International Business Program Guide

Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology
International Business Management
Graduate Certificate Program
(OCAS Program Number 116)
Two Semester Program
Student Guide & Program Overview
January 2005
With this program and one years experience, you can earn a Professional
Designation as a “Certified International Trade Professional - C.I.P.T.” issued by the
Forum For International Trade Training - the national association for trade
professionals recognized around the world.
Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology
Post Diploma International Business Management Certificate Program
Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology
International Business Management
Post Graduate Certificate Program # 116
The world is changing rapidly, calling for skills-based, applied programs to meet the demands
of employers who are looking for graduates to add value early in the relationship. The
explosive growth of Internet e-commerce, combined with the massive growth in
communications technology, has created a borderless, global community. The competitive
landscape for multinationals, major corporations and entrepreneurs is dramatically changing.
An effective web presence along with virtual speed to market, speed to innovation is critical to
the success of most organizations. With excess manufacturing capacity readily available
around the world, new age marketing & global distribution skills are required in all sectors of
the economy.
In this context, a post graduate international business program that supports this new business
paradigm will certainly meet the needs of students from a number of program disciplines.
An International Business Program that meets the needs of business today & tomorrow will
require a blend of internet, e-commerce savvy with a solid understanding of the logistics of
international trade. The focus is to provide job-ready graduates with a clear understanding of
the fundamentals of international trade and the skills to seek out global market opportunities
with a practical exposure to international business challenges. Our objective is to give students
opportunities to investigate, analyse, evaluate and provide recommendations to decision
makers in this global economy. Exploring opportunities and understanding the logistics of
moving goods across international borders is a vital requirement for the program and will be
reflected in many assignments – evaluated by the employer & the instructors. The program
was designed with the support of trade professionals, Forum for International Trade Training
(FITT) Inc. and educators with experience in delivering international trade training.
Post Graduate - International Business Certificate Program
Web Design
Entry Strategy
Int’l Law
sanctioned, team
projects and
supported by
faculty, mentors
and industry
associations –
1-2 days / wk.
network for students,
faculty, industry, and
Chat Rooms, email,
mentor access, web
International Trade Management
(Capstone Report)
Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology
Post Diploma International Business Management Certificate Program
We are looking for candidates that are serious about a career in international trade and are
interested in national FITT credentials. We are only looking for mature students, able to take
responsibility for their own destiny. We hope to attract international students looking to
understand trade from a North American perspective along with a good mix of domestic
students looking to leverage their undergraduate studies with specialized knowledge in
international business context. We are also looking to attract students currently working for
global companies and would like to earn formal credentials. Students must be able to seek out
their own opportunities. The program is designed for mature adults willing to work hard and
leverage their position as a student mature enough to seek the guidance of employers in the
global community.
The core curriculum utilizes eight nationally recognized Forum for International Trade Training
courses and is supplemented with a web design course and a professional skills course
designed to support the process of getting a job and planning a career. Our intent is to provide
an understanding of the fundamentals of international trade and the skills to seek out global
market opportunities with a practical exposure to business and international business
challenges. An eight month, two semester program will provide the introductory skills to
support international career objectives of individuals from a variety of programs. We intend to
weave relevant, “live” trade situations into short, intensive modules that combine the
fundamental vision, knowledge and skills required to thrive in today’s international markets.
Traditional classroom delivery will support skill building opportunities and provide an
opportunity to connect with trade professionals with international experience.
All eight FITT prerequisite courses – national requirements.
Seminar Delivery with seasoned trade professionals.
Employer Sponsored Team Projects
Non-Paid Work Placement – 1 or 2 days per week in second term
Semester I
1. Global Entrepreneurship
2. International Market Entry
3. International Trade Finance
4. International Trade Research
5. Web Page Design
6. Professional Skills
The program will utilize 8 FITT
Modules and national exams to
support the educational requirement
for national certification.
There will be a serious focus on career
planning, finding a work placement
opportunity and developing web skills.
Note: A working knowledge of the
internet and Microsoft Office Products
is a critical requirement for success in
the program.
Applied Component
Corporate Sponsored ProjectsMonitored by mentors and staff
Semester II
1. International Marketing
2. International Trade Logistics
3. International Trade Law
4. Work Experience – I
5. International Trade
The focus this term is to gain work
experience with employers willing
to sponsor students. The task is to
make contact with employers and
write mini Trade Reports for as
many employers as possible to
gain insight and develop
specialized skills in international
trade. The ultimate objective is to
learn the skills necessary to get a
- Work Experience – 1 or 2
days per week + internship
Professional Skills
PS - Mini-Modules
Int’l Business Planning Model
Report Writing
Time Mgmt.
Cross-cultural Communication
Cultural Negotiations
Project Management
Career Planning - Tours
Business Communications
Interview Skills / Resume
Sales & Selling scripts
Business Etiquette & Ethics
Customer Service
Trade Report / Business Plan
Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology
Post Diploma International Business Management Certificate Program
The training material has been developed by the Forum for International Trade Training (FITT).
To support credit toward a professional designation we proctor national exams for five FITT
courses and for the three courses requiring reports. We send them out to Ottawa for marking.
The cost of these national exams is approx. $100 for each course ($800). Books cost $95 each
or $800 for all the books in the program. The Certified International Trade Professional
(C.I.T.P.) designation is awarded by FITT and students are eligible to apply for the designation
after having a minimum of one years work experience in international trade. Prospective
students are encouraged to explore these requirements on the web site.
In an effort to combine classroom training with practical exposure to business issues and
concerns, students are required to seek out opportunities to talk to employers about their
international trade activity – 20 minute meetings. . Students are expected to find their own
interview opportunities with the support of a Career Planning component in the 1st Semester.
The objective is to get students to talk to employers about the challenges facing business and
provide an opportunity to apply what they are learning in the classroom. As part of a career
planning initiative, students are urged to focus on a business sector they want to work in, seek
out employers in that sector, and ask for interviews. The task is to establish rapport with
employers and, where appropriate, prepare mini Executive Trade Reports for their employer,
particularly when a problem can be solved by the student. The report may also include some
generic recommendations as a result of observations made by the student. Some students
may use this opportunity to help find a field placement. Other students may wish to explore
entrepreneurial interests and focus their efforts on self-employment or a family business
The student work placements are unpaid and are a separate course in the Program of Studies.
Every effort will be made to support the placement of students into the business sector or
industry of their choice. Students are expected to find their own placement opportunity with the
support of a Career Planning component in the 1st Semester. Students will solicit placements
with introductory letters, from the College, outlining the objectives of the International Business
Management Program. Our objective is to give students opportunities to investigate, analyse,
evaluate trade situations on the job. Where possible, these situations are discussed in the
classroom to support the needs of the employer.
 A strong commitment to developing a career in international trade and an interest in
earning an international trade designation as a C.I.T.P. trade professional.
 A post secondary diploma or degree -- preferably students with work experience or
maturity to manage global opportunities with advanced business report writing skills.
 For international Visa students, a minimum TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign
Language) score of 550 or an IELTS of 6.5 is recommended for this program as all
courses will be taught in English and job placement may be based on how well you
communicate or express yourself in English.
 A working knowledge and understanding of computer fundamentals and internet
technologies is an important consideration as proficient use of the internet for research
is a key ingredient to the program.
Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology
Post Diploma International Business Management Certificate Program
HOW TO APPLY – Application Process
Please submit a cover letter outlining your interest in participating in this program, your career
aspirations and include a resume of your experience along with transcripts of your post
secondary education. Include any other data that you feel might support your application.
Canadian students can submit this information to the Registrar’s Office, however, they will have
to apply using an OCAS College Application form. Some seats are reserved for international
students to support the international context of the program.
International visa students should include this information with their international application
submitted to the International Office. (Visit and click on International
We will experience ever faster, even more frequent change in the next decade. The rigor of
our curriculum and the alliances with corporations, international educational institutions and
government agencies will support our applied learning objectives and enable students to
network and gain insight into international business. All students are requested to become
active in the networking process to support the alliance of industry and the program. The
curriculum draws from the experience of each of our partners and collectively provides relevant
global perspectives. Partnering with FITT for Trade Curriculum provides a nationally
recognized element to our program and supports an opportunity to earn a professional
designation as a Certified International Trade Professional (C.I.T.P.). All FITTskills courses
meet international standards of international business and trade training as prescribed by the
International Association of Trade Training Organizations (IATTO). Partnering with employers
to weave their issues into the curriculum will add relevance and complement our efforts to
graduate internationally trained leaders with true global knowledge and international business
Critical to the success of the program is a relevant curriculum driven by industry and delivered
by our business faculty, seasoned trade professionals and guest lecturers. Mohawk College
has gathered together an eclectic mix of professionals committed to refining a baseline
curriculum for the program. These professionals are able to share their international experience
and contacts as a complement to the program. Success hinges on employers providing a
forum to apply the learning and the institutions commitment to supporting the process. Our
community partners have stepped up to the cause. Students will take an active part in this
process as their ability to relate and connect with international trading organizations will support
their success in the future.
Many of the employers benefit from a fresh review of global opportunities and view their
involvement as a community service to the College. Student projects and assignments focus
on particular export/import issues with support of program faculty and advisors. Project teams,
by design, will have a mix of international and domestic students, along with a mix of
backgrounds. Translation services and new marketing material are often the quick benefits
enjoyed by employers looking to serve new markets. Students can be a conduit to government
agencies, support programs and provide the initial research into new market opportunities.
Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology
Post Diploma International Business Management Certificate Program
January Admission With Special Permission.
Late Registration Opportunity With IBM Program Modification
To accommodate students wanting to enter the program in January, we will allow
students to take the second semester before they complete the first semester. With this
option students will not have to wait until the following September to join the program.
In addition, they will have the summer to do an internship program. However, to do this
we will have to slightly modify the program of study.
1. Regular International Business Management Program Format
Int’l Business Mgmt. Post Grad
Sept – Dec
Jan – Apr
May - Aug
(Sept – April – 8 months)
The modification that we are proposing is that students gain admission into the second
semester, however, some courses may not be in the schedule. The
capstone course, "International Trade Management (Report
Course)", should not be taken until the final semester because other
prerequisite courses in the first semester have to be taken first. Students will be
required to take this additional course on their own time via the internet or at another
institution. This information will be provided to students on admission. The purpose for
a January admission is to help out students who where not able to get a visa for a
September admission and help them save time by not having to wait until the following
Students start the second semester in the first week in January, go for 14 weeks,
followed by a 14 week summer break. Then in September, will start in the first
semester and complete in December. We hope students will be able to secure a
voluntary placement over the summer period as they will have not had sufficient time to
prepare for a placement not having taken the career course in the first semester.
2. Modified International Business Management Program Format
Modified Int’l Business Mgmt. Post Grad Program
Sept – Dec
Jan – Apr
May - Aug
Sept – Dec
(Jan to Dec – 12 months)
Mohawk College of Applied Arts & Technology
Post Diploma International Business Management Certificate Program