Modelling Innovation for Creative Control by Bayesian Syllogism SYSTEMS + MATHEMATICS, ANTHROPOLOGIES, HISTORY, COGNITIVE SCIENCES Hellmut K. Löckenhoff, Research Consulting D-71522 Backnang BRD email: Abstract Successful innovation, irrespective if entrepreneurial or in worldwide societal transition, requires the management of different resources. Its organisation follows formal rules and anthropological ones, that is individual/group/team behaviour, institutional choice and cognitive/ emotional regularities as e.g. motivation/mobilisation. Systemic considerations concerning the system ‘as it exists’ need be complemented by lessons learned from history. Innovation begins with the stimulation to create new ideas. It ends but with successful ‘marketing’ within a continuous historical helix of performance and management evolution. Innovation is approached here as an inter- and transdisciplinary challenge. To benefit from the broader scientific domain it is approached from the comprising view of societal transition and rejuvenation. It touches aspects of meta-methodology and theory of science. The Bayesian Syllogism [Nalimov 1985] provides an heuristic and highly flexible concept. the qualities for self-organized learning processes on the societal level. Innovative learning will be termed Guided Evolutional Control Learning (GECL) [Fig.1,5]. When constructing a basic GECL model for societal systems control, a particular version of the Bayesian Theorem is employed. The seminal ideas were proposed by the renowned Russian polymath V.V. Nalimov [1985] as ‘Bayesian Syllogism’. Relying on experiences in field research (Loeckenhoff 1997) we suggest variations of a simple graphic model. Its potentials and transfer into CA simulation programs were discussed elsewhere. PHASE SPACE History Indigenous Cases For all possible courses under conditions given Innovation: option/ action space Past TIME Futures Policy Support ti PHASE SPACE Key words: Innovation Control, Societal Transition, Modelling, Bayesian Syllogism. Prologue The topic may be formalized as modelling of complex societal phenomena for purposefully creative control. It will be attempted from the systemic approach, comprehending (meta)methodology and theory of science. It must addresses complexity and how to cope with it. Disciplinary aspects will be but commented. A comprehensive systemic approach is attempted. It comes critical about sources of data, models and their evaluation as to situation and purpose; critical also against hidden assumptions in design and operation. Likewise, it appears pragmatic. It appeals to scientific common sense avoiding the tides of specific research paradigms, i.e. to control complex innovative/ transitional processes. ‘Pragmatic’ points to whether and in which respect the actual systemic approaches support learning, in particular societal learning. The necessarily transdisciplinary approach extends the discipline or project boundaries. It undertakes to question 11609754612.02.1620:47 Probability fields , structured, by past and possible futures Fig 1 Phase space: Bayesian syllogism for Policy Support To assess the model’s powers of explication, explanation or even (weak) causal connections, the basic assumptions need be scrutinised both of the model and its interpretation. Which networking seems appropriate? Which models of perception, consciousness, cognition, understanding ourselves in our world, will be sufficiently ‘realistic’ to the purpose? A short recall of the change of scientific paradigms focuses on (formal) mathematics, anthropology, cognitive sciences, history and their cooperation in conceptualising societal transition control. 1. Understanding the Actual Historical Systems State for Control Recalling the trivial: Modelling serves a purpose; it refers to a system owning the qualities at an historically given state. Controlling is aimed to alter actual states following a given aim, objective, mission, strategy; taking the actual state as the point of departure. Any modes, methods and proceedings and planning /controlling must be shaped by the particular qualities denoting the status quo of the system. The basic preconditions of any (also partly) activity of societal controlling include a thorough understanding of the societies’ historical state. It inheres in particular the qualities influencing the propensities of the system to react to controlling impacts. Success or failure of a policy decided upon will depend on the degree the ‘manifest history’ has been identified. Pandora’s box open, in the systemic context some crucial questions may be selected. First, a system may be seen at a given point of time and as a temporary result of an evolutionary process, determined by the past and, (as e.g. Anticipatory Computing has shown [Rosen 1985; Dubois 2002]) by its possible future(s) as well. How do past and future culminate in a in situ propensity of the societal system to (re-)act? For example only: a formal technique to find out, among other features, the ’eigendynamics’ of a system is explored by simulation of societal phenomena. Historical analysis, case based or systemic, will complement. Qualitative analysis, e.g. Qualitative Opinion Research (GABEK, [Zelger,2000]) covers value systems, evaluation attitudes and resulting behavioural inclinations. Second: the system’s actual state does not necessarily comprehend all crucial indicators. Which networking qualities constitute a social system, a society? Are there ‘universals’, and can taxonomies of societal systems, e.g. relating to cultures, historical states, be hypothesized? Naturally the other part, not to be neglected, is made of the ‘specifics’, the ‘situationals’ any action has to start from. Third: An accord of the complexity of living systems is needed. Included are the complexity of societal systems as such, and controlling as a mode to cope with complexity. Three mutually complementing approaches to complexity (for a fourth one see e.g. St. Wolfram [2001]) become obvious: the mathematical one, the approach from anthropologies/humanities; cognitive sciences and the evolutional / historical. Below, when critically questioned, the manifold attempt will shed light to hidden assumptions held by man understanding himself in his world and trying to cope with it. This will stimulate investigations into the cognitive/emotional powers to understand and control evolutionary learning within and by society. Not least, some pains of the design and transfer into practice of a systemic policy support will reveal themselves. 2. Faces of Society, Societal Complexity and Societal Innovation Society emerging from a diversifying evolution and history (e.g. Diamond [1997]), is shaped by different cultures. Globalisation has to deal with all evolutionary states: primeval tribe, feudalism, religious empires, technically based states (Western style) in between. So, what constitutes a society? What holds a society together, which tensions, imbalances drive it apart (HEITMEYER) [Fig. 2, 6]? Which enable it to creative rejuvenation? From the intention to focus on aspects, not to reduce 11609754612.02.1620:47 (Procrustean reduction), three main factors may be discerned. (Self ) observation enhances and lets develop identity likewise of the individual and the acknowledged member of community. Communication, continuous networking of opinions, values, material information assures the imbedding in the societal networks, stimulating mental/material sharing. Last, a shared mission, a historically rooted understanding of what the ‘nation’ is distinguished by constitutes an emotional and creative glue. The three factors establish and stabilize identity on the individual, the group, the institutional and the societal level. They assert the role(s), the societal imbedding and the trust into a future worth to innovate for . Past /actual systems: Preconditions, Inclinations PHASE SPACE Universals, Principles. Generic Courses... Self-Organisation.... Innovation: probability structures TIME Actual historic Structures, Probabilities ti PHASE SPACE Systems Positioning Indigenous Properties Eigendynamics Fig 2 General Principles, Universals The selected aspects serve as examples how societal complexity ought be approached from equally complex concepts. Consequences, f. ex. of role inconsistency, insecurity, reduced or restricted communication and the loss of belief in a mission are underlined. As e.g. anomie research has shown, dynamic change may dissolve and/or imbalance the network. The known obstacles to evolve adapting innovatively to new life conditions, to reform obsolete structures, may be approached from here. The Knowledge won from such aspectual investigation rises new questions, but gains interfaces and vistas for innovation sensitive modelling. Insight into the roots of creativity will modify the basic issues of innovation research. The concepts are designed in the systemic mode; they start from an holistic view. The systemic approach opens to complementing approaches. It qualifies for dynamically changing systems, owing constitutional, dynamic and actual complexity [Mulej et al 2003]. It favours, a transdisciplinary multilevel–approach appropriate for policy support. 3.Modelling Complexity: Innovation Phase Spaces in the Bayesian Syllogism Modelling complexity turns out a multi-approach activity. Societal models proposed from different scientific positions can be arbitrarily classified Mathematics and Formal Systems/Cybernetics: Math; General Systems, AI, AL….. [Starkermann 2003] Formal–statistical: Social Physics, (formal) Synergetics, e.g. Econometrics, Demography…… Biological-ecological–evolutional: Sociology, Behavioural Sciences, Ethology, Ethnology, Geo-History; Positioning, roles: Gender, Family, Hierarchy accepted, Religion, Ethnology ….. (‘Structuralistic approaches’); Anthropological: (Hyphen-) Sociologies, Psychologies, Psycho-History, Philosophy….; Cognitive Sciences; Consciousness; Historical: Rise and Fall of Societies Systems and systemic: in particular sociocybernetics….; cultural systems…; Political; Rawls… Mathematically founded (chaos) systems models: distributed intelligence; swarm intelligence (using various approaches as e.g. cellular automata), anticipatory systems … constitution: Platon, BioHuman Montequieu, Another taxonomical approach would discern between more universal or more situational-historical aspects etc. (For Modelling and simulation of societal phenomena see CONTE; HEGSELMANN [1997]) Compiling modelling approaches leads to an complex set of multi-facetted models intrinsically networked. Valuable as frames of reference and for heuristic exploration, they offer per se small pragmatic use. Simple modular models as at the base of simulation programs as e.g. VENSIM, presuppose also qualitative models they can be applied to. A practicable model should display but few crucial variables/non-variables in a generic fashion [Fig.1]. Basically, the Bayesian approach is two-dimensional. One dimension is occupied by the arrow of (historical) time, past, present, future. The other carries probability, the dimension of possibilities, of possible future events. The with distance widening field of probabilities is supposed as structured – see universals and principles. Within the netted multidimensional structures a path of the most probable future(s) may be postulated, assessing the (joined) impact of future-shaping factors. It is presupposed that past structures will at a certain level be analogue to the futures ones. They also include typical courses of evolution/ development as short, middle and long ‘waves’ of development : E- (evolution) and S- ( short range) curves. Examples are given by economic short, middle and long-range cycles (Yuglar, 7-year, Kondratieff). Possible revolutions, phase transitions or catastrophes must be accounted for. For two-dimensional graphic display of the actual multidimensional complexity the concept of phase space, proposed be the French mathematician H. POINCARÉ, is proposed here. Similar applications are found throughout sciences. The other concept used is the Bayesian Theorem, proposed by the English statistician BAYES (19th century). It is 11609754612.02.1620:47 employed in a version adapted by the author as Bayesian Syllogism formed by the Russian polymath V.V. Nalimov [1985]. In essence it suggests that the future development is influenced by the past, a quality to be used to hypothesise defined structured probability fields as described above. The first advantage of the phase space concept permits to account for any regularity, which might influence the path within the probability fields. It qualifies as generic model, providing the frame for comprehending range of factors, structures, courses etc; for the purpose in question ‘sufficiently complete’ [Mulej, Kajzer, 1998] and to be revealed in the future. A second advantage lies in its appropriateness to incorporate learning processes, in particular of societal innovative learning. It closely ties to the generic quality of the model, stimulating materially /formally creative imagination. Though the model is open to all concepts of learning, practice has shown favour to the learning model of the (radical) constructivism. Proposed by Maturana/ Varela, as ‘self-organizing’ learning it leads to an actual developmental path following the ‘natural drift’ [Fig.3]. Natural drift describes a learning process of active adaptation between the learner and the environment. Such a procedure furthers optimum co-evolutional innovation. Openness Bifurcat Chaotic Courses Events Limiting curves: general principles etc. Natural Drift Actual course ti TIME Uniqueness of actual constellation Innovation Reform..... Target function Fig. 3 Drift Learning; Innovative Intervention The pragmatic base for the gradually emerging conceptualisation of the model presented above is rooted by intensive practice of strategy planning in industry and the societal domain. The seminal models were, by societal field research, extended to social and societal planning [Atteslander et al. ed. 1999]. The author’s practice of strategic controlling fostered a model conceptualising controlling as an continuous learning process adapting active policy to the phase space for natural drift. 4.Assumptions Behind: Principles, Universals and Uniqueness As often, the concept already works effectively while the assumptions behind are but loosely confirmed. Corroboration seems necessary when the model is extended in analogue to proximate domains of application. Both a (meta-)methodical clearance of the general model and the general assumptions behind, and of the specific application seems paramount. Else failures in assessing the power of explanation and of the validity are pre-programmed. The difficulty lies again with the dynamic complexity of innovation phenomena. With the rise of systems/cybernetics, the systemic approach, and with the advanced application of computer methodical problems are pressing. They refer to integration of different scientific paradigms and differing disciplinary methodologies. To conceptualise and to model complex societal phenomena at least three different methodologies need be integrated. Which are, for purposes of comparison, the kernels of the disciplinary modes of scientific working? Which are the differences seen from a unifying principle beyond? Which are the interfaces, to be transmuted into bridging methods? In the actual case formal sciences (paradigmatically systems and math), social, historical and cognitive sciences need contribute. How do the different approaches co-act, in general and in the actual case [Fig.2]? The question aggravates when recalling that there is no ‘mathematic’ as a closed bloc, but rather loosely connected ‘mathematics’. Non-linear math arises specific questions. In contrast, social sciences began as historical case studies, mostly qualitative in their essence. Fitting aspects increasingly are formalized by mathematic formulas, leading e.g. to social physics, socio-systems and socio-cybernetics. [For development after WW2 see G. de Zeeuw [2003]; recent examples in ‘Cultural Systems’ in [Cybernetics and Systems ed. Trappl 2002]; also related concepts as Synergy [Corning 2003], Synergetics [Haken 1978]. Related aspects of perceptional and cognitive/ emotional bases of scientific methodology are discussed. The impetus emerges in part from hybrid; ‘hyphen’ and transdisciplinary approaches. In part is stimulated by cognitive sciences. They include the cognitive branch of systems sciences, cybernetics II to ..?, but also systems biology, artificial intelligence and behavioural aspects of social systems. This activity within the ‘cognitive domain’ seem to form a set of new paradigms; from its physiological (brain), its psychological (mind) and its mathematical (AI, AL) aspect. [Lazlo 1996; Capra 1999 2002]. The systemic sciences/ philosophy inquire, how wo-man may be understood from her/his interfaces to inner and outer environments of the as such perceived ‘reality’. Systemics claim a holistic approach. What does holisticity mean, methodically? Arguing methods as above: universals have been mentioned afore. Field research and experiments confirmed their existence. Brilliant research [Corning 2003] elucidated the laws governing ‘becoming’: synergy and competition co-acting in the comprising context of cosmic co-evolution. What may be the reasoning behind the existence of universals? For example fractal structures are detected in virtually any domain from physics up to psychology and philosophical texts. These and other self-organizing recursive structures permit to assume a set of general principles the world is emerging, in our eyes, upon. Can such an assumption be accepted as a hypothesis – or is it scarcely more but a mere speculation? To be explored need not so much versions of an ‘unified theory’, but of 11609754612.02.1620:47 reasonably related systems of principles, proven as ‘universal’ in a defined mode. The ‘fuzziness’ inherent to all living systems needs be accepted. Positively, fuzziness provides ‘free action and option space’ for actual arrangements according to situational preconditions. It seems paramount to fill in the phase space of the Bayesian syllogism model with actual data from actual cases as to evaluate for singularities and similarities. 5. The Powers to Support Evolutionary Guided Control Learning for Innovation The crucial processes constituting living systems are those of learning. The term comprehends a multitude of procedures. The Bayesian Syllogism is combined with a simple learning model (GECL, see Prologue), as it developed in industrial strategy practice to stimulate innovation in planning and control [Fig 4.,5]. History Cases Guidance: Targeted by Innovation Laws of Evolution, Development Control: Systematic Planning, Direct Innovative CoEvolution Result GECL curve Attractor Past ti Innovative Learning: continuous intentional, experience related Fig 4 Guided Innovation Learning curve Its subsequent steps denote four main phases. They begin, first, with ‘orientation’, with analysis and prognosis. They set up a tentative probability structure of the phase space for the future course of events (see Anticipatory Systems: systems containing a model of themselves). Second, the option and action space within the phase space gives opportunity to plot a desired course and decide on a target function.. To realise the target function the third step ‘planning’ inquires the preconditions necessary and sets up a system/course of transfer measures, the ‘plan’. The plan, fourth, is implemented by actual actions realizing the objectives. Results achieved, are compared with the objectives set. The difference, the ‘delta’, is stated and explored as to its reasons and causes. Which presuppositions, which estimates have proven wrong, and why so? Which would have been the ‘right’ assumptions? The causes of differences found out provide a base how to react to unsatisfactory results: strengthen, abandon or redesign the efforts? Abandon non-realistic targets? The decision made on the new premises is then implemented by order and intervention, by actual control. Hence the notation of control learning. The phase space model proves an essential tool to master the complex learning procedures systematically. Note: Control learning can be depicted in the shape of the well known helical proceeding along an (emerging) developmental curve. The curve denotes evolution, hence evolutionary control learning. The course follows conscious orientation, planning, decision and implantations: hence ‘guided’[Fig 4]. In the long run development curves approximate the ‘Natural drift’. Evolutionary Guided Control Learning [Fig.5] is hypothesised as a model of creative, self-organized learning in (living) societal systems. Ubiquitous in all life processes, it constitutes a densely meshed network of learning circles/helices. It governs the control of procedures both of institutional, big and small group, team and individual actions. It applies to strategy and to operation; linking the levels of the processes of life. Intricate, complex. continuous ‘learning’ controls all levels, phases and steps. The Bayesian Syllogism appears a comprising yet transparent, easy to handle system of Guided Evolutional Control Learning. It offers transparent, retraceable modes to structure probability fields in the space face. By power of the helical, networked learning dynamics (including learning to learn better) actual, individual probability fields can be anticipated and designed. Following the law of ‘requisite holism’ [Mulej et al.2003] one may recursively plot and implement the path of ‘natural drift’ [Maturana/Varela, 1987]. Not least phase space models suggest a transparent mode to define and attempt sustainability by planning. Sustainable development, to recall, needs be founded on continuous innovation [Ecomivic, Mulej, Mayur 2002]. 6. Pains to Transfer Innovative Policy Support into Practice The worldwide, ubiquitous problems mankind faces arise from vastly distinct actual causes, closely interdependent and densely meshed. Both globally and locally science should attempt to support policy decisions accounting for the complexity of the situation. For orientation and planning the actual situation needs be defined and positioned in phase space; thus supporting decisions how to use the given option/ action space for policy [Fig.3]. In most cases such positioning will reveal the ad hoc state located at the cross point of several developmental trends each in a different phase. The classical example is given by the overlapping economic cycles and their interrelation with any other societal developmental curves. To serve the concrete issues, a system of models is needed referring to the systems in question, specified within an agreed typology. So are developmental curves, f.ex. derived from evolution curves. So is knowledge of the laws of self-organisation, from fractals to catastrophe theory. Factual evidence complementing formal models will come from historical cases. Even laboratory experiments can be conducted [The Economist 2002; Gersemann 2003]. From historical examples in particular also systemic interdependencies may be studied. Methods like Integrated Systems Method (ISM; [SCHWANINGER,1997]) will specify systemic effects connected with the quality of procedures followed in project implementation. To understand possible futures the past has to be understood from the inherent future. 11609754612.02.1620:47 Orientation Policy Decision Actual Controlling Implemetation Delta Plan Societal STRATEGY Vison, Target Transfer into Action Structure, Organisation Planning GECL Societal Learning Intervention Fig 5 Innovation Driven Learning Cycle; Co-Adaptation Centred at the actual case, the holistic/ systemic approach applies to validation of models and of methods. It must be approached from the arrow of time, understood as a historical process of learning and improvement. Methodical validation builds the material prerequisite for evaluation. Just to point to: the Bayesian phase space models prove a tool to clarify the prerequisites of evaluation, the rules of the evaluation process. An actual research case concerning Slovenia joining EU provides an example. [Mulej et al. 2003]. Systemic evaluation touches the appropriate use of analogies, valid ‘so far’ as the shared qualities will carry. Analogies are valid but within a given context from a specific point of view. The aforementioned interfaces for an integrated co-employ between formal, qualitative and cognitive sciences need, in each actual case, be re-stated anew. Growing experience with qualitative research will contribute. For the cognitive aspect, for values and value hierarchies, for resulting behavioural propensities see in particular qualitative research methods as e.g. GABEK [Zelger 2000]. Environments Space, Time, Positioning Energy PerforDevelopmt Societal mance Bilance Phase Universals Life sustaining Innovation Adaptation; Reproduction Identity Particulars Constitution Organisat. Structure Communcation Togetherness, Bind Fig. 6 Input-Output Model of Innovative Society The employ of the Bayesian phase space model has been addressed as an heuristic tool [Fig6.]. It supplies a useful frame of reference to understand the uniqueness of the actual case. How to assess its value as a prognostic tool? The normative quality of models may pose a problem. Normative models act, in the positive, stabilizing; in the negative they act ossifying and adverse to self-organizing development. Religions and ideologies provide historical and actual examples. As a consequence inability to evolve may arise, leading to decline, anomie, terrorism etc. Unbiased exploration in the social and societal domain is suppressed for the precision of what should and must happen according to ‘divine plans’ or ‘historical laws’. Normative models would contradict the rules of fuzziness, uncertainty, of chaotic concepts. More seriously, they would hamper innovative learning ‘along the natural drift’. Epilogue Unbiased, creative learning presents the only mode to survive, to procreate and to evolve. That is true biologically, as the declining birth rates designate. It is valid culturally, as we learn from the revival of religious zeal, from migration, from the pains of multi-culturality. Economically Central Europe seems to be loosing essential rejuvenation bases by inadequate learning, by non sufficient innovation rates. The economic and constitutional decline is but a result of by quality and amount inadequate creative learning. Innovation is hampered, impeded, stifled by bureaucracy, normative ideologies as e.g. social welfare systems, and a general ossification of societal institutions including those of democracy. Corruption, in the widest sense of the term, of the preconditions of creative learning impedes future development. This is obvious on the government level as well as in societal institutions and industrial companies. How far is deterioration an unavoidable fate? Which option and action space is open to regain freedom for learning, chances for choice and development? First more consciously awareness is needed of imminent the decline. The Bayesian and the GEC learning models are intended to provide a transparent instrument appropriate not only for orientation, but also for setting sustainable targets. Thus, second, GECL should be used to navigate through future spaces; to decide what should and could be done, and how accomplish it. Mathematics meet anthropologies, history and cognitive sciences. The systemic, differentiating interplay of the approaches will eventually help to restore obsolete models of our world and of which part man has been assigned to. The world has changed fundamentally. Accordingly our perceptive models, our issues, our opinions on responsibility and eigenverantwortung need change. What can be gained and consumed has to be reearned continuously by innovation and, in case, has to be defended. That refers also to fundamental cultural values, to culture, life style, to beliefs and convictions. It is high time to recognise and to respond actively. The Bayesian space time model will, as a chance of elucidation, contribute. There is no other choice: Innovate, or decay and disappear. The real danger for life and culture is the future not met by innovative learning and control Selected References [Atteslander 1999] P.Atteslander; et al. ed. : Comparative Anomie Research. Ashgate 1999 [Buber; Zelger, J.; ed. 2000] R. Buber J. Zelger,. ed.: GABEK II. Zur Qual. 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