2 - Cuba Transition Project

Estudios sobre la Transición: Bibliografía
Tzotzos, George T. y K.G. Skriabin, eds. Biotechnology in the Developing World and
Countries in Economic Transition. Wallingford: CABI Pub., 2000.
2. Cubano-Americanos
De La Torre, Miguel A. La Lucha for Cuba: Religion y Politics on the Streets in Miami.
Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
Falcoff, Mark. Cuba: The Morning After: Normalization and its Discontents.
Washington D.C.: AEI Press, 2003.
Gardner-Feldman, Lily. The Concept of Reconciliation. Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Institute of Peace Press, 1995.
Lederach, John Paul. Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 1997.
2. Economía
Carranza, Julio et al. Cuba, restructuring the Economy: A Contribution to the Debate.
Londres: Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 1996.
Chua, Amy. World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic
Hatred andy Global Instability. Nueva York: Doubleday, 2002.
Font, Mauricio. “Friendly Prodding y Other Sources of Change in Cuba.” Nueva York:
Proyecto Cuba en Queens College City University of New York, 1997-1998.
Morales Dominguez, Esteban et al. The United States and Reinsertion to International
Economy of Cuba: Triangular Analysis. Tokyo: Institute of Developing Countries, 1999.
Pérez, López, Jorge F. Cuba at a Crossroads: Politics and Economics after the Fourth
Party Congress. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1994.
Travieso-Díaz, Matías F. The Laws and Legal System of a Free-Market Cuba: A
Prospectus for Business. Westport: Quorum Books, 1997.
3.1 Reconstrucción
Buell, Raymond Leslie et al. Problemas de la Nueva Cuba. Miami: Editorial Cubana,
Mesa-Lago, Carmelo. Are Economic Reforms Propelling Cuba to the Market? Coral
Gables, Florida: Centro “Norte-Sur” de la Universidad de Miami, 1994.
Monreal González, Pedro M. Development Prospects in Cuba: An Agenda in the
Making. Londres: Universidad de Londres, 2002.
3.1.1 Integración
González Nuñez, Gerardo. Possibilities and Realities of Cuba’s Integration into the
Caribbean: Perceptions of Cuban Entrepreneurs. Coral Gables: Centro “Norte-Sur”
Universidad de Miami, 1997.
Ritter, Archibald R.M. y John M. Kirk. Cuba in the International System: Normalization
and Integration. Nueva York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995.
3.1.2 Subsidios
3.1.3 Descolectivización/Privatización
Jorge, Antonio. A Reconstruction Strategy for post-Castro Cuba: A Preliminary Outline
of the Strategies for Reconstruction and Development in the Process of Decollectivization
and Desocialization. Coral Gables: Centro “Norte-Sur” de la Universidad de Miami,
Silkenat, James R. Cuba y Privatization in an International Context. Miami: Fondo para
Estudios Cubano-Americanos, 1993.
3.1.4 Ayuda Humanitaria
3.1.5 Asistencia Técnica
3.2 Agricultura
Buzzanell, Peter J. Latin America’s Big Three Sugar Producers in Transition: Cuba,
Mexico, Brazil. Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1992.
3.2.1 Azúcar
3.2.2 Tabaco
3.2.3 No-azúcar
3.3. Industrias
3.3.1 Industria Privada
3.3.2 Industria de Servicios
3.4 Turismo
Jones, Jan Louise. Tourism in Cuba: An Exploration of the Impact of Two Types of Tours
on Tourists’ Value Stances. Tesis. Acadia University, 1998.
Merwin, Renee Jensen. The Revitalization of the International Tourist Industry in Cuba:
Development or Dependency? Tesis. Universidad de la Florida, 1993.
Reilly, Matthew J. The Social Costs of Tourism Development: Jineteros in Havana,
Cuba: A View from the Streets. Tesis. Universidad de Georgia, 2001.
Schwartz, Rosalie. Pleasure Isle: Tourism and Temptation in Cuba. Lincoln: University
of Nebraska Press, 1999.
3.5 Inversión Extranjera
Brown, Katja Schroer. Opportunities and Challenges for U.S. Business in post-Castro
Cuba. Tesis. University of Texas at Arlington, 2002.
Foreign Investment in Cuba: Past, Present and Future. Washington D.C.: Seminario
sobre la Transición en Cuba, Oceana Publications, 1996.
3.6 Comercio Exterior
Jenkins, Gareth y Lila Haines. Cuba: Prospects for Reform, Trade y Investment. Nueva
York: Economist Intelligence Unit, 1994.
Leseica, Sergio A. Investment, Trade and Taxation of Business Profits in Cuba. Miami:
Fondo para Estudios Cubano-Americanos de la Fundación Nacional Cubano-Americana,
3.7 Restitución y/o Indemnización
3.8 Deuda Externa
3.9 Presupuesto Cubano
4. Educación
4.2 Secundaria
4.3 Superior/Universitaria
4.4 Vocacional
4.5 Instituciones de Investigación
4.6 Profesional
5. Temas de la Tercera Edad
6. Proceso Electoral/Partidos Políticos
7. Medio Ambiente
Diaz-Briquets, Sergio y Jorge Perez-Lopez. Conquering Nature, The Environmental
Legacy of Socialism in Cuba. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999.
8. Etica
8.1 Religión
Cuba: Castro’s War on Religion. Washington D.C.: Puebla Institute, 1991.
Short, Margaret I. Law and Religion in Marxist Cuba: A Human Rights Inquiry. Coral
Gables: Centro “Norte-Sur”, Universidad de Miami, 1993.
Stevens Arroyo, Antonio M. Papal Overtures in a Cuban Key: The Pope’s Visit and
Civic Space for Cuban Religion. Scranton: University of Scranton Press, 2002.
8.2 Sistema de Valores
8.3 Corrupción
8.4 Temas de Derechos Humanos
Amnistía Internacional. Cuba: Government Crackdown on Dissent. Londres:
Secretariado Internacional, 1996.
Bragado Bretaña, Reinaldo. La Fisura: Los Derechos Humanos en Cuba. Miami:
Cátedra del Pensamiento Libre, Instituto de Derechos Humanos y Laboral, Universidad
Internacional de la Florida, 1998.
Cavanaugh, Joanne P. Modern Cuba: Marriage, the Catholic Church and Human Rights.
Tesis. Johns Hopkins University, 1997.
Clark, Juan M. et al. Human Rights in Cuba: An Experiential Perspective. Miami: Saeta
Ediciones, 1991.
Cuba: “Perfecting” the System of Control: Human Rights Violations in Castro’s 34th
Year: January 1992-February 1993. Nueva York: Americas Watch, 1993.
Mahoney-Norris, Kathleen A. An Inquiry into Political Repression: A Revolutionary
Cuba and Nicaragua as Comparative Cases. Disertación, Universidad de Denver, 1996.
Muller, Alberto. El Proyecto Varela: Václav Havel Propone a Oswaldo Payá para el
Premio Nobel de la Paz. Miami: Ediciones Universales, 2002.
Nigro, María Teresa. Human and Workers’ Rights Violations in Cuba (1980-1990).
Tesis. Georgetown University, 1991.
Santana, Norberto. Political Opposition inside Castro’s Cuba: Historical Perspectives &
Prospects for a Transition to Democracy. Tesis. Universidad Estatal de San Diego,
Strick, Ross. Canadian International Human Rights Policy: The Cases of Cuba and
China. Tesis. Universidad de Windsor, 1997.
9. Finanzas
9.1 Banca
9.2 Acciones y Valores
9.3 Tasas de cambio exterior
9.4 Políticas Monetarias y Fiscales
9.5 Asistencia Extranjera
9.6 Moneda
Hanke, Steve H. y Kurt Schuler. Currency Reform for a Market-Oriented Cuba. Blue
Ribbon Commission on the Economic Reconstruction of Cuba, 1992.
9.7 Servicio Exterior
10. Gobierno
10.1 Ministerio del Interior (MININT)
10.2 Ministerio de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias
10.3 Partido Comunista Cubano (PCC)
10.4 Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular
11. Salud
Behrman, Victoria Anne. HIV Infection in Cuba: Failure of Socialist Policy? Tesis.
Universidad de California, Berkeley, 1990.
Crabb, Mary Katherine. Socialism, Health and Medicine in Cuba: A Critical ReAppraisal. Disertación. Emory University, 2001.
11.1 Hospitales y Clínicas
11.2 Cuidado de Salud Especializado
12. Inmigración
13. Infraestructura
14. Instituciones
14.1 Federación de Mujeres Cubanas
14.2 Comités de Defensa de la Revolución
14.3 Otros
15. Trabajo
15.1 Organizaciones
15.2 Empleo/Desempleo
15.3 Trabajadores en el Exterior
15.4 Condiciones Laborales
16. Temas Legales
16.1 Civiles
16.2 Comerciales
16.3 Laborales
16.4 Constitucionales
16.5 Sistema Judicial
16.6 Delito y Cumplimiento de la Ley
17. Medios/Comunicación
Alvarez, Manuel A. Cuba: Pasado, Presente y Futuro de la Radio, Televisión y
Telecommunicaciones. Miami: D’Fana Editions, 1994.
17.1 Comunicaciones
17.1.1 Internet
Kalathil, Shanthi y Taylor C. Boas. The Internet and State Control in Authoritarian
Regimes: China, Cuba, and the Counterrevolution. Washington D.C.: Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace, 2001.
Kalathil, Shanthi y Taylor Boas. Open Networks, Closed Regimes: The Impact of the
Internet on Authoritarian Rule. Washington D.C.: Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace, 2002.
17.1.2 Teléfono
17.1.3 Política Cultural
17.2 Medios
17.2.1 Televisión
Alvarez, Manuel A. Cuba: Pasado, Presente y Futuro de la Radio, Televisión y
Telecommunicaciones. Miami: D’Fana Editions, 1994.
17.2.2 Radio
Alvarez, Manuel A. Cuba: Pasado, Presente y Futuro de la Radio, Televisión y
Telecommunicaciones. Miami: D’Fana Editions, 1994.
17.2.3 Cine
17.2.4 Periódicos
17.2.5 Privatización
Jorge, Antonio. A Reconstruction Strategy for post-Castro Cuba: A Preliminary Outline
of the Strategies for Reconstruction and Development in the Process of Decollectivization
y Desocialization. Coral Gables: Centro “Norte-Sur” Universidad de Miami, 1991.
18. Ejército
18.1 Estructura y Desarrollo
Suchlicki, Jaime, ed. The Cuban Military. Coral Gables: Instituto de Investigaciones
para Estudios Cubanos de la Universidad de Miami, 1989.
Centeno, Miguel y Mauricio Font editores. Towards a New Cuba? Legacies of a
Revolution. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1996.
18.2 Asuntos Político-Militares
Rose, Michael S. Cuba After Castro: What Military Forces Will Be Necessary to Execute
U.S. Policy? Tesis. U.S. Army Comm. and General Staff College, 1995.
Sanchez, Nestor D. y Jay Mallin. The Military and Transition in Cuba: Reference Guide
for Policy and Crisis Management. Washington D.C.: International Research 2000,
Wood, Michael R. Cuba after Castro: Issues y Strategic Considerations for the
Employment of United States Armed Forces. Carlisle Barracks: U.S. Army War College,
18.3 Liderazgo
Alfonso, Pablo. Los ultimos castristas: Quiénes son? Caracas, Venezuela: Centro de
Documentación y Formación, 1998.
18.4 Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias
Fermoselle, Rafael. Cuban Leadership After Castro: Biographies of Cuba’s Top
Commyers. Segunda edición. Instituto de Investigaciones para Estudios Cubanos,
Centro “Norte-Sur”, Universidad de Miami, 1992.
18.5 Defensa Anti-aérea y Fuerza Aérea Revolucionaria
18.6 Marina de Guerra Revolucionaria (MGR)
18.7 Tropas de Milicias Territoriales (MTT)
19. Organizaciones No-Gubernamentales (ONGs)
Ortiz, Betty Paugh. A Look at Non-Governmental Organizations in Cuba. Tesis.
DePaul University, 1999.
20. Políticas/Relaciones
20.1 Domésticas
Bengelsdorf, Carollee. The Problem of Democracy in Cuba: Between Vision and
Reality. Nueva York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Gonzalez, Edward y David F. Ronfeldt. Cuba Adrift in a Post-Communist World. RY
Corporation, 1992.
Mas Canosa, Jorge. “Towards a Future Without Castro: Cuba’s Transition to
Democracy.” The Heritage Lectures. Febrero 19, 1992.
Mesa-Lago, Carmelo. Cuba after the Cold War. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh
Press, 1993.
20.2 Exteriores
20.2.1 Estados Unidos
Basdeo, Sahadeo y Heather N. Nicol. Canada, the United States and Cuba: An Evolving
Relationship. Coral Gables: North-South Center Press, 2002.
Boraz, Steven C. Prospects for Democratic Transition in a Post-Castro Cuba:
Implications for U.S. Policy. Tesis. Monterey: Naval Postgraduate School, 1998.
Burg, Steven L. War or Peace? Nationalism, Democracy, and American Foreign Policy
in Post-Communist Europe. Nueva York: NYUP, 1996.
Carey, Sarah C. et al. A Road Map for Restructuring Future U.S. Relations with Cuba.
Washington D.C.: The Atlantic Council of the United States, 1995.
Carroll, Timothy J. The Construction of Legitimacy: Promoting U.S. Policy toward
Cuba. Tesis. Universidad Estatal de California, Chico, 1998.
González, Edward. Cuba, Clearing Perilous Waters? Santa Monica: RY Corporation,
Gunn, Gillian. Cuba in Transition: Options for U.S. Policy. Nueva York: Twentieth
Century Fund, Inc., 1993.
Latin American and Caribbean Center. Transition in Cuba: New Challenges for U.S.
Policy. Miami: Universidad Internacional de la Florida, November 1993.
Leyva de Varona, Adolfo et al. Propagya y Reality: A Look at the U.S. Embargo against
Castro’s Cuba. Miami: Fundación Nacional Cubano-Americana, 1994.
Long, Paul. U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Cuba y Prospects for Democratisation. Tesis.
McGill University, 1995.
López, Juan J. Implications of the U.S. Economic Embargo for a Political Transition in
Cuba. Miami: Fondo para Estudios Cubano-Americanos de la Fundación Nacional
Cubano-Americana, 1999.
McCoy, Ronald P. Post-Castro Cuba: An Opportunity for Normalized Cuban-American
Relations. Maxwell Air Force Base: Air War College, Air University, 1990.
Noriega, Roger et al. Cuba at the Crossroads: The Visit of Pope John Paul II &
Opportunities for U.S. Policy. Washington D.C.: Comité de Relaciones Exteriores, 1998.
Pérez, Lisyro. Transition in Cuba: New Challenges for U.S. Policy. Miami: Instituto de
Investigaciones Cubanas, Universidad Internacional de la Florida, 1993.
Peters, Philip. A Policy towards Cuba that Serves U.S. Interests. Washington D.C.: Cato
Institute, 2000.
Rose, Michael S. Cuba After Castro: What Military Forces Will Be Necessary to Execute
U.S. Policy? Tesis. U.S. Army Commy y General Staff College, 1995.
20.2.2 URSS
20.2.3 Europa
Burg, Steven L. War or Peace? Nationalism, Democracy, and American Foreign Policy
in Post-Communist Europe. Nueva York: NYUP, 1996.
20.2.4 Latinoamérica
20.2.5 China
Nolan, Peter. China’s Rise, Russia’s Fall: Politics, Economics and Planning in the
Transition from Stalinism. Nueva York: St. Martin’s Press, 1995.
Pei, Minxin. From Reform to Revolution: The Demise of Communism in China and the
Soviet Union. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1994.
20.2.6 Canadá
Basdeo, Sahadeo y Heather N. Nicol. Canada, the United States and Cuba: An Evolving
Relationship. Coral Gables: North-South Center Press, 2002.
Kirk, John M. y Peter McKenna. Canada-Cuba Relations: The Other Good Neighbor
Policy. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1997.
20.2.7 Medio Oriente
20.2.8 Africa
21. Políticas
Di Palma, Giuseppe. To Craft Democracies: An Essay on Democratic Transitions. Los
Angeles: University of California Press, 1990.
Gonzalez, Edward y David Ronefeldt. Storm Warnings for Cuba. Santa Monica: Ry
Corporation, 1994.
López, Juan J. Democracy Delayed: The Case of Castro’s Cuba. Baltimore: Johns
Hopkins UP, 2002.
Montaner, Carlos Alberto. Cuba: Un Siglo de Doloroso Aprendizaje. Miami: Brickell
Communications Group, 2002.
Schulz, Donald. Cuba and the Future. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1994.
22. Raza/Cultura
Chua, Amy. World on Fire: How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic
Hatred and Global Instability. Nueva York: Doubleday, 2002.
23. Temas de Seguridad
24. Sexualidad
25. Empresas Estatales
26. Transporte
27. Legislación Norteamericana/Regulaciones
28. Temas de la Mujer
29. Temas de la Juventud
29.1 Educación
Laymon, Steven E. Political Transitions and the Uses of Public Education: Universal
Schooling in Cuba and Peru. Disertación. Universidad de Chicago, 1999.
29.2 Delito
30. Transición en Otros Países
Agüero, Felipe. Soldiers, Civilians, and Democracy: Post-Franco Spain in Comparative
Perspective. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995.
Barriers to Trade with Economies in Transition. París: Organización para la
Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo, 1994.
Bird, Richard, Robert D. Ebel, y Christine I. Wallich, Eds. Decentralization of the
Socialist State: Intergovernmental Finance in Transition Economies. Washington, D.C.:
Banco Internacional para la Reconstrucción y el Desarrollo/ Banco Mundial, 1995.
Blanchard, Olivier, et al., eds. Post-Communist Reform: Pain and Progress. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 1993.
Blejer, Mario. Central Banking, Monetary Policies, and Implications for Transition
Economies. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1999.
Blommestein, Eva Thiel, Ed. Capital Market Development in Transition Economies:
Country Experiences and Policies for the Future. París: Organización para la
Cooperación Económia y el Desarrollo, 1998.
Braithwaite, Jeanine, Christiaan Gootaert, y Branko Milanovic. Poverty and Social
Assistance in Transition Countries. Nueva York: St. Martin’s Press, 2000.
Bunce, Valerie. Subversive Institutions: The Design and Destruction of Socialism and
the State. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1999.
Carnoy, Martin. Education and Social Transition in the Third World. Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1990.
Centro para la Cooperación con No-Miembros. Financing Newly Emerging Private
Enterprises in Transition Economies. París: Organización para la Cooperación
Económica y el Desarrollo, 1999.
Commyer, Simon, Ed. Managing Inflation in Socialist Economies in Transition.
Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 1991.
Crum, Roy y Itzhak Goldberg. Restructuring and Managing the Enterprise in Transition.
Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 1998
Crum, Roy L., et al. Managing the Enterprise in Transition while Coping with Inflation.
Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 1994.
Dallago, Bruno et al. Privatization and Entrepreneurship in Post-Socialist Countries:
Economy, Law and Society. Nueva York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1992.
Dawisha, Karen y Bruce Parrott, eds. Politics, Power and the Struggle for Democracy in
South-East Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.
Dawisha, Karen y Bruce Parrott, eds. The Consolidation of Democracy in East-Central
Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.
Diamond, Larry y Marc F. Plattner, Eds. The Global Resurgence of Democracy.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993.
Employment and Unemployment in Economies in Transition: Conceptual and
Measurement Issues. París: Organización para la Cooperación Económica y el
Desarrollo, 1993.
Ethier, Diane, Ed. Democratic Transition y Consolidation in Southern Europe, Latin
America and Southeast Asia. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990.
Gonzalez, Edward y Thomas S. Szayna. Cuba and Lessons from Other Communist
Transitions. Conference Proceedings, the National Security Research Division. Santa
Monica: RY, 1993.
Gray, Dale. Reforming the Energy Sector in Transition Economies: Selected Experience
and Lessons. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 1995.
Henderson, Karen y Neil Robinson. Post-Communist Politics: An Introduction. Upper
Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1997.
Higley, John y Richard Gunther, Eds. Elites and Democratic Consolidation in Latin
America and Southern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Hong, David S.K., et al. y Denis C. Mair, trans. Toward a Democratic China: The
Intellectual Biography of Yan Jiaqi. Honolulu: UH Press, 1995.
Hughes, Gordon y Magda Lovei. Economic Reform and Environmental Performance in
Transition Economies. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 1999.
Kern, William. From Socialism to Market Economy: The Transition Problem. W.E.
Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1992.
Kornai, Janos. Highways and Byways: Studies on Reform y Post-Communist Transition.
Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995.
Lavigne, Marie. The Economics of Transition: From Socialist Economy to Market
Economy. Nueva York: Palgrave MacMillan, 1995.
Lazreg, Marnia editor. Making the Transition Work for Women in Europe y Central
Asia. Washington D.C.: World Bank, 2000.
Lee, Chung H. y Helmut Reisen editores. From Reform to Growth: China and other
Countries in Transition in Asia y Central and Eastern Europe. Paríss: Organización para
la Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo, 1994.
Lieberman, Ira, Stilpon S. Nestor, y Raj M. Desai editores. Between State and Market:
Mass Privatization in Transition Economies. Washington D.C.: Banco Mundial y la
Organización para la Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo, 1997.
Linz, Juan, y Alfred Stepan. Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation:
Southern Europe, South America,andy Post-Communist Europe. Baltimore: John
Hopkins University Press, 1996.
Myelbaum, Michael. Post-Communism: Four Perspectives. La Vergne: Lightning
Source, 1996.
Milanovic, Branko, Income, Inequality, and Poverty During the Transition From Planned
to Market Economy. Washington D.C.: Banco Mundial, 1998.
Milor, Vedat, ed. Changing Political Economies: Privatization in Post-Communist and
Reforming Communist States. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1994.
Nellis, John R. Time to Rethink Privatization in Transition Economies? Washington
D.C.: Banco Mundial, 1999.
O’Donnell, Guillermo y Philippe Schmitter. Transitions From Authoritarian Rule:
Tentative Conclusions About Uncertain Democracies. Baltimore: The John Hopkins
University Press, 1986.
Organización para la Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo. Trade Policy and
Transition Process. Washington D.C.: Centro de Publicaciones e Información de la
OCED, 1996.
Organización para la Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo: Taxation and Foreign
Direct Investment: The Experience of the Economies in Transition. Washington D.C.:
Centro de Publicaciones e Información de la OCED, 1995.
Organización para la Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo: Agriculture and the
Environment in the Transition to a Market. Washington D.C.: Centro de Publicaciones e
Información de la OCED, 1994.
Organización para la Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo. Unemployment in
Transition Countries: Transient and Persistent? Washington D.C.: Centro de
Publicaciones e Información de la OCED, 1994.
Przeworski, Adam. Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic Reforms in
Eastern Europe and Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
“Simposio Regional sobre Políticas Socioeconómicas Durante la Estabilización
Macroeconómica en Países con Economías en Transición.” Nueva York: Sesión Especial
de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas Sobre la Implementación de los
Resultados de la Cumbre Mundial Para el Desarrollo Social e Iniciativas Adicionales
abril 3-14, 2000.
Scarpetta, Stefano. The Regional Dimension of Unemployment in Transition Countries:
A Challenge for Labor Markets and Social Policies. París: Organización para la
Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo, 1995.
Shonholtz, Raymond y Ilana Shapiro editores. Strengthening Transitional Democracies
through Conflict Resolution. Thousy Oaks: Sage, 1997.
Simai, Mihály editor. The Democratic Process and the Market: Challenges of the
Transition. Nueva York: United Nations University Press, 1999.
Skak, Mette. From Empire to Anarchy: Postcommunist Foreign Policy and International
Relations. Nueva York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1996.
Small Firms as Foreign Investors: Case Studies From Transition Economies. París:
Organización para la Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo, 1996.
Tanzi, Vito editor. Fiscal Policies in Economies in Transition. Washington D.C.: Fondo
Monetario Internacional, 1991.
Taras, Ray, ed. Postcommunist Presidents. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.
Tosovsky, Josef. Ten Years On: Some Lessons From the Transition. Praga: Per
Jacobson, Conferencia, septiembre 2000.
Woo, Wing Thye, Stephen Parker y Jeffrey D. Sachs editores. Economies in Transition:
Comparing Asia and Eastern Europe. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1997.
Working Group on the Transition of Socialist Economies of the Global Forum:
Leadership 2000. The Transition of Socialist Economies: Lessons from Asia and Europe.
Washington D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1994.
Zamparutti, Anthony. Environment in the Transition to a Market Economy: Progress in
Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States. París: Organización para
la Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo, 1999.
Zecchini, Salvatore editor. Lessons from the Economic Transition: Central and Eastern
Europe in the 1990s. Dordrecht: Kluwer Adademic Publishers, 1997.
Zwass, Adam. Incomplete Revolutions: The Successes and Failures of the Capitalist
Transition Strategies in Post-Communist Economies. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 1999.
30.1 Europa Oriental
Abrahams, Ray, ed. After Socialism: Land Reform and Social Change in Eastern
Europe. Oxford: Berghahn Books, Inc., 1996.
Agh, Attila. Emerging Democracies in East Central Europe and the Balkans.
Northampton: E. Elgar, 1998.
Allison, Christine y Dena Ringold. Labor Markets in Transition in Central and Eastern
Europe, 1989-1995. Washington, D.C.: Banco Mundial, 1996.
Atal, Yogesh, Ed. Poverty in Transition and Transition in Poverty: Recent
Developments in Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, Russia, Mongolia. Nueva York:
Beghhn Books, Paris: UNESCO, 1999.
Baldassarri, Mario y Robert Mundell. Eastern Europe’s Transition to a Market
Economy. Nueva York: St. Martin’s Press en asociación con la Rivista di Politica
Economica, SIPI, Roma, 1993.
Baldassarri, Mario, et al.,eds. Privatization Processes in Eastern Europe: Theoretical
Foundations and Empirical Results. Nueva York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1993.
Baldersheim, Harald, et al., eds. Local Democracy and the Processes of Transformation
in East-Central Europe. Boulder: Westview Press, 1996.
Banac, Ivo, ed. Eastern Europe in Revolution. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1992.
Batt, Judy. East Central Europe from Reform to Transition. Washington, DC: Council
on Foreign Relations Press, 1991. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997.
Bebler, Anton A., Ed. Civil-Military Relations in Post-Communist States: Central and
Eastern Europe in Transition. Westport: Praeger, 1997.
Bell, John D., Ed. Bulgaria in Transition: Politics, Economics, Society, and Culture
after Communism. Boulder: Westview Press, 1998.
Berglund, Sten y Jan Ake Dellenbrant. The New Democracies in Eastern Europe, Party
Systems and Political Cleavages. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 1994.
Bermeo, Nancy, Ed. Liberalization and Democratization: Change in the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Betz, Davis y John Lowenhardt, eds. Army and State in Postcommunist Europe.
Londres: Frank Cass Publishers, 2001.
Biberaj, Elez. Albania in Transition: The Rocky Road to Democracy. Boulder:
Westview Press, 1998.
Blachard, Oliver Jean, Kenneth A. Froot, y Jeffrey Sachs, Eds. The Transition in Eastern
Europe. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.
Blasi, Joseph R. et al. Kremlin Capitalism: Privatizing the Russian Economy. Ithaca:
Cornell UP, 1996.
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