OT Advisory Board Meeting

OT Advisory Board Meeting
Present: Leslie Roundtree, Sarah Austin, Cynthia Heath-Baldwin, Shirley Hyde, Mae
Brandon, Gwen Miller, Wanda Mahoney, Regina Smith, Beth Wittbrodt, Nancy
Richmond, Jarita Thompson, Elizabeth Horvath, William Ebomoyi, Rachelle Stewart
Completed introductions
Reviewed minutes from last meeting
Minutes approved
Dr. Leslie Roundtree gave report on program status
59 professional students; 2 students have dropped this semester due to family
and/or illness issues
83 pre-professional students
Last year’s research groups presented at ILOTA (faculty mentors Prof. Regina
Smith and Dr. Wanda Mahoney)
Dr. Sarah Austin presented at Allen Cognitive Symposium with 2 research
9 out of 11 students passed NBCOT exam on 1st attempt (82%); we are at current
national rate. All passed by 2nd attempt and are currently employed in OT
Dr. Leslie Roundtree presented information about Program Planning course
Based on student feedback and objective data, we made change to curriculum
sequence to move Program Planning to fall of 2nd year rather than spring. Even with this
change, students are still having difficulty. Asked for suggestions from board.
Dr. Ebomoyi asked about how many students are struggling and gave information
about how he has managed the health studies program planning course. He discussed
that he has groups of 3, and they develop the program together and write the paper
together. Dr. Roundtree reported that OT students also work in groups. They have to
write the paper together, but they also need to run at least 3 groups with a community
Dr. Austin clarified why change was made due to managing time during
community data collection for research and program planning also in the community.
Board members suggested that this is a valuable skill for practice, and students
need to learn it.
Dr. Eboymoyi suggested that research groups split project according to sections
(one person does data collection, one does analysis, etc). However, all students need to
be involved in all parts.
Ms. Horvath reported that the students who did a program plan at her site lacked
confidence. She reported that it is important for the students to realize that they are not
expected to “reinvent the wheel” but use available resources with some modifications.
Dr. Roundtree reported that we used program planning sites that were previously
used. She made list available of programs that we have previous contact with. However,
only 3 student groups chose from this list; others contacted their own sites based on
locations and other interests.
Previous CSU OT graduate Board members reported that managing these
independent study type of classes are developing skills that are necessary for work life.
We discussed how this may be a generational issue since the average age of our
OT students has decreased from 30s to under 25. Dr. Stewart recommended that students
need some structure but also need to foster skills to get past students’ fears. Dr.
Roundtree reported that the program planning class does meet regularly.
We discussed how students are overly concerned about grades rather than
realizing that taking risks and conquering fears is major part of learning. Dr. Austin
reported that students may also have difficulty negotiating the group dynamics especially
when students have different goals in terms of their grades or the amount of work they
are willing to do.
Ms. Brandon reported that it sounds that there are many supports in place and
rather than giving additional supports, students need to develop confidence. Students
need to take the risk rather than faculty giving additional support.
Dr. Ebomoyi reported that giving frequent feedback is important and helps keep
the students on target.
Ms. Wittbrodt reported that OTs are often passive, so this type of activity helps
the students accomplish things that they didn’t think they could do and is valuable in
future career work.
Dr. Ebomoyi discussed the importance of building the students’ resilience.
Ms. Smith reported a conversation from a current 3rd year student that if the
student had not had the independent work involved in program planning, she did not feel
that she would have been successful in fieldwork which involved a lot of independent
Ms. Richmond asked if the students had previous experience in community sites,
and we reported that students have 2 Level I fieldwork rotations in community facilities.
She suggested that students get an introduction to community practice and refer to future
projects before Level I rotations. Dr. Austin reported that we do this and gave examples
of how this happens.
Ms. Horvath reported that some non-CSU fieldwork students have difficulty with
fieldwork stating such things as they can’t stay the entire time or that the facility is too
far. She reported that she has not seen this with CSU students. She reported that there
definitely seem to be generational differences such as texting supervisor to let her know
that she wouldn’t be there.
Ms. Miller reported that the Level I fieldwork students at her site did a great job
of being serious, doing the work, and staying late.
Ms. Regina Smith gave report on TOPS grant
Expiring Dec. 31, 2011; goal was to graduate 18 students; have graduated 8 so far
and have 11 in progress
Ms. Regina Smith gave report on FOCUS grant ($1.2 million)
Includes urban schools and focus on collaboration with other school-based
professionals so will include some interdisciplinary activities between students
4 year grant; goal is 22 graduates; increased mentoring component of grant;
includes small stipend for mentors
Ms. Horvath reported that this stipend for mentors is a good idea because this is
something that developmental educators also do for their mentors
Ms. Cynthia Heath-Baldwin gave report on SOTA
54 members; includes some pre-professional students
Students completed Backpack Awareness Day and volunteered at food bank for
individuals with HIV/AIDS
Planning to adopt community shelter for holiday season (will do canned food
Ordering new T shirts with same logo and additional information on back
Ms. Heath-Baldwin asked for suggestions for community agencies that may need
volunteers in the spring
Students will do OT awareness event in OT Month and do OT Spirit days in
Dr. Sarah Austin gave assessment report
Graduate survey: results positive so far (still analyzing); we completed it
electronically this year at student request; had approximately 50% return rate in spite of
numerous reminders and discussion with students prior to graduation about the
importance of the survey
End of year 2 survey (prior to Level II fieldwork): Based on previous results, we
increased content on COTA-OT roles, and students did not express a concern about that
this year. Based on previous results, we increased content on discharge planning, but
students still expressed some uncertainty about discharge planning.
Dr. Stewart recommended combining survey with an on-campus activity so they
can fill it out. Dr. Austin reported that the issue that the survey is one year after
graduation. We discussed pairing it with family night or doing a special 1 year
anniversary luncheon for recent graduates. Ms. Heath-Baldwin reported that she may be
able to develop this with the university alumni association.
Ms. Heath-Baldwin suggested contacting OT alumni about donating money to
build the Artice Harmon scholarship fund. We discussed possibility of current students
or faculty contacting graduates.
Dr. Leslie Roundtree gave update on University and College activities
HLC Focus Visit was successful and university is preparing for full accreditation
visit in 2013
Master of Public Health program will be starting soon
College is submitting application for Master of Science in Nursing program
Looking into partnership with community college for master’s program for
Physician Assistants
College of Health Sciences has expanded so it is now the 2nd largest college on
Discussed overall state budget concerns and how that has affected university.
Board members brought up that this is a concern everywhere and has resulted in many
Early Intervention (EI) practitioners leaving EI practice.
Ms. Richmond reported that she sees improvement in NBCOT passage rate, and it is
important to continue to focus on getting students to take exam early and get licensed.
Dr. Rountree reported that the 21st century grant paid for students to take NBCOT exam
so more took it early although some changed the date of their exam after the fee was paid.
Board members suggested that students should have to pay fee if they accept grant money
for NBCOT exam and don’t take exam within 2 months. Dr. Roundtree and Dr. Austin
reported other strategies that program has used to support students taking and passing
exam. The TOPS and 21st century grants paid for the students to take a NBCOT review
Dr. Ebomoyi asked about the impact of Iraq and Afghanistan wars on OT. Ms. Wittbrodt
gave information about partnerships between VA system and different rehab
Next meeting of Advisory Board
April 6, 2011
Board members reported that they did not receive the email about this meeting
Respectfully submitted by Wanda Mahoney