Liberty Union Music Boosters HS Music Room Minutes – November 2, 2010 I. Attendance – Paula Smith, Brian Bibler, Aleta Burnside, Emily Fisher, Ben Factor, Candy Pilkington, Vera Welker, Tom Hoagland, Cheri Weaver, Paul Mathews, Tim Turner, Dan Maldovan, Michele Morrone II. Call meeting to order - Paula Smith called the meeting to order @ 7:31 pm. III. Secretaries Report – Aleta Burnside distributed copies of the October minutes for review. Michele motioned to approve the minutes, Vera seconded the motion. IV. Treasurers Report – Brian Bibler distributed copies of October’s report. Brian reported that student fees are coming in, but the catalogue sale profits have not been received yet. Disbursements for the month totaled $2090. No transportation bills have been paid yet. Total Operating balance - $3,387.39; Total Restricted balance $10,180.92. V. Band Directors Report - Ben Factor a. Marching Band season is almost over, and it’s been a very successful season! The Band received straight 1’s at the State OMEA Band Finals. The Marching Band Concert is scheduled for Nov 11 @ 7:00 pm in the HS Gym. b. Starting to gear up for Concert Band and Pep Band. c. 5th Grade band has started with approx 50 students (which is a very good sized turn out). VI. Choir Directors Report – Emily Fisher a. Paula found a garment rack for the Choir robes and outfits. b. Emily posted the old Choir uniforms on Craig’s List to see if any takers…there were none. The uniforms will be given to the Goodwill. c. All County Chorus rehearsal is 11/17; the performance is scheduled for 11/22 (at Fairfield Union HS). Students are preparing for tryouts. d. MS and HS Choirs will be performing at Cedar Point this year. Trip date has been changed to May 14th. e. The Choir’s Fall Concert is scheduled for Thursday 11/4 at 7:00 pm in the HS Gym. VII. Old Business - Paula Smith a. United Methodists Craft Fair update – Paula. We received a couple new customers from the Market Day table set-up we had at the Fair. b. Basketball Concessions update – Paula. Received approval to run the concession stand again this year for basketball season. We have a new area for the concessions this year. Paula will get a key made for the door. First game is 11/29. Motion to approve the $10/per game/per family student credit was made by Cheri and seconded by Aleta. c. Breakfast with Santa – Paula, Vera. - Time has been changed to 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. - Need to get a Santa (maybe Kevin Koush?) - Vera has placed the order for the Secret Santa Shop. - Vera needs volunteers for the craft tables. Joy said she could help. - Tickets will be made available on 11/12 at the Elementary. - Need to have more discussion about the pictures. Candy can donate the paper for the pictures. - Ben and Emily to post student sign-up sheets for the donated items. - Paula will send out reminder email for the needed items. d. Nick Byers dedication – Ben. Kris Kilger has been contacted to make the shelves for the music room. e. 2011 Fees (discuss at Feb meeting) VIII. New Business – Paula Smith a. The November Sub Sale is starting week (11/3 – 11/11). Make subs 11/23. Band and Choir will be selling subs, with profits going to the Director’s accounts. b. It was requested that forms for our fundraising efforts (like Sub Sales and Breakfast With Santa) be posted on our web-site. Ben to look into if this can be done. c. The Honor Band and Choir tryouts are coming up. OSU’s tryouts are 11/6; OU’s tryouts are 11/13. d. The Marching Band Banquet is scheduled for 11/15 @ 6:30 pm in HS cafeteria. Boosters will provide Sloppy Joe and Chicken sandwiches. Families to bring table service and side dishes. Paula to send out email. IX. Adjourn Meeting – Motion to adjourn by Cheri, seconded by Brian. Next meeting – December 7th, 2010 @ 7:30 pm in the Music Room Submitted by Aleta Burnside, Secretary