BreakThru Connect. Learn. BreakThru. Theory of Change BreakThru has established a method in which change is intended for this project. The goal of this project is to increase students with disabilities participation and persistence into STEM undergraduate and graduate programs. This theory of change is broken down into 4 sections: Planned Program Inputs, Observable Program Outputs, Internal Program Outputs and Intended Program effect. The first 3 sections are closely related and will ultimately lead to the final outcome being the Intended Program effect where students actually follow through and succeed in STEM undergraduate and graduate programs. Planned Program Inputs include: Recruitment, Mentorship, STEM Learning and Support Observable Program Outputs include: Classroom Support for Students with Disabilities Internal Program Outputs include: Self-Advocacy, Self-Determination, Networking, Math and Science Anxiety The following categories are broken down into the definitions and the methods of measuring success: 1. Classroom Support Defined and Measured: Defined: Observable changes in the classroom operationalized as: increased use of accommodations; application of UDL; and STEM evidence-based practices; Measured: Mentor/Mentee survey (Hannafin rubric); Teacher Faculty Survey; Longitudinal Study; Student achievement 2. Internal Program Outputs: Defined: Affective characteristics of each participant which, when modified, may increase their chances of persistence in STEM Self-Advocacy: Science Self Concept; Self Determination: General Self Efficacy Scale; Networking: White, Altschuld, & Lee; Science Anxiety: Science Anxiety Scale 3. Increased Participation in STEM: Defined: More students participate in STEM secondary and post-secondary courses Measured through increased SwD enrollment in STEM and increased # SwD majors; increased # of STEM graduates among SwDs 4. Intent to Persist Defined and Measured: Defined: Student progression to the next stage (e.g. college or grad school) Measured: Intentions to persist scale using either our own or Prenzel’s 5. Concrete Steps to Persist Defined and Measured: Ask students at transition points (HS – college; college -- grad school) for specific steps they are taking such as applications, exams taken (SAT, GRE, etc.) BreakThru is hoping that both Observable Program Outputs as well as Internal Program Outputs will encourage and open the opportunity for students with disabilities to increase participation in STEM classes/majors that will lead to concrete steps to persist which in turn will result in students’ actual persistence in undergraduate and graduate programs.