In this Issue…

The Reflexology Clinic
In this Issue…
1. Announcements
2. Skin Disorders
3. Reflexology for Skin Disorders
4. Let’s talk about feet!
5. Tidbits
Wishing you a Happy
Mother’s Day!
Skin Disorders
Some of the most common skin disorders of today include eczema,
psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, urticaria (hives), sebhorrhea, shingles &
Many skin disorders often occur because of poor function & activity in the
internal organs. Skin eruptions often happen when the body is trying to
eliminate a large amount of toxic waste as a result of an imbalance. We
may see a variety of skin disorders ranging from occasional pimples or
pustules to chronic eczema.
We know that stress can play a large part in many skin diseases because
stress can inhibit many functions of the body. Eczema is a disorder that is
often exacerbated by stress-related problems. In many cases it is just
another attempt by the body to throw away the accumulated toxins by
passing them out through the skin.
Dermatitis & urticaria (hives) are an inflammation of the skin usually caused
by allergies whereas psoriasis has been linked to a buildup of toxins in an
unhealthy colon. Sebhorrhea can be caused by stress & anxiety in adults
& is linked to allergic reactions in infants. Shingles is a disease caused by
the varicella-zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox, & may
flair up when the immune system has been compromised. Ringworm is
another skin disorder that may be caused by a deficient immune system.
Acne is usually caused by a malfunction of the hormones or the
sebaceous glands.
May Special
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The skin is the largest organ in the body. One of the skin’s functions is to
eliminate a portion of the body’s toxic waste products through sweating. If
the body contains more toxins than the kidneys & liver can effectively
discharge, the skin takes over. In fact, some doctors call the skin the “third
kidney.” As toxins escape through the skin, they disrupt the skin’s healthy
integrity. This is a key factor behind many skin disorders.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, the skin is related
to the lungs. It has been noted that many sufferers of eczema also have
asthma or breathing problems.
Constipation is another well-known problem that may cause skin eruptions.
If the bowels are not eliminating correctly toxic waste is released through
the skin in the form of minor eruptions. In these instances, the skin is acting
as a gateway through which the body eliminates the waste products that
the bowels were unable to handle.
Many internal disorders resulting in skin eruptions can be brought about by
incorrect eating habits or allergies to certain foods. If foods contain
additives, these can often be the underlying culprits.
Drinking plenty of clean, clear water can help to alleviate some of the
discomfort of skin disorders. Drinking water will help to flush the toxins
through your system faster. A bland diet is also best consisting of raw
salads & lightly cooked vegetables. Fasting for a couple of days may also
help but you must consult your doctor first.
Skin Disorders & Reflexology
Let’s talk about feet!
Reflexology induces the essential
moisturizing factor of the skin.
Treatment appears to advance
the natural process of skin
shedding & renewal; it is the
stimulation to cells within the
stratum geminativum that helps
in this exfoliating process.
Stimulation also seems to help the
secretory functions, which is one
of the skin’s most important
Your feet are talking to you…are
you listening? Feet don’t lie.
Whether you’re young or old,
healthy or ill, your feet are a
reflection of your inner health.
Reflexology brings about a
profound sense of well being &
complete relaxation, thus
reducing any stress, which is
often very evident in people
suffering a skin disorder. As the
kidneys play such a vital role in
regulating the internal
environment, extra stimulation on
this reflex point is very important.
The hypothalamus regulates
many hormonal functions & the
lung function improves helping
the intake of oxygen & expulsion
of carbon dioxide. The role of
the skin is to make sure that the
body temperature does not
deviate too much beyond
acceptable limits. Working on
the liver reflex will help to
eliminate any excess heat in the
body & help normalize &
balance the blood glucose
function. Reflexology has a
wonderful way of balancing all of
these systems.
Energy in the body takes many
forms; chemical energy,
electrical energy & heat energy.
This energy flow is maximized
during a reflexology treatment,
ensuring improvement in health &
harmony of the body in general.
Internal health radiates
external health!
As a reflexologist, I can tell a lot
about you just by looking at &
touching your feet. I look for
visual cues such as shape, size
lines, calluses, creases, dry skin &
markings as well as texture cues
such as puffiness, crystallizations
& “sponginess”.
So, take your socks off, put your
foot in your lap & let’s discover
some of what your feet might be
telling you.
Your Little Toes
If you have a longer second toe
on your right foot, this means you
are full of ambition. If the longer
second toe is on your left foot,
then you are full of feeling.
Toes that have very little space
between them can indicate
impulsiveness & quick reactions.
Toes with defined spaces
between them can indicate that
you are very analytical & need
time to think before you respond.
Do your toes look puffy or
swollen? When you pinch the
ball of the toes, do they hurt?
This may indicate sinus problems,
allergies or hay fever.
If your toes fit together, one fitting
into the other, you may suffer
from headaches.
Do you have knobby joints,
crooked toes or curled toes?
When you pinch the stems of the
toes do they feel sensitive? This
can indicate neck problems,
problems with your jaw, gums or
Massaging each of your toes
from the base, up the stem & all
the way to the tip works the
reflexes to the head & neck
areas. If you have headaches
rub your toes. If your neck is sore,
rub your toes, if your sinuses are
bothering you, rub your toes!
If you find a sore spot when
rubbing & pinching your toes,
make sure you pay special
attention to that area, any kind
of sensitivity means there is
something going on that needs
to be worked out.
Next month we’ll talk about the
base of your toes and bunions!
Working the ears for healthy skin!
It can be very beneficial to
massage, pull & pinch at the
ears. Doing this works on many
of the reflexes related to the
internal organs & glands and can
be extremely helpful for skin
Gently rub and
pinch the outer
edge of the ear
Gently massage
and pinch the
entire ear lobe.
Another area to work is along the
jaw line. With thumbs placed on
each side of your chin, gently
press up & under the jawbone.
Work all the way up your jaw line
to the notches. This will ease
tension, energize you & enables
the skin to breathe.
Note: All information contained in this newsletter is for informational purposes
only. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, & treatment, consult your doctor.
May 2004