Chapter 12 True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Chapter 12
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1. Design class diagrams and sequence diagrams should be developed independent of each other.
2. Design classes always have foreign keys.
3. Dependency relationships cannot exist between classes within packages.
4. The activation lifeline is depicted by a vertical dashed line under an object.
5. The perfect memory assumption means that there is always adequate memory to execute the program.
6. The perfect solution assumption means that we do not worry about exception conditions.
7. The first-cut DCD includes method signatures.
8. A loop or repeating message in a sequence diagram is depicted by a rectangle box.
9. Separation of responsibilities is a design principle to segregate classes into separate components based on the
primary focus of the classes.
____ 10. Since updating a design class diagram is done after the use case realization is complete, visibility information
is no longer necessary.
____ 11. Usually editing and validating the input data is done as part of the business logic layer.
____ 12. Preparing persistent classes for storage to the database is done by the data access layer.
____ 13. The factory method pattern is used to create classes that can be used to instantiate objects from utility classes.
____ 14. The Observer pattern is also called the listener pattern.
____ 15. In the observer pattern, the object being observed must have a method to register listeners.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 16. Which of the following is an example of an interaction diagram?
a. Design class diagram
c. Package diagram
b. Data access diagram
d. Communication diagram
____ 17. The primary OO design models are ____ diagrams.
a. design class and statechart
c. package and deployment
b. package and statechart
d. design class and interaction
____ 18. The realization of a use case—determining what objects collaborate and the messages they send to each other
to carry out the use case—is done through the development of a(n) ____.
a. deployment diagram
c. statechart diagram
b. interaction diagram
d. package diagram
____ 19. The domain layer of a multilayer design can also be referred to as the ____ layer.
a. business logic
c. user interface
b. database access
d. program logic
____ 20. The database access object corresponds to the ____ layer in the multilayer design.
a. first
c. third
b. second
d. None of the above
____ 21. What is the least cohesive approach in creating use case controllers in a system?
a. Define a single use case controller for all use cases.
b. Define several use case controllers, each with a specific set of responsibilities.
c. Create a single use case controller for all the use case controllers in a single subsystem.
d. Create one use case controllers per use case.
____ 22. The output message in a sequence diagram usually contains ____.
a. a lifeline reference
c. loop frames
b. return variables
d. a data object reference
____ 23. What is the first step in constructing a first-cut sequence diagram from the elements of the system sequence
diagram (SSD)?
a. Determine which other messages must be sent.
b. Add all objects that must collaborate.
c. Replace the :System object with all of the internal objects and messages within the system.
d. Select an input message from the use case.
____ 24. User interface objects in a sequence diagram often are labeled with the stereotype ____.
a. entity
c. control
b. view
d. persistent
____ 25. Which of the following symbols is used in a communication diagram, but not in a sequence diagram?
a. Message arrow
c. Activation lifeline
b. Object
d. Link
____ 26. Communication diagrams indicate the order of the messages with ____.
a. sequential numbers
c. arrows
b. activation lifelines
d. links
____ 27. ____ methods must be included in a design class diagram.
a. Constructor
c. Get
b. Use case specific
d. Set
____ 28. The basic package notation is a ____.
a. circle with an iconic symbol
b. tabbed rectangle
c. three component rectangle
d. rectangle with an iconic symbol
____ 29. System sequence diagrams may contain ____ frames.
a. Loop
c. Opt
b. Alt
d. All of the above
____ 30. Which is the correct syntax for an input message on a sequence diagram?
a. * [true/false condition] return-value := message-name (parameter-list)
b. [true/false condition] return-value == message name (parameter list)
c. [true/false condition] sequence# return-value := message name (parameter list)
d. * [true/false condition] sequence# return-value := message name (parameter list)
____ 31. In a sequence, when one assumes that the objects are already available to receive messages, that is considered
to be the ____.
a. perfect technology assumption.
c. perfect solution assumption
b. perfect memory assumption
d. perfect design assumption
____ 32. View layer classes should do all of the following EXCEPT ____.
a. capture clicks and data entry
c. create problem domain classes
b. start and shut down the system
d. display data fields
____ 33. The customer relationship system needs to instantiate a new customer object. How should this be done?
a. Let the factory object do it.
c. Let the controller object do it.
b. Let a view layer object do it.
d. Let another business object do it.
____ 34. Given the observer pattern,. and the method “onActionPerformed( ),” which class/interface contains the above
a. The Listener interface
b. The Listener class
c. The Listenable class
d. Both the Listener interface and the Listener class
____ 35. The following notation “anOrd:Order” can be interpreted as which of the following?
a. Order is a class. anOrd is the identifier of an object in the class
b. Order is an object. anOrd is the controller for that object
c. Order is a class. anOrd is an object in that class
d. Order is an object. anOrd is the reference to that object
Complete each statement.
36. A detailed sequence diagram uses all the same elements as a system sequence diagram (SSD), except that the
____________________ object is replaced by all of the internal objects and messages within the system.
37. ____________________ are vertical rectangles in a sequence diagram that indicate when an object is
executing a method.
38. In a communication diagram, a(n) ____________________ is used to show that two items share a message.
39. Standard design techniques and templates that are recognized as good practice are called
40. Use case ____________________ is the process of detail design for a particular use case by determining what
objects collaborate and the messages they send to each other to carry out the use case.
41. The ____________________ layer contains the user interface classes.
42. A type of interaction diagram that does not have activation lifelines is called a(n) ____________________
43. The ____________________ pattern can be used to connect two disparate systems.
44. The ____________________ pattern is used to instantiate objects as a service.
45. The layer used to read the database is called the ____________________ layer.
46. How have the differences between programming languages and database languages driven the trend to a
multilayer design?
47. What considerations should be taken into account when choosing the type of interaction diagram for a system
design model?
48. Discuss some guidelines to follow when performing preliminary sequence diagram development.