Publications - Idaho State University

Cartwright, E. and P. Allotey Eds. Women's Health: New Frontiers in
Advocacy & Social Justice Research. Series name: Case Studies in
Medical and Health Science Education Haworth Medical Press 2007.
Cartwright, E. Espacios de enfermedad y sanación: Los amuzgos de
Oaxaca, entre la Sierra Sur y los campos agrícolas de Sonora. (Spaces of
illness and curing: The Amuzgos of Oaxaca between the Sierra Sur and the
Agricultural Camps of Sonora) (in Spanish). El Colegio de Sonora Press*,
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. 2003. Available at
*El Colegio de Sonora Press is an academic press that publishes peer-reviewed
journals and books that address current academic research being carried out in
Mexico. A description of the press and the books and journals that it produces is
available on request.
Special Journal Issue
Special Issue of Women and Health—Advocacy, Social Justice and
Women’s Health: A Social Science Perspective Elizabeth Cartwright and
Pascale Allotey. Eds. Vol 43(4)2006.
Refereed Journal Articles Under Review
Articles in Refereed Journals
Cartwright, E. "Bodily Remembering: Memory, Place, and Understanding Latino
Folk Illnesses among the Amuzgos Indians of Oaxaca, Mexico,"
Culture Medicine and Psychiatry. Forthcoming 2007. (Accepted for publication
Cartwright, E. and P. Ållotey, “Participatory Action Research in Advocacy and
Social Justice in Women’s Health: Introduction” Women and Health, 43(4) 2006.
Cartwright, E. et al, “Community-based participatory research with Hispanic
Agricultural Workers in SE Idaho” Women and Health, 43(4) 2006.
Cartwright, E. “Exchanging Hats: A Gendered Perspective on Teaching Clinical
Medical Anthropology”, Women and Health, 34(7):23-34, June 2003.
Hunter, A., Hall, T., Hearn, G., Cartwright, E. “The Health Status of Hispanic
Migrant Farmworkers in Idaho” Texas Journal of Rural Health, 21(1):50-59,
Nichter, Mark and E. Cartwright, "Saving the Children for the Tobacco Industry",
Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 5(3):236-256, 1991.
Reviews in Refereed Journals
Cartwright, E. “Hummingbird” Review of documentary film focusing on domestic
violence in Brazil by Holly Mosher.
Book Chapters
Cartwright, E. and P. Ållotey, “Participatory Action Research in Advocacy and
Social Justice in Women’s Health: Introduction” in in Women's Health: New
Frontiers in Advocacy & Social Justice Research. Series name: Case
Studies in Medical and Health Science Education Elizabeth Cartwright and
Pascale Allotey. Eds. Haworth Medical Press 2007.
Cartwright, E. et al, “Community-based participatory research with Hispanic
Agricultural Workers in SE Idaho” in Women's Health: New Frontiers in
Advocacy & Social Justice Research. Series name: Case Studies in
Medical and Health Science Education Elizabeth Cartwright and Pascale
Allotey. Eds. Haworth Medical Press 2007.
Cartwright, E. G. Salazar, C Castro, “Soy Muy Mujer: Older Mexican Women’s
Perceptions of Cervical Uterine Cancer: Hermosillo, Sonora and Tucson, Arizona.
Compartiendo Historias de Fronteras: Cuerpos, géneros, generaciones y
salud, Ed. By Catalina Denman, Janice Monk, Normal Ojeda. El Colegio de
Sonora Press, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, 2004.
Cartwright, E. “Exchanging Hats: A Gendered Perspective on Teaching Clinical
Medical Anthropology”, in Teaching Gender, Teaching Women’s Health:
Case Studies in Medical and Health Science Education”, edited by Lenore
Manderson, Haworth Medical Press, 2003, 11 pp.
Cartwright, E. “Little Dove: The story of an Amuzgan Indian girl”, in Personal
Encounters in Anthropology: A Reader in Cultural Anthropology, edited by
April Sievert and Linda Wallbridge. Pp. 97-101. McGraw Hill Publishers, 2002.
Cartwright, E. “Luchando por la Vida: Diagnosing Coraje and Dispelling the Myth
of Silence Among Indigenous Women Farmworkers on La Costa, Hermosillo.” in
Ed. E. Tunon Pablos, Pp. 277-302. Mujeres en las Fronteras: Migración,
Trabajo y Salud (Belice, Guatemala, Estados Unidos), Plaza Y Valdés, México,
D.F. 2001.
Cartwright, E.and Jan Thomas “Risk, Technology and Malpractice in Maternity
Care in the United States, Sweden, Canada and the Netherlands.” in Eds.
Rayomond DeVries, Edwin van Teijlingen and Sirpa Wrede Pp. 218-228. Birth by
Design:The Social Shaping of Maternity Care in Northern Europe and North
America, Routledge, 2000.
Cartwright, E. “The Logic of Heartbeats: Electronic Fetal Monitoring and
Biomedically Constructed Birth”, in Cyborg Babies, eds. Robbie Davis-Floyd and
Joseph Dumit.Pp. 240-254. Routledge, 1998.
Nichter, Mark and E. Cartwright, “Saving the Children for the Tobacco Industry”
in Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology, ed. Peter J. Brown.
Pp. 422-433. Mayfield Publishing Company, Mountain View, California, 1998.