BRIDG Animal.speciesCode A coded value specifying one of the

BRIDG Animal.speciesCode
A coded value specifying one of the basic units of biological classification and taxonomic rank that specifies a group
of organisms that share similar characteristics and can interbreed with one another to produce fertile offspring.
Canis lupus, Rattus rattus
Assuming this is a two-part name, a "binomial name". The first part of a binomial name is the generic name, the
genus of the species. The second part is also called the specific name.
SDTM new variable NSPCES:
Biological classification for a non-host organism. Examples: BACTERIUM, HCV, HIV, PLASMODIA
CDISC Notes:
In findings domains, --MSPCES holds the species of the pathogen to which the subject is a host when the pathogen is the focus
of the observation. In instances when both the subject and the pathogen are tested, records for the pathogen are distinguished
and differentiated from records for the subject by the use of the --MSPCES variable. Not to be confused with special purpose
variable SPECIES, which holds the species of the subject in the DM domain[1].
Except when the species is already defined at a higher level.
Current mapping path for USUBJID in LB:
Activity.PerformedActivity.PerformedObservation > Subject > SubjectIdentifier.identifier WHERE
SubjectIdentifier.typeCode ="cross study identifier"
Mapping path for NSPCES in PF:
Activity.PerformedActivity.PerformedObservation > Subject > Animal>Animal.speciesCode
Where the animal is one that has been isolated from a specimen taken from the study subject
And in this case, the mapping to USUBJID is by way of the specimen:
Activity.PerformedActivity.PerformedObservation > Subject >Specimen>SpecimenCollection>Subject>
SubjectIdentifier.identifier WHERE SubjectIdentifier.typeCode ="cross study identifier"