As of June 11, 2014 #588-p
Social security services for citizens of
Ukraine displaced from temporary
occupied territory and anti-terrorist
operation area
1. Agree with the offer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding establishment of
Inter-agency coordination body on social security services for citizens of Ukraine
displaced from temporary occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area
(hereinafter - Inter-agency coordination body), composed as provided in the
2. State Emergency Service shall ensure functioning of the Inter-agency coordination
body and to approve its personal composition.
3. Take into consideration as follows:
State Emergency Service shall establish regional bodies on social security
services for citizens of Ukraine displaced from temporary occupied territory and antiterrorist operation area affiliated with its local offices, headed by deputy heads of
local offices of State Emergency Service in regions of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv.
Employees of central and regional executive bodies, local governments,
enterprises, institutions and organizations (if agreed with their respective managers)
shall be engaged to the work in Inter-agency coordination body in due manner.
4. Approve action plan on social security services for citizens of Ukraine displaced from
temporary occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area, attached.
5. Recognize as invalid resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of April 1,
2014 # 298 “On approving of plan of additional action on temporary accommodation
of citizens of Ukraine displaced from Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of
Sevastopol to other regions of Ukraine” (Official newsletter of Ukraine, 2014, #29, p.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of
as of June 11, 2014, # 588-p
Of the
Inter-agency coordination body on social security services
for citizens of Ukraine displaced from temporary occupied
territory and anti-terrorist operation area
Deputy Head of State Emergency Service, the Head of Inter-agency coordination body
Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, First Deputy Head of Inter-agency coordination body
Deputy Head of State Migration Service, Deputy Head of Inter-agency coordination body
Deputy Minister of Social Policy
Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, and Communal Living
Deputy Minister of Infrastructure
Deputy Minister of Health
Deputy Minister of Education and Science
Deputy Minister of Defense
Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade
Deputy Minister of Finance
Deputy Minister of Justice
Deputy Head of Security Service of Ukraine (upon agreement)
Deputy Head of State Committee of Television and Radio Broadcasting
Deputy Head of National Bank (upon agreement)
Representative of Association of Ukrainian Cities (upon agreement)
Executive Secretary of Inter-agency coordination body (representative of SES)
By the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine
as of June 11, 2014, # 588-p
on social security services for citizens of Ukraine
displaced from temporary occupied territory and
anti-terrorist operation area
1. Establish and ensure proper functioning on temporary occupied territory and within
anti-terrorist operation area and in neighboring territories of transit points for
identification of persons committed to terrorist activities, attempting to smuggle
weapons, ammunition, explosives and using false documents, as well as for rendering
necessary assistance to citizens of Ukraine displaced from temporary occupied
territory and anti-terrorist operation area.
Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of
Defense, State Emergency Service, Ministry
of Health, Ministry of Justice, State
Migration Service, Ministry of
Infrastructure, Ministry of Social Policy,
regional and Kyiv state administrations, SSU
(upon agreement).
2. Ensure registration of citizens of Ukraine displaced from temporary occupied territory
and anti-terrorist operation area and passed the interview at transit point; provide daily
updates to Inter-agency coordination body on social security services for citizens of
Ukraine displaced from temporary occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area
(hereinafter - Inter-agency coordination body) on quantity of citizens in temporary
accommodation facilities designated by regional offices.
of Social Policy.
3. Transfer all information regarding citizens of Ukraine displaced from Autonomous
Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol and anti-terrorist operation area to
other regions of Ukraine to local offices of State Migration Service.
Regional offices on accommodation of
citizens of Ukraine displaced from
Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the
city of Sevastopol and anti-terrorist
operation area to other regions of Ukraine.
By June 25, 2014;
4. Exchange information concerning registration of citizens of Ukraine displaced from
temporary occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area with relevant central
executive bodies with regard to requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On protection of
personal data”.
State Migration Service, State Emergency
Service, Ministry of Regional Development,
Construction, and Communal Living,
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of
Infrastructure, Ministry of Defense, Ministry
of Health, Ministry of Education and
Science, Ministry of Internal Affairs,
Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of
Economic Development and Trade, Ministry
of Justice, regional and Kyiv state
administrations with engagement of local
5. Foster reissuance of passports to citizens of Ukraine displaced from temporary
occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area.
State Migration Service.
6. Ensure providing of free legal assistance to citizens of Ukraine displaced from
temporary occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area.
Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Social
Policy, Ministry of Revenues and Duties,
regional and Kyiv state administrations.
7. Prepare and present to Inter-agency coordination body, in due form established by
mentioned body, a list of objects of private and communal property in terms of
administrative-territorial units, where it is possible to accommodate citizens of
Ukraine displaced from temporary occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area,
and ensure timely updating of this list.
Central and regional executive bodies and
central executive bodies with special status
(upon agreement) with engagement of local
governments and State Management of
8. Undertake following measures regarding citizens of Ukraine displaced from
temporary occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area:
Ensuring further education.
Ministry of Education and Science, regional
and Kyiv state administrations, with
engagement of local governments.
Transporting of persons who due to health condition cannot move independently or
need constant care and (if needed) accompaniment of medical worker.
Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of
Health, regional and Kyiv state
administrations with engagement of local
Providing necessary medical assistance in state and communal health care
Ministry of Health, regional and Kyiv state
administrations with engagement of local
Coordination and necessary cooperation with central and regional executive bodies
regarding accommodation.
State Emergency Service, Ministry of
Internal Affairs, Ministry of Social Policy,
Ministry of Regional Development,
Construction, and Communal Living,
Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry
of Health, Ministry of Infrastructure,
Ministry of Defense, State Migration
Service, regional and Kyiv state
administrations, central executive bodies
with special status (upon agreement) with
engagement of local governments and State
Management of Affairs.
Solving problems related to their social protection, in particular, providing
restoration of all social benefits, employment assistance.
Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of
Finance, Pension fund of Ukraine, State
Employment Centre, Funds of social
insurance, regional and Kyiv state
Establishing of proper accommodation conditions.
Central and regional executive bodies and
central executive bodies with special status
(upon agreement) with engagement of local
governments and State Management of
9. Take measures to ensure banking accounts maintenance of citizens of Ukraine that
receive state support, pensions and salaries for those displaced from temporary
occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area.
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Social
Policy, Pension fund of Ukraine together
with National bank (upon agreement).
By June 25, 2014.
10. Establish unified database on social security services for citizens of Ukraine displaced
from temporary occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area and upload it to
Internet with regard to requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On protection of personal
Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of
Regional Development, Construction, and
Communal Living, Ministry of Finance,
Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of
Economic Development and Trade, Ministry
of Defense, Ministry of Health, Ministry of
Education and Science, Ministry of Internal
Affairs, Ministry of Justice, State
Emergency Service, State Migration Service,
regional and Kyiv state administrations with
engagement of local governments.
By June 25, 2014.
11. Ensure that other materials regarding rights and duties, safe resettlement, solving of
social and domestic problems of citizens of Ukraine displaced from temporary
occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area are available through mass media
and social networks.
State Committee of Television and Radio
Broadcasting, Ministry of Education and
Science, Ministry of Health, State
Emergency Service, Ministry of Social
Policy, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry
of Justice, Ministry of Infrastructure, other
central and regional executive bodies.
12. Ensure 24/7 operation of phone hot line, involving employees of relevant central
executive bodies for explanation of rights and duties of citizens of Ukraine displaced
from temporary occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area.
State Emergency Service, central executive
bodies together with state institution
“Government contact center”.
13. Determine money requirements from state budget reserve fund, necessary for
temporary accommodation of families of citizens of Ukraine displaced from
temporary occupied territory and anti-terrorist operation area in sanatorium-resort and
recreation institutions, social protection institutions and submit in due manner for
consideration of the Cabinet of Ministers draft of relevant resolution.
Ministry of Economic Development and
Trade, Ministry of Finance, State Emergency
Service, Ministry of Education and Science,
Ministry of Health, Ministry of Regional
Development, Construction, and Communal
Living, Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry
of Defense, Ministry of Justice, other central
executive bodies and central executive
bodies with special status (upon agreement)
with engagement of local governments and
State Management of Affairs.
By June 25, 2014.