SIM/UB Syllabus Template Instructions This template is provided as a basic framework to help you to organize the essential information in your syllabus. You are encouraged to design your syllabus and conduct your class creatively, while at the same time making every effort to meet the goals and objectives of the course and to cover the required material adequately according to the sample syllabus you have been given from University at Buffalo. For this reason, please feel free to alter the format of this template according to your own preferences, and in order to best convey the necessary information to your students. Be sure to delete these and other instructions and any other extraneous text throughout the template before submitting your syllabus for review. The following color-coded system is used in the template to indicate different categories of information: Black = required information Italics = things to be customized by you Red = optional information Blue = instructions/comments (delete before submission) SIM/UB Undergraduate Program Course Number and Title Semester and Year Course Outline Instructor: Class Time: Classroom: Office Hours: Office Location: E-mail: Office telephone: Telephone: name days, start time – end time Please refer to electronic signboard days, start time – end time Please refer to electronic signboard address (will be filled in by SIM staff) cell phone number Note: Any irregularities in the course schedule are noted in the SIM/UB semester timetable. Course website: URL Textbook: author, title, publisher, any other relevant information Other required course materials: Course Description and/or Objectives: (this tells about the content of the course and what students should be able to do as an outcome of instruction) Course Requirements: (describe in detail the work which must be completed by students to pass the course, e.g. types of tests and quizzes, projects, presentations, homework assignments, essays, conferences, etc.) Assessment: (include your schematic breakdown of grading scheme for the course; it is recommended that not less than 10% be based on attendance and participation and not more than 40% be based on the final exam; closed-book and closed-note exams are recommended; for quiz grades, it is advisable to have one grade which can be dropped, e.g., 4 out of 5 quiz grades = 20 % of final grade) Grading: (indicate how grades will be determined in your course; you may use the commonly accepted scheme shown here or you can modify it according to your own expectations based on prior teaching experience) UB Letter Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F % Equivalent 90.0 – 100.0 85.0 – 89.9 80.0 – 84.9 75.0 – 79.9 70.0 – 74.9 65.0 – 69.9 60.0 – 64.9 55.0 – 59.9 50.0 – 54.9 45.0 – 49.9 00.0 – 44.9 Interpretation High Distinction High Distinction Superior Superior Superior Average Average Average Minimal Passing Grade Minimal Passing Grade Failure Notes: (indicate any special rules or exceptions regarding your grading procedures) Classroom Policies: (indicate any special rules you would like to impose regarding handphones, tardiness, food in the classroom, behavioral expectations, etc.) Additional Information: (sometimes instructors include advice about study skills, how to do well in the class, etc.) General UB Program Policies Attendance and active participation is expected by all students in every class. Students are expected to be present for the entire duration of each class. Tardiness to or absenting oneself during class will result in a deduction from the attendance and participation portion of the final grade. Late assignments, if accepted, will be penalized. Students who are absent from a midterm exam must request a make up exam from the course instructor; a make up will be given only if there is an appropriate, documented reason for absence from the exam (such as an MC); any disputes regarding the validity of the reason or the documentation may be referred to the student advisor. Students who are absent from a final exam must formally request a make up exam in writing to the student advisor within 3 days of the original exam date. Supporting documents must be provided. Make up final exams will not be granted automatically but will be considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account all the relevant circumstances. Disputes may be referred to the resident director. There will be no make ups for other course assessments, and students who are absent from such assessments will receive a zero. UB Statement of Principle on Academic Integrity: The University at Buffalo has a responsibility to promote academic honesty and integrity and to develop procedures to deal effectively with instances of academic dishonesty. Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work, for appropriate citation of sources, and for respect for others’ academic endeavors. By placing their name on academic work, students certify the originality of all work not otherwise identified by appropriate acknowledgements. Additionally, students are expected to understand and abide completely by the following guidelines for academic integrity in all UB courses: Plagiarism, cheating, and other incidents of academic dishonesty will result in an automatic failing grade for the course. Depending on the severity of the violation, your case may also be reported to UB for further investigation and may result in expulsion from the university. Plagiarism consists of copying work from another source without giving proper citations. You must not copy information from printed materials, internet sources, or from the work of other students. If you are uncertain about how to submit your work correctly, consult the instructor immediately. Any claim of ignorance of the rules of academic integrity by any student is unacceptable. Syllabus (Indicate daily plan of topics of study, reading assignments, assessments, etc.; there should be a small assessment, such as a quiz, no later than the end of week 2, mid-term exam should be scheduled slightly before or at about mid-semester, and final exam will take place according to semester timetable) Disclaimer: (here instructors often include some information about changes to the syllabus which may be required by various circumstances during the semester)