - Lunch - After school - Evenings and Weekends I can list the opportunities the role of sport has to offer me I can give examples of and explain the importance of these opportunities I can evaluate the opportunities that sport provides me and use this knowledge within my everyday life School-Club Links - Taster sessions - Festivals (Local, National & Regional) - Promotional Material I can take part in sport within my place of learning and beyond I can make developments in my sporting performance within my place of learning and beyond I can evaluate my performance and apply this to further improve my sporting performance Leadership Training - Playground Leaders - Young Leaders 28 Experience and Outcome I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) Extra curricular sport/ physical activity clubs - Breakfast - Lunch - After school - Evenings and Weekends I can give examples of physical activities and sport that I enjoy every day I can explain and answer questions on the activities I have chosen to take part in within my place of learning School-Club Links - Taster sessions Festivals (Local, National & Regional) Promotional Material I can demonstrate that I am fit and healthy by showing you a timetable of activities that I take part in each week I can explain and answer questions on the activities I have chosen to take part in within the wider community I can identify opportunities to further my involvement in my chosen Sport / PA I can explain how I gained my achievements in my chosen sport/physical activity I can evaluate prior achievements to develop further in my sport or physical activity Context for assessment I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Fourth Level I continue to enjoy daily participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity and sport and can demonstrate my understanding that it can: - Contribute to and promote my learning - Develop my fitness and physical and mental wellbeing - Develop my social skills, positive attitudes and values - Make an important contribution to living a healthy lifestyle HWB 4-25a Sport and Physical Activity in the wider community 29 Physical Activity and Health Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Early Level I know that being active is a healthy way to be. I can tell you that being active is good for me I can give you examples of activities which can keep me healthy I can discuss how being active will help me to be active I can tell you that I feel different after energetic activities I can show you where I feel these changes I can explain what changes take place in my body when I take part in energetic activities - Breath harder/faster - Heart beats faster - Get tired - My mood? HWB 0-27a I can describe how I feel after taking part in energetic activities and I am becoming aware of some of the changes that take place in my body. HWB 0-28a 30 Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) First Level I am aware of the role physical activity plays in keeping me healthy and know that I also need to sleep and rest, to look after my body. I can give you examples of how physical activity keeps me healthy I can identify sleep and rest as being equally important to keeping me healthy I can explain the relationship between being physically active, sleep and rest in keeping me healthy I can select healthy food choices from examples, which will give my body the energy to be active. I can identify the different types of energy and how these also contribute to my overall health and wellbeing. I can discuss and explain why I think certain foods are a healthy choice for giving me the energy to be active. HWB 1-27a I understand that my body needs energy to function and that this comes from the food I eat. I am exploring how physical activity contributes to my health and wellbeing. HWB 1-28a 31 Experience and Outcome I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) Context for assessment I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) Second and Third Level I can explain why I need to be active on a daily basis to maintain good health and try to achieve a good balance of sleep, rest and physical activity. I can tell you how equally important it is to have a balance between physical activity, sleep and rest. I can give you examples of how I am physically active on a daily basis, and how much rest and sleep I take each day. I can produce a timetable of my physical activity, sleep and rest patterns and discuss how these contribute to my overall health and wellbeing. I can tell you healthy food choices which provide me with sufficient energy to be physically active. I can identify the difference between healthy and unhealthy energy foods in relation to my health and wellbeing. I can detail which foods are good for energy and my health. HWB 2-27a/HWB 3-27a I can explain the links between the energy I use while being physically active, the food I eat, and my health and wellbeing. HWB 2-28a/HWB3-28a I can discuss why certain foods are healthier choices for providing me with sufficient energy to be physically active. 32 Experience and Outcome Context for assessment I can show that I am aware (Developing: Remembering and Understanding skills path) I can show that I understand (Consolidating: Applying and Analysing skills path) I can show that I can use my knowledge (Secure: Evaluating and Creating skills path) I can identify current participation levels in Sport and Physical Activity at my place of learning in PE and via club registers and pupil surveys for extra curricular clubs I can examine gaps in provision for Sport and PA in correlation to pupil interest. I can discuss and plan a realistic proposal to increase Sport and Physical Activity levels within my place of learning and wider community. I am aware of the key points of core Health Policies i.e. Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) (Scotland) Act 2007 I have reflected on key points from the policies and can demonstrate basic understanding of key issues I can use my knowledge of key points from the policies to discuss my own informed health choices. Fourth Level I have investigated factors which can influence participation in physical activity and food choices, and the impact of activity on population health in the Scottish and wider contexts. I can use this information to discuss policies and inform my own health choices. HWB 4-28a Active Schools Ambassador Programme Sports Scotland Leaders UK 33