Bathroom 4

Cool Tool
Universal Expectation: Be Respectful
2-5 minutes
Name of Skill/Setting:
Wash hands/Bathroom
Purpose of Lesson (Why is this important?)
1. Using the restroom in a timely manner.
2. Keeping bathroom clean.
3. Preserving soap and clean towels.
Teaching Examples
1. It is your turn to wash your hands. You use two pumps of
soap, rinse your hands over the sink and dry your hands
on a clean section of towel. A teacher using the
bathroom notices how neat you are and awards you an Eagle
2. While washing your hands you use more than 2 pumps of
soap. It takes you a very long time to rinse your hands
and your shirt sleeves get wet. Your class is already
gone when you exit the bathroom.
3. Your friends are washing hands with you. You really
would like to splash your wet hands at your friend, but
you remember that it is not respectful. Instead you
smile at your friend and say you like her shoes. You dry
your hands and leave the bathroom.
Student Activities/Role Plays
1. Have students practice washing hands..
2. In class have students write about or draw pictures
demonstrating the hand washing technique and hang them in
the bathrooms.
3. Have your class teach hand washing to another class.
Follow Up/Reinforcement Activities (Check for
1. Quiz students about number of soap pumps before entering
2. Award your students with2 pumps of a “fun soap” after you
have noticed them using only one pump
3. Class Compliment if you notice a dry floor after your
class has left the bathroom sinks.