Attackers -


8.0 Missions

Roll for each of the following to create a scenario. You can also use some of these to help with creating historical scenarios.

1. Generate Scenario Type and Mission

2. Allocate Forces

3. Decide and place Terrain

4. Place planes on Table

5. Each player rolls for a Random Event

Scenario type

D6 Scenario




Bomber Missions

Fighter dogfight

Recon mission

Each side should play at least the following missions during the campaign. There may be different types scenarios to choose from for each mission

3-4 Dogfight missions

1-2 Bomber attacks

1-2 Bomber escort

0-1 Recon mission

Each mission lasts 12-15 turns before the aircraft must break off.

Scenario Terrain

D6 Terrain type





Dogfight missions

Fighter Sweep

These missions represent fighter sweeps carried out by both sides during the campaign, although the British were restricted because of their tight resources.

Each player generates 1-2 flights (2 aircraft per flight) each. Starting positions on the table edge should be randomly rolled for.

Terrain: Roll at the beginning of the game




Forces Territory type

2-4 Fighters Neutral

2-4 Fighters Neutral

Starting Position Starting


Random entry

Random entry




The winner is the last side left with aircraft on the table.

Flying boat attack

A number of instances were recorded when aircraft like the Sunderland fought Ju88s and other aircraft over the Med.

Terrain: Sea

Side Forces Notes

Attacker 1-2 Specials

Territory type


Starting Position Starting


Random entry 10-15

Defender 1-2 Specials Neutral Random entry 10-15

Maybe be Flying boats, Bombers,

Transports etc

Maybe be Flying boats, Bombers,

Transports etc

The winner is the last side left with aircraft on the table.

Bomber Missions

Airfield attack

A table should be setup with appropiate terrain including buildings, controls tower and parked aircraft. The defender must have at least one flight taking off

Side Forces Territory Starting Position Starting Notes


Defender type

3 Bombers Enemy

4 Fighter escorts

2 Fighters

2 Fighters



Random entry

Within 4” of bombers

Center of table

Random entry




Up to 5


Must stay within

4” until enemy sighted and then


The attacking player must successfully fly over the airfield with at least one of its bombers to claim a completed bombing run and exit the table.

Convoy attack

The attacks must strafe and bomb the attack craft. If 2 or more are destroyed then the attacker wins the scenario. Any less the defender wins.

Terrain: Sea

Side Forces Territory Starting Position Starting Notes

Attacker 4 Jabos type


Defender 4 Fighters

3 MTBs/S-


4 Fighter escorts


Random entry

Within 4” of Jabos

Random entry

Center of table




Armed with bombs or torpedoes

Must stay within


” until enemy sighted

Up to 18 Enter on turn 3

Armed with AA etc

Harbour attack

A large force is used to destroy the freighters in the harbour. At least 2 freighters must take at least 1/3 rd damage to claim victory for the attackers.

Terrain: Position terrain. Approximately half the table should be land

Side Forces Territory type

Starting Position Starting


Defender 4 Bombers

2 Jabos

4 Fighter escorts

Defender 4 Fighters




Random entry 12-15 Can be replaced with 4 Jabos

Within 4” of others 12-15

Within 4” of


Random entry

10-18 Must stay within

4” until enemy sighted and then


Up to 18 Enter on turn 2

The bombers primary target is the Freighters and the Jabos primary target is the flak guns.

They may strafe them or use bombs. Once they have completed their primary mission they may attack the freighters.

The harbour consists of the following features. The should be positioned in an area no bigger than 12x12” and near the center of the table

3 medium flak guns

5 Freighters

Recon Mission

The defenders must escort the recon flight across the table and exit the other side. Roll for a random entry point. The fighters and recon planes must enter from the location.

Terrain: Roll at the beginning of the game

Side Forces Territory type

Starting Position Starting



Attacker 1-2 Specials Friendly

4 Fighter escorts

Defender 4 Fighters Neutral

Random entry 10-15 Maybe be Flying boats, Recon,

Transports etc

Within 4” of others

Random entry

10-18 Must stay within

4” until enemy sighted and then


Up to 18 Enter on turn 2

Takali and Luqa are the Spitfires Squadrons’ airfields, and Hal Far the bombers and torpedoes’ airfield (Wellingtons, Beauforts and Swordfish).

Hurricane I , IIA, IIB, IIC MkIIA from Apr-41




Wellington IC, IIC, VIII

830 squadron

261 squadron

Takali, Hal Far and Luqa

Hal Far

Takali, Hal Far and Luqa??

806, 800X Squadrons Hal Far

37 squadron Luqa

830 Squadron


Blenhiem MkIV

Beaufighter 1F


69 Squadron

21 Squadron

252 Squadron

110 Squadron



Takali, Hal Far and Luqa??

Kalafrana Bay

Early warning system for Brits

Malta Scenarios for 1940 -41

Strafing at Kalafrana Bay

On a number of occasions allied planes were strafed on the ground. The flying boat base at

Kalafrana Bay was no different and they lost a number of Sunderlands and other aircraft anchored there. On one occasion, Munchberg of JG/26 was seen to dive onto a moored

Sunderland and strafe, setting it on fire.



2 Bf109E-7s with one expert (+1 to each skill roll) pilot and one normal pilot.


4 Hurricane I with average pilots


1 Sunderland moored in the water

Scenario Conditions

 Place the Flying boat anywhere in the defenders ¼ to 1/3 rd of the table. The Defenders and attackers should start at opposite ends of the table, with the attackers moving first.

 The attackers will always get +1 to their initiative roll each turn.

 Strafing of the flying boat can only be carried out from Altitude 1. Altitude 0 is the drink and should be avoided!

Victory Conditions


Attackers If they destroy the

Flying Boat but not lose more than half casualties

Defenders If they cause at least half casualties and the

Flying Boat survives

If the Flying Boat is destroyed


If they inflict less than half damage and lose more than half casualties


Any other result

Any other result

Scenario Variation

Both sides lost a number of Flying boats and Sea Planes to fighter attacks during the campaign and the Italian sea base at Syracuse was also strafed a number of times by allied aircraft. To represent an attack on an Italian aircraft change the forces to the following:-



1 Cant Z.506B Airone or

1 Cant Z.501 Gabbiano


4 Cr42 Falco or

4 MC200 Saetta


2 Hurricane MkI or

2 Hurricane MkIIA or

2 Fulmar I

Scenario and Victory conditions should be the same as above.

Airfield attack

This scenario is typical of the constant attacks on airfields, during the defence of Malta. Newer pilots to Malta were shocked to find themselves under attack with very little warning and struggled to climb to altitude in time. This was a change from the Battle of Britain days when the defences had enough time to get airborne and climb to the meet the attackers.

In 1941 came the introduction of the Luftwaffe and JG/26 to Sicily, and they brought with them some very experienced pilots and excellent aircraft. This briefly helped to tip the balance in the

Axis’s favour until they departed for Greece??.



4 Bf109E-7s with one expert (+1 to each skill roll) pilot and three normal pilots or

4 MC200 Saettas

2 Cr42 Falcos or

2 Bf109E-7s

4 Ju87B/R Stuka

The fighters may carry one 250lb bomb each and the Stukas may carry 2x250lb or 1x500lb bomb each.


2 Hurricane MkIIA

2 Hurricane MkIIA (start at 3 levels lower than the attackers)

1 Medium AA battery (40mm Bofors)

1 Light AA battery (twin 7.7 Lewis AA guns)

Scenario Conditions


A small runway(s) should be set up in the defenders 1/3 rd of the table along with some stone buildings, tents and hangars. AA guns can be placed any where within the perimeter of the airfield. The aircraft targets should be scattered randomly around (a lot of photos show them in the open, rather than protected by sandbag positions). For the models we recommend using

1/300 or 1/600 th models (We use 1/600 th scale Tumbling Dice models as our targets as they cover all the aircraft used in Malta). The aircraft were roughly split amongst the 3 main airfields as follows:-

Hal Far contained the bombers and torpedo aircraft – eg. Swordfish, Beauforts and Wellingtons

Luqa and Takali were where the fighter squadrons were stationed –eg. Gladiators, Fulmars, and



Up to 6 targets with total damage points of no more than 120pts. These targets can be any of the one listed above, depending on models you have available. The attacker should concentrate on the stationary aircraft and get no victory points for destroying buildings or AA Guns.

Note: The AA batteries will shoot at the closest target (friend or foe)! Each time they shoot at an aircraft roll a D6, on a roll of 1 they will not fire because it has been identified as a friendly aircraft.

Victory Conditions


Attackers If they inflict < 70pts of damage


If they inflict > 70pts of damage but have half their force remaining

Any other result Defenders If they received >

60pts of damage on grounded aircraft


Lose more than half their forces and inflict > 70pts damage

If they received < 60pts of damage on grounded aircraft

The attackers should concentrate on the stationary aircraft and they get no victory points for destroying buildings or AA Guns.

Malta Harbour

This scenario is based on one of the many raids on Malta Harbour. Rather than bombing particular targets (ie ships) the attackers in this scenario are carrying out area bombing,.



Because of the small number of German fighters, Italian fighters were often used to escort

German bombers and they seemed to co-ordinate this task quite well. The attacking forces should total between


4 Ju88D or

4 He111 or

4 Sm79 or

4 Br20M


6 Cr42 Falco or

6 MC.200 Saetta or

4 Bf110C or

4 Me110C-4 or

4 Me109E-7


The defenders may buy a combination of different fighters as they often used everything they could to repel the attacks.

Fighters (up to 4 of each type)

Fulmar 1

Hurricane MkI

Hurricane MkIIA

Gloster Gladiators

Ground Defences (310pts)

3 Medium AA batteries (twin 40mm Bofors)

4 Hvy AA batteries (4.1’ guns)


Place the area markers anywhere in the defenders ¼ to 1/3 rd of the table to represent Malta harbour. The harbour can be represented by pieces of cloth or rocky terrain with buildings scattered on them. (We use 1/1200 th scale buildings for this)

Scenario Conditions

 The AA batteries will shoot at the closest target (friend or foe)!

 AA guns are limited to 3 rounds of shooting each (due to limited ammo supplies on the island)

Victory Conditions

Use the standard victory conditions in the Scramble Rule book for calculating the victors.

Attack on the British fleet


Because of the small number of German fighters, Italian fighters were often used to escort

German bombers and they seemed to co-ordinate this task quite well.

Bombers can be

4 Ju88D or

4 Ju87B/R Stuka

Escorts can be

6 x Cr42 Falco

6 x Mc200 Saetta

4 x Bf110C or Me110C-4

4 x Me109E-7


4 x Fulmar I


1 Light AA battery (twin 7.7 Lewis AA guns)

3 Medium AA batteries (40mm Bofors)

4 Hvy AA batteries (4.1’ guns)

Maryland Attacks – Dec 41

During late 1941 the Axis starting to send fuel and supplies to North Africa with flights of transports. This was partly brought about because of the heavy shipping losses they were sustaining. The Germans used Ju52s loaded with fuel supplies to North Africa


2 Maryland or

2 Beaufighter IF


3-4 Ju52


Roll a D6 for any escorts




You’re on your own!

2 Me110C4

2 Me110D

Scenario rules

 When a critical hit is scored on a Ju52, add 2 to the D10 roll on the Critical table

 The Ju52s must try and fly in formation

 The Ju52 are classed as loaded
