Julie Adamo INLS 720/Metadata Final Project December 2009 Report on the SNIP-IT Experiment Article #1: Cooley, H. S., Wielgus, R. B., Koehler, G. M., & Robinson, H. S. (2009). Does hunting regulate cougar populations? A test of the compensatory mortality hypothesis. Ecology, 90(10), 2913-2921. Author keywords: carnivore; compensatory mortality hypothesis; cougar; density; emigration; hunting; immigration; mortality; population growth; Puma concolor; source–sink; survival. Biosis concept codes: 00512, General biology - Conservation and resource management; 07502, Ecology: environmental biology - General and methods; 07508, Ecology: environmental biology - Animal; 07518, Ecology: environmental biology - Wildlife management: terrestrial; 62800, Animal distribution Biosis taxonomic data: Carnivora, Mammalia, Vertebrata, Chordata, Animalia, Animals, Carnivores, Chordates, Mammals, Nonhuman Vertebrates, Nonhuman Mammals, Vertebrates Felidae [85770] Puma concolor, cougar, mature, immature, female, male Biosis geographic data: Washington; USA; North America; Nearctic region Biosis miscellaneous descriptors: population density, population growth, species survival, population survival, density-dependent response, species reproduction, hunting effect, compensatory mortality hypothesis Brief description of data object 1: This chart describes the causes of death of cougars who were radio-collared for the study. Results are broken down by sex and age. Brief description of data object 2: This chart shows survival rates for cougars and the number of days they were collared for. Results are broken down by sex and age SNIP-IT structure: Captions and footers are included in their entirety. Paragraph selections begin with the sentence that includes mention of the figure and the two sentences following. Threshold: .3 SNIP-IT Divergences Comments CAPTION, DATA OBJECT 1: Sources of mortality of radio-collared cougars in northeast (HH, heavily hunted) and central (LH, lightly hunted) Washington State, 2002–2007. sources 0.17279659654867222 central 0.14745502729191193 heavily 0.14745502729191193 northeast 0.14745502729191193 state 0.14745502729191193 washington 0.14745502729191193 mortality 0.12947489776367563 cougars 0.051177212232715125 lh 0.03547006046515849 These results mirror many of both the Biosis and author supplied terms, but the most relevant terms have the lowest divergences. However, “heavily hunted” and “lightly hunted” are elements of this dataset that are not included in any of the indexing and are aspects of the data that could be very interesting/useful to other researchers. FOOTER, DATA OBJECT 1: Note: Sample sizes (n ¼ total number of animals at risk), mortality rates (mean 6 SD), and number of mortalities (in parentheses) are shown. PARAGRAPH 1, DATA OBJECT 1: We observed 26 unmarked kittens (six number 0.34559319309734443 note 0.2161182953336688 risk 0.2161182953336688 sizes 0.2161182953336688 animals 0.17279659654867222 parentheses 0.17279659654867222 sample 0.17279659654867222 total 0.17279659654867222 mortalities 0.14745502729191193 rates 0.14745502729191193 mortality 0.12947489776367563 sd 0.12947489776367563 mean 0.03904246133015528 males 0.062299706978479495 causes 0.0506454009759239 Note also that hyphenated words were not included in the divergences. The important terms here, animals and mortality, are represented in the Biosis terms. However, the “number at risk” element is not represented. I’m not sure how useful this element would be, however. This SNIP-IT describes some of the causes of death that are represented in data object 1, females, two males, nine of unknown sex in HH; three females, four males, two of unknown sex in LH) traveling with collared females. Fifty-three (35 in HH, 18 in LH) radio-collared cougars died during the study (Table 1). Hunters killed 26 cougars, 22 died from natural causes, three died in vehicle collisions, and two were killed from depredation hunts. Eight juveniles (two in HH, six in LH) emigrated and were censored at the last known date of their location. collisions 0.0506454009759239 date 0.0506454009759239 depredation 0.0506454009759239 hunters 0.0506454009759239 hunts 0.0506454009759239 juveniles 0.0506454009759239 last 0.0506454009759239 location 0.0506454009759239 vehicle 0.0506454009759239 lh 0.03756857723236393 females 0.03728750847200635 natural 0.035897588623584636 sex 0.03280408227380097 but not explicitly mentioned in the caption. The causes of death are not represented in any of the indexing, and are useful data sources. CAPTION, DATA OBJECT 2: Radio-days and survival rates (mean 6 SD) by sex and age class for radio-collared cougars in northeast (HH, heavily hunted) and central (LH, lightly hunted) Washington State, 2002– 2007. central 0.08679891056440098 class 0.08679891056440098 heavily 0.08679891056440098 northeast 0.08679891056440098 rates 0.08679891056440098 state 0.08679891056440098 washington 0.08679891056440098 sd 0.07429099437084528 survival 0.049959873156261686 sex 0.03445226689805594 The “survival” subject and Washington location are well-represented in the indexing. FOOTER, DATA OBJECT 2: Sample size n is the number of mortalities, with the total number of monitored animals in parentheses. number 0.7422465977071815 size 0.4481396522491403 animals 0.37112329885359074 parentheses 0.37112329885359074 sample 0.37112329885359074 total 0.37112329885359074 mortalities 0.3260716201749059 survival 0.1601934141873012 adult 0.05786594037626732 Same as caption above. PARAGRAPH 1, DATA OBJECT 2: Six of the ‘‘natural’’ kitten mortalities in HH The divergence results here reflect the importance of the difference of male/female (three females, two males, one unknown sex) were presumed to have been killed by male cougars, as confirmed by canine tooth punctures in the skull and close proximity of a collared male at estimated time of death. Average annual survival rates, including all sources of mortality, for all radio-collared cougars in HH were 0.56 6 0.05 (mean 6 SD) and 0.71 6 0.06 in LH, but survival varied with age and sex classes (Table 2). Overall survival and survival of adults was higher in LH than in HH (overall: Z ¼ 1.98, P ¼ 0.02; adults: Z ¼ 1.75, P ¼ 0.04). Survival of adult females and survival of kittens was also higher in LH (adult females: Z¼1.88, P¼0.03; kittens: Z ¼ 1.49, P ¼ 0.07). adults 0.05786594037626732 overall 0.05786594037626732 kittens 0.04611332854704516 male 0.04611332854704516 females 0.03903315888317881 survival, which is also represented in the Biosis indexing through a combination of taxonomic and concept data. Article #2: Stamps, J. A., Krishnan, V., & Willits, N. H. (2009). How different types of natal experience affect habitat preference. American Naturalist, 174(5), 623-630. Author keywords: NHPI, habitat preference, learning, Drosophila, genotype, natal disperser Biosis concept codes: 07502, Ecology: environmental biology - General and methods; 07506, Ecology: environmental biology - Plant; 07508, Ecology: environmental biology - Animal; 64076, Invertebrata: comparative, experimental morphology, physiology and pathology - Insecta: physiology Biosis taxonomic data: Insecta, Arthropoda, Invertebrata, Animalia; Animals, Arthropods, Insects, Invertebrates; Diptera [75314]; Drosophila melanogaster; Monocotyledones, Angiospermae, Spermatophyta, Plantae; Angiosperms, Monocots, Plants, Spermatophytes, Vascular Plants; Musaceae [25365]; banana Biosis methods and equipment data: Bayesian model; mathematical and computer techniques Biosis miscellaneous descriptors: genotype, habitat preference, pest management, metapopulation dynamics, conservation biology, sympatric speciation, natural habitat, captive environment, natal habitat preference induction Brief description of data object 1: A graph showing how quality of experience (positive/negative) in a natal habitat influences the attractiveness of similar characteristics in other environments SNIP-IT structure: The structure for this sample contains three sentences: the one prior to mention of the figure, the one including mention of the figure, and the one following. Threshold: .3 SNIP-IT Divergences Comments CAPTION, DATA OBJECT 1: How experience in the natal habitat and survival to the age/stage of dispersal affect the relative attractiveness of cues from the natal habitat w. Log V indicates the association between natal experience E and environmental state: values above 0.0 indicate that experience E is “good” (more likely to occur under a favorable state), while values below 0.0 indicate that E was “bad” (more likely to occur under an unfavorable state). The variable Q indicates the extent to which survival to the age/ stage of dispersal, S1, is more likely to occur under a favorable environmental state. Values of w 1 1.0 indicate that cues from habitat X are more attractive to individuals raised in habitat X than to naive individuals; values of w ! 1.0 indicate the reverse. values 0.17510352628857598 state 0.1590498706516039 age 0.10377036746861457 stage 0.10377036746861457 habitat 0.08430513166145723 favorable 0.08333734251797494 cues 0.07604448024621675 individuals 0.07604448024621675 dispersal 0.06987845305312643 survival 0.06453719734814552 association 0.05999448589647058 extent 0.05999448589647058 log 0.05999448589647058 reverse 0.05999448589647058 s1 0.05999448589647058 unfavorable 0.05999448589647058 The divergence results here picked up a few important concepts such as “habitat” and “survival.” But one important aspect of this data set is the stage at dispersal, and this subject is not reflected in the Biosis indexing, but is reflected somewhat in the divergences. variable 0.05999448589647058 environmental 0.05982587592189017 attractive 0.046131542285271665 how 0.046131542285271665 experience 0.041828352109768964 affect 0.038022240123108376 natal 0.032579311320133475 relative 0.03226859867407276 PARAGRAPH 1, DATA OBJECT 1: Values of w above 1.0 indicate that dispersers born and raised in habitat X find new patches of habitat X to be more attractive than is the case for naive dispersers, while values of w below 1.0 indicate the reverse. Equation (3) can be expanded to separate the effects of S and E on w (see app. A in the online edition of the American Naturalist; fig. 1). We can specify the effects of S on w by Q, where Q p P /P . PARAGRAPH 2, DATA OBJECT 1: As expected, stronger positive associations between survival and the favorable environmental state (indicated here by Q) increase the relative attractiveness of cues from habitat X, as do stronger positive associations between natal experience and the favorable environmental state (indicated here by positive values of logV). However, contrary to previous suggestions (e.g., Stamps and Davis 2006; Stamps and Swaisgood 2007), the effects of good and bad experiences on relative attractiveness are asymmetrical, in the sense that the positive effects of good experience on cue attractiveness are stronger dispersers 0.13622976221654645 values 0.08263891886688257 app 0.07800427398896016 born 0.07800427398896016 case 0.07800427398896016 patches 0.07800427398896016 effects 0.06470112471442806 american 0.06109824519481516 attractive 0.06109824519481516 edition 0.06109824519481516 naturalist 0.06109824519481516 online 0.06109824519481516 new 0.03430282351998321 positive 0.14671244429898989 attractiveness 0.10882895657584517 associations 0.08602700677787509 sense 0.08602700677787509 stamps 0.08602700677787509 relative 0.0643661573853768 effects 0.06030596006712073 cue 0.05739292140680774 favorable 0.05739292140680774 bad 0.056832148872415014 dispersal 0.046878164012394835 contrary 0.04301350338893754 This SNIP-IT is referring mostly to the equations they used in the study. Biosis has included indexing describing the methods used in this study, specifically the Bayesian model. The authors do not include information about this in their keywords. The divergences for this SNIP-IT are not very useful. This SNIP-IT does not offer much new content in terms of subject matter, everything here is represented in previous SNIP-ITs. than the negative effects of bad experience on cue attractiveness (fig. 1). Upon further reflection, this result makes intuitive sense, since even individuals who had bad experiences before dispersal must have also survived to the age/stage of dispersal. PARAGRAPH 3, DATA OBJECT 1: Since we have assumed that survival is typically more likely to occur if the environmental state is favorable (Q = 1.0), negative effects of natal experience on cue attractiveness are likely to be counteracted by the positive effects of survival on cue attractiveness. In contrast, the positive effects of good natal experiences and survival on cue attractiveness complement one another and in combination can lead to sizeable increases in the relative attractiveness of cues from the natal habitat (fig. 1). By extension, these results imply that asymmetrical effects of good versus bad natal experiences on habitat preference will be strongest for species in which offspring survival is strongly affected by environmental state (i.e., large values of Q) and in which environmental state has a strong influence on habitat quality (i.e., XFJ k XFK). davis 0.04301350338893754 further 0.04301350338893754 intuitive 0.04301350338893754 logv 0.04301350338893754 previous 0.04301350338893754 reflection 0.04301350338893754 result 0.04301350338893754 suggestions 0.04301350338893754 swaisgood 0.04301350338893754 experiences 0.0427053079928785 environmental 0.03902458812861651 state 0.03275362889542429 negative 0.0321830786926884 survival 0.13493327320300888 attractiveness 0.11438787119536148 cue 0.11002196571486737 effects 0.1036101883138669 environmental 0.08158067547766806 state 0.07187080311659622 positive 0.05438711698511204 experiences 0.04510705013182879 combination 0.04491311153559005 complement 0.04491311153559005 increases 0.04491311153559005 natal 0.03971349773142323 contrast 0.03373331830075222 extension 0.03373331830075222 influence 0.03373331830075222 large 0.03373331830075222 negative 0.03373331830075222 quality 0.03373331830075222 xfj 0.03373331830075222 xfk 0.03373331830075222 This SNIP-IT brings in the element of difference between species, though specific species are not mentioned in this clip. Taxonomic data is reflected in the Biosis indexing. The term “species” does not appear in the divergence results. The most important concept here, “habitat preference”, is reflected in the biosis indexing. PARAGRAPH 4, DATA OBJECT 1: By extension, these results imply that asymmetrical effects of good versus bad natal experiences on habitat preference will be strongest for species in which offspring survival is strongly affected by environmental state (i.e., large values of Q) and in which environmental state has a strong influence on habitat quality (i.e., XFJ k XFK). In such species, even very bad experiences in the natal habitat are unlikely to reduce the attractiveness of habitat-specific cues much below their attractiveness to naive individuals (cf. the results for Q p 6.0 in fig. 1). Possible examples include insects in which natal dispersers seek new habitats in which to lay their eggs and that lack parental care. results 0.06910577886945633 species 0.061789596859154375 habitat 0.05606316636216721 experiences 0.04637964180191714 care 0.04591595796849776 cf 0.04591595796849776 eggs 0.04591595796849776 examples 0.04591595796849776 insects 0.04591595796849776 parental 0.04591595796849776 possible 0.04591595796849776 environmental 0.042517902927937355 attractiveness 0.03593853586360452 state 0.03593853586360452 extension 0.034552889434728166 influence 0.034552889434728166 large 0.034552889434728166 quality 0.034552889434728166 xfj 0.034552889434728166 xfk 0.034552889434728166 This SNIP-IT is very similar to the previous one, and elaborates on differences between species. This one does mention certain types of insects specifically. The Biosis taxonomic data, and to some extent the author supplied keywords, reflect this concept.