Anne B. Koehler George and Mildred Panuska Professor of Business Administration Department of Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems Miami University Oxford, Ohio 45056 U.S.A. January 2008 EDUCATION Ph.D. Mathematics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1968 A.M. Mathematics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1963 A.B. Mathematics, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1962 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1986-present George and Mildred Panuska Professor of Business Administration, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 2005-2006 Interim Chair, Department of Decision Sciences and MIS, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1984-1995 Professor and Chair, Department of Decision Sciences and MIS, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1979-1984 Associate Professor, Department of Decision Sciences, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1975-1979 Assistant Professor, Department of Decision Sciences, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1974-1975 Lecturer, Department of Decision Sciences (part-time) and Department of Mathematics (part-time), Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1972-1974 Professor, Mathematics, Western College, Oxford, Ohio 1969-1972 Lecturer, Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 1968-1969 Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Western College for Women, Oxford, Ohio 1964-1965 Instructor, Department of Mathematics, University of Louisville (part-time), and Hanover College (part-time), Louisville, Kentucky and Hanover, Indiana 1963-1964 Instructor, Department of Mathematics, Hanover College, Hanover, Indiana FIELDS OF SPECIALIZATION Forecasting and Time Series Analysis, Multivariate Statistics, Regression Analysis COURSES TAUGHT Business Forecasting Survey Sampling in Business Business Statistics 1 Regression Analysis in Business Analysis of Multivariate Business Data Quantitative Analysis of Business Problems Introduction to Computers in Business Business Operations Research Statistical Modeling for Business Decision Making Linear Algebra Calculus Advanced Modern Algebra FORTRAN Differential Equations RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP BOOKS Koehler, Anne B., Minitab/SAS Manual, Chicago, Irwin, 1997. Bruce L. Bowerman, Richard T. O’Connell, and Anne B. Koehler, Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression: An Applied Approach, Fourth Edition, Belmont, CA: Duxbury, 2005 Rob J Hyndman, Anne B. Koehler, J. Keith Ord, and Ralph D. Snyder, Forecasting with Exponential Smoothing: a State Space Approach (under contract 2007). PAPERS IN JOURNALS Koehler, Anne B., “Quasi-projective Covers and Direct Sums,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 24, 1970, 655-658 Koehler, Anne B., “Rings for Which Every Cyclic Module is Quasi-projective,” Mathematisch Annalen 189, 1970, 311-316. Koehler, Anne B., “Quasi-projective and Quasi-injective Modules,” Pacific Journal of Mathematics 36, 1971, 713-720. Koehler, Anne B., “Rings with Quasi-injective Cyclic Modules,” Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Oxford Series (2) 25, 1974, 51-55. Koehler, Anne B., “Pre-self-injective Duo Rings,” Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 60, 1976, 31-34. Bowerman, Bruce L., and Anne B. Koehler, “Optimal Policy for Sampling From Uncertain Distributions,” Communications in Statistics - Theory. Meth. A7-11, 1978, 1041-1051. Koehler, Anne B., and Richard H. McClure, “The Determination of Multiple Critical Paths in 2 PERT and CPM Networks,” Decision Sciences 10, 1979, 329-333. Koehler, Anne B., “Simple vs. Complex Extrapolation Models: An Evaluation in the Food Processing Industry,” International Journal of Forecasting 1, 1985, 63-68. Koehler, Anne B., and Emily S. Murphree, "A Comparison of Results from State Space Forecasting with Forecasts from the Makridakis Competition," International Journal of Forecasting 4, 1988, 45-55. Koehler, Anne B., and Emily S. Murphree, "A Comparison of the Akaike and Schwarz Criteria for Selecting Model Order," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied Statistics) 37, 1988, 187-195. Bowerman, Bruce L., Anne B. Koehler, and David J. Pack, "Forecasting Time Series with Increasing Seasonal Variation," Journal of Forecasting 9, 1990, 419-436. Koehler, Anne B., "An Inappropriate Prediction Interval," International Journal of Forecasting 6, 1990, 557-558. Chatfield, Christopher, and Anne B. Koehler, "On Confusing Lead Time Demand with h-Period Ahead Forecasts," International Journal of Forecasting 2, 1991, 239-240. Ord, J. Keith, Anne B. Koehler, and Ralph D. Snyder, "Estimation and Prediction for a Class of Dynamic Nonlinear Statistical Models," Journal of the American Statistical Society 92, 1997, 1621-1629. Franses, Philip Hans, and Anne B. Koehler, "A Model Selection Strategy for Time Series with Increasing Seasonal Variation," International Journal of Forecasting 14, 1998, 405-414. Armstrong, J. Scott, A. B. Koehler, R. Fildes, M. Hibon, S. Makridakis, and N. Meade, "Commentaries on Generalizing About Univariate Forecasting Methods: Further Empirical Evidence" International Journal of Forecasting 14, 1998, 359-366. Snyder, Ralph D., Anne B. Koehler, and J. Keith Ord, “Lead Time Demand for Exponential Smoothing,” Journal of the Operational Research Society 50, 1999, 1070-1082. Koehler, Anne B., Ralph D. Snyder, and J. Keith Ord, "Forecasting and Prediction Intervals for the Multiplicative Holt-Winters Method," International Journal of Forecasting, 17, 2001, 269286. Snyder, Ralph D., J. Keith Ord, and Anne B. Koehler, "Prediction Intervals for ARIMA Models." Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 19, 2001, 217-225. Chatfield Chris, Anne Koehler, Keith Ord, and Ralph Snyder, "A New Look at Models for Exponential Smoothing," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series D (The Statistician), 2001 (50), 147-159. 3 Koehler, Anne B., “The Asymmetry of the sAPE and Other Comments on the M-3 Competition”, International Journal of Forecasting 17, 2001, 571-574. Koehler, Anne B., Neil B. Marks, and Richard T. O'Connell, "EWMA Control Charts for Autoregressive Processes" Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2001 (52), 699-707, Computer Program for Extended Lucas and Saccucci Method. Snyder, Ralph D., Anne B. Koehler and J. Keith Ord, “Forecasting for Inventory Control with Exponential Smoothing Methods,” International Journal of Forecasting 2002 (18), 5-18. Hyndman, Rob J., Anne B. Koehler, Ralph D. Snyder and Simone Grosse, “A Framework for Automatic forecasting Using Exponential Smoothing Methods,” International Journal of Forecasting 2002 (18), 439-454. Archibald, Blyth and Anne B. Koehler, “Normalization of Seasonal Factors in Winters’ Methods,” International Journal of Forecasting, 2003 (19), 143-148. Snyder, Ralph D., Anne B. Koehler, J. Keith Ord and Rob Hyndman, “Exponential Smoothing: Means and Variances of Lead-Time Demand,” European Journal of Operational Research, 2004 (158). 444-455. Koehler, Anne B., “Comments on Damping Seasonal Factors: Shrinkage Estimators for the X12ARIMA Program, International Journal of Forecasting, 2004(20), 565-566. Hyndman, Rob, Anne B. Koehler, J. Keith Ord and Ralph D. Snyder, “Prediction Intervals for Exponential Smoothing Using Two New Classes of State Space Models,” Journal of Forecasting, 2005 (24), 17-37. Billah, Baki, Rob J. Hyndman and Anne B. Koehler, “Empirical Information Criteria for Time Series Model Selection,” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2005 (75), 831-840. Billah, Baki, Max L. King, Ralph D. Snyder, and Anne B. Koehler, “Exponential Smoothing Model Selection for Forecasting,” International Journal of Forecasting, 2006 (22), 239-247 . Hyndman, Rob J. and Anne B. Koehler, “Another Look at Measures of Forecast Accuracy,” International Journal of Forecasting, 2006 (22), 679-688. Koehler, A.B., “Discussion of ‘Exponential Smoothing the State of the Art—Part II’”, International Journal of Forecasting, 2006 (22), 667-688. Gould, Phillip G., Anne B. Koehler, J. Keith Ord, Rob J. Hyndman, Ralph D. Snyder, and Farshid Vahid-Araghi, European Journal of Operational Research (accepted 2007) 4 RESEARCH IN BOOKS Snyder, Ralph D., J. Keith Ord, and Anne B. Koehler, "Rationalization of Exponential Smoothing in Terms of a Statistical Framework with Multiple Disturbances," Stochastic Models in Engineering Technology, edited by S. Osaki and D. N. Pra Murthy, 1993, 303-313. Bowerman, Bruce L., and Anne B. Koehler, "A Technique for Choosing Squared and Interaction Terms in Regression Models," included as an almost exact reprint in Applied Statistics: Improved Business Problems by Bruce L. Bowerman and Richard T. O’Connell, 1997, 882-893. PROCEEDINGS FROM SCHOLARLY OR PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS Bowerman, Bruce L., Dean Drenk, and Anne B. Koehler, “A Probability of Two Risky Investments,” Proceedings of the Eastern Finance Association, 1977, 53-54 Bowerman, Bruce L., and Anne B. Koehler, “Some Aspects of Bayesian Optimal Stopping,” Proceedings of Midwest American Institute of Decision Sciences, 1977, 57-58. Koehler, Anne B., and Richard H. McClure, “The Representation of Activities in PERT and CPM Networks,” Proceedings of Midwest American Institute of Decision Sciences, 1978, 48. Campbell, Robert J., and Anne B. Koehler, “The Accounting Perspective in a Joint Products Problem: A Linear Programming Approach,” Proceedings of Midwest American Institute of Decision Sciences, 1979, 68-71. Cannon, Hugh, and Anne B. Koehler, “AID Analysis in the Context of Advertising Medium Selection: A Preliminary Analysis,” Proceedings of Midwest American Institute of Decision Sciences, 1980, 266-268. Koehler, Anne B., “Linear Functions in Discriminant Analysis,” Proceedings of Midwest Institute of Decision Sciences, 1981, 322-324. Koehler, Anne B., and M. Christine Noble, “Teaching Business Students with a Nonprocedural Computer Language,” American Institute of Decision Sciences Proceedings, 1981, 131-133. Koehler, Anne B., “Time Series in the Food Industry,” Proceedings of Midwest American Institute of Decision Sciences, 1982, 258-260. Koehler, Anne B., “Choosing a Smoothing Rate for Harmonic Forecasting Models,” Proceedings of Midwest American Institute of Decision Sciences, 1983, 87-89. Koehler, Anne B., and Emily S. Murphree, “State Space Forecasting on the IBM PM,” American Institute of Decision Sciences Proceedings, 1984, 800-802. 5 Bowerman, Bruce L., and Anne B. Koehler, "A Regression Model Equivalent to a Multiplicative Seasonal Model and its Value in Finding Prediction Interval Forecasts," Proceedings of Midwest Decision Sciences Institute, 1988, 288. Bowerman, Bruce L., and Anne B. Koehler, "Using Winters' Model and a Dummy Variable, Interaction Regression Model to Define ARIMA Models Which Yield Shorter Prediction Intervals," Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, 1988, 396-398. Ord, J. Keith, and Anne B. Koehler, "A Structural Model for the Multiplicative Holt-Winters Method," Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, 1990, 555-557. This paper won the best theoretical/empirical paper at the 1990 Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. Bowerman, Bruce L., and Anne B. Koehler, "Using the Power of the Computer to Choose Regression Models with Squared and Interaction Terms," Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, 1993, 1169-1181. Koehler, Anne B., and Neil B. Marks, EWMA Tracking Signals for Autoregressive Models," Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings, 1996, 1152-1154. Snyder, Ralph D., J. Keith Ord, and Anne B. Koehler, "Prediction Intervals for Linear Time Series Models," Proceedings of the Fourth International Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, 1997, 728-729. Koehler, Anne B., J. Keith Ord, and Ralph D. Snyder, "Identifying Models for the Multiplicative Holt-Winters Method," Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, 1997, 1045-1047. Ritzman, Larry P., Anne B. Koehler and James C. Hershauer, “Business Ph.D. Programs: Changing Priorities,” Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, 1999, 11 (Expanded version with Walter P. VanBuskirk in Decision Line, 2000 (Volume 31, No. 5), 11-14). Leeds, Mark, Keith Ord and Anne Koehler, “Error Structures for Dynamic Linear Models: Single Source Versus Multiple Source,” 1999 Proceeding of the Business and Economic Section of the American Statistical Association, 202-208. Snyder, Ralph D., Anne B. Koehler, Bruce L. Bowerman and Wendy G. Roberts, “Using Single Source of Error State Space Models and Spreadsheets to Find Prediction Intervals for Exponential Smoothing Methods,” Proceedings of the Decision Sciences Institute, 2000, Volume 1, 185-187. Bowerman, Bruce L., Anne B. Koehler, Timothy C. Krehbiel, Richard T. McClure and Richard T. O’Connell, “Growth and Development of a Successful Undergraduate Statistical and Quantitative Methods Program in a School of Business,” 2000 Proceedings of the Business and Economic Section of the American Statistical Association, 187-191. 6 WORKING PAPERS Archibald, Blyth C. and Anne B. Koehler, “Moving Averages for Multiplicative Decompostion Methods,” 2003. J. Keith Ord, Ralph D. Snyder, Anne B. Koehler, Rob J. Hyndman, Mark Leeds, “Time Series Forecasting: The Case for the Single Source of Error Approach,” 2005. Snyder, R. D. and Koehler, A. B., “Incorporating Tracking Signals into State Space Models for Exponential Smoothing,” 2006. PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS External (in last five years) Leeds, Mark, J. Keith Ord, and Anne B. Koehler, “The Single Source of Error Specification for State Space Models: An Appraisal,” at the International Symposium on Forecasting 2003. Archibald, Blyth and Anne B. Koehler, “Moving Averages to Remove Seasonal Factors,” at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. Koehler, Anne B., J. Keith Ord, Ralph D. Snyder, Gould, Phillip, and Rob J. Hyndman, “Forecasting Time Series with Multiple Seasonal Patterns,” at the International Symposium on Forecasting, 2004. Billah, Baki, Rob J. Hyndman, and Anne B. Koehler, “Empirical Information Criteria for Time Series Model Selection,” at national meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute, 2004. Hyndman, Rob J. and Anne B. Koehler, “Another look at measures of forecast accuracy,” at the International Symposium on Forecasting, 2005. Snyder, R. D. and Koehler, A. B., “Incorporating Tracking Signals into State Space Models for Exponential Smoothing,” International Symposium on Forecasting 2006, Santander , Spain. Koehler, Anne B. and Ralph D. Snyder, “Selection of Models in Exponential Smoothing,” International Symposium on Forecasting 2007, New York, New York. Ord, J. Keith, Ralph D. Snyder, and Anne B. Koehler, “Inventory Control in the Presence of Lost Sales.” 2007 Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. 7 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS (AND OFFICES HELD, WITH DATES) Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) 1977-78 Campus Representative at Miami 1978-80 Membership Director in Ohio 1979 National Award for Outstanding Contribution to Membership Drive 1980-83 DSI Membership Committee (national committee) 1980-81 Doctoral Student Activities Committee This committee started the DSI Doctoral Consortium. 1981-83 Chairperson DSI Membership Committee 1982 Reader for DSI Doctoral Dissertation Competition 1983-85 DSI Regional Activities Committee (national committee) 1983-84 President-Elect Midwest DSI 1984-85 President Midwest DSI 1984 Board of Directors (Nationally ElectedVice-President) 1985-88 Executive Committee Midwest DSI 1985-86 Chairperson Nominating Committee for Midwest DSI 1985-87 Nominating Committee for DSI (national committee) 1989 Co-chair Meeting of Midwest DSI 1990-92 Board of Directors (Regionally Elected Vice-President 1995 Program Coordinator for first Academic Administration Program at DSI 1996 Coordinator of three day Curricular Issues Theme for undergraduate MBA, and Ph.D. programs 1999 Nominee for President-Elect 1999-2005 Associate Editor for Decision Sciences 2000- present Fellow of the Decision Sciences Institute 2003 Ad Hoc Committee on the Structure of the Institute International Institute of Forecasters 1987-1998 Editor for software reviews in the International Journal of Forecasting 1987-present Associate editor for the International Journal of Forecasting 1992-93 Program co-chair for 1993 International Forecasting Symposium 1994-2003 Board of Directors 2006-present Fellow of the International Institute of Forecasters Other Professional Organizations Phi Beta Kappa Sigma Xi Beta Gamma Sigma American Statistical Association 8 REFEREE AND PROFESSIONAL REVIEWER Reviewed manuscripts on introductory statistics, forecasting, operations research, and data processing for book companies. External evaluator for research in tenure and promotion packets. Served as referee for numerous journals of mathematics and statistics. . OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES State of Ohio: Member of the Ohio Eminent Scholars Program Screening Committee in 1987. Commission on Institutions of Higher Education: Member of evaluation team for North Central Accreditation review of Oakland University, Detroit, Michigan. Evaluation visit was made in March 1989. External Evaluator for NSF-sponsored project at the University of Oakland. The title of the NSF funded project is "Realizing the Power of Computers in Business Statistics Instruction: The Next Step." Four prototype software modules for "Teaching Statistics Visually" were evaluated in summer of 1994. Eight beta-version programs were evaluated in fall of 1995. External Evaluator for Ph.D. thesis, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, Australia, 1997 and 2001 Expert Assessor of research proposals for the Australian Research Council (ARC) in 2001 and 2002. Expert Scientific Advisory Panel for the EPA to evaluate a new proposal for forecasting pesticide usage in 2002. External Evaluator of the Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, Australia in 2006 EXTERNAL GRANTS AND SUPPORT University of New Castle (Australia), Teaching and Research 1990 $(AUS)10,000 Monash University, Research, 1997 $(AUS)1,200 Monash University, Research, 1999 $(AUS)7,500 Pennsylvania State University, Research, 1999, $600 Monash University, Research, 2001, $3,000 Georgetown University, Research, 2001, $1,300 9 MIAMI UNIVERSITY SERVICE ACTIVITIES UNIVERSITY 1974-76 1976-78 1979 1979-82 1979-80 1980-81 1980-82 1982 1981-84 1982-83 1983 1986-87 1988 1995 1996-97 2000-2001 2002-2005 2002-2005 Chapter Secretary of Phi Beta Kappa Special Task Force on the Evaluation of Western College President's Ad Hoc Committee to Examine the Status of Women's Inter-collegiate Athletics at Miami University University Research Committee (Chair 1981-82) Search committee for the Assistant Dean for Minority Affairs in the Graduate School Faculty Conference University Affirmative Action Committee (Chair of Title IX Working Committee, 1980-82) Reading Committee to Recommend Persons for Vice-President for Finance and Business Affairs and Treasurer President's Select Committee on Fiscal Priorities Interdivisional Committee on Operations Research Search Committee for Dean of the Graduate School Provost's Advisory Committee Liberal Education Forum Ad Hoc Committee on Program Change University Senate Program Review Committee for Management Engineering University Senate Computer Policy and Information Services DIVISION 1984-1995 1990-1992 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995 1996 1997-1998 2001-2004 2002-2005 2007-2008 Executive Committee Teaching Excellence and Professional Development (Chair) Search Committee for chaired Professor in Entrepreneurship Recruitment and Retention Committee (Chair) Research Committee Strategic Planning Search Committee for Cintas and Forsythe Chairs in Entrepreneurship Chair of Research Committee Promotion and Tenure Committee Research Committee DEPARTMENT 1984-1995 Department Chair Main accomplishments as chair for eleven years were: 10 1. Two majors for the Department of Decision Sciences and MIS. a) Decision Sciences Major (quantitative) b) Management Information Systems (MIS) 2. An MIS major within the MBA program. 3. Eight new tenure-track positions: Six in management information systems (MIS) One in statistics One in operations research. 4. New faculty office space. 5. Increase and success in applications for internal and external grants. 6. All programs successfully reviewed in 1994 as part of the University's new policy on internal program reviews. 7. Improved reputation for our department. 2005-2006 Interim Department Chair Oversaw review of the Department’s programs by the University.. 11