doc - Dubai International Financial Centre

Sunday 7 February 2009
Lord Mayor Seeks Further Links with UAE
During Dubai visit, he meets with DIFC Governor and participates in events hosted by the
financial centre’s courts and regulator
The Lord Mayor of the City of London Mr Nick Anstee is leading a major business delegation
to the United Arab Emirates (7-9 February 2009) as part of a longer visit to the Gulf region.
While on the visit Mr. Anstee will underline the UK’s commitment to the UAE and the Gulf and
highlight investment opportunities between both regions.
He begins his UAE visit with a full day at the Dubai International Financial Centre, where his
agenda includes, meeting with HE Ahmed Humaid Al Tayer, Governor of the DIFC; attending
a working lunch hosted by the Dubai Financial Services Authority on the issue of regulation;
speaking during an Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales graduation
ceremony; participating in a colloquium held in his honour on the role of courts and arbitration
in the global economic recovery; and attending a British Business Group reception in his
honor held in conjunction with the CASS Business School for alumni of the CASS Business
School, City University London, which has a Dubai campus at the DIFC Centre of Excellence.
He also is Chancellor of City University.
Lord Mayor Nick Anstee said: “London remains a leading financial centre and although
events over the past year have shaken financial markets London is making a good recovery
with equities, foreign exchange, insurance, marine and commodities trading moving ahead.
We of course continue to welcome investment from UAE companies and on this visit I will be
encouraging UAE-based financial institutions to look to London as a partner to raise capital
and do business.
“Our relationship with the UAE remains a critically important one and on this visit I hope to
build on that relationship.”
HE Ahmed Humaid Al Tayer, Governor of the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC)
said: “Events over the past two years have only highlighted the importance of building deeper
collaborations and linkages among leading international financial centres. The Lord Mayor’s
visit to the UAE is an example of these efforts on a bilateral level, while also serving to
highlight the increased cross-border business opportunities that the new global realities offer
companies in our two countries. With this in mind, It pleases us to welcome Mr. Anstee and
the accompanying delegation in this visit to DIFC which was chosen by many leading UK
financial institutions as their regional headquarters. The MENASA region has huge potential
for growth as it hosts powerful emerging economies; and the business delegation members
are invited to explore these opportunities.”
The Lord Mayor will travel with a large business delegation that includes senior
representatives of investment banks, asset managers, insurers and law firms. He will meet
with policy makers, finance chiefs and business leaders during his visit.
About the City of London
The City of London is one of the world’s leading international finance centres. As head of the City of London
Corporation, which provides business and local government services to the City, the Lord Mayor of the City of
London's principal role is ambassador for all UK-based financial and professional services. The Lord Mayor of
London is not the Mayor of (Greater) London.
About the Lord Mayor of the City of London
The Lord Mayor is elected for one year and the position is unpaid and apolitical. It is an exceptionally
demanding role. The Lord Mayor spends some 90 days abroad and addresses some 10,000 people face-toface each month (making around 800 speeches a year).
The Lord Mayor listens to City businesses and helps the City Corporation advise the Government of the day on
what is needed to help the financial services sector to function well. The Lord Mayor frequently travels to
represent the City; and travels overseas with the status of a Cabinet Minister. On average, the Lord Mayor will
meet one head of state a month and will meet a prime minister or finance minister each week to discuss
financial services, often in conjunction with senior City business representatives. The Lord Mayor, who is
unpaid, lives in the Mansion House for the Mayoral year.
For further details please contact:
Susanna Howard, City of London Press Office
+44 (0)20 7332 3450
About DIFC
The Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) is an onshore hub for global finance. It bridges the time gap
between the financial centres of Hong Kong and London and services a region with the largest untapped
emerging market for financial services. In just five years, over 850 firms have registered at DIFC. They operate
in an open environment complemented with world-class regulations and standards. DIFC offers its member
institutions incentives such as 100 per cent foreign ownership, zero tax on income and profits and no
restrictions on foreign exchange. In addition their business benefits from modern infrastructure, operational
support and business continuity facilities of uncompromisingly high standards.
For further information on the DIFC, please contact:
Amira Abdulla
Director - Regional Public Relations
Dubai International Financial Centre
Tel: +971 4 362 2433
Iman Ahmad
Regional Media Relations Manager
Dubai International Financial Centre
Tel: +971 50 2058021