Saint Francis Academy - Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center

Saint Francis Academy
For Clinical Pastoral Training
2014 Spring Pastoral Counseling Training Program
This notice is to inform all interested participants of the Pastoral Counseling Training Class of
the starting dates / times, etc.
Begins Wednesday , February 5, 2014 (thru April 9)
Classes are weekly on Wednesdays. for a total of 10 weeks.
9:00 am - Noon
Mount Sinai Campus Community Affairs Room
Directions are enclosed
$ 200.00 student fee due PRIOR TO CLASS START ; payable to
“SFH” and should be sent to :
Dr. McKinney
Saint Francis Hospital
114 Woodland Street
Hartford, CT. 06105
(860) 714-4183
All other expenses of this class are supported by the Connecticut Department of Mental
Health and Addiction Services and Saint Francis Hospital.
IMPORTANT: If, for any reason, you cannot attend the class, please call me immediately.
Once you have registered (online, or by calling, or sending in registration info) you will be
considered REGISTERED. No further confirmation we be needed. YOU WILL ONLY BE
I look forward to seeing you in class!
Pastoral Counseling Classes
Basic Class - in Community Affairs Room
Directions to Mount Sinai:
The Mount Sinai Campus (860-714-2611) is located at 500 Blue Hills Avenue in Hartford, Connecticut.
Parking for patients and visitors is located in the fenced lot on the corner of Blue Hills and Tower Avenues,
directly across from the campus. The entrance is located on Tower Avenue.
From Interstate 91 Southbound
Take Exit 35B. Turn right on 218 West. Turn left onto Blue Hills Avenue. The hospital is
at the intersection of Blue Hills and Tower Avenue. For visitor parking, turn right onto
Tower Avenue and turn left into the lot.
To drop off a patient at the hospital, proceed through the intersection and turn left
into the hospital entrance.
To park, turn right onto Tower Avenue. The parking lot entrance is half a block down
Tower on the left.
From Interstate 91 Northbound
Take Exit 34. Turn left at the stop sign and left onto North Main Street. Turn right onto
Tower Avenue. The hospital is at the intersection of Blue Hills and Tower Avenue. For
visitor parking, proceed through the intersection and turn left into the lot.
To drop off a patient at the hospital, turn left onto Blue Hills Avenue and turn left into
the hospital entrance.
To park, proceed straight through the intersection on Tower Avenue. The parking lot
entrance is half a block down Tower on the left.
From Interstate 84:
Proceed to Interstate 91 North and follow the directions above.
To drop off a patient at the hospital, turn left onto Blue Hills Avenue and turn left into
the hospital entrance.
To park, proceed straight through the intersection on Tower Avenue. The parking lot
entrance is half a block down Tower on the left.
All routes are clearly marked with blue and white trailblazer signs displaying an "H", the universal symbol
for hospital.
Push button at parking entrance and indicate
your are going to Pastoral Counseling Class.
Pastoral Counseling Training Program
Educational goals for this course are based, in part, on faculty assessment of
students experience and needs reflected in this first class.
Class One
Assessment - first impressions, persona, diagnosis.
Difference between pastoral care and pastoral counseling.
Understanding Psychology as "the study of the psyche, or soul".
Class Two
Psychologies relationship to things spiritual. Composition of the 'soul';
complexes, persona; shadow; conscious, unconscious.
Insearch: Psychology and Religion by James Hillman / 1994 rev.
Spring Publications
Class Three
Consultation, Collaboration and Referral. The mechanics of when and how to
refer to other mental health professionals.
Multicultural Issues, African American families and counseling; faith settings and
presuppositions, gender issues
Psychospiritual healing and growth.
Class Four
Alcohol and drug (Addiction) psychology, intervention, including 12-step
programs and spiritual resources. Local resources also covered.
Families ; family systems; understanding and working with families.
Class Five
Exploring the shadow (neglected, hidden) part of the personality. How this part of
the personality is often behind typical issues in people's lives as they come into
counseling. Their effect on marriages, groups, committees, families.
Psychopathology : how mental illness can be handled within the ministry setting
to minimize problems and develop support systems.
Insearch : Psychology and Religion , by James Hillman / rev. 1994
Spring Publications.
Class Six
Anxiety and stress in contemporary culture; It's impact in the ministry setting;
Taking care of the pastoral counselor in facing stress; contemporary research on
the effects of stress and methods of stress reduction (relaxation, meditation,
prayer); spiritual resources in addressing anxiety.
Class Seven
Depression (assessing, interventions, medication overview). Confidentiality;
Ethics and Counseling; Mandated Reporting Laws in ConnecticutReligious /
Spiritual approach to depression; Use of spiritual interventions (prayer, scripture,
support groups, worship services, mentoring).
Class Eight
Transference / Countertransference; The "battle for structure" in a counseling
situation (time, commitment, setting, continuity). Couples counseling; when to
see both, when to see one person.
Projection : How is the 'minister' seen by members? What are common
projections, how does one address projections, avoid projections?
Class Nine
Typology (Introversion, Extroversion, Thinking, Feeling, Perceiving, Sensation)
Myers-Briggs Type Inventory. How to understand and use typology.
Strategies of dealing with individual typologies in light of one's own type.
Group work and typology. Endings; Grief, Termination of Counseling.
Class Ten
Termination of counseling; Issues of Ego; Community Resources for referral and
training, Options for your religious group to maintain collaborative relationship
with behavioral health resources. Role of supervision. Managed Care; City /
State Services ; Non-profit Health Care Systems.
Faculty for Academy:
Dr. Marcus M. McKinney, director of pastoral counseling at Saint Francis Hospital
and Medical Center in Hartford, CT., Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, UCONN
School of Medicine, Fellow, American Association of Pastoral Counselors,
Licensed Professional Counselor in Connecticut, Baptist Minister
Dr. Robert S. Henderson, director of pastoral counseling center in Glastonbury,
CT., Diplomate in American Association of Pastoral Counselors, Licensed
Marriage and Family Therapist in Connecticut, Supervisor American Association
of Clinical Pastoral Education.
Other Faculty from the Academy will contribute to the class.