Plea Bargaining Essay Assignment: Analysis & Case Studies

Plea Bargaining:
Informative/Persuasive Essays Project
You are to write three essays in response to the Frontline Episode: The Plea. You shall
address each of the following:
1. Explain the plea bargaining process. How are pleas made? How is the reality of plea
bargaining different from the public’s perception of how the criminal justice system
works? What are the benefits and consequences of plea bargaining to the state? To the
defendant? To society as a whole?
2. Explain the implications of accepting / not accepting a plea bargain by discussing one of
the three case studies (The Hearne Drug Case, Charlie Gampero, or Kelly Garrett.) from
the documentary. Explain the nature of the case and the plea that was offered. Explain
why that person either chose to accept or reject the plea and the implications of that
choice. If you were that person’s attorney or family member at the point where they
need to either accept or reject the plea, how would you counsel them?
3. Do you support the plea bargaining system or do you think it should be abolished?
Support your answer by considering or refuting at least one the articles linked to the
documentary or some other scholarly article on the plea bargaining system. PBS Link :
Typed and double spaced: three to six pages in length.
Written in concise, cogent English.
Properly structured (does not need to be Jane Schaffer, but each essay should
have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, supporting
paragraphs and a concluding paragraph.)
The third essay should include a proper MLA site of the article(s).
Your grade will be based on your understanding of the issue as well as the
depth, clarity, and purpose reflected in your writing.
You will have computer lab time on Tuesday, 10/23 to work on the
Due Monday, October 29tth at 11:59pm in Turnitin.
Class ID: 5706433
Class Password: mmalaw2012
This project will be worth a total of 50 points as a formative assessment. Each
essay will be worth 15 points. The overall cohesive of the essays will be worth
5 points. Bonus points may be awarded for efforts above and beyond up to a
maximum of 5 points. Late papers will be penalized 10 points per each day