Settlers: Cities and Knights

Settlers: Cities and Knights
Part A - Overview
Please read this overview first, it outlines the most important changes with respect to the basic game.
Then read part B on the following couple of pages first - the new additional game control. The big
illustration below shows a prepared playing board that you should at least employ in the first game.
The small illustrations show the new raw material gains per town. In the Part C, you will find tips to the
development cards, a material list and notes on pasting the playing figures.
Catan is in danger - dark clouds gather over the peaceful Catans. Wild barbarians, lured by Catan's
wealth, sail here to invade the country.
There is enough time remaining in order to stop the danger. The number of barbarians always
corresponds to the number of Cities in Catan. When the barbarian army strikes, the sum of all knights
every player has, must be at least as strong as the barbarians.
If Catan succeeds to conquer the barbarians, the danger is momentarily eliminated. However, if the
knights of Catan are too weak, then the barbarians will invade city. The invaded city is considered to
be looted and after this raid it becomes a settlement.
This loss always hits the player who contributed with no or with the fewest knights to the defence of
Catan. So do not tempt fate, and create knights during your game.
Apart from this external enemy, the players might compete ferociously for the building of three
metropolises! To construct a metropolis - which is worth two (2) victory points - players must further
develop their cities.
The city development is only possible using the new "commodity" cards. A player only receives
commodities for cities which border ore mines, forest or pastures.
In the beginning everyone starts with a Settlement and a City. If you receive raw materials for a city
bordering ore mines, forest or pastures, you receive only 1 raw material card, but additionally you get
a corresponding commodity.
You can develop your cities using cash in the direction of politics (blue); paper makes the expansion
possible in the direction of science (green) and cloth makes the expansion possible in the direction of
trade (yellow). You receive a Metropolis (+ 2 victory points) as soon as you reach the fourth
development level, in any of these 3 areas, only if you are the first to get there.
Continuing city development increases your chances - through the fitting combination of red
numbered die and event die - of getting new development cards, which enable considerably deeper
interventions into the game than before.
Therefore, prepare yourselves for a hard life in Catan - this is no longer a game! The one to achieve
13 victory points first, wins.
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Part B - Playing guide
Structure of the island (For the first play)
Despite the variable playing board we recommend that you use - for the first time you play - the starting
playing board as shown: thus it is guaranteed that there is sufficient quantity of raw material in play above all wheat.
First set the borders together. Always join the sections with the same letters.
Inside the borders you set the playing board exactly as shown in the big picture: land fields, over
them the number chips and the sea fields as shown. Start by placing the new double sea field with
the white circles (for the ship of the barbarians).
On the right of and on the left of it you put then the sea fields in such a way that empty sea fields and
port fields always alternate.
Note: After the first play you should use then the variable playing board - as you do for the basic settlers
The following material of the basic game is NOT needed: development cards, construction cost cards, the
"largest knight army" card, 1 die. (You use one white die and the red die)
The following materials should be placed on the table in the following way:
 The raw material cards are separated into 5 piles according to their types and laid out beside the
playing board (face up).
 The new "commodity" cards are sorted according to their types in 3 piles and laid out underneath the
raw material cards (face up). Placing the "money" cards underneath the ore cards, the "paper" cards
underneath the wood cards and the "cloth" cards underneath the wool cards.
 The new "development cards" are sorted in 3 piles: trade (yellow), politics (blue), science (green).
These three piles are shuffled and laid out on the other side of the playing board (face down).
 The three metropolises, their appropriate chips, the dealer figure, the white as well as the red
numbered dice and the event dice are put beside the playing board, along with the "longest road"
 The ship, with which the barbarian army sails, is set on the launching field S.
Each player selects a colour and receives:
 5 settlements, 4 cities, 15 roads
 6 knights (2 simple knights, 2 strong knights, 2 powerful knights)
 3 city walls
 1 development calendar for the city development
Settlements and cities - Establishment Phase:
All players roll the dice. Whoever gets the highest number, begins. He places first a settlement and a road
- according to the rules of the basic Settlers game. Then, in the second phase, instead of a settlement, a
city and a road are placed.
Important: Make sure that you have access to wheat and do not forget that only three fields produce
Each player receives one raw material card for each field, which borders on his city.
The cards are laid down in front of the player.
Each player places his development calendar in front of him - closed, with the first page upward.
(The pages that shows building costs should be visible at the start)
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An Overview of the Game-play
The player with the highest die-roll starts. Each player, in his turn, should perform the following described
1. He must throw and thus determine all three dice:
 The event (die with symbols).
 The gain of a development card (RED numbered die).
 Raw material yields for all players (both numbered dice).
 The gain of "commodities" (only available to cities).
2. He can in any order:
1. Trade - with the bank or other players.
2. Build
 as before: roads, settlements, cities; NEW: city walls.
 "simple knights" and activate them.
 develop his cities - with the "commodities" cards.
Additionally: the player, who is in turn, can during his turn, but only after the dice have been rolled:
 play development cards, and or
 execute knight actions.
Exception: Before the dice have been rolled the "Alchemist" is the only development card that can be
Game-Play in Detail
1. Dice results
After a player throws all three dice, the dice results are processed in the following order:
Event die
If it shows the ship symbol, then the ship approaches one circle towards Catan. If the ship reaches
the last circle (with the axe), then the army of the barbarians lands on Catan. The players must have
"activated" knights in order to be able to strike back the barbarians. See details on "fighting the
barbarians army".
Event die + red numbered die
If it shows a coloured-Castle symbol, then all players check whether they may draw a "development
card". In order to receive a development card a player must:
 have developed a city in the direction related to the colour of the Castle on the die: blue-politics,
yellow-trade, green-science; and
 the number on the red die is shown on his city development calendar.
Assume the dice have been rolled and the result is:
Original die: 5
Red die: 3
Event die: Yellow Castle
The following happens:
- All settlements/cities bordering tiles with an "8" on them receive raw materials
- All players with a City developed after "Zunft" (Number 3 shown in the "development Calendar") receive
a Yellow Development Card
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2. Trading
The commercial possibilities of the basic game are preserved, and the following new rules apply to the
new "commodity" cards.
 Commodities can be exchanged at will with the other players; also in the ratio 4:1 with the bank
against another commodity or a raw material. The exchange of commodities must be however
uniform. A player who has a 3:1 port, may also exchange commodities in the ratio 3:1 for raw
 You can also exchange raw material for commodities (e.g. exchange 4 clay for 1 "cloth" commodity,
or with a clay port you could exchange 2 clay for 1 "cloth" commodity).
 Development cards cannot be traded.
3. Building
The players can build roads, settlements and cities, during their turn, as they used to do in the basic
The new building possibilities are:
City Wall
 The building of a city wall costs 2 clay cards; the wooden block that represents a city wall is
placed under the city figure.
 Each city wall increases the number of raw material cards, which a player may hold when the
number 7 is rolled, by 2 cards.
 If a player loses a city, then he also loses the city wall of that city.
 Knights are represented by wooden disks. One side of the disk shows
a knight head- the "passive side". A "passive" knight cannot undertake
any action. The other side of the disk shows iron gloves - that is the
"active side" - only when this side is facing up can a knight intervene in
the play.
 A Knight may have one of three levels: simple knight, strong knight
and powerful knight. They are represented on the passive side by different head sizes, on the
active side by 1, 2 or 3 gloves. Each glove signifies 1 point of strength.
Knights Set up
 The cost for placing a knight on the playing board is 1 ore and 1 wool raw material card. Then
the player can place a simple knight on the playing board.
 The knight must be placed with his passive side upward on a free crossing, on one of the
player's roads - a knight interrupts another player's road and also prevents other players from
building roads at this crossing.
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Example: The red Player has four crossings (see arrows
on figure), on which he could set up his knights. If the red
player places his knight as shown on crossing "A", he
blocks the blue player - only red can build a road now
from that crossing. If red had placed his knight on crossing
"B", he would have interrupted the trade route of the blue
Activating a Knight
 A player activates a knight that is on the playing board, by paying 1 wheat raw material
(independently of the strength of the knight); that applies also to a knight that was just built. The
knight is then turned to the active side - the "glove" symbol is face up.
 A player, who activates one of his knights, may not execute an action for this knight in the same
Knight Upgrading
 A simple knight can, in the same turn it was built (or in any later turn), be also upgraded. By
paying 1 ore and 1 wool raw material wool it becomes a strong knight. The player replaces the
simple knight disk on playing board with a strong knight on the same position the simple knight
was. Knights may be upgraded in passive or in active status.
 On the same way a strong knight can be upgraded to a powerful knight. A player can upgrade to
powerful knights ONLY if he has already established a fortress (third city development - politicsblue-"Festung"). A knight may be upgraded only once in a round.
4. The Development of Cities
If a player has "commodity" cards, then he can develop his cities. Even if a player has only one city, he
can still develop his city in all three areas (trade, politics, science).
City developments are made using the "city development calendar" which is in front of the player. The
development calendar has three separated sections, one for each of the three possible development
areas: yellow-trade; blue-politics; green-science. In each area there are five stages of development,
therefore each section has five pages. At the beginning of the play the section is closed, since no player
has yet developed a city in any area.
The first city development of an area always costs ONE commodity card. Each page shows, which
commodity is needed in each case.
Using e.g. a "cloth" commodity, a player can build a market and he can turn to the next page in the
trade section. The next page then shows the established building and two red dice. These red dice
display when a player can receive development cards. See item "Development Cards".
Each second city development in one area (turn second page) costs two commodities, third three
etc.. With each development the chances of receiving development cards improves (more red dice).
If a player develops a city to its third stage of development, then he can (see development
Guild (yellow): from now on exchange "commodities" in the ratio 2:1.
Fortress (blue): from now on upgrade "strong knights" to "powerful knights".
Aqueduct (green): from now on take any raw material, if when the dice is thrown you cannot take any
raw material. Exception: when 7 is rolled.
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Note (added by the translator): A variation of the Aqueduct (green) would be: "from now on take any
raw material, if you do not have a settlement or a city on the border of a land field that contains the
number rolled. Exception: when 7 is rolled."
Metropolises (yellow town-gate figure)
 The first player, who builds a building (bank, cathedral or theatre) of the fourth level in one of the
three areas (trade, politics or science), sets a metropolis figure on one of his cities. To indicate which
type this Metropolis is he places a metropolis chip (square white castle) on the relevant page of his
development calendar. A city developed to metropolis counts four victory points (2 for the city + 2 for
the metropolis) altogether.
 Altogether three metropolises can be built: One for the trade, one for the science and one for the
politics. The owner of a metropolis can lose his metropolis only if another player develops a city to
the fifth stage of development in this area before him. A metropolis is safe, if the owner reaches the
fifth stage of development. A player can also build more than one metropolis, if he reaches the fourth
level and has sufficient cities to upgrade.
 If a player possesses only one city, which he has already developed to a metropolis, then he can
only develop the two other areas up to the third level. The fourth stage of development is only
permitted after the building of a another city.
Example: a player possesses a Metropolis, since he built a "cathedral" in the politics area. Another player
now builds the "Advice Catans" (Rat Catans), so he now receives the Metropolis from the other player,
and this Metropolis cannot be lost in the future anymore.
5. Development Cards
Receiving Development Cards
The awarding of "development cards" has the following conditions:
The player must have at least a city development - his development calendar must show red dice.
The first city development shows two red dice, the second three red dice, the third four red dice, the
fourth five red dice, and the fifth six red dice.
The event die must show the castle symbol in the colour of his city development. If a player has
developed his cities in all three areas, then he has the chance of receiving a development card each
time a castle symbol is rolled.
Each player that has developed a city in the direction (Color) rolled by the event die can receive a
"development card", if and only if the number rolled by the RED die is shown in his development
calendar for the same direction (color) as the event die.
Development cards are pulled from the top of the pile. If several players receive such a card, then
the player that is in turn pulls first. The others follow in a clockwise direction.
Example: Player A rolled the dice with the white die=6, with the red die=3 and with the event die ="yellow
castle". Player B has already built a "city hall" (politics-blue) and a "guild" (science-yellow) and he has
developed his cities on the yellow direction, so since the red die rolled a "3",he can pull a yellow
development card.
Playing Development Cards
The player that is in his turn, may during his turn play as many of his development cards as he wants only after he has rolled the dice (exception the Alchemist card).
Special Features
 Victory point cards are uncovered immediately after being received: they cannot be stolen by another
 A player cannot keep more than four development cards (without counting the uncovered victory
point cards). If the player receives a fifth development card, then he must discard (without playing it)
one of them immediately (placing it under the corresponding pile).
 A player that receives a development card in his turn can play that card immediately.
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Development cards cannot be traded.
Played development cards are inserted (face down) under their corresponding piles.
6. Knight Actions
A player that has active knights can, during his turn, execute a knight action; the action is executed after
the dice roll. After the action is executed, the knight must be turned to its passive side. The player can
activate the knight immediately again if he pays a wheat raw material - however in this turn he cannot
execute another knight action with that knight.
 The player in turn may move knights that he activated in a previous turn. The following applies: both
crossings, the source crossing and the (free) target crossing must be connected by this player's
 a crossing may be occupied by one knight at a time.
 a knight that was moved, must be turned to its passive side.
 a player that wants to build on a crossing, on which there is one
of his knights, must first move this knight to another free crossing
within his trade route. If the knight cannot be moved (no free
crossing, not activated), the player cannot build there.
Example: The Red Player may move his activated knight (on crossing
"A") to the crossings marked with arrows. Moving the knight to the
crossings "B" or "C" is not permitted, since these crossings are not
connected by roads with crossing "A".
Moving and Driving out
 a player in his turn, may also place one of its knight on the crossing occupied by another knight,
driving this other knight out. However only weaker knights can be driven out.
 the refugee knight must be moved by his owner to a free crossing within the same, own trade route.
The status of the refugee knight remains unchanged - if it was
active, then it remains active.
 if there is no free crossing to shift the refugee knight, in the same
trading route, then this knight must be removed from the playing
 it is not possible to drive your own knights out.
 after moving and driving out, the attacking knight must be turned
to its the passive side.
Example: The Red Player may drive out the knight of the blue player
using his active knight because it is stronger than the blue knight, and
it is on his trade route. The Blue Player must move now his refugee
knight to crossing "A" or "B" (on his trading route). Moving the refugee
knight to crossing " C " is not permitted.
Driving out the Robber
A player can drive the robber out with his active knight (no matter how strong), if the robber sits on one of
the three neighbouring land fields.
 the refugee robber is handled, as described in the basic settlers game.
 After driving out the robber, the knight must be turned to its passive side.
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Example: The knight of the Red player could drive the robber out of the
grey fields. Unfortunately the robber sits outside of the sphere of
influence of the knight. In order to drive out the robber, the player must
do as follows: he moves the knight to crossing "A" or "B" and
deactivates it; then he pays a wheat raw material and activates the
knight again; in his next turn the player can drive out the robber.
7. The Barbarian Army Lands on Catan
As soon as the barbarian ship lands on the field with the axe (assault), the barbarian army fights with the
active knights of Catan.
 the strength of the barbarian army is determined by counting the the number of cities built (with
metropolises) on Catan. The total results in the strength of the army (eg 3 Cities+1 Metropolis = 4
 the strength of the knights of Catan is determined by counting the number of iron gloves of all active
 independent of success or failure all knights must be deactivated after the fight.
The Barbarian Army Wins
The barbarians win, if they are stronger than the knights of Catan. The barbarian army attack the cities or
players, who have the fewest (or none) active knights, and therefore contributed the least to the defence
of Catan.
 the players that have only settlements do not lose anything. Metropolises are likewise not lost, since
they are always protected.
 only players that possess one or more cities, count the iron gloves of their active knights. The player
that used the fewest iron gloves must convert one of its cities into a settlement. If several players
contributed with the same fewest number of iron gloves, then all of them lose a city. In extreme
cases, if for example no player activated a knight, then all players lose a city.
 if a city with a city wall is reduced to a settlement then the city wall is also lost.
 a player that loses all his cities may keep his city developments and thus the possibility of receiving
development cards. However it may only develop his cities when he has a city again.
Example: John and Peter each have two cities, George has only one metropolis and Claudia only has
settlements. The barbarian army has a strength of 5 (4 cities, 1 metropolis). Peter, John and Claudia have
a simple active knight each, George has none. The knight army of Catan has a strength of 3. The
barbarians win. Both John and Peter lose a city. Although George did not activate a knight, he is not
affected, since his metropolis is protected. Claudia cannot be affected, since he has settlements only.
The Knights of Catan Win
If the knights Catans are stronger or at least just as strong as the army of the barbarians, then they win.
 the player that contributed most iron gloves to the victory, receives a victory point card "rescuer of
Catan" (Retter Catans).
 if two or more players contribute with the same number, then all of them may draw a development
card from the top of one of the piles. They do not get a victory point card though.
After the attack the ship goes back to its launching field and begins its journey towards the direction of
Catan again.
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8. The Trader
The trader figure comes into play only when a "trader" (Handler) development card is played. The player
that played the "trader", places the trader figure on a land field next to one of his settlements/cities. That
player only may exchange the raw material of this land field in the ratio 2:1, for as long as the trader stays
on that land field. The trader figure can be moved only when a new "trader" card is played. The trader
figure is worth one victory point for the player that last played a "trader" card.
9. The End
The game ends as soon as a player reaches 13 victory points.
10. Variation
For experienced settlers that still require more tactics, should try out The "Fiesepeter" rule. It adds a
small, but very impressive rule modification: If the barbarian army lands, then all players decide, in
clockwise way, beginning with the player that is in turn, how many of their knights each wants to use to
fight the barbarians.
TIP: a player can consciously choose to use less of his knights, in order to let the barbarians win and so
harm other players. Only the knights used during the battle, must be deactivated after the battle.
Translated by: A.F.Zorzo. Corrections and Editing: by Michael Georgopoulos
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Part C - Development Cards
Science (green)
Number in pack
Card Text
Play this card before rolling the dice and
set the numbers shown on the number
dice. Roll the event dice as usual and act
on the event.
With this card you can pick numbers
of your choice. First, though, the
event is determined by rolling the
event-die. Only then do you get the
desired resources.
For you a city extension e.g. Rathaus (city
hall) costs one commodity less in this
The crane only has effect for the
round in which it is played. It only
affects city extensions. Cities
themselves have to be "paid" in full.
It makes no difference for this card
whether you have a city or a
settlement at an ore-field.
Take 2 ore resource cards for each oreEx.: you have two settlements
field for which you have at least one city or
adjacent to one mountain range
settlement adjacent to.
(ore-field), and a city next to
another. On playing the card you
receive 4 ore resource cards.
Take 2 wheat resource cards for each
wheat-field for which you have at least one As Bergbau (Mining) but for wheat.
city or settlement adjacent to.
1 victory point
Development cards yielding victory
points have to be played
immediately and must be visible to
all. They cannot be robbed.
Exchange two number chips, but never 2,
12, 6, 8.
Improve your income of resources!
Pick any two (except 2, 12, 6, 8)
number chips and exchange them
with one another. A robber does not
affect the action and remains on the
field he is on.
Immediately build a city wall for one of
your cities free of charge.
More protection against the robber:
take a city wall and place it
underneath (one of) your city-ies.
When the robber event occurs (a 7
is rolled) you may have 2 resource
cards more on your hand. You can
only have one city wall per city.
There are 3 city-walls altogether.
Settlements may not have city walls.
Convert a settlement into a city with 2 ore
and one wheat resource.
Playing the card saves you one ore
and one wheat resource card when
building a city
You may upgrade passive and
active knights. Strong knights (2nd
You may upgrade 2 of your knights for free level) can only be upgraded to
(Observe rules for creating powerful
mighty knights once you have
knights!). Powerful knights cannot be
completed the city extension fortress
(Festung). The state of the knight
does not change. A knight can only
be upgraded one level per turn.
Immediately build two roads free of
(Construction Crane)
(Printing Press)
(Blacksmith's art)
Settlers - Cities & Knights
Additional remarks
If playing with Seafarer: also 1 road,
one ship or two ships
Page 10
Politik / Politics (blue)
number in pack
Card Text
Additional remarks
Move the robber. Draw a resource card from
each player who has a city or settlement
adjacent to this field.
When moving the robber you may steal
a card from every player who has a city
or settlement adjacent to this field. If a
player has built several times along this
field, you may still only steal one card
from him.
You may (re-)move any open-ended road. A
road owned by you may be placed back on the
board immediately in any legal position
A road is open-ended if it is not
connected on both ends to roads, cities,
settlements or knights of the same
(Field Marshall)
Immediately activate all your knights free of
Activating your knights does not cost
you any wheat-resources
Every player who has more victory points than
you must give you two resource cards of his
choice as a present.
If an affected player has only one card,
he has to give you this one; only if he
doesn't have resource cards is he
This card enables you to move an
You may drive away any other player's knight,
opposing knight who is blocking a
provided one of your roads/ships leads up to the building site or a road extension. You
knight in question.
may not automatically place one of your
own knights at this location.
Turn an opponent's city upside down ("sabotage
it"). This city only yields a settlement's resource
until it is repaired with 1 wood and 1 ore
A sabotaged city is still worth 2 victory
points. It also counts towards the
strength of the Barbarian Army. A city
wall stays intact and maintains its effect.
Look at any opponent's development cards and
take one, which you may use in the same turn
It is allowed to steal a spy from one
opponent and use it straight away.
Choose a player who must remove one of his
knights (his choice) from the board. Place an
equivalent own knight one the board
If, on playing this card, your opponent
removes a knight that you cannot
replace with a knight of your own, you
may use a less powerful knight. If you
do not have such a knight, you may not
place a knight of your own, but your
opponent must still remove (one of) his.
Should a mighty (most powerful) knight
be removed, you may place such a
knight on the board even if you have not
built a fortress yet.
Your knight is in the same state as the
one it "replaces". You should only play
this card if you space for placing a
Settlers - Cities & Knights
1 victory point
Development cards yielding victory
points have to be played immediately
and must be visible to all. They cannot
be robbed.
Page 11
Handel / Trade (yellow)
number in pack
Card Text
Additional remarks
As long as the trader stays on the
field (in your possession), you
may trade this kind of raw
material 2:1. The trader is worth 1
victory point. When another
player plays a trader card, he
gets the trader, the trading
advantage as well as the victory
Place the trader figure on a field next to
one of your cities or settlements. You
may trade this raw material 2:1 with the
bank while the trader occupies the field.
You make take advantage of this
while it is your turn, but you may
only trade once with each player
You may offer each player a raw material
under this condition. If you offer a
(one card) which he is obliged exchange
card to a player who doesn't have
for any commodity (money, paper, cloth)
any commodities, the exchange is
void and you keep your resource
Until the end of your turn you may
exchange a resource (raw material or
commodity)of your choice 2:1.
As always, the 2 cards have to be
of the same kind.
Choose a player who has more victory
points than you. Choose two of his
resource cards.
Yes, you may look at and choose
and keep two of the selected
player's resource cards
(Commodity Monopoly)
Choose a commodity. Every player has
to give you one such commodity if they
have one.
(Monopoly of raw materials)
If a player has only one such
Choose a raw material. Every player has
resource card, he must give you
to give you 2 such cards.
this one.
(Trading Port)
(Merchant Fleet)
(Master Trader)
Part C was translated by: M.Beet.
Edited by M. Georgopoulos
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