Ohio FFA Alumni Association Membership Application We’re excited you want to join the Ohio FFA Alumni Association! By becoming an alumni member, you are showing your support for our students. As of January 2015, the Ohio FFA Alumni Association operates under the National FFA Alumni’s Affiliate program. With this program, there is not a per-person membership fee for annual members that are a part of a local affiliate. Annual members of local affiliates only need to pay local dues and submit their membership information to the local alumni leaders. If you are not a member of a local affiliate, we welcome you to become an At-Large Annual Member. If you have questions about this new membership program, please contact us. Membership Options: I would like to be an At-Large Annual Member. ($5.00) I would like to be a Life Member. ($160.00) o After April 1st Lifetime Membership will increase to $200. I would like to be a Corporate Member. ($300.00) Payment Options: My check is enclosed in the amount of $____.00. I will mail my check in the amount of $____.00 to the Ohio FFA Alumni. Name:______________________________________ Phone: _______________ Company Name: __________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________ State:____________ Zip: _______________ E-mail:_____________________________________ Please direct questions to: Jessica Shanahan Executive Secretary and Program Manager jshanahan@ohioffa.org (937) 408-3733 Please mail or e-mail this membership form to: Ohio FFA Alumni Association 717 A E. 17th Ave. Columbus, OH 43211 jshanahan@ohioffa.org