The following Webinars are presented on a recurring basis, but do require an advance enrollment. A typical outline for each Webinar is presented in this document and can be referenced with the Table of Contents below. Table of Contents Security ...........................................................................................................................................2 Table Maintenance .......................................................................................................................2 Account Information ......................................................................................................................3 Introduction to MedEvolve v5 ......................................................................................................3 Practice Insight: .............................................................................................................................3 Scheduler........................................................................................................................................4 Document Management ...............................................................................................................4 Administrative Standard Reports ................................................................................................4 Charge Posting ..............................................................................................................................5 Patient Collections I – Set-up ......................................................................................................6 Patient Collections II - Worksheet ..............................................................................................6 Insurance Follow up ......................................................................................................................7 Data Mining ....................................................................................................................................7 Insurance Payment Posting.........................................................................................................7 Webinar Series Timetable/Zone Reference ..............................................................................8 Monday Security (8AM & 1PM Central Time) Set-up and assign security options toUser groups Add a new User Attach a user to a group Reset a password Explain the difference between adding rights to a user and to a group Explain individual security options Table Maintenance (10AM & 3PM Central Time) Table overview: Account Billing and Account Category CPT Fees: creating, editing, alternate schedules, and inactivating Diagnosis codes: creating, editing, and inactivating Location set-up and high impact fields Resource set-up and high impact fields Explain Insurance Categories and Insurance Plans Insurance Plan creation Table overview: Provider Numbers Appointment Template Maintenance Appointment Reason o Appointment Category o Demonstrate Appointment Template creation and editing o Demonstration Appointment Series creation and editing Please fill out registration form with attendees name and email address. Fax registration form to 501-6879276 or email to Attention: WEBINAR CLASS REGISTRATION An email will be sent to the attendee with meeting information to attend the webinar session. The number of attendees is limited so please respond to all invites to confirm yourattendance. Furthermore, it is imperative that all attendees sign in and are ready to start on time. Tuesday Account Information (8AM & 1PM Central Time) System/Windows Navigation Tool Bar, Menu Bar, Action Bar Accessing Account Information Enrolling a New Patient Editing an Existing Patient Account Tree Insurance Refiles Demand print options for documents and patient reports Introduction to MedEvolve v5 (9AM& 2PM Central Time) Demonstrate User Interface, Account Information, and Scheduler changes Navigating and Editing the Patient Home o Introduction to new Toolbar o MedMats o New forms: Problem List, Medications, History, Visits, Charts, Vitals Navigating and Editing the MedMats o Defining and Accessing o Optional Forms Navigating around the E-Superbill Creating a Template Attaching Template to a Resource Creating an E-Superbill from Account Information and Appointment MedMat Using the Recall Queue Tasks Practice Insight: (3PM Central Time) View claim files and individual claims Work invalid/rejected/denied claims Search for claims Manually download ERAS Generate standard reports, letters, and claim list Please fill out registration form with attendees name and email address. Fax registration form to 501-6879276 or email to Attention: WEBINAR CLASS REGISTRATION An email will be sent to the attendee with meeting information to attend the webinar session. The number of attendees is limited so please respond to all invites to confirm yourattendance. Furthermore, it is imperative that all attendees sign in and are ready to start on time. Add/edit memos Wednesday Scheduler (8AM & 1PM Central Time) Ad Hoc appointment scheduling Accessing appointment scheduler Navigation through the scheduler Scheduler view options Scheduling an existing patient Scheduling a new patient Editing an appointment Copying, Rescheduling, and Cancelling an appointment Blocking an appointment slot Printing Demand Print Documents, Superbills, and paper schedules Document Management (10AM Central Time) Document Groups: o Explain the purpose of creating document groups and its securities o Create aDocument Group and its demonstrate its securities Document Importer o Explain how documents can be imported into MedEvolve and its securities o Assigning metadata and renaming features Document Templates o Explain template file formats for importing and its securities o Importation of Templates o Template Properties: types, individual properties, and editing Document Tracker o Explain the function of Document Tracker and its securities o How Tracker works to find documents o How documents can be edited, emailed, faxed, and deleted Administrative Standard Reports (3PM Central Time) Aged Receivables Practice Financial Analysis Revenue & Service Analysis Examples of reports created via Account Analysis Please fill out registration form with attendees name and email address. Fax registration form to 501-6879276 or email to Attention: WEBINAR CLASS REGISTRATION An email will be sent to the attendee with meeting information to attend the webinar session. The number of attendees is limited so please respond to all invites to confirm yourattendance. Furthermore, it is imperative that all attendees sign in and are ready to start on time. Thursday Charge Posting (8AM & 1PM Central Time) Creating a new control View old controls Posting Charges and over the counter payments in Bulk Posting Posting Charges and over the counter payments in Visits /Transactions Balance a control Print a control’s Transaction Journal Edit a control Close a control Introduction to MedEvolve v5 (9AM& 2PM Central Time) Demonstrate User Interface, Account Information, and Scheduler changes Navigating and Editing the Patient Home o Introduction to new Toolbar o MedMats o New forms: Problem List, Medications, History, Visits, Charts, Vitals Navigating and Editing the MedMats o Defining and Accessing o Optional Forms Navigating around the E-Superbill Creating a Template Attaching Template to a Resource Creating an E-Superbill from Account Information and Appointment Medmat Using the Recall Queue Tasks Please fill out registration form with attendees name and email address. Fax registration form to 501-6879276 or email to Attention: WEBINAR CLASS REGISTRATION An email will be sent to the attendee with meeting information to attend the webinar session. The number of attendees is limited so please respond to all invites to confirm yourattendance. Furthermore, it is imperative that all attendees sign in and are ready to start on time. Thursday Cont. Patient Collections I – Set-up (10AM Central Time) Set-up 1 letter series and level Set-up 1 payment plan series and level Set-up a Collector Set-up a Group and Assignment Run Collections Process Show Collection Reports from process Patient Collections II - Worksheet (3PM Central Time) Discuss Worksheet Icons Discuss Account number Color- codes Open Incident Open Promise Open Account Information Add Memo Send Documents Reassign Collector Please fill out registration form with attendees name and email address. Fax registration form to 501-6879276 or email to Attention: WEBINAR CLASS REGISTRATION An email will be sent to the attendee with meeting information to attend the webinar session. The number of attendees is limited so please respond to all invites to confirm yourattendance. Furthermore, it is imperative that all attendees sign in and are ready to start on time. Friday Insurance Follow up (8AM & 1PM Central Time) Review Daily Process and Archive Unprocessable claims report Insurance filing report Confirmations Delinquent Transaction report Insurance Collections Data Mining (10AM Central Time) Accessing and navigating Data Mining Module Creating Data mining views Saving Views Printing and exporting views Insurance Payment Posting (3PM Central Time) Creating a new control View old controls Posting Insurance payments Posting Insurance Adjustments Posting COB information (Secondary’s) Balancing the control Printing the control Editing the control Closing the control Secondary claims processing (COB) Please fill out registration form with attendees name and email address. Fax registration form to 501-6879276 or email to Attention: WEBINAR CLASS REGISTRATION An email will be sent to the attendee with meeting information to attend the webinar session. The number of attendees is limited so please respond to all invites to confirm yourattendance. Furthermore, it is imperative that all attendees sign in and are ready to start on time. Webinar Series Timetable/Zone Reference WEBINAR Pacific MTN Central Eastern 6A & 11A 8A & 1P 7A & 12P 9A & 2P 8A & 1P 10A & 3P 9A & 2P 11A & 4P 6A & 11A 7A & 12P 1P 7A & 12P 8A & 1P 2P 8A & 1P 9A & 2P 3P 9A & 2P 10A & 3P 4P Scheduler WEDNESDAY Document Management Administrative Standard Reports 6A & 11A 8A 1P 7A & 12P 9A 2P 8A & 1P 10A 3P 9A & 2P 11A 4P Charge Posting Patient Collections I - Set-up THURSDAY Patient Collections II -Worksheet 6A & 11A 8A 1P 7A & 12P 9A 4P 8A & 1P 10A 2P 9A & 2P 11A 4P 7A & 12P 8A & 1P 9A & 2P 10A & 3P 6A & 11A 8A 7A & 12P 9A 8A & 1P 10A 9A & 2P 11A 1P 2P 3P 4P MONDAY Security Table Maintenance Account Information TUESDAY Introduction to MedEvolve v5 Practice Insight Introduction to MedEvolve v5 Insurance Follow-up FRIDAY Data Mining Insurance Payment Posting Please fill out registration form with attendees name and email address. Fax registration form to 501-6879276 or email to Attention: WEBINAR CLASS REGISTRATION An email will be sent to the attendee with meeting information to attend the webinar session. The number of attendees is limited so please respond to all invites to confirm yourattendance. Furthermore, it is imperative that all attendees sign in and are ready to start on time.