INTERACT/REACT Interaction in VR Running the system Getting Started The INTERACT/REACT (IR) system requires two configuration files; one to setup VRJuggler and one to setup IR. These files are passed as arguments to the IR executable. e.g. interact <VRJConfigFile> <INTERACTConfigFile> For example, assuming the IR executable has been built. You can run a simple environment in UCL’s reactor by typing the line interact ./configFiles/VRJuggler/UCL_reactor_all.config ./configFiles/INTERACT/ModelLoadTest.xml If you look at the ModelLoadTest.xml config file there are a number of distinct parts to it, which configure the various parts of the system. Scene Description Interaction Behaviours Recording/Player Distribution Lets look at each of these configuration options. Scene Description Variables The scene is described by specifying all the models, which will make up the scene. For instance, the config line below will load the kitchen.obj model and place it in the scene at the position and orientation specified. Note that the pickable attribute, specifies whether the model may be picked up by the user. For instance you probably wont want the user to pickup large objects like buildings. <MODEL name="Kitchen" fileName="kitchen.obj" scale="1.0" pos="0.0 0.0 0.0" rot="0.0 0.0 0.0" pickable="false"/> If the fileName attribute is specified, then the system tries to load the model from the /models folder. If instead of a filename an objectName is specified (as with the line below), the system creates the model on the fly (NOTE at this time UNIT_CUBE is the only dynamically created model type implemented). For dynamically created models you must also specify a colour attribute to define the colour of the object. <MODEL name="VirtualSquare" objectName="UNIT_CUBE" scale="0.5" pos="0.0 0.0 0.0" rot="0.0 0.0 0.0" pickable="true" colour="1.0 1.0 0.0"/> Several models may be specified in the same config file to create a scene. Model Formats The system uses the model loader plugins, which are packaged with Performer. I tried many file formats and associated loaders and found that the wavefront (.obj) file loader gave the best results (i.e. colours and textures were loaded correctly for most models). Wavefront .obj files have an associated material file (.mtl), which defines the models colours and textures. Model Conversion Any model you wish to use which is not in the wavefront (.obj) format can be converted to .obj by conversion software. The VR Group have a program called NuGraf which can convert many different model formats to .obj files, and at the same time generating a .mtl file. Textures in the .obj files only seem to work with Performer if the texture images are in .rgb format. The UNIX program “xv” can convert from many image formats to .rgb. Use xv to convert all of your model’s textures to .rgb format. You must then also change the references to the textures in the .mtl file. Just go through the .mtl file and change all texture name extensions to .rgb. e.g. Original .mtl file StoneTexture.jpg You change to StoneTexture.rgb Once you have the model in the right format (i.e. a .obj file with associated .mtl file), and all your texture images are in .rgb format and you have changed the extensions to .rgb in the .mtl file, you can now load the model via the interact config file. Interaction Variables Interaction Metaphor As well as a scene description the system needs to define how users will interact with the scene, several interaction metaphors are implemented. VIRTUAL_HAND, RAY_CASTING, CONE_LIANGS and CONE_ANTHONYS. For example, to specify that VIRTUAL_HAND should be used as the interaction metaphor, include the following line in the IR config file <INTERACTION_METAPHOR Name="VIRTUAL_HAND"/> For cone interaction methods, you must also specify the size of the cone. This is achieved with line below, where theta gives the half angle of the cone. <INTERACTION_CONE_SIZE theta="3.5"/> Navigation We must also specify how the user navigates around the environment. The simplest is to specify no navigation with the line below. <NAV_METAPHOR_MASK mask0="NO_NAV" mask1="UNDEFINED"/> At present the only travel technique implemented is the standard point in the direction you wish to move technique, specified with the line below. <NAV_METAPHOR_MASK mask0="FREE" mask1="UNDEFINED"/> However there are a number of options, which can constrain the users movement. For instance if you wish to constrain the user to the ground plane, and within a box defining the extents of the environment, use <NAV_METAPHOR_MASK mask0="CONSTRAIN_TO_GROUND_PLANE" mask1="CONSTRAIN_TO_ENV_BOX"/> The environment box is defined with the line <ENVIRONMENT_BOX min="-4.0 0.0 -5.0" max="4.0 2.0 5.0"/> Other Interaction Variables If you wish potentially selected objects to be highlighted every frame, then use <INTERACTION_OBJECT_HIGHLIGHT highLightPotentialSelectionObjectsEveryFrame="true"/> You may constrain the position of objects, so that if they are dropped outside of the environment box (defined above), then the objects will pop back into the box. This stops objects getting lost to the user outside of the environment. You may also set objects to pop up on top of a second bounding volume. For instance if you have a cupboard in the environment and wish objects dropped inside the cupboard to popup on top of the cupboard. Use the line below to turn these options on. <DROP_OBJECT_CONSTRAINTS popDroppedObjectsIntoEnvbox="true" popDroppedObjectsOntopofCupboardBox="true"/> and define the cupboard box with the line <CUPBOARD_BOX min="-4.0 0.0 -5.0" max="-3.0 1.2 5.0"/> If you wish to only allow a single object to be picked up, use the line <EXCLUSIVE_PICKUP objectName="YellowCube"/> And to set the initial users position in the scene use the line <START_POSITION ViewReferencePoint="2.5 0.0f 0.0" ViewDirection="-1.0 0.0 0.0" ViewUp="0.0 1.0 0.0"/> Recorder/Player Variables The system can save a recording of all the events generated in the system. (Events usually make some change to the scene graph). This recording is like a video of all the users movements in the world, which may be played back at a later time to see how the user moved and interacted in the world. The recording is in the form of an XML file and apart from being fun watching your movements in VR, it also provides a very rich data set, which may be used in analysis, post experiment. To create a recording of a session set the line below <RECORD_PLAY_STATE Name="RECORD"/> To specify no recording is needed set the line below <RECORD_PLAY_STATE Name="NO_RECORD_OR_PLAY"/> And to play back a recording use <RECORD_PLAY_STATE Name="PLAY"/> NOTE to play a recording interact must have exactly the same config file as was used at time of recording (apart from changing the line above from record to play). Also you must manually place at the end of the recording file a tag </EVENT_FILE> if the recording is to work. This tag should be placed automatically by the system whenever a session ends, but it is not; so if a recording fails to load, check that the above tag exists at the very end of the recording file. NOTE if a session was recorded with the start/end behaviour specified using <BEHAV_START_END_SEQUENCE Activate="true"/> and the user completed a specified number of trials, then the </EVENT_FILE> end tag is placed automatically in the recording file. Distributed Recordings For distributed systems a separate event recording is generated for each user. Behaviour Variables A good VR system needs behaviours i.e. how the environment might react to the users interactions. For example you might want to turn a light on when the switch object is selected. A full behaviour definition system will usually use some sort of scripting language to define behaviours. But at present the IR system simply defines hard coded behaviours as needed by any experiments. Several simple behaviours have been defined for use in our experiments, they are not very general or reusable outside of the experiment and so I wont describe them here, see the various experiment config files for a demonstration of their use. Distributed Variables IR has a fairly basic distributed functionality, to allow two users to interact in an environment from remote sites, using reliable TCP/IP transport. Lets call one user the master node and the other user the slave node. To run the distributed system we include the line <NETWORKING NetworkEnabled="true" IsMasterNode="true" Address=""/> In the master node’s config file, and include the line below <NETWORKING NetworkEnabled="true" IsMasterNode="false" Address=""/> in the slave node’s config file, where the IP address is the address of the master node. Then run the master node app first, the app will pause and wait for the slave app to connect. The slave app can then run to connect to the master app. There are many issues with conflict resolution, maintaining consistency etc to do with distributed VR systems. IR at present attempts no conflict resolution. And consistency is to an extent the responsibility of the programmer to maintain. For instance all generated events have a flag, which specifies whether the results of an event are distributed or not. All normal user interactions (via the interaction manager) such as navigational movement and pickup/drop object are distributed automatically. But any behaviour code has the choice whether the events are distributed or not. The programmer has therefore two basic choices to maintain consistency; either run behaviour code at one node of the distributed system and distribute all the results, or run the behaviour code locally and don’t distribute the results. Extending the system (a look at the code) Events The IR system revolves around the generation of events, which change the scene graph in some way (see list of events below). Events may be generated in many ways. User defined behaviours may generate events based on the current state of the scene graph. The Interaction manager may generate events based on user interaction, such as use of a navigation or interaction metaphor. If the system is distributed then events may be received from a remote user. Or if the system is in playback mode, then loading in an event file recording may generate events. List of Events UPDATE_NAV UPDATE_WAND UPDATE_HEAD PICKUP_OBJECT DROP_OBJECT CHANGE_LIGHTING_INTENSITY SET_OBJECT_DCS REMOVE_OBJECT_DCS ADD_OBJECT_DCS HIGHLIGHT_OBJECT UN_HIGHLIGHT_OBJECT Each event has a set of associated attributes, for instance the PICKUP_OBJECT event needs the ID of the object to pickup, and the matrix in wand coordinates which determines where in the wand coordinate system the object should be attached (see code for attributes associated with other events. System Schematic The diagram below illustrates the flow of events through the system. One very important point is that all events, no matter where they are generated must pass through the Recorder Player at some stage, so that the events may be recorded for playback later. This recording is also the main source of data for any experimental analysis of an IR session. Behaviours VRJuggler Interaction Manager Remote User Recorder Player Event Sender Receiver Event Recording File SceneGraph Manager Scene Graph Contained in the scene graph manager are all the performer nodes, which form the scene graph. The nodes are arranged in a hierarchy as shown below. rootNode pfGroup localHeadModel only used when viewing recorded sessions localNavDCS localWandDCS localHeadDCS pfDCS pfDCS pfDCS M M remoteNavDCS pfDCS remoteWandDCS remoteHeadDCS pfDCS pfDCS M M M PMG NotPMG LightG pfGroup pfGroup pfGroup M M M M Several pickable models M M M Several pfLightSource’s Several NOT pickable models PMG = Pickable Model Group NotPMG = NOT Pickable Model Group The M symbol (see below) represents each loaded or created model and consists of the performer nodes in diagram opposite See ModelLoading modelDCS pfDCS modelSCS pfSCS M = model pfNode