Program Guide for the BS in Psychology, as of Fall Semester, 2014 Presented in preferred order because of pre-requisites. Major can be completed in twoyears, full-time. Finishing the major will satisfy the QR requirement and depending on course selection, other General Education/Distribution requirements. 15 PSYC 1001 Introduction to Psychology Statistics/Methods 15 PSYC 2001C and 2002C or 2004C (A ‘C’ or better is required for the major) Experimental (Core) 2 Courses (6 hours) from the following: PSYC 2020 Cognition and Learning PSYC 2025 Psychology of Development, Learning and Change PSYC 2030 Sensation and Perception PSYC 2070 Psychobiology Social/Personaltiy/Development (Core) 2 courses (6 hours) from the following: PSYC 2005 Child/Adolescent Development OR PSYC 2007 Adult /Aging PSYC 2015 Social Psychology PSYC 2051 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 2053 Psychology and Personality Advanced Science 3 3000 level courses or higher EXCEPT practicums (PSYC 3052 Fieldwork, PSYC 3053 Research, PSYC 3059 Teaching) Elective 1 additional course selected from any course 2000 level or higher. Capstone (Towards the end of major, after completion of 2001C & 2002C or 2004C) Choose 2 courses from: PSYC 5050-5062 (Research Methods in_______ ) OR PSYC 4038 (Senior Thesis). Psychology BS Requirements INTRODUCTORY COURSE (1 course, 3 hours) ADVANCED SCIENCE (3 courses, 9 hours) PSYC 1001 Introduction to Psychology 3000 level courses or higher (EXCEPT 3052, 3053, or 3059) 1 STATISTICS AND RESEARCH METHODS (2 courses, 8 hours) 2 PSYC 2001C Psych Stats & Research Methods (4hrs) 3 PSYC 2002C or 2004C Psych Stats & Research Methods (4hrs) ELECTIVE (1 course, 3 hours) EXPERIMENTAL (2 courses, 6 hours) Any Psychology course 2000 level and above PSYC 2020 Cognition and Learning 1 PSYC 2025 Psychology of Development, Learning and Change PSYC 2030 Sensation and Perception PSYC 2070 Psychobiology CAPSTONE COURSES (2 courses, 6 hours) Choose from PSYC 5050-5062 Research Methods in ____ or SOCIAL/DEVELOPMENTAL/PERSONALITY (2 courses, 6 hours) PSYC 4038 Senior Thesis (required for departmental honors) PSYC 2005 Child/Adolescent Dev OR PSYC 2007 Adult/Aging 1 PSYC 2015 Social Psychology 2 PSYC 2051 Abnormal Psychology PSYC 2053 Psychology of Personality 9 Maximum credits given for each of the following: FieldWork, Teaching and Research practicum (2052, 2096, 2097)