OPSEU Local 596 POSITION DESCRIPTION QUESTIONNAIRE (PDQ) October 1990 (Updated October 2001) IDENTIFICATION SHEET Position Title _______________________________________________ Department ________________ Incumbent's Name(s) _____________________ ______ _____________________ ______ _____________________ ______ _____________________ ______ _____________________ ______ Supervisor's Name ______________________ (Non-bargaining unit) Supervisor's Title (Non-bargaining unit) Extension Extension ______ ___________________________________________ POSITION INFORMATION ( To be completed by Human Resources) Position Number(s): _____ Position Status: _____ 3 This questionnaire serves as the tool for collecting complete and accurate information on the various aspects of your job. Your participation in this part of the process is crucial, as the information you provide will be used to prepare a revised job description and evaluate your job. Thank you for your time and effort in contributing to this important phase of the program. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING 1. Read the entire form before completing any of the questions. 2. Your answers and comments will be kept strictly confidential. 3. Your input is very important, so please answer all questions. There are no right or wrong answers. The PDQ has been structured so that the majority of questions are specific and require that you choose the answer that best applies to your job. 4. Give examples as requested in the space provided. If further space is needed, feel free to add additional sheets. Be as clear and concise as possible. 5. Print or write clearly. 6. Ignore the numbers down the right hand side of the PDQ. They are for coding purposes only. 7. Completion of the PDQ will take several hours. You will be given 1 day to complete the PDQ. Please arrange with your supervisor to schedule this time. 8. When describing your job, consider what you do during the entire year. Your job may change from day to day, or according to the cycles of the academic or financial year. If it does, try to generalize about the whole year. However, don't forget about your busiest or most unusual periods as well. 9. After you have completed the PDQ, sign the last page and pass the PDQ to your immediate supervisor for a review. Open discussion between yourself and your supervisor is encouraged 4 10. If you are in a multi-incumbent job, you have the choice of: a. completing and submitting one group PDQ for all or some of the incumbents in the job. OR b. completing and submitting your own PDQ for your job. For a. to be chosen, there must be agreement to do so among all the job incumbents for whom the PDQ is being completed and the immediate supervisor; and all must sign the completed PDQ to acknowledge agreement with its contents. 11. If you are temporarily in a position other than your own, contact your Human Resources Advisor to determine the position for which the PDQ should be completed. 12. If you have any questions, contact your Human Resources Advisor at extension 5076. 5 EDUCATION This subfactor measures the minimum level of formal education and specialized training normally required as a basis for learning and performing the fob. These requisites may be met by formal education or independent studies. 1. How much formal education or specialized training does a person need to do your job? Please do not state how much education you have; state what is needed for entry to your job. CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ Less than secondary school graduation 1 __ Completion of secondary school graduation diploma 2 __ Completion of a 1-year post-secondary program or specialized training 3 __ Completion of a post-secondary certificate program or 2 years of specialized training 4 __ Completion of a post-secondary diploma program or 3 years of specialized training 5 Completion of a post-secondary degree program or 4 years of specialized training 6 __ __ 2. Completion of a post-secondary degree program plus at least 1 year of additional training 7 Based on your answer to the previous question, please explain the type of knowledge and/or skills acquired from the formal education and/or specialized training that is needed to do your job. 6 EXPERIENCE This subfactor measures the amount of practical experience that the job requires to perform the job duties after having considered the appropriate formal education and specialized training. BEFORE STARTING THE JOB 3. For some jobs, people have to have experience in related work (paid or voluntary) before they start the job. How much prior experience in a related field does a person need to do your job? Please do not state how much experience you have; state what is needed for your job. CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. 4. __ Less than 6 months 1 __ 6 months but less than 1 year 2 __ 1 year but less than 2 years 3 __ 2 years but less than 3 years 4 __ 3 years but less than 4 years 5 __ 4 years but less than 5 years 6 __ 5 years but less than 6 years 7 __ Over 6 years 8 Based on your answer to the previous question, please explain the type of experience needed before starting the job. EXPERIENCE ( CONT'D) AFTER STARTING THE JOB 5. After starting your job, how long a period of training and adjustment would be required for a person to adequately carry out the job duties? When estimating this period, do not consider the cyclical nature of your job. Assume that the training could be acquired continuously without breaks due to the academic and/or financial year. Please do not state how long it took you to learn the job; state what is needed for your job. CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. 7 6. __ 1 month or less 1 __ __ More than 1 month up to and including 3 months More than 3 months up to and including 6 months 2 3 __ More than 6 months up to and including 1 year 4 Based on your answer to the previous question, please explain the type of training and adjustment needed to adequately carry out job duties. 8 COMMUNICATION This subfactor measures the level of oral and written language skills required to perform the job. Both comprehension and expression skills are included. 7. Does your job involve: CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ the straightforward exchange of information (such as taking and relaying messages, answering telephones, typing letters from written drafts, completing forms)? 1 __ the straightforward explanation of information (such as explaining procedures, explaining how to complete forms)? 2 __ the elaboration of information and/or composition and presentation of basic information (such as writing letters/memos, preparing simple report, explaining procedures or information in detail)? 3 __ the composition and presentation of complex information (such as preparing reports, articles, user guides or manuals, explaining in detail complex procedures or information involving multiple sources)? 4 __ the composition and formal presentation of complex information (such as preparing and/or presenting speeches, preparing brochures, preparing complex user guides, manuals or reports, preparing and/ or presenting in-house courses/lectures)? 5 PLEASE PROVIDE AND EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER: 9 INTERPERSONAL/HUMAN RELATIONS This subfactor measures the level of person-to-person skills necessary for the performance of the job, through contact with other employees of Ryerson, members of the general public, or other organizations. 8. In your job, do your person-to-person contacts require: YES a. NO dealing with demanding public, students or staff? 1 2 b. counselling others 1 2 c. using tact and diplomacy to avoid friction and maintain positive relationships? 1 2 1 2 d. providing incentive and/or motivation to others? YES e. IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE AND EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER persuading and/or influencing others to follow a course of action? 1 NO 2 IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER 10 f. negotiating with others to reach an agreement? 1 2 11 ANALYTICAL REASONING This subfactor measures the level of analysis, interpretation, and reasoning skills required for the identification and/or solution of problems encountered in work situations. 9. Typically, in most of your work situations, is: CHECK THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ all information provided or readily obtainable? 1 __ most information provided with additional information found through known sources? 2 __ some information provided with additional information found through further investigation? 3 __ little information provided or readily obtainable? 4 PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER: 12 ANALYTICAL REASONING (CONT'D) 10. In your job, does the identification and/or solution of work situations/job problems involve consideration of: CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ few factors? 1 __ many factors? 2 __ many complex factors? 3 PLEASE ELABORATE ON THE ANSWER YOU CHOSE: 11. In general, does the work you do require analytical, interpretation or reasoning skills? __ Yes 1 __ No 2 IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER: DEFINITIONS Analysis: examination of an issue, requirement or problem, its parts, and their relationship Interpretation: Reasoning: explanation of the purpose or meaning of something process of drawing conclusions on facts 13 ACCOUNTABILITY This subfactor measures responsibilities as they pertain to people, resources and the Institute in terms of financial or material loss, image, and safety and well-being of others. When determining the results of your actions, consider the degree to which there is disruption in service or work flow. 12. How much financial or material loss could result directly from your actions? CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ Up to and including $500 1 __ Up to and including $2500 2 __ Up to and including $5000 3 __ Over $5000 4 PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER: 13. How much precaution or care to prevent physical injury or harm to others is required in your job? CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ Minimal precaution or care is necessary. 1 __ A moderate degree of precaution or care is necessary. 2 __ A significant degree of precaution or care is necessary. 3 __ A significant degree of precaution or care is necessary to prevent injury or harm to totally dependent individuals. 4 PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER: 14. Could your actions result in : CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ an adverse effect on the image of your immediate work group? 1 14 __ __ __ an adverse effect on the image of other work groups and/or the Institute's public image? 2 a significant adverse effect on the image of other work groups and/or the Institute's public image? 3 a substantial adverse effect on the Institute's public image? 4 NOTE: Students are included as public. PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER: 15 INDEPENDENT ACTION AND DECISION MAKING This subfactor measures the increasing levels of independence and decision-making in carrying out job duties. 15. For most work assigned, do you: CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ receive specific and detailed instructions? 1 __ follow instructions or established procedures? 2 __ follow general instructions or accepted practices? 3 __ receive little instruction and determine the approach and methodology to be taken in some assignments? 4 PLEASE ELABORATE ON THE ANSWER YOU CHOSE: 16 INDEPENDENT ACTION/DECISION MAKING (CONT'D) 16. Do you: CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ make some day-to-day decisions? (Decisions affect only your immediate work.) 1 __ make most day-to-day decisions affecting your work? 2 __ make most day-to-day decisions which affect both your work and that of other employees? 3 __ make decisions which involve and relate to the implementation of a function, program or service? 4 PLEASE ELABORATE ON THE ANSWER YOU CHOSE: 17 INDEPENDENT ACTION/DECISION MAKING (CONT'D) 17. In your job, are: CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ matters not covered by detailed instructions referred to your supervisor? 1 __ deviations from general instructions, established procedures or well-defined practices referred to your supervisor? 2 deviations from standard practices and methos or well-defined policies referred to your supervisor? 3 deviations from general policies and practices or broad guidelines referred to your supervisor? 4 __ __ PLEASE ELABORATE ON THE ANSWER YOU CHOSE: 18 GUIDANCE GIVEN This subfactor measures the level of responsibility for the direction and guidance of work of other employees. 18. Do you: CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ show other employees how to perform tasks? 1 __ assign work to other employees? 2 __ assign and co-ordinate the work of other employees from time to time? and/or assume the majority of the immediate supervisor's responsibilities in that person's absence? 3 __ assign and co-ordinate the work of other employees on a regular basis? 4 NOTE: Scheduling in and by itself should not be considered unless it is a method by which work is assigned or co-ordinated. 19. Based on your answer to the previous question, please identify the positions (by job title) to which you provide guidance or direction: 19 MENTAL EFFORT This subfactor measures the extent to which the job requirements contribute to mental fatigue. 20. Most days, for how long do you focus on one task or sequence of tasks which requires mental, auditory, or visual attention? Scheduled work breaks do not interrupt the duration of focused attention. CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ Up to and including 1 hour at a time? 1 __ Over 1 hour and up to and including 2 hours at a time? 2 __ Over 2 hours and up to and including 3 hours at a time? 3 __ Over 3 hours at a time? 4 PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER: 20 PHYSICAL EFFORT This subfactor measures the level and duration of physical exertion, including fine motor skills required by the job. 21. In the space provided, write the number that best applies to your job using the following scale: 0 1 2 3 4 Never Up to and including 1 hour at a time Over 1 hour and up to and including 2 hours at a time Over 2 hours and up to and including 3 hours at a time Over 3 hours at a time IF APPROPRIATE, PLEASE PROVIDE AND EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT EACH OF YOUR ANSWERS: Most days, how often do you: a. __ walk or stand while carrying out your job duties? EXAMPLE: b. __ work in a position that may cause some physical strain? EXAMPLE: c. __ work in an awkward position? EXAMPLE: 21 PHYSICAL EFFORT (CONT'D) d. __ carry or move light-weight objects (up to 15 lbs)? EXAMPLE: e. __ carry or move moderate-weight objects (15 to 35 lbs)? EXAMPLE: f. __ carry or move heavy-weight objects (over 35 lbs)? EXAMPLE: g. __ operate heavy equipment requiring whole body control? EXAMPLE: 22 PHYSICAL EFFORT (CONT'D) 22. Fine motor skills refer to the action of co-ordinating small muscles and auditory and visual senses rapidly with precision (for example: word processing, keyboarding, repairing machinery, drafting). Most days, how often do you use fine motor skills, as defined above, in your job? Scheduled work breaks do not interrupt the duration of the physical effort. CHECK IN THE SPACE PROVIDED THE ONE ANSWER THAT BEST APPLIES TO YOUR JOB. __ Never 0 __ Up to and including 1 hour at a time 1 __ Over 1 hour and up to and including 2 hours at a time 2 __ Over 2 hours and up to and including 3 hours at a time 3 __ Over 3 hours at a time 4 PLEASE PROVIDE AND EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER: 23 WORKING CONDITIONS -- TIME DEMANDS This subfactor measures the frequency of time demands inherent in the flow of work. 23. In the space provided, write the number that best applies to your job using the following scale: 0 1 2 3 4 Never Occasionally Periodically Frequently Continuously (Occurring from time to time) (Occurring from time to time, with reasonable regularity) (Occurring often) (Occurring very often or most of the time) IF APPROPRIATE, PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT EACH OF YOUR ANSWERS: How often do you: a. __ find yourself interrupted or distracted from a task? EXAMPLE: b. __ have to meet constantly changing deadlines? EXAMPLE: c. __ have to meet multiple conflicting deadlines? EXAMPLE: 24 WORKING CONDITIONS -- TIME DEMANDS (CONT'D) d. __ have to deal with urgent situations or emergencies? EXAMPLE: e. __ receive work assignments from more than one person at a time? EXAMPLE: f. __ have successive short interactions with the public? (e.g., continuous telephone inquiries, lineups) EXAMPLE: 25 WORKING CONDITIONS -- ENVIRONMENTAL This subfactor measures the level of exposure to certain undesirable and disagreeable working conditions which are inherent in the nature of the work. 24. In the space provided, write the number that best applies to your job using the following scale: 0 1 2 3 4 Never Occasionally Periodically Frequently Continuously (Occurring from time to time) (Occurring from time to time, with reasonable regularity) (Occurring often) (Occurring very often or most of the time) IF APPROPRIATE, PLEASE PROVIDE AN EXAMPLE(S) TO SUPPORT EACH OF YOUR ANSWERS: How often do you: a. __ do the same short task over and over for hours each day with no or little opportunity for relief? EXAMPLE: b. __ find yourself unable to leave your work station or unit until relief arrives? EXAMPLE: c. __ work where there are toxic fumes, gases, or materials? EXAMPLE: d. __ do work that causes you to come into contact with unpleasant sights or odours? EXAMPLE: 26 WORKING CONDITIONS -- ENVIRONMENTAL (CONT'D) e. __ work with constant noise? EXAMPLE: f. __ work with very loud noise? EXAMPLE: g. __ work where you are exposed to extreme conditions of heat or cold? EXAMPLE: h. __ work where you are exposed to inclement weather? EXAMPLE: i. __ work where you are exposed to extreme conditions of dust and/or dirt? EXAMPLE: j. __ work where you are exposed to a potential hazard (such as burns, cuts, scalds, electrical shocks)? EXAMPLE: k. __ work where you are required to be absent from home overnight? EXAMPLE: l. __ work where you are exposed to other undesirable or disagreeable working conditions? EXAMPLE: 27 25. Please describe and list, in order of importance, the major duties of your job. You may wish to refer to your current job description for assistance with this question. Any duties taking less than 5% of your time should be grouped and listed under the heading "other duties." Use specific action verbs to describe your activities. 28 26. 27. Please identify the duties listed in question 25 which may be cyclical in nature (i.e., duties which may be seasonal due to the academic or financial year). If there have been any significant changes to your major job duties which have occurred since July 1, 1989, please describe. 29 28. 29. In two to three sentences, please write a summary of your job which reflects the major responsibilities and purpose of your job. a. Does your job title accurately reflect the duties and responsibilities of your job? Yes __ b. No __ If you answered no, suggest a more appropriate job title. 30 30. If you feel that any aspect of your job has not been addressed by this questionnaire, please provide any additional information which you feel will assist in achieving a complete and accurate description of your job. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT. PLEASE GIVE THE PDQ TO YOUR IMMEDIATE NON-BARGAINING UNIT SUPERVISOR FOR REVIEW AND DISCUSSION. SUPERVISORY REVIEW 1. Please review all the responses to the preceding questions. If your opinion differs from that of the incumbent(s) on any aspect of the job, please list these differences below and provide appropriate comments; do not change any of the responses. Open discussion with your employee(s) is encouraged. 31 32 SUPERVISORY REVIEW (CONT'D) 2. 3. a. Does the job title for this position accurately reflect its job duties and responsibilities? Yes __ No __ b. If you answered no, suggest a more appropriate job title. Please add any other information which you feel will assist in achieving a complete and accurate description of the job. 33 SIGNATURES ________________________________ Non-bargaining Unit Supervisor _________________ Date Incumbents/Position Holders: Signatures Date ________________________________ ________________ ________________________________ ________________ ________________________________ ________________ ________________________________ ________________ ________________________________ ________________ ________________________________ ________________ ________________________________ ________________ ________________________________ ________________