Sacramento Valley Association of Building Officials Webinars are an easy and inexpensive way to allow companies to participate in continuing education without leaving the office. The cost to participate in a SVABO webinar is $40.00 for members and $55.00 for non-members. Webinar registration includes one attendee certificate good toward ICC continuing education units. SVABO charges a $5.00 fee for each additional webinar attendee to receive a certificate towards ICC continuing education units. Please fill in the additional attendee names below and submit completed form with payment to the SVABO office. Allow 3-4 weeks for processing. I _________________________________, ___________________________________ (first and last name) (title and agency) verify that the following individuals attended the ______________________ webinar on (course title) ________________________. (course date) 1.________________________________ 2. ____________________________ 3. ________________________________ 4. ____________________________ 5. ________________________________ 6. ____________________________ *For more than 6 additional certificates, please use multiple forms. Mail form and check to: SVABO 1215 K Street, Suite 2290 Sacramento, CA 95814 Or fax form and credit card payment to: 916.231.2141 Payment by Visa/Mastercard: Card #: _______________________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________ V-Code: ___________ Billing Zip Code: _______________ Amount: $___________________ Authorized Signature: ________________________________________________________________ Print Cardholder Name: ______________________________________________________________