CIS 115 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Instructor: Overstreet Homework 6 (VB – Decisions) Due: Week 13 - Monday, April 6 Write a program that will input two numbers (use textboxes). The program should output (use label) which number is the largest and which is the smallest (or that the two numbers are equal). Check for valid input. If either input is invalid (non-numeric) – give an error message via MsgBox, clear the textboxes, and end the Event Procedure. Perform determination and output only when both inputs are valid. Use variables (type: single or double) to hold the two inputs after validation. For this exercise, you will submit your completed solution design sheet (inputs, outputs, processes, TOE Chart, algorithm, and data dictionary), evaluation sheet (test design), a printed copy of your Visual Basic Application (a screen shot of your running program, including InputBox screens), and a printed copy of your code. If you do not include the completed solution sheet, evaluation sheet, and both the screen shot and the code, your assignment will be counted as incomplete. Staple your grade sheet (on top), the evaluation sheet, the solution design sheet, the screen shots, and the code together and make sure to write your name, jnumber and section number at the top of your grade sheet. No envelope necessary. Name___________________________________JNumber________________Section________ CIS 115 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Instructor: Overstreet Homework 6 (VB – Decisions) Solution Design Sheet Inputs: Outputs: Processes: N/A You do not have to include processes for this assgn Solution (TOE Chart/Algorithm): Tasks Event Objects Event Procedure Code Algorithm Events Name___________________________________JNumber________________Section________ CIS 115 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Instructor: Overstreet Homework 6 (VB – Decisions) Data Dictionary: Variable Name Type Usage Initial Evaluation Sheet Test Design: Inputs Test Case number 1 (n1) number 2 (n2) Expected Outputs Observed Outputs largest/smallest or equal largest/smallest or equal 1 abc def err mssg 2 5 x err mssg 3 k 985 err mssg 4 37 blank – no input err mssg 5 100 6xyz err mssg 6 9 3 largest: n1 smallest: n2 7 265 266 largest: n2 smallest: n1 8 71 71 9 .7654 .7653 largest: n1 smallest: n2 10 1 -1 largest: n1 smallest: n2 11 12 13 14 15 n1 and n2 are equal Name___________________________________JNumber________________Section________ CIS 115 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Instructor: Overstreet Homework 6 (VB – Decisions) Due: Week 13 - Monday, April 6 Grade Sheet _____(20pts) Completed solution design sheet (understand/design) _____(10pts) Completed evaluation sheet (evaluation) _____(30pts) Screen shots (interface implementation) _____(40pts) Code listing (algorithm implementation) _____(100pts) Total Score