Communication Protocols

Communication Protocols
Madison-Oneida BOCES
Student Suspension
The Administrator:
____ Contacts the parent/guardian to provide information regarding incident and pending disciplinary
____ Contacts the Assistant Director of Alternative and Special Programs to provide information regarding
incident and gain approval
____ Contacts the Director of Alternative and Special Programs to provide information regarding incident
and gain approval
____ Contacts Component District’s liaison to discuss the incident
____ Contacts District Transportation (depends on district) to stop bussing
____ Sends discipline referral and parent/guardian letter to Director of Alternative and Special Programs
(same day as recommendation for suspension)
____ The Director of Alternative and Special Programs’ office sends paperwork to District liaison and
____ Once initial interventions occur, and a pattern of inappropriate behavior begins, the Administrator
invites the parent/guardian and District Liaison to a staffing to address concerns
Student Bus Suspension
The Administrator:
____ The BOCES administrator contacts the appropriate Component District Administrator to review the
bus referral and the District Administrator decides the disciplinary consequence (The Component
District Administrator contacts the parent/guardian to provide information regarding incident and
disciplinary consequence)
____ The Component District Administrator completes the appropriate paperwork for the bus suspension
and processes it and provides the BOCES administrator and the parent/guardian with copies of the
discipline referral
____ The BOCES administrator meets with the student to inform her/him regarding the bus referral and
the disciplinary consequence by the Component District Administrator
____ If multiple bus referrals are received on a student, the BOCES Administrator initiates a staffing with
the parent/guardian, District Liaison, and student to address concerns. Other staff may be invited as
needed i.e. counselor
January 2011
Student Attendance
____ Attendance staff/teacher calls the homes of all absent students each day (students without prior
written excuse provided with documented reason for absence)
____ At three (3) days of absence, Excessive Absence Report forms are completed which includes the
actions that have been taken to obtain the reason for the absence. This form is then sent to the
BOCES nurse, teacher and the home school district.
____ Letters are sent to the parent/guardian of each student with five days of absence (this continues in
increments of five absences)
____ Letters are forwarded to the appropriate program administrator, home school liaison and for the
students’ management files
____ At ten (10) days of absence, staff will make a referral to SPFY and counseling services. Staff will
counsel student and administration will conduct a staffing to discuss possible interventions and
notify district liaison
____ At fifteen (15) days of absence, all excuses must be provided by a physician. A parent/guardian
meeting is set up with the parent/guardian, service providers and the district liaison. This will be set
up by the appropriate program administrator
____ At twenty (20) days of illegal absence, pre-pins will be generated by the appropriate administrator for
the students that are age appropriate and district liaison notified. For students over compulsory age,
the district liaison will be notified
____ At twenty-five (25) days of absence district liaison will be notified and a CPS call will be made due to
educational neglect
Student Grades
____ The parent/guardian is called, informed, and included in a plan for each student failing at progress
report periods (weeks 5, 15, 25 and 35)
____ The teacher and administrator meet for each student failing and design a plan that addresses the
failure (the parent/guardian is called and notified)
____ The parent/guardian is called, informed, and included in a plan for each student failing at marking
period final average time (weeks 10, 20, 30, and 40)
____ For students still failing at week 15, a staffing is initiated by the administrator or administrator’s
designee that includes the parent/guardian, the teacher, the component school district liaison, the
administrator and the student. The failure is addressed and the plan for success discussed and
____ If a student is in jeopardy of failing a class (65-70 or 70-75) at any progress report week there will be a
documented telephone call to the parent/guardian discussing the possible failure and a plan for
success. The telephone call to the parent/guardian must be documented on the BOCES
Correspondence Record Sheet
____ Incompletes: A teacher may only give an INC on weeks 10, 20, and 30. The student will then have five
(5) weeks to make up the necessary work to change the INC to a passing grade or the student will
receive a grade in the range of 50-64 or 50-70
January 2011
Program Review
____ Teacher should be communicating concerns with parents/guardians and program administrator
____ Student presented to Child Study Team. District liaison invited and informed
____ Follow-up meeting scheduled to discuss success/failure of suggestions
____ Administrator speaks with district liaison and parent/guardian regarding concerns
____ Administrator set up conference for involved BOCES personnel, district liaison and parent/guardian
____ Follow-up meeting scheduled with above personnel to discuss progress
____ Decision made with district liaison on next steps (i.e. contract, CSE mtg, FBAs and BIPS**)
Medical /Nursing Information
____ If BOCES staff or District staff, including nurse, receives information regarding a long term illness,
injury, or surgery staff should notify BOCES Program Coordinator in a timely manner
____ Program Coordinator will fax/scan CSE Chairperson or CSE secretary and/or District personnel will
fax/scan BOCES Program Coordinator necessary medical paperwork (identify person by name on fax)
____ If BOCES staff or District personnel receives updated status; staff should notify BOCES Program
Coordinator in a timely manner
____ CSE Chairperson and BOCES Program Coordinator work together to ensure student receives
necessary services
* CSE Chairpersons would like a copy of parent correspondence form and also would like a phone call or
an e-mail if parent is agitated or angry (typically parent will call district rep when upset)
** All FBAs and BIPs should be sent to CSE Chairpersons for their records
***All transition materials should be sent to CSE Chairpersons for their records
January 2011