1 Submitted to DSR II, Special Issue on the Black Sea Currents at intermediate and deep layers of the Black Sea inferred from autonomous profiling floats G. Korotaev1, T. Oguz2, S. Riser3 1 Marine Hydrophysical Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Sevastopol, Ukraine 2 Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Erdemli, Turkey 3 School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, USA Abstract 1.5 year observations of float trajectories at three depths of the Black Sea (200, 750, 1550m) offered a new perspective for the circulation structure at depths below the permanent pycnocline. The observations provided first direct and quantitative evidence of strong currents and organized flow structure at intermediate and deep layers. Their magnitude is typically about 5-10% of the surface currents, and may be as high as 5 cm s-1 at 1550 m along the steep topographic slope around the periphery. A well-defined cyclonic circulation was shown to persist to the bottom without any reversal in the direction of deep circulation with respect to that in the surface. The deep currents were found to be strongly controlled by steep topographic slope, and were correlated well with the surface currents at seasonal and longer time scales. These observations thus provide the first evidence for discarding the traditional concept of weak currents and associated very slow deep thermohaline circulation system in the Black Sea. 1. Introduction Albeit physical structure of the Black Sea have been observed rather intensely during the last century, overwhelming majority of the hydrographic measurements have been conducted within the uppermost 300, which occasionally extended up to 750 m. Because of its very weak stratification, the deep layer has been usually 2 assumed to be almost motionless and possess a temporally invariant thermohaline structure at seasonal-to-interannual time scales. The currents and flow fields above the permanent pycnocline (located around 100-200 m depth) have then been estimated geostrophically by locating the depth of no-motion around 300-500m. These estimates, together with the satellite data, suggested a highly dynamic upper layer circulation structure prevailing throughout the year (Oguz et al., 1992; 1993, 1994; 1998; Sur et al., 1994, 1996; Sur and Ilyin, 1997; Oguz and Besiktepe, 1999; Gawarkiewicz et al., 1999; Ginsburg et al., 2000, 2002a,b; Sokolova et al., 2001; Afanasyev et al., 2002; Korotaev et al., 2001 and 2003; Zatsepin et al., 2003). The building block of the circulation system involve a basinwide cyclonic circulation cell, encircled by the 40-80 km wide Rim Current zone and a wealth of anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies located on the coastal and interior sides of the Rim Current, respectively. The entire system evolves continuously at different time scales subject to external forcing and internal dynamics. The schematic pattern representing the most robust and quasi-persistent features of the upper layer circulation is shown in Fig. 1. Direct observations from the surface buoys (Eremeev et al., 2003) and the ADCP measurements (Oguz and Besiktepe, 1999) provided magnitude of the Rim Current jet about 40-50 cms-1, increasing occasionally up to 100 cms-1 along the main axis of the jet within the upper 100m. The cyclonic circulation is driven by the quasipermanent positive wind stress curl field intensifying in winter and weakening in summer months, and is further supported by the buoyancy contrast between the fresh water inflow from rivers around the basin and the salt water supply through the Bosphorus Strait (Whitehead et al., 2001; Korotaev et al., 2001). The multi-ship hydrographic surveys carried out within the framework of the HydroBlack and ComsBlack Programs constituted during the early 1990s the first reliable data sets for exploring deep water physical characteristics of the Black Sea (Oguz et al., 1993; 1994; 1998). One of the most important findings of these studies was an indication of horizontally as well as vertically highly-structured flow systems formed by a series of large mesoscale eddies (with typical size of about 100 km) and sub-basin scale gyres (with typical size of several hundreds of km’s) within the intermediate layer between 300 and 1000 m. These observations, providing only the baroclinic component of the circulation, however underestimated intensity of the flow 3 field particularly along the strong topographic slope zone around the periphery of the basin. As they were carried out at best with 20nm horizontal grid resolution, they were not able to capture well the Rim Current jet structure along the narrow topographic slope zone around the basin. The strength of the intermediate layer flow system has partly been elucidated by the ADCP absolute current velocity measurements carried out during April 1993 in the western Black Sea. These measurements reported for the first time the sub-pycnocline currents of 10-20 cm s-1 within 200-350 m layer (Oguz and Besiktepe, 1999), the latter depth being the approximate limit of the ADCP measurements. The recent US-Turkish-Ukranian collaboration between the Office of Naval Research, School of Oceanography-University of Washington, Institute of Marine Sciences-Middle East Technical University, and Marine Hydrophysical InstituteUkranian Academy of Sciences has led to a new opportunity to explore further the sub-pycnocline characteristics of the flow field by means of three autonomous profiling floats. As a part of our ongoing efforts towards the development of an operational oceanographic system within the framework of the Black Sea GOOS Program, the primary goals of this project are to enhance the near-real-time measurement capability of temperature and salinity within the water column, and to promote a better understanding of the intermediate and deep layer circulations and water mass characteristics at seasonal and longer time scales. The present paper describes some results from these Lagrangian subsurface current measurements performed during the September 2002-April 2004 observation period. 2. Methodology Three profiling floats, manufactured by Scool of Oceanography-University of Washington, were deployed from R.V Bilim during 2 September 2002 within the southwestern part of the sea at approximately 100 nm offshore of the Bosphorus Strait. Two of the floats were put into the parking depths of 1550m and 200m at the site of 42.25oN and 30.34oE. This location, denoted by A in September 2002 mean sea level anomaly map (Fig. 2), roughly lies inside the cyclonic gyre of the western basin. The third one was deployed into the parking depth of 750 m at the site 41.83oN and 29.83oE which is slightly closer to the coast. Its location, denoted by B in Fig. 2, lies 4 along the main axis of the Rim Current system. They were programmed to drift with currents at their parking depths for a week and then to measure temperature and salinity vertically at 58 levels from 1550 m to the sea surface. The floats parked at shallower depths than 1550m first come down to the sampling depth of 1550m before they rise up to the surface. When they reach the sea surface they transmit the data to orbiting satellites that are equipped with the ARGOS system within approximately 8to-12 hours. The floats then sink to their parking depths and begin another observation cycle. The accuracy of the temperature, salinity and pressure sensors is typically better than 0.005oC, 0.01, 5m (The ARGO Science Team, 2000). The temperature and salinity profiles together with float trajectories are documented in near-real time mode at the URL site http://flux.ocean.washington.edu/metu. The currents at their parking depths were estimated by the displacements from their last positions before diving to their previous position after surfacing. Their trajectories (Fig. 3a-c) are subject to some errors as they are periodically modified by the surface transports during their 8-12 hour presence at the surface every week. The interpretation of float trajectories is further complemented by the horizontal circulation maps derived from the analysis of altimeter data provided at the URL site http://las.aviso.oceanobs.com/las/servlets/dataset. The original data set comprises weekly global merged products of several satellites such as GFO, Topex/Poseidon (or Jason-1) and ERS-2 (or Envisat) at 1/3o resolution. The data was first extracted for the Black Sea region and then optimally interpolated to 0.1o square grid in order to produce a series of sea level anomaly maps at selected times of the observation period (Fig. 4a-h). 3. Float trajectories and variations of current velocity Soon after their deployments, all three floats drifted eastward almost parallel to the coast by the peripheral current system (Fig. 3a-c). The float BS634 at 200m first moved eastward very slowly (~1 cm s-1) suggesting its entrapment within the western cyclonic gyre during its first two months (Fig. 2). By mid-November, as leaving the eddy and approaching towards the Anatolian coast during its eastward drift, it was encountered with the Rim Current system. Its speed of translation was then increased to about 5 cms-1 (Fig. 5a). Thereafter, the float started drifting at a gradually 5 increasing rate of 10 cms-1 during the early winter (December-January) and 15 cms-1 during next February-March period as it moved along the southeastern and eastern coasts. Stronger current speeds and more organized Rim Current system, known to be a robust feature of the Black Sea winter upper layer circulation, are therefore also evident at 200m depth. The absence of the Batumi gyre during winter months (Fig. 4b) is supported by the drift of the float BS634 along the southeastern corner. In April 2003, the float moving along the northeastern coast is trapped within the Caucasian coastal anticyclonic eddy (Fig. 4c), which is one of the quasi-persistent features of the circulation system usually persisting during spring and summer months (Korotaev et al., 2002; 2003). The anticyclonic rotation of the float within the eddy is further supported by the changes in both magnitude and direction of the current components in Fig. 5a. As the Caucasian eddy was disintegrated in August 2003 (Fig. 4d), the float started drifting along the Rim Current jet in September, and then was diverted towards south in October to move along the western flank of a cyclonic eddy of the eastern interior basin (Fig. 4e). The float continued to move first southward along the periphery of the gyre in November and December 2003 (Fig. 4f, g), and then turned northward along its eastern flank during January-February 2004 (Fig. 4h). Upon reaching the northern coast, it continued to travel along the periphery of the cyclonic gyre towards the Crimean coast on the west (Fig. 4h). Excluding approximately 5 month of entrapment both in the Caucasian anticyclone and the eastern basin interior cyclone, the float accomplished its approximately 2000 km route along the periphery of the basin from its deployment site near the Bosphorus Strait to the tip of the Crimean Peninsula within about 300 days. This implies an average speed of the Rim Current about 7 cm s-1 at 200 m. The float BS631 drifting at 750m followed initially very similar route along the southern coast (Fig. 3b), and reached the Cape Sinop region in January 2003 with one month delay with respect to the float BS634. The speed of its translation was around 2-4 cms-1, which attained its maximum value of about 4.5 cms-1 during December 2002 (Fig. 5b). Afterwards, it experienced a different route, and instead of continuing to move along the southern coast of the eastern basin it was deflected towards north into the basin’s interior during February 2003. As suggested by the 6 altimeter data (Fig. 4a), the deflection seems to be caused by a temporary diagonally tilted, elongated anticyclonic gyral motion extending in the northeast-southwest direction within the eastern basin. This system apparently blocked eastward penetration of the current system along the southern coast. Once it entered into the interior, it moved slowly to the northeast within the next three months. The slow movement on the order of 1 cms-1 (Fig. 5b) was caused primarily due to frequent diversion of its excursion by eddy activity in the region, rather than weakness of the currents. Towards the end of May 2003, it reaches near the northeastern coast, and joins into the anticyclonic Kerch eddy for the next two months (Fig. 4c). By the end of August, as the Kerch eddy was disintegrated and the region was replaced by a system of cyclonic eddies (Fig. 4d), the float started drifting southwest into the interior basin once again at a maximum speed of 5 cms-1 (Fig. 4e, f), and arrived during the midNovember 2003 at its position very close to that left previously in February 2003. At the end of November 2003, the float was captured by the Rim Current system (Fig. 4h), and started to move eastward along the Turkish coast at a speed of approximately 3-to-5 cms-1 (Fig. 5b). The float spent about 310 days to reach its last position at 39.5ºE during April 2004, when its northeast and southwest excursions within the interior basin were excluded. We recall that the float BS634 required only 170 days to travel the same distance. In other words, the float BS634 traveled almost twice longer path during the same time period. The average speed of the Rim Current at 750m is then estimated as ~4.0 cms-1, which rougly corresponds to the half of its speed at 200 m. The float BS587, launched at the parking depth of 1550m at the same site with the float BS634 first drifted towards the coast at a rate of 2-3 cms-1 (Fig. 5c) during its first two months, and then moved along the coast eastward by the Rim Current at a gradually increasing speed up to 5 cms-1, reaching the Cape Sinop during the midFebruary 2003 (Fig. 3c). Its elapsed time to the Cape Sinop from the deployment site is almost same with that of the float BS631 at 750m, indicating similar current speeds of the boundary flow system at intermediate and deep layers. On the eastern side of the Cape Sinop, the float translation was slowed down gradually up to 1cms-1 during the subsequent three months prior to the entrapment of the float by the quasipermanent Kizilirmak anticyclonic eddy (Fig. 3c). Starting by June 2003, it 7 underwent an anticyclonic loop within the eddy until the end of September 2003. When it approached towards the coast to depths shallower than 1550m, it resided at the bottom and was able to move only once a week when it came to the surface. Leaving the Kizilirmak eddy by November 2003, the float continued to move along the coast further eastward and was captured by another coastal anticyclone in winter 2004. The topographic control of deep currents is shown remarkably well by the float trajectories in Fig. 3c. The float, which was deployed at a site having the total depth of 2200m, immediately started to move along this isobath up to 34oE longitude which was then deflected towards offshore by joining a cyclonic gyral motion. The flow was also subject to cross-isobath flow after its cycling within the interior basin. But, once it arrived at the Kizilirmak coastal anticyclonic region, the strong topographical control became effective as can be noted by the anticyclonic loop within the canyon type structure and strong currents along the ridge its downstream. The strong deep current has been explained by Korotaev (2004) as a result of the resonant intensification of deep currents due to closed potential vorticity contours, which can be noted by the topographic structure shown in Fig. 3c. Since the floats spent 8-12 hours on the surface once per week, it is possible to estimate temporal evolution of surface currents with respect to those at deeper levels. The scatter plots of zonal and meridional components of currents at the surface and 200 m (Fig. 6a,b) suggest strong correlation with the magnitude of surface currents roughly ten times more intense than that on 200m. Time evolution of the current components (Fig. 7a,b) indicates that the correlations are high for all resolved time scales (i.e., greater than a week) and therefore suggests vertically uniform current structure within the upper 200 m. In other words, the current structure at 200m depth reflects mainly characteristics of the upper layer circulation system. However, good correlation between currents at the surface and deeper levels holds at low frequencies only (at seasonal and longer). The scaling coefficients between the surface and intermediate (750m) and deep (1550m) layers are respectively 0.06 for the zonal flow and 0.045 for the meridional flow. 4. Conclusions 8 The 1.5 year observations performed by means of three autonomous profiling floats deployed into the pycnocline layer at 200m, intermediate layer at 750m and deep layer at 1550m provided new set of information about the strength and variability of the flow field below the upper layer, which is permanently separated from the rest of the water column by a strong pycnocline layer. The data suggested the active role of mesoscale features on the basinwide circulation system at 200m, similar to the case observed in the upper layer (<100m) circulation system. The currents reach a maximum intensity of 15 cm s-1 along the Rim Current jet around the basin. The floats at the intermediate (750 m) and deep (1550 m) layers also reflect the role of mesoscale eddies on the flow field which has the maximum currents of about 5 cm s-1. The deep layer currents are found to flow along the strong topographic slope zone by following a constant potential vorticity isoline. The orientation of the currents is cyclonic at all depths, and no flow reversals and circulation cells in the opposite directions were noted in the data. These findings reveal a new perception of highly dynamic intermediate-deep layer circulation, which is contrary to traditional belief of almost an inert circulation system. Acknowledgement Authors are grateful to J. Murray for his efforts in realization of the Black Sea profiling float program supported by the ONR-Europe NICOP. G. Korotaev acknowledges partial support by Science and Technology Center in Ukraine “Remote Sensing of Marine Ecological Systems” for the project number 2241. This work is a contribution to the Black Sea GOOS and ARENA projects. References Afanasyev, Y.D., A.G. Kostianoy, A.G. Zatsepin, and P.M. Poulain, 2002. Analysis of velocity field in the eastern Black Sea from satellite data during the Black Sea ’99 experiment. J. Geophys. Res., 107, 10.1029/2000JC000578. Eremeev, V.N., E. Horton, V.S. Motyzhev, S.V. 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Trajectories of the profiling floats in the Black Sea for (a) the float BS634 at 200m, (b) the float BS631 at 750m, and (c) the float BS587 at 1550m parking depths. The dots and numbers represent the position of float during a particular month. Figure 4. Sea level anomaly maps obtained by merging of various altimeter data during (a) 05 February 2003, (b) 22 March 2003, (c) 07 June 2003, (d) 23 August 2003, (e) 01 October 2003, (f) 15 November 2003, (g) 31 December 2003, (h) 28 February 2004.05.10. Figure 5. Temporal evoluton of the velocity components at the depth (a) 200m, (b) 750m, (c)1550m. Solid line represents the zonal component, and the dash line represents the meridional component. Figure 6. The scatter plot of the surface velocity and the velocity on the depth 200m. for the (a) zonal component; (b) meridional component. Figure 7. Temporal evolution of the currents at the surface (dash line) and at the depth of 200m (solid line) along the trajectory of the float number 634 for the (a) zonal component; (b) meridional component. The surface velocity is divided by ten. 12