Mathematics Supplies List

Mathematics Department Supplies
Math 8
Set of #2 pencils
Red Pen for correcting work
Notebook—either a three ring binder with dividers, or spiral/composition with folder
Square grid graph paper
TI-30x Scientific Calculator
Integrated Algebra, Integrated Algebra w/lab:
Set of #2 pencils
Red Pen for correcting work
Notebook—either a three ring binder with dividers, or spiral/composition with folder
Square grid graph paper
TI-83+ Graphing Calculator
Integrated Geometry, Integrated Geometry (H), Math B2, Math AB-3:
Set of #2 pencils
Red Pen for correcting work
Notebook—either a three ring binder with dividers, or spiral/composition with folder
Square grid graph paper
Ruler, Protractor, Compass
TI-83+ Graphing Calculator
Applied Math for College, College Prep Math:
Set of #2 pencils
Red Pen for correcting work
Notebook—either a three ring binder with dividers, or spiral/composition with folder
Square grid graph paper
Ruler, Protractor, Compass
Colored Pencils and Crayons
TI-83+ Graphing Calculator
Math 412, SUPA Statistics, Calculus AB, Calculus BC:
Set of #2 pencils
Red Pen for correcting work
Notebook—either a three ring binder with dividers, or spiral/composition with folder
Square grid graph paper
TI-83+ Graphing Calculator
**Individual teachers will have additional supplies they require; students will be
notified of these supplies on the first day of school.