Elkhorn Construction, inc. Title: Excavation Safety Requirements Safety Manual Effective Date: 12-15-2008 1. Only personnel authorized and trained in these Excavation Safety Requirements may enter permitted area excavations. OSHA References: OSHA 29 CFR 1926.650-652 2. Complete an Excavation Design Checklist (see page 3 of this procedure) regardless of location/client facility. One-Call Services must be notified two working days (Monday through Friday, except holidays) before digging/excavating. 2.1 Before digging/excavating re-contact area One-Call Service for final verification. 2.2 Area One-Call Service must be re-contacted every two weeks until excavation is complete. THIS IS THE LAW, NO EXCEPTIONS. 3. The Trained and Certified Competent Person is responsible for: (A person that is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards and one who has the authority to take prompt measures to correct the unsafe conditions). 3.1 All excavations over 4 ft. in depth will be excavated as a type “C” soil with a 1 ½ -1 slope (34 degrees). Any excavation requiring shoring or if an excavation of other type soil, the Competent Person is responsible for design and contacting the Safety Director for approval. 3.2 When determined appropriate by the Competent Person, a spotter will be used while excavating. A probe will be used to locate underground utilities/structures when within two feet of their estimated depth. Once located, hand digging will be used to visually expose the utilities or structures that are to be protected from damage. No one is to work beneath the loads of digging equipment. 3.3 All materials removed from an excavated area must be kept at least 2 ft. away from the edge of an excavated area. This includes all tools, equipment and any materials that may be needed in the excavated area. Non-entry areas are to be flagged with red “Danger” tape. 3.4 A Competent Person shall place barricades at least 6 ft. away from the excavation with yellow “Caution” tape, or as deemed necessary. Personnel that are exposed to public vehicle traffic near excavations shall wear reflective warning vests. 3.5 Trenches and excavations that are over 4 ft. in depth require a safe means of access and escape no more than 25 ft. apart. This can include, but is not limited to, structural ramps, stairs, ladders and dirt ramps. Walkways over excavations will be secured and include toe-boards and handrails, use the Scaffolding Safety Procedure, as a reference. 3.6 A Confined Space Entry Permit in conjunction with atmospheric testing must be obtained before entering excavations over 4 ft. in depth if the Competent Person identifies an Immediate Danger to Life and Health (IDLH) environment. Use the Confined Space Policy as a reference. 3.7 Excavations that are below the footing of any foundation or retaining wall shall be designed by the Competent Person and approved by the Safety Director. 3.8 Daily approval by a Competent Person must be documented for each excavation on an Excavation Daily Inspection and Entry Permit before any personnel enters. Reinspection must be performed when any condition changes. Personnel shall be protected from hazards created by water. 3.9 Document Excavation Safety Training shall be kept at the local service area office. Attach a copy of the Excavation Design Checklist. Document No: 3E-0105 Revision 1 Page 1 of 4 Elkhorn Construction, inc. Title: Excavation Safety Requirements Safety Manual Effective Date: 12-15-2008 ONE-CALL SERVICE NUMBERS (Suggestion: Program applicable number into your cell phone.) Arkansas 1-800-482-8998 Mississippi NO California 1-800-642-2444 SO California 1-800-442-4133 Missouri 1-800-344-7483 Texas 1-800-344-8377 Colorado 1-800-922-1987 Nebraska 1-800-331-5666 Texas 1-800-669-8344 Illinois 1-800-892-0123 Nevada 1-800-227-2600 Utah 1-800-662-4111 Iowa 1-800-292-8989 New Mexico 1-800-321-2537 Wisconsin 1-800-242-8511 Kansas 1-800-344-7233 Kansas 1-800-344-7233 Wyoming 1-800-348-1030 Minnesota 1-800-252-1166 Tennessee 1-800-351-1111 Wyoming 1-800-849-2476 Document No: 3E-0105 Revision 1 1-800-227-6477 Texas 1-800-245-4545 Page 2 of 4 Elkhorn Construction, inc. Title: Excavation Safety Requirements Safety Manual Effective Date: 12-15-2008 EXCAVATION DESIGN CHECKLIST JOB NAME: _______________________________ Job #_________________________ DATE: ___________ COMPETENT PERSON: _________________________ JOB SUPERVISOR__________________________ DESIGN PICTURE WITH DIMENSIONS SLOPE TO BE ____:1 (___ DEGREES) EXCAVATION DESIGN PLAN Example Drawing Example Drawing (Refer to the Excavation Safety Rules) ONE–CALL LOCATE REQUEST INFORMATION SHEET (SEE EXCAVATION AREA ONE-CALL SERVICE NUMBERS) Caller ID#:________________________________________________ Ph:_____________________________ Caller Name/Contact Person:________________________________________________ Explosives: ( Y or N ) Duration of Job: _________________________________ Type of Work: _______________________________ Work being done for: ______________________________________ County: ___________________________ City/Place: ______________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ Nearest cross street: __________________________________________________________________________ Location of work or marking instructions: ________________________________________________________ (Location of work must cover the entire excavation area) Remarks:__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Township: ___________________ Range: __________________ Section/Quarter: _______________________ Ticket number: _____________________Work to begin:_________________Utilities Notified: _____________ Client’s Approval/Direction to begin Excavation: ____________________________________ Date _________ Attach to JSA Document No: 3E-0105 Revision 1 Page 3 of 4 Elkhorn Construction, inc. Title: Excavation Safety Requirements Safety Manual Effective Date: 12-15-2008 EXCAVATION DAILY INSPECTION & ENTRY PERMIT Please Print Project Name :________________________ Job #: _______________ Excavation Location: ________________ Competent Person: _________________________________ Project Supervisor: __________________________ Weather Conditions: _________________________________________ Precipitation: _______________ inches. “” THE APPROPRIATE RESPONSE REFER TO THE EXCAVATION SAFETY RULES HAVE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS BEEN INSPECTED & ADDRESSED? YES NA 1. UTILITIES ARE LOCATED AND MARKED. 2. MATERIALS ARE LOCATED AT LEAST 2 FT. FROM EDGE OF EXCAVATION. 3. SLOPE IS CUT AT ____: 1 (_____ DEGREES). 4. WATER SEEPAGE IN WALLS OR BOTTOM HAS BEEN ADDRESSED. 5. SLOUGHING OR CAVING HAS BEEN ADDRESSED. 6. WEAK SOIL ZONES HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. 7. FRACTURE PLANES IN SOIL HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. 8. NON-ENTRY AREAS ARE FLAGGED WITH RED “DANGER” TAPE. 9. APPROVED EGRESS IS PLACED EVERY 25-FT. 10. BARRICADES ARE IN PLACE TO KEEP TRAFFIC AWAY (6 FT. MIN.). 11. TREES, BOULDERS OR OTHER HAZARDS IN AREA HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. 12. OVERHEAD OBSTRUCTIONS HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. 13. SHRINKAGE OR TENSION CRACKS IN WALLS HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED. 14. REQUIRED PERMITS ARE IN PLACE (HOT WORK, CONFINED SPACE, EXCAVATION ). 15. SHORING IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH DESIGN. 16. HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERE TESTING HAS BEEN COMPLETED. Results of Atmosphere Testing ________O2 % __________ LEL % ______________________Other 17. List Heavy Equipment working on or near the Excavation____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. Excavation Supervisor and Operator on site is: _____________________ Supervisor _____________________ Operator 19. Comments: _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Competent Person: ____________________________________ Date _____________________________ Signature ATTACH TO DAILY TAILGATE SAFETY MEETING AND WORK PLAN Document No: 3E-0105 Revision 1 Page 4 of 4