Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines 2014: Validation Supplement Issued December 2013 Version 1 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Title: Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement Version 1. Issued December 2013 Published by: Training Market Operations Higher Education and Skills Group Department of Education and Early Childhood Development 2 Treasury Place East Melbourne VIC 3002 Postal address: PO Box 266 Melbourne VIC 3001 Telephone: Facsimile: Email: 1300 842 754 (03) 9637 3641 Published on: Revised: December 2013 Authorised by: The Victorian Government 1 Treasury Place East Melbourne VIC 3002 © Copyright State of Victoria 2013 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. 2 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Contents Validation Information 4 Purpose .................................................................................. 4 Summary of changes .............................................................. 4 Summary of changes cont: ..................................................... 5 Summary of changes cont: ..................................................... 6 Validation Errors 9 Validation Process - continued ............................................... 9 NAT00010 – Training Organisation file ................................. 10 Form validation errors in the NAT00010 ...................... 10 Content validation errors in the NAT00010.................. 11 NAT00020 – Training Organisation Delivery Location file ..... 12 Form validation errors in the NAT00020 ...................... 12 Content validation errors in the NAT00020.................. 14 NAT00030 – Course file ....................................................... 16 Form validation errors in the NAT00030 ...................... 16 Content validation errors in the NAT00030.................. 19 NAT00060 – Module/Unit of Competency file ....................... 23 Form validation errors in the NAT00060 ...................... 23 Content validation errors in the NAT00060.................. 25 NAT00080 – Client file .......................................................... 27 Form validation errors in the NAT00080 ...................... 27 Content validation errors in the NAT00080.................. 31 NAT00085 – Client Postal Details file ................................... 37 Form validation errors in the NAT00085 ...................... 37 NAT00085 – Client Postal Details file ................................... 39 Content validation errors in the NAT00085.................. 39 NAT00090 – Client Disability file ........................................... 40 Form validation errors in the NAT00090 ...................... 40 Content validation errors in the NAT00090.................. 40 NAT00100 – Client Prior Educational Achievement file......... 42 Form validation errors in the NAT00100 ...................... 42 Content validation errors in the NAT00100.................. 43 NAT00120 – Enrolment file ................................................... 44 Form validation errors in the NAT00120 ...................... 44 Content validation errors in the NAT00120.................. 55 NAT00130 – Qualification Completed file ............................. 88 Form validation errors in the NAT00130 ...................... 88 Content validation errors in the NAT00130.................. 90 Validations listed in numeric order DEECD Version 1 93 December 2013 3 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Validation Information Purpose This document outlines validations that will be applied to VET provider data submitted to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Higher Education and Skills Group (the Department) Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS). This information is intended to assist providers to submit data consistent with the Department’s quality requirements. Please be aware that validation error messages and descriptions may be changed from time to time to assist training providers to understand and rectify the error. All data submitted must be consistent with the latest version of the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines available at Summary of changes Changes introduced in version 1 of the Validation Supplement 2014 include: NAT00010 file Added new warning: 10020: The Registered Training Organisation must match the Legal name. Added new form validation rules: 10019: The Software vendor E-mail address must be a valid format. Added new content validation rules: 103705: Postcode must be a valid Australia Post postcode NAT00020 file Added new form validation rules: 20019: The state identifier must be 99 when postcode is "OSPC". Added new content validation rules: 20020: The Address details must not change for an existing unique Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier. 203707: State Identifier must match the Postcode as defined by Australia Post 20017: The Address Street Number must not be blank. 20018: The Address Street Name must not be blank. NAT00030 file Added new content validation rules: 30021: Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier must be 13 when the Qualification/Course Identifier is a Skill Set in TGA. 30022: The Qualification/Course Identifier must be a recognised Skill Set in TGA when the Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier is "13". 30023: For Skillsets the Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier must be 991. 4 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Summary of changes cont: NAT00080 file Added new form validation rules: 80053: The state identifier must be 99 when the postcode is OSPC. 80054: The Postcode must be "OSPC" when State Identifier is "99". 80055: The Year Highest School Level Completed must be "@@@@" when School Level Completed is "02". 80056: Proficiency in Spoken English must be blank when Main Language is 1201 (English), 9700 (Sign Language), 9701 (Auslan), 9702 (Makaton), 9799 (Sign languages, not elsewhere classified) or @@@@ (Not specified). 80059: It is expected that a student be over 14 years of age to be enrolled in VET training activity. 80060: The State Identifier must not be blank. 80061: Unique Student Identifier must be blank. Added new content validation rules: 803705: Postcode must match Australia Post postcode 80057: The Address Street Number must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". 80058: The Address Street Name must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". Added new warning: 80059: It is expected that a student be over 14 years of age to be enrolled in VET training activity. NAT00085 file Added new form validation rules: 85044: The state identifier must be 99 when postcode is "OSPC". 85045: The Postcode must be “OSPC” when State Identifier is "99". 85048: The E-mail address must be a valid format. Added new content validation rules: 853705: Postcode must match Australia Post postcode 85046: The Address Street Number must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". 85047: The Address Street Name must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". Summary of changes cont: NAT00120 file Added new content validation rules: 120080: Associated Course Identifier must be blank. 120081: National Funding Source Code must be "30" (International Full Fee-Paying student) when training delivery is overseas. 120082: Specific Funding Identifier in NAT00120 must be blank. 120084: Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifiers 213 and 222 are no longer valid for VET enrolments starting on or after 1/1/2014. 120085: This student has been reported in a Government Funded course but is at school and therefore not eligible for government funding. Amended warning: 120083: This student has enrolled in a Foundation Course but has Prior Education of Diploma or above. NAT00130 file Added new Form validation rules: 130012: The Year Program Completed cannot be blank. 130013: The Course Commencement Date cannot be blank. 130014: The Training Organisation Identifier cannot be blank. Added new content validation rules: 130011: The Course Commencement Date in NAT00130 must be the same as the Course Commencement Date in NAT00120 for the same enrolment. Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Validation Information – continued Reminder that SVTS validations are updated from time to time SVTS validations are updated from time to time. This validation supplement will be updated regularly to reflect changes in SVTS validations such as: categorisation of validations as FORM or CONTENT (Error or Warning) addition or deletion of validations activation status of validations changes to check provider data against SVTS master reference data rather than checking the corresponding details included in the provider’s own submission. Update and/or clarify wording of error descriptions or messages. Validation Process Validation in SVTS takes place in several steps. Submission As data files are selected for upload, the uploader checks file names and record lengths and rejects inappropriate submissions. Files that pass these basic checks automatically proceed to Form validation. Form Validation Form validation checks that the data in the submitted files is in the correct structure and does some initial checking of valid values. For example: Is there a value in a mandatory field? or Does the field contain the correct number of digits? or Does an entry in a date field conform to the correct date format? Impact: One or more form errors mean the entire batch of NAT files is rejected and must be fixed before resubmission. Submissions that contain no Form errors automatically proceed to Content validation. Content Validation Content validation checks that the entries make sense according to the business rules and may rely on entries in other fields, reference tables, or even other systems. For example: Does the postcode relate to the suburb in the address? or Is the date of birth later than the collection year? or Does a student’s DELTA number in the NAT00120 file match that in DELTA? Impact: A content Error for a record means the affected record(s) is not used for business processes such as payment. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 7 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Validation Process continued Warnings Some Content validations provide data Warnings. While Warnings do not by themselves stop payment or other use of data by the Department, some Warnings will alert you to changes you need to make to your data to allow payment. Therefore, training providers must check all data that triggers Warnings and correct details as necessary. Warnings may be converted to Content Error validations over time and have therefore been listed in the Content section. For example, a new validation may be introduced as a Warning for a limited period to assist providers to prepare for the implementation of a new Content validation. Other Warnings will identify data that is unusual and requires checking and possible correction to ensure that quality data is being submitted. Warnings are clearly identified in the validation error lists available in both NAT file order and numeric order at pages 10 and 93 respectively. Impact: Training providers must check all data that triggers Warnings and correct details as necessary. Affected record(s) are not excluded from payment processes. Business Process Validation Records that pass Content validation are used for Department business processes such as payment. The Department business processes may apply further validations prior to using the submitted data. For example, the payment process allocates Reject Codes to some data that, while it passes Form and Content validation, is not suitable for payment. Claim Status Reject Codes and the SVTS Guide to Claims are available in the Documents section of SVTS. Note: Refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for further information on business rules and valid values for each data field. The latest guidelines are available at 8 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Validation Errors Validation Process continued In the following sections, errors are listed for each NAT file and each validation type (Form or Content or Warning). The first 2 or 3 digits of each error code number identify the NAT file which contains the primary data field used to trigger the validation. Errors are listed in the order that the primary data field appears in the relevant NAT file. When attempting to resolve data errors, read the error message, error description and where available, Hints carefully to see if the problem might be due to a value in a different field or even a different NAT file. Many validations check two or more fields to ensure that valid combinations have been submitted. In the error messages, a number enclosed by ”{ }” ie. “{0}” indicates that the value of the field will be displayed to assist you to find the error and correct the data. A list of all errors (including Warnings) in numeric order can be found at page 93. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 9 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00010 – Training Organisation file File name NAT00010.txt Form validation errors in the NAT00010 Field 10 Error Type Error code Error message Description Whole file Form 10001 The Training Organisation (NAT00010) file must contain only one record but has "{0}" records. 10001: The Training Organisation file must contain exactly one record. Training Organisation Identifier Form 10003 The Training Organisation Id "{0}" does not match the Training Organisation Id (TOID) "{1}" associated with your login details. 10003: The Training Organisation Identifier must match the Training Organisation Identifier (TOID) associated with the user's login details. Form 10004 The Training Organisation Id (TOID) "{0}" must be 10 digit numeric. 10004: Training Organisation Identifier (TOID) must be a 10 digit number. Training Organisation Name Form 10017 The Training Organisation Name must not be blank. 10017: The Training Organisation Name must not be blank. Training Organisation Type Identifier Form 10018 The Training Organisation Type Id must not be blank. 10018: The Training Organisation Type Identifier must not be blank. Address First Line Form 10011 For Training Organisation Name “{0}” the Address First Line must not be blank. 10011: The Address First Line must not be blank. Address Location – Suburb, Locality or Town Form 10012 Address Location Suburb, Locality or Town must not be blank. 10012: Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town must not be blank. Postcode Form 10014 The Postcode must be a four digit number. 10014: A Postcode must be a four digit number. State Identifier Form 10015 The State Id must not be blank. 10015: The State Identifier must not be blank. Contact Name Form 10013 The Contact Name must not be blank. 10013: The Contact Name must not be blank. Telephone Number Form 10016 The Telephone Number must not be blank. 10016: The Telephone Number must not be blank. DEECD Version 1 Hint December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint E-mail Address Form 10006 The E-mail address “{0}” must not contain spaces and must contain the '@' symbol, which cannot be the first or last character. 10006: The E-mail address must not contain any spaces and must contain the '@' symbol, which cannot be the first or last character. Software Product Name Form 10010 Software product and version details “{0}” must have no more than 20 alphanumeric characters. 10010: Your student management system software product name and version details must have no more than 20 alphanumeric characters. Software Vendor E-mail address Form 10019 The Software Vendor E-mail address "{0}" is not valid. 10019: The Software vendor E-mail address must be a valid format. 10010: The software product name you provided in the NAT00010 file has more than 20 characters. You may have to contact your software vendor for further assistance if you cannot access this file in your student management system. Content validation errors in the NAT00010 Field Training Organisation Identifier Training Organisation Name Type Error code Error message Description Hint Content 10002 The Training Organisation Id "{0}" does not exist in the Training Provider master file. Training providers that are not RTOs (eg those only registered with ACFE) can ignore this error. 10002: The Training Organisation Identifier does not exist on the national list of Registered Training Organisations. Content 10020 The RTO name "{0}" does not match the RTO Legal Name "{1}" held in SVTS. 10020: The Registered Training Organisation must match the Legal name. (Warning) Address Location – Suburb, Locality or Town Content 104652 Address Location Suburb, Locality or Town "{0}" does not match the Postcode "{1}" 104652: The Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town must be a valid location on Australia Post records for the reported Postcode Postcode Content 103705 Postcode "{0}" does not match a valid Postcode as defined by Australia Post. 103705: Postcode must be a valid Australia Post postcode DEECD Version 1 December 2013 11 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00020 – Training Organisation Delivery Location file File name NAT00020.txt Form validation errors in the NAT00020 Field Error code Error message Description Hint 20001: Your NAT00020 file has no records. You may have to contact your software vendor for further assistance if you cannot correct this file through your student management system. Whole file Form 20001 No records found in the Training Organisation Delivery Location (NAT00020) file - this file must have at least one record. 20001: The Training Organisation Delivery Location file must have at least one record. Training Organisation Identifier Form 20013 The Training Organisation Id (TOID) in the Training Organisation Delivery Location (NAT00020) file "{0}" must match the TOID in the Training Organisation (NAT00010) file "{1}". 20013: TheTraining Organisation Identifier (TOID) must match the TOID in the Training Organisation (NAT00010) file. Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier Form 20002 The Training Organisation Delivery Location Id may not be blank for Training Organisation Delivery Location Name "{0}" at Address Location "{1}". 20002: The Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier is mandatory in each record (cannot be blank). Form 20003 The Training Organisation Delivery Location Id “{0}” appears against more than one location file record. 20003: Each record on the Training Delivery Location file must have a unique Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier and each Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier must appear only once in the file. Form 20005 The Training Organisation Delivery Location Name for Training Organisation Delivery Location ID "{0}" at Address Location "{1}" may not be blank. 20005: Each record on the Training Delivery Location file must contain a Training Organisation Deliver Location Name (the location name cannot be blank). Training Organisation Delivery Location Name 12 Error Type DEECD Version 1 20005: The Training Organization Delivery Location name in the NAT00020 file is missing. You must provide a name for each Training Location. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 204616: You cannot have two or more training locations in the NAT00020 with the same name. Change the training location names so that they are all different. You may want to keep only one record for each postcode. Form 204616 No more that one record should exist for this Training Organisation Delivery Location Name “{0}” 204616: No more than one record should exist for this Training Organisation Delivery Location Name. Postcode Form 20015 For Training Organisation Delivery Location Id “{0}” the Postcode must be a four digit number, or OSPC, or VIC. 20015: A Postcode must be a four digit number, or OSPC, or VIC. State Identifier Form 20016 For Training Organisation Delivery Location Id “{0}” the State Id must not be blank. 20016: The State Identifier must not be blank. Form 20019 The State Id "{0}" must be "99" when postcode is "OSPC". 20019: The state identifier must be 99 when postcode is "OSPC". Address Location – Suburb, Locality or Town Form 20010 For Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier "{0}" the Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town must not be blank. 20010: Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town must not be blank. Country Identifier Form 20014 For Training Organisation Delivery Location Id “{0}” the Country Id must not be blank. 20014: The Country Identifier must not be blank. Form 204648 Postcode is 'OSPC' for Training Organisation Delivery Location “{0}”. Country Id is “{1}” for this location but Country Id cannot be '1100', '1101', '1102' or '1199' for locations with 'OSPC' postcode . 204648: When Postcode is 'OSPC', Country Identifier cannot be '1100', '1101', '1102' or '1199'. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 13 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Content validation errors in the NAT00020 14 Field Error Type Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier Content Postcode Error message Description 20020 For Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier "{0}" the location details "{1}" have changed to "{2}". 20020: The Address details must not change for an existing unique Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier. Content 20006 The Training Organisation Delivery Location Name {0} has an invalid Postcode "{1}". 20006: Postcode must be valid (must match a postcode in the master list). Content 20011 The Training Organisation Delivery Location Name {0} has a Postcode "{1}" that is not consistent with the Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town "{2}". 20011: For postcodes other than VIC or OSPC, the Postcode must be consistent with the Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town (ie; match a postcode/description in the master list). Content 204639 Training Delivery Location {0} has a Postcode "{1}" that corresponds to a Postbox rather than a physical address. 204639: The training delivery location Postcode must not be a Postbox Postcode. Location postcodes must relate to a physical address. State Identifier Content 203707 State Identifier "{0}" does not match the Postcode "{1}". 203707: State Identifier must match the Postcode as defined by Australia Post Country Identifier Content 20012 Training Organisation Delivery Location Name “{0}” has postcode 'OSPC' but the Country Id “{1}” is not valid. 20012: Country Identifier must not be blank and must exist in country master list if Postcode is "OSPC”. DEECD Error code Version 1 20006: You must have a valid Australia Post postcode for each record in the NAT00020. Check the existence of the postcode against the Australia Post listing at through a postcode search. 204639: Change the postcode in the NAT00020 to the physical location (Suburb, Locality or Town) in which training occurs. This can be verified against the Australia Post listing at through a postcode search. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Address Street Number Content Address Street Name Content DEECD Error code Error message Description 20017 The Address street number must not be blank. 20017: The Address Street Number must not be blank. 20018 The Address street name must not be blank. 20018: The Address Street Name must not be blank. Version 1 December 2013 15 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00030 – Course file File name NAT00030.txt Form validation errors in the NAT00030 Field Qualification/ Course Identifier 16 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Form 30001 For Qualification/Course Name “{0}” the Qualification/Course Id “{1}” must not be blank. 30001: The Qualification/Course Identifier is mandatory for each record in the Course (NAT00030) file and must not be blank. 30001: You have created a course record in the NAT00030 file but no Course code has been allocated to this course. The Course code must not be left blank. Form 30002 The Qualification/Course Id “{0}” for Qualification/Course Name “{1}” appears more than once in the Course (NAT00030) file. 30002: Each record on the Course (NAT00030) file must have a unique Qualification/Course Identifier must occur only once in the Course file. 30002: You have used this Course code for more than one record in the NAT00030. There must be no duplicate records in this file. Check that the correct Course code has been entered and remove all records that have the same code. Form 30313 For Qualification/Course Name “{0}” the Qualification/Course Id “{1}” must not contain spaces. 30313: The Qualification/Course Identifier must not contain spaces. 30313: In the NAT00030 file, this Course record has a Course Code with spaces in between. Remove all spaces from the code in this file and also from the NAT00120 and NAT00130 files where these codes appear. Form 304501 Qualification/Course Id "{0}" must only be reported in your NAT00030 file if there are Enrolment (NAT00120) and/or Qualification Completed (NAT00130) records which report this Qualifcation/Course Id. 304501: All Qualification/Course Identifiers in the NAT00030 must also exist in the Enrolment (NAT00120) and/or the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file. Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Qualification/ Course Name Form 30004 For Qualification/Course Id “{0}” the Qualification/Course Name “{1}” must not be blank. 30004: The Qualification/Course Name is mandatory for each record in the Course (NAT00030) file and must not be blank. Nominal Hours Form 30005 For Qualification/Course Identifier “{0}” the Nominal Hours “{1}” is not a valid four-digit number. 30005: Nominal Hours in the Course (NAT00030) file must be in 4 digit format. 30005: Nominal Hours reported in the NAT00030 file must recorded in a four-digit format with leading zeros in the range 0001 to 9999. Form 30015 Nominal Hours “{0}” for Qualification/Course Id “{1}” in the (NAT00030) file are not valid for Qualification/Course Recognition Id “{2}”. 30015: If Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier = 14, Nominal Hours in the Course (NAT00030) file, must not equal 0000. 30015: In the NAT00030 file, this Course appears to be relevant to the organisation (Local Course). The duration of the course cannot be zero hours. It must be atleast 0001 or 0002 etc. hours. Form 303401 Nominal hours in the Course (NAT00030) file "{0}" for Qualification/Course Id "{1}" must be between 0 and 9999. 303401: Qualification/Course nominal hours should be between 0 and 9999 hours. 303401: In the NAT00030 file, the duration of the course cannot be longer than 9999 hours. Form 30017 For Qualification/Course Id “{0}” the Qualification/Course Recognition Id must not be blank. 30017: The Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier must not be blank. Form 303848 Qualification/Course Id "{0}" has Qualification/Course Recognition Id code 14 (indicating this is your RTO's local course) but the Qualification/Course Level of Education Id "{1}" is not in range 611-999. 303848: If Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier = 14 then the Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier must be in the range 611-999 Form 30016 For Qualification/Course Id “{0}” the Qualification/Course Level of Education Id must not be blank. 30016: The Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier must not be blank. Qualification/ Course Recognition Identifier Qualification/ Course Level of Education Identifier DEECD Version 1 303848: This Course appears to be relevant to the organisation (Local Course). The Course Level of Education must be only one of the following codes, 611 or 613 or 621 or 912 or 991 or 992 and 999. December 2013 17 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error code Error message Description Hint Qualification/ Course Field of Education Identifier Form 303725 Qualification/Course Field of Education Id “{0}” for Qualification/Course “{1}” is invalid. 303725: Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier must be valid. 303725: In the NAT00030 file, the Field of Education code is incorrect. It must be a valid 4 digit code. You may have to contact your software vendor for further assistance. ANZSCO Identifier Form 30011 For Qualification/Course Id “{0}” the VET Flag is 'N' therefore the ANZSCO Id “{1}” must be set to 'NONVET’. 30011: If the VET Flag in the Course (NAT00030) file is set to 'N', the ANZSCO Identifier must be set to 'NONVET' 30011: You have created a course record in the NAT00030 file with a VET Flag=N representing a Hobby or Enrichment program. In the same file the ANZSCO code must only be "NONVET". Form 303830 ANZSCO Id “{0}” for Qualification/Course “{1}” must not be blank. 303830: ANZSCO Id must not be blank. 303830: In the NAT00030 file, the ANZSCO code is missing or has not been exported. Form 30012 For Qualification/Course Identifier “{0}” the VET Flag “{1}” must be either 'Y' or 'N'. 30012: The VET Flag must be valid (ie; either 'Y' or 'N'). 30012: In the NAT00030 file, the VET Flag for this course record is blank. It must have the values "Y" or "N". VET Flag 18 Error Type DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Content validation errors in the NAT00030 Field Qualification/ Course Identifier DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Content 304511 Qualification/Course Id "{0}" has been reported in your Course (NAT00030) file with Qualification/Course Recognition Id "{1}". All courses reported with Recognition Id 11 or 12 must match a course on SVTS's list of nationally recognised training (Recognition Id 11 = Training Package, Recognition Id 12 = nationally accredited course). 304511: Courses reported with Qualification Recognition Identifier 11 or 12 must exist on the register of nationally recognised training. provides details of nationally endorsed Training Packages (Qualification/Course Recognition Id code 11) or nationally accredited Courses (Qualification/Course Recognition Id code 12). Content (Warning) 30018 For Qualification/Course Id "{0}", the Qualification/Course Recognition Id "{1}" indicates that this course is your own RTOs local course. The Qualification/Course Id that you have used matches the Qualification/Course Id for a nationally recognised Course. 30018: The Qualification/Course Id and Qualification/Course Recognition Id must be consistent. The Qualification/Course Recognition Id indicates this course is your RTO's local course but the Qualfication/Course Id matches a nationally recognised qualification or course. Content 30022 Qualification/Course Identifier "{0}", with Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier 13 is not a recognised Skill Set in TGA. When Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier is 13 the Qualification/Course must be a Skill Set in TGA. 30022: The Qualification/Course Identifier must be a recognised Skill Set in TGA when the Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier is "13". Version 1 Hint December 2013 19 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Qualification/ Course Recognition Identifier Error Type Error code Hint 30006: The Qualification/Course Recognition code reported in the NAT00030 must be either: \'11\'-Nationally accredited qualification, \'12\'Nationally recognised accredited course or \'14\'-Other courses. 30006 For Qualification/Course Id “{0}”, the Qualification/Course Recognition Id “{1}” is not valid. 30006: The Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier must be valid (ie match a value in the master list as specified in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines). Content 30008 For Qualification/Course Id “{0}”, the Qualification/Course Recognition Id is 11, therefore the Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier “{1}” must be within the range 211 to 621. 30008: If the Qualification/Course Recognition Id is 11, the Qualification/Course Level of Education Id must be within the range 211 to 621. Content 304515 For Qualification/Course Id “{0}”, the Qualification/Course Recognition Id “{1}” is 11 or 12 therefore the VET Flag “{2}” must be ‘Y’. 304515: If Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier is 11 or 12 then VET Flag must be "Y". Content 30019 For Qualification/Course Id "{0}", with Qualification/Course Recognition ID "{1}", the Qualification/Course Level of Education Id "{2}" is not appropriate. For a Qualification/Course Recognition ID of 14 the Qualification/Course Level of Education ID must be > = 621. For a Qualification/Course Recognition ID of 15 the Qualification/Course Level of Education ID must be < = 421. 30019: The Qualification/Course Level of Education Id is not appropriate for the Qualification/Course Recognition Id which indicates that this is a local RTO course. 30021 For Qualification/Course Identifier "{0}", the Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier "{1}" must be 13 as the Qualification/Course is a Skill Set in TGA. 30021: Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier must be 13 when the Qualification/Course Identifier is a Skill Set in TGA. Content DEECD Description Content (Warning) 20 Error message Version 1 304515: In the NAT00030 file, change the VET Flag from \'N\' to \'Y\' since these are nationally recognised courses. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Qualification/ Course Level of Education Identifier Qualification/ Course Field of Education Identifier DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Content 30007 For Qualification/Course Id “{0}”, the Qualification/Course Level of Education Id “{1}” is not valid. 30007: The Qualification/Course Level of Education Id must be valid (ie match a value in the master list which is based on the Level of Education component of the Australian Standard Classification of Edcuation, ASCED, which is available from the ABS website Content 303851 For Qualification/Course Id “{0}”, Qualification/Course Level of Education Id “{1}” is less than 621 which indicates that the course is a VET course but the VET Flag “{2}” is not ‘Y’. 303851: Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier is less than 621, indicating the course is a VET course, but the VET Flag is not 'Y'. Content 30023 For Qualification/Course Identifier "{0}", with Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier "{1}", the Qualification/Course Level of Education "{2}" is not valid. The Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier must be 991 when reporting a skill set. 30023: For Skillsets the Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier must be 991. Content 303999 The Qualification/Course Field of Education Id "{0}" reported for Qualification/Course Id "{1}" is not a valid value for Field of Education. Refer to the ABS ASCED classification for details of valid Field of Education codes. 303999: The Field of Education reported must match a value in ASCED classification available on the ABS website. Version 1 303851: In the NAT00030 file: If the Level of Education is correct, change the VET Flag from \'N\' to \'Y\' since these are not hobby or enrichment courses. If the Level of Education is not correct, fix the Level of Education and re-upload. 303999: Refer to the ASCED classification on the ABS website for valid Field of Education values. Log an SVTS Enquiry if you are unable to determine the correct Field of Education. December 2013 21 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field 22 Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint ANZSCO (Occupation Type) Identifier Content 30010 For Qualification/Course Id “{0}” the ANSCO Id “{1}” is invalid. 30010: The ANZSCO Identifier must be valid (ie; match an ANZSCO Identifier from the master list which is based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations which is available from the ABS website 30010: In the NAT00030 file, the ANZSCO code is invalid. This code must not be blank and should match against a list maintained by this system. VET Flag Content 304617 Qualification/Course "{0}" has VET Flag "{1}" but records exist on the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file for this course. Qualification completions should only be reported for courses with VET Flag = 'Y'. 304617: Qualification completion records should only be reported in the NAT00130 for courses that have VET Flag = ‘Y’. 304617: Remove these records from the NAT00130 file, since these courses are of a hobby or enrichment nature as indicated by the VET Flag="N" in the NAT00030. Content 30020 For Qualification/Course Id "{0}" the VET flag is "{1}" therefore the ANZCO "{2}" is inconsistent with a course that is classified as VET. 30020: The ANZSCO Identifier cannot be ‘NONVET’ if the VET Flag in the Course (NAT00030) file is set to ‘Y’. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00060 – Module/Unit of Competency file File name NAT00060.txt Form validation errors in the NAT00060 Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Module/Unit of Competency Flag Form 60003 For Module/Unit of Competency Id “{0}”, the Module/Unit of Competency Flag “{1}” must be ‘C’ or ‘M’. 60003: Module/Unit of Competency Flag must be 'C' or 'M'. 60003: In the NAT0060 file, if the program is a unit of competency, the flag must be "C". Else the flag must be "M" indicating that it is a module. Module/Unit of Competency Identifier Form 60001 For Module/Unit of Competency Name “{0}” the Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” must not be blank. 60001: The Module/Unit of Competency Identifier is mandatory for each record in the Module (NAT00060) file and must not be blank. 60001: You have created a module or unit record in the NAT00060 file but no module/unit code has been allocated. The module/unit code must not be left blank. Form 60002 The Module/Unit of Competency Id “{0}” for Module/Unit of Competency Name “{1}” appears more than once in the Module (NAT00060) file. 60002: The Module/Unit of Competency Identifier must be unique in the Module (NAT00060) file and must only appear once. 60002: In the NAT00060 file, you have used this module/unit code for more than one module/unit. Only one code per module/unit is necessary. Keep only one record with this module/unit code. Remove all the others records that have this same code. Form 60301 For Module/Unit of Competency Name “{0}” the Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” must not contain spaces. 60301: The Module/Unit of Competency Identifier must not contain spaces. 60301: In the NAT00060 file, this module/unit record has a code with spaces in between. Remove all spaces from the code in this file and also from the NAT00120 files where these codes appear. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 23 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field 24 Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 60004: In the NAT00060 file, this module/unit record has no name. All modules/units must have a name and cannot be blank. Module/Unit of Competency Name Form 60004 For Module/Unit of Competency Id “{0}” the Module/Unit of Competency Name “{1}” must not be blank. 60004: The Module/Unit of Competency Name is mandatory for each record in the Module (NAT00060) file and must not be blank. Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier Form 60011 For Module/Unit of Competency Id “{0}” the Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Id must not be blank. 60011: The Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier must not be blank. VET Flag Form 60006 For Module/Unit of Competency Identifier “{0}” the VET Flag “{1}” must be either ‘Y’ or ‘N’. 60006: The VET Flag must be valid (ie; either 'Y' or 'N'). 60006: In the NAT00060 file, the VET Flag for this module/unit record is blank. It must have the values "Y" or "N". Nominal Hours Form 60007 For Module/Unit of Competency Identifier “{0}” the Nominal Hours “{1}” are not a valid four-digit numeric value. 60007: Nominal Hours in the Module (NAT00060) file must be four digits. 60007: In the NAT0060 the duration of the module/unit in hours must be represented by four numbers such as 0001 or 0123 etc. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Content validation errors in the NAT00060 Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Module/Unit of Competency Flag Content 60009 Module/Unit of Competency Id “{0}” with Module/Unit of Competency Flag ‘C’, is not valid. 60009: Where a Module has a Module/Unit of Competency Flag of C, the Module/Unit of Competency Id must exist in the master list which is based on units of competency specified in Training Package qualifications. 60009: In the NAT0060 file, if the program is a unit of competency, and the flag is "C" It must also match against a list maintained by the sytem. Module/Unit of Competency Flag Content 604516 Module/Unit of Competency Id "{0}" exists on the master list of Units of Competency therefore the Module/Unit of Competency Flag "{1}" must be 'C'. 604516: A record on the NAT00060 (NAT00060) file cannot be identified as a module if that record's Module/Unit of Competency Identifier exists on the national list of all units of competency that are specified in a nationally endorsed Training Package. Most probably, if you are reporting a nationally recognised Unit of Competency, you simply need to update the Unit of Competency flag to "C". If you have accidentally used a national Unit of Competency Identifier for one of your local modules, you will need to log an SVTS Enquiry requesting advice on how to correct this issue. Module/Unit of Competency Identifier Content 60010 Module/Unit of Competency Id "{0}" has nominal hours equal to '0000'. This Module/Unit of Competency does not exist in the SVTS module reference table so nominal hours must not be zero. 60010: If the Module/Unit of Competency Identifier does not exist in module master lists (based on Training Package units of competency and modules that form part of nationally accredited courses) then Nominal Hours must not equal '0000'. 60010: This Module/Unit appears to be relevant to the organisation (Local). The duration of the Module/Unit cannot be zero hours. Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier Content 60005 Module/Unit of Competency Id “{0}”has an invalid Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Id “{1}”. 60005: The Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier must be valid (ie; match a Qualification field of education within the master list). 60005: In the NAT00060 file, the Field of Education code for this Module/Unit is invalid. This code must not be blank and should match against a list maintained by this sytem. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 25 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field 26 Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Content 60312 For Module/Unit of Competency Id "{0}" the Module/Unit Field of Education Identifier (FOE) Id is "{1}". Providers must not use broad groups in the Field of Education Id in the Module/Unit of Competency (NAT00060) file. The last 2 digits for the Field of Education must not be zero. 60312: Providers must not use broad Field of Education codes for the Field of Education Id in the Module/Unit of Competency (NAT00060) file - that is, the last 2 digits for the field of education must not be zero. Field of Education is a component of the Australian Standard Classification of Edcuation, ASCED, which is available from the ABS website 60312: In the NAT00060 file, the Field of Education code for this Module/Unit must not end with "00". Only broad groups of the Field of Education end with "00" . The requirement is that you submit the specific group only which does not end with "00". VET Flag Content 603416 For Module/Unit of Competency Id “{0}”, the Module/Unit of Competency Flag is C and therefore the VET Flag must be Y. 603416: If the Module/Unit of Competency Flag is set to C, the VET Flag must be set to Y as all units of competency are of vocational intent. 603416: In the NAT0060 file, if the program is a unit of competency, and the flag is "C" the VET Flag must be set to \'Y\'. Nominal Hours Content 603420 The Nominal Hours “{0}” for Module/Unit of Competency “{1}” cannot exceed 1500. 603420: Module nominal hours must be between 0000 and 1500. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00080 – Client file File name NAT00080.txt Form validation errors in the NAT00080 Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Form 80001 For Client Name “{0}”, the Client Id “{1}” must not be blank. 80001: The Client Identifier in the Client (NAT00080) file is mandatory, it must not be blank. 80001: In the NAT00080 file, you have created a student record but no code has been allocated to this student. The record must contain a student code and must not be left blank. Form 80002 There is more than one record for Client Id “{0}” in this file. 80002: Each record on the Client (NAT00080) file must contain a unique Client Id and each Client Id must appear no more than once in the Client file. 80002: In the NAT00080 file, you have created this student record with this code more than once. Keep only one record for this student. Form 80003 The Client Id "{0}" for Client Name "{1}" has no associated entries in either the enrolment (NAT00120) file or the qualifications completed (NAT00130) file. 80003: The Client Identifier on the Client (NAT00080) file must also exist on the Enrolment (NAT00120) and/or the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file. Name for Encryption Form 80045 For Client Id “{0}” the Name for Encryption must not be blank. 80045: The Name for Encryption must not be blank. Highest School Level Completed Form 80041 For Client Id “{0}” the Highest School Level Completed must not be blank. 80041: The Highest School Level Completed must not be blank. Form 803236 For Client Id "{0}" in the Client (NAT00080) file, the Highest School Level Completed is "{1}" therefore Year Highest School Level Completed "{2}" must be @@@@. 803236: If Highest School Level Completed in the Client (NAT00080) file is 02 the Year Highest School Level Completed must be @@@@. Client (Student) Identifier DEECD Version 1 803236: In the NAT00080 file, the Highest School Level Completed = \'02\' (Did not go to School). Change the value in the field Year Highest School Level Completed to "@@@@". December 2013 27 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error code Error message Description Hint Form 803745 For Client Id “{0}” the Highest School Level Completed is “{1}” therefore the At School Flag must be N. 803745: If on the Client (NAT00080) file the Highest School Level Completed = 02 (Did not go to School), the At School Flag must be N. 803745: In the NAT00080 file, the Highest School Level Completed = \'02\' (Did not go to School). Change the value in the At School Flag field from \'Y\' to \'N\'. Form 80046 For Client Id “{0}” the Year Highest School Level Completed must not be blank. 80046: The Year Highest School Level Completed must not be blank. Form 80055 For Client ID "{0}", the Year Highest School Level Completed "{1}" must be "@@@@" when Highest School Level Completed is 02. 80055: The Year Highest School Level Completed must be "@@@@" when School Level Completed is "02". Sex Form 80005 For Client Id “{0}” with Client Name “{1}”, the value “{2}” is not a valid Sex. 80005: Sex on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie; M or F or @). 80005: In the NAT00080 file, sex must be only one of these values, "Y" or "N" or "@" and must not be left blank. Date of Birth Form 80006 For Client Id “{0}” with Client Name “{1}”, the value “{2}” is not a valid Date of Birth. 80006: The Date of Birth on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (8 digits in the format DDMMYYYY as specified in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines). 80006: In the NAT00080 file, the Date of Birth of the student must be an eight digit number. Eg. 01012000 representing 01 January 2000. Postcode Form 80030 For Client Identifier “{0}” with Client Name “{1}”, the Postcode is not a four digit number, OSPC or @@@@. 80030: A Postcode must be a four digit number, or OSPC, or @@@@. 80030: In the NAT00080 file, the Postcode must be a four digit number. If the student is an overseas student use the postcode "OSPC". Where a student has not provided a postcode use "@@@@". Form 80054 For Client ID "{0}", the Postcode "{1}" must be "OSPC" when State Identifier is 99. 80054: The Postcode must be "OSPC" when State Identifier is "99". Form 80042 For Client Id “{0}”the Indigenous Status Id must not be blank. 80042: The Indigenous Status Identifier must not be blank. Year Highest School Level Completed Indigenous Status Identifier 28 DEECD Error Type Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Identifier Form 80044 For Client Id “{0}” the Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Id must not be blank. 80044: The Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Identifier must not be blank. Labour Force Status Identifier Form 80043 For Client Id “{0}” the Labour Force Status Id must not be blank. 80043: The Labour Force Status Identifier must not be blank. Country Identifier Form 80040 For Client Id “{0}” the Country Id must not be blank. 80040: The Country Identifier must not be blank. Disability Flag Form 80013 For Client Id “{0}” with Client Name “{1}”, the Disability Flag “{2}” must be ‘Y’, ‘N’, or ‘@’. 80013: The Disability Flag on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie; either 'Y', 'N' or '@'). Form 80014 For Client Identifier “{0}” with Client “{1}”, the Disability Flag is ‘Y’, but there are no disability records on the Client Disability (NAT00090) file. 80014: If the Disability Flag on the Client (NAT00080) file is 'Y', disability records must exist for this client on the Client Disability (NAT00090) file. Form 80016 For Client Identifier “{0}” with Client “{1}”, the Prior Educational Achievement Flag “{2}” must be ‘Y’, ‘N’, or ‘@’. 80016: The Prior Educational Achievement Flag on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie; either 'Y', 'N', or '@'). Form 80017 For Client Identifier “{0}” with Client Name “{1}”, the Prior Educational Achievement Flag is ‘Y’, but there are no prior educational achievement records on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file. 80017: If the Prior Educational Achievement Flag on the Client (NAT00080) file is 'Y' prior educational achievement records must exist for this client on the Client Prior Education Achievement (NAT00100) file. Form 80019 For Client Id “{0}” with Client “{1}”, the At School Flag “{2}” must be ‘Y’, ‘N’ or ‘@’. 80019: The AT School Flag on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie either 'Y', 'N', or '@'). Prior Educational Achievement Flag At School Flag DEECD Version 1 80013: In the NAT00080 file, the Disability Flag must be "Y", "N" or "@" and must not be left blank. 80016: In the NAT00080 file, the Prior Educational Achievement Flag must be "Y", "N" or "@" and must not be left blank. 80019: In the NAT00080 file, the AT School Flag must be "Y", "N" or "@" and must not be left blank. December 2013 29 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error code Error message Description Form 80022 For Client Id “{0}” with Client Name “{1}”, the value “{2}” is not a valid Proficiency in Spoken English Id. 80022: The Proficiency in Spoken English Identifier on the Client (NAT00080) file is mandatory and must be valid (ie; either 1,2,3,4 or @), if the Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Identifier on the Client (NAT00080) file is not 1201 (English) or 9700, 9701, 9702, 9799 or @@@@. Form 80056 For Client ID "{0}", Proficiency in Spoken English "{1}" must be blank when Main Language is "{2}". 80056: Proficiency in Spoken English must be blank when Main Language is 1201 (English), 9700 (Sign Language), 9701 (Auslan), 9702 (Makaton), 9799 (Sign languages, not elsewhere classified) or @@@@ (Not specified). Form 80053 80053: The state identifier must be 99 when the postcode is OSPC. For Client ID "{0}", the State Id "{1}" must be "99" when postcode is OSPC. Form 80060 For Client ID "{0}", State Identifier "{1}" is invalid. 80060: The State Identifier must not be blank. Unique Student Identifier Form 80061 For ClientID "{0}", the Unique Student Identifier "{1}" must be blank. 80061: Unique Student Identifier must be blank. Victorian Student Number (VSN) Form 80039 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" and/or Qualification/Course Id "{2}" the VSN "{3}" reported in the Client (NAT00080) file is not valid. 80039: VSN must be valid (9 digits or null). Proficiency in Spoken English Identifier State Identifier 30 Error Type DEECD Version 1 Hint 80039: The Victorian Student Number (VSN) is a unique student ID for all Victorian students in school or vocational training from Preparatory school to age 24. In the NAT00080 file, this valid 9 digit number must be submitted or left blank in other cases. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Content validation errors in the NAT00080 Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Highest School Level Completed Content 80004 For Client Id "{0}" with Client Name "{1}", the Highest School Level Completed "{2}" is not a valid. Refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for details of valid codes. 80004: Highest School Level Completed on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie; must match a level in the master list as specified in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines). 80004: In the NAT00080 file, Highest School Level Completed must be only one of these values, "02" or "08" or "09" or "10" or "1" or "12" or "@@". Year Highest School Level Completed Content 80021 For Client Id “{0}”, the Year Highest School Level Completed “{1}” is not valid. 80021: The Year Highest School Level Completed must be valid. To be valid the value must be 4 digits between 1900-9999 or @@@@. 80021: In the NAT00080 file, the year a student completed his/her Highest School Level must a 4 digit number between 1900 and 9999. If the student has not specified a year the value "@@@@" must be used. This code must not be blank. Content 803752 Year Highest School Level Completed “{0}” is within 5 years of client’s year of birth <<display year of birth or @@@@ if no year provided>> or is incompatible with the collection year “{1}”. 803752: Year Highest School Level Completed is within 5 years of the date of birth or more than 100 years prior to the Collection Year. Content 80007 For Client Id "{0}", the Date of birth "{1}" cannot be later than the collection year "{2}" or more than 99 years prior to the collection year. 80007: The Date of Birth must not be in the future or too far in the past. Date of Birth DEECD Version 1 80007: In the NAT00080 file, the Date of Birth of the student must not be a future date or a date which indicates that the student is more than 99 years old. December 2013 31 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error code 32 DEECD Description Content 80047 Date of Birth has not been provided for Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" which has a Course Commencement Date of "{2}" and VET Flag of "{3}" and Funding Source Id - State Training Authority "{4}" and Funding Source Id National "{5}". Date of Birth must be provided for all government funded and domestic fee for service clients who commence a course on or after 1/1/2010. 80047: Date of Birth is missing for a student who commenced on or after 1/1/2010 and is a government funded student or domestic fee for service client. Content 80059 For ClientId "{0}" the date of birth "{1}" is incompatible with VET Flag "{2}". 80059: It is expected that a student be over 14 years of age to be enrolled in VET training activity. Content 803832 Client Id “{0}” has Date of Birth “{1}” (which means they are under 10 years of age) and Prior Educational Achievement Flag of ‘Y’. Prior Educational Achievement Id “{2}” was reported on their Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) record. 803832: Client is <= 10 years of age but has been reported as having Prior Educational Achievement at Certificate 1 or higher. Content 80048 Different Client Ids are being reported for what appears to be the same student. Client Id {0} has Client Name {1} and Gender {2} and Date of Birth {3}. You have reported these same student details elsewhere in your NAT00080 file with a different Client Id. This may be correct but needs to be checked. 80048: The Client Id must be unique to an individual client. (Warning) Client (Student) Identifier Error message (Warning) Version 1 Hint December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Postcode Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Content 80008 For Client Id "{0}", the values "{1}" and "{2}" are not a valid combination for Postcode and Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town. 80008: For postcodes other than 0000, @@@@ or OSPC, the Postcode must be consistent with the Address Location Suburb, Locality or Town (ie; match a postcode/description in the master list). Content 803705 Postcode "{0}" does not match a valid Postcode as defined by Australia Post. 803705: Postcode must match Australia Post postcode Indigenous Status Identifier Content 80009 For Client Id “{0}” with Client Name “{1}” the Indigenous Status Id “{2}” must be 1,2,3,4, or @. 80009: The Indigenous Status Identifier on the NAT00080 file must be valid (ie; either 1, 2, 3, 4 or @). 80009: In the NAT00080 file, Indigenous Status Identifier must be only one of these values, \'1\', \'2\', \'3\', \'4\' or \'@\' and must not be left blank. Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Identifier Content 80010 For Client Id “{0}” with Client Name “{1}”, the value “{2}” is not a valid Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Id. 80010: The Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Identifier on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie; match a Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Identifier from the master file). 80010: In the NAT00080 file, the code for the Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home is incorrect. You may have to contact your software vendor for further assistance. Labour Force Status Identifier Content 80011 For Client Id “{0}”, the value “{1}” is not a valid Labour Force Status Id. 80011: The Labour Force Status Identifier must be valid (match a valid Labour Force Status Identifier as specified in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines, namely 01 - 08 or @@). Country Identifier Content 803715 For Client Id “{0}”, the Country Id “{1}” is invalid as it is not on the ABS Standard Australian Classification of Countries. 803715: The Country Id provided must match a value on the ABS Standard Australian Classification of Countries. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 33 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Content Error code Error message Description 80049 For Client Id {0}, the Indigenous Status Id {1} indicates that the student is an Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander but their birth CountryID {2}, which corresponds to {3} is not relevant to Australia. 80049: For every Student (ClientID) on the NAT80 file where the Indigenous Status Identifier is 1, 2 or 3, the Country Identifer must be 1100, 1101, 1102 or 1199. (Warning) 34 Disability Flag Content 80052 Client Id "{0}" with Disability Type "{1}" has a record with Disability Type Id “{2}" in the Client Disability (NAT00090) file. If the student is disabled, the Disability flag on the Client (NAT00080) file should be Y. If the student is not disabled the record in the Client Disability (NAT00090) file should be removed. 80052: The client has not been identified in the Client (NAT00080) file as disabled "Y" but a disability type record has been provided for this client in the Disability (NAT00090) file. Prior Educational Achievement Flag Content 804001 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" and Course Commencement Date "{2}", the Prior Educational Achievement Flag is "@". The Funding Source Id - State Training Authority is "{3}" and the Funding Source Id National is "{4}". The Prior Educational Achievement Flag "{5}" must be "Y" or "N" for all government funded and domestic fee for service course enrolments from 1/1/2010. 804001: The Prior Educational Achievement flag must be provided (cannot be “@”) for any client who commences a government funded or domestic fee for service enrolment after 1/1/2010. At School Flag Content 80050 The highest Prior Educational Achievement Id “{0}” for Client Id “{1}” is inconsistent with their At School Flag “Y” or null. Students with a Diploma or higher level qualification would not still be at school. 80050: Students with a degree or diploma should not still be at school. If the Prior Educational Achievement Identifier in the NAT00100 is coded 008, 410 or 420, then the AtSchoolFlag in the NAT00080 should be "N". DEECD Version 1 Hint 80052: The disability flag in the NAT80 and records in the NAT90 should be consistent. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field At School Flag Error Type Content Error code Error message Description 803839 For Client Id "{0}", the Labour Force Status Id is "{1}" (Employed full time) and the student is reported as being at school full time with At School Flag is "{2}". Please check and correct your data as this is most unlikely to be correct. 803839: It is expected that students flagged as being at school cannot have a Labour Force Status of Full Time Employee. (Warning) Hint Address Location – Suburb, Locality or Town Content 803830 Client Id "{0}" has Postcode "{1}" and Address Suburb Locality "{2}" reported in the Client (NAT00080) file. The Address Suburb Locality can only be blank when the postcode is 0000, @@@@ or OSPC. 803830: The Address Suburb Locality can only be blank when the postcode is 0000, @@@@ or OSPC. Address Street Number Content 80057 For Client ID "{0}", the Address Street Number "{1}" must not be blank when Postcode "{2}" is not "OSPC", "0000", "@@@@". 80057: The Address Street Number must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". Address Street Name Content 80058 For Client ID "{0}", the Address Street Name "{1}" is not valid for Postcode "{2}". 80058: The Address Street Name must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". 80023 The VSN “{0}” for Client Id “{1}” must be null or have 9 digits that comply with the VSN generation algorithm. 80023: The VSN must be null or 9 digits and must comply with the VSN generation algorithm. Victorian Student Number (VSN) DEECD Content Version 1 803830: In the NAT00080 file, you must enter an Australia post Suburb, Locality or Town where the student resides This field cannot be empty. 80023: The Victorian Student Number (VSN) is a unique student ID for all Victorian students in school or vocational training from Preparatory school to age 24. In the NAT00080 file, this valid 9 digit number must be submitted or left blank in other cases. December 2013 35 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Content (Warning) 36 DEECD Error code 80051 Error message Description Client Id "{0}" with Date of Birth "{1}"is currently aged under 25 but does not have a valid VSN "{2}". This client’s Postcode“{3}” indicates the student is not based overseas. This student needs to have a valid Victorian Student Number (VSN) if he/she is undertaking any accredited or any preaccredited government funded training. 80051: A valid Victorian Student Number (VSN) must be entered for all Victorian students enrolled in any accredited or government funded training where the student is aged under 25. Version 1 Hint December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00085 – Client Postal Details file File name NAT00085.txt Form validation errors in the NAT00085 Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Form 85010 Client Id “{0}” with Client First Name “{1}” and Client Last Name “{2}” appears more than once in the Client Postal Details (NAT00085) file. 85010: Each record on the Client Postal Details (NAT00085) file must contain a unique Client Id. 85010: In the NAT00085 file, this student record has been created more than once. Keep only one record for this student. Form 85001 For Client Id "{0}" reported in the Client Postal Details (NAT00085) file with Client First Name "{1}" and Client Last Name "{2}" , there is no record in the Client (NAT00080) file. 85001: The Client Identifier in the Client Postal Details (NAT00085) file must have an associated record in the Client (NAT00080) file. 85001: In the NAT00085 file, this student record this code cannot be found in the In the NAT00080 file. Form 85042 For Client First Name "{0}" and Client Last Name "{1}", the Client Id must not be blank. 85042: The Client Identifier in the Client (NAT00085) file is mandatory, it must not be blank. Client First Given Name Form 85041 For Client Id “{0}” Client First Given Name must not be blank. 85041: Client First Given Name must not be blank. Client Last Name (Surname) Form 85043 For Client Id “{0}” the Client Last Name must not be blank. 85043: Client Last Name must not be blank. Postcode Form 85030 For Client Identifier “{0}” with First Name “{1}” Last Name “{2}”, the Postcode is not a four digit number, OSPC or @@@@. 85030: A Postcode must be a four digit number, or OSPC, or @@@@. Form 85045 For ClientID "{0}", The Postcode "{1}" must be “OSPC” when State Identifier is 99. 85045: The Postcode must be “OSPC” when State Identifier is "99". Form 85040 For Client Id “{0}”, the State Identifier “{1}” must be numeric. 85040: The State Identifier must be numeric. Client (Student) Identifier State Identifier DEECD Version 1 85030: In the NAT00080 file, the Postcode must be a four digit number. If the student is an overseas student use the postcode "OSPC". Where a student has not provided a postcode use "@@@@". December 2013 37 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Email Address 38 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Form 85044 For ClientID "{0}", the State Id "{1}" must be "99" when postcode is OSPC. 85044: The state identifier must be 99 when postcode is "OSPC". Form 85048 For ClientID "{0}", the E-mail address "{1}" is not valid. 85048: The E-mail address must be a valid format. Version 1 Hint December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00085 – Client Postal Details file File name NAT00085.txt Content validation errors in the NAT00085 Field Error Type Address Street Number Content Address Street Name Postcode DEECD Error code Error message Description 85046 For Client ID "{0}", the Address Street Number "{1}" must not be blank when Postcode "{2}" is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". 85046: The Address Street Number must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". Content 85047 For Client ID "{0}", the Address Street Name "{1}" must not be blank when Postcode "{2}" is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". 85047: The Address Street Name must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". Content 853705 Postcode "{0}" does not match a valid Postcode as defined by Australia Post. 853705: Postcode must match Australia Post postcode Version 1 Hint December 2013 39 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00090 – Client Disability file File name NAT00090.txt Form validation errors in the NAT00090 Field Client (Student) Identifier Disability Type Identifier Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 90001: Record/s for this student with this code appear in the NAT00090 file but there is no record in the NAT00080. Create a record in the NAT00080 file for this student. Form 90001 For Client Id “{0}” there is no associated Client Id on the Client (NAT00080) file. 90001: The Client Identifier in the Client Disability (NAT00090) file must also exist in the Client (NAT00080) file. Form 90003 One or more records in the Flient Disability (NAT00090) file has a blank Client Id. 90003: The Client Identifier in the Client (NAT00090) file is mandatory, it must not be blank. Form 90004 For Client Id “{0}” the Disability Type Id must not be blank. 90004: The Disability Type Identifier must not be blank. Content validation errors in the NAT00090 Field Client (Student) Identifier 40 DEECD Error Type Content Error code Error message Description 904000 Records exist on the Client Disability (NAT00090) file for Client Id "{0}" but the Disability Flag for this client on the Client (NAT00080) file is "{1}". There must not be any records in the Client Disability file for clients with Disability Flag of N or @ 904000: Records must not exist on the Client Disability (NAT00090) file when the student is identified as having no disability on the Client (NAT00080) file. Version 1 Hint December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Disability Type Identifier DEECD Error Type Content Error code 90002 Error message Description Hint For Client Id “{0}”, the value “{1}” is not a valid Disability Type Id. 90002: The Disability Type Identifier on the Client Disability (NAT00090) file must be valid. Either 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 or 99. 90002: In the NAT00090 the disability types for this student must be one of these, 11Hearing/Deaf, 12Physical, 13Intellectual, 14Learning, 15-Mental Illness, 16-Acquired Brain Impairment, 17Vision, 18-Medical Condition, 19-Other or 99-Not Specified. Version 1 December 2013 41 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00100 – Client Prior Educational Achievement file File name NAT00100.txt Form validation errors in the NAT00100 Field Client (Student) Identifier Prior Educational Achievement Identifier 42 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Form 100001 For Client Id “{0}” on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file, there is no associated Client Id on the Client (NAT00080) file. 100001: The Client Identifier on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file must have an associate record in the Client (NAT00080) file. 100001: Record/s for this student with this code appear in the NAT00100 file but there is no record in the NAT00080. Create a record in the NAT00080 file for this student. Form 100003 Client Identifier “{0}” and Prior Educational Achievement Id “{1}” on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file occur more than once. 100003: Each record on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file must contain a unique Prior Educational Achievement Identifier. 100003: In the NAT00100 file, this Prior Educational Achievement code for this student appears more than once. Keep only one record with this Prior Educational Achievement code for this student. Form 100004 One or more records in the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100 ) file has a blank Client Id. 100004: Each record on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file must contain a unique Client Identifier. Form 100005 For Client Id “{0}” the Prior Educational Achievement Id must not be blank. 100005: The Prior Educational Achievement Identifier must not be blank. Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Content validation errors in the NAT00100 Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 1004001: In the NAT00080 file, change the Prior Educational Achievement Flag from \'N\' to \'Y\' since the student has Prior Educational Achievement records in the NAT00100. Client (Student) Identifier Content 1004001 Records exist on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file for Client ID "{0}" but the Prior Educational Achievement Flag for this client on the Client (NAT00080) file is "{1}". There must not be any records in the Client Prior Educational Achievement file for clients with a Client Prior Educational Achievement Flag of N or @. 1004001: Prior Educational Achievement records exist for this client on the NAT00100 file but the Prior Educational Achievement Flag for this Client Id on the Client (NAT00080) file is not Y. Prior Educational Achievement Identifier Content 100002 For Client Id “{0}” on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file, the value “{1}” is not a valid Prior Educational Achievement Id. 100002: The Prior Educational Achievement Identifier on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file the must be either 008, 410, 420, 511, 514, 521, 524 or 990. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 43 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00120 – Enrolment file File name NAT00120.txt Form validation errors in the NAT00120 Field Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier Client (Student) Identifier Module/Unit of Competency Identifier 44 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Form 120001 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{0}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{1}”, the Training Organisation Delivery Location Id “{2}” must also exist on The Training Organisation Delivery Location (NAT00020) file. 120001: The Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must also exist in the Training Organisation Delivery Location file (NAT00020). Form 120052 For Client Id “{0}” and Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}”, the Training Organisation Delivery Location Id must not be blank. 120052: The Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier must not be blank. Form 120002 Client Id "{1}" reported in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must also exist on the Client (NAT00080) file. 120002: The Client Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must also exist in the Client (NAT00080) file. Form 120044 For Module/Unit of Competency Id “{0}”, the Client Id must not be blank. 120044: The Client Identifier in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file is mandatory, it must not be blank. Form 120003 Module/Unit of Competency Id "{0}" reported on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must also exist on the Module (NAT00060) file. 120003: The Module/Unit of Competency Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must also exist in the Module (NAT00060) file. Form 120049 For Client Id “{0}” the Module/Unit of Competency Id must not be blank. 120049: The Module/Unit of Competency Identifier must not be blank. Version 1 Hint December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Qualification/ Course Identifier DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Form 120004 The Qualification/Course Id "{4}" must also exist on the Course (NAT00030) file. 120004: The Qualification/Course Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must also exist in the Course (NAT00030) file. Form 1204643 For Client Id Australian Apprenticeships "{0}" and Training Contract Id - Australian Apprenticeships "{1}" the Qualification/Course Id "{2}" has been reported as blank. Apprentices/Trainees must be enrolled in nationally recognised training that have valid course identifiers. A blank Qualification/Course Id is not acceptable. 1204643: The Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships and Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships fields on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must be blank when the Qualification/Course Identifier is blank. Version 1 December 2013 45 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Enrolment Activity Start Date 46 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Form 120005 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Enrolment Activity Start Date “{3}” is not valid. 120005: The Enrolment Activity Start Date must have a valid format of DDMMYYYY. 120005: In the NAT00120 file, the Enrolment Activity Start Date must be in the format DDMMYYYY (eg 01122009 for 01 December 2009). Form 120008 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Enrolment Activity Start Date “{3}” must not be later than the collection period end date. 120008: The Enrolment Activity Start Date must not be later than the collection period end date. In the NAT00120 file, the Start Date must not be a date in the future year/s. Form 120009 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Enrolment Activity Start Date “{3}” must not be later than the Enrolment Activity End Date “{4}”. 120009: The Enrolment Activity Start Date cannot be later than the Enrolment Activity End Date. 120009: In the NAT00120 file, a unit's Enrolment Activity Start Date must not be later than that unit's Enrolment Activity End Date. Check these dates in your student management system and update as necessary. Form 120055 Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit Of Competency Id “{1}” with Enrolment Activity Start Date “{2}” has been reported with a Commencing Course Id of 3 (ie a new course enrolment). SVTS is not yet open for [year of enrolment activity start date] data submission. 120055: Your submission includes modules/units of competency which have an Enrolment Activity Start Date after [current collection year] which have been identified as new course commencements. This indicates you are trying to submit data for [collection year+1]. SVTS is not yet open for [collection year +1] data submission. Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Enrolment Activity End Date Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 120006: In the NAT00120 file, the Enrolment Activity End Date must be in the format DDMMYYYY (eg 01122009 for 01 December 2009). Form 120006 For Client Id“{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}”the Enrolment Activity End Date “{3}”is not valid. 120006: The Enrolment Activity End Date must have a valid format of DDMMYYYY. Form 120007 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Enrolment Activity End Date “{3}” must not be earlier than the collection period start date. 120007: The Enrolment Activity End Date must not be earlier than the collection period. Form 120011 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” with Delivery Mode Identifier “{3}”, the Outcome Id – National “{4}” must be either 51, 52, 53, 54 or 60. 120011: If the Delivery Mode Identifier is 90 the Outcome Identifier - National must be 51, 52, 53, 54 or 60. Form 120046 For Client Id “{0}” and Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}”, the Delivery Mode Id must not be blank. 120046: The Delivery Mode Identifier must not be blank. Outcome Identifier – National Form 120022 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" and/or Qualification/Course Id "{2}" the Outcome Id National is 60 therefore the Scheduled Hours "{3}" must be 0000. 120022: If Outcome Identifier - National = 60, the Scheduled Hours must be 0000 120022: In the NAT00120 file, if Outcome Identifier National = 60 (Credit Transfer), the Scheduled Hours must be 0000. Scheduled Hours Form 120023 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" and/or Qualification/Course Id "{2}" Scheduled Hours "{3}" are not valid (ie are not in the range 0000 to 9999). 120023: Scheduled Hours must be valid (0000-9999.) 120023: In the NAT00120 file, Scheduled Hours must be a four digit number. Eg:0100 or 0050 and must not be blank. Delivery Mode Identifier DEECD Version 1 120011: In the NAT00120 file, the Delivery Mode Identifier must be either \'10\'Classroom based or \'20\'-Electronic based or \'30\'-Employment based or \'40\'-Other. None of the above or \'90\'-Not applicable. December 2013 47 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error code Error message Description Hint Funding Source – National Form 120048 For Client Id "{0}" and Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}", the Funding Source Id - National must not be blank. 120048: The Funding Source Identifier National must not be blank. Commencing Course Identifier Form 120045 For Client Id “{0}” and Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}”, the Commencing Course Id must not be blank. 120045: The Commencing Course Identifier must not be blank. Form 120016 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Qualification/Course Id is blank, therefore the Commencing Course Id “{3}” must be 8. 120016: If the Qualification/Course Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file is blank, the Commencing Course Identifier must be 8 (nodule only enrolment). 120016: In the NAT00120 file, this record has a blank Course code .The Commencing Course Identifier must be \'8\' module enrolment only indicating that the enrolment is not course based. Form 120029 For Client Id "{2}" with Client Id - Australian Apprenticeships "{0}", the Training Contract Id - Australian Apprenticeships "{1}" is invalid. 120029: The Training Contract Identifier Australian Apprenticeships (TCIAA) must be 10 characters long in your Enrolment (NAT00120) file. For Victorian apprentices this TCIAA identifier must contain only 8 digits. It must not contain the characters A to Z or other special characters such as a slash or dash unless the Funding Source Code - State Training Authority relates to fee for service or interstate apprentices (Z75, Z70, S). 120029: The Training Contract Identifier Australian Apprenticeships is an eight digit number only. If it contains A to Z or a slash or dash then this number is invalid. This number is submitted for Apprentices/Trainees in the NAT00120 file. Training Contract Identifier – Australian Apprenticeships 48 Error Type DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Form 1204620 Client Id – Australian Apprenticeships “{0}” must not be blank for Client Id “{1}” who has Training Contract Id – Australian Apprenticeships “{2}”. 1204620: Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships must not be blank when the client has a Training Contract Identifier Australian Apprenticeships. 1204620: In the NAT00120 file, this apprentice/trainee has a Training Contract Identifier Australian Apprenticeships but the Client Identifier Australian Apprenticeships or otherwise known as DELTA number is blank. Form 1204621 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and /or Qualification/Course Identifier “{2}” the Training Contract Id – Australian Apprenticeships in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file “{3}” is not blank. The Qualification/Course Level of Education Id “{4}” in the Course (NAT00030) file must be within the range 0 to 599. 1204621: If the Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file is not blank, the corresponding Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier on the Course (NAT00030) file must be in the range 0 to 599. 1204621: The NAT00120 file, indicates that this apprentice/trainee is enrolled in a Course but the Course Level of Education code on the Course file (NAT00030) is incorrect. It must be either of these 211, 213, 221, 222, 311, 312, 411, 413. Form 1204623 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" and /or Qualification/Course Id "{2}" the Training Contract Id - Australian Apprenticeships "{3}" (DELTA Training Agreement number) is not blank therefore the Qualification/Course Recognition Id in the Course (NAT00030) file must be 11 or 12. I1204623: If the Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file is not blank, the corresponding Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier on the Course (NAT00030) file must be 11 or 12. Version 1 December 2013 49 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Client Identifier – Australian Apprenticeships 50 Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Form 120030 For Client Id "{2}" with Training Contract Id Australian Apprenticeships "{0}", the Client Id Australian Apprenticeships "{1}" is not valid. 120030: The Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (CIAA) must be 10 characters long. For Victorian apprentices the CIAA must contain only 10 digits. It must not contain the characters A to Z or other special characters such as a slash or dash unless the Funding Source Code - State Training Authority relates to fee for service or interstate apprentices (Z75, Z70, S). 120030: The Client Identifier Identifier Australian Apprenticeships is a ten digit number only. If it contains A to Z or a slash or dash then this number is invalid. This number is submitted for Apprentices/Trainees in the NAT00120 file. Form 1204624 Training Contract Id – Australian Apprenticeships “{0}” must not be blank for Client Id “{1}” who has Client Id – Australian Apprenticeships “{2}”. 1204624: Training Contract Identifier Australian Apprenticeships must not be blank when the client has a Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships. 1204624: In the NAT00120 file, this apprentice/trainee has a Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships or otherwise known as DELTA number but the Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships is blank. Study Reason Identifier Form 120051 For Client Id “{0}” and Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}”, the Study Reason Id must not be blank. 120051: The Study Reason Identifier must not be blank. VET in Schools Flag Form 120033 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the VET in School Flag “{3}” is not valid. 120033: VET in School Flag value must be valid (Y or N). Specific Funding Identifier Content 120082 For Clientid "{0}", Qualification/Course ID "{1}" the Specific Funding Identifier "{2}" must be blank. 120082: Specific Funding Identifier in NAT00120 must be blank. DEECD Version 1 120033: In the NAT00120 file, VET in School Flag can only be Y or N and must not be blank. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Funding Source – State Training Authority Form 120043 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Funding Source Id – State Training Authority cannot be blank. 120043: The Funding Source Identifier State Training Authority must not be blank. 120043: The Funding Source State ID is not blank. Client Tuition Fee Form 120541 The Client Tuition Fee “{0}” reported for Client Id “{1}” and Unit of Competency/Module Id “{2}” is not numeric or blank. Only blank or numeric characters are acceptable. Report Client Tuition Fee in cents charged per Scheduled Hour. Do not include a decimal point. Example: $2.50 per Scheduled Hour should be reported as 0250. 120541:The Client Tuition Fee must be blank, NULL or contain only numeric characters (0-9). Report Client Tuition Fee in cents charged per Scheduled Hour – do not include a decimal point. Client Tuition Fee (in cents charged per Scheduled Hour) must be reported for all government funded student enrolments and must be numeric. Do not include a decimal point. Example: $2.50 per Scheduled Hour should be reported as 0250 Fee Exemption/ Concession Type Identifier Form 120047 For Client Id “{0}” and Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}”, the Fee Exemption/Concession Type Identifier must not be blank. 120047: The Fee Exemption/Concession Type Identifier must not be blank. Purchasing Contract Identifier Form 120053 For Client Id “{0}”, the Purchasing Contract Id must be an integer or blank except where Funding Source Code Identifier – State Training Authority is S, Z70 or Z75. 120053: The purchasing contract identifier must be an integer or blank except where Funding Source Code Identifier - State Training Authority is S, Z70 or Z75. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 51 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Form 52 DEECD Error code 120057 Error message Description The Purchasing Contract Id “{0}” reported for Client ID “{1}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{2}” relates to the collection year [yyyy]. SVTS is not yet open for [yyyy] submissions. 120057: Your upload includes modules with a Purchasing Contract Id that relates to the next collection year or a future collection year. SVTS is not yet open for these data submissions. The Purchasing Contract Identifier must relate to a past or current collection year, it cannot relate to a collection year in the future. Version 1 Hint December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Course Commencement Date Eligibility Exemption Indicator DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 120054: In the NAT00120 file, the Commencement date must be like "01012009" for 01 January 2009. This field must not be blank." Form 120054 For Client Id {0} enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id {1} and/or Qualification/Course Id {2} the Course Commencement Date {3} is not valid. Valid dates have format DDMMYYYY. 120054: The Course Commencement Date is a mandatory field and must be a valid date format DDMMYYYY. Form 120056 Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit Of Competency Id “{1}” with Course Commencement Date “{2}” has been reported with a Commencing Course Id 4 (ie a continuing enrolment). This indicates that you are trying to submit data for [year of course commencement date+1] or a future year. SVTS is not yet open for [collection year+1] data submission. 120056: Modules with a Course Commencement Date in the current collection year have been identified as continuing course enrolements. This indicates you are trying to submit data for the next collection year and SVTS is not yet open for these data submissions. Form 120035 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" and/or Qualification/Course Id "{2}" with Course Commencement Date "{3}" which is prior to July 2009, the Eligibility Exemption Id must be 'N'. 120035: If Course Commencement Date is earlier then than 1st July 2009, the Eligibility Exemption Identifier must be 'N'. 120035: In the NAT00120 file, If Course Commencement Date is earlier then 1st July 2009, the Eligibility Exemption Identifier must be \'N\'. Form 120036 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" and/or Qualification/Course Id "{2}" with Funding Source - State Training Authority code "{3}" which indicates that the student is a fee for service enrolment, the Eligibility Exemption Id must be 'N'. 120036: If Funding Source - State Training Authority code relates to fee for service activity, the Eligibility Exemption Identifier must be N. 120036: In the NAT00120 file, if the State Funding Source code is either \'F\', \'S\', \'S1\', \'SSG\', \'Z20\', \'Z30\', \'Z36\' or \'Z70\' then Eligibility Exemption code must be \'N\'. Version 1 December 2013 53 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field 54 Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Form 120037 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" and/or Qualification/Course Id "{2}" the Eligibility Exemption Id "{3}" is invalid (must be Y or N). 120037: Eligibility Exemption Indicator Identifier must be valid (Y or N). 120037: In the NAT00120 file, Eligibility Exemption code can only be Y or N and must not be blank. VET FEE-HELP (Income Contingent Loan) Indicator Form 120038 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" and/or Qualification/Course Id "{2}" the VET Fee Help (Income Contingent) Indicator "{3}" is invalid (must be Y or N). 120038: VET Fee Help (Income Contingent) Indicator must be valid (Y or N). 120038: In the NAT00120 file, VET Fee Help (Income Contingent) code can only be Y or N and must not be blank. Industry Code (ANZSIC) Form 120034 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}”, the ANZSIC code “{2}” is invalid. 120034: ANZSIC Industry code must be valid 2 digit number or blank. Refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for valid codes. 120034: In the NAT00120 file, the ANZSIC code must be a valid 2 digit number or blank. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Content validation errors in the NAT00120 Note: Six digit content validations beginning with 1205 (ie 1205nn) only apply to module enrolment and associated student and course details for which government funding may be applicable. Field 1 Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 1205311 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Qualfication/Course Id "{1}" in your RTO with Training Organisation Id (TOID) "{2}", the TOID on the DELTA Training Agreement either does not exist or is not consistent with your RTO for Training Contract Id Australian Apprenticeships "{3}". 120531: The Training Organisation Id (TOID) on the DELTA Training Agreement must exist and must match the TOID of the RTO uploading the enrolment record. Training Organisation Identifier (NAT00010) Content Postcode (NAT00020) Content 120512 Postcode "{0}" on the Training Organisation Delivery Location (NAT00020) file for Client Id "{1}" undertaking Module/Unit of Competency Id "{2}" at Training Organisation Delivery Location Id "{3}" does not fall within the Training Region nominated for this submission on your Attachment T submission to your funding contract. 120512: The training must be delivered in a suburb that falls within the region specified on the RTO's Attachment T submission for a claim to be able to be created. This applies to PETP programs only. State Identifier (NAT00080) Content 120504 The training for Client Id "{0}" for Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" at Training Organisation Delivery Location Id "{2}" was outside Victoria "{3}”. 120504: For funding purposes, the State ID on the Training Organisation Delivery Location (NAT00020) file must be 02 (Victoria). This applies to all Funding Programs. (Off from 2011) This validation has been de-activated from January 2011 and replaced by Claim Status Reject Code 18 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 55 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Client (Student) Identifier Module/Unit of Competency Identifier 56 DEECD Error Type Error message Description 120505 Client Id "{0}" cannot be assigned to both an ATTP and PETP contract concurrently. 120505: A student cannot be assigned to both an ATTP and PETP contract simultaneously by an RTO. This error will be reported against PETP enrolments. Content 120061 A duplicate enrolment has been identified for Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Qualification/Course Id “{1}”, Module/Unit of Competency Id “{2}”, Enrolment Activity Start Date “{3}” and Enrolment Activity End Date “{4}”. 120061: A duplicate enrolment cannot exist in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file. A duplicate enrolment is identified where for a given Client Id, Qualification/Course Id, Module/Unit of Competency Id and Course Commencement Date, there are two or more records on the file that have the same Enrolment Activity Start Date and/or the same Enrolment Activity End Date. Content 120801 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" which has VET Flag = "{2}" (in your NAT00030 Course file), the Module/Unit of Competency "{3}" has VET Flag "{4}" (in your NAT00060 Module file). The VET Flag for all modules making up the course enrolment should be the same as the VET Flag for the course. 120801: There is an inconsistency between the VET Flag for this student's Qualification/Course and the VET Flag for the Module/Unit of Competency. Content Error code (Warning) Version 1 Hint December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Qualification/ Course Identifier and Client (Student) Identifier 2 Error Type Content (Off) Error code 1205282 Error message Description Hint The claim is invalid because the Course Id “{0}” and Client Id “{1}” were previously identified as completed on <SDVClaim.Complet edQualificationFirstU ploadedDate>. 120528: The claim must not be for a qualification that has previously been uploaded as completed. This validation applies to Funding Programs identified as Apprenticeships/Train eeships. This Validation has been de-activated and may be re-activated at a later stage. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 57 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Qualification/ Course Identifier 58 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description For Client Id "{0}" reported in Course ID "{1}" the Prior Education Level of Education is reported as [2}". Students with Prior education of Diploma or above cannot be enrolled in government funded Foundation courses. For Client Id "{0}" reported in Course ID "{1}" with Course Commencement Date "{2}" the At School flag is reported as Y. Students who are at school cannot be enrolled in government funded courses. The Activity Start Date "{0}" must not be more than 5 years prior than the Collection Year "{1}". 120083: This student has enrolled in a Foundation Course but has Prior Education of Diploma or above. Hint Content 120083 Content 120085 Content 1203212 Content 120502 The Qualification/Course Id "{0}" for Client Id "{1}" is not within your Scope of Registration on 120502: The course must be in the RTO's scope of registration. This applies to all Funding Programs. 120502: RTOs should check their Scope of Registration, either on NTIS or the VRQA State Register, to check the list of courses they are registered to deliver. RTOs cannot claim for courses that are not on their Scope of Registration. Content 120513 The Qualification/Course Id"{0}" for Client Id "{1}" undertaking Module/Unit of Competency Id "{2}" is not a funded course on your Attachment T submission to your funding contract. This is being reported from your Training Organisation Delivery Location Id "{3}". 120513: Only courses identified on the Attachment T for each particular PETP submission are eligible for funding. 120513: Please refer to your Attachment T (SVTS > Manage Contracts) and ensure you are reporting the correct course code and correct submission number for this student. Version 1 120085: This student has been reported in a Government Funded course but is at school and therefore not eligible for government funding. 1203212: The Activity Start Date must not be more than 5 years prior to the Collection Year December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error code Description Hint Content 120522 The Qualification/Course identified on the Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships "{0}" , DELTA Register Qualification Identifier "{1}", does not match the Qualification/Course Id "{2}" for Client Id "{3}" reported in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file. 120522: The qualification in DELTA must match the qualification uploaded by the RTO for each DELTA Training Agreement. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. Content 120523 The Training Agreement Type and/or Scheme Type for Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships "{0}" for Client Id "{1}" is not a funded Agreement type under the ATTP Program. 120523: To be eligible for ATTP funding, the TA type and Scheme type of the DELTA Training Agreement must be a type that is funded. This only applies to ATTP Programs (not Skills for Victoria). Content 1205273 The Qualification/Course Id "{0}" for Client Id "{1}" is not a funded course for the ATTP Program. 120527: The course must exist and be active in the ATTP Courses table and must not be flagged as "no new enrolments". This only applies to ATTP funded programs. 120532 The Qualfication/Course Id "{0}" reported for Client Id "{1}" is not a funded course under the Skills for Victoria funding program. 120532: To be eligible for Funding, the Course ID must exist in the Funded Courses table. (Off) Content 3 Error message This validation has been deactivated and may be reactivated at a later stage DEECD Version 1 December 2013 59 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Content Error code Error message Description 120066 For Client Id {0} is enrolled in Qualification/Course Id {1} which has Qualification/Course Level of Education Id {2} and corresponds to an enrolment in year 10, 11 or 12. This is inconsistent with the student's highest reported Prior Educational Achievement Id {3} which relates to a Diploma or higher level qualification. 120066: Students with a degree or diploma cannot be enrolled in a Year 10-12 course. If the Prior Educational Achievement Identifier in the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file is coded 008, 410 or 420, the Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier in the Course (NAT00030) file cannot be 611 (year 12) 613 (year 11) or 621 (year 10). 120074 Client Id "{0}" is being reported as having enrolled in {1} new courses this year ("{2}"). The Victorian Training Guarantee allows students to enrol in no more than two government subsidised courses in each calendar year. 120074: This student has enrolled in more than two new government subsidised courses this year. 120075 Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" is reported to be undertaking training in more than 2 concurrent courses as a government subsidised student. The Victorian Training Guarantee allows students to enrol in no more than 2 concurrent courses and in no more than 2 new courses in any calendar year. 120075: Student details submitted to SVTS indicate that the student is undertaking training in more than 2 government subsidised course enrolments. The Victorian Training Guarantee allows students to enrol in no more than 2 concurrent courses and in no more than 2 new courses in any calendar year. (Warning) Content (Warning) Content (Warning) 60 DEECD Version 1 Hint December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Enrolment Activity Start Date DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Content 120546 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{2}" with Course Commencement Date "{3}" the course is not approved for funding within your Scope of Registration 120546: To be eligible for funding the course must be approved for funding on the RTOs Scope of Registration. Content 120084 For Client ID “{0}”, Qualification/Course ID “{1}” with Course Commencement Date “{2}”, Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier “{3}” is invalid. 120084: Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifiers 213 and 222 are no longer valid for VET enrolments starting on or after 1/1/2014. Content 120503 The Course Commencement Date “{0}” for Client Id “{1}” enrolled in Course Id “{2}” does not fall within the same calendar year as its associated funding contract. 120503: The Course Commencement Date must fall within the same calendar year as its associated funding contract. This applies to all Funding Programs. Content 120526 The Module/Unit of Competency Id "{0}" has an Enrolment Activity Start Date "{1}" that is before the DELTA Training Agreement commencement date "{2}" for Client Id "{3}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{4}" . 120526: The Enrolment Activity Start Date must not be prior to the DELTA Training Contract commencement date. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. Version 1 120503: This validation rule checks that the year of the Course Commencement Date is consistent with the year of the Purchasing Contract ID. Both of these fields must contain consistent years in order to pass this validation. December 2013 61 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Enrolment Activity Start Date and Enrolment Activity End Date 62 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Content 120537 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Qualification/Course Id “{1}” and Course Commencement Date “{2}”, all reported units have an Enrolment Activity Start Date which is prior to the Course Commencement Date. This student's enrolment in Module/Unit of Competency “{3}” has Enrolment Activity Start Date “{4}”. 120537: For each course enrolment (the same Client Id, Qualification/Course Id and Course Commencement Date combination), there must be one or more modules or units of competency in your NAT00120 Enrolment file for which the Enrolment Activity Start Date is on or after the Course Commencement Date. The Course Commencement Date should be the date the student first started training in the course. Content 120076 For Client Id {0} enrolled in Qualification/Course Id {1}, the Enrolment Activity Start Date {2} for Unit of Competency/Module Id {3} is before the reported Course Commencement Date {4}. 120076: The Enrolment Activity Start Date should not be before the Course Commencement Date. Content 120511 For Client Id "{0}" undertaking Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}", the Enrolment Activity Start Date "{2}" and/or Enrolment Activity End Date "{3}" do not fall within the start and end date of your PETP submission on your Attachment T to your funding contract. 120511: For PETP funded enrolments reported on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file, the Enrolment Activity Start Date and Enrolment Activity End Dates must fall within the commencement and completion dates specified for this PETP Submission on the RTO's Attachment T to their Funding Contract. This applies to PETP funding programs only. Version 1 Hint December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Enrolment Activity End Date DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Content 120525 The Module/Unit of Competency Id "{0}" has an Enrolment Activity End Date "{1}" that exceeds the DELTA Nominal End Date "{2}" for Client Id "{3}" enrolled in Qualification.Course Id "{4}" and Training Agreement ID “{5}”. 120525: The Enrolment Activity End Date for a Module/Unit of Competency cannot exceed the DELTA nominal end date for the Delta Training Agreement relevant to this student's enrolment. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. Content 120530 Enrolment Activity End Dates cannot exceed DELTA Agreement termination dates. For Module /Unit of Competency Id "{0}" with Enrolment Activity End Date "{1}" for Client Id "{2}", the Enrolment Activity End Date exceeds the termination date "{3}" for DELTA Training Agreement “{4}”. 120530: A module/unit of competency for a Trainee or Apprentice cannot end after the DELTA Termination date. This only applies to funding programs identified as Apprenticeships/Train eeships. Content 1203253 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}", the Enrolment Activity End Date "{2}" is more than 5 years after the Enrolment Activity Start Date "{3}". 1203253: Time between Enrolment Activity End Date and Enrolment Activity Start Date must not span more than 5 years. Version 1 1203253: In the NAT00120 file, the length of the training delivery as indicated by the End Date minus Start Date of the module/unit must not be more than 5 years. December 2013 63 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Content Error code Error message Description 120064 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Qualification/Course Id “{1}” and Module/Unit of Competency Id “{2}”, the Enrolment Activity End Date “{3}” is more than 60 days ago yet the Outcome Identifier - National is still 90 (result not yet entered). 120064: Where the Enrolment Activity End Date is 60 or more days prior to the latest upload date, the Outcome Identifier National should not be 90. 120072 The data uploaded does not contain any enrolments with an Enrolment Activity End Date in the current collection year "{0}". This may indicate that you are trying to submit data for a future collection year. 120072: The data uploaded does not contain any training activity which has an Enrolment Activity End Date in the current year. This may indicate that you are trying to submit data for a future collection year. (Warning) (Only active up to November each year) Content (Warning) 64 Delivery Mode Identifier Content 120010 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Delivery Mode Id “{3}” is not valid. 120010: The Delivery Mode Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) must be valid (refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for valid codes, eg 10, 20, 30, 40, 90). Outcome Identifier – National Content 120012 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” Outcome Id – National “{3}” is not valid. 120012: The Outcome Identifier - National must be a valid (refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for valid codes, eg 20, 30, 40, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 70, 81, 82 or 90). Content 120050 For Client Id "{0}" the Outcome Id – National "{1}" for Module/Unit of Competency Id "{2}" must not be blank. 120050: The Outcome Identifier - National must not be blank. DEECD Version 1 Hint 120010: In the NAT00120 file, the Delivery Mode Identifier must be either \'10\'Classroom based or \'20\'-Electronic based or \'30\'-Employment based or \'40\'-Other. None of the above or \'90\'-Not applicable. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error message Description 120058 Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency “{1}” with Enrolment Activity End Date “{2}” and Outcome Id - National “{3}” needs to have a valid Outcome Id National entered by the final submission for <collection year>. 120058: A valid final Outcome Identifier National must be entered for all units scheduled for completion in the current year by the final upload for the collection year. Content 120073 Client Id “{0}” enrolled in module/unit of competency Id “{1}” and Qualification/Course Id “{2}” with Enrolment Activity Start Date “{3}” and Funding Source Id – State Training Authority “{4}” is being reported as government funded, but is being reported as withdrawn with Outcome Id National code 82. Withdrawals from government subsidised training are to be reported using Outcome Id National code 40 (Withdrawn). 120073: Withdrawals from Government funded training must be reported with Outcome Identifier – National code 40 Content 1203251 For Client Identifier “{0}” and/or Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}”, the Enrolment Activity End Date “{2}” is after the collection period end date “{3}” therefore the Outcome Id – National “{4}” must be 70. 1203251: If the Enrolment Activity End Date is after the collection period end date, the Outcome Identifier - National must be 70. Content Error code (only active from each December for end of year reporting) DEECD Version 1 Hint 1203251: In the NAT00120 file, the End Date for this enrolment is a date in the future year/s. The Outcome Identifier - National must be "70" (Continuing) only. December 2013 65 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Scheduled Hours 66 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 1203252: In the NAT00120 file, since Outcome Identifier National is "70" (Continuing) the End Date must be a date in the future year/s. Content 1203252 For Client Identifier "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Identifier "{1}" and/or Module/Unit of Competency Id "{2}" the Enrolment Activity End Date "{3}" is earlier than or equal to the collection period end date "{4}" therefore the Outcome Id National "{5}" must NOT be 70. 1203252: If Enrolment Activity End Date On the Enrolment (NAT00120) file is less then or equal to the collection period end date therefore the Outcome Id - National must NOT be 70. Content 1203408 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}", Qualification/Course Recognition Id "{2}", the scheduled hours reported "{3}" is more than twice the nominal hours "{4}" for this unit reported in your NAT00060 file. 1203408: Scheduled Hours cannot be more than twice the number of Nominal Hours associated with the Module/Unit of Competency on the module master file for courses with Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier 11 or 12. Content 120071 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Course Id "{1}" and Module/Unit of Competency Id "{2}" the Scheduled Hours "{3}" is more than twice the national nominal hours “{4}” for this Module/Unit of Competency. 120071: The Version 1 Scheduled Hours must not be greater than twice the national nominal hours for the Module/Unit of Competency. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Funding Source - National DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 120059: RTOs can refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines, specifically the section on 'Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority' for a list of consistent National and State codes. Content 120059 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" and Module/Unit of Competency "{2}", the Funding Source Id - National "{3}" is not consistent with the Funding Source Id - State Training Authority "{4}". Refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for details of State and National funding codes. 120059: The Funding Source Id - National is not consistent with the Funding Source Id State Training Authority. Content 120081 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" and/or Qualification/Course Id "{2}" the National Funding Source Code "{3}" is not valid. The National Funding Source Code must be 30 (International Full Fee-Paying student) when Training Delivery is overseas. 120081: National Funding Source Code must be "30" (International Full FeePaying student) when training delivery is overseas. Content 120327 For Client Id "{0}" and Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" the Funding Source Id - National is "{2}" but the relevant VET Flag in the Module (NAT00060) file is N. Only modules with VET Flag Y can be government funded with a Funding Source Id - National code of 11 or 15. 120327: Only units of competency/modules with VET Flag Y can be government funded. Units/modules reported as government funded with Funding Source Identifier - National of 11 or 15 cannot have VET Flag N on the module file (NAT00060). Version 1 December 2013 67 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field 68 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Content 120357 Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" reported with VET Flag "{2}" has a Funding Source Id State Training Authority "{3}" and a Funding Source Id National "{4}". The VET Flag appropriate to this module in the SVTS module reference files is N which indicates that the Funding Source Id - National "{5}" code be should be at least 20 (ie fee for service). 120357: The VET Flag for this unit/module is N in SVTS reference data so both the Funding Source Id State Training Authority and the Funding Source Id National must relate to fee for service (not government funded) activity. Content 120358 Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Qualification/Course Id “{1}” and Module/Unit of Competency “{2}” has Funding Source Id National of “{3}” which indicates that the student is government funded. The VET Flag for this Qualification/Course Id is “{4}”. Only VET courses can be government funded. 120358: The unit/module is being reported with a Funding Source Id National that indicates that the unit is government funded. The VET Flag is N. Only VET courses can be government funded. Content 1203742 The Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" and/or Module/Unit of Competency Id "{2}" the Funding Source Id - National "{3}" is not a valid value. 1203742: The Funding Source - National in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must be valid (11, 13, 15, 20, 30,80). Version 1 Hint 1203742: In the NAT00120 file, the Funding Source National must be (11, 13, 15, 20, 30,80). December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Commencing Course Identifier DEECD Error Type Content Error code 120015 Error message Description Hint For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Commencing Course identifier “{3}” is not valid. 120015: The Commencing Course Identifier must be valid ( 3, 4 or 8). 120015: In the NAT00120 file, the Commencing Course Identifier must be \'3\' or \'4\' or \'8\'. Version 1 December 2013 69 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type DEECD Error message Description Hint Content 120070 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" and Course Id "{2}" the Commencing Course Id "{3}" is inconsistent for all Modules within the Course Enrolment. 120070: For all units/modules that make up a course enrolment (that is groups of units/modules that have the same Client Id, Qualification/Course Id and Course Commencement Date combination), the Commencing Course ID must be consistent for all units/modules within that course enrolment. 120070: The Commencing Course ID must be the same for all modules within the same enrolment, with an enrolment beinf defined as the same ClientID, CourseID, and Course Commencement Date combination. Content 120544 The Commencing Course Id appears inconsistent with the Course Commencement Date. The enrolment by Client Id "{0}" in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" and Module/Unit of Competency Id "{2}" has Commencing Course Id "{3}" which indicates that the student commenced their course enrolment prior to this collection year. However the Course Commencement Date "{4}" is in this collection year. 120544: The Commencing Course Id appears inconsistent with the Course Commencement Date. The Commencing Course Id 4 indicates the student commenced their course enrolment prior to the current collection year BUT their Course Commencement Date is in this collection year. This may be possible, for example, if the student has transferred to a later version of their original course/qualification in the current collection year. Check the date the student commenced this course/qualification. If the student did start their course this collection year you should update the Commencing Course Id to 3. If the student started their study towards this qualification in a previous year in a previous version of the qualification but changed to later version of the qualification/course during the current collection year, then you may ignore this warning. If not, correct either the Commencing Course Id or the Course Commencement Date as appropriate to ensure that both are correct and consistent. (Warning) 70 Error code Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Content DEECD Error code 120545 Error message Description Hint The Commencing Course Id is inconsistent with the Course Commencement Date. Client Id "{0}" in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" and Module/Unit of Competency Id "{2}" has Course Commencement Date "{3}". This date indicates that the student commenced their course enrolment prior to the current collection year, However, this enrolment is being reported with Commencing Course Id "{4}" which indicates that the student did commence this course enrolment in the current collection year. 120545: The Commencing Course Id is inconsistent with the Course Commencement Date. The Commencing Course Id 3 indicates the student commenced their course enrolment in the current collection year BUT their Course Commencement Date is prior to this collection year. Check the date the student actually commenced this course/qualification. If the student did start their course this collection year, you should update the Course Commencement Date. If the student started their study in this course in a previous year, you need to change the Commencing Course Id to 4. Version 1 December 2013 71 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Training Contract Identifier – Australian Apprenticeships Error Type Content Error message Description 1203094 Training Contract Id “{0}” for Client Id “{1}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{2}” does not exist in DELTA for your training provider. 120309: Training Contract Identifier must exist in DELTA except where Funding Source Code Identifier – State Training Authority is Z70 or Z75. 120311 Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” has reported the same value for the Training Contract Id Australian Apprenticeships “{2}” and Client Id Australian Apprenticeships “{3}”. These fields cannot have the same value for Victorian apprenticeships. 120311: Training Contract Identifier Australian Apprenticeships and Client Identifier Australian Apprenticeships cannot be the same for Victorian apprentices (this may occur occasionally when the Funding Source Code - State Training Authority is Z75 or Z70). (Off from 2011) Content 4 Error code Hint This validation has been de-activated from January 2011 and replaced by Claim Status Reject Code 18 72 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error message Description Hint 120520: RTOs should log into DELTA and look up the relevant Training Agreement/Client Identifier to confirm the correct numbers that should be reported. Content 120520 The Funding Source Id - State Training Authority "{0}" for Client Id "{1}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{2}" identifies the student as an Apprentice/Trainee but the Training Contract Id Australian Apprenticeships "{3}" is not valid on the DELTA Register. In Victoria the DELTA Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (DELTA Training Agreement Number) is usually 8 digits in length and the DELTA Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (DELTA Student Number) has 10 digits. 120520: A valid Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (DELTA Training Agreement number) must be provided for funded enrolments for Apprentices and Trainees. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. Content 120529 DELTA indicates that this student Completed/Terminate d this Training Agreement more than 90 days ago. Please ensure that all training delivery under this agreement is reported successfully to SVTS and claimed prior to the end of the current Collection Year. The Delta Training Agreement "{0}" for RTO Client ID "{1}" was terminated on "{2}". 120529: DELTA indicates that this student Completed/Terminate d this Training Agreement more than 90 days ago. Please ensure that all training delivery under this agreement is reported successfully to SVTS and claimed prior to the end of the current Collection Year. (Warning) DEECD Error code Version 1 December 2013 73 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Content (Off) 5 Error code Error message Description Hint 12462205 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Qualification/Course Id “{1}”, the Training Contract Id Australian Apprenticeships is not the same for all modules that make up this Qualification/Course. Check all modules for this client and course to ensure that Training Contract Id Australian Apprenticeships is correct and consistent. 1246220: For a given client undertaking a specific Qualification/Course, the Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships must be the same for each module within this Qualification/Course. 1246220: Apprentice/trainee has only one Training Contract Identifier Australian Apprenticeships for a Qualification/Course. In the NAT00120 more than one number was recorded against these enrolments. This validation has been de-activated and may be re-activated at a later stage. 74 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Client Identifier – Australian Apprenticeships Error Type Content Error message Description 1203106 The Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” with Training Contract Id Australian Apprenticeships “{2}” must match the Client Id in DELTA “{3}” for this Training Contract Id for your training provider except where Funding Source Code Identifier – State Training Authority is Z70 or Z75. 120310: The Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships must match the Client Identifier (student number) in DELTA for the specified Training Contract Identifier Australian Apprenticeships except where Funding Source Identifier – State Training Authority is Z70 or Z75. 120521 Client Identifier Australian Apprenticeships "{0}" for Client Id "{1}" enrolled in Qualfication/Course Id "{2}" does not match the Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships for Training Contract Id Australian Apprenticehips "{3}" on the DELTA Register. In Victoria the Training Contract Identifier - Australia Apprenticeships (DELTA Training Agreement Number) is usually 8 digits in length and the Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (DELTA Student Number) has 10 digits. 120521: The Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (DELTA student number) identified by the RTO must be the DELTA student number identified on the DELTA training agreement. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. (Off from 2011) Content 6 Error code Hint 120521: RTOs should log into DELTA and look up the relevant Training Agreement/Client Identifier to confirm the correct numbers that should be reported. This validation has been de-activated from January 2011 and replaced by Claim Status Reject Code 18 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 75 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Content Error code Error message Description 1204622 Client Id "{0}" has different Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (DELTA Student Numbers) reported for different modules. Check all modules for this client to ensure that Client IdentifierAustralian Apprenticeships (DELTA number) is correct and consistent. 1204622: Each client will usually have no more than one Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (DELTA number). 120021 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Study Reason Id “{3}” is not valid. 120021: The Study Reason Identifier must be valid (eg '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '11', '12', '@@'). Refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for full list and description of valid codes. (Warning) Study Reason Identifier 76 DEECD Content Version 1 Hint 120021: In the NAT00120 file, the Study Reason code must be either 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 11, 12, @@ and must not be blank. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Funding Source – State Training Authority DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 120018: In the NAT00120 file, the Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority must a valid value, as published in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines, and must not be blank. Content 120018 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Funding Source Id - State Training Authority “{3}” is not valid. 120018: The Funding Source Idenitifier State Training Authority must be a valid value. Valid values are published in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines. Content 120027 For client id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" the Training Contract Id Australian Apprenticeships "{2}" is not valid but the Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority code "{3}" indicates that the student is undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship. A valid Training Contract Id Australian Apprenticeships must be provided for all students and units with funding codes that indicate the student is undertaking their training as an apprentice or trainee. 120027: The Funding Source Identifier State Training Authority indicates that the student is undertaking their training as an apprentice or trainee. A valid Training Contract Identifier Australian Apprenticeships must be provided. Version 1 December 2013 77 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field 78 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Content 120028 For client id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" the Client Id Australian Apprenticeships "{2}" is not valid but the Funding Source Id State Training Authority "{3}" indicates that the student is undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship. A valid Client Id - Australian Apprenticeships must be provided for all students and units with funding codes that indicate the student is undertaking their training as an apprentice or trainee. 120028: The Funding Source Identifier State Training Authority indicates that the student is undertaking their training as an apprentice or trainee. A valid Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships must be provided. Content 120347 Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" has a Funding Source Id- State Training Authority of Z10. Only TAFE institutes (provider type 31) can use Funding Source Id State Training Authority code Z10. Your provider type is "{2}". 120347: Only TAFE institutes can report training delivery with Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority Z10. Version 1 Hint 120347: In the NAT00120 file, only TAFE Institutes can report training delivery against State Funding code "Z10". December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Client Tuition Fee 7 Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Content 1205367 For Client Id {0} enrolled in Qualification/Course Id {1} with Course Commencement Date {2}, not all modules/units of competency have the same Funding Source Id - State Training Authority. This student's enrolment in Module/Unit of Competency Id {3} has Funding Source Id - State Training Authority {4}. 120536: The same Funding Source Id State Training Authority must be reported for every module and/or unit of competency that is part of a student's enrolment in a course. (All modules/units of competency which are reported with the same Client Id, Qualification/Course Id and Course Commencement Date combination are considered to be part of the same course enrolment). Content 120078 Client Id {0} enrolled in Qualification/Course Id {1} in Module/Unit of Competency Id {2} with Course Commencement Date {3} being reported with Outcome Identifier – National code {4} and Funding Source Identifier – National code {5} has a null or blank Client Tuition Fee {6} . Client Tuition Fee must be reported for all government subsidised training being delivered from 2013 that is not being recognised under Credit Transfer or Recognition of Current Competency arrangements. 120078: Client Tuition Fee field must be reported for all government subsidised training that is not Recognition of Current Competency or Credit Transfer. This warning has been changed to content error from January 2012 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 79 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error message Description Content 120079 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" and/or Module/Unit of Competency Id "{2}" the Tuition Fee "{3}" is invalid. 120079: The Client Tuition Fee value reported is higher than an acceptable hourly tuition fee rate. Fee Exemption/ Concession Type Identifier Content 120019 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}” the Fee Exemption/Concessio n Type ld “{3}” is not valid. 120019: The Fee Exemption/Concessio n Type Identifier must be valid (refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for full list and description of valid codes). Purchasing Contract Identifier Content 120501 The Purchasing Contract Id "{0}" supplied for Client Id "{1}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{2}" at Training Organisation Delivery Location Id "{3}" does not enable you to claim funding for program '"{4}". 120501: For funded enrolments to be paid through SVTS, the RTO must supply a Purchasing Contract Id that is valid, has a status of Funded and applies to the type of funding that is being claimed (eg based on Course Commencement Date, Funding Source Id State Training Authority). This applies to all Funding Programs. Content 120533 No Purchasing Contract Id has been provided for any of the module/unit of competency enrolments in your NAT00120 file. No payment can be made without a relevant Purchasing Contract Id. 120533: No Purchasing Contract Id has been provided for any of the module/unit of competency enrolments in your Enrolment (NAT00120) file. No payment can be made without a valid Purchasing Contract Id. (Warning) 80 Error code DEECD Version 1 Hint 120019: In the NAT00120 file, the Fee Exemption/Concession Type code must be either G, H, J, K, M, O, P, V or Z and must not be blank. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Content Error code Error message Description 120063 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Qualification/Course Id “{1}” with Course Commencement Date “{2}”, the PurchasingContract Id is not the same for all units in this course enrolment. This student's enrolment in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{3}” has Purchasing Contract Id “{4}”. 120063: For all units/modules that make up a government funded course enrolment (that is groups of units/modules that have the same Client Id, Qualification/Course Id and Course Commencement Date combination), there should be no inconsistencies between records. The PurchasingContract Id is not the same for all units in this course enrolment. (Warning) Hint Purchasing Contract Schedule Identifier Content 120510 To be funded under PETP, a valid funded Purchasing Contract Schedule Id must be supplied. For Client Id "{0}" undertaking Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}", the Purchasing Contract Schedule Id supplied "{2}" is not a valid submission number for your RTO. 120510: The Purchasing Contract Schedule Identifier must be a valid submission number for the RTO and cannot have a status of withdrawn. The Purchasing Contract Schedule Identifier is mandatory for private RTOs claiming PETP funding but must be left blank by TAFE Institutes and ACE providers. Hours Attended Content 120067 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” and/or Qualification/Course Id “{2}”, Hours Attended “{3}” is higher than the Scheduled Hours “{4}”. 120067: Hours attended on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file cannot be greater then the Scheduled Hours on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 81 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error message Description Hint 120543 The enrolment by Client Id "{0}" in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" with Enrolment Activity Start Date "{2}" and Enrolment Activity End Date "{3}" is reported as withdrawn Outcome Identifier – National "{4}". The Hours Attended "{5}" for this enrolment is equal to the Scheduled Hours "{6}". For withdrawn units, it is expected that the Hours Attended will be less than the Scheduled Hours. 120543: For a withdrawn unit, the Hours Attended is equal to the Scheduled Hours when it is expected that the Hours Attended should be less than the Scheduled Hours. Check the Hours Attended by the student prior to withdrawal and update the Hours Attended field in your student management system as required. It is most unlikely that the RTO would have delivered the full Scheduled Hours (which include assessment) prior to the student's withdrawal so the Hours Attended should almost always be less than the Scheduled Hours. Content 120080 For Client Id "{0}", Qualification/Course ID "{1}", Associated Course Identifier "{2}" should be blank. 120080: Associated Course Identifier must be blank. Content 120524 The Training Activity Start Date "{0}" for Client Id "{1}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{2}" must fall within 90 days of the DELTA Training Agreement Commencement Date "{3}". 120524: To be eligible for funding, training must commence within 3 months of the commencement date of the student's DELTA Training Agreement. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. Content Error code (Warning) Associated Course Identifier Course Commencement Date 82 DEECD (Warning) Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Content DEECD Error code 120534 Error message Description Hint There are 5 or more different Course Commencement Dates in your current data upload for Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Qualification/Course Id “{1}”. The Course Commencment Date must be the same for each module/unit of competency associated with each instance of a student's enrolment in a specific qualification/course. Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Qualfiication/Course “{1}” and Module/Unit of Competency Id “{2}” with an Enrolment Activity Start Date “{3}” has Course Commencement Date “{4}”. 120534: It is expected that a student enrolled in a particular course cannot have more than 4 different Course Commencement Dates for that course. 120534: Where a student fails or withdraws from a course, they re-enrol with a new Course Commencement Date. A given student would not reasonably have 5 or more different commencements in a particular course in any one year. Version 1 December 2013 83 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Content Error code Error message Description Hint 120535 There are more than two different Course Commencement Dates in your current data upload for Client Id {0} enrolled in Qualification/Course Id “{1}”. The Course Commencement Date must be the same for each module/unit of competency associated with each instance of a student's enrolment in a specific qualification/course. Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Qualfication/Course Id “{1}” and Module/Unit of Competency Id “{2}” with an Enrolment Activity Start Date “{3}” has Couse Commencement Date “{4}”. 120535: It is expected that a student enrolled in a particular course should not have more than 2 different Course Commencement Dates for that course. 120535: Where a student fails or withdraws from a course, they re-enrol with a new Course Commencement Date. A given student would not reasonably have 2 or more different commencements in a particular course in any one year. 1205388 For Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Qualification/Course Id “{1}” and Module/Unit of Competency Id “{2}” with Purchasing Contract Id “{3}”, the Course Commencement Date “{6}” is earlier than the purchasing contract/service agreement contract date “{7}” that the RTO has with the VSC/the Department. 120538: When a purchasing contract ID is reported, the Course Commencement Date cannot be before the Contract Start Date for that purchasing contract/service agreement . (Warning) Content (Off) 8 This content validation was deactivated during 2010 and re-activated in 2011 84 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Eligibility Exemption Indicator DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Content 120077 In the current upload, there are no units of competency or modules enrolments for Client Id {0} enrolled in Qualification/Course Id {1} with Course Commencement Date {2} that have an Enrolment Activity Start date that is prior to 01 July 2012. Unit of competency/module Id {3} has an Enrolment Activity Start Date of {4}. 120077: For all units being reported for student course enrolments that have a Course Commencement Date prior to 01 July 2012, at least one reported unit of competency/module that is being attained through training (ie is not Credit Transfer or Recognition of Current Competency or Withdrawal with no attendance) must have an Enrolment Activity Start Date that is prior to 01 July 2012. Content 120539 For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Qualification/Course Id "{1}" with Course Commencement Date “{2}”, not all modules/units of competency have the same Eligibility Exemption Indicator. For this student’s enrolment in this course, Module/Unit of Competency “{3}” is being reported with Eligibility Exemption Indicator "{4}". 120539: The same Eligibility Exemption Id must be reported for every module and/or unit of competency that is part of a student's enrolment in a course. (All modules/units of competency which are reported with the same Client Id, Qualification/Course Id and Course Commencement Date combination are considered to be part of the same course enrolment). Version 1 120539: The Eligibility Exemption Indicator must be the same for all units within a student’s enrolment in a course, Check that the Eligibility Exemption Id is the same on every unit of competency/module enrolment that has the same ClientID, CourseID, and Course Commencement Date combination. Also ensure that Eligibility Exemptions are granted to student course enrolments within with your RTO’s Eligibility Exemption budget allocation (if any). December 2013 85 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field 86 Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Content 120540 Client Id {0} enrolled in Qualification/Course Id {1} in Module/Unit of Competency Id {2} with Course Commencement Date {3} and Funding Source Id – State Training Authority {4} has Eligibility Exemption Id <Y>. Eligibility Exemptions can only be granted, subject to criteria and budget availability, or where the Funding Source Id – State Training Authority is WTL, WTP, NGP, NGL. 120540: Eligibility Exemption Indicator Y is only valid for government funded Course Commencements made on or after 1/1/2013 if the Funding Source Id – State Training Authority is WTP, WTL, NGP, NGL. VET FEE-HELP (Income Contingent Loan) Indicator Content 120041 VET Fee Help Flag “{0}” must be N if the qualification/course is not a Diploma or higher level qualification. Check Client Id “{1}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{2}” and Qualification/Course Name “{3}”. 120041: VET Fee Help Flag must be N if qualification/course is not Diploma or higher level qualification. Industry Code (ANZSIC) Content 120042 The ANZSIC “{0}” reported for Client Id “{1}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{2}” is not a valid ANZSIC code. 120042: The ANZSIC reported is not a valid ANZSIC code. Refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for valid codes. 120042: In the NAT00120 file, the ANZSIC code is invalid. This code must not be blank and should match against a list maintained by this sytem. You may have to contact your software vendor for further assistance. Content 120040 The Industry code reported for Client Id “{0}” enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id “{1}” must not be NULL where Funding Source Code State “{2}” is LSG, PSG or SSG. 120040: The Industry code cannot be NULL if the Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority relates to the Skills for Growth initiative (ie LSG, PSG or SSG). 120040: In the NAT00120 file, if the State Funding Source code is LSG, PSG or SSG then the ANZSIC code or Industry Code must not be blank. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field VET in Schools Flag DEECD Error Type Content Error code 120060 Error message Description For Client Id "{0}" enrolled in Module/Unit of Competency Id "{1}" with a VET in Schools Flag "Y", the At School Flag reported for this student is in the Client (NAT00080) file is "N". If the VET in School Flag is correct then the At School Flag for this student should be "Y". Alternatively, the VET in Schools Flag for this unit may be incorrect. 120060: Units/modules are reported in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file with VET in Schools Flag "Y" so the At School Flag for these students on the Client (NAT0080) file must be "Y". Version 1 Hint December 2013 87 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement NAT00130 – Qualification Completed file File name NAT00130.txt Form validation errors in the NAT00130 Field Training Organisation Identifier Qualification/ Course Identifier 88 DEECD Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint 1304526: In the NAT00130 file, the first ten characters is the Training Organisation Identifier (TOID). This number must be the same as the first ten characters in the NAT00010 file, which is also the TOID. Form 1304526 The Training Organisation Id "{3}" reported in the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file does not match that reported in your Training Organisation (NAT00010) file. 1304526: The Training Organisation Identifier included in this file is not on the Training Organisation (NAT00010) file. Form 130014 For Clientid “{0}”, Qualification/Course ID “{1}” the Training Organisation Identifier cannot be blank. 130014: The Training Organisation Identifier cannot be blank. Form 130003 Client Id "{0}" is reported in the Qualification Completed (NAT00130 ) file as having completed Qualification/Course Id "{1}" in the year "{2}", which is the current collection year. If this student completed their course enrolment in this collection year, there should be one or more unit or module enrolment records in your enrolment file (NAT00120) for this student and course enrolment. 130003: If the program was completed in the collection year, client enrolment records must exist in the NAT00120 file. Form 130008 In the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file, for Client Id "{0}" the Qualification/Course Id must not be blank. 130008: The Qualification/Course Identifier reported in the Completions (NAT00130) file must not be blank. Form 130006 Qualification/Course Id "{1}" reported in the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file does not have a corresponding course record in the course file (NAT00030). 130006: The Qualification/Course Identifier must exist in the course file (NAT00030). Version 1 130003: In the NAT00130 file, you have specified a program completion year which is the current year. This student/s did not participate in any training in the current year since there are no enrolment records in the NAT00120 file. 130006: The NAT00130 file, indicates that there is no information in the Course file NAT00030 for this course/s. December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Client (Student) Identifier Error Type Error code Error message Description Hint Form 130007 In the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file, for Qualification/Course Id "{0}", the Client Id must not be blank. 130007: The Client Identifier in the Client (NAT00130) file is mandatory, it must not be blank. Form 130001 Client Id "{0}" reported in the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file as having completed Qualification/Course Id "{1}" in year "{2}" must also exist in the client file (NAT00080). 130001: Clients reported in the completions file (NAT00130) must also exist in the Client file (NAT00080). 130001: The NAT00130 file, indicates that these students do not appear in the Student File NAT0080. You will have to create them in your student management software. Form 130005 Duplicate qualification records were found on the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file for Client Id "{0}" for Qualification/Course Id "{1}" in Year Program Completed "{2}". Each completion should be reported only once. 130005: No more than one completion record is to be provided for each student for each course they complete in a given year. That is, the combination of Client Identifier, Qualification/Course Identifier and Year must be unique (cannot have duplicate records). 130005: In the NAT00130 file, submit only one record for a course completion by a student for each year. Date of Birth Form 130009 For Client Id "{0}" reported as having completed Qualification/Course Id "{1}" in the year "{2}" the Client Date of Birth reported in the NAT00080 is "{3}". 130009: The Client Date of Birth value reported cannot be greater than or equal to the year qualification completed. Year Program Completed Form 1303217 For Client Id "{0}" reported in your Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file with Qualification/Course Id "{1}", the Year Program Completed "{2}" is more than 10 years before the current year. 1303217: The Year Program Completed must not be more than 10 years before this collection year. 1303217: In the NAT00130 file, enter a year for qualifications issued up to 10 years earlier to the current year only. Form 1303242 For Client Id "{0}", Qualification/Course Id "{1}" is being reported with a Year Program Completed "{2}". The Year Program Completed must not be later than the current collection year. 1303242: The Year Program Completed must be no later than the collection year. 1303242: In the NAT00130 file, the Year Program Completed cannot be in the future. The Year Program Completed can only be the current collection year or an earlier year. DEECD Version 1 December 2013 89 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error Type Error code Error message Description Form 130012 For Clientid “{0}”, Qualification/Course ID “{1}” the Year Program Completed cannot be blank. 130012: The Year Program Completed cannot be blank. Qualification Issued Flag Form 130004 For Client Id "{0}" reported in your Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file as having completed Qualification/Course Id "{1}" in Year Program Completed "{2}", the Qualification Issued Flag "{3}" must be 'Y' or 'N'. 130004: The Qualification Issued Flag must be either 'Y' or 'N' on the completions file. Course Commencement Date Form 130013 For Clientid “{0}”, Qualification/Course ID “{1}” the Course Commencement Date cannot be blank. 130013: The Course Commencement Date cannot be blank. Hint 130004: In the NAT00130 file, is a student was issued the acknowledgment that he/she has completed the requirements of a recognised qualification, set Qualification IssuedFlag must to Y else set the flag to N. Content validation errors in the NAT00130 Field Qualification/ Course Identifier 90 DEECD Error Type Content Error code Error message Description Hint 1304008 Client Id "{0}" is reported in the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file as having completed Qualification/Course Id "{1}". This course is listed in your Course (NAT00030) file as having a Level of Education of "{2}". There must not be any records in the Qualification Completed file for courses that have a Qualification Course Level of Education of 999 or 912. 1304008: There must not be any records in the Qualification Completed file for courses that have Qualification Course Level of Education on the course (NAT00030) file of 999 or 912. 1304008: In the NAT00130 file, these records indicate that these are Statements of Attainments or Bridging and Enabling Courses. These records must not be submitted. Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Field Error code Error message Description Hint Content 1304009 Completions records are included on the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file for Qualification/Course Id "{0}", including for Client Id "{1}". This course has VET Flag '"{2}"' in your Course (NAT00030) file. Completions should only be reported for courses that have VET Flag = 'Y'. 1304009: Only VET qualifications should be included on the NAT00130 completions file. 1304009: Remove these records from the NAT00130 file, since these courses are of a hobby or enrichment nature as indicated by the VET Flag="N" in the NAT00030. Date of Birth Content 130010 For Client Id "{0}" reported as having completed Qualification/Course Id "{1}" in the year "{2}" the Client Date of Birth reported in the NAT00080 is "{3}". This states the client to be under 15 years of age as at the start of the collection year. 130010: The Client Date of Birth value reported states that the Client is under 15 years of age as at the start of the collection year. Course Commencement Date Content 130011 For Client ID "{0}", Qualification/Course ID "{1}" the Course Commencement Date on the Qualification Completion (NAT00130) file does not match the Course Commencement Date on the NAT00120 "{2}". 130011: The Course Commencement Date in NAT00130 must be the same as the Course Commencement Date in NAT00120 for the same enrolment. DEECD Error Type Version 1 December 2013 91 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Blanks in data elements NAT00080 Client File cont. AT00010 Training Organisation File Address Street Name Statistical Area Level 1 Identifier Statistical Area Level 2 Identifier Victorian Student Number (VSN) Training Organisation Identifier Training Organisation Name Training Organisation Type Identifier Address First Line Address Second Line Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town Postcode State Identifier Contact Name Telephone Number Facsimile Number E-mail Address Software product name Software Vendor E-mail Address No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes NAT00020 Training Organisation Delivery Location Training Organisation Identifier Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier Training Organisation Delivery Location Name Postcode State Identifier Address Location – Suburb, Locality or Town Country Identifier Address Building/Property/Name Address Flat/Unit Details Address Street Number Address Street Name No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Qualification/Course Identifier Qualification/Course Name Nominal Hours Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier ANZSCO Identifier VET Flag No No No No No No No No NAT00060 Module/Unit of Competency File Module/Unit of Competency Flag Module/Unit of Competency Identifier Module/Unit of Competency Name Module/Unit of Competency FOE Identifier VET Flag Nominal Hours No No No No No No NAT00080 Client File Client (student) Identifier Name for Encryption Highest School Level Completed Year Highest School Level Completed Sex Date of Birth Postcode Indigenous Status Identifier Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Labour Force Status Identifier Country Identifier Disability Flag Prior Educational Achievement Flag At School Flag Proficiency in Spoken English Identifier Address Location – Suburb, Locality or Town Unique Student Identifier State Identifier Address Building/Property/Name Address Flat/Unit Details Address Street Number 92 DEECD NAT00085 Client Postal Details File Client (student) Identifier Client Title Client First Given Name Client Last Name (Surname) Address Building/Property/Name Address Flat/Unit Details Address Street Number Address Street Name Address Postal Delivery Box Address Postal – Suburb, Locality or Town Postcode State Identifier Telephone Number Home Telephone Number - Work Telephone Number - Mobile Email Address No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes NAT00090 Client Disability File Client (student) Identifier Disability Type Identifier No No NAT00100 Client Prior Educational Achievement Client (student) Identifier Prior Educational Achievement Identifier NAT00030 Course File No Yes Yes Yes No No NAT00120 Enrolment File Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier Client (student) Identifier Module/Unit of Competency Identifier Qualification/Course Identifier Enrolment Activity Start Date Enrolment Activity End Date Delivery Mode Identifier Outcome Identifier - National Scheduled Hours Funding Source - National Commencing Course Identifier Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships Study Reason Identifier VET in Schools Flag Specific Funding (Specific Program) Identifier Outcome Identifier - Training Organisation Funding Source - State Training Authority Client Tuition Fee Fee Exemption/Concession Type Identifier Purchasing Contract Identifier Purchasing Contract Schedule Identifier Hours Attended Associated Course Identifier Course Commencement Date Eligibility Exemption Indicator VET FEE-HELP (Income Contingent Loan) Indicator Industry Code (ANZSIC) No No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes NAT00130 Qualification Completed File Training Organisation Identifier Qualification/Course Identifier Client (student) Identifier Year Program Completed Qualification Issued Flag Course Commencement Date Version 1 No No No No No No December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Validations listed in numeric order The following table lists the error codes in numeric order together with the error description. Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 10001 10001: The Training Organisation file must contain exactly one record. FORM 10 10002 10002: The Training Organisation Identifier does not exist on the national list of Registered Training Organisations. CONTENT 11 10003 10003: The Training Organisation Identifier must match the Training Organisation Identifier (TOID) associated with the user's login details. FORM 10 10004 10004: Training Organisation Identifier (TOID) must be a 10 digit number. FORM 10 10006 10006: The E-mail address must not contain any spaces and must contain the '@' symbol, which cannot be the first or last character. FORM 11 10010 10010: Your student management system software product name and version details must have no more than 20 alphanumeric characters. FORM 11 10011 10011: The Address First Line must not be blank. FORM 10 10012 10012: Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town must not be blank. FORM 10 10013 10013: The Contact Name must not be blank. FORM 10 10014 10014: A Postcode must be a four digit number. FORM 10 10015 10015: The State Identifier must not be blank. FORM 10 10016 10016: The Telephone Number must not be blank. FORM 10 10017 10017: The Training Organisation Name must not be blank. FORM 10 10018 10018: The Training Organisation Type Identifier must not be blank. FORM 10 10019 10019: The Software vendor E-mail address must be a valid format. FORM 11 10020 10020: The Registered Training Organisation must match the Legal name. CONTENT (Warning) 11 103705 103705: Postcode must be a valid Australia Post postcode CONTENT 11 104652 104652: The Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town must be a valid location on Australia Post records for the reported Postcode CONTENT 11 20001 20001: The Training Organisation Delivery Location file must have at least one record. FORM 12 20002 20002: The Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier is mandatory in each record (cannot be blank). FORM 12 20003 20003: Each record on the Training Delivery Location file must have a unique Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier and each Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier must appear only once in the file. FORM 12 20005 20005: Each record on the Training Delivery Location file must contain a Training Organisation Deliver Location Name (the location name cannot be blank). FORM 12 20006 20006: Postcode must be valid (must match a postcode in the master list). CONTENT 14 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 93 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement 94 Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 20010 20010: Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town must not be blank. FORM 13 20011 20011: For postcodes other than VIC or OSPC, the Postcode must be consistent with the Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town (ie; match a postcode/description in the master list). CONTENT 14 20012 20012: Country Identifier must not be blank and must exist in country master list if Postcode is "OSPC”. CONTENT 14 20013 20013: TheTraining Organisation Identifier (TOID) must match the TOID in the Training Organisation (NAT00010) file. FORM 12 20014 20014: The Country Identifier must not be blank. FORM 13 20015 20015: A Postcode must be a four digit number, or OSPC, or VIC. FORM 13 20016 20016: The State Identifier must not be blank. FORM 13 20017 20017: The Address Street Number must not be blank. CONTENT 15 20018 1520018: The Address Street Name must not be blank. CONTENT 15 20019 20019: The state identifier must be 99 when postcode is "OSPC". FORM 13 20020 20020: The Address details must not change for an existing unique Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier. CONTENT 14 203707 203707: State Identifier must match the Postcode as defined by Australia Post CONTENT 14 204616 204616: No more than one record should exist for this Training Organisation Delivery Location Name. FORM 13 204639 204639: The training delivery location Postcode must not be a Postbox Postcode. Location postcodes must relate to a physical address. CONTENT 14 204648 204648: When Postcode is 'OSPC', Country Identifier cannot be '1100', '1101', '1102' or '1199'. FORM 13 30001 30001: The Qualification/Course Identifier is mandatory for each record in the Course (NAT00030) file and must not be blank. FORM 16 30002 30002: Each record on the Course (NAT00030) file must have a unique Qualification/Course Identifier must occur only once in the Course file. FORM 16 30004 30004: The Qualification/Course Name is mandatory for each record in the Course (NAT00030) file and must not be blank. FORM 17 30005 30005: Nominal Hours in the Course (NAT00030) file must be in 4 digit format. FORM 17 30006 30006: The Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier must be valid (ie match a value in the master list as specified in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines). CONTENT 20 30007 30007: The Qualification/Course Level of Education Id must be valid (ie match a value in the master list which is based on the Level of Education component of the Australian Standard Classification of Edcuation, ASCED, which is available from the ABS website CONTENT 21 30008 30008: If the Qualification/Course Recognition Id is 11, the Qualification/Course Level of Education Id must be within the range 211 to 621. CONTENT 20 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 30010 30010: The ANZSCO Identifier must be valid (ie; match an ANZSCO Identifier from the master list which is based on the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations which is available from the ABS website CONTENT 22 30011 30011: If the VET Flag in the Course (NAT00030) file is set to 'N', the ANZSCO Identifier must be set to 'NONVET' FORM 18 30012 30012: The VET Flag must be valid (ie; either 'Y' or 'N'). FORM 18 30015 30015: If Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier = 14, Nominal Hours in the Course (NAT00030) file, must not equal 0000. FORM 17 30016 30016: The Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier must not be blank. FORM 17 30017 30017: The Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier must not be blank. FORM 17 30018 30018: The Qualification/Course Id and Qualification/Course Recognition Id must be consistent. The Qualification/Course Recognition Id indicates this course is your RTO's local course but the Qualfication/Course Id matches a nationally recognised qualification or course. CONTENT (Warning) 19 30019 30019: The Qualification/Course Level of Education Id is not appropriate for the Qualification/Course Recognition Id which indicates that this is a local RTO course. CONTENT (Warning) 20 30020 30020: The ANZSCO Identifier cannot be ‘NONVET’ if the VET Flag in the Course (NAT00030) file is set to ‘Y’. CONTENT 22 30021 30021: Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier must be 13 when the Qualification/Course Identifier is a Skill Set in TGA. CONTENT 20 30022 30022: The Qualification/Course Identifier must be a recognised Skill Set in TGA when the Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier is "13". CONTENT 19 30023 30023: For Skillsets the Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier must be 991. CONTENT 21 30313 30313: The Qualification/Course Identifier must not contain spaces. FORM 16 303401 303401: Qualification/Course nominal hours should be between 0 and 9999 hours. FORM 17 303725 303725: Qualification/Course Field of Education Identifier must be valid. FORM 18 303830 303830: ANZSCO Id must not be blank. FORM 18 303848 303848: If Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier = 14 then the Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier must be in the range 611-99917 FORM 17 303851 303851: Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier is less than 621, indicating the course is a VET course, but the VET Flag is not 'Y'. CONTENT 21 303999 303999: The Field of Education reported must match a value in ASCED classification available on the ABS website. CONTENT 21 304501 304501: All Qualification/Course Identifiers in the NAT00030 must also exist in the Enrolment (NAT00120) and/or the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file. FORM 16 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 95 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement 96 Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 304511 304511: Courses reported with Qualification Recognition Identifier 11 or 12 must exist on the register of nationally recognised training. provides details of nationally endorsed Training Packages (Qualification/Course Recognition Id code 11) or nationally accredited Courses (Qualification/Course Recognition Id code 12). CONTENT 19 304515 304515: If Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier is 11 or 12 then VET Flag must be "Y". CONTENT 20 304617 304617: Qualification completion records should only be reported in the NAT00130 for courses that have VET Flag = ‘Y’. CONTENT 22 60001 60001: The Module/Unit of Competency Identifier is mandatory for each record in the Module (NAT00060) file and must not be blank. FORM 23 60002 60002: The Module/Unit of Competency Identifier must be unique in the Module (NAT00060) file and must only appear once. FORM 23 60003 60003: Module/Unit of Competency Flag must be 'C' or 'M'. FORM 23 60004 60004: The Module/Unit of Competency Name is mandatory for each record in the Module (NAT00060) file and must not be blank. FORM 24 60005 60005: The Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier must be valid (ie; match a Qualification field of education within the master list). CONTENT 25 60006 60006: The VET Flag must be valid (ie; either 'Y' or 'N'). FORM 24 60007 60007: Nominal Hours in the Module (NAT00060) file must be four digits. FORM 24 60009 60009: Where a Module has a Module/Unit of Competency Flag of C, the Module/Unit of Competency Id must exist in the master list which is based on units of competency specified in Training Package qualifications. CONTENT 25 60010 60010: If the Module/Unit of Competency Identifier does not exist in module master lists (based on Training Package units of competency and modules that form part of nationally accredited courses) then Nominal Hours must not equal '0000'. CONTENT 25 60011 60011: The Module/Unit of Competency Field of Education Identifier must not be blank. FORM 24 60301 60301: The Module/Unit of Competency Identifier must not contain spaces. FORM 23 60312 60312: Providers must not use broad Field of Education codes for the Field of Education Id in the Module/Unit of Competency (NAT00060) file - that is, the last 2 digits for the field of education must not be zero. Field of Education is a component of the Australian Standard Classification of Edcuation, ASCED, which is available from the ABS website CONTENT 26 603416 603416: If the Module/Unit of Competency Flag is set to C, the VET Flag must be set to Y as all units of competency are of vocational intent. CONTENT 26 603420 603420: Module nominal hours must be between 0000 and 1500. CONTENT 26 604516 604516: A record on the NAT00060 (NAT00060) file cannot be identified as a module if that record's Module/Unit of Competency Identifier exists on the national list of all units of competency that are specified in a nationally endorsed Training Package. CONTENT 25 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 80001 80001: The Client Identifier in the Client (NAT00080) file is mandatory, it must not be blank. FORM 27 80002 80002: Each record on the Client (NAT00080) file must contain a unique Client Id and each Client Id must appear no more than once in the Client file. FORM 27 80003 80003: The Client Identifier on the Client (NAT00080) file must also exist on the Enrolment (NAT00120) and/or the Qualification Completed (NAT00130) file. FORM 27 80004 80004: Highest School Level Completed on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie; must match a level in the master list as specified in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines). CONTENT 31 80005 80005: Sex on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie; M or F or @). FORM 28 80006 80006: The Date of Birth on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (8 digits in the format DDMMYYYY as specified in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines). FORM 28 80007 80007: The Date of Birth must not be in the future or too far in the past. CONTENT 31 80008 80008: For postcodes other than 0000, @@@@ or OSPC, the Postcode must be consistent with the Address Location - Suburb, Locality or Town (ie; match a postcode/description in the master list). CONTENT 33 80009 80009: The Indigenous Status Identifier on the NAT00080 file must be valid (ie; either 1, 2, 3, 4 or @). CONTENT 33 80010 80010: The Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Identifier on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie; match a Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Identifier from the master file). CONTENT 33 80011 80011: The Labour Force Status Identifier must be valid (match a valid Labour Force Status Identifier as specified in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines, namely 01 - 08 or @@). CONTENT 33 80013 80013: The Disability Flag on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie; either 'Y', 'N' or '@'). FORM 29 80014 80014: If the Disability Flag on the Client (NAT00080) file is 'Y', disability records must exist for this client on the Client Disability (NAT00090) file. FORM 29 80016 80016: The Prior Educational Achievement Flag on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie; either 'Y', 'N', or '@'). FORM 29 80017 80017: If the Prior Educational Achievement Flag on the Client (NAT00080) file is 'Y' prior educational achievement records must exist for this client on the Client Prior Education Achievement (NAT00100) file. FORM 29 80019 80019: The AT School Flag on the Client (NAT00080) file must be valid (ie either 'Y', 'N', or '@'). FORM 29 80021 80021: The Year Highest School Level Completed must be valid. To be valid the value must be 4 digits between 1900-9999 or @@@@. CONTENT 31 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 97 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement 98 Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 80022 80022: The Proficiency in Spoken English Identifier on the Client (NAT00080) file is mandatory and must be valid (ie; either 1,2,3,4 or @), if the Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Identifier on the Client (NAT00080) file is not 1201 (English) or 9700, 9701, 9702, 9799 or @@@@. FORM 30 80023 80023: The VSN must be null or 9 digits and must comply with the VSN generation algorithm. CONTENT 35 80030 80030: A Postcode must be a four digit number, or OSPC, or @@@@. FORM 28 80039 80039: VSN must be valid (9 digits or null). FORM 30 80040 80040: The Country Identifier must not be blank. FORM 29 80041 80041: The Highest School Level Completed must not be blank. FORM 27 80042 80042: The Indigenous Status Identifier must not be blank. FORM 28 80043 80043: The Labour Force Status Identifier must not be blank. FORM 29 80044 80044: The Main Language Other Than English Spoken at Home Identifier must not be blank. FORM 29 80045 80045: The Name for Encryption must not be blank. FORM 27 80046 80046: The Year Highest School Level Completed must not be blank. FORM 28 80047 80047: Date of Birth is missing for a student who commenced on or after 1/1/2010 and is a government funded student or domestic fee for service client. CONTENT 32 80048 80048: The Client Id must be unique to an individual client. CONTENT (Warning) 32 80049 80049: For every Student (ClientID) on the NAT80 file where the Indigenous Status Identifier is 1, 2 or 3, the Country Identifer must be 1100, 1101, 1102 or 1199. CONTENT (Warning) 34 80050 80050: Students with a degree or diploma should not still be at school. If the Prior Educational Achievement Identifier in the NAT00100 is coded 008, 410 or 420, then the AtSchoolFlag in the NAT00080 should be "N". CONTENT 34 80051 80051: A valid Victorian Student Number (VSN) must be entered for all Victorian students enrolled in any accredited or government funded training where the student is aged under 25. CONTENT (Warning) 36 80052 80052: The client has not been identified in the Client (NAT00080) file as disabled "Y" but a disability type record has been provided for this client in the Disability (NAT00090) file. CONTENT 34 80053 80053: The state identifier must be 99 when the postcode is OSPC. FORM 30 80054 80054: The Postcode must be "OSPC" when State Identifier is "99". FORM 28 80055 80055: The Year Highest School Level Completed must be "@@@@" when School Level Completed is "02". FORM 28 80056 80056: Proficiency in Spoken English must be blank when Main Language is 1201 (English), 9700 (Sign Language), 9701 (Auslan), 9702 (Makaton), 9799 (Sign languages, not elsewhere classified) or @@@@ (Not specified). FORM 30 80057 80057: The Address Street Number must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". CONTENT 35 80058 80058: The Address Street Name must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". CONTENT 35 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 80059 80059: It is expected that a student be over 14 years of age to be enrolled in VET training activity. CONTENT (Warning) 32 80060 80060: The State Identifier must not be blank. FORM 30 80061 80061: Unique Student Identifier must be blank. FORM 30 803236 803236: If Highest School Level Completed in the Client (NAT00080) file is 02 the Year Highest School Level Completed must be @@@@. FORM 27 803705 803705: Postcode must match Australia Post postcode CONTENT 33 803715 803715: The Country Id provided must match a value on the ABS Standard Australian Classification of Countries. CONTENT 33 803745 803745: If on the Client (NAT00080) file the Highest School Level Completed = 02 (Did not go to School), the At School Flag must be N. FORM 28 803752 803752: Year Highest School Level Completed is within 5 years of the date of birth or more than 100 years prior to the Collection Year. CONTENT 31 803830 803830: The Address Suburb Locality can only be blank when the postcode is 0000, @@@@ or OSPC. CONTENT 35 803832 803832: Client is <= 10 years of age but has been reported as having Prior Educational Achievement at Certificate 1 or higher. CONTENT 32 803839 803839: It is expected that students flagged as being at school cannot have a Labour Force Status of Full Time Employee. CONTENT (Warning) 35 804001 804001: The Prior Educational Achievement flag must be provided (cannot be “@”) for any client who commences a government funded or domestic fee for service enrolment after 1/1/2010. CONTENT 34 85001 85001: The Client Identifier in the Client Postal Details (NAT00085) file must have an associated record in the Client (NAT00080) file. FORM 37 85010 85010: Each record on the Client Postal Details (NAT00085) file must contain a unique Client Id. FORM 37 85030 85030: A Postcode must be a four digit number, or OSPC, or @@@@. FORM 37 85040 85040: The State Identifier must be numeric. FORM 37 85041 85041: Client First Given Name must not be blank. FORM 37 85042 85042: The Client Identifier in the Client (NAT00085) file is mandatory, it must not be blank. FORM 37 85043 85043: Client Last Name must not be blank. FORM 37 85044 85044: The state identifier must be 99 when postcode is "OSPC". FORM 38 85045 85045: The Postcode must be “OSPC” when State Identifier is "99". FORM 37 85046 85046: The Address Street Number must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". CONTENT 39 85047 85047: The Address Street Name must not be blank when postcode is not "OSPC", "0000" or "@@@@". CONTENT 39 85048 85048: The E-mail address must be a valid format. FORM 38 853705 853705: Postcode must match Australia Post postcode CONTENT 39 90001 90001: The Client Identifier in the Client Disability (NAT00090) file must also exist in the Client (NAT00080) file. FORM 40 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 99 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement 100 Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 90002 90002: The Disability Type Identifier on the Client Disability (NAT00090) file must be valid. Either 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 or 99. CONTENT 41 90003 90003: The Client Identifier in the Client (NAT00090) file is mandatory, it must not be blank. FORM 40 90004 90004: The Disability Type Identifier must not be blank. FORM 40 904000 904000: Records must not exist on the Client Disability (NAT00090) file when the student is identified as having no disability on the Client (NAT00080) file. CONTENT 40 100001 100001: The Client Identifier on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file must have an associate record in the Client (NAT00080) file. FORM 42 100002 100002: The Prior Educational Achievement Identifier on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file the must be either 008, 410, 420, 511, 514, 521, 524 or 990. CONTENT 43 100003 100003: Each record on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file must contain a unique Prior Educational Achievement Identifier. FORM 42 100004 100004: Each record on the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file must contain a unique Client Identifier. FORM 42 100005 100005: The Prior Educational Achievement Identifier must not be blank. FORM 42 1004001 1004001: Prior Educational Achievement records exist for this client on the NAT00100 file but the Prior Educational Achievement Flag for this Client Id on the Client (NAT00080) file is not Y. CONTENT 43 120001 120001: The Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must also exist in the Training Organisation Delivery Location file (NAT00020). FORM 44 120002 120002: The Client Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must also exist in the Client (NAT00080) file. FORM 44 120003 120003: The Module/Unit of Competency Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must also exist in the Module (NAT00060) file. FORM 44 120004 120004: The Qualification/Course Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must also exist in the Course (NAT00030) file. FORM 45 120005 120005: The Enrolment Activity Start Date must have a valid format of DDMMYYYY. FORM 46 120006 120006: The Enrolment Activity End Date must have a valid format of DDMMYYYY. FORM 47 120007 120007: The Enrolment Activity End Date must not be earlier than the collection period. FORM 47 120008 120008: The Enrolment Activity Start Date must not be later than the collection period end date. FORM 46 120009 120009: The Enrolment Activity Start Date cannot be later than the Enrolment Activity End Date. FORM 46 120010 120010: The Delivery Mode Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) must be valid (refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for valid codes, eg 10, 20, 30, 40, 90). CONTENT 64 120011 120011: If the Delivery Mode Identifier is 90 the Outcome Identifier National must be 51, 52, 53, 54 or 60. FORM 47 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 120012 120012: The Outcome Identifier - National must be a valid (refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for valid codes, eg 20, 30, 40, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 70, 81, 82 or 90). CONTENT 64 120015 120015: The Commencing Course Identifier must be valid ( 3, 4 or 8). CONTENT 69 120016 120016: If the Qualification/Course Identifier on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file is blank, the Commencing Course Identifier must be 8 (nodule only enrolment). FORM 48 120018 120018: The Funding Source Idenitifier - State Training Authority must be a valid value. Valid values are published in the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines. CONTENT 77 120019 120019: The Fee Exemption/Concession Type Identifier must be valid (refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for full list and description of valid codes). CONTENT 80 120021 120021: The Study Reason Identifier must be valid (eg '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '11', '12', '@@'). Refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for full list and description of valid codes. CONTENT 76 120022 120022: If Outcome Identifier - National = 60, the Scheduled Hours must be 0000 FORM 47 120023 120023: Scheduled Hours must be valid (0000-9999.) FORM 47 120027 120027: The Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority indicates that the student is undertaking their training as an apprentice or trainee. A valid Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships must be provided. CONTENT 77 120028 120028: The Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority indicates that the student is undertaking their training as an apprentice or trainee. A valid Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships must be provided. CONTENT 78 120029 120029: The Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (TCIAA) must be 10 characters long in your Enrolment (NAT00120) file. For Victorian apprentices this TCIAA identifier must contain only 8 digits. It must not contain the characters A to Z or other special characters such as a slash or dash unless the Funding Source Code - State Training Authority relates to fee for service or interstate apprentices (Z75, Z70, S). FORM 48 120030 120030: The Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (CIAA) must be 10 characters long. For Victorian apprentices the CIAA must contain only 10 digits. It must not contain the characters A to Z or other special characters such as a slash or dash unless the Funding Source Code - State Training Authority relates to fee for service or interstate apprentices (Z75, Z70, S). FORM 50 120033 120033: VET in School Flag value must be valid (Y or N). FORM 50 120034 120034: ANZSIC Industry code must be valid 2 digit number or blank. Refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for valid codes. FORM 54 120035 120035: If Course Commencement Date is earlier then than 1st July 2009, the Eligibility Exemption Identifier must be 'N'. FORM 53 120036 120036: If Funding Source - State Training Authority code relates to fee for service activity, the Eligibility Exemption Identifier must be N. FORM 53 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 101 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement 102 Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 120037 120037: Eligibility Exemption Indicator Identifier must be valid (Y or N). FORM 54 120038 120038: VET Fee Help (Income Contingent) Indicator must be valid (Y or N). FORM 54 120040 120040: The Industry code cannot be NULL if the Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority relates to the Skills for Growth initiative (ie LSG, PSG or SSG). CONTENT 86 120041 120041: VET Fee Help Flag must be N if qualification/course is not Diploma or higher level qualification. CONTENT 86 120042 120042: The ANZSIC reported is not a valid ANZSIC code. Refer to the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines for valid codes. CONTENT 86 120043 120043: The Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority must not be blank. FORM 51 120044 120044: The Client Identifier in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file is mandatory, it must not be blank. FORM 44 120045 120045: The Commencing Course Identifier must not be blank. FORM 48 120046 120046: The Delivery Mode Identifier must not be blank. FORM 47 120047 120047: The Fee Exemption/Concession Type Identifier must not be blank. FORM 51 120048 120048: The Funding Source Identifier - National must not be blank. FORM 48 120049 120049: The Module/Unit of Competency Identifier must not be blank. FORM 44 120050 120050: The Outcome Identifier - National must not be blank. CONTENT 64 120051 120051: The Study Reason Identifier must not be blank. FORM 50 120052 120052: The Training Organisation Delivery Location Identifier must not be blank. FORM 44 120053 120053: The purchasing contract identifier must be an integer or blank except where Funding Source Code Identifier - State Training Authority is S, Z70 or Z75. FORM 51 120054 120054: The Course Commencement Date is a mandatory field and must be a valid date format DDMMYYYY. FORM 53 120055 120055: Your submission includes modules/units of competency which have an Enrolment Activity Start Date after [current collection year] which have been identified as new course commencements. This indicates you are trying to submit data for [collection year+1]. SVTS is not yet open for [collection year +1] data submission. FORM 46 120056 120056: Modules with a Course Commencement Date in the current collection year have been identified as continuing course enrolements. This indicates you are trying to submit data for the next collection year and SVTS is not yet open for these data submissions. FORM 53 120057 120057: Your upload includes modules with a Purchasing Contract Id that relates to the next collection year or a future collection year. SVTS is not yet open for these data submissions. The Purchasing Contract Identifier must relate to a past or current collection year, it cannot relate to a collection year in the future. FORM 52 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 1200589 120058: A valid final Outcome Identifier - National must be entered for all units scheduled for completion in the current year by the final upload for the collection year. CONTENT 65 120059 120059: The Funding Source Id - National is not consistent with the Funding Source Id - State Training Authority. CONTENT 67 120060 120060: Units/modules are reported in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file with VET in Schools Flag "Y" so the At School Flag for these students on the Client (NAT0080) file must be "Y". CONTENT 87 120061 120061: A duplicate enrolment cannot exist in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file. A duplicate enrolment is identified where for a given Client Id, Qualification/Course Id, Module/Unit of Competency Id and Course Commencement Date, there are two or more records on the file that have the same Enrolment Activity Start Date and/or the same Enrolment Activity End Date. CONTENT 56 120063 120063: For all units/modules that make up a government funded course enrolment (that is groups of units/modules that have the same Client Id, Qualification/Course Id and Course Commencement Date combination), there should be no inconsistencies between records. The PurchasingContract Id is not the same for all units in this course enrolment. CONTENT (Warning) 81 12006410 120064: Where the Enrolment Activity End Date is 60 or more days prior to the latest upload date, the Outcome Identifier - National should not be 90. CONTENT (Warning) 64 120066 120066: Students with a degree or diploma cannot be enrolled in a Year 10-12 course. If the Prior Educational Achievement Identifier in the Client Prior Educational Achievement (NAT00100) file is coded 008, 410 or 420, the Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier in the Course (NAT00030) file cannot be 611 (year 12) 613 (year 11) or 621 (year 10). CONTENT (Warning) 60 120067 120067: Hours attended on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file cannot be greater then the Scheduled Hours on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file. CONTENT 81 120070 120070: For all units/modules that make up a course enrolment (that is groups of units/modules that have the same Client Id, Qualification/Course Id and Course Commencement Date combination), the Commencing Course ID must be consistent for all units/modules within that course enrolment. CONTENT 70 120071 120071: The Scheduled Hours must not be greater than twice the CONTENT 66 national nominal hours for the Module/Unit of Competency. (New 2012) 120072: The data uploaded does not contain any training activity which has an Enrolment Activity End Date in the current year. This may indicate that you are trying to submit data for a future collection year. CONTENT (Warning) 120072 9 (Only active from December to end of each collection year) (Only active up to November then replaced by 120058) 64 This validation only operates from December until the end of each collection year. This validation operates during the year to minimise the impact when 120058 is activated as an Error each December. 10 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 103 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 120073 120073: Withdrawals from Government funded training must be reported with Outcome Identifier – National code 40 CONTENT 65 120074 120074: This student has enrolled in more than two new government subsidised courses this year. CONTENT (Warning) 60 120075 120075: Student details submitted to SVTS indicate that the student is undertaking training in more than 2 government subsidised course enrolments. The Victorian Training Guarantee allows students to enrol in no more than 2 concurrent courses and in no more than 2 new courses in any calendar year. CONTENT (Warning) 60 120076 120076: The Enrolment Activity Start Date should not be before the Course Commencement Date. CONTENT 62 120077 120077: For all units being reported for student course enrolments that have a Course Commencement Date prior to 01 July 2012, at least one reported unit of competency/module that is being attained through training (ie is not Credit Transfer or Recognition of Current Competency or Withdrawal with no attendance) must have an Enrolment Activity Start Date that is prior to 01 July 2012. CONTENT 85 120078 120078: Client Tuition Fee field must be reported for all government subsidised training that is not Recognition of Current Competency or Credit Transfer. CONTENT 79 120079 120079: The Client Tuition Fee value reported is higher than an acceptable hourly tuition fee rate. CONTENT 80 120080 120080: Associated Course Identifier must be blank. CONTENT 82 120081 120081: National Funding Source Code must be "30" (International Full Fee-Paying student) when training delivery is overseas. CONTENT 67 120082 120082: Specific Funding Identifier in NAT00120 must be blank. CONTENT 50 120083 120083: This student has enrolled in a Foundation Course but has Prior Education of Diploma or above. CONTENT 58 120084 120084: Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifiers 213 and 222 are no longer valid for VET enrolments starting on or after 1/1/2014. 120085: This student has been reported in a Government Funded course but is at school and therefore not eligible for government funding. CONTENT 61 CONTENT 58 120309: Training Contract Identifier must exist in DELTA except where Funding Source Code Identifier – State Training Authority is Z70 or Z75. CONTENT 72 120310: The Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships must match the Client Identifier (student number) in DELTA for the specified Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships except where Funding Source Identifier – State Training Authority is Z70 or Z75. CONTENT 120085 12030911 12031012 11 12 (Off from 2011) 75 (Off from 2011) This validation has been de-activated from January 2011 and replaced by Funding Status Reject Code 18 This validation has been de-activated from January 2011 and replaced by Funding Status Reject Code 18 104 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 120311 120311: Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships and Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships cannot be the same for Victorian apprentices (this may occur occasionally when the Funding Source Code - State Training Authority is Z75 or Z70). CONTENT 72 120327 120327: Only units of competency/modules with VET Flag Y can be government funded. Units/modules reported as government funded with Funding Source Identifier - National of 11 or 15 cannot have VET Flag N on the module file (NAT00060). CONTENT 67 120347 120347: Only TAFE institutes can report training delivery with Funding Source Identifier - State Training Authority Z10. CONTENT 78 120357 120357: The VET Flag for this unit/module is N in SVTS reference data so both the Funding Source Id - State Training Authority and the Funding Source Id - National must relate to fee for service (not government funded) activity. CONTENT 68 120358 120358: The unit/module is being reported with a Funding Source Id - National that indicates that the unit is government funded. The VET Flag is N. Only VET courses can be government funded. CONTENT 68 120501 120501: For funded enrolments to be paid through SVTS, the RTO must supply a Purchasing Contract Id that is valid, has a status of Funded and applies to the type of funding that is being claimed (eg based on Course Commencement Date, Funding Source Id - State Training Authority). This applies to all Funding Programs. CONTENT 80 120502 120502: The course must be in the RTO's scope of registration. This applies to all Funding Programs. CONTENT 58 120503 120503: The Course Commencement Date must fall within the same calendar year as its associated funding contract. This applies to all Funding Programs. CONTENT 61 120504 120504: For funding purposes, the State ID on the Training Organisation Delivery Location (NAT00020) file must be 02 (Victoria). This applies to all Funding Programs. CONTENT 55 120505 120505: A student cannot be assigned to both an ATTP and PETP contract simultaneously by an RTO. This error will be reported against PETP enrolments. CONTENT (Warning) 56 120510 120510: The Purchasing Contract Schedule Identifier must be a valid submission number for the RTO and cannot have a status of withdrawn. The Purchasing Contract Schedule Identifier is mandatory for private RTOs claiming PETP funding but must be left blank by TAFE Institutes and ACE providers. CONTENT 81 120511 120511: For PETP funded enrolments reported on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file, the Enrolment Activity Start Date and Enrolment Activity End Dates must fall within the commencement and completion dates specified for this PETP Submission on the RTO's Attachment T to their Funding Contract. This applies to PETP funding programs only. CONTENT 62 120512 120512: The training must be delivered in a suburb that falls within the region specified on the RTO's Attachment T submission for a claim to be able to be created. This applies to PETP programs only. CONTENT 55 120513 120513: Only courses identified on the Attachment T for each particular PETP submission are eligible for funding. CONTENT 58 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 105 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 120520 120520: A valid Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (DELTA Training Agreement number) must be provided for funded enrolments for Apprentices and Trainees. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. CONTENT 73 120521 120521: The Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (DELTA student number) identified by the RTO must be the DELTA student number identified on the DELTA training agreement. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. CONTENT 75 120522 120522: The qualification in DELTA must match the qualification uploaded by the RTO for each DELTA Training Agreement. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. CONTENT 59 120523 120523: To be eligible for ATTP funding, the TA type and Scheme type of the DELTA Training Agreement must be a type that is funded. This only applies to ATTP Programs (not Skills for Victoria). CONTENT 59 120524 120524: To be eligible for funding, training must commence within 3 months of the commencement date of the student's DELTA Training Agreement. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. CONTENT (Warning) 82 120525 120525: The Enrolment Activity End Date for a Module/Unit of Competency cannot exceed the DELTA nominal end date for the Delta Training Agreement relevant to this student's enrolment. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. CONTENT 63 120526 120526: The Enrolment Activity Start Date must not be prior to the DELTA Training Contract commencement date. This only applies to enrolments with a Funding Source Id - State Training Authority that identifies that the student is being funded under an Apprentice/Trainee funding program. CONTENT 61 12052713 120527: The course must exist and be active in the ATTP Courses table and must not be flagged as "no new enrolments". This only applies to ATTP funded programs. CONTENT 59 120528: The claim must not be for a qualification that has previously been uploaded as completed. This validation applies to Funding Programs identified as Apprenticeships/Traineeships. CONTENT 120529: DELTA indicates that this student Completed/Terminated this Training Agreement more than 90 days ago. Please ensure that all training delivery under this agreement is reported successfully to SVTS and claimed prior to the end of the current Collection Year. CONTENT (Warning) 12052814 120529 13 14 (Off) 57 (Off) 73 This validation has been de-activated and may be re-activated at a later stage This Validation has been de-activated and may be re-activated at a later stage. 106 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 120530 120530: A module/unit of competency for a Trainee or Apprentice cannot end after the DELTA Termination date. This only applies to funding programs identified as Apprenticeships/Traineeships. CONTENT 63 12053115 120531: The Training Organisation Id (TOID) on the DELTA Training Agreement must exist and must match the TOID of the RTO uploading the enrolment record. CONTENT 55 120532 120532: To be eligible for Funding, the Course ID must exist in the Funded Courses table. CONTENT 59 120533 120533: No Purchasing Contract Id has been provided for any of the module/unit of competency enrolments in your Enrolment (NAT00120) file. No payment can be made without a valid Purchasing Contract Id. CONTENT (Warning) 80 120534 120534: It is expected that a student enrolled in a particular course cannot have more than 4 different Course Commencement Dates for that course. CONTENT 83 120535 120535: It is expected that a student enrolled in a particular course should not have more than 2 different Course Commencement Dates for that course CONTENT (Warning) 84 12053616 120536: The same Funding Source Id - State Training Authority must be reported for every module and/or unit of competency that is part of a student's enrolment in a course. (All modules/units of competency which are reported with the same Client Id, Qualification/Course Id and Course Commencement Date combination are considered to be part of the same course enrolment). CONTENT 79 120537 120537: For each course enrolment (the same Client Id, Qualification/Course Id and Course Commencement Date combination), there must be one or more modules or units of competency in your NAT00120 Enrolment file for which the Enrolment Activity Start Date is on or after the Course Commencement Date. The Course Commencement Date should be the date the student first started training in the course. CONTENT 62 12053817 120538: When a purchasing contract ID is reported, the Course Commencement Date cannot be before the Contract Start Date for that purchasing contract/service agreement . CONTENT 84 120539 120539: The same Eligibility Exemption Id must be reported for every module and/or unit of competency that is part of a student's enrolment in a course. (All modules/units of competency which are reported with the same Client Id, Qualification/Course Id and Course Commencement Date combination are considered to be part of the same course enrolment). CONTENT 85 120540 120540: Eligibility Exemption Indicator Y is only valid for government funded Course Commencements made on or after 1/1/2013 if the Funding Source Id – State Training Authority is WTP, WTL, NGP, NGL. CONTENT 86 (Off from 2011) 15 This validation has been de-activated from January 2011 and replaced with Funding Status Reject Code 18 This warning has been changed to content error from January 2012 17 This content validation has been inactive during 2010 and re-activated in 2011 16 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 107 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement 108 Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 120541 120541:The Client Tuition Fee must be blank, NULL or contain only numeric characters (0-9). Report Client Tuition Fee in cents charged per Scheduled Hour – do not include a decimal point. FORM 51 120543 120543: For a withdrawn unit, the Hours Attended is equal to the Scheduled Hours when it is expected that the Hours Attended should be less than the Scheduled Hours. CONTENT (Warning) 82 120544 120544: The Commencing Course Id appears inconsistent with the Course Commencement Date. The Commencing Course Id 4 indicates the student commenced their course enrolment prior to the current collection year BUT their Course Commencement Date is in this collection year. This may be possible, for example, if the student has transferred to a later version of their original course/qualification in the current collection year. CONTENT (Warning) 70 120545 120545: The Commencing Course Id is inconsistent with the Course Commencement Date. The Commencing Course Id 3 indicates the student commenced their course enrolment in the current collection year BUT their Course Commencement Date is prior to this collection year. CONTENT 71 120546 120546: To be eligible for funding the course must be approved for funding on the RTOs Scope of Registration. CONTENT 61 120801 120801: There is an inconsistency between the VET Flag for this student's Qualification/Course and the VET Flag for the Module/Unit of Competency. CONTENT 56 1203212 1203212: The Activity Start Date must not be more than 5 years prior to the Collection Year CONTENT 58 1203251 1203251: If the Enrolment Activity End Date is after the collection period end date, the Outcome Identifier - National must be 70. CONTENT 65 1203252 1203252: If Enrolment Activity End Date On the Enrolment (NAT00120) file is less then or equal to the collection period end date therefore the Outcome Id - National must NOT be 70. CONTENT 66 1203253 1203253: Time between Enrolment Activity End Date and Enrolment Activity Start Date must not span more than 5 years. CONTENT 63 1203408 1203408: Scheduled Hours cannot be more than twice the number of Nominal Hours associated with the Module/Unit of Competency on the module master file for courses with Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier 11 or 12. CONTENT 66 1203742 1203742: The Funding Source - National in the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must be valid (11, 13, 15, 20, 30,80). CONTENT 68 1204620 1204620: Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships must not be blank when the client has a Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships. FORM 49 1204621 1204621: If the Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file is not blank, the corresponding Qualification/Course Level of Education Identifier on the Course (NAT00030) file must be in the range 0 to 599. FORM 49 1204622 1204622: Each client will usually have no more than one Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships (DELTA number). CONTENT (Warning) 76 1204623 I1204623: If the Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file is not blank, the corresponding Qualification/Course Recognition Identifier on the Course (NAT00030) file must be 11 or 12. FORM 49 DEECD Version 1 December 2013 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation Supplement 2014 Validation Supplement Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 1204624 1204624: Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships must not be blank when the client has a Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships. FORM 50 1204643 1204643: The Client Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships and Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships fields on the Enrolment (NAT00120) file must be blank when the Qualification/Course Identifier is blank. FORM 45 124622018 1246220: For a given client undertaking a specific Qualification/Course, the Training Contract Identifier - Australian Apprenticeships must be the same for each module within this Qualification/Course. CONTENT 74 130001 130001: Clients reported in the completions file (NAT00130) must also exist in the Client file (NAT00080). FORM 89 130003 130003: If the program was completed in the collection year, client enrolment records must exist in the NAT00120 file. FORM 88 130004 130004: The Qualification Issued Flag must be either 'Y' or 'N' on the completions file. FORM 90 130005 130005: No more than one completion record is to be provided for each student for each course they complete in a given year. That is, the combination of Client Identifier, Qualification/Course Identifier and Year must be unique (cannot have duplicate records). FORM 89 130006 130006: The Qualification/Course Identifier must exist in the course file (NAT00030). FORM 88 130007 130007: The Client Identifier in the Client (NAT00130) file is mandatory, it must not be blank. FORM 89 130008 130008: The Qualification/Course Identifier reported in the Completions (NAT00130) file must not be blank. FORM 88 130009 130009: The Client Date of Birth value reported cannot be greater than or equal to the year qualification completed. FORM 89 130010 130010: The Client Date of Birth value reported states that the Client is under 15 years of age as at the start of the collection year. CONTENT 91 130011 130011: The Course Commencement Date in NAT00130 must be the same as the Course Commencement Date in NAT00120 for the same enrolment. For Clientid “{0}”, Qualification/Course ID “{1}” the Year Program Completed cannot be blank. CONTENT 91 FORM 90 130013 For Clientid “{0}”, Qualification/Course ID “{1}” the Course Commencement Date cannot be blank. FORM 90 130014 130014: The Training Organisation Identifier cannot be blank. FORM 88 1303217 1303217: The Year Program Completed must not be more than 10 years before this collection year. FORM 89 1303242 1303242: The Year Program Completed must be no later than the collection year. FORM 89 130012 18 (Off) This validation has been de-activated and may be re-activated at a later stage DEECD Version 1 December 2013 109 Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines – 2014: Validation upplement 2014 Validation Supplement 110 Error Code Description Error Type Page No. 1304008 1304008: There must not be any records in the Qualification Completed file for courses that have Qualification Course Level of Education on the course (NAT00030) file of 999 or 912. CONTENT 90 1304009 1304009: Only VET qualifications should be included on the NAT00130 completions file. CONTENT 91 1304526 1304526: The Training Organisation Identifier included in this file is not on the Training Organisation (NAT00010) file. FORM 88 DEECD Version 1 December 2013