Region One Education Service Center VI/Assistive Technology Project Student Referral Guide Student Name ____________________ DOB __/__/__ Age_______ Grade_______ School __________________________ Teacher ____________________________ Date of ARD requesting Assistive Technology Evaluation _____________________ Disability: (Check all that apply) Auditory Impairment Emotional Disturbance Multiple Disabilities Other Health Impaired Visual Impairment Autism Learning Disability Non-Categorical Speech Impairment Deaf-Blind Mental Retardation Orthopedic Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Physical Therapy Other ______________ Related Services Received: Occupational Therapy Check the areas of concern and complete the appropriate sections of the guide. Mechanics of Writing (Pages 6-7) Computer/Device Access (Pages 4-5) Composing Written Material (Pages 7-8) Communication (Pages 5-6) Reading (Page 8) Study Skills (Page 8-9) Math (Page 9) Recreation and Leisure (Pages 3-4) Seating and Positioning (Page 3) Mobility (Page 3) Vision (Page 2) Hearing (Page 2) Current Technology: List any assistive technology (including computer hardware and software) being currently used by the student:________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ What type of computer is available for student use? ______________________________ Typical school platform: ___________________________________________________ Additional Information: __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Person completing form: __________________________________________________ Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 1 Current Student Status Vision (Should be completed by Vision Teacher) Acuities if known: __________________ Eye Condition: ________________________________________________________ Visual Abilities: (Check all that apply) Can read standard textbook print Reads large print in ______ size font Requires special lighting such as __________ Requires specialized positioning of materials such as__________________________ Currently uses a Closed Circuit Television Currently uses a magnification software: _____________________ at ___________X Currently uses a screen reader software: ____________________________________ Current Technology: Currently uses taped materials versus print or Braille Currently uses Perkins Brailler Currently uses Braille note taking device: ___________________________________ Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to vision: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Hearing (Should be completed by Auditorially Impaired Teacher) Hearing Loss identified: Right ear Left ear Mild Moderate Severe Profound Mild Moderate Severe Profound Hearing Abilities: (Check all that apply) Attends to sound high pitch low pitch voices background noises Discriminates environmental vs. non-environmental sounds Turns toward sound Can hear some speech sounds Can understand synthesized speech Student Communication Mode: (Check all that apply) Speech Gestures Signs Picture Cues Speech and sign together Written messages Is there a discrepancy between receptive and expressive abilities? Yes No If yes, describe further: _____________________________________________ Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 2 Summary of hearing abilities and concerns: ___________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Seating and Positioning: Student’s current seating and positioning: (Check all that apply) Sits in regular chair Uses tray on wheelchair Sits in adapted chair Uses adapted table Sits in wheelchair Maintains head control Uses regular desk Spends part of day out of chair for prescribed Uses desk with height adjusted positioning Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to seating and positioning: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Mobility Student’s current mobility abilities: (Check all that apply): Walks independently Uses manual wheelchair, independently Walks with assistance Uses power wheelchair, independently Has difficulty walking Walks with appliance Is pushed in manual wheelchair Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to mobility: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 3 Recreation and Leisure: (Check all that apply) Handles/manipulates objects Throws/catches objects Operates TV, VCR, Computer, CD Player, etc. What activities does the student enjoy? ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Current technology: (Check all that apply) Toys adapted with Velcro, magnets, etc. Modified utensils, e.g Brushes Switch operated toys Universal cuff or strap Adaptive sporting equipment Software on computer Summary of student’s abilities and concerns in the area of Recreation and Leisure: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Computer/Device Access: Current fine motor abilities: Observe the student with paper and pencil, computer, switches, etc. Look at the movements as well as the activities and environment. Does the student have voluntary, isolated, controlled movement using: (Check all that apply) Left hand Right hand Eye(s) Left arm Right arm Head Left leg Right leg Mouth Left foot Right foot Tongue Finger(s) Eyebrows Other: ______________ Briefly describe the activities observed: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Range of Motion: Student has limitations in range of motion: Yes No If yes, describe specific range in which the student has the most motor control: ___________________________________________________________________ Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 4 ___________________________________________________________________ Abnormal reflexes and muscle tone: Student has abnormal reflexes or muscle tone: Yes No If yes, describe the abnormal reflex patterns or patterns of low or high muscle tone: _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Accuracy: Student has difficulty with accuracy: Yes No If yes, describe the difficulties with accuracy: _______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Fatigue: Student fatigues easily: Yes No Direct Selection Method: (Check those that apply) Finger Head pointer/stick, mouth stick Hand Light beam/laser Pointers, hand grips, splints, etc. Eye Gaze Grid size that student is able to access accurately: 1” 2” 3” 4” Number of squares across _____________ Number of squares down ___________ Scanning: If student cannot direct select, does the student use scanning? Yes No If yes: Step Automatic Inverse Preferred control site (body) ____________________________________________ Type of switch: The following switches have been tried: (Check all that apply) Plate Wobble Rocker Joystick Eyebrow Sip/Puff Flex Mercury (tilt) Other: ____________________________________ Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to computer/device access: ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 5 Communication Student’s present means of communication: (Check all that apply) Changes in breathing patterns Body position changes Eye-gaze/eye movement Facial Expressions Gestures Pointing Sign language approximations Sign language (# signs ____) Vocalizations, examples ________________ Single words, examples _________________ Yes/No 2 –3 words Examples _________________ Intelligible Speech ___________________ Unintelligible Speech _________________ Communication board (# of symbols____________) See comment on page 10 Voice Output Device (Name of device ________________ # symbols ________) Writing Current level of receptive language ______________________________________ Current level of expressive language _____________________________________ Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to communication: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Mechanics of Writing Current writing ability: (Check all that apply) Uses regular pencil Can copy words Uses adapted pencil Can copy from board Can print name Uses regular paper Can print a few words Uses special paper (Example _________) Can write cursive Writes independently and legibly Fatigues easily when writing Uses Perkins brailler Writing is slow Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 6 Current keyboarding ability: (Check all that apply) Does not type Uses portable word processor for typing Types with one finger Requires wrist or hand support to write Uses adapted keyboard to type ( Name ___________________) Can perform 10 finger typing (wpm ____________________) Uses switch for typing ( Name ______________________) Uses adapted software ( Name ______________________) Summary of student’s ability and concerns related to writing: _______________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Written Composition Student’s present writing is: (Check all that apply) Single words Paragraphs Phrases Essays Sentences Student has difficulty with: (Check all that apply) Getting started on a sentence or story Using a variety of vocabulary Generating ideas Summarizing information Adding information to a topic Planning content Sequencing information Aids or assistive technology currently used: (Check all that apply) Word cards/books Word Processing Software Word Wall Talking Word Processing Software Dictionary Abbreviation/Expansion Software Electronic dictionary Word Processing with Word Prediction Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 7 Talking dictionary Multimedia Software Symbol based software Voice Recognition Software Portable word processor Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to composing written material: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Reading Student reads at ___________ grade level orally. Student reads at ___________ grade level silently. Aids or assistive technology currently used: (Check all that apply) Smaller amount of text on paper Highlighting Enlarged text Talking Dictionary Lowered reading level Electronic books Audio tapes Books on computer Reduced length of assignment Computer with talking word processor Colored filters Computerized reading system Typoscope Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to reading: _____________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Study Skills Student has difficulties in: (Check all that apply) Remembering assignments Remembering steps of assignments/tasks Taking notes during lecture Reviewing lecture notes Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 8 Organizing notes Turning in assignments Aids or assistive technology currently being used: ( Check all that apply) Print schedule Palm computers Low tech aids to find materials (Example _______________________) Highlighting Voice output reminders Software for manipulation of objects and concepts Organizational software Summary of student’s abilities and concerns in the area of learning and studying: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Math Student has difficulty with: (Check all that apply) Legibly writing numbers Understanding math vocabulary Understanding meaning of numbers Understanding place value Understanding simple math facts Understanding measurement Solving story problems Graphing Aids or assistive technology currently being used: (Check all that apply) Abacus Computer calculator Math line Scanning calculator Enlarged worksheet Alternate keyboards Money calculator/Coinulator Math worksheet software Tactile/Voice measurement devices Software for manipulation of objects Calculator Talking calculator Summary of student’s abilities and concerns related to math: Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 9 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ General Information 1. Are there any behaviors (positive and negative) that significantly impact the student’s performance? _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Are there any other factors about the student that the assistive technology team should consider? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ***** Please attach a copy of the student’s communication boards if that area has been checked in the communication section.***** Campus should plan to have the student folder available for reviewing prior to the assessment. The folder will be reviewed upon arrival at the campus, so time will need to be allowed for this function. Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 10 Region One VI/Assistive Technology Project (2001) 11