The Flora of the Suir Valley By. Paddy O’Keeffe, Local Regional Studies, retired Head Gardened, Clonmel Borough Council This is a fifty-year, field study of the flora, of the Suir valley region. The majority of the plants listed have been photographed. It is hoped that these photos will be added to the web site at a later date. My interest in the wild plants of the country has been life long. It had it origins when our teacher, the late Patrick Kearney, used wild flowers to teach us, rudimentary biology. The Latin names of the plants and their phyisology fascinated me. Nomenclature. The names of the plants listed are those in use at the present time. However with modern science and the application of DNA, to botany, it is possible that these will change in the future. 1 Key to study. E.G; Huperzia is the generic name of the plant, that following selago is the specific name. (L.) That the plant was first named by Carl Linnaeus, (1707-1778) and Bernh, is responsible for the combination of Huperzia selago. The number 6 & 7 indicates the vice-county in which the plant is present. When the plant is only found in isolated sites a capital letter is associated with the number, this indicates the area in which the plant was located, in the accommpaning map. W.S. = widespread. Occ. = occasionally accurring. Re. = Rare. V. Re.= Very rare. * Introduced. PTERIDOPHYTA Lycopodiacea 2 Genera / 2 Species Huperzia selago ( L.) Bernh W.S. (6&7) Crúibíní sionnaigh. Lycopodium (L’) clavatum(L. ) Occ. (6&7). Selaginellaceae Club moss Aiteann m 2 Genera | 2 Species Selaginella Beauv. selaginoides ( L.) Link. Re. (6&7) Lesser Club Moss. Sphagmum L. palustre L . Occ. (6&7). SPHENOPSIDA Equisetaceae 1 Genera | 6 Species Equisetum L. fluviatila L.W.S. palustre L.W.S. sylvaticum L. R. (7.M) arvense L.W.S. telmateia Ehrh.W.S. hyemale L. R, (6.O) Water horsetail. Marsh horsetail. Wood horsetail. Common horsetail. Great horsetail. Rough horsetail. Gliogan. FILICOPSIDA 2 Ophioglossaceae 2 Genera 2 Species Ophioglossum L. Adder,s tongue. vulgatum L. W.S.(7.M). Although this species was once wide spread it is declining due to excessive land drainage. Botrychium Swartz. lunaria (L.) Swartz. Re. (7.M) Moonwort. I discovered this species growing on a damp acid soil at Glendalachan. Osmundaceae. 1 Genera | 1Species. Osmunda L. regalis L. Re. (6.U.) Royal fern. Raithineach galida. This fern is to be found in the following locations; Goatenbridge area. Clonea-Power, (7.D) Hypolepidaceae. 1 Genera | 1Species Pteridium Scop. W.S. .( 6&7) Bracken Raithineach. aquilinum (L.) Kunh. Mostly on acid soils, however a colony of this species occurs on a roadside bank at Ballingarrane on Limestone land Thelypteridaceae. 1 Genera | 2 Species. Theltpteris Shhmidel. limbosperma (Willd.) H.P.Fuchs. Occ. (6.U&7M.) (T. oreopteris.) Hymenophyllaceae 2 Genera | 2 Species. Hymenophyllum Sm. (7.M.) Filmy fern wilsonii Hooker. This species is very rare. However I discovered a few specimens by the Glenanore stream Trichomanes L. 3 seciosum Willd. Re. (7). Killarney fern. . (Previosly recorded in the area, now seemingly exticnt). This species has been discovered near Kilmacthomas However the area in question is just outside that included in this study. Aspleniaceae 3 Genera | 6 Species. Asplenium L. trichomanes L.W.S. (6& 7) Maidenhair spleenwort. This spesies is widespread, usually growing on mortat built walls. viride Hudson Occ.(6&7) adiantum-nigrum L.W.S. (6&7) Black spleenwort Dubh chosach ruta- muraria W.S.(6&7) Wall-rue Luibh na seacht Ceterach. DC. officinarum DC. W.S. (6&7) Rusty-back Fern. Found on mortar built walls. Phyllitis Hill. scolopendrium (L.) Newman. W.S. (6&7) Hart’s tongue Fern. Creamh muice fiadh. Woodsiaceae. 2 Genera | 2 Species. Anthrium Roth. filix- femina (L) Roth W.S.(6&7) Lady-fern. Raithineach Mhadra. Cystopteris Bernh. fragilis, (L) Bernh. (7.M.) The Brittle Bladder Fern. Aspidiaceae. 1 Genera | 2 Species. Polystichium Roth. aculeatum (L.) Roth.Re. (7). Hard Shield –fern. setiferum (Forskal) Woynar.W.S. (6&7) Soft Shield-fern. Dryopteridaceae. 4 1 Genera | 4 Species Dryopteris Adanson. filix-mas.(L.) Schott.W.S. (6&7) Male fern; Rathineach mhadra. borreri Newman. ( D.affinis). Occ.(7) Scaly buckler-fern. carthusiana (Vill.) H.P.Fuchs. Re.(7.M). Found in wet woodland in the Glenary area. Drainage of it habitate has considrably reduced this fern population. dilatata ( Hoffm.) A. Gray. Occ.(6&7) Broad Buckler-fern. Blechnaceae. 1 Genera | 1 Species. Blechum L. Hardy fern spicant (L.) Roth.W.S.(On acid soils only) (6&7) Polypodiaceae. 1 Genera | 3 Species | 1Hybrid. Polypodium L. vulgare.L. W.S. (6&7) interjectum x vulgare.Occ .(6.P) Found as isolated plants. interjectum Shivas Occ. (7.Q.) Found at Kilmanahan.Co.Waterford. Cambricum L. Re. Found in the Marlfield area. (6.P.) SPERMATOPHYA Gymnosperma Coniferospida Coniferales Pinaceae. 5 Genera | 6 Species Pinus.L. *sylvestris. L. (7.M.). Scot-Pine. Giús. Usually planted. However self-sown seedling are appearing in State forests. contorta. L. (7.M) Lodge Pole Pine. It can be distinguised from the above species by its twisted leaves. Usually planted, however self- sown seedlings are very common. Tsuga. 5 heterophylla. (Raff) Sarg. (7.Q.&M). Western Hemlock.Self sown seedlings occur in the Cannon and the Russelltown woods and also at Derrinlaur. Abies. alba L. (7.M) (Syn Abies grandis)There are a number of self sown seedlings adjacent a very mature tree at Derrinlaur. Picea. sitchensis. (7.M.) Sitka spruce. Seedling are appearing quite friquently in the forests of Derrinlaur and Tickencor. In 2007 thousands of seedlings appeared in the Cannon wood, Larix. decidua (7.M.) There are a number of seedlings in the Coilte forest at Derrinlaur. TAXOSPIDA Taxales Taxaceae 1 Genera | 1 Species. Taxus L. baccata L. Occ. (6&7). Yew Iúr; CUPRESSACEAE. Chamaecyparis. *lawsoniana .Re (6.L&7M.) (A.Murr.) Parl. Naturlised in the Coilte Forest, Raven’s Rock andby the roadside at Rathronan. Clonmel. Angiospermae Dicotyledones Salicales Salicaceae 2 Genera | 11 Species | 1 Hybrid. Salix L. Willow; Sally Saileach. (There are sixteen species of Salix and fifteen hybrids in Ireland this makes the identification of the genus extremely difficult. Bean in his “Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isle”describes the genus “ as confusing.” Alan Mitchell in “Trees of Britain and 6 Northern Europe”describes it as a “ difficult group”This group are well represented in sub-divison 6&7, fragilis L.Occ. (6&7) Crack-willow. alba L W.S (6&7) White Willow. triandra L.Occ.(6&7) Almond-willow aurita L.Occ.(6&7) Eared-willow. caprea L.W.S.(6&7) Goat-willow. caprea x viminalis W.S. (6&7) Broad leaved osier. viminalis L.W.S. (6&7). cinerea L. W.S. (6&7) Grey-willow. Repens L. Re. (6&7.M). Creeping-willow Populus L. tremula L.Occ.(6.L&7.M) Aspen. *nigra L (6&7) Cultiver Italica always planted.(Lombardy poplar) *alba L.Occ. (6.L&7.P.) White poplar. FAGALES Myricales Myricaceae. 1 Genera | 1 Species. Myrica L. gala L. R. (6.U) Roil Bog myrtle. Betulaceae. 3 Genera | 4 Species. Betula L. pendula Roth. ( B. alba) W.S. (6&7) Birch. pubescens Ehrh.W.S. (6&7) Beith. Alnus Miller. 7 glutinosa (L.) Gaertner. W.S (6&7). *incana (L) Moench.Occ. (6.L.) Alder Fearnóg ( Corylaceae) Now included in the Betulaceae. Formely given a N.O.of its own Carpinus L. * betulus L. Occ. (6.P) Hornbeam, ( Believed to be always planted although I have come a across a number of young plants that appear to be self sown, these were located in Marlfield Rock and Ballytrasna. Planting has taken place at the Marlfield Rock since the 1950. I have discovered that the only planting that took place at That time was of hybrid Poplars an of Sitka Spruce. ). Corylus L. avellana L. W.S. (6&7) Hazel. Coll. , Fagaceae 3 Genera | 5 Species | 1 Hybrid Fagus L. *sylvatica L. W.S. (6&7) Castanea Miller. *sativa Miller. Occ. (6&7). Always planted. Beech Fea. Sweet chestnut. Quercus L. petraea ( Mattuschka) Liebl. W.S.(6&7) Sessil Oak. robur L.W.S.(6&7) petraea x robur.Occ (6) *borealis Michx. syn.rubra (7.M). Planted. Dair. URTICALES Ulmaceae 1 Genera | 2 Species. Ulmus L. Elm glabra. Hudson. Occ. (6) *procera Salisb.Occ. (6) Leamhán (The ravages of Dutch Elm disease has almost wiped out the elm family .Although its rare to see a mature elm tree, saplings 8 (suckers) of the above listed are to be occasionally found in both sub,6&7.) Cannabaceae 1 Genera | Species Humulus L. *lupulus. Occ. (6.L.) Hop. Isolated plants of this species are to be found. These are probably the remains of a now extinct brewing industry. Urticaceae 3 Genera | 4 Species Urtica L. dioica L.W.S (6&7) Nettle Neanntóg uren L. Occ. (6.L.) (Mostly on cultivated ground.) Soleirolia. (Helxine Req.) *soleirolii Req.Re. (6.L.P.). Baby’s tears. Found at Marlfield, and in old graveyards in the town of Clonmel. Parietaria L. officinalis L.Occ.(6&7) Wall Pellitory POLYGONALES Polygonaceae 4 Genera | 18 Species Persicara L. amphibia, L.Re..(6&7.P) Amphibious Bistort. minus Hudson. Occ. (6) hypropiper L. Re. (6&7) Water pepper Glúineach. masculosa. L W.S. (6&7) Red shank Glúneach dhearg. lapathifolium L.Occ.( 6&7) Water Pepper *bistorta L. V.Re. (6.P&7H.) Common Bistort *polystachyum Wall, ex. Meissner.Re.(6.T.) (Syn. P.wallichii) . PolygonumL. avicularia L. W.S. (6&7) Knot grass. Falliopa. Houtt. 9 convolvulus Dumort.W.S.(6&7) (Syn.with Polygonum convolvulus.) Black bineweed. *japonica Houtt. W.S. (6&7) (Also known as Reynoutria japonica and Polygonum cupidatum) Rumex L. acrtosella L. W.S.(6&7) Sheep sorrel. Samhadh caorach. acetosa L. W.S. (6&7) Common sorrel. Samhadh bó. hydrolapathum Hudson.Occ.( 6&7) Water dock. crispus L.W.S.(6&7) Rumex L(Contd.) conglomerates Murray.WS.(6&7) Capóg. sanguineus L. W.S. (6&7) Red veined dock. obtusifolius L.W.S.(6&7) . Broad leafed dock. CENTSPERMAE Portulaceae. 1Genera | 1 Species Montia L. fontana L. W.S. (6&7) Blinks. Chenopodiaceae. 2 Genera | 3 Species Chenopodium.L. *bonus- henricus L.Occ.(6&7) Chenopodium L. album.L.Occ. (6&7). Atriplex patula.L.W.S. (6&7). Good King Henry. Fat hen. Lamb’s quarter; Ceathrama caorach. Caryophyllaceae. 10 Genera | 19 Species Arenaria L. serpyllifolia L W.S.(6&7) Thyme-leaved sandwort. Minuartia L. Sandwort. *hybrida (Vill.) Schischkin V.Re. (6.P) A small number of plants of this hybrid occur on the Railway line to the west of Clonmel, Railway Station. Stellaria L. 10 media ( L.) Vill.W.S.(6&7) fliodholestea. L Occ.(6&7) graminea L.W.S. (6&7) holostea L. Occ. (6&7), ulginosa. Murr. Re.(7.L&.M.). Chickweed ; Fliodh. Stichwort Lesser Stichwort. Greater Stichwort. Bog Stichwort. Cerastium L. fontanum Baumg.W.S.(6) Common Mouse ear. luibh na triucha. glomeratum Thull Occ.(6&7) ( C.viscisum.) Sticky mouse-ear. Cerastium *tomentosum L .(7.Q.) Sagina L. nodasa ( L.)Fenzl. Re.(6.P.&7.H,). procumbens L.W.S.(6&7) apelata Ard. Occ.(6&7) Knotted pearlwort. Procumbent Pearlwort. Annual Pearlwort. Spergula L. arvensis L.Re. (6.P.). Corn spurrey Lychnis L. flos- cuculi (L.) Desr. W.S.(6&7) Cluin lin. Ragged robin. Agrostemma L. Corn cockle. githago.L. (6.P.) (Once prevalent in a number of fields in the townland of Ballingarrane, however due to the extensive use of selective weed killers it has now become almost extinct.) Silene L. vulgaris (Moench) Garcke.Occ. (6.P) Bladder Campion. Coireán colleach. alba (Miller) E.H.L. Krause. Re,(6.P.)White Campion (S. latifolia. S. pratensis ) dioica (L.) Clairv.Re. (6.P.) Rose Campion. Saponaria L. *officinalis L Re.(6.O.) Soapwort. RANALES Nymphaeaceae 11 1 Genera | 1 Species Nymphaea L. lutea L. Occ .(6&7) Brandy cup. Small colonies 0f this species are to be found in the river Suir. Ranunculaceae 6 Genera | 18 Species Caltha L. palustris L. Occ. (6.P&7.Q.) Kingcup Luis buí Bealaine Riasg bláth. Due to excessive land dranage this species is becoming rare. It is only present in approximetly six locations of the area researched. Anemone L. nemrosa L. (6.P.&7.Q.H.M.) Wood anemone Nead coille. Anemone nemrosa is to be found at the Cannon Wood, Marlfield Rock,Ballymacarbery and on the Waterford side Fidown bridge Clematis L. *vitalba L.W.S. (6&7) Old man’s beard. Traveller,s Joy Ranunculus L. Repens L. W.S. (6&7). Buttercup. Bainne bó bleacht. Ranunculus (Contd.) acris L. W.S. (6&7.) Meadow Buttercup. bulbosus L W.S. (6&7) Bulbous Buttercup. auricomus L Occ. (6&7) Goldilocks. ficaria L.W.S .(6&7) Lesser celadine; flammula L. Occ. (7) Lesser spearwort lasair leana lingua L. Re ,(7.M) Greater spearwort. hederaceus L. Occ.(6) Ivy-leafed crowfoot. omiophyllus Ten. Occ.(6) (R. lenormandii) pseudofluitans W.S.(6&7) (Symes) Newbould. ex. Baker & Foggit. ( The variety R. pseudofluitans is now believed to be a sub species of R. fluitans.) aquatilis L. Occ. (6&7) water crowfoot. Fliodh uisce. trichophyllus Chaix in Vill Occ.(6.U&7 M) sceleratus L.Re. (6.L.) Celery-Leaved Crowfoot. (Trorachas Biadhain) Helleborus L. 12 *viridis L.(6.P.) (In one situation only, on a high wooded area at the South east end of Marlfield Lake. On a recent visit to the site I discovered that a Building contractor had covered the area with infill,) Aquilega L. vulgaris L. Re. (6.N.&7.M.) Columbine. RHOEADALES Papaveraceae. 3 Genera | 5 Species, Sub-family, 2 Genera , 4 Species. Papaver L. * somniferum. L.Occ. (6.L.) Usually found on or near disturbed land or on building sites. rhoeas L.W.S. (6&7) dubium L.Re, (6&7) Meconopsis Vig. * cambrica (L.) Vig. Re.(6.P&7.M.). Welsh poppy. Growing wild in the Marlfield village area, and on derelict sites within the town, and in the Poulavanogue. Chelidonium L. * majus L. Re. (7.M.). Greater celadine. I discovered a number of plants in the Glenanore area of the Nire valley and at Kilmacomma Fumarioideae. (Sub. Family). Corydalis Vent *claviculata. L. Occ.(6.L.) Yellow fumitory.growing on old mortar built walls around Clonmel. Fumaria L. capreolata (L ) DC.W.S (6&7) Fumitory; *muralis Sonder ex.Koch.Occ. (6&7) officinalis L.Occ.(6&7) bastardii Boreau. Re. (6.L) Dearg thalún. 13 Brassicaeae/ Cruciferae. 19. Genera | 28 Species, Sisymbrium L. officinale (L.) Scoop Occ .(6&7) Mhuire . orientalis L. Arabidopsis ( DC.) Heynh. thaliana ( L.) Heynh. Occ. (6&7). Hedge mustard Finéal Easteren Rocket. Thale cress. Erysimum L. *cheiranthoides L.V.Re (6.L) Treacle mustar. *cheire L. Occ.(6.T.&L) ( Cheiranthus cheiri ) Wallflower. (On the walls of Moorestown Castle, other wise in the town of Clonmel.) Barbarea R. BR. vulgaris R. BR. W.S.(6&7) Winter cress; Yellow rocket . Hesperis L. *matronalis L. Re. (6.T.) Found near places of habitation Rorippa Scop. (Nasturtiun) nasturtium-aquaticum L.(6&7) amphibia (L. ) Besser.Occ.(6&7) palustris ( L.) Besser. Re.(6&7) Dame’s violet. Yellow cress. Biolar. Armoracia Gilib. *rusticana Gaertn. Mey & Sherb. Occ.(6.P&7.L) Horse radish. Growing in the Old Bridge area of Clonmel and at Oaklands. Nasturtium R. Br. officinalis R. Br. W.S. (6&7) Water cress. microphyllum. ( Boenn.) Reichenb.W.S.(6&7 Capesella. Medicus bursa-pastoris L.W.S. (6&7.) Shepherd’s purse. Cardamine L. 14 pratenis L.W.S.(6&7) Lady,s smock; Cuckoo flower. Leine Mhuire. flexuosa L.Occ.(6&7) hirsuta L.Occ.(6&7) Raphanus L. Radish. * sativus L.(6.L.) (I identified and Photographed a number plants on the side of the inner relief road, known as Frank Drohan road .The persistent use of simazine to control weeds around exotic shrubs have greatly reduce the number of wild plants in this once prolific area.) Erophila DC. verna ( L.) Chevall.Occ.(6&7) Thlaspi L. *arvense L Occ.(6&7) Common Whitlow cress. Field pennycress. Diplotaxis DC. muralis (L.) DC. W.S. (6&7) (syn. with D. murale.) Wall mustard. Brassica L. rapa L. W.S. (6&7) napus L. W.S.(6&7) Wild turnip. Sinapis L arvensis L. W.S. (6&7) Charlock. Praieach bhuí alba L. Re.(6.P.) (Tillage fields in the Ballingarrane area) Coronopsius. Haller. squamatis (Forskal) Ascherson. Occ.(6&7) Lesser swine-cress Alliaria Scop. petiolata (Bieb) Cavara & Crande. (6&7) Barbarea R. Br. vulgaris R. Br. W.S.(6&7) Coronopus Haller didymus (L.) Sm. (6&7) Garlic Mustard. Winter cress. Lesser swine cress Resedaceae / Empetraceae. 15 1 Genera | 1 Species. Reseda L luteola L. Occ. (6.L&7.L) Yellow weed Biudhe mór. Sarraceniales Drosaceae. 1 Genera | 1 Species. Drosera L. rotundifolia L Re.(7.m.) Sundew. The only area that this species was found by me was in the Boola bridge area of Co.Waterford. ROSALES Crassulaceae. 2 Genera | 4 Species Umbilicus DC. rupestris ( Salisb.) Dandy.W.S. Leacán (6&7) Pennwort. Carnán caisil; Sedum L. Stonecrop. Grafán na gcloch *reflexum L.Occ.(6.L) acre L.Occ. (6&7) *album L. Occ.(6.L.). All of the Sedums were discovered close to the town of Clonmel. Saxifragaceae Saxifraga tridactylitis. L. Occ. spathularis. Broth. Re.(7.M.) St. Patrick’s cabbage Cabáiste mhadra rua. Found in the Glenanore and on the ridges around Coumfea Lake in the Co. Waterford. Sempervirens L *tectorum .L. V.Re (6.G.& M.). Discovered in two areas only. At Thorneybridge and Grange. On one occasion it was growing on a thached roof, the other on a house that was built in the 1970s. I have no knowledge of how it came to be on the Thacthed roof. The plant on the tiled roof originated naturally. 16 Chrysoplenium L. oppositifolium L.Occ. (6.P&7.M.) Golden saxifrage. Found in two locations, by the roadside at Lyrenearla, and at Marlfield. Parnassiaceae 1 Genera | 1 Species Parnassia L. palustris L. Re. (7.M) Grass of Parnassus. I discovered some plants of this species in a damp to wet area in Glendalachan. Co. Waterford. Grossulariaceae 1 Genera | 3 Species Ribes L *rubrum L Re.(6&7) Red currant . *nigrum L.Re. (6&7) Black currant *uva-crispa L.Re.(6&7) Gooseberry. (The three Ribes listed above are usually found as isolated plants, as a roadside plants, on the margins of woods, or by the banks of rivers or streams.) Rosaceae 15 Genera | 40 Species Filipendula Miller. ulmaria ( L.) Moench. W.S.(6&7) luchra. Rubus L. saxatilis L. Occ.(6). Meadow sweet; Airgead Stone bramble. Rubus L. *idaeus L. Occ. (6&7) Wild raspberry ; Subh craobh. Rubus (Contd.) caesius L. Dewberry. fruticosus agg. Blackberry. Sméara dubh. (According to the” Flora of Europaea” over forty different specie of Blackberry have been identified in Ireland .The late D.A. Webb one of the leading experts on Irish Flora in the twenty century claims that over eighty specie have been identified. In the recently published “New Atlasof the British and Irish Flora” claims that there is over 320micro species in 17 these Islands. The identification of which is best left to the experts) Rosa L. arvensis Hudson. Re. (6&7). Rose. Muicóiri.; Rós. pimpinellifolia L. Occ.(6&7) ( Syn with R. spinosissima) Burnet rose. *rugosa (7) Japanese Rose. (Always planted) stylosa Desv.Re.(7) canina L.W.S.(6&7) Dog rose, Rosa L. rubinosa L. Re.(6.P&7.M.) Sweet briar. This species is extremely rare, occurring in only two sites. One plant at Marlfield Lake, and a small numbers of plants on a hedgerow in Kilnamcomma. Agrimonia L. Agrimony. Airgeadán. eupatoria L. W.S.(6&7) procera Wallr.Occ.(7.M.) (Syn. with A. odorata auct.) The flowers of this variety are slightly fragrant. I came across a small groupe of plants of this species at Kilganey, Clonmel. Sanguisorba L. officinalis L. Re.(6.L.) ( Poterium officinale) Burnet. Probably introduced into the area in a batch of wild flower seed sown by a landscape contractor hired by the National road Authority. . minor. Scoop.Re (6.L.) (Poterium officinale) Salad burnet. Geum L. Water avens Machall uisce. rivale L. Re.(6.P.) (Due to extensive land drainage this plant is becoming very rare in the area. Found in only a few sites on or close to the Boulic stream.) urbanum L.W.S.(6&7) Wood avens. Machall coille. Potentilla L. Angelica. Laicharding. W.S. (6&7) palustris (L.) Scop.W.S. (6L&7M) Marsh cinquefoil. anserine L.W.S.(6&7) Silverweed; Briosglán. erecta (L. Rauscel. Occ. (6&7). Tormentil; Benidín reptans W.S.(6&7) Creeping cinquefoil; Cúig-mhéarach. sterilis (L.)Garcke Occ. (6&7) Barren strawberry. 18 Fragaria L. vesca L.Occ. (6&7) Subh talún Wild strawberry. Alchemilla L Lady,s mantle. filicaulis ( subsp. vestita (Buser) M.E. Bradshaw. (6.P). mollis L (7.M.) (I discovered three plants of this species growing in the state forest at Glenabbey on the 30 – 6 - 2003. These plants were on the edge of the path several hundred metres apart. It is probably that they are escapees from the nearby Carey’s Castle. The Castle is now a ruin and has not been lived in since late in the 19th. Century. Aphanes L. Parsley piert. arvensis L.Re.(6.P.&7.Q) (I discovered a number plants of this species growing on a bank in the Newchaple area .) microcarpa (Boiss.& Reuter ) Rothm. Occ (6.P.) = A.inspectata. Malus. sylvestris Miller. (6&7) Crab- apple. Ubhall – fhiadhain. (The continuing removal of hedgerows has had a detrimental effect on the number of crab trees in the countryside) Sorbus L. aucuparia L. W.S.(6&7) Mountain ash; Rowan; Caorthann Aria agg. There are a numberof trees in the Glenabbey / Canonwood area .I find it difficult to satisfy myself as to their correct identity. It is possible that some of these trees may have escaped from the nineteen century Higgins nursery once situated in this area. I also discovered a self- sown seedling of considerable age, Bonsai like growing on a mortar built wall at Giantsgrave). Cotoneaster L. *frigidus L.(7.Q) A number of plants occur in the state forest of Kilnamack. These were probably planted. Two other species that are establishing themselves in the wild are, C.horizontalis and C. microphylla *simonsii. Baker. Re.(7.M.) *horizontalis Decne. (6.L) *microphyllus Wallex. Lindl. (6.L.) 19 Crataegus L. Hawthorn, Quick monogyna L.W.S(6&7) Sceach geal. Prunus L. spinosa L.W.S. (6&7) Blackthorn; Sloe. Draighean *domestica L Re.(6.P.&7.M.) Wild plum. avium L Occ.( Wild cherry. (6&7) Crann silíni *cerasus L. Re. (6.U.&7.G.) Dwarf cherry. * padus Occ.(6.P.) Bird cherry. Self-sown seedlings of this species have been produced at Markams Rock Prunus *laurocerasus L W.S. (6.P&7.M.) Cherry laurel. (This Species have produced a number of self- sown seedlings along the banks of the Glenary stream.) Fabaceae / Leguminosae 13 Genera | 28 Species. Laburnum Fabr. *anagyroides L (6.P) ( The odd isolated plant that exists in the area were probably planted.) Cytisus (L.) scoparius ( L.) Link W.S. (6&7). Broom. Ulex l. europaeus W.S. (6&7) Furze ; Whin ; Gorse, gallii. Plachon. (7). Autumn gorse. Giolach sleib Aiteann Vicia L. cracca L.W.S.(6&7) Common vetch. sylvatica L. Re .(6.M.) hirsute (L.) S.F. Gray.Occ.(6&7) Hairy tare . sepium L. W.S. (6&7) Bush vetch. Vicia (Contd.) sativa L.Occ.(6&7) (The sub- species was introduced in the past and used as animal fodder.) Lathyrus L. montanus Bernh. Re. (7.M.) Heath pea. Carra mhillis. pratensis L. W.S. (6&7) Meadow vetchling. Pís bhuidhe. linifolius.(Reichard) Bassler.(7.m.) Bitter vetchling. 20 Ononis L. repens L.Re. (6.L.). Rest harrow. Sreang bogha. Medicago L lupulina L S.W. (7) Black medick. * sativa L Re. (6.m) Lucerne ; (This species was introduced by some of the large agricultural estates in the a fodder crop. Due to the high labour costs involved in the harvesting, the practice was discontinued. Some plants have survived in part of the area researched. Trifolium L. Seamróg. repens L. W.S.(6&7) White clover . * hybridum L.Occ.(6&7) Aslike clover. fragiferum L Re. (6) Strawberry clover. campestre Sshreber. Re. (6) ( T. procumbens )) Trifolium dubium Sibth. W.S.(6&7) ( T. minus ) ) ( The species used in St. Patrick day celebrations.) pratense L W.S. (6&7) Red clover. medium L. Re. (6). Zig-zag clover. Lotus L. corniculatus L.W.S. (6&7) uliginosus L.Occ.(6&7) Anthyllis L. vulinaria L Occ.(6&7) Birds foot trefoil. Crúibín-cait. Kidney vetch. Secugigera. (Coronilla varia ) varia L. V.Re. (6.L.) Very rare known in only two locations, an unexplained colony on the roof of the Magazine Tower in Old St. Mary’s .The colony on the F.Drohan road was probably introduced when, wild flower seed, was sown by landscape contractors. According to information received locally, the species was also introduced in the past as a fodder crop for life stock. I recently discovered a number of plants of this species on the Piltown, bye Pass, Co.Kilkenny. 21 Melilotus Mill. officinalis (L.) Pall. Occ. (6.L.) Found by the roadside at Newtownanner. GERANIALES. Oxalidaceae 1 Genera | 2 Species, Oxalis L. acetosella L. W.S. (6&7). Wood sorrel. Samhadh coille. corniculata L.(6.P.) (A garden weed that is now spreading to the wild, usually found on cultivated ground.) Geraniaceae 2 Genera | 10 Species Geranium L *pyrenacium. Burm. Re. (6.P.) Hedge-row Crane’s-bill. *pyrenacium “ alba”V.Re. (6.L) A white form discovered and photographed by me on the 16th June 2003. molle L. Occ. (6&7 Dove’s-footed crane’s-bill. pusillum L Occ. (6&7) *dissectum L.Occ. (6&7) Cut-leaved Crane’s bill. lucidumL. Re. (6.L) Shining crane.s-bill. robertianum L. W.S. (6&7). Herb Robert. Crob-dearg. *endressii. Gay Re. (7.M.) The species was probably introduced into the wild by indiscrimate dumping by amateur gardener, or irresponsible “landscapers” rotundifolium L. Re. (6.L.) Round-leaved Crane’s- bill. columbinum L. Long-stslked Crane’s-bill. Erodium (L), Hér. Storksbill. cicutarium (L.) L, Hér. Re.(6.L.) Common Stork’s-bill. Linaceae. 1 Genera | 2 Species. Linum L. Linum (Contd.) bienne Miller. Re. (6.L). Pale-Flax. Lion(.In the Gortmolouge area, Clonmel) catharticum L. Re. (6.G.) Purging flax. Growing by the roadside aproximately one Kilometre east of the village of Kilsheelan. 22 Euphorbiaceae. 2 Genera | 6 Species. Euphorbia L. hyberna L.V.Re. (7.M) Irish spurge ; Bainne caoin.By the side of the road between Ballymacarbery and the Nire Church. helioscope L.W.S.(6&7) Sun spurge; exigena L.Re. (7) . peplus L.Occ.( 6&7) Petty spurge. *lathyrus L.V.Re. (6.L.) Caper Spurge. (I have found a number of plants growing on the headlands of tillage fields west of Clonmel. It is rare.) Mercurialis L. perrenis L. Re.(6.P&C.) Dog’s mercury. Discovered near Marlfield Lake and at Davin Park, Carrick on Suir. RUTALES Polygalaceae. 1 Genera |2 Species. Polygala.L. vulgaris L.Re. (7.M) Milkwort. serpylifolia J.A.C. Hose.Re. (7.M) Glúineach. SAPINDALES Aceraceae 1 Genera | 3 Species. Acer L. *campestre L.Occ. (6.P.) Hedge, or Field maple. Seedlings of this species are freely produced in the Oaklands area. *platanoides L. Occ. (6.P.&7.Q.) Norway maple. Naturally produced seedling of this species are to be found at Oaklands and in an area known as the Beech grove in Kilnamack.) *pseudoplatanus L.W.S. (6&7) Sycamore. Crann bá Hippocastanaceae 1 Genera |1 Species, Aesculus L Occ. Horse chestnut. *hippocastanum L (6&7) 23 Buxaceae. 1 Genera | 1 Species Buxus L. sempervirens L .(6.P.) ( This species was originally planted in the Marlfield area during the 19th. Century, over the years it has produced hundred of seedlings) Balsaminaceae 1 Genera |1 Species. Impatiens L. *glandulifera Royle. Re. (6.L.&7.L.) Policeman’s helmet; Balsam. (Individual plants of this species are to be found along the banks of the river Suir.There is a large colony on an Island on the river Suir at Kilgany.) Aquifoliaceae 1 Genera | 1 Species; Ilex L aquifolium L.W.S.(6&7) Holly, Cuileann. CELASTRALES Celastraceae 1 Genera | 1 Species. Euonymus L europaeus L.Occ. (6.P.&7.M) Spindle. Feoras; RHAMNALES Rhamnaceae 2 Genera | 2 Species Rhamnus . *catharticus L.(6.P.) Bucthorn. Paide Bréan Frangula Miller. *alnus Miller ( Rhamnus fragula) (6.P.) Draighean Fearna (Both Buckthorns are present, however it is most likely that they were planted.) 24 MALVALES Tilaceae ! Genera | 1 Species Tilia’ Lime or Linden; Teile. * europaea L. (T. vulgaris) (6&7) (There are many fine specimens present, however all were planted) Thymelaeales Elaeagnaceae 1 Genera | 1 Species. HippophaeL. * rhamnoides L. (6.L.) Sea buckthorn. This species was planted during the landscaping at Frank Drohan road, now self-seeding. Malvaceae 2 Genera | 3 Species Malva L. moschata L. Re. (6.L..&7.M) Mallow. Iocas. Isolated plants found at Kilganey, Moangarriff and Ballingarrane. sylvestris L.W.S.(6&7) Lavatera.L. arborea L. V.Re. (6.P& O.) GUTTIFERAL Clusiaceae / Guttiferae /Hyppericaceae. 1 Genera | 7 species Hypericum L. * calycinum L Re. (6.P). Rose of Sharon Luib Eoin Bhaiste (There is a large colony of this plant growing on the Marlfield Rock approx.1. Km. from Knocklofty) androsaemum L.Occ.(6&7) Tutsan. Meas Tuirc. pulchrum L.W.S.(6&7) Slender St, John’s-wort humifusum L.Occ.(6) Trailing St.John’-wort. maculatum Crantz.(H. dubium.) Occ. (6) tetratperum Fries. 6&7 Hypericum (Contd.) perforatum L.Occ. (6.L&G) (While this species is only occasionally met in the district, it is abundant in two Locations, along the riverbank between the Convent bribge and Sir. Thomas’s bridge and again on the Glen of Aherlow.the large plantation along the river 25 bank south and east of the town of Clonmel is said to have originated when the Mental Hospital that was situated on the bank of the river used the herb as a treatment for depression during the 18th. & 19th century.) VIOLALES Violaceae 1 Genera | 8 Species 1 Hybrid. Viola L. Violet. Sail chuach. odorata L W.S. (6&7) Sweet violet. reichenbachiana Jordan ex Boreau.Occ. (6&7) riviniana Reichenb.W.S.(6&7) canina L.Re.(6&7) Violaceae (Contd.) palustris L Occ.(6&7) Marsh violet. tricolour L. Occ.(6&7) Pansy. arvensis Murray Occ.(6&7) Heartease ; Pansy. reichenbachiana.Occ. (6&7) Jord.ex Bor. Early Dog-violet. arvensis x tricolor. Re. (7.m) (This hybrid has been discovered by me growing in a newly set down field on the boundary of Kilmacomma and Glenabbey on the 26-6-2003.) MYRTALES Lythraceae 1Genera | 2 Species, Lythrum L. Purple Loosestrife Earball caitín. salicaria. L. W.S. (6&7) purtula ( L.) D.A.Webb (Peplis portula). Re. (6.P&7.Q Water purslane. Onagraceae 5 Genera | 10 SpeciesFuschia L. Deóra Dé. *magellanica Lam.Occ. (6&7) ( The species has produced a number of cultivares that include F. gracilis is often found near old ruins and places of habitation.) Circaea L. lutetiana L.Occ.(6&7) Enchanter’s nightshade. Chamerion.(L) Holb. *angustifolium,L W.S.(6&7) (Syn. Epilobium angustifolium.) Fuinnseach. Rose-bay willow. 26 Epilobium L. hirsutum L.Occ.(6&7) Great hairy willow herb. parviflorum.Schreber Occ.(6&7). motanum L. W.S. (6) obscurum Schreber.Occ .(6&7) palustre L.Occ. (6&7) *brunnescens (6&7) (Cockayne ) Raven & Engelhorn W.S. New Zealand willow – herb. * ciliatum. Rafin. Occ. (6&7). American Willow-herb. Oenothera. L. * biennis L Re. (6.L&P..) Evening primrose. Haloragaceae. 2 Genera | 3 Species. Myriophyllum L spicatum L. W.S. (6&7) alterniflorum DC.Re. (6.p.) Water-milfoil. Gunnera L. * manicata Linden ex. André. Re. (6.L.) Hippuridaceae 1 Genera | 1 Species. Hippuris L. vulgaris L Occ. (6&7) Mare,s tail, Snáithe báite UMBELLALES Cornaceae 1 Genera |1 Species Cornus L sanguinea L. (Thelcrania sanguinea.) Occ. (6.P.7.Q.) Dog- wood (This species has been present in both sub- division 6&7for over one hundred and sixty years. It was planted in both divisions when the landscaped Marlfield Estate by Mrs. Henryetta Bagwell.) Araliaceae 1 Genera | 1 Species. Hedera L. helix L W.S. (6&7) Ivy Eidhneán. 27 Viscaceae/Loranthaceae. 1 Genera | 1 Species. Viscum L. Mistletoe * album L.(7.L) This species has naturlised it self on Lime (Tilia europa.) by the side of the Colevilla road, Clonmel. This part of the town is in sub. Div. 7 Apiaceae /Umbelliferae. 17 Genera | 23 Species Hydrocotyle L vulgaris L Occ. (6) europaea L.Occ. (6&7) Marsh pennywort.Sanicula L Wood sanicle. Anthricus Pers. sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. W.S. (6&7) Cow-parsley. Smyrnium L. olusatrum L. Occ. (6.L.&7.M) Alexanders. (The local folklore states that this species was introduced by, Christian Monks. Certainly local colonies are situated on or near early ecclesastical sites. Acording to records in the 17th century “Minute Book of Clonmel Corporation) it was used as a vegetable at that time. According to L.J.F.Brimble in his publication “Flowers of Britain published in 1944 it was used as a substitute for celery which it resembles.) Conopodium Koch. majus (Gouan ) Loret & Barandon.W.S. (6&7) Pig-nut ; Pimpinella L. major ( L.) Occ. (6) saxifraga L.Occ. (6). Cutharláin. Burnet saxifrage. Aegopodium L. W.S. (6&7) ( Goutweed) (Ground elder) * podograria L. It has been sugested by Archaeoligists, that this species was introduced into these islands in Roman times and that had its origins in central Europe. Sium L. latifolium L. Re.(6.P.) Water parsnip. 28 Berula Koch. erecta ( Hudson) Coville. ( Sium erectum) Re.(6P.&Q) Both the above species are to be found on wet ground along the bank of the river Suir and its tributaries. Oenanthe L. crocata L.Occ. (6&7) Hemlock water-dropwot. fluviatilis (Bab) Coleman Re. Occassionaly found on the river Suir. Oenanthe aquatica ( L.) Poiret. (6&7) (O. phellandrium) Re.( The above specie are represented by the odd plant along the river Suir and on some of it’s tributaries. Aethusa L. cynapium. L. Occ.(6&7) Fool’s parsley. Foeniculum Miller. Re. Fennel. * vulgare. Miller.Re. (7.m.) Found on one site only. It occurs near the Ragwell where some road widing took place. Conium L. maculatum L.Occ. (6&7) Hemlock ; Apium L; nodiflorum (L.) Lag. W.S.(6&7) inundatum (L.) Reichenb.Occ.(6&7) Angelica L. sylvestris L. W.S.(6&7) Angelica ; Muing mhara. Fool’s water-cress. Cuinneóg mhidhe. Pastinaca L. Wild parsnip. * sativa L.Re. (6) Heracleum L. spondylium L. W.S. ( 6&7) Cow parsnip, Fuarán *mantegazzianum Sommier & Levier Occ. (6.P&7.L) Giant Hogweed. (A very architectual and exotic plant in danger of becoming a serious weed to the detriment of smaller species. Research carried out in the U.K.into the biological control of this species have identified three fungal pathogens from Russia, the plants country of origin, that have the ability to control its spread. The pathogens include Septoria heracleicola, Phoeosporia heraclei and a new species of Ranulariopsis.Further research is necessary before any of these can be released, as there is a likely hood that the 29 Pathogens could attack others members of the Umbelliferae family. This research, is being carried out by, Marion Seier, CABI Bioscience, Egham, Surrey. ) Torilis Adans. japonica ( Houtt.) DC. Occ. ( Caucalis antriscus) (6&7) Hedge parsley. Daucus L. carota L. Occ.(6&7) Wild carrot; Miodhlucán ERICALES Ericaceae. 4 Genera | 5 Species Rhodendron L ponticum L. Naturalised in sub- division 6&7 where it is producing self sown seedling by the hundred. It has also set down a base in sub- division 6. Here it has established it self in an area known as the “Marlfield Rock”. The species has established it self on a rather heavy leaf mould surface over a Waulstrain limestone base. Vaccinium L. myrtillus L. W.S (6&7) Whorts; Billberry. Calluna Salisb, vulgaris (L.) Hull. W.S. (6&7) Ling heather. Erica L. tetralix L.Occ. (6) Bell heather. cinera L. W.S..(6&7) Purple bell heather. Fraochán. Fraoch. OLEALES Oleaceae 3 Genera | 3 Species Fraxinus L. excelsior L W.S.(6&7) Ash, Fuinnseóg Ligrustrum L *vulgare L.W.S. (6&7 Privet. *ovalifolium Hassk.(6.P.) Marlfield Lake. (Probably planted) Syringa L. * vulgaris L Re (7.M) 30 GENTIANALES Gentianaceae. 3 Genera || 3 Species Centaurium Hill. erythraea Rafh.Occ. (6&7) (Erthraea pulch) Centaury Dréimire Mhuire. Gentianella L. amarelle (L.) Borner Occ. (6.T.) Blacktonia Huds. perfoliata (L) Huds Re. (6.K.) Yellow –wort. Dréimire Bhuí. Apocyanaceae. 1 Genera | 1 Species Vinca L. *minor L.Re. (6.P.) . *major L.Re. (7.O.). Lesser Periwinkle. Greater Periwinkle Menyanthaceae. 1 Genera | 1 Species Menyanthes L trifoliate L. Occ.(6&7) Bog bean; Bearnán lachan. Rubiaceae 2 Genera | 6 Species Sherardia L. arvensis L. Occ. (6) Field madder. Galium L. odoratum (L.) Scop. Occ (6) Bedstraw Lus moleas vernum L.W.S. (6) Lady,s bedstraw, Baladh chinise. saxatile L. W,S. Heath bedstraw; Luib na bhear ngonta. (7) Gallium (Contd.) palustre L.W.S. (7) Marsh bedstraw. aparine L.. W S.(6&7) Robin- run- the- hedge. 31 TUBIFLORAE ( SOLANALES) Convolvulaceae 2 Genera | 3 Species Convolvulus L. arvensis L.W.S. (6&7) Small Bineweed . Calytsegia R. Br. sepium W.S. (6&7) Bineweed *silvatica, ( Kit. ) Maire. Occ. (6&7) Large Bineweed. Boraginaceae 5 Genera | 9 Species Echium L. * vulgare L.Re. (6.L) Viper’s bugloss. Isolated plants of this speices are to be found on the Clonmel inner relief road. Symphytum L. *asperum Lepech.Occ. (S x uplandicum) (6&7) Comfrey. *tuberosum L Occ. (S leonhardtianum ) (6&7)The fact that these two cultivars are on the increase is probably due to the increase of road side dumping of unwanted plants by home owners. Officinale L. Occ. (6&7) Pulmonaria. L. * officinale L. V.Re. (Q.7) Lungwort. Found in the Coilte forest at Russeltown. Probably, as a result of dumping. Myosotis L palustris (L.) Hill. (M. scorpiodes ) (6&7) Occ.Forget -me-not. Lus miola. secunda. Occ. (6) A.Murr. *arvensis ( L.) Hill.W.S. (6&7) discolor. Pers. Re. (6.P.) laxa. Lemh Occ. (7.M.) . Verbanaceae 2 Genera | 2 Species Verbena L. *officinallis L. V.Re. (6.L&T.) Vervain. (This species is very rare in the area, with only the odd isolated specimens 32 surviving. One small colony survives just west of Sir. Thomas’s Bridge, the other in sandpits in the Cahir area.) Centranthus ( L.) Dc. * rubber (L.) Dc. Wall Valerian. Callitrichaceae. 1 Genera | 2 Species Callitriche L. Starworts stagnallis Scoop.Occ.(6.M&7.P). Common Water Starwort. hamulata. Re. (7.M.). Intermediate Water Starwort. Found in pools along the Glenary stream. Lamiaceae /Labiatae. 14 Genera 19 Species. Teucrium L. scorodonia L.W.S. (7.M &6.U.) Ajuga L reptans L. Occ.(6) Wood Sage. Úr sléi Bugle. Mentha L aquatica L W.S (6&7) arvensis L.Occ. (6&7) aquatica x arvensis Praeger 1951.Occ. (6.P&7.M.) suaveolens. Ehrh. (M. rotundifolia ) Occ.(6&7) Lycopus L Gipsywort; Feorán curraigh. europaeus L.Re. (6U&7M) ( The only locations in which I found this species was in the Poppy field at Ballingarrane 6.P, Knocknaree.7.M.Goatenbridge 6.U. Origanum L. vulgare L.W.S (6&7) Marjoram; Oragán. Thymus L. drucei L. ( 6.T.) (Found on a Lime-stone out crop at the “Leagaune”quarry) 33 Calamintha Mill. Calamint ascendens ( Lam.) Dandy (C. officinalis) Re.(6.G.) Discovered in areas where the southern esker has been exposed or where its substrate is close to the surface. Glechoma L. hederaceae L. Occ.(6&7) Ground ivy; Athair Lus. Ballota L. Black horehound. *nigra L.Re. (7M.). On disturbed ground at Knocknaree, Co. Waterford. Stachys L. arvensis L.Occ. (6&7) sylvatica L.W.S. (6&7) palustrisL.Occ. (6&7) Duilleóg na soar. Lamium L. Henbit. purpureum L W.S. (6&7) Red deadnettle ; Neanntóg chaoch. *album L.(6.P.,U&7M.) (Discovered growing in the Poppy field at Ballingarrane.Recently discovered at Goatenbridge and at Castlequarter, Ballymacarbery. Galeopsis L. tetrahit L.Re.(6.P.) Found at the edge of tillage fields in the Chancellorstown area Prunella L. vulgaris L.W.S.(6&7) Selfheal. Scutellaria L. minor Huds. R.e (7.M.) Minor Scull- cap Solanaceae. 2 Genera | 4 Species Lycium L. Duke’s of Argyll`s Tea Plant. chinense L.(6.L.) (This plant has naturalised it self in at least two areas in the town of Clonmel where it is growing the top of mortar built walls, one of the sites is on the Dungarvan Road the other at Suir Island.) Solanum L dulcamara L.Occ.(6&7) Bitter-sweet; Dréimire gorm.(mostly along the banks of the River Suir.) 34 Solanum L, Nigra. L. Re. (6.P). I found this species in two fields Maze at the Deerpark, also in set aside at the Well field. at Ballingarrane. Growning in a crop of *tuberosum L. (7.M.) For a number of years I have observed a numbed of plants of this species growing closed to a group of Pinus radiate in the Cannon wood. What interest me about these plants is that since I discovered them five years ago, they have never secombed to Potatoe blight. Buddlejaceae. 1 genera | 1 Species. Buddleja L. *davidii Franch. W.S. (6&7) (The plant is now wide spread in both sub-division and can be found growing in the wild at over three hundred metres above sea level.) Scrophulariaceae. 13 Genera | 31 Species. Erinus L. *alpinus L. (6.P.) Fairy Foxglove; (Due to the demolition of mortar built walls this species has become scarce in the locality. Less than a dozen plants survive around the village of Marlfield. I have since discovered a wall in the Golden area covered with the species. Verbascum L. Mullein *thapsus L.Occ.n (6.L.&T) Coinneal Mhuire. Mimulus L. *Guttatus DC.(7.)V.Re. Monkey flower. Found on marshy areas of the Colligan River. This area is just outside that being studied. Scrophularia L. nodosa L.W.S. (6&7) Figwort; auriculata.(L) Webb.W.S.(6&7) Lus na Gcnapán; fothram. Linaria (L.) Mill Toadflax. purpurea (L.) Mill.V.Re. (A small colony of this species has been photographed by me in June 2003, at the entrance of the state 35 forest at Kilnamacomma ( sub-division 7.m.) .Although the colony is self seeding , it probably had its origin in the dumping of garden material. There are also a few plants surviving on a wall at Newtown-Ann sub division 6. . Cymbalaria W.S.(6&7 Ivy- Leaved toadflax. *Muralis. W.S. Gaertn. Mey&Scherb. (Linaria cymbalaria)) Antirrhinum L. *majus L. Re. (7.M.) Snapdragon. A number of plants can be seen growing on ruins of the 18th.century Carey’s Castle in the Glenabbey area. *majus hybrida. Isolated plants found growing on walls in both sub- division 6 & 7. Digatalis L. purpurea L Foxglove; W.S.(6&7) Méaracán na mban sidhe. (This species seem to increasing in number as several thousand plants can now be seen flowering on or near the paths of state forest.) Veronica L. Speedwell;. Seamar Chre. beccabunge L W.S.(6.P.) Brooklime. There is a small colony in a swamp close to Marlfield lake. anagallis- aquatica L. Occ.(6&7) Water speedwell. scutellata L.Occ.(6&7) officinalis L.W.S. (6&7) Common speedwell. chamaedrys L.W.S.(6&7) Germander Speedwell Lus na banatra . serpyllifolia L. W.S.(6&7) Thyme-leafed Speedwell; Lus na treatha. arvensis L.Occ. (6&7) hederifolia L. Re. (6.L.) *persica Poir W.S.(6&7) *filiformus Sm.W.S.(6&7) (The Speedwell of the lawn) montana L.Occ. ( 7) Wood Speedwell. Pedicularus L. palustris L.W.S. (7.H.) Scrophulariaceae (Contd.) Pedicularis L, sylvatica L.W,S. (7.M) Marsh lousewort. Lousewort; Lus an ghiolla. 36 Euphrasia L, officinalis L. W.S.(7) Eyebright. nemorosa (Pers.) Wallr. Occ. (7) rostkoviana Hayne. (7) (This is regarded by some experts as a subspecies of officinalis.) Odontites Ludv. verna (Bellard) Dumort.W.S.(6&7) (Bartsia odontites) Bartsia. Rhinanthus L. minor L. Occ. (6&7) Yellow rattle; Red Bodán cloigin. Melampyrum L. pratense L Re. (6.M.) Common Cow-wheat. The only specimens of this species I found, was on disrurbed ground on the edge of Moorland at Kocknaree. Co.Waterford. Orobanchaceae. 1 Genera | 3 Species Orobanche L rapum-genistae Thuill ( O. major) (7.M.) Broomrape (Muchóg.) (During the 1970s I recorded thirty plants of this species, twentyseven on Cytisus scoparius, three on Ulex europeaus .One by one the host plants died and with them the species. However there is a possibility that it may still exist as they were spread over an area now covered with a jungle of Bramble that is almost impossible to penetrate.) minor. Sm.(6.P&L.) (Rare only less than a half dozen, small colonies in the Ballingarrane area and also ona railway siding inClonmel where it is associated with Ononis repens.) hedera. Duby W.S.(6&7) Orobanche L hedera Duby. (6&7) Lathrae L. Squamaria L. V. Re. Found in the Ballinard area recently in the, Marlfield Rock. 37 PLANTAGINALES Plantaginaceae. 1 Genera | 3 Species Plantago L Plantain major L. W.S.(6&7) Broad-leaved plantain Cruach Phádraig .( The leaves of this particular species were used to treat infected wounds before penicillin was introduced .I can rember my Mother using the smood side of the leave to draw out the poison and then use the rough ,or ribed side to carry on the healing.) lanceolata L.W.S. (6&7) Ribwort plantain. Slálu. *media L. V.Re. (6.P.). Found growing in the Marlfield area. DIPSACALES. Caprifoliaceae. 5 Genera | 8 Species. Leycesteria Wall. formosa Wall. Occ. (6.P. & 7.M.). Formosan Honeysuckle. Over the last two decades this species is species is spreading in the State forest of Glenabbey and Russeltown, in sub-division 7, it is also spreading in at a considerably in sub-divison 6..There is little doubt that the species was originally introduced to sub-divison 6 during the 19th. century.) Lonicera L * periclymenum L. W.S. (6&7) Honeysuckle Feithleóg. ( Woodbine) ( Taitheithleann) *nitida.Wils. Occ. (7.M.) Plants of this species are some times discovered growing by the side of the road and also deep in State forests, a considerable distance from places of habitation. Since the species is easily rooted one can assume that those plants had their origins in the dumping hedge cuttings. Symphoricarpus Duhm. *rivularis. Suksd, (6&7) Snowberry (In some areas the fruit produced by this species, are referred to by children as Billy- busters.) 38 Viburnum L opulus L.Occ. (6.P&7.M.) Guilder rose. Native to subdivison 7. Recently planted by landscape contractors on roadsides, in sub-divison 6 *tinus L. (6.P&7.M.) ( Mature plants and indeed self sown seedlings of this species can be found in both sub-division 6&7 parts of the district.This species was introduced into the forest of Kilnamac, by Mrs. Fanny Bagwell during the 19th. century, when she landscaped the area. Sambucus L, nigra L W.S. (6&7) Elder; Trom. ebulus L. Re.(6 P&T.) Danesweed. (Local plant lore claims that this plant is only found where there was a Danish battle and that it was used in the healing of wounds.) Valerianaceae. 3 Genera | 3 Species. Valerianella Mill. locusta (L.) Betcke. ) Occ. (6.L.) (V. olitoria)Lamb’s Lettuce. Valeriana L. Wild valerian. officinalis L.W.S. (6&7.) ( V. sambucifolia ) Centanthus.DC. *rubra (L) DC. W.S .(6&7) Red Valerian. Dipsacaceae. 3 Genera | 3 Species Dipsacus L fullonum L Occ. (6) ( D. sylvestris) ( This species is rapidly spreading) Succisa Haller. Pratensis. Moench.W.S). (6&7 ( Scabiosa arvensis ) Devils bit scabious (Úrach bhallach) Knautia L arvensis (L.) Coult. Occ.(6&7 ( Scabious arvensis ) ) Field scabious. Campanulaceae. 2 Genera | 2 Species Jasione L. montana L.Re.(7.M.) Sheep scabious. 39 Campanula L. trachelium L. V.Re. (6.L.). Found growing with other vegetation on the top of a mortar built wall at Newtown-Anner. Asteraceae/ Compositae. 38 Genera | 60 +Species Eupatorium L cannabinum L. Occ.(6.P&7.M) Mardhdhraighean (On the banks of the river Suir.) Solidago L virgaurea L Occ.(7) Hemp Agrimony. Golden rod; Bellis L. perennis L. W.S.(6&7) Luibh an fhaqlisaora. Daisy Nóinin. Erigeron L. *mucronatus L RE.(6.L.&7) (E. karvinskianus.) (Plants of this species are appearing in the wild in recent years. I first identified it at Lismore where there is a large colony of it naturlised on the walls. There are also a number of isolated plants in and around the town of Clonmel.) Inula L. *helenium L Re.(6.T.&7.M) Elecampane. Pulicaria Gaertn. dysenterica (L.) Bernh. Occ. (6&7) Fleabane. Bidens L. cernua. L. Re.(6) tripartite L Re.(6) (The two species of Bidens are rare. One encounters the odd plant in damp areas associated with the river Suir Anthemis L cotula L. Occ. (6). Stinking chamomile. nobilis LRe. (6.M.) ( Chamaemelum nobile) Re. Chamomile. Comán meall milis 40 .Achillea L. millefolium L W.S.(6.&7) Sneezewort. Matricaria L. matricariodies (Less) Porter. W.S.(6&7) Pine-apple weed. Tripleurospermum Schultz Bip. *indorum.(L.) Hyland ex. Vaarama. Chrysanthemum L segetum L. V.Re.(6.P.) Corn marigold Liatháin. (The fact that this species in decreasing is probably due to the increased use of Herbecides in cornfields. Up to the mid 1950s it was well represented in the locality) Leucanthemum Mill. vulgare Lam. W.S. (6&7) (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum ) Oxeye daisy; Easbog bán. Tanacetum L. * partenium ( L.) Occ.(6.P.&7.M.) Feverfew. (Rapidly becoming a weed in cultivated ground and rarely found far from habitation although I have discovered a small colony at Glenary) *vulgare L. Re. (7.M) Tansy ( always found close to habitation ) Artemisia L. vulgaris L. Occ .(6&7) Tussilago L. Colts-foot. farfara L.W.S. (6&7). Mugwort; Buachalán bán, Sponnc. Petasites Mill hybridus ( L.) Gaertn. Met& Scherb.Occ.(6&7) Butterbur ; Gallán mór. *fragans W.S. (6&7 (Vill) C. Presl.) Winter heliotrope. Petasites Mill. *japonicus. (6.M.) (Sieb&Zucc.) F.Schmidt. (Giant Butterbur). I discovered a colony of this species on the banks of the Glenaore stream in the Nire valley during the 1950s. However it is only recently that I correctly identified it. 41 Senecio L. Ragwort Buachalán buí. jacobea L.W.S. (6&7) aquaticus L.Occ.(6&7) Marsh ragwort.. aquatica X jacobaea Occ. (6&7) sylvatica L.Occ.(6&7) vulgaris L. W.S. (6&7) Groundsel; Gronnlus. cineraria x jacobaea.(6.L.) (I discovered one plant of this hybrid, flowering on the 9 – 7 2003. Photograph taken) Articum L. . minus Bernh. Occ.(6&7) Carduus L. tenuiflorus Curt.Occ.(6&7) nutans . L. Occ. (7.M.) Cardus L. acanthoides L.Re. (6) Lesser burdock. Thistle. Slender thistle. Nodding thistle. Feochadán. Welted thistle . Cirsium Mill. vulgare (Savi) Ten.W.S.(6&7) Spear thistle. palustre ( L.) Scop.W.S.(6&7) Marsh thistle. arvense (L.) Scop.W.S.(6&7) dissectum ( Cnicus pratensis )Re.(6.M.) Bog thistle Carlina L. Vulgaris L. Occ. (6&7.) Carline Thistle. Centaurea L. scabiosa. L.Re. (6.P) Present in the Ballingarrane area. nigra L. .W.S (6&7). Knapweed Mullach dubh. Cichorium L. *intybus L. Re.(6.T,) Chicory. (Discovered gowing by the roadside in the town-land of Moorestown.) Tragopgon L. pratensis L. Re.(6 .L&7.M) Goat,s Beard. I found this species in only two locations in a cultivated field at Garryshane and on disturbed land by the roadside ay Kilgany, Clonmel. Hypochoeris L. radicata L.W.S.(6&7) Cat,s ears . 42 Lapsana..L Communis L. Occ. (6&7) Nipplewor Leontodon L. autumnalis L. Occ.(6&7) Hawkbit hispidus L.Re. (6&7) taraxcoides ( Vill. ) Mérat. Occ.(6&7) (L.saxalile.) Picris L. echioides L. V.Re. (6.G.) Bristly ox-tongue. I discovered and photographed this species in Redmonstown, Clonmel, on the 25-72003) Picris L. hieracioides L.(6.T.) ( A few plants of this species can be found on the banks of the Waterford to Limerick Railway Line ) Sonchus L. Sow thistle arvensis L.Occ. (6&7) olearaceus L. Occ.(6&7) asper (L.) Hill.Occ.(6&7 Bainne muice. Hieracium L. Hawkweed Searbhán na muc. According to, D.A.Webb one of the leading authorities on Irish Flora there are over eighty varieties of Hieracium present in Ireland .In the “List of British Vascular Plants “ prepared by J.E.Dandy there are over two hundred different Species recorded in Britain. Pilosella Hill officinarum C.H.& F.W. Schultz.W.S.(6&7) Hieracum pilosellia Pilosella (Contd.) aurantiaca (L.) C.H.& F.W. Schultz. (Discovered and photographed this species on the edge of a path in the state forest of Russellstown , sub-division 6.M. in July 2003. I also found it in the Marlfield area sub- division the early 1960s,) Taraxacum. Weber. Dandelion; officinale Weber. (T. vulgaris) W.S.(6&7) palustria ( Lyons) DC.Re.(6&7) Caisearbhán. 43 Crepis L. * vesicaria L.Occ. (6.L&7.H) biennis L.Occ.(6.L&7.Q.). capillaris ( L.) Wallr.(6.&7) Beaked Hawksbeard . Rough Hawksbeard. Smooth Hawksbeard. Filago L. minima (Sm.) Pers. (7.M.) (I discovered some Plants of this Species in the Knocknaree area,sub-division photographed 28-82003.) Antennaria. Gaertn. dioica (L) Gaertn. L. Re.(6.T.) Found on a limestone outcrops in the Cahir area. Aster Spp. Michaelmas daisies. I discovered a number of these plants growing by the bank of the River Suir about 1 Km. East of Clonmel (6.L.) MONOCOTYLEDONES. Alismatales Alismataceae. 3 Genera | 3 Species, Alisma L. plantago- aquatica L.Occ.(6.P&7.Q) Water plantain; Corchopóg. Baldellia ( L.) ranunculoides L. (Echinodorus ranunuuloides Rich.)Occ.(6.T.) Sagittaria L . sagittifolia L.Occ.(6.P.) Arrowhead. Butomaceae. 1 Genera | 1 Species. Butomus L Flowering rush umbellatus L. Re. (6&7) Isolated groups can be found in shallow parts of the river Suir.and also in the Derry na Flan area of Co.Tipperary. 44 Hydrocharitaceae. 1 Genera | 1 Species. Elodea Michx. *canadensis Michx. (6.P&7.M) I have a problem believing that this is an introduced species. My doubt originated in the fact that the species is thriving in the Nire lakes high up in the Comeragh Mountains. Juncaginaceae. 1 Genera |1 Species Triglochin L. palustris L.Occ.(6&7) Arrow grass. Potamogetonaceae. 1 Genera | 3 Species. Potamogeton L. natansL. ( P. hibernicus ) Occ.(6&7) Pond weed; Duilléog na habhann. lucens L.(6&7) (There are a number of clumps of pond- weed in slow moving waters on the river Suir.) polygonifolius Pourr. (7.L.) LILIALES. Hyancinthaceae | Liliaceae. 3 Genera | 3 Species Nartheciom Huds. ossifragom (L.) Huds. Re.(6.M.) Bog asphodel Bliocáin. Scilla L non-scripta.( L.) Hoffmans & Link (Endymion Non-scripta) W.S.(6&7) *hispanica. (Mill) Chouard .(6&7) (Endymion hispanica; Hycinthanoides hispanica Blue bell; Coinnie corra. (Found mostly in isolated groups by the roads sides. Usually near places of habitation.) Alliaceae 1 Genera | 3 Species Allium L. *triquetrum.L. Re. (.6.L.) ursinum L. Occ. (6.L&7.M.) vineale L. Re.( 6.L.) Triquestrus leek. Wild garlic. Cneamh 45 Amaryllidaceae ! Genera | 1 Species Leucojum L. aestivum L Re.(6&7) Summer snowflake. Found near places of habitation, or close to ruined sites. Iridaceae. 1 Genera 3 Species. Iris L. pseudacorus L.W.S.(6&7) Flag Iris. Feileastrom. * foetidissima L. Re.(6.P.) Stinking Iris. (At Brunswick Bohreen, north- west of Clonmel and at Marlfield.) Crocosmia Planch. x crocosmiiflora Lemoine ( c. aurea x pottsii) Montbretia. Occ(6&7) Dioscoreaceae. 1Genera | 1 Species Tamus L. *communis LV.Re.(6.P.) Black Bryony. I discovered and photographed this species at Marlfield on the 8-7-2003. Juncaceae. 2 Species | 11 Species. Juncus L. Rush Luachair. squarrosus L Occ. (6&7) Heath rush. bufonius L. W.S. (6&7) Toad rush. articulatus L.W.S (6&7). Jointed rush. Gabhal luichair. acutiflorus Ehrn . ex Hoffm, Occ.(6&7) effuses L W.S. (6&7) Common rush. bulbosus L.W.S.(6&7) inflexus L. (6&7) Hard- rush. conglomerates L. (6&7) Luzula DC. Woodrush sylvatica ( Huds.) Gaudin.Occ. .(6&7) campestre (L.) DC.Occ. (6&7) multiflora ( Retz.) Lejeune. Occ. (6&7) Typhaceae. 1 Genera | 1 Species. Typha L. Reedmace Coigeal na mban sidhe 46 latiofolia L.Re.(6.P.) Marlfield Lake only. Possibly introduced. PRIMULATES Primulaceae. 4 Genera | 8 Species | 1 Hybrid. Lysimachia L Yellow loostrife. Lús na siothchána. * vulgaris L. Re.(6.U.) nummularia L. Occ (6&7) Creeping Jenny. nemorum L. Re. (7.) Yellow pimpernel. Lus Choluimcille. Anagallis L. arvensis L.W.S. .(6&7) tenrella L.Re. (7.M.) Falcaire fuar. Scarlet pimpernel. Bog pimpernel. Primula L. vulgaris Huds. W.S. (6&7.) Primrose. Bainnw bó bleacht. veris L. V.Re. (6.P.) Cowslip. veris x vulgaris Re.(6.K.) ( P.variabilis.) This hybrid is usually found as isolated plants, the only specimens that I found were in the Fethard area of County Tipperary. Hottonia.L. palustris. L. V. Re. (6.P.) Water Violet. A large colony of this species is to be seen at Marlfied Lake. GRAMINALES. Poaceae/Gramineae. 31 Genera | 51 Species I have had some difficulties in identifying members of the grass family therefore the following list is of those previously recorded Poaceae / Graminea (Contd in both sub-division 6& 7. My chief source is taken from those listed by Teagus, and some published sources. . Cynosurus cristatus L Crested dog ,s tail Tráinín/ Briza l. media L Quaking grass. Dactylis L. glomerata L. Cock,s foot. 47 Poa L. annua L. pratensis L. trivalis L. Annual meadow grass. Smooth stalked meadow grass. Rough stalked meadow grass. Vulpia C.C.Gmel. bromoides (L.) Gray. myrus (L.) C.C.Gmel. Festuca L. pratensis Huds. arundinacea Schreb, gigantea( L.) Vill. rubra L. ovine L. vivipara (L.) Sm. Fescue. Meadow fescue. Red fescue. Sheep fescue. Sieglingia Bernh. (Dathonia) decumbens ( L.) Bernh. ( Triodia decumbens )Melica L. Sieglingia Bernh (Dathonia.) uniflora Retz. Nardus. L. stricta L. Glyceria R.Br. fluitans ( L.) R.Br. Mat-grass. Float grass. Catapodium Link. rigidum (L.)C.E.Hubbarb,(Dezmazeria rigida; Festuca rigida) Catabrosa Beauv. aquatica (L.) Beauv. Lolium L. Perennial rye-grass. perenne L. *multiflorum Lam.(L.italica ) Italian rye-grass. Bromus L. racemosus Huds. (Zenera ramose.) 48 Bromos L. sterilis L. ( Anisantha sterilis ) hordeaceus L. H. mollis.) Soft brome. Brachypodium Beauv. sylvaticum. (Huds.) Beauv. False brome. Hordeum L. secalinum. Schreb. (H.Nodosum auct.) *distichion.L. Two-row barley. Barley; Eorna. Eletrigia Desv, (Agropyron Gaertn.) repens ( L.) Scutch grass; Avena L. *fatua L. Fiorthan. Wild Oats. Arrhentherum Beauv. elatus (L.) Beauv. Ex. J & C. Presl. Coirce. False oats. Helictrotichon. Bess. Hairy oats. pubescens (hudds) Plig. ( Avena pubscens ) Holcus L. lanatu. L mollis L. Yorkshire fog. Koeleria Pers. cristata L. Pers. ( K. gracilis ) Trisetom Pers flavescens ( L.) Beauv. Yellow oats. Agrostis L. canina L. Bent oats. Capillarus.Auct. (A. tenuis Sibth) ( A. vulgaris) Agrositis L. gigantean Roth. stolonifere L. ( A. alba ) Aira L. praecox L. caryophyllea L. Hair grass. 49 Deschampsia Beauv. cespitisa ( L.) Beauv. flexuosa(L.) Trim, Wavy hair grass. Phragmitis Adans. australis ( Cav) Trin. ex Steud. Reed-grass ; Giolach. Bromopsis.Huds. Racesmosa. Huds. Hairy-brome. Molinia Schrank. caerulea (L.) Moench. Purple moor grass; Fionán Phalaris L. arundinacea, L. Reed grass ; Anthoxanthum L. odoratum. L. Sweet vernal grass. Féar cumhra. Alopecurus L. pratensis L. Alopercurus L. geniculatus L. Phleum L. pratense L Biorrach lachan. Foxtail. Cat,s tail. ARALES & LEMNALES. Araceae. 1 Genera | 2 Species. Arum L. maculatum L W.S. (6&7) Lords & ladys ; Cuckoo-pint ;Geathar. Arum L. *italicum. Mill. (7.Q.) Rapidly becoming a weed of the garden, In fact I came across two clumps on a side road of the R671 one and a half Kilometres south of Clonmel. This species may have hybridised with Arum Maculatum. I have a number of specimens 50 under observation that look as if they may be Hybrids of the two above species. Lennaceae. 1 Genera | 3 Species. Lemna L. polyrhiza L. Occ. (6&7)(Spirodela polyhiza. Duckweed Macgan Athair. trisulca L.Occ.(6&7) minor L.W.S.(6&7) PANDANALES. Sparganiaceae. 1 Genera | 3 Species Sparganium L. erectim Agg. Re. (6&7). emersum Rehm Re.(6&7) minimum. Wallr.Re. (6&7) Bur- weed. Righ-seic. CYPERALES. Cyperaceae. 4 Genera | 34 Species. Scirpus L. cespitosus L. (Trichophorium Caespitosum) Occ.(7). lacustris L Occ. Bulrush Sheimhin portaigh. setaceus L. (Isolepis setacea.)Occ.(7) fluitans L. ( Eliogrton fluitans ) Re.(7) Eleocharis R.Br. multicaulis Sm. Re (7). Many –Stalked Spiked Rush. palustris (L.) (7) Roem & Schult.Occ. Common Spike-rush. Eriophorum L. angustifolium Honck. Occ.(7) Bog cotton; Ceannbhán. vaginatum L.V.Re.(6.P.) Hare’s-tail Cotton grass. (Found in the Bog at St.Patricks Well) Schoenus L. nigricans L. Re.(7) Black bog rush; Seimhín. Carex L. Sedge Cíob. Laevigata. Sm. (C. helodes.) Occ .(7.M.) Smooth-stalked sedge. diadra Scrank. (6&7) Lessor Tusock-Sedge. 51 Carex L. hostiana Dc. Occ.. .(7) ( C. hornsscuchiana; C. fulva.) W.S. binervis Sm. Occ.. .(7) Green Ribbed-sedge. demissa. Hornem. W.S. (7) (C. Viridula) sylvatica.Huds. W.S. (7). Wood-sage. otrubae Podp. Occ. (6&7P.) False Fox-sedge pseudo- cyperus L. Re. (7.H) Cyperus–sedge. rostrata. Stokes. W S.(6&7 ( C. Ampullaceae; C. Inflata) pendula. Huds. (6.P) Pendulous Sedge (This species wide spread in the Marlfield Rock probably introduced by a Mrs. Bagwell who landscaped the area during the mid 19 century.) panicea L. W.S. (7) Carnation Sedge. hirta L. Occ. ( 6&7) Hairy Sedge, pilulifera L.Occ. (7) Pill Sedge. caryophyllea. Latourr. ( C.praecox.) W.S.(7) Spring-sedge/ nigra (L.) Reichard. (C. goodenowii ) W.S.(7) Common-Sedge. . paniculata. L. Occ.(7) Greater Tussock-edge. disticha Huds. W.S. (6&7P.) Brown Sedge echinata. Murr W.S. (7) Star Sedge. pulicaris L. W.S. (7). Flea Sedge. ovalis Gooden. .W.S. (7) Oval Sedge remota L.Occ. (7). Remote Sedge ORCHIDALES. Orchidaceae. 6 Genera | 10 Species. Epipactis Sw palustris ( L.) Crantz. Re. (6.P.) Marsh helleborine. There are a number of plants of this species in the swamp, associated with Marlfield Lake. Listera R. Br. ovata L. R.Br.Re.(6.P.&7.M.) Twayblade. Ophrys L. apifera Huds. Re. (6.T.&7) Bee orchid. According to Mary J.P.Scannell, of the National Botanic Gardens I discovered the first all white specimen of this species recorded in Ireland in the mid 1970s.The discovery was made at Colligan, Co. Waterford. 52 In a disused sandpit near Caher, there was a large coloney of this species. After a guided visit of “Nature lovers” Most of them were stolen. I visited the site two weeks after their visit only to discover over a hundred holes and just six plants. Orchis L. morio L. V.Re.(6..L&K.) Green-winged orchid. In two locations near, Fethard and Boherduff, Clonmel. mascula. L. Occ. (6.L&T) Early Purple Orchid. Dactylorhiza Nevski (Dactylorchis ) fuchsii ( Druce) Soó ( Orchis fuchsii )W.S.(6&7) Spotted leafedorchid maculata (L.) Soó (Orchis ericetorum) W.S .(6&7) incarnatum (L.) Soó (Orchis incarnata) Re (6.Q.) Meadow orchid. Anacamptis Rich. Pyramidal orchid. pyramidalis (L.) Rich, Occ. (6.L) (In the Rathronan area (6.L.) I discovered a number plants that I believe to be Hybrids between Orchis maculata and Anacamptis pyramidalis. I base my presumption on the fact that there are only the two species present and the plants are not representative of either. The plants show some of the characteristic of both species. During the season of 2002. Orchids were in abundance. In 2003 season, I did not discoverer one Orchid of any kind in flower. Spiranthes Rich. spiralis (L.) Chevall. V.Re. (6.P. I discovered a number of specimens at Loughtally in late August 53