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Alexander, S., Srinivasan, S., and Alexander, H. (2003b). Proteomics opens doors to the mechanisms of
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Garcia, M.X., Alexander, H., Mahadeo, D., Cotter, D.A., and Alexander, S. (2003). The Dictyostelium
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Min, J., Van Veldhoven, P.P., Zhang, L., Hanigan, M.H., Alexander, H., and Alexander, S. (2005b).
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Alexander, S., Min, J., and Alexander, H. (2006). Dictyostelium discoideum to human cells:
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Williams, R.S., Boeckeler, K., Graf, R., Muller-Taubenberger, A., Li, Z., Isberg, R.R., Wessels, D., Soll,
D.R., Alexander, H., and Alexander, S. (2006). Towards a molecular understanding of human diseases
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McCaw, D. L., Chan, A.S., Stegner, A.L., Mooney, B., Bryan, J.N, Turquist, S.E., Henry, C.J., Alexander,
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Min, J., Mesika, A., Sivaguru, M., Van Veldhoven, P.P., Alexander, H., Futerman, A.H., and Alexander, S.
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Sridevi, P., Alexander, H., Laviad, E.L., Pewzner-Jung, Y., Hannink, M., Futerman, A.H., Alexander, S.
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Sridevi, P., Alexander, H., Laviad, E.L., Min, J., Mesika, A., Hannink, M., Futerman, A.H., Alexander, S.
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