Topic specific library – inhalant misuse (including petrol sniffing

Topic specific library – inhalant misuse (including petrol sniffing)
Gray D, Saggers S, Atkinson D, Wilkes E (2007) Substance misuse. In: Couzos S, Murray R,
eds. Aboriginal primary health care: an evidence-based approach. 3rd ed. South Melbourne:
Oxford University Press:755-787
Gray D, Shaw G, D’Abbs P, Brooks D, Stearne A, et al. (2007) Legal harm: volatile substances.
Of Substance;5(1):22-23
Mundy J (2007) Celebrating the sector: the 2007 National Drug and Alcohol Awards: excellence
in prevention: a breath of fresh air, the Opal Alliance, Alice Springs. Of Substance;5(4):14
Nicholas R (2007) Alcohol and other drug problems among Indigenous Australians from rural
and remote regions: a policing perspective. Canberra: Australasian Centre for Policing
Nicholas R (2007) Policing responses to substance misuse in rural and remote Indigenous
communities. Alice Springs: National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund
Pritchard E, Mugavin J, Swan A (2007) Compulsory treatment in Australia: a discussion paper
on the compulsory treatment of individuals dependent on alcohol and/or other drugs. Canberra:
Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre Inc., Australian National Council on Drugs
Rossmanith A (2007) Rolling out a remedy?: an update on Opal fuel. Of Substance;5(1):20-21
Wick R, Gilbert JD, Felgate P, Byard RW (2007) Inhalant deaths in South Australia: a 20-year
retrospective autopsy study. American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology;28(4):319322
Access Economics (2006) Opal cost benefit analysis. Canberra: The Opal Alliance
Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, Department of Immigration and
Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs (2006) Inquiry into petrol sniffing in remote Aboriginal
communities. Retrieved 8 February 2006 from
Community Affairs References Committee (2006) Beyond petrol sniffing: renewing hope for
Indigenous communities. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia
d'Abbs P (2006) Indigenous petrol sniffing: lessons from a coronial inquest [editorial]. Drug and
Alcohol Review;25(2):109-110
Gray D, Pulver LJ, Saggers S, Waldon J (2006) Addressing Indigenous substance misuse and
related harms [editorial]. Drug and Alcohol Review;25(3):183-188
Gray D, Shaw G, d'Abbs P, Brooks D, Stearne A, et al. (2006) Policing, volatile substance
misuse and Indigenous Australians. (Monograph series no. 16) Canberra: Australian Institute of
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies and Australian Government Department of Health
and Ageing
Lubman DI, Hides L, Yucel M (2006) Inhalant misuse in youth: time for a coordinated response.
Medical Journal of Australia;185(6):327-330
National Inhalant Abuse Taskforce (2006) National directions on inhalant abuse, final report.
Melbourne: Victorian Government Department of Human Services
NSW Department of Health (2006) National clinical guidelines for the management of drug use
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Department of Health
Ogwang T, Cox L, Saldanha J (2006) Paint on their lips: paint-sniffers, good citizens and public
space in Brisbane. Journal of Sociology;42(4):412-428
Powell ST, Bolisetty S, Wheaton GR (2006) Succimer therapy for congenital lead poisoning
from maternal petrol sniffing. Medical Journal of Australia;184(2):84-85
Preuss K, Brown JN (2006) Stopping petrol sniffing in remote Aboriginal Australia: key elements
of the Mt Theo program. Drug and Alcohol Review;25(3):189-193
Ring G (2006) Sniffing at tragedy. Eureka Street;16(1):18-19
Senior K, Chenhall RD (2006) 'Stuck nose': experiences and understanding of petrol sniffing in
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Aboriginal Issues Committee (2005) The effects of petrol sniffing: seminar papers. Adelaide:
Aboriginal Issues Committee, Law Society of South Australia
Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia (2005) Submission to the Inquiry into petrol
sniffing in remote Aboriginal communities. Woden, ACT: ADCA
Alice Springs Town Council (2005) Submission to the Inquiry into petrol sniffing in remote
Aboriginal communities. Alice Springs: Alice Springs Town Council
Badger B (2005) Can new non-toxic products eliminate petrol sniffing behaviours in remote
Indigenous communities? Unpublished Master of Social Science thesis, RMIT University,
Melbourne, Victoria
Cairney S, Maruff P, Burns CB, Currie J, Currie BJ (2005) Neurological and cognitive recovery
following abstinence from petrol sniffing. Neuropsychopharmacology;30(5):1019-1027
Crime and Misconduct Commission Queensland (2005) The places of safety model: an
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2005, Brisbane, Queensland
Drug and Alcohol Office (2005) Western Australian volatile substance use plan 2005-2009.
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july 2005, Brisbane, Queensland
Northern Territory Department of Health and Community Services (2005) Alcohol and Other
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Drug Research Institute and the Centre for Adolescent Health
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