Self test week 7 - Staffordshire University

Tutorial 7: Purpose and Culture: Self Test Questions (chp4 &5)
Question 4 It is important to understand national and regional cultures because:
A Organisations operating internationally have to cope with different regulatory regimes.
B Organisations operating internationally have to cope with a wide array of barriers to trade,
including different taxation thresholds.
C Organisations operating internationally have to cope with the very different standards
and expectations of the various regions and countries in which they operate.
D Organisations operating internationally have to cope with different languages.
Question 2. Stakeholder mapping consists of making judgements on:
A Whether stakeholders have the means to impress their expectations on the organisation's
choice of strategies. This is concerned with the power of stakeholder groups.
B How interested each stakeholder group is to impress its expectations on the organisation's
choice of strategies
C How interested each shareholder group is to impress its expectations on the organisation's
choice of strategies
D How interested each stakeholder group is to impress its expectations on the
organisation's choice of strategies and whether it has the power to do so
Question 3. What are the four layers of culture?
Symbols, stories, rituals and paradigm
Values, mission, vision and behaviours
Theatre, literature, music and art
Values, beliefs, behaviours and taken-for-granted assumptions
Question 7. What do you understand by the term 'cultural web'?
A It is a reference to the way people who join an organisation get caught up in the beliefs, values
and established ways of working without realising it.
B It is a model for understanding the web of values and beliefs that underpin an organisation's
approach to strategy.
C It is a trap some organisations fall into whereby the get convinced that their way of doing
things is best because their culture blinds them to other possibilities.
D It is a diagnostic tool that examines the taken-for-granted assumptions of an organisation and
the physical manifestations of organisational culture
Question 5. What is corporate social responsibility?
A The formal ways in which an organisation has to present its performance to the public at the
annual shareholders meeting and in the Annual Report
B It is another way of saying business ethics.
C Just another management fad
D The ways an organisation seeks to exceed the minimum obligations to stakeholders
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Question 6. When identifying stakeholders you should:
A Realise that individuals tend to belong to only one group.
B Include the 'informal stakeholder groups' and assess their importance.
C Ignore the fact that stakeholders 'line-up' differently depending on the issue or strategy in
D Take note of the formal structure of an organisation as a basis of identification.
Question 7. Where an organisation has an ethical stance that incorporates multiple stakeholder
A Stakeholder interests and expectations (wider than just shareholders) should be more
explicitly incorporated in the organisation's profit performance criteria.
B Management should focus on their key stakeholders' views when developing strategies.
C Performance of the organisation should be measured in a much more pluralistic way
than just through the bottom line.
D Shareholders interests and expectations should be more explicitly incorporated in the
organisation's purposes and strategies.
Question 8. Which of the following does stakeholder mapping not help us to understand?
A Who the key blockers and facilitators of a strategy are
B Whether the levels of interest and power of stakeholders properly reflect the corporate
governance framework
C Whether repositioning of certain stakeholders is desirable or feasible
D What the sources of funding for the organisation are
Question 9. Which of the following is not an example of how culture might adversely affect
strategy implementation?
A Decision making may be slowed down by the number of decision makers who have to
be consulted.
B The behaviours required for the strategy to work may not be present.
C A lack of trust and openness may result in the misreporting of control data.
D A lack of trust between managers and workers may result in a lack of commitment to the
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Question 10. Which of the following statements is correct?
A Normally only a few individuals have sufficient power to determine unilaterally the strategy of
an organisation.
B Internal stakeholders are the most important stakeholders in the strategic development of an
C Few individuals have sufficient power unilaterally to determine the strategy of an
D Individual external stakeholders are the most important stakeholders in the strategic
development of an organisation.
Question 11. Which three types of stakeholder is it useful to consider in terms of how they might
affect the success or failure of a strategy?
A Stakeholders from outside and from inside the organisation
B Stakeholders from the public sector, from the private sector and from the not-for-profit sector
C Stakeholders from the market environment, from the economic environment and from the
technological environment
D Stakeholders from the market environment, from the socio-political environment and
from the technological environment
Peter J Considine August 2008 – tutors guide
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