TV Crime on Talking Book (Word, 200KB)

Television Crime
Talking Books
The titles in this booklist are just a selection of the titles available
for loan from the RNIB National Library Talking Book Service.
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Inspector Roderick Alleyn
Marsh, Ngaio
A man lay dead. 1979. Read by Robbie MacNab, 6 hours 9
minutes. TB 10328.
Inspector Alleyn series; book 1. To amuse his house guests (and
he is famous for his amusing house parties), Sir Hubert Handesley
devises a new form of the Murder Game, but when the lights go up
there is a real corpse with a dagger in its back and all seven
suspects have had ample time to concoct amusing alibis. TB
Marsh, Ngaio
Enter a murderer. 1986. Read by Vincent Brimble, 6 hours 57
minutes. TB 10238.
Inspector Alleyn series; book 2. The crime was committed on stage
at the Unicorn Theatre, when an unloaded gun fired a very real
bullet. The victim was Arthur Surbonadier, an actor clawing his way
to stardom using blackmail instead of talent. The suspects included
two unwilling girlfriends and several relieved blackmail victims. The
stage was set for one of Chief Inspector Alleyn's most baffling
cases. TB 10238.
Marsh, Ngaio
The nursing home murder. 1970. Read by James Saxon, 6
hours 28 minutes. TB 10875.
Inspector Alleyn series; book 3. Sir John Phillips, the Harley Street
surgeon and his beautiful nurse Jane Harder are almost too
nervous to operate. The emergency case on the table before them
is the Home Secretary and they both have very good, personal
reasons to wish him dead. Within hours he does die, though the
operation itself was a complete success. Detective Chief Inspector
Alleyn must find out why. TB 10875.
Marsh, Ngaio
Death in ecstacy. Read by Arthur Blake, 7 hours 46 minutes.
TB 8493.
Inspector Alleyn series; book 4. The woman drank - the cup
flashed as it dropped. Her face twisted into an appalling grimace
as her body twitched violently. She pitched forward, jerked twice
and lay still. In the House of the Sacred Flame, death catches up
with one of the Initiates. TB 8493.
Marsh, Ngaio
Vintage murder. 1980. Read by Nicolette McKenzie, 8 hours 36
minutes. TB 10555.
Inspector Alleyn series; book 5. Caroline made her usual dramatic
entrance "Darlings!" she exclaimed, "What's all this? Too exciting
and all for me!" She picked up the scissors. Suddenly Alleyn felt
intolerably fearful, but at the moment she cut the cord. Something
enormous flashed down among them from the hidden heights and
Alleyn's growing sense of horror became reality. The small fat man
had disappeared but on the table lay something red and pulped.
TB 10555.
Inspector Banks
Robinson, Peter
Gallows view. 2002. Read by Owain Shaw, 9 hours 9 minutes.
TB 15073.
Inspector Banks series; book 1. Detective Chief Inspector Alan
Banks has recently moved to the Yorkshire Dales from London to
escape the stress of the metropolis. He soon finds that life in the
country is not quite as idyllic as he had imagined. A peeping Tom
is frightening the women of Eastvale. Two glue-sniffing thugs are
breaking into homes. An old woman may or may not have been
murdered. Contains strong language and violence. TB 15073.
Robinson, Peter
A dedicated man. 2002. Read by Owain Shaw, 9 hours 35
minutes. TB 15357.
Inspector Banks series; book 2. Near the village of Helmthorpe,
Swainsdale, the body of a well-liked local historian is found halfburied under a drystone wall. Harry Steadman has been brutally
murdered. But who want to kill such a thoughtful, dedicated man?
Chief Inspector Banks is called in to investigate and soon
discovers that disturbing secrets lie behind the apparently bucolic
facade. Contains strong language and violence. TB 15357.
Robinson, Peter
A necessary end: an Inspector Banks mystery. 2002. Read by
Owain Shaw, 11 hours 46 minutes. TB 16163.
Inspector Banks series; book 3. In the usually peaceful town of
Eastvale, a simmering tension has now reached breaking point. An
anti-nuclear demonstration has ended in violence, leaving one
policeman stabbed to death. Fired by professional outrage,
Superintendent 'Dirty Dick' Burgess descends with vengeful fury on
the inhabitants of 'Maggie's Farm', an isolated house high on the
daleside. Inspector Alan Banks is uneasy about Burgess's
handling of the investigation. But he has been warned off the case.
Soon Banks realizes that the only way he can salvage his career is
by beating Burgess to the killer. Contains strong language. TB
Robinson, Peter
The hanging valley: an Inspector Banks mystery. 2002. Read
by Owain Shaw, 10 hours 23 minutes. TB 16847.
Inspector Banks series; book 4. The Collier brothers, the wealthiest
and most powerful family in Swainsdale, are suspected of murder.
When they start to use their influence to slow down the
investigation, Inspector Alan Banks finds himself in a race against
time. Contains strong language and violence. TB 16847.
Chief Inspector Barnaby - Midsomer Murders
Graham, Caroline
The killings at Badger's Drift. 1989. Read by Hugh Ross, 8
hours 26 minutes. TB 10550.
Chief Inspector Barnaby mystery series; book 1. Badger's Drift, a
tranquil English village, is home to Miss Emily Simpson, a kindly
well liked spinster, but a gentle stroll in the woods near her home
one day brings an abrupt end to her peaceful existence, for Miss
Simpson sees something among the trees that she was never
meant to see and someone makes sure she will never reveal what
it was. TB 10550.
Graham, Caroline
Death of a hollow man. 1990. Read by Hugh Ross, 11 hours 18
minutes. TB 11499.
Chief Inspector Barnaby mystery series; book 2. Detective Chief
Inspector Barnaby is in the audience when the Causton Amateur
Dramatic Society see one of their own murdered, and are forced to
turn in on themselves in the search for motive and perpetrator. The
result is both a study in crime and a whodunit involving an entire
cast-list of suspects. TB 11499.
Graham, Caroline
Death in disguise. 1993. Read by Hugh Ross, 14 hours 5
minutes. TB 12040.
Chief Inspector Barnaby Mystery series; book 3. When the death
up at the big house is announced to the village of Crompton Dando
few are surprised. The Elizabethan manor house is home to a
most unlikely bunch of New Age oddballs and it was only a matter
of time before one of them came to a bad end. So it is a great
disappointment when the Coroner deems James Carter's demise
to have been simply an accident. To Chief Inspector Barnaby,
hurriedly summoned to the scene after another death is reported,
the suspects are among the most bizarre he has ever
encountered. TB 12040.
Graham, Caroline
Written in blood. 1994. Read by Hugh Ross, 14 hours 26
minutes. TB 12008.
Chief Inspector Barnaby mystery series; book 4. The members of
the Midsomer Worthy's Writers' Circle realise that their invitation to
best-selling author Max Jennings is ambitious. But Jennings
accepts, and before the night is over the Circle's secretary is dead.
So why was Jennings willing to speak to a group of amateur
writers and where is he now? TB 12008.
Graham, Caroline
Faithful unto death. 1996. Read by Hugh Ross, 13 hours 53
minutes. TB 11452.
Chief Inspector Barnaby mystery series; book 5. When Simone,
the pleasant, vague wife of businessman Alan Hollingsworth,
vanishes from the village of Fawcett Green, her ever-vigilant
neighbours, the Brockleys, suspect the worst. The discovery of a
body draws Chief Inspector Barnaby to the village, testing his
powers of deduction to the full. TB 11452.
Tommy and Tuppence Beresford
Christie, Agatha
The secret adversary. 1987. Read by Rosemary Davis, 9 hours
59 minutes. TB 8592.
Tommy and Tuppence series; book 1. Two young adventurers get
more than they bargained for when they hire themselves out to the
sinister Mr Whittington. TB 8592.
Christie, Agatha
N or M? 1941. Read by Marie McCarthy, 6 hours 25 minutes.
TB 10927.
Tommy and Tuppence series; book 3. The war has not changed
Sans Souci, the prim seaside boarding house. It is still patronized
by retired army men, gossipy old ladies and young people in love.
But one of them is a spy, the leader of the "fifth column" of highly
placed traitors who will seize power when Hitler invades England.
So the irrepressible Beresfords, Tommy and Tuppence, come to
live at Sans Souci...TB 10927.
Christie, Agatha
By the pricking of my thumbs. 1968. Read by Colin KeithJohnston, 6 hours 52 minutes. TB 1029.
Tommy and Tuppence series; book 4. When Tommy and
Tuppence visit an elderly aunt in her gothic nursing home, they
think nothing of her mistrust of the doctors. But when the other
residents talk of a poisoned mushroom stew and something behind
the fireplace, they begin to take notice. TB 1029.
Christie, Agatha
Postern of fate. 1973. Read by Philip Treleaven, 7 hours 50
minutes. TB 2452. Tommy and Tuppence series; book 5. Tommy
and Tuppence investigate a murder that took place many years
ago, but their raking up of old scandals is bitterly resented and they
soon find themselves in danger. TB 2452.
Temperance Brennan - Bones
Reichs, Kathy
Deja dead. 1998. Read by Liza Ross, 15 hours 24 minutes. TB
Temperance Brennan series; book 1. When the bones of a woman
are discovered at an abandoned monastery in Montreal city, the
case is given to Dr Temperance Brennan. Researching recent
disappearances, Brennan is convinced a serial killer is at work,
and is determined to find a connection through the way in which
these women were slaughtered. But even before she makes her
breakthrough, the killer is closing in. Contains strong language. TB
Reichs, Kathy
Death du jour. 1999. Read by Liza Ross, 12 hours 40 minutes.
TB 12281.
Temperance Brennan series; book 2. A Dr Temperance Brennan
forensic thriller set in Montreal. On a bitterly cold March night, in
the grounds of an abandoned convert, the forensic anthropologist
is exhuming the remains of a nun who died in 1888. What will she
find when she finally lifts the rotting coffin lid? TB 12281.
Reichs, Kathy
Deadly decisions. 2008. Read by Lorelei King, 9 hours 30
minutes. TB 15571.
Temperance Brennan series; book 3. It is a beautiful spring day in
the quiet woods of the FBI's headquarters at Quantico, forensic
anthropologist, Dr Temperance Brennan, is teaching a body
recovery course when she is urgently called back to Quebec. A
gruesome duty awaits her: a biker war is raging and two of the foot
soldiers have blown themselves up. The only person qualified to
make sense of what remains is Tempe. When the body of a nineyear-old girl is wheeled into the morgue - slain in biker crossfire Tempe vows to lend her skills to fight his evil, and enters the dark
underworld of the bikers. Contains violence. TB 15571.
Reichs, Kathy
Fatal voyage. Read by Kate Harper, 11 hours 51 minutes. TB
Temperance Brennan series; book 4. When a plane crashes high
in the mountains of North Carolina, Tempe Brennan is one of the
first on the scene. As a forensic anthropologist she serves on the
response team. The task that confronts her is a sad and sickening
one. Contains strong language and violence. TB 15076.
Reichs, Kathy
Grave secrets. 2004. Read by Katherine Borowitz, 9 hours 52
minutes. TB 15104.
Temperance Brennan series ; book 5. It was a summer morning in
1982 when soldiers entered the village of Chupan Ya. Twenty
years later, Dr Temperance Brennan, forensic anthropologist,
travels to Guatemala to work on one of the most heartbreaking
cases of her career. Twenty-three women and children are said to
lie where Tempe and a team from the Guatemalan Forensic
Anthropology Foundation must search for remains. It's one of five
mass graves. No records were kept. Families and neighbours refer
to their lost members as 'the disappeared'. Contains strong
language and violence. TB 15104.
Reichs, Kathy
Bare bones. 2008. Read by Liza Ross, 9 hours 57 minutes. TB
Temperance Brennan series; book 6. First there's the newborn
skeleton found in a wood stove. Then a pilot and passenger are
found burnt, covered in a strange black substance. Most puzzling
is a cache of bones, some animal, some human. All the pieces
seem to lead back to an isolated farm. Can Dr Brennan decipher
the clues in time? TB 17171.
Jackson Brodie - Case Histories
Atkinson, Kate
Case histories. 2004. Read by Ruth Holyman, 9 hours. TB
Jackson Brodie series; book 1. Jackson Brodie is making ends
meet in a sweaty Cambridge summer and trying to deal with his
own failed marriage. But if his life is adrift, perhaps Brodie can
justify his existence via his belief that he can do some good for the
people he encounters in his job. But he is to find that he will be
irrevocably changed by those he is trying to help. Contains strong
language and passages of a sexual nature. TB 14091.
Atkinson, Kate
One good turn: a jolly murder mystery. 2007. Read by Peter
Kenny, 12 hours 55 minutes. TB 15771.
Jackson Brodie series; book 2. It is summer, it is the Edinburgh
festival. People queueing for a lunchtime show witness a road-rage
incident - a near-homicidal attack which changes the lives of
everyone involved: the wife of an unscrupulous property developer,
a crime writer, a washed-up comedian. Jackson Brodie, ex-army,
ex-police, ex-detective, is also an innocent bystander - until he
becomes a murder suspect. Contains strong language. TB 15771.
Atkinson, Kate
When will there be good news?. 2009. Read by Steven
Crossley, 10 hours 54 minutes. TB 17017.
Jackson Brodie series; book 3. In rural Devon, six-year-old Joanna
Mason witnesses an appalling crime. Thirty years later the man
convicted of the crime is released from prison. In Edinburgh,
sixteen-year-old Reggie works as a nanny for a G.P. But Dr Hunter
has gone missing and Reggie seems to be the only person who is
worried. Across town, Detective Chief Inspector Louise Monroe is
also looking for a missing person, unaware that hurtling towards
her is an old friend - Jackson Brodie - himself on a journey that
becomes fatally interrupted. TB 17017.
Atkinson, Kate
Started early, took my dog. 2010. Read by Jane Dunbar, 13
hours 53 minutes. TB 17769.
Jackson Brodie series; book 4. One moment of madness is all it
takes for security chief Tracy Waterhouse's humdrum world to be
turned upside down, the tedium of everyday life replaced by fear
and danger at every turn. Witnesses to Tracy's Faustian exchange
in the Merrion Centre in Leeds are Tilly, an elderly actress
teetering on the brink of her own disaster, and Jackson Brodie who
has returned to his home county in search of someone else's
roots. All three characters learn that the past is never history and
that no good deed goes unpunished. Contains strong language
and violence. TB 17769.
Peters, Ellis
A morbid taste for bones: a medieval whodunnit. 1977. Read
by Stephen Jack, 8 hours. TB 3210.
Cadfael series; book 1. Brother Cadfael is sent to a remote Welsh
village to recover the bones of a saint for his Monastery. He
encounters murder and poisoning before he can fulfil his mission.
TB 3210.
Peters, Ellis
One corpse too many: a medieval whodunnit. 1979. Read by
Andrew Timothy, 8 hours 30 minutes. TB 3542.
Cadfael series; book 2. In a medieval Monastery, Brother Cadfael
discovers 95 corpses after a massacre, where there should have
been only 94. TB 3542.
Peters, Ellis
Monk's-hood: the third chronicle of Brother Cadfael. 1980.
Read by George Hagan, 8 hours 53 minutes. TB 3767.
Cadfael series; book 3. It is the year 1138, a wealthy landowner is
murdered just before signing a deal with an Abbey on the Welsh
borders, and once again Brother Cadfael investigates. TB 3767.
Peters, Ellis
Saint Peter's Fair: the fourth chronicle of Brother Cadfael.
1981. Read by Robert Gladwell, 10 hours 19 minutes. TB 4128.
Cadfael series; book 4. In 12th century Shrewsbury, Brother
Cadfael is obliged to turn detective again when trouble between
the burghers and the Benedictine monastery before the annual fair
leads to riot and a murder. TB 4128.
Peters, Ellis
The leper of Saint Giles: the fifth chronicle of Brother Cadfael.
1981. Read by Andrew Timothy, 7 hours 52 minutes. TB 4166.
Cadfael series; book 5. Brother Cadfael to the rescue again: this
time investigating a savage killing connected with the imminent
marriage of an ageing nobleman and a very young woman,
coerced by greedy guardians. What does the enigmatic figure of
the old itinerant leper, Lazarus, know about the inmates of the
nearby lazarhouse? TB 4166.
Allingham, Margery
Mystery mile. 1967. Read by George Hagan, 9 hours 10
minutes. TB 6916.
Albert Campion series; book 2. Crowdy Lobbett is a man who knows too much
- and
too little. As an American Judge he has for too long dealt with the evil
of the Simister gang and has brought many of them to justice. Furthermore, he
in his possession a clue to the identity of Simister himself. Simister follows
across the Atlantic, determined to kill him. The trail leads to the heart of the
countryside, to Mystery Mile, and a meeting with Albert Campion ...TB 6916.
Allingham, Margery
Look to the Lady. 1931. Read by John Atterbury, 9 hours 45
minutes. TB 7093.
Albert Campion series; book 3. The Gyrth Chalice has been the sacred trust of
Gyrth family for centuries. Its beauty and antiquity make it unique. As the scion
of a
noble house himself Albert Campion is keenly aware of its place at the centre of
heritage and, when its safety is threatened by a ring of wealthy and ruthless
he springs to its defence. Enlisting the help of young Val Gyrth, Campion sets
out on a
course that is dangerous and possibly deadly.
Allingham, Margery
Police at the funeral. 1931. Read by Rosemary Davis, 10 hours
12 minutes. TB 6934.
Albert Campion series; book 4. Great Aunt Caroline rules the old Cambridge
"Socrates Close", with a rod of Victorian iron but now that Uncle Andrew has
disappeared, his great niece, Joyce, seeks the help of Albert Campion. Before
he can
help, news comes of the death "by murder" of the lost uncle. Next for the
mortuary is
Aunt Julie and suspicion falls all around in this bizarre household of horror. It is
tortuous maze of intrigue for the bland, blue-eyed and deceptively vague
TB 6934.
Allingham, Margery
Sweet danger. 1933. Read by Gabriel Woolf, 7 hours 50
minutes. TB 6912.
Albert Campion; 5. Guffy Randall is making his leisurely way home from the
Riviera after delivering his aunt to an Italian spa and he is unwilling to involve
in chasing possible criminals. When he finds his friend, Albert Campion,
royalty, courtiers and all, his ready curiosity is aroused. He cannot resist the
to join in a treasure hunt but the light-hearted goose chase becomes something
more dangerous. TB 6912.
Allingham, Margery
Death of a ghost. 1934. Read by Judy Franklin, 8 hours 47
minutes. TB 6913.
Albert Campion series; book 6. John Sebastian Lafcadio R.A., "probably the
painter since Rembrandt" as he should probably claim, is dead. But his
influence is not:
he wanted his fame to last, more particularly to outlast that of Charles
Tanqueray who
was looking to having a clear field to himself. So Johnnie's widow has been left
instructions: after five years one painting is to be shown yearly. Eight years
instead of a painting, the select group of viewers is treated to a murder.
Steve Carella - 87th Precinct
McBain, Ed
Cop hater: An 87th precinct novel. 1999. Read by Peter
Whitman, 5 hours 32 minutes. TB 11971.
87th Precinct series; book 1. With two cops shot dead in a heat
wave, Detective Steve Carella is scouring town for a man with a
record, a grudge and a .45. There's plenty fit that description... and
the Press is doing its own sniping from safe cover. A hot lead from
a stool pigeon takes Carella down Whore Street, but a lousy lead
from the Press takes the killer down to Teddy Franklin's apartment.
She's Carella's girl, and the killer's prepared to wait. TB 11971.
McBain, Ed
The mugger. 1999. Read by Harry Crane, 4 hours 51 minutes.
TB 12004.
87th Precinct series; book 2. Every city has muggers, but this
mugger was unique - he preyed only on women. He attacked after
dark, snatched their purses, filled them with pain and terror, then
bowed and said "Clifford thanks you, Madam." Now the cops of the
87th Precinct were out to get him. He had put one victim in the
hospital... and another one in the morgue. This time his victim was
a pretty seventeen-year-old and patrolman Bert Kling had a
personal reason to go after him... a reason that became an
obsession and a sure way for a cop to get killed. TB 12004.
McBain, Ed
The pusher. 1993. Read by Peter Whitman, 5 hours 25
minutes. TB 12057.
87th Precinct series; book 3. The rope, knotted around the boy's
neck, spelled suicide. But the fingerprints on the hypodermic
syringe at his feet were not his. And the medical examiner said that
the cause of death was an overdose of heroin. Steve Carella
couldn't figure why the murderer hadn't really wanted it to look like
suicide. But Lieutenant Byrnes knew why. He knew whose
fingerprints were on the syringe. He had a solution he couldn't
bring himself to believe. TB 12057.
McBain, Ed
The con man. 1993. Read by Peter Whitman, 5 hours 41
minutes. TB 12100.
87th Precinct series; book 4. The girl's body floated to the surface
of the river and was washed up on the rocks. The medical
examiner said she had been dead in the water three or four
months. There wasn't much to identify her by except for a small
tattoo in the shape of a heart on her right hand. But she died
before being submerged; the cause of death was arsenic
poisoning. Then a second body appeared with a similar tattoo. The
detectives of 87th Precinct were getting nowhere until Steve
Carella's wife, Teddy, stepped into the picture - and got a tattoo
herself... TB 12100.
McBain, Ed
Killer's payoff. 1978. Read by Garrick Hagon, 5 hours 15
minutes. TB 10509.
87th Precinct series; book 6. Sequel to: Killer's choice. Sy Kramer
was a loner and business was very good until a .300 Savage
closed his account. There were no flowers at Sy's funeral, no
mourners and worse, for Carella and Cotton Hawes, there were no
clues. What there was though was a string of lovely ladies: the
delicious redhead who shared Sy's apartment and his bed but not,
it seemed, his life, longlegged Lucy, the homely housewife who
used to do cheesecake modelling. TB 12100.
Commander Adam Dalgleish
James, P D
Cover her face. 2002. Read by Stephen Hogan, 7 hours 55
minutes. TB 14053.
Adam Dalgliesh series; book 1. On the same day as the St Cedd's church fete
in the
grounds of her home, Martingale, Mrs Maxie learns of her son Stephen's
By the next morning, her new parlourmaid, Sally Jupp, is dead. Detective
Chief-Inspector Adam Dalgliesh investigates murder in the Elizabethan manor
TB 14053.
James, P D
A mind to murder. 2002. Read by Stephen Hogan, 7 hours 39
minutes. TB 14054.
Adam Dalgliesh series; book 2. A hideous scream pierces the calm of the
evening psychotherapy session. The body of a woman lies sprawled in the
basement of the
Steen Clinic, a chisel thrust through her heart. Superintendent Adam Dalgliesh,
relaxing at a literary party close by, hurries over to investigate the murder. TB
James, P D
Unnatural causes. 1989. Read by Tom Crowe, 8 hours 42
minutes. TB 9532.
Adam Dalgliesh series; book 3. Adam Dalgliesh had been looking forward to his
at his aunt's cottage on Monksmere Head, but he had reckoned without the
discovery of the handless body of crime writer Maurice Seton. TB 9532.
James, P D
A shroud for a nightingale. 1971. Read by Anthony Parker,
12:45. TB 1743.
Adam Dalgliesh series; book 4. Murder in a nurses' home. TB 1743.
James, P D
The black tower. 1975. Read by Andrew Timothy, 12 hours. TB
Adam Dalgliesh series; book 5. Commander Dalgliesh, recovering from a
illness, goes to Toynton Grange, a home for the disabled, only to find that the
and old friend, has died a mysterious death. TB 2672.
Dalziel and Pascoe
Hill, Reginald
A clubbable woman. 1970. Read by Anthony Parker, 9 hours
29 minutes. TB 1488.
Dalziel and Pascoe series; book 1. A thriller based on a Rugby
Union Club of a small Northern town. When Connon arrives home,
his wife is even more uncommunicative than usual. She is slumped
in an armchair watching a variety show on TV. Five hours later, the
TV is still on - and Connon notices that his wife has been clubbed
to death. TB 1488.
Hill, Reginald
An advancement of learning: a Dalziel and Pascoe novel.
1996. Read by Harvey Ashby, 8 hours 16 minutes. TB 10791.
Dalziel and Pascoe series; book 2. Superintendent Dalziel had a
cynical view of Higher Education, but the discovery of a body
hidden under a statue in the grounds of Holm Coultram College
surprised even him. With Sergeant Pascoe's help he begins a
learning process which expands to include to more bodies before
its end. TB 10791.
Hill, Reginald
An April shroud. 1975. Read by Robert Gladwell, 9 hours 30
minutes. TB 2801.
Dalziel and Pascoe series; book 4. In waterlogged Lincolnshire,
Superintendent Dalziel accidentally encounters the strange
inhabitants of a household engaged in rowing a coffin to the
churchyard over the flood waters. TB 2801.
Hill, Reginald
A pinch of snuff: a Dalziel and Pascoe novel. 1994. Read by
Stephen Thorne, 7 hours 55 minutes. TB 11561.
Dalziel and Pascoe series; book 5. Everyone knew about the kind
of films they showed at the Calliope Club - once the Residents'
Association and the local Women's Group had given them some
free publicity. But when Peter Pascoe's dentist suggests that one
film in particular is more than just good clean dirty fun, the
inspector begins to make a few discreet enquiries. Contains strong
language. TB 11561.
Hill, Reginald
A killing kindness. 1980. Read by Joan Walker, 7 hours 53
minutes. TB 8409.
Dalziel and Pascoe series; book 6. An intriguing mix of dark
violence and quotes from the works of Shakespeare. In the horrific
case of the Yorkshire Choker, Sergeant Wield calls in clairvoyants,
linguists, psychiatrists and mediums. Detective Superintendent
Dalziel is sceptical of his colleague's actions. While confusion and
panic reign in the police force, the well-read killer persists in his
grisly acts. TB 8409.
Dangerous Davies - The Last Detective
Thomas, Leslie
Dangerous by moonlight. 1993. Read by Alexander John, 8
hours 33 minutes. TB 10086.
Detective Constable Davies is nicknamed Dangerous because he
is harmless. Beaten up at a European Friendship dinner dance, he
is recuperating at the coast in January when he is approached by
Louise Dulciman to find out if her husband, who has disappeared,
is deceased or decamped. Aided by his drinking companion, his
dog, and his beautiful friend Jemima, he is led into outlandish
adventures and a many layered mystery. TB 10086.
Thomas, Leslie
Dangerous in love. 1995. Read by Alexander John, 6 hours 52
minutes. TB 10949.
When an old tramp is found drowned in the local canal, an open
verdict is returned, but detective 'Dangerous' Davies, who is a
danger only to himself, is not satisfied. Contains strong language
and passages of a sexual nature. TB 10949.
Fitz - Cracker
Mortimore, Jim
The mad woman in the attic. 1999. Read by Stephen Thorne, 8
hours 48 minutes, TB 12872.
Cracker series; book 1. When one of his students is murdered, Fitz
can't resist becoming involved. The police have a suspect, they are
sure he's a serial killer, but he's claiming complete amnesia. As
Fitz investigates, he finds the police theory doesn't fit the facts. TB
Brown, Molly
Cracker: to say I love you. 1999. Read by Steven Hartley, 8
hours 20 minutes. TB 12848.
Cracker series; book 2. Fitz can find a murderer, prevent
catastrophe and still find time to flirt with a pretty policewoman. But
he knows only too well the motivations that drive Judith into
another man's bed and that push him to the edge of selfdestruction. Compared to the complications of Fitz's own life,
tracking down a team of co-killers is simple. TB 12848.
Holliday, Liz
Cracker: one day a lemming will fly. 1999. Read by Steven
Hartley, 9 hours. TB 13266.
Cracker series; book 3. Fitz has an open and shut case. A
schoolboy is found murdered. His teacher - male, single, living
alone - tries to commit suicide. It's obvious the teacher did it, it's
just a matter of obtaining a confession. But the truth is as elusive
as trust and honesty, and the case goes badly wrong. In his
personal drama, Fitz also has to choose between Judith and Jane.
And that's the least of his problems. Contains strong language. TB
D.I. Jack Frost
Wingfield, R D
Frost at Christmas. 1996. Read by Stephen Thorne, 8 hours 54
minutes. TB 10688.
Jack Frost series; book 1. Ten days to Christmas and Tracey
Uphill, aged eight, hasn't come home from Sunday School. Her
mother, a pretty young prostitute, is desperate. To help Frost
investigate this case, he has been assigned a new sidekick, the
Chief Constable's nephew. Frost proceeds with this investigation in
typically unorthodox style, including consulting the local witch. He
finds himself drawn into an unsolved crime from the past and risks,
not only his career, but also his life. TB 10688.
Wingfield, R D
A touch of frost. 1995. Read by Robin Browne, 13 hours 1
minute. TB 10806.
Jack Frost series; book 2. Sleepy Denton has never known
anything like the crimewave which now threatens to submerge it.
Frost is reeling under the strain, while his self-righteous colleagues
would love to see him sacked. The manic Frost manages to assure
his superior that all is under control, and now he has only to
convince himself. TB 10806.
Wingfield, R D
Night frost. 1997. Read by Stephen Thorne, 12 hours 47
minutes. TB 11166.
Jack Frost series; book 3. The police are contending with a serial
killer, arson attacks and death threats on a young couple, a
suspicious suicide, burglaries, pornographic videos, poison-pen
letters... In charge is Detective Inspector Jack Frost, but with
inadequate backup, the unsolved crimes pile up and Frost has to
cut corners. Contains strong language. TB 11166.
Wingfield, R D
Hard frost. 1996. Read by Robin Browne, 14 hours 27 minutes.
TB 10888.
Jack Frost series; book 4. DI Jack Frost should have been on
holiday. But the case of a murdered 8-year-old boy has been
dumped on him as no other officer is available. Then another boy
goes missing. The following day the ransom demand arrives. Jack
Frost stumbles from crisis to crisis as he tries to cope with a childstabbing pervert, the discovery of a decomposing body and the
abduction of a teenage girl. TB 10888.
Wingfield, R D
Winter frost. 2000. Read by Stephen Thorne, 14 hours 37
minutes. TB 14188.
Jack Frost series; book 5. Winter in Denton is a busy time for DI
Jack Frost whose unsolved crime figures are mounting. A serial
killer is murdering local prostitutes, armed robbery, a ram raid at a
jewellers and a buried skeleton is uncovered. But Frost's main
concern is for the safety of a missing schoolgirl. Then the body of
another little girl from the same school is found. Frost's prime
suspect, strongly protesting his innocence, hangs himself in his
cell, leaving a note blaming Frost for driving him to suicide.
Coarse, insubordinate and fearless, DI Jack Frost is in serious
trouble. TB 14188.
George Gently
Hunter, Alan
Gently mistaken. 1999. Read by Alexander John, 4 hours 40
minutes. TB 12037.
When Chief Superintendent George Gently and his team gain
entry to a flat in Putney, the recent disappearance of its owner is
instantly explained - on the bed lies his married mistress, who has
been strangled. The fugitive, a young accountant named Thorpe, is
spotted hiding out in the seaside town of Shinglebourne, which just
then is occupied with its celebrated music festival. But before
Gently's arrival in the town, Thorpe is found battered to death and
there is no trace of the money he stole from his office before
absconding. TB 12037.
Hunter, Alan
The love of gods. 1997. Read by Alexander John, 5 hours 50
minutes. TB 11554.
As Chief Superintendent George Gently sits on his lawn having
Sunday afternoon tea, and listening to his friend's vivid account of
the latest meeting of Wolmering's artistic talent, nothing could be
further from his mind than untimely death. But his tranquil
afternoon is soon to be interrupted with news of the brutal murder
of a local poet. TB 11554.
Hunter, Alan
Gently scandalous. 1990. Read by Avril Clark, 5 hours 43
minutes. TB 8455.
Jeremy Gotts, a young brewery rep with a taste for older women, is
found dead. The billet-doux found on his body by Chief
Superintendent George Gently leads to a local scandal of farreaching proportions.
Hunter, Alan
Gently with the millions. 1989. Read by Frank Duncan, 5 hours
43 minutes. TB 8278.
Charles Reason was once Managing Director of a respected City
firm. Now, a disgraced man, in reduced circumstances, Gently
smells a rat at Reason's affectation of riches turned to rags. And
when a locked room in the ex-tycoon's flat is found to contain a
battery of computer screens and six telephones, his suspicions are
Commander Gideon - Gideon's Way
Marric, J. J
Gideon's night. 1957. Read by Arthur Bush, 6 hours 45
minutes. TB 965.
One night's duty at Scotland Yard provides several exciting events
for the C.I.D. chief. TB 965.
Marric, J. J
Gideon's fire. 1961. Read by David Broomfield, 6 hours 43
minutes. TB 1907.
George Gideon, C.I.D. Commander, tracks down a maniac
murderer who burned a Lambeth tenement full of people and
threatened further lives. TB 1907.
Marric, J. J
Gideon's river. 1968. Read by Arthur Bush, 5 hours 55
minutes. TB 734.
Commander Gideon deals with crimes on or about London's river.
TB 734.
Marric, J. J
Gideon's week. 1969. Read by Christopher Scott, 6 hours 34
minutes. TB 10706.
No week in the life of Commander Gideon of Scotland Yard could
be entirely uneventful. However, a mass escape from Millways
Gaol, Manchester, made this a particularly harassing week,
especially with a criminal like Benson at large. TB 10706.
Marric, J. J
Gideon's art. 1971. Read by Arthur Bush, 6 hours 28 minutes.
TB 1656.
The daring and ingenious theft of an old Master from the National
Gallery now occupies a great deal of Gideon's time. TB 1656.
Cordelia Gray - An Unsuitable Job for a Woman
James, P D
An unsuitable job for a woman. 1972. Read by Anthony
Parker, 9 hours 25 minutes. TB 2206.
Cordelia Gray series; book 1. Bernie Pryde's death was certainly
suicide and it left Cordelia Gray as sole proprietress of Bernie's
private detective agency. It left her too, with an assignment
originally intended for Bernie - to investigate the death of
Cambridge student Mark Callender, found hanged in his room. TB
James, P D
The skull beneath the skin. 1982. Read by Carol Marsh, 15
hours 43 minutes. TB 4525.
Cordelia Gray series; book 2. A dangerous new assignment for
private eye Cordelia Gray on a remote island off the coast of
Dorset. The victim is an ageing (and bitchy) player queen. TB
Mike Hammer
Spillane, Mickey
I, the jury. 2002. Read by William Dufris, 5 hours 57 minutes.
TB 14029.
Mike Hammer series; book 1. When Hammer finds one of his friends murdered,
vows to find the killer and punish him, no matter what the cost. He begins by
questioning all the guests of a recent party held by the late Jack Williams.
Myrna, Jack's girlfriend and ex-heroin addict; George Kalecki, a wealthy man
a crooked past; Hal Kines, a handsome, athletic, college type; the Bellamy
a couple of gorgeous, rich sisters; and finally, Charlotte Manning, a
beautiful and successful Park Avenue psychiatrist. TB 14029.
Spillane, Mickey
My gun is quick. Read by William Dufris, 7 hours 30 minutes.
TB 12906.
Mike Hammer series; book 2. Late one night, Mike Hammer finds himself in an
all-night dive with a pretty, but washed-out, redhead. When Feeney Last walks
and tries to smack the redhead around, Mike soon gives him a taste of his own
medicine and gives the girl money to clean up her act and get a real job. The
day she is found dead. Although NYPD are viewing it as an accident, Mike
better and sets out to prove murder and find the killer. TB 12906.
Spillane, Mickey
Vengeance is mine!. Read by William Dufris, 6 hours 30
minutes. TB 13397.
Mike Hammer series; book 3. When Chester Wheeler, an old army buddy,
into town on business, he and Mike Hammer get together for old time's sake,
a few drinks and pass out in his hotel room. When Mike wakes up the next
he finds Chester dead, shot with Mike's own .45. Although he isn't charged with
murder, his P.I. and gun licences are revoked by the District Attorney and Mike
himself chasing the killer with the odds stacked against him. His investigation
him to a modelling agency where he meets Miss Juno Reeves. He is captivated
her looks but there is something about her that he can't put his finger on. TB
Spillane, Mickey
One lonely night. 2003. Read by Jeff Harding, 7 hours 24
minutes. TB 14415.
Mike Hammer series; book 4. Mike Hammer is walking the city streets one cold
winter night, meditating on what the judge had said during the recent case
him. The footsteps closing up behind him turn out to be those of a terrified
followed by a man. Both die, and the only clue to their identities is a pair of
cards that each has. This is the start of a case littered with bodies, a Communist
plot to bring down the free world, a politician in whom everyone believes is the
target of the "commies", and some missing documents that could decide the
of the nation and of the world. TB 14415.
Spillane, Mickey
The big kill. 2003. Read by William Dufris, 7 hours 3 minutes.
TB 14416.
Mike Hammer series; book 5. Mike Hammer is spending some solo time in a
bar on a stormy night when a nervous man enters, soaked and carrying a small
A short while later, after abandoning the child, he is gunned down outside,
leaving the
child an orphan. Once again, without pay, Mike goes after the murderer,
slugging it out
with a two-timing, still luscious, ex-Hollywood starlet who's using everything
she's got
to block the trail of a vicious killer. TB 14416.
Tony Hill - Wire in the Blood
McDermid, Val
The mermaids singing. 2003. Read by Stephen Thorne, 12
hours 9 minutes. TB 14341.
Tony Hill series; book 1. A serial killer is on the loose in the
northern city of Bradfield. Four men have been brutally killed by
savage knife wounds. In each case, the men have been mutilated
and tortured, though the mutilations are not identical and nothing
obvious appears to connect the victims. Fear grips the city; no man
feels safe. Clinical psychologist Tony Hill is brought in to profile the
killer, to work alongside Detective Inspector Carol Jordan.
Contains strong language and violence. TB 14341.
McDermid, Val
The wire in the blood. 2004. Read by Michael Tudor Barnes, 15
hours 13 minutes. TB 14257.
Tony Hill series; book 2. Tony Hill is asked by the Home Office to
form a national task force of trained psychological profilers, a hit
squad capable of moving in on particular complex cases. He gives
his new team the details of thirty missing teenagers and asks them
to discover whether there is a sinister link between any of the
cases. Only one officer, Shaz Bowman, comes up with a concrete
theory. She is ridiculed by the rest of her group until a killer
murders and mutilates one of their number. Contains strong
language and violence. TB 14257.
McDermid, Val
The last temptation. 2003. Read by Vari Sylvester, 17 hours 19
minutes. TB 14275.
Tony Hill series; book 3. Mapping the minds of murderers is what
Dr Tony Hill does better than anyone. So when a twisted killer
starts targeting psychologists across
Northern Europe, he's the obvious choice to track the executioner's
mental and physical journey. Except he no longer wants to delve
into the minds of serial killers. Soon, however, the case comes too
close to home. The next victim is a friend of his. Hill's former
partner, DCI Carol Jordan, is herself in Germany, working
undercover in a world where human life is cheaper than a drugs
deal. She needs his help as much as the hunters of the killer.
Contains strong language and violence. TB 14275.
McDermid, Val
The torment of others. 2004. Read by Vari Sylvester, 13 hours
57 minutes. TB 14276.
Tony Hill series; book 4. A new murder scene bears horrific
resemblance to a series of murders two years ago - murders that
ended when irrefutable forensic evidence secured the conviction of
Derek Tyler. But he has been locked up in a mental institution
since his trial, barely speaking a word. So is this the work of a
copycat? All his years of experience tell top criminal pathologist Dr
Tony Hill that it isn't. While Hill tries to crack Tyler, DCI Carol
Jordan and her team mount a desperate undercover operation to
trap the murderer, a decision that will have terrible consequences.
Contains strong language and violence. TB 14276.
Sherlock Holmes
Doyle, Arthur Conan
The sign of four. 1961. Read by Nigel Stock, 2 hours 16
minutes. TB 13032.
Every year since her father vanished without trace, Miss Mary
Morstan has received an anonymous gift of a large and lustrous
pearl. As Sherlock Holmes uncovers the mystery of the
disappearance of Mary's father, the Agra pearls are seen to be at
the centre of a devilish tale of treachery and murder. TB 13032.
Doyle, Arthur Conan
The hound of the Baskervilles. 1902. Read by Stephen Jack, 5
hours 53 minutes. TB 1407.
The Baskerville family is haunted by a phantom beast "with blazing
eyes and dripping jaws" which roams the mist enshrouded moors
around the isolated Baskerville Hall on Dartmoor. Is this devilish
spectre the manifestation of a family curse? Only Sherlock Holmes
can solve this affair. TB 1407.
Doyle, Arthur Conan
A study in scarlet. 1887. Read by Nigel Lambert, 1 hours 22
minutes. TB 13031.
In this, the first of the Sherlock Holmes mysteries, Dr. Watson and
Holmes meet and decide to take rooms together at 221B, Baker
Street. Almost immediately the great detective tackles his first
case. TB 13031.
Doyle, Arthur Conan
The complete Sherlock Holmes. 1992. Read by Robert
Gladwell, 87 hours 53 minutes. TB 10083.
The only complete, definitive edition of the authoritative text of
Sherlock Holmes story ever written, this volume contains all four
novels and all fifty six short stories. TB 10083.
Gash, Jonathan
The Judas pair. 1977. Read by Peter Gray, 8 hours 45 minutes.
TB 3297.
Lovejoy series; book 1. Durs Egg is known to have made twelve
pairs of duelling pistols. Does the thirteenth pair exist, and will it
lead to the murderer who is said to possess it? TB 3297.
Gash, Jonathan
Spend game. 1980. Read by Derek Chandler, 8 hours 47
minutes. TB 3725.
Lovejoy series; book 4. Sequel to: The grail tree. The murder of a
colleague sets Lovejoy off on a search for a priceless lost object.
TB 3725.
Gash, Jonathan
The tartan ringers: a Lovejoy narrative. 1986. Read by Derek
Chandler, 9 hours 46 minutes. TB 6207.
Lovejoy series; book 10. Sequel to: Pearlhanger. Lovejoy follows
some missing antiques into Scotland, masquerading as a distant
cousin of the Clan McGunn, and ends up on the fringe of the
Fringe at the Edinburgh Festival. Unsuitable for family reading. TB
Gash, Jonathan
Moonspender: a Lovejoy narrative. 1986. Read by Alistair
Maydon, 8 hours 46 minutes. TB 6922.
Lovejoy series; book 11. Scruffy antiques dealer Lovejoy achieves
instant notoriety by turning a prim TV show on antiques into a
shambles. He becomes involved in the complications following the
goring to death of his friend George, complications that include a
coven of witches and those illicit night seekers after buried
archaeological treasures, not to mention the dozen or so writs
served on Lovejoy himself ... TB 6922.
Inspector Lynley
George, Elizabeth
A suitable vengeance. 1991. Read by Michael McStay, 13
hours 35 minutes. TB 9054.
Inspector Lynley series; book 1. Detective Inspector Thomas
Lynley, the Eighth Earl of Asherton, has brought to Howenstow, his
ancestral home, the young woman he has asked to be his bride.
But the savage murder of a local journalist soon becomes the
catalyst for a lethal series of events which shatters the calm of the
picturesque Cornish village, tearing apart powerful ties of love and
friendship and exposing a long-buried family secret. The resulting
tragedy will forever alter the course of Thomas Lynley's life. TB
George, Elizabeth
A great deliverance. 1989. Read by Michael Tudor Barnes, 8
hours 23 minutes. TB 7785.
Inspector Lynley series; book 2. A brilliant first novel in the finest
tradition of the great women crime writers, this book introduces us
to Inspector Lynley. Complex and labyrinthine, the gripping story
draws the reader swiftly into its chilling plot, uncovering shattering
feuds and dark family secrets, until its powerful and satisfying
denouement. Contains passages of a sexual nature. TB 7785.
George, Elizabeth
Payment in blood. 1989. Read by Michael McStay, 12 hours 13
minutes. TB 8050.
Inspector Lynley series; book 3. Members of a West End theatre
company gather together for a reading of a controversial new play.
Before the evening is over, however, the playwright is savagely
murdered, and Inspector Thomas Lynley must face the most
baffling case of his Scotland Yard career - and the most difficult
choice he has ever had to make. TB 8050.
George, Elizabeth
Well-schooled in murder. 1990. Read by Michael McStay, 14
hours 59 minutes. TB 8685.
Inspector Lynley series; book 4. The murder of a gifted schoolboy
brings Inspector Thomas Lynley and Sergeant Barbara Havers to
an old and distinguished public school where loyalty and honour
are watchwords - or are they? TB 8685.
George, Elizabeth
For the sake of Elena. 1992. Read by Gretel Davis, 20 hours 16
minutes. TB 9204.
Inspector Lynley series; book 5. Elena, a student at St Stephen's
College, Cambridge, lived a life of casual but intense physical
relationships, with scores to settle and goals to achieve - that is,
until someone bludgeoned her to death. The University called in
the Yard and Lynley and Havers enter the rarefied world where
donnish intellect is often allied to intrigue. They find a tangled skein
of love, obsession and desire, a world of emotion upon whose altar
Elena was sacrificed. TB 9204.
Simenon, Georges
Maigret's failure. 1962. Read by Richard Baker, 4 hours 2
minutes. TB 12997.
An old school companion of Maigret's having asked for police
protection, is shot right under their eyes. TB 12997.
Simenon, Georges
Maigret in society. 1962. Read by Richard Baker, 4 hours 16
minutes. TB 13033.
In which Maigret finds himself with the strange mystery of the
apparently pointless assassination of an ex-diplomat. TB 13033.
Simenon, Georges
Maigret sets a trap. 1965. Read by George Hagan, 4 hours 39
minutes. TB 8947.
In the oppressive heat of a Parisian August, Maigret baits a trap to
lure the murderer of five women, brutally knifed in the streets of
Montmartre. TB 8947.
Simenon, Georges
Maigret right and wrong, comprising 'Maigret in Montmartre'
and 'Maigret's mistakes'. 1967. Read by Stephen Jack, 9
hours. TB 401.
Contains two stories about Maigret, one concerning the death of a
young Parisian stripper, the other the death of an ex-prostitute. TB
Simenon, Georges
Maigret's pickpocket. 1968. Read by Stephen Jack, 4 hours 30
minutes. TB 586.
A pickpocket helps himself to Maigret's wallet and leads him to a
complicated case of murder. TB 586.
Philip Marlowe
Chandler, Raymond
Farewell, my lovely. 1940. Read by Marvin Kane, 8 hours 15
minutes. TB 2482.
Philip Marlowe's accidental entanglement with Moose Malloy
involves him in adventures which end in the underworld of Los
Angeles. TB 2482.
Chandler, Raymond
The long good-bye. 1953. Read by David Bauer, 11 hours 15
minutes. TB 948.
Trouble is Philip Marlowe's business. A young drunk slides from
under the driving wheel of a silver wraith, into his arms. His hair's
white, his face scared, and he's called Terry Lennox. Soon,
Marlowe's thigh-high in a murder case, cooling his heels in the
felony tank. TB 948.
Chandler, Raymond
The big sleep. 1967. Read by Marvin Kane, 7 hours 6 minutes.
TB 1165.
Justice of an unexpected sort is done after a series of murders
while a case of blackmail is being investigated. TB 1165.
Chandler, Raymond
Poodle springs. 1990. Read by Errol MacKinnon, 6 hours 32
minutes. TB 8482.
Philip Marlowe is living in the exclusive resort town of Poodle
Springs with his new heiress wife. He finds the lifestyle boring and
opens up as an investigator. It is not long before he has tangled
with cops, upset solid citizens, and started on his first case having been hired by a local gangster to find a man who owes him
money. And this is only the beginning. Contains strong language.
TB 8482.
Miss Marple
Christie, Agatha
The murder at the vicarage. 1976. Read by Alistair Maydon, 7
hours 15 minutes. TB 6040.
Miss Marple series; book 1. When the irascible churchwarden
Colonel Protheroe is found shot through the head in the vicar's
study there seems to be no shortage of suspects. Miss Marple
declares that at least seven people have a motive, and three
people confess to having committed the crime. So who really did
kill the bad- tempered old man? TB 6040.
Christie, Agatha
Thirteen problems. 1972. Read by Marilyn Finlay, 7 hours 34
minutes. TB 9821.
Miss Marple series; book 2. Miss Marple appears in each of these
thirteen stories, solving the most amazing mysteries quietly and
unobtrusively from her chair by the fireside. TB 9821.
Christie, Agatha
Body in the library. 1942. Read by Ray Jones, 6 hours. TB
Miss Marple series; book 3. The Colonel and Mrs Bantry had
always believed that finding "a body in the library" only happened
in books, until it happened to them. Whose body was it? And why
should it be found in the library of Gossington Hall? Miss Marple
investigates. TB 6069.
Christie, Agatha
The moving finger. 1978. Read by James Saxon, 6 hours 3
minutes. TB 10777.
Miss Marple series; book 4. As a place to convalesce after a bad
flying accident, Lymstock seemed an ideal village. But a poison
pen is at work, making accusations that at first seem ridiculous.
There follows first suicide, then murder. The vicar's wife finally
takes action and calls in Jane Marple. TB 10777.
Christie, Agatha
A murder is announced. 1953. Read by Derek Chandler, 9
hours 15 minutes. TB 7133.
Miss Marple series; book 5. "A murder is announced and will take
place on Friday, October 29th, at Little Paddocks at 6.30pm." So
runs the advertisement in that day's local paper. Those who read it
assume it to be a joke - in bad taste, of course. Miss Blacklock, the
owner of Little Paddocks, is not unduly surprised when, towards
the appointed hour, several of her neighbours find themselves
drawn to call upon her ... TB 7133.
Perry Mason
Gardner, Erle Stanley
The case of the shapely shadow. 1966. Read by Marvin Kane,
5 hours 47 minutes. TB 2143.
Three women have been concerned in the life and death of one
man, and Perry Mason has to work fast to crack the prosecution's
case. TB 2143.
Gardner, Erle Stanley
The case of the bigamous spouse. 1967. Read by Marvin
Kane, 5 hours 23 minutes. TB 181.
A murdered man is mourned by two widows and Perry Mason is
called in to investigate. TB 181.
Gardner, Erle Stanley
The case of the daring divorcee. 1969. Read by Marvin Kane, 5
hours 45 minutes. TB 1194.
Perry Mason is involved in a question of identification when a
beautiful woman calls at his office for help and leaves mysteriously
before his return. TB 1194.
Detective superintendent Red Metcalfe Messiah
Starling, Boris
Messiah. Read by Joe Dunlop, 15 hours 10 minutes. TB 13900.
London is in the grip of a heatwave: airless days, strange steamy
nights and a killer stalking the streets. Wealthy men are being
murdered to some mysterious pattern, with no clues left behind,
only corpses with silver spoons in place of their tongues. Set
against this merciless butcher is Detective Superintendent Red
Metcalfe. But as the city swelters and the body-count rises, Red's
own tortured past beings to turn against him - and the city is safe
for no one. Sometimes, it is said, it takes a killer to
catch a killer. Contains strong language and violence. TB 13900.
Inspector Morse
Dexter, Colin
Last bus to Woodstock. 1975. Read by Robert Gladwell, 9
hours 25 minutes. TB 2842.
Inspector Morse series; book 1. Two girls decide to hitch-hike to
Woodstock when there seem to be no buses. Shortly after, one of
them is found murdered. Inspector Morse finds the case not as
straightforward as he first thought. TB 2842.
Dexter, Colin
Last seen wearing. 1976. Read by Peter Gray, 10 hours 15
minutes. TB 2940.
Inspector Morse series; book 2. Chief Inspector Morse investigates
the disappearance of a schoolgirl in very mysterious
circumstances. Two years after she vanished new evidence for the
case has been supplied. TB 2940.
Dexter, Colin
The silent world of Nicholas Quinn. 1977. Read by Peter Gray,
9 hours 15 minutes. TB 3201.
Inspector Morse series; book 3. Inspector Morse investigates the
murder of a new member of the Foreign Examinations Syndicate, a
small unit which sets and invigilates examinations for Third World
candidates who take their exams at home. TB 3201.
Dexter, Colin
Service of all the dead. 1979. Read by Robert Gladwell, 10
hours 15 minutes. TB 3625.
Inspector Morse series; book 4. There is a murder in the vestry at
St. Fridewide's. A second death follows, which seems to close the
case, but a third death prompts Inspector Morse to investigate
more closely. TB 3625.
Dexter, Colin
The dead of Jericho. 1981. Read by Robert Gladwell, 9 hours
30 minutes. TB 4111.
Inspector Morse series; book 5. Jericho is an area of small narrow
streets in Oxford and when the body of a woman is found there, a
very obvious suicide, there are certain elements in the case which
do not add up. Once more Detective Chief Inspector Morse of the
Thames Valley Police is called in to solve the mystery-but not
before another body is found in the same place! TB 4111.
Hercule Poirot
Christie, Agatha
The mysterious affair at Styles. 1995. Read by Andrew Sachs,
5 hours 28 minutes. TB 10857.
Hercule Poirot series; book 1. When Mrs Inglethorp, wealthy
mistress of Styles Court, is murdered the clues seem strangely
unrelated - a mysteriously destroyed will, a shattered coffee cup, a
splash of candle grease, an old envelope, a newly planted bed of
begonias... Small matters to most, but intriguing enough to feed
the curiosity of Hercule Poirot. TB 10857.
Christie, Agatha
The murder on the links. 1923. Read by Raymond Adamson, 6
hours 45 minutes. TB 7224.
Hercule Poirot series; book 2. An urgent appeal for help brings
Hercule Poirot to France with unaccustomed haste, but he is too
late - his client, a mysterious millionaire, has been brutally stabbed
to death and his body flung carelessly into an open grave. As the
Belgian detective unravels the strange circumstances of this case,
he finds a clue that is to take him back to another crime committed
more than 20 years earlier. TB 7224.
Christie, Agatha
Poirot investigates. 1987. Read by Garard Green, 6 hours 5
minutes. TB 10916.
Hercule Poirot series; book 3. The adventure of 'the Western Star'
- The kidnapped prime minister - The adventure of the Egyptian
tomb. In these three stories, Poirot is called upon to investigate
threatening letters demanding the return of a diamond belonging to
a film star, uncover the whereabouts of the Prime Minister
kidnapped by enemy agents during World War I, and investigate a
mysterious curse after the death of an archaeologist. TB 10916.
Christie, Agatha
The murder of Roger Ackroyd. 2002. Read by Christopher, 8
hours. TB 14708.
Hercule Poirot series; book 4. Roger Ackroyd was a man who
knew too much. He knew the woman he loved had poisoned her
first husband. He knew someone was black mailing her and now
he knew she had taken her own life with a drug overdose. Soon
the evening post would let him know who the mystery blackmailer
was. But Roger was dead before he'd finished reading it, stabbed
through the neck where he sat in his study. TB 14708.
Christie, Agatha
The big four. 1994. Read by Greg Wagland, 6 hours 12
minutes. TB 10964.
Hercules Poirot series; book 5. Framed in the doorway of Poirot's
bedroom stands an uninvited guest, coated from head to foot in
dust. The gaunt man's face stares for a moment then sways and
falls. Who is he and what is the significance of the figure four
scribbled repeatedly on a piece of paper? TB 10964.
Precious Ramotswe
McCall Smith, Alexander
The no. 1 ladies' detective agency. Read by Hilary Neville, 7
hours 20 minutes. TB 13252.
The No. 1 ladies' detective agency series; book 1. The no. 1 ladies'
detective agency consists of one woman - the engaging and sassy
Precious Ramotswe, who sets up shop in Gaborone, Botswana. A
cross between Kinsey Millhone and Miss Marple, this unlikely
heroine specialises in missing husbands, wayward daughters, con
men and imposters. When she sets out on the trail of a missing
child, she is tumbled headlong into some strange situations and
not a little danger.
McCall Smith, Alexander
Tears of the giraffe. 2003. Read by Hilary Neville, 6 hours 22
minutes. TB 13551.
The No. 1 ladies' detective agency series; book 2. The No. 1
Ladies' Detective Agency introduced the world to the one and only
Precious Ramsotswe - the engaging and sassy owner of
Botswana's only detective agency. Mma Ramotswe now faces a
new challenge: resolving a mother's pain for her son who is long
lost on the African plains. Mma Ramotswe's own impending
marriage to the most gentlemanly of men, Mr J L B Matekoni, the
promotion of Mma's secretary to the dizzy heights of Assistant
Detective, and the arrival of new members to the Matekoni family,
all brew up the most humorous and charmingly entertaining of
McCall Smith, Alexander
Morality for beautiful girls. Read by Hilary Neville, 6 hours 24
minutes. TB 13825.
The No. 1 ladies' detective agency series; book 3. Mma
Ramotswe, daughter of the late Obed Ramotswe, is now the
announced fiancee of Mr J L B Matekoni. It is a fine match: she is
the founder and owner of The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency and
he is the proprietor of Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors. But
Precious Ramotswe is not as happy as she should be under the
circumstances. The Detective Agency is struggling with its finances
and Mr J L B Matekoni is unusually low and neglecting his garage.
But with the help of the reliable Mma Makutsi and a few interesting
cases, things are bound to get back on course.
McCall Smith, Alexander
The Kalahari typing school for men. 2004. Read by Hilary
Neville, 5 hours 41 minutes. TB 13909.
The No. 1 ladies' detective agency series; book 4. Precious
Ramotswe is continuing to run her detective agency from the
garage of her fiancé, Mr J. L. B. Matakoni. Plans for their wedding
need to be made - but when, if ever, will they wed? Intriguing
cases present themselves and Mma Ramotswe juggles new clients
with her usual formidable talent. However, when her first-class
assistant Mma Makutsi decides to expand the agency by opening
a much-needed typing school for men, things become complicated.
Inspector Rebus
Rankin, Ian
Knots and crosses. 1998. Read by Crawford Logan, 6 hours 28
minutes. TB 13994.
Inspector Rebus series; book 1. Once a Para in the elite SAS,
now an Edinburgh policeman, John Rebus spends his time
evading his memories, and right now ignoring a series of crank
letters. As murders occur under his nose, he realises he can no
longer ignore the killer's presence. Contains strong language. TB
Rankin, Ian
Hide & seek. 1998. Read by Crawford Logan, 8 hours 17
minutes. TB 15460.
Inspector Rebus series; book 2. A junkie lies dead in an English
squat - spreadeagled, cross-like on the floor between two burneddown candles, a five-pointed star daubed on the wall above. Just
another dead addict, until John Rebus begins to chip away at the
indifference, treachery, deceit and sleaze that lurks behind the
facade of the Edinburgh familiar to the tourists. Only Rebus seems
to care about a death which looks more like murder every day.
Contains strong language and violence. TB 15460.
Rankin, Ian
Tooth & nail. 1998. Read by Crawford Logan, 9 hours 27
minutes. TB 17699.
Inspector Rebus series; book 3. They call him the Wolfman because he takes a bite out of his victims and because they found
the first victim in the East End's lonely Wolf Street. Scotland Yard
are anxious to find the killer and Inspector Rebus is drafted in to
help. But his Scotland Yard opposite number, George Flight, isn't
happy at yet more interference, and Rebus finds himself dealing
with racial prejudice as well as the predations of a violent maniac.
Contains strong language. TB 17699.
Rankin, Ian
Black and blue. Read by Joe Dunlop, 17 hours 10 minutes. TB
Inspector Rebus series; book 8. Sequel to: Let it bleed. Bible John
killed three women, took three souvenirs. Johnny Bible kills to steal
his namesake's glory. Oilman Allan Mitchison died for his
principles. And convict Lenny Spaven is out to prove his point...
Inspector John Rebus must disinter all four cases to nail just one
killer. Unsuitable for family reading. TB 13112.
Rankin, Ian
The hanging garden. 1999. Read by Joe Dunlop, 12 hours 10
minutes. TB 13552.
Inspector Rebus series; book 9. Detective Inspector Rebus is
buried under a pile of paperwork generated by his investigations
into a suspected war criminal. But an escalating dispute between
the upstart Tommy Telford and the head of a local gang gives
Rebus an escape clause. Telford is known to have close links with
a Newcastle gangster nicknamed Mr Pink Eyes - a Chechen
bringing refugees into Britain as prostitutes. When Rebus takes
under his wing a distraught Bosnian girl, it gives him a personal
reason to make sure Telford takes the high road back to Paisley
and Pronto. Contains strong language, violence and passages of a
sexual nature. TB 13552.
Samantha Ryan - Silent Witness
McCrery, Nigel
Silent Witness. 1999. Read by Paddy Glynn, 8 hours. TB
Silent witness series; book 1. Samantha Ryan, Home Office
pathologist, is called to assist in a case where everything seems to
point towards a peculiar ritualistic murder. But as Samantha races
against time to find the evidence that will trap the mysterious killer,
she becomes a threat someone is determined to remove. TB
McCrery, Nigel
Strange screams of death. 2000. Read by Paddy Glynn, 9
hours 33 minutes. TB 13912.
Silent witness series; book 2. The body of a young woman is
discovered in a disused shed at an American airbase near
Cambridge. She has been raped before being viciously murdered.
Home Office pathologist Sam Ryan arrives on the scene and soon
finds herself dealing with a serial killer who has the hunger to
slaughter again. Unsuitable for family reading. TB 13912.
McCrery, Nigel
The spider's web. 2000. Read by Paddy Glynn, 9 hours 12
minutes. TB 13942.
Silent witness series; book 3. Dr Sam Ryan is a forensic
pathologist who becomes involved with the parents of a teenage
boy who was killed in a joy-riding accident. They believe his death
was not what it seemed and only Sam believes them. She has to
enlist the help of her nephew to track down the boy's killer.
Unsuitable for family reading. TB 13942.
McCrery, Nigel
Faceless strangers. Read by Paddy Glynn, 8 hours 33
minutes. TB 14007.
Silent witness series; book 4. When the wife of a local MP is found
murdered, the entire resources of the Cambridge Constabulary are
brought to bear. But when the body of a drug addict is found, it is a
different matter. Dr Sam Ryan battles to track down the girl's killer.
Unsuitable for family reading. TB 14007.
Jemima Shore
Fraser, Antonia
Quiet as a nun. 1977. Read by Judith Whale, 6 hours 30
minutes. TB 3166.
Jemima Shore series; book 1. Jemima, a television reporter, is
summoned by Mother Ancilla, headmistress of the convent she
once briefly attended, to investigate a strange death. TB 3166.
Fraser, Antonia
A splash of red. 1981. Read by Tom Crowe, 8 hours 3 minutes.
TB 4098.
Jemima Shore series; book 3. Jemima Shore, television
investigator, is using her friend Chloe's flat, when Chloe
disappears. Everyone loved Chloe, whose fragile looks hid a
considerable talent as a novelist. But her private life had been a
little disorderly. TB 4098.
Fraser, Antonia
Cool repentance. 1991. Read by Brigit Forsyth, 6 hours 42
minutes. TB 8647.
Jemima Shore series; book 4. Christabel Herrick, the once
internationally acclaimed actress, returns to her country home after
her involvement in a scandal which rocked the world. Yet soon
sinister undercurrents bring a trail of murders in their wake. TB
Fraser, Antonia
Oxford blood. 1985. Read by Arthur Blake, 8 hours 16
minutes. TB 5850.
Jemima Shore series; book 5. Jemima Shore is making a
documentary about the exotic lifestyles of the over-privileged
undergraduates at Oxford University, the "Oxford Bloods", when
the life of one of the most colourful of them is threatened. Jemima
investigates a dead midwife's dark secret, a challenging viscount
and the odd corpse.
Fraser, Antonia
Your royal hostage. 1991. Read by Di Langford, 7 hours 48
minutes. TB 11279.
Jemima Shore series; book 6. News of star reporter Jemima Shore
is in the headlines when she is sacked by Megalith Television, her
coverage rivalling that of the forthcoming wedding of HRH Princess
Amy and Prince Ferdinand. When Jemima is hired by an American
company to cover the royal wedding, she stumbles upon a
dangerous connection with a secret animal rights group which
specialises in its own kind of publicity. Contains strong language.
TB 11279.
Cave, Peter
Nest of vipers. 1993. Read by Jonathan Hackett, 7 hours 27
minutes. TB 11129.
Taggart series; book 3. Sequel to: Gingerbread. When two skulls
are discovered on the site of a new bypass, Jim Taggart is called
in to investigate. Could one be that of a girl who disappeared
without trace four years earlier? The case takes a deadly turn after
poisonous snakes stolen from a pharmaceutical laboratory are
used in a series of macabre murders. Taggart needs all his
detective skills as he puzzles over the link between the missing girl
and a tangle of corporate intrigue involving the lab's owners, in a
thrilling race against time. TB 11129.
Cave, Peter
Fatal inheritance. 1994. Read by Jonathan Hackett, 6 hours 20
minutes. TB 11309.
Taggart series; book 4. When Dr Janet Napier, owner of the Napier
Health Farm and on trial for murdering her husband's mistress, is
given a 'not-proven' verdict, Taggart is ordered to take a rest. He
promptly books in at the Napier Health Farm to see if there is more
to discover. Within days of his arrival, members of Dr Napier's
family begin to be murdered. TB 11309.
Cave, Peter
Forbidden fruit. 1994. Read by Jonathan Hackett, 6 hours 26
minutes. TB 11197.
Taggart series; book 5. When Cathy and Martin Adams decide to
have a baby by donor insemination, bitter recriminations follow
from Cathy's mother, and Joan's subsequent murder would appear
to be a clear-cut case. But Taggart discovers that Dr Miller of the
fertility clinic has been donating his own sperm. More creepy
discoveries lead the Taggart team on a terrifying hunt for the killer
before he strikes again. TB 11197.
Simon Templar - The Saint
Charteris, Leslie
The Saint to the rescue. 1961. Read by Anthony Parker, 7
hours. TB 2840.
However devious and deadly the ways of the ungodly, Simon
Templar continues to be more than a match for them. TB 2840.
Charteris, Leslie
Vendetta for the Saint. 1965. Read by Arthur Bush, 8 hours 28
minutes. TB 735.
A mysterious murder in Naples sets the Saint in action against the
dangerous Mafia. TB 735.
Paul Temple
Durbridge, Francis
Send for Paul Temple. 1992. Read by Alistair McGowan, 6
hours 12 minutes. TB 9431.
Paul Temple series; book 1. A series of mysterious jewel robberies
has Scotland Yard flummoxed, and so Paul Temple, aided by the
beautiful and spirited journalist Steve Trent, finds himself on the
heels of one of the cleverest and most dangerous criminal gangs in
Europe. TB 9431.
Durbridge, Francis
Paul Temple and the Front Page Men. 1994. Read by Tom
Crowe, 6 hours 58 minutes. TB 10445.
Paul Temple series; book 2. A mystery novel, "The Front Page
Men", appears, written by an unknown author calling herself
"Andrea Fortune". Soon after, a series of kidnappings is carried out
by a mysterious gang calling itself the Front Page Men. Fiction
becomes fact as Paul Temple finds himself up against a far
reaching, unscrupulous organisation under the leadership of the
Front Page Man! TB 10445.
Durbridge, Francis
East of Algiers. 2006. Read by Michael Tudor Barnes, 6 hours
13 minutes. TB 14600.
Paul Temple series; book 8. Sequel to: The Tyler mystery. When
Judy Wincott asks Paul Temple to take a pair of spectacles with
him to Tunis, he could never of guessed that such an innocent
request could lead to so much trouble. He certainly could not have
predicted it as a prelude to a body in a Paris rubbish bin and a
trigger for police enquiries. Soon the novelist-detective and his wife
Steve are crossing Europe and North Africa, trailing a series of
murders somehow connected to a Mr David Foster and the
tortoiseshell spectacles. TB 14600.
Durbridge, Francis
Paul Temple and the Margo mystery. 1986. Read by
Christopher Scott, 6 hours 50 minutes. TB 6219.
Paul Temple series; book 13. Sequel to: The Curzon case. A
mysterious warning from a fairground, a north-country industrialist
worried about the company his daughter is keeping and a
suddenly prosperous garage owner are seemingly separate
threads woven into an intriguing and terrifying chain of events for
Paul Temple and Steve. TB 6219.
Billingham, Mark
Sleepyhead. 2002. Read by Tim Bruce, Read by Penelope
Freeman, 11 hours 24 minutes. TB 15562.
Tom Thorne series; book 1. It's rare for a young woman to die from
a stroke and when three such deaths occur in short order it starts
to look like an epidemic. Then a sharp pathologist notices traces of
benzodiazepine in one of the victim's blood samples and just
traceable damage to the ligaments in her neck, and their cause of
death is changed from natural to murder. The police aren't making
much progress in their hunt for the killer until he appears to make a
mistake: Alison Willetts is found alive. Contains strong language.
TB 15562.
Billingham, Mark
Scaredy cat. 2006. Read by Tim Bruce, 12 hours 38 minutes.
TB 15821.
Tom Thorne series; book 2. Two women are dead. It was a vicious
calculated murder. The killer selected his victim at Euston station,
followed her home on the tube and strangled her to death in front
of her child. At the same time, killed in the same way, a second
body is discovered at the back of King's Cross station. It is a grisly
coincidence that eerily echoes the murder of two other women,
stabbed to death months before on the same day. DI Tom Thorne
sees the connection between the two and starts to investigate.
Contains strong language and violence. TB 15821.
Billingham, Mark
Lazybones. 2004. Read by Mark Elstob, 11 hours 15 minutes.
TB 16938.
Tom Thorne series; book 3. Someone - a woman or somebody
pretending to be a woman - is writing to convicted rapists in prison,
befriending them and then brutally killing them when they are
released. DI Tom Thorne must discover the link between these
killings and a murder/suicide that took place twenty-five years
before; a tragedy to which the only witnesses were two small
children, now adults and nowhere to be found. How can you
escape a past that will do a lot more than just catch up with you?
And how can Thorne catch a killer, when he doesn't really care
about the victims? Contains strong language and violence. TB
Billingham, Mark
The burning girl. 2007. Read by Mark Elstob, 10 hours 37
minutes. TB 17955.
Tom Thorne series; book 4. Jessica Clarke had been set alight
twenty years ago. Her attacker, quickly tracked down and eager to
confess, was still in jail, his career as a hitman for North London
gangs now well behind him. So who is harassing Carol
Chamberlain, the arresting officer in that case, and claiming that he
is the one who burned the girl? Now retired, Carol turns to DI Tom
Thorne for help. He's up to his neck in an investigation into a
series of killings, which appears to be the result of a turf war
between rival gangs, and he's fed up to the gills with reporting to
DCI Tughan, so helping Carol out looks like a good deed in a
naughty world. Only the world is about to turn much nastier, so
nasty in fact that he finds himself longing for a straightforward
psychopath to hunt down. Contains strong language and violence.
TB 17955.
Van der Valk
Freeling, Nicolas
A long silence: a novel. 1972. Read by Robert Gladwell, 9
hours 9 minutes. TB 2057.
Van Der Valk series; book 10. Sequel to: The lovely ladies. For
Piet Van der Valk it was just another ordinary case. No crime had
been committed. It was just a matter of following a lead on a
wealthy Amsterdam jeweller. But two bullets put paid to curiosity.
For Piet Van der Valk, this ordinary case turns out to be his last.
His death is admirably investigated by Arlette, his redoubtable
widow. TB 2057.
Freeling, Nicolas
The widow. 1979. Read by Robert Gladwell, 11 hours 22
minutes. TB 3553.
Van Der Valk series; book 11. Arlette, widow of detective Van der
Valk, opens an advice bureau and encounters violent death, rape
and torture. TB 3553.
Freeling, Nicolas
One damn thing after another. 1981. Read by Gabriel Woolf, 8
hours 19 minutes. TB 3955.
Van Der Valk series; book 12. One crisis follows another for
Arlette, widow of Dutch detective Van de Valk, now advertising
herself in Strasbourg's local press as friend, adviser and
investigator. TB 3955.
Freeling, Nicolas
Sand castles. 1989. Read by Peter Wickham, 7 hours 28
minutes. TB 8043.
Van Der Valk series; book 13. It is April. Wet windy weather with
bursts of sunshine. Just right for a nice rest. Or it would have been
if his very first evening walk did not lead Van den Valk into a nasty
little protection racket: decent family men paying good money for
highly indecent photographs. Contains strong language. TB 8043.
Mankell, Henning
Faceless killers. 2006. Read by Sean Barrett, 7 hours 56
minutes. TB 14519.
Kurt Wallander series; book 1. One frozen January morning,
Inspector Wallander responds to a seemingly routine call out. But
when he reaches the isolated farmhouse he discovers a bloodbath.
An old man has been tortured and beaten to death, his wife lies
barely alive beside his shattered body. The woman supplies
Wallander with his only clue: the perpetrators may have been
foreign. When this is leaked to the press, it unleashes racial
hatred. Contains strong language. TB 14519.
Mankell, Henning
The dogs of Riga. 2003. Read by Sean Barrett, 10 hours 4
minutes. TB 14258.
Kurt Wallander series; book 2. Inspector Kurt Wallander and his
team at the Ystad police station in Skåne, southern Sweden,
receive an anonymous tip-off that comes to pass a few days later:
a life raft is washed up on a beach. In it are two men, dressed in
expensive suits, shot dead. The dead men were Eastern European
criminals, victims of what seems to have been a gangland hit. But
as the case soon takes on a sinister turn, Wallander finds himself
in Riga, Latvia. There he is plunged into a frozen, alien world of
police surveillance, scarcely veiled threats and lies. Contains
strong language. TB 14258.
Mankell, Henning
The white lioness. 2004. Read by Sean Barrett, 15 hours 34
minutes. TB 14278.
Kurt Wallander series; book 3. In peaceful southern Sweden,
Louise Akerblom, an estate agent, pillar of the Methodist church,
wife and mother, disappears. There is no explanation. Inspector
Kurt Wallander and his team are called in to investigate.
Immediately, Wallander has a gut feeling that the victim will never
be found alive, but he has no conception of how far he will have to
go in search of the killer and the origin of the crime. Contains
strong language. TB 14278.
Mankell, Henning
Sidetracked. 2003. Read by Sean Barrett, 13 hours 22 minutes.
Kurt Wallander series; book 4. Midsummer approaches and
Wallander prepares for a holiday with the new woman in his life,
hopeful that his wayward daughter and his ageing father will cope
without him. But his summer is ruined when a girl commits suicide
before his eyes, and a former Minister of Justice is butchered in
the first of a series of apparently motiveless murders. Wallander's
hunt for the girl's identity and his furious pursuit of a killer who
scalps his victims will throw him and those he loves into mortal
danger. Contains strong language. TB 13724.
Mankell, Henning
The fifth woman. 2004. Read by Sean Barrett, 14 hours 48
minutes. TB 14279.
Kurt Wallander series; book 5. Four nuns and a fifth woman, a
visitor to Africa, are killed in a savage night-time attack. Months
later in Sweden, the news of the unexplained tragedy triggers a
cruel vengeance for these killings. Inspector Kurt
Wallander is home from an idyllic holiday in Rome, full of energy
and plans for the future. But when he investigates the
disappearance of an elderly bird-watcher, he discovers a
gruesome and meticulously planned murder - a body impaled in a
trap of sharpened bamboo poles. Then another man is reported
missing. Once again, Wallander's life is put on hold as he and his
team work tirelessly to find the link between the series of vicious
murders. Contains strong language. TB 14279.
Inspector Wexford
Rendell, Ruth
From Doon with death. 1982. Read by Stephen Thorne, 4
hours 40 minutes. TB 10458.
Inspector Wexford series; book 1. "Love and death" said Chief
Inspector Wexford. "Those were the only two sensational things
that ever happened to Margaret Parsons." By the look of it, she
had had a very dull life. She had been a "good woman": religious,
old-fashioned and respectable. It was not her life that interested
Wexford though, but her death. She had been a predictable,
ordinary woman but now she had met with a death of passion and
violence for which there seemed neither motive nor clue. TB
Rendell, Ruth
A new lease of death. 1995. Read by Jon Cartwright, 6 hours
40 minutes. TB 10733.
Inspector Wexford series; book 2. Of course Chief Inspector
Wexford remembered the Painter case; it was the first murder case
he had handled on his own. More than fifteen years later, the case
is to be dug up again; there is someone who wants it retraced and
re-examined and who wants Wexford proved wrong. TB 10733.
Rendell, Ruth
Wolf to the slaughter. 1982. Read by Diana Bishop, 6 hours 21
minutes. TB 9337.
Inspector Wexford series; book 3. Anita Margolis had vanished.
According to HQ it wasn't a murder. Inspector Burden had no
trouble seeing a pattern in the case. Wealthy and flighty, Anita had
also been immoral. Decent women had clean, tidy homes, were
married and/or had jobs. They didn't live with eccentric brothers, or
have lovers in the afternoon. They kept their money in the bank,
not their handbags. He could see what had happened to her, but
Chief Inspector Wexford had other ideas. TB 9337.
Rendell, Ruth
The best man to die. 1981. Read by Barrie Shore, 6 hours 35
minutes. TB 7614.
Inspector Wexford series; book 4. Jack Pertwee was getting
married in the morning and the darts club gathered in the pub to
give him a send off. Charlie Hatton drove his lorry eleven hours
down from Leeds just to be there. Charlie was Jack's best friend
and he would be his best man. When the two finally parted at the
Kingston bridge, Jack felt as though his life was just beginning. But
for Charlie Hatton life was just about to end.... TB 7614.
Rendell, Ruth
A guilty thing surprised. 1970. Read by Norma West, 5 hours
47 minutes. TB 8266.
Inspector Wexford series; book 5. The Nightingales were always a
very happy couple. But on that dark September night someone
must have had a reason to quarrel with Elizabeth Nightingale;
someone who either loved or hated her so much that they killed
her. Investigating the case Detective Chief Inspector Wexford soon
discovered that beneath the placid surface of the Nightingales'
lives there were secrets no one had ever suspected. TB 8266.
Lord Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane
Sayers, Dorothy L
Strong poison. 1930. Read by Stephen Jack, 8 hours. TB 1603.
Lord Peter Wimsey meets Harriet Vane, on trial for poisoning her
lover with arsenic, and tracks down the real murderer. TB 1603.
Sayers, Dorothy L
Have his carcase. 1971. Read by Stephen Jack, 13 hours 52
minutes. TB 1445.
Harriet Vane finds a corpse on the seashore and Lord Peter
Wimsey solves the crime. TB 1445.
Sayers, Dorothy L
Gaudy night. 1935. Read by Stephen Jack, 16 hours 8
minutes. TB 1427.
Obscene graffiti, poison pen letters and a disgusting effigy greeted
Harriet Vane on her return to Oxford. A graduate of ten years
before and now a successful novelist, this should have been a
pleasant, nostalgic visit for her. She asks her lover, Lord Peter
Wimsey, for help. TB 1427.
Sayers, Dorothy L
Busman's honeymoon. 1937. Read by Stephen Jack, 13 hours
15 minutes. TB 1242.
A body is discovered in the old country house in which Lord Peter
and Harriet Vane are spending their honeymoon. TB 1242.
Sayers, Dorothy L
Thrones, dominations. 1998. Read by Michael McStay, 10
hours 16 minutes. TB 11536.
Lord Peter Wimsey and his wife Harriet Vane, the detective story
writer, are settling into their new life together in London. It is 1936,
and London is a social whirl for the fashionable and wealthy. When
murder strikes in the Wimsey's exalted social circle, Detective
Inspector Charles Parker, Wimsey's brother-in-law, seeks his help
and Harriet becomes drawn into a case which casts an unexpected
light on her own life with Peter. TB 11536.
Superintendent Wycliffe
Burley, W J
Death in a salubrious place. 1973. Read by Peter Gray, 6 hours
19 minutes. TB 2253.
Wycliffe series; book 4. Sequel to: Guilt edged. A local girl is found
dead in a quarry on one of the Scilly Isles. A famous pop singer is
suspected - until Superintendent Wycliffe arrives on the scene. TB
Burley, W J
Wycliffe and the scapegoat. 1978. Read by Anthony Parker, 6
hours 45 minutes. TB 3390.
Wycliffe series; book 8. Sequel to: Wycliffe and the schoolgirls. A
hypocritical Cornish undertaker is the victim in a fireworks murder.
TB 3390.
Burley, W J
Wycliffe in Paul's Court. 1980. Read by Andrew Timothy, 6
hours 17 minutes. TB 3667.
Wycliffe series; book 9. Two inhabitants of Paul's Court, a quiet
corner in the heart of the city, meet violent deaths. Superintendent
Wycliffe investigates the many puzzling clues. TB 3667.
Burley, W J
Wycliffe's wild-goose chase. 1982. Read by Derek Chandler, 7
hours 52 minutes. TB 4363.
Wycliffe series; book 10. Another case for Detective Chief
Superintendent Wycliffe. This time, for once, he is in at the start of
an investigation. Out for a Sunday morning walk along the shore of
the West Country estuary where he lives, he comes across a
service revolver with one chamber recently fired.... TB 4363.
Burley, W J
Wycliffe and the four Jacks. 1994. Read by Jon Cartwright, 6
hours 42 minutes. TB 10719.
Wycliffe series; book 12. Sequel to: Wycliffe and the Beales. David
Cleeve lived as a bestselling novelist should live, in an opulent
house in a beautiful corner of Cornwall but, beneath the successful
facade, there lay a private nightmare. At regular intervals came a
sinister warning, a single playing card, the Jack of Diamonds. One
day the card arrived torn in half and that night a murderer struck.
Chief Superintendent Wycliffe, on holiday in the area, was drawn
into investigating what would prove to be double murder, arson
and a series of crimes stretching back over many years. TB 10719.
Detective Aurelio Zen - Zen
Dibdin, Michael
Ratking. 1988. Read by William Gaminara, 9 hours. TB 9449.
Aurelio Zen series; book 1. An investigation into a kidnapping in
Italy turns to murder. Police Commissioner Aurelio Zen has
crossed swords with the Establishment before, and lost. From a
mundane desk job in Rome, he's unexpectedly transferred to
Perugia to take over a kidnapping case, involving one of Italy's
most powerful families. TB 9449.
Dibdin, Michael
Vendetta. 1990. Read by Michael Tudor Barnes, 10 hours 17
minutes. TB 12178.
Aurelio Zen series; book 2. Oscar Burolo was the kind of big-shot
who thought he could control everything. Inside his Sardinian
mansion, everything was recorded on close-circuit TV - even his
own violent death. Contains strong language. TB 12178.
Dibdin, Michael
Cabal. 1992. Read by Michael Tudor Barnes, 5 hours 59
minutes. TB 9618.
Aurelio Zen series; book 3. What was Prince Ludovico Ruspanti
doing in the Vatican when he fell to his death in the chapel at St.
Peter's? Did he fall or was he pushed? The papal authorities
contacted the Criminalpol, and as Inspector Zen probes into the
scandal he finds witness after witness mysteriously silenced by
violent death. What is the secret of the Vatican and who is behind
these killings? The answer is elusive, and Zen knows he will never
find it until he penetrates the most secret of all secret societies, the
Cabal. Contains passages of a sexual nature. TB 9618.
Dibdin, Michael
Dead lagoon. 1994. Read by Michael Tudor Barnes, 11 hours
37 minutes. TB 10508.
Aurelio Zen series; book 4. Aurelio Zen returns to his home city
Venice to investigate the disappearance of a rich American. He
has other, more personal, reasons for the visit: his relationship with
Ellen has reached the point where decisions must be made. Many
of the people he meets are figures from the past, both welcome
and unwelcome and, to confuse the situation, a skeleton, clad in a
white suit, has been found on an island to the north of the city.
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