1 - The Appreciative Inquiry Commons

Creation and Nurturing of Positive Future
Imagine Nepal Initiative (INI) is a non-political, non-religious, non-racial, non-profit
making connection-based social movement dedicated to help create the positive future of
Nepal and Nepalese. INI embodies such core values as democracy, good governance
(transparency, equity, prosperity, compassion, commitment, sincerity, discipline, and
honesty), empowerment, self-realization, self-reliance, positive attitudes, positive
behavior, dignity, and peace & harmony. It is the movement of hope, joy, possibility,
connection, integrity, energy, creativity, spirit, generosity, resourcefulness, life and
learning. INI believes that every Nepali applies his or her talents and contributes his/her
ideas and energy to create positive future for him/herself, his/her organization, his/her
community, society and Nepal as a whole. Under this basic belief, INI deems energy in
synergy, simplicity and system, compassion and commitment, creativity and
breakthrough, openness and transparency, inclusion and participation, partnership and
INI has emerged at a time when Nepal is experiencing internal conflict due mainly to
inequality in resource endowment and power sharing among different groups; efforts of
other forces to resolve conflict by using problem focused approach is not generating good
results; appreciative inquiry approach is gaining momentum as a successful alternative in
many development organizations; Kathmandu 2020 has shown visible impact in different
development areas; and imagine movement is expanding around the world.
As conscious citizens, the above context encouraged the AI practitioners of this
beleaguered country to create Imagine Nepal Initiative to contribute to restore peace and
harmony in Nepal by using their talent and skills in managing conflicts and fostering
equitable development through the process of appreciative inquiry. After discussing in a
series of AI network meetings, the September 7, 2002 workshop declared Imagine Nepal
Initiation as a movement for peace and prosperity in Nepal.
INI is a positive social movement. Its attention goes solely to generate constructive
change by mobilizing societal forces toward positive direction through social
mobilization, capacity building and institutionalization. Since energy flows where
attention goes, this process exerts greater pressure for transforming her/himself, her/his
organization, and the society at large in a faster speed.
INI sees its dream come true because of its use of appreciative inquiry approach in the
process which values every one’s contribution and believes in the principles of
inclusiveness and diversity where all stakeholders including women, children, minority
groups, ethnic groups and disadvantaged people as well as establishment and antiestablishment take part equitably in sharing their views and making decisions which are
vital for creating positive future and co-constructing a just society.
As a positive social movement, INI has greater possibility of bringing different groups
into a forum. It discovers strengths and successes of each stakeholder. Stakeholders are
encouraged to respect each other’s contributions, norms and values. This approach of
focusing on the strengths of stakeholders encourages them to participate in the dialogue.
This will generate energy and commitment for transforming a society to a desired one.
INI as a social movement has its own importance in Nepalese development discourse.
Transformation of a society requires synergetic efforts of the political, economic and
social movements. The complementary role of the social movement in the roles of
already existing economic and political movements will make a transformation process
complete to produce energy through synergy.
INI is a social movement based on connection and network. It aims at extending
networks throughout Nepal with organizations involved in social movement. This
countrywide network makes INI stronger to create pressure from every corner to bring
different forces into negotiation and implement the joint decision thereafter.
INI believes in peaceful settlement of the conflict through educational process. It uses
both formal and non-formal education systems to create awareness among different
stakeholders and build capacity of present and future network members and volunteers.
2. Imagine Nepal Initiative Project
Appreciative Inquiry Background:
Nepal has 7-years history of AI (1996-date)
 About 200 AI volunteers
 About 30 AI practitioners
Kathmandu – 2020
Imagine Nepal Initiative has established the Network with Imagine Chicago
AI philosophy and practice is fostering and the concept has spread out throughout
Nepal. Many INGOs and NGOs have been active in application of AI philosophy,
approach and methodology in Development: Community forestry, organizational
development, capacity building/strengthening, strategic planning, leadership
building, community health, savings/credit, women development, attitude and
behavioral change.
1.1 Discovered present strengths of Nepal are:
23 million human populations with comprising ethnic cultural diversities and have
many different kind of human expertise
Established civil society (NGOs, CBOs and cooperatives etc) is already emerged
moving towards to stronger shape
Rich in cultural diversity
Laws/policies on women’s rights
Practicing participatory – appreciative development approaches has already initiated
and local governance has introduced throughout the country
Nepal is known as one of the countries having a mosaic of multi-ethnic and multilinguistic societies and have unity within diversity and diversity within unity among
Women’s participation in government (decision making in laws and policy
formulation), political process, education, transportation, and other aspects of life has
Free education system for female children of occupational caste groups
Model community forestry and rich in agro-ecological zones and bio-diversity
Open communication, transportation, and press
Increased private investment in education, tea and coffee gardens, horticultures,
floriculture, and health
Established tourism industry: agro-based and none agro-based industries tourism
(eco, village, trekking, and expedition tourists)
Mixed economic system and private sector is boosting especially in air transportation,
banking sector, tea and coffee gardening, industries, education, tourism, electricity
and other sectors
Rich water sources
Majority people love peace and development and still they have possessed the hopes
for future
Diversified ecological zones such as Terai, Siwaliks, Mahabharta, Mountains, which
possessed valleys and deep gorges where covered rich bio-diversities and natural
beauties and Himalaya
Media such as electronic mail (computer), press, television, radio (government and
private (fm), films are boosting
Physical infrastructure such road networks, electrification, air transportation,
irrigation are developing
Nepal has good network and relationship with many countries including United
Many laws and policies have formed and have been executed such as community
forestry, national park and people and women’s rights
Nepal has its own indigenous philosophy, wisdom, knowledge systems, life
pattern/style, cultural traits and values, belief systems and practices, natural resources
management regime, appreciation of other’s contribution trend etc are core assets of
Nepal, which have been contributed to unique identity of Nepal.
Nepal has a power potential to achieve the miracle in future.
1.2 Discovered Potential Stakeholders:
1. Street kids
2. HIV/AIDS victims
3. Women
4. Children
5. Nepal Chamber of Commerce
6. University Professors
7. Students
8. Journalists
9. Civil Society - non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community based
organizations (CBOs), and other social organizations
10. Politicians and political parties
11. Government beaurocrates
12. International Development Agencies
13. Indigenous Organizations/Associations such as Magar, Tamang, Rai, Sherpa,
Gurung, Limbu, Tharu, Newar etc.
Dream (envisioned goals) of Imagine Nepal Initiative (INI) has set in three levels such as
foundation, primary and ultimate goals. These goals are:
Ultimate goal (impact of the project) is prosperous Nepal. This goal will be
achieved automatically once achieve the primary goals.
Primary goals (outcome of the project) are justice, equitable, and harmonious
society. The primary goals will be achieved once foundation goals is achieved
These Primary and ultimate goals are the long-term dreams of Imagine Nepal Initiative –
2020. To achieve these two goals, Imagine Nepal Initiative has to focus to achieve the
foundation goals, which are immediate goals to be worked on it.
Foundation goals (outputs of the project) are 1) restore and strengthen of peace
and development. 2) Social transformation for social change. The foundation
goals are also immediate goals to achieve the Primary and Ultimate goals as longterm goals.
Envisioned dream of Imagine Nepal Initiative –2020 has given in a diagram as:
Final Goal
(Impact level)
Primary Goal
(Outcome level)
Foundation Goal
(Output level)
Justice, equitable, and harmonious
1. Restore and strengthening of peace
and development
2. Social transformation for social change
3.1 Objectives to achieve the above-envisioned dream are:
3.1 Security and development
3.2 Equal access to and distribution of resources
3.3 Fulfillment of basic needs of the people
3.4 Societal Change
3.2 Provocative proposition of Imagine Nepal Initiative:
 Inquire and initiate peace dialogue between government and Maoist
 Bring the success stories, vision, and strengths of Nepal and disseminate in
wider and larger masses
 Inquire into national integration process among castes, occupations,
ethnicities, women, children and marginalized communities
 Continuation of listening and learning
 Continuation of life giving and nurturing forces and images of Nepal in
international arena
3.3 Method for implementation of above programs
3.4 Sustainability of the achievements/results (output, outcome & impact)
3.5 Transparency
3.6 Accountability
3.7 Ownership of concerned stakeholders
3.8 Monitoring indicators and mechanism
3.9 Validation and reflection indicators and mechanism
3.10 Expected involving cost/budget
This plan for the end of 2003 of Imagine Nepal Initiative as:
Institutionalize the Imagine Nepal (legal identity)
Strengthen the capacity of AI practitioners and volunteers
Identify potential stakeholders and interview with them
Organize summit of AI interviewees
Documentation of success stories, vision, and strengths of Nepal
Develop 5-years (1960-1965) strategic plan of Imagine Nepal
Establish sister relationship between Case Western Reserve University and
Imagine Nepal and Capital College and Research Center
Building network among Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Cape Town, Chicago,
London, New York etc for International Imagine cooperation and peace and
development solidarity
Conduct AI research in Nepalese context in communities and publish for
education and development
Continuation of Nepalese images, strengths (life giving and nurturing forces), and
natural resources of Nepal
“Long Live the Appreciative Inquiry Solidarity for Peace and Development”.
YEAR 2020
1. What do you value the most two or three about Nepal ? or what are you most
proud of ?
2. What have been the most appreciable changes (two or three) in the Nepal that
you have seen or read about?
3. Imagine it is the year 2020 - what kind of community usually would you be most
proud to live in?
4. Which sector do you prefer to get involved in ?
a. Populations size ________________________________________________
b. Ethnic and cultural harmony ______________________________________
c. Good governance ________________________________________________
d. Women, children & ethnic rights_____________________________________
e. Education & health _______________________________________________
f. Communication & transportation _____________________________________
g. Employment & income level ________________________________________
h. Forest & bio-diversity management __________________________________
i. Agriculture _____________________________________________________
j. Tourism & industry _______________________________________________
k. Physical infrastructure (roads and electrification) _______________________
l. Institutional development (civil society, private, &
5. What are the most positive changes (one or two) you have noticed in the sector
you selected?
6. What kind of achievement (2-3 most important) do you wish for this sector in 5
year ?
7. What kind of contribution would you like to make it happen to bring these
changes after 5-years ?
As a volunteer: ________________________________________________
Being involved in your NGO: ______________________________________
Starting an NGO or local effort: ____________________________________
Others: _______________________________________________________
8. Personal Profile of Interviewee
Name: ___________________________________________ Age: ________________________
Sex: M/F:______________________________Education:__________________
e(Home): _____________________(Office): ___________________ Fax:
__________________ Email: ____________________________________