“The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Chapter 3 – Nuclei ..............................................................................................................5 3.1 Perspective ...........................................................................................................8 In the last chapter… .................................................................................................8 In this chapter… .......................................................................................................9 In the next chapter… ................................................................................................9 3.2 Introducing nuclides- the nuclear force ..............................................................10 some new terminology – nucleon, nuclide, nucleus, element.................................10 3.2.1 The nuclear force without pions ..................................................................10 3.2.2 the nuclear potential energy graph .............................................................11 3.2.3 Mass loss and binding energy ....................................................................12 mass-energy bank accounts ..................................................................................14 a shocking result? ..................................................................................................14 3.2.4 Pions and the nuclear force - a technical section .......................................14 3.2.5 A technical note on data sources and calculations .....................................15 sources...................................................................................................................15 Calculations............................................................................................................17 the atomic mass unit (amu) ....................................................................................17 mass-energy accounting ........................................................................................18 3.2.6 the simplest nuclide – the deuteron ............................................................18 the proton-neutron balance ....................................................................................19 why don’t diprotons and dineutrons exist? - a technical section .............................21 3.2.7 Conclusion ..................................................................................................22 3.3 Building nucleon clusters – a simple nuclear model ..........................................23 varying the proton:neutron ratio .............................................................................23 varying the cluster size ...........................................................................................25 Summary ................................................................................................................27 3.4 Real nuclei ..........................................................................................................27 3.4.1 what does a nucleus look like? ...................................................................27 the nucleus has a fuzzy boundary ..........................................................................28 some real nuclei .....................................................................................................28 how big is a nucleon? ............................................................................................30 A football as heavy as Everest ...............................................................................31 3.4.2 the nuclide plot ...........................................................................................31 3.4.3 the nuclear valley........................................................................................34 3.4.4 The nuclear binding energy and mass curves ............................................37 carbon-12 – doing the accounting for mass and binding energy ............................39 energy “invested” in matter.....................................................................................39 mass per nucleon and binding energy per nucleon – a technical section ..............40 3.5 Cluster-12 - an individual cluster seeks stability .................................................41 3.5.1 the cluster-12 family in nuclide-space.........................................................41 3.5.2 the cluster-12 family in the nuclear valley ...................................................44 3.6 An inner structure to the nuclear cluster .............................................................45 3.6.1 nucleon pairs - clusters-100 and -101 ........................................................45 cluster-101 .............................................................................................................45 cluster-100 .............................................................................................................46 clusters 100 and 101 in the nuclear valley .............................................................47 Patterns of stability .................................................................................................48 3.6.2 Magic numbers ...........................................................................................49 magic numbers 50 and 82 ......................................................................................50 3.6.3 Super-heavy clusters and the "Island of Stability" ......................................51 3.7 Fusion and fission – changing cluster size .........................................................51 D:\116105936.doc Page 1 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 3.7.1 fusion - the energetics of cluster growth .....................................................52 small clusters are isolated by their mutual repulsion ..............................................53 3.7.2 fission - the energetics of cluster splitting ...................................................53 the spectrum of nuclear fission reactions ...............................................................53 the pattern of decay of the known nuclides ............................................................54 the three decay modes of nuclide (77p,90n) ..........................................................56 competition between nucleon configurations..........................................................57 3.7.3 Spontaneous fission ...................................................................................58 fission is energetically viable for clusters >~100 nucleons .....................................58 spontaneous fission of very heavy nuclei ...............................................................59 the nucleus as a liquid drop....................................................................................60 why there are stable nuclides >100 nucleons ........................................................61 3.7.4 alpha-decay ................................................................................................62 why is alpha-decay so common? ...........................................................................62 alpha-decay is viable for clusters >145 nucleons ...................................................62 why there are stable nuclides >145 nucleons ........................................................64 alpha particles in a potential well ............................................................................64 inside the nuclear well ............................................................................................66 outside the nucleus ................................................................................................66 tumbling and tunnelling ..........................................................................................67 a “cloud” of possibilities? ........................................................................................69 3.7.5 Why there is an arc of stable nuclides ........................................................69 motive, means and opportunity ..............................................................................69 a surprising conclusion? .........................................................................................70 3.8 Nuclear reactions ...............................................................................................71 nuclear Lego ..........................................................................................................71 nuclear and chemical reactions ..............................................................................72 3.9 Life in the nuclear valley ....................................................................................72 3.9.1 a balance of conflicting factors creates the nuclear valley ..........................72 3.9.2 The pathways towards stability ...................................................................72 the limited options for nuclide decay ......................................................................72 average mass/nucleon is absolute, but stability is relative .....................................73 decay pathways .....................................................................................................74 nuclide “ancestors” and their “descendents” ..........................................................75 3.9.3 a rain of nucleons .......................................................................................75 draining the nuclear valley......................................................................................76 3.10 The emergent nuclide ........................................................................................77 nucleosynthesis – making nuclei ............................................................................78 3.11 Nucleosynthesis 1 - The first quarter of an hour ................................................78 3.11.1 A time-line – linking temperature, time and energy......................................79 3.11.2 Before the first threshold – temperature, T > 1015 K (energy, E > 100 GeV, time, t < 10-10 seconds) ..............................................................................................80 3.11.3 Threshold for creating W/Z particles (mass ~80GeV), T ~ 1015 K (E ~ 100 GeV, t ~ 10-10 seconds)..............................................................................................80 3.11.4 Threshold for creating protons and neutrons (mass ~940 MeV), T ~ 1013 K (E ~ 1000 MeV, t ~ 10-6 seconds) ..............................................................................81 3.11.5 Threshold for creating electrons (mass ~ 0.5 MeV), T ~ 6 x 109 K (E ~ 0.5 MeV, t ~ 1 second).....................................................................................................82 the end of neutron creation ....................................................................................83 one tick of the clock ................................................................................................83 D:\116105936.doc Page 2 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 3.11.6 Protons and neutrons start to combine, T ~ 109 K (E ~ 100 keV, t ~ 200 seconds) – the first nuclei ..........................................................................................84 the deuteron ...........................................................................................................84 The first clusters of protons and neutrons ..............................................................86 the creation of helium-4 ..........................................................................................87 3.11.7 The end of nucleus formation – T ~ 3 x 108K (E ~ 30 keV, t ~ 13 minutes) .89 3.11.8 The threshold for ionisation - T ~ 3,000 K (E ~ 0.3 eV, t ~ 300,000 years) the first neutral atoms ................................................................................................90 Space becomes transparent ..................................................................................91 The first atoms .......................................................................................................92 3.11.9 review ..........................................................................................................92 From radiation-dominated to matter-dominated .....................................................92 3.12 Nucleosynthesis 2 - the next 14 billion years .....................................................94 3.12.1 The cosmic microwave background ............................................................94 photons are stretched by expanding space ............................................................94 ripples in the microwave background .....................................................................96 3.12.2 Collapsing gas clouds..................................................................................96 gravity takes over the show ....................................................................................96 the first stages of collapse ......................................................................................97 pumping up a bike tyre ...........................................................................................97 3.12.3 Stars and the elements ..............................................................................100 The basic nucleosynthesis reactions ....................................................................100 the creation of the elements .................................................................................101 3.12.4 Describing nuclear reactions .....................................................................102 3.12.5 Hydrogen-burning - the proton-proton chain..............................................104 a very slow nuclear reaction .................................................................................106 the proton-proton chain ........................................................................................107 3.12.6 The carbon (CNO) cycle ............................................................................112 3.12.7 Helium burning - the " triple alpha" process ...............................................114 a trio of cosmic coincidences ...............................................................................117 3.12.8 Filling in the gaps - capturing protons and neutrons ..................................118 The p-process – making proton-rich nuclides.......................................................118 Neutron capture processes ..................................................................................119 3.12.9 The life cycles of stars ...............................................................................122 stars of different masses ......................................................................................122 Our sun - the life cycle of a star of 1 solar mass ..................................................124 matter under pressure ..........................................................................................125 3.12.10 The alpha-process - burning all the way to iron ....................................128 carbon burning .....................................................................................................128 oxygen burning.....................................................................................................131 silicon burning ......................................................................................................131 an onion-like structure ..........................................................................................134 3.12.11 running out of nuclear fuel .....................................................................135 the “death” of a star ..............................................................................................136 a technical note - why not nickel-62? ..................................................................136 3.12.12 Supernova .............................................................................................138 The Core's Tale ....................................................................................................139 The outer layers’ tale ............................................................................................141 Supernova SN1987A ...........................................................................................145 3.13 Review .............................................................................................................148 3.13.1 Seeding inter-stellar space - the "cosmic stock-pot" ..................................148 D:\116105936.doc Page 3 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 3.13.2 Reviewing nucleosynthesis processes ......................................................149 3.13.3 Flooding the nuclear valley ........................................................................150 the array of nuclide species..................................................................................151 3.13.4 Nuclides and the stellar eco-system ..........................................................151 3.14 The emergent atom .........................................................................................151 3.14.1 From nuclides to atoms .............................................................................151 parallels and contrasts .........................................................................................152 Element abundances and ancestries ...................................................................158 3.14 The emergent atom .........................................................................................160 3.15 The next chapter ..............................................................................................163 References ..................................................................................................................164 D:\116105936.doc Page 4 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Chapter 3 – Nuclei Quotes … who knows what mysteries are hidden within the nucleus of an atom, which, although a million million times smaller than the smallest living thing, is yet a universe in itself? Louis de Broglie, “Matter and Light – the New Physics”, W.W. Norton, 1939, p. 10 Neutron - walking into a bar: "A pint of beer please. How much will that be?" Barman: "For you, no charge." Atoms, instead of being placed in the universe fully formed, had come in kit form. … The atoms forged long ago in the fireball of the big bang, in countless stars across the length and breadth of the galaxy, became incorporated into human beings. They became, in short, the atoms of curiosity. Now, why should the universe be constructed in such a way that atoms acquire the ability to be curious about themselves? Chown, Furnace, p. 216 In all the great cities of the world we have detached ourselves from night. If you are a city-dweller who doesn't believe this, travel at least a hundred miles into the countryside, mount the highest hill and stare at the sky. It is not the same sky at all. In a city, the stars overhead glitter like lights on a distant roof-top, and the sky begins beyond the horizon. On a clear night in the mountains, you become part of the sky. The stars reach out and touch you, and suddenly you feel the embrace of a galaxy. Krauss, Atom, p.96 … it is in the highest degree unlikely that this earth and sky is the only one to have been created and that all those particles of matter outside are accomplishing nothing. This follows from the fact that our world has been made by nature through the spontaneous and casual collision and the multifarious, accidental, random and purposeless congregation and coalescence of atoms whose suddenly formed combinations could serve on each occasion as the starting-point of substantial fabrics – earth and sea and sky and the races of living creatures. Lucretius, “On the Nature of the Universe”, trans. Ronald Latham. Penguin, 1968….p. 91 Look around. Our familiar world is built from the debris of stars. The rocks beneath our feet, the steel and glass in our skyscrapers, the air we breathe - all are made from D:\116105936.doc Page 5 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei atoms in very hot places: the interiors of stars and the outrushing shock waves of a supernova. Blown away into space, these atoms later condensed into the sun and planets of out solar system. Laurence Marschall, p. 197. It is a grand scheme, no doubt about it. The destructive power of supernovae is, paradoxically, a major agent for creation and change in the universe. Supernovae produce and distribute the elements, develop the solar system, and shape the evolution of life on one of its planets. Supernovae are at the root of our existence. Laurence Marschall, p.215. The stuff of which we are made, was “cooked” once, in a star, and spit out. Richard Feynman, p. 61. How I'm rushing through this! How much each sentence in this brief story contains. "The stars are made of the same atoms as the earth." I usually pick one small topic like this to give a lecture on. Poets say science takes away from the beauty of the starsmere globs of gas atoms. Nothing is "mere." I too can see the stars on a desert night, and feel them. But do I see less or more? The vastness of the heavens stretches my imagination - stuck on this carousel my little eye can catch one-million-year-old light. A vast pattern-of which I am a part - perhaps my stuff was belched from some forgotten star, as one is belching there. Or see them with the greater eye of Palomar, rushing all apart from some common starting point when they were perhaps all together. What is the pattern, or the meaning, or the why? It does not do harm to the mystery to know a little about it. For far more marvellous is the truth than any artists of the past imagined! Why do the poets of the present not speak of it? What men are poets who can speak of Jupiter if he were like a man, but if he is an immense spinning sphere of methane and ammonia must be silent? Richard Feynman, footnote to p. 59. I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good as belongs to you. Walt Whitman, Song of Myself, Leaves of Grass (1881-82) D:\116105936.doc Page 6 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei SUBTLE. Why, what have you observ'd, sir, in our art, Seems so impossible? SURLY. But your whole work, no more. That you should hatch gold in a furnace, sir, As they do eggs in Egypt! SUBTLE. Sir, do you Believe that eggs are hatch'd so? SURLY. If I should? SUBTLE. Why, I think that the greater miracle. No egg but differs from a chicken more Than metals in themselves. SURLY. That cannot be. The egg's ordain'd by nature to that end, And is a chicken in potentia. SUBTLE. The same we say of lead and other metals, Which would be gold, if they had time. MAMMON. And that Our art doth further. SUBTLE. Ay, for 'twere absurd To think that nature in the earth bred gold Perfect in the instant: something went before. There must be remote matter. SUBTLE, the Alchemist, PERTINAX SURLY, a Gamester, SIR EPICURE MAMMON, a Knight, in , “The Alchemist”, Ben Jonson, 1610. ..the universe is set up in such a way that the production of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen… …is an inevitable consequence of the life cycles of stars, and it is inevitable that planets like the Earth will form around stars like the sun and be laced with complex organic molecules, originally from interstellar clouds, by the arrival of comets. We are made of stardust because we are a natural consequence of the existence of stars… John Gribbin, p.186 D:\116105936.doc Page 7 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei I cannot believe that a sense requires that we be ignorant and that wonder fades in the face of knowledge. If that is so, then it is a poor sense of wonder. Robert Gilmore, page x nucleons represent a level in the organisation of matter having exceptional stability unique in the universe...the proton and the neutron...[are]...a hundred thousand times smaller than the smallest atom...Yet as small as that might be, there is a world hidden inside each one. Timothy Paul Smith, p.5 Quantum mechanics tells us that if a process is not strictly forbidden, then it must occur. Pairs of every conceivable article and antiparticle are constantly being created and destroyed at every location across the universe. Kaufmann and Freedman, p.733 3.1 Perspective In the last chapter… … we saw the materialisation of energy and the emergence of discrete particle-waves, which exist in three dimensions of space and one of time. We encountered the quantum vacuum, matter and anti-matter, and the uncertainties inherent in a material world of particle-waves. We met the Standard Model of fermions and bosons. We saw how fermions always remain separate, becoming the matter of the physical universe, while bosons freely mingle and merge, and mediate the interactions, or “forces”, between the fermions. Of the fermions, the leptons stay single, while quarks are bound by gluons into groups - either in duos (mesons) or trios (baryons). Of all the combinations of quarks, only the lightest, the the proton (uud), is stable. The ever so slightly heavier neutron (udd) is nearly stable, and an isolated neutron has an average lifetime of about 15 minutes before it decays to a proton. We met (1) the weak interaction carried by the W / Z0 exchange particles, that changes the flavour of quarks, and bridges the divide between quarks and leptons and matter and anti-matter, and (2) the colour interaction, that binds quarks into clusters. We saw how the colour interaction “leaks” out of protons and neutrons, to give the powerful but very short range nuclear force, mediated by virtual pions. D:\116105936.doc Page 8 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei We saw the emergence of the proton and neutron, the quark trios bound by the colour interaction. We also saw how the extension of this, the nuclear force, can bind protons and neutrons into clusters – we saw the first hint of the emergent nucleus. In this chapter… … we will see how the nuclear force binds protons and neutrons into hundreds of stable nuclei. We will see the delicate balance of energies that sets a limit on the maximum stable nucleus size, and decides the precise ratio of protons and neutrons for stability. We will see why there is only a finite number of stable nuclei, and why the mid-sized nuclei are most stable. We will see all the ways that a combination of protons and neutrons reduces its size and adjusts its ratio to arrive at stability. We will see our material universe of radiation (photons) and matter (protons, neutrons and electrons) emerge from the cosmic fireball, and within a few minutes assemble the first few nuclei. We will see how over the next few billion years successive generations of stars go on to create all the known nuclei. This chapter is wholly about quarks, and how the protons and neutrons they create, themselves combine into big nuclear clusters. Finally, we will see how these nuclei acquire electrons, to create the atoms , and we see the emergence of the ~100 or so chemical elements of our atomic world. In the next chapter… …we'll see how, on their stable nuclear foundations, the electrons bind atoms into a rich and subtle diversity of different chemical substances. We see solids and liquids emerge as states of matter in addition to gases. D:\116105936.doc Page 9 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 3.2 Introducing nuclides- the nuclear force We now leave behind the world of quarks and gluons, and now regard protons and neutrons as unitary particles that attract each other by the nuclear force, mediated by the exchange of virtual pions. We will now look at how protons and neutrons gather in clusters, bound by this short range nuclear force. some new terminology – nucleon, nuclide, nucleus, element We need, at this point, to introduce some important terminology, and also explain a necessary inconsistency. I will call a cluster of nucleons a “nucleus”, and may also give it a chemical name, such as helium-4 or lead-208. Historically, the nucleus was identified as the centre of every atom, defining its identity as a chemical element. But we have only just encountered the nucleons’ ability to cluster; there are as yet no atoms, and the concept of a chemical element is meaningless. The name “nucleus” implicitly denotes something that is at the heart of a bigger structure, and we are looking at nuclear clusters in their own terms – we don’t even know yet what sort of clusters they can form. But “nucleus” is the accepted term, and other terms are derived from it: so, “nuclei” is the plural, protons and neutrons are “nucleons”, equal citizens of the cluster community, and a “nuclide” is a cluster of a specific number of protons and neutrons, for example, (6p,6n). This is a member of the cluster-12 family of nuclides, all of which contain 12 nucleons; other members are (5p,7n) and (7p,5n). Our atomic world is made of a hundred or so chemical elements - carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, iron and so on. What defines each element is the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms - for example helium has 2, carbon has 6, and oxygen has 8 - while the number of neutrons can vary. So I will refer to some nuclear clusters by their chemical element name, for example, helium-4 (2p,2n). This is the nucleus of helium (symbol He), which comprises 2 protons and 2 neutrons. I will refer to the more common elements by their chemical symbols, thus He for helium. This is rather cumbersome, we will see the foundations of our atomic world appear, and also be able to follow what the nucleons are doing. 3.2.1 The nuclear force without pions Let's now consider a proton and a neutron, close enough for each to be within the other’s pion "cloud", so they experience the attraction of the nuclear force – figure 3.1. D:\116105936.doc Page 10 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei nucleons - a fermions that resists merging p+ n0 clouds of pions - bosons that readily merge the "evanescent web" of pions "fluttering back and forth" binding the proton and neutron together Figure 3.1: A proton and neutron, close enough to be within range of their pion “clouds”, and so experiencing the attractive nuclear force. This is a deuteron – the simplest nuclear cluster. In the space between the nucleons, we can perhaps see in our imagination "the pions fluttering back and forth" creating an "invisible, evanescent web" between the proton and neutron, thus binding them together. We have our first nuclear cluster, the simplest nuclide, known as a deuteron. Smith sums the nuclear force like this: “it is repulsive at about half a fermi [fm], it is attractive at a fermi, and it essentially vanishes at about 3-4 fermis. That means that two nucleons will be oblivious to each other if they are separated by more than 4 fermis, and they cannot get closer to each other than half a fermi. The whole regime of nuclear physics is essentially defined by this distance scale.” So we will go with a simple and pragmatic description of the nuclear force as (1) mediated by pions, and (2) being very strong, but (3) with a very short range of attraction of ~3-4 fm. We will see that we can understand nucleon clusters very well just with ideas (2) and (3). 3.2.2 the nuclear potential energy graph We're now in a position to read and understand the nuclear potential energy graph, where we bring a neutron and a proton together (figure 3.2). D:\116105936.doc Page 11 of 168 12/02/2016 Potential Energy (MeV) “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 300 (a) the attraction is negligible beyond about 2 fm 250 200 (e) the two nucleons resist merging and repel each other 150 100 (d) the forces of repulsion and attraction are balanced (b) a weak attraction (c) the attraction is greatest at a bit more than 1 fm 50 0 -50 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 -100 separation (fm) repulsion attraction Figure 3.2: The forces acting on two nucleons close to each other. The arrows on the graph give an idea of the relative sizes and directions of the net force. The shaded block arrows below the graph give some idea of the ranges and varying strength of the forces – darker shading means stronger The graph shows the potential energy (PE) of the system of two nucleons as zero when their centres are 2.5 fm apart (a), because they are outside the range of the nuclear force. At closer distances (b), the nucleons attract each other, and the system's PE becomes negative - we have to supply energy to pull them apart. The slope of the graph is steepest - the attractive force is strongest - at a bit more than 1 fm separation (c). But now the nucleons themselves are getting so close that we see the fermion repulsion force begin to act. At about 0.9 fm separation (d) the attractive and repulsive forces are balanced - the net force is zero, and the system's PE is a minimum. If we try to push the nucleons closer than this (e), then the repulsion force very quickly dominates, and the PE steeply increases. 3.2.3 Mass loss and binding energy The nuclear PE curve shows how the proton-neutron pair bound into a deuteron have a negative PE, sitting at the bottom of an energy “well”, since the system of two nucleons has less energy when they are together, than when they are apart. We can visualise the D:\116105936.doc Page 12 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei separate nucleons “falling” together into this potential energy “well”, as they are attracted by the nuclear force – figure 3.3. p (b) n the binding energy is lost from the system binding energy force is needed to separate the bound nucleons PE of the system (a) p n a deuteron – the simplest nuclide 0 binding energy Separate nucleons…beyond the reach of the short-range nuclear forces…there is no binding energy…all massenergy of the system is wholly in the masses. Nucleons "fall" into the binding energy "well", and are bound by the nuclear force … the total massenergy of the system is in the masses and the binding energy … the binding energy is released, leaving the mass of the nucleus less than the sum of its separate parts. Figure 3.3: The proton and neutron “fall” into energy well created by the attractive nuclear force. The total mass-energy of the system of two nucleons comprises the masses of the particles and any energy bound up in their interaction. When the nucleons are separate, there is no interaction, and all the system’s energy is in its mass. In combining, the nucleons lose the binding energy, so the system’s energy is the total mass of the separate nucleons minus the binding energy. In a sense, the binding energy is "paid for" by the nucleons' mass-energy. The equivalence of mass and energy means that a system of nucleons has less mass when bound in a nucleus than when separate; the deuteron weighs less than the separate proton and neutron. The "'missing mass' is emitted in the form of gamma radiation when the proton and neutron join to form the deuteron." The energy that is needed to separate the bound nucleons is called, not surprisingly, the nuclear binding energy. "The binding energy of a nucleus, which is conceptually the energy needed to separate all the nucleons in the nucleus, is easily calculated if we remember that it should be equal to the mass loss when the nucleus is formed." Or, as a word equation... D:\116105936.doc Page 13 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei binding energy = mass-energy of separate nucleons - mass-energy of bound nuclear cluster mass-energy bank accounts We can liken this to someone with two bank accounts - say, a current and a deposit account. Money can be transferred between the accounts, but the total sum always remains the same. In the same way, when nucleons are separate all their mass-energy is in the "mass" account, and when they are bound by the strong nuclear force into a nucleus, some of the "mass" account is transferred to the "binding energy" account. But the total must always remain the same. a shocking result? This has been known for about a century, and the explanation in terms of the equivalence of mass and energy is universally accepted and understood. Nonetheless, it may well be deeply unsettling, even shocking, for it undermines our everyday experience of matter as inviolable. How can the mass decrease? How can “stuff” disappear? It takes an effort to look at our everyday world and see that “matter-stuff” has at some time in the past been made from “energy-stuff”. Yet our continued existence depends on the radiation from the sun, the result of vast amounts of matter transforming every second to light energy. We have met an enormously important principle of nuclear interactions. 3.2.4 Pions and the nuclear force - a technical section This is a technical bit, trying to get the nature of the nuclear force clear, that the reader can skip without losing the thread. The basic nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction can be modelled in terms of the exchange of pions. At large distances, more than about 2 fm, it is the exchange of single pions (OPE – one pion exchange): “The force field between two protons, or two neutrons, can only be produced by the exchange of neutral pions. Between a proton and a neutron the exchange can be done by means of charged pions.” The medium range interaction (between 1 and 2 fm, and in the strongly attractive part of the potential/distance graph in figure xXx) “can be described by the exchange of two pions”. The short-range interaction “is due to the exchange of three pions or more”, where the pions resonate and combine to make a higher energy meson, that is responsible for a strong repulsion. Finally, at very close range, the nucleons are assumed each to have some sort of “core”, that makes D:\116105936.doc Page 14 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei them repel very strongly, so the NN potential rises towards infinity for distances less than about 0.4 fm. Bertulani reminds us that the nuclear force binding nucleons is a residual of the colour force operating inside every nucleon - “we can demystify the [single pion interaction] in the sense that the exchange of real particles (pions) is, in fact, not its essential element … on a deeper level it is an effect of the color force between color-polarized composite particles”. Though both nucleons are colour-neutral, each is a composite of three colourcharged quarks, which can individually interact when they get close enough. So when nucleons get very close, “they start to touch and overlap”, and can exchange quarks and gluons. At small distances the nucleon-nucleon interaction becomes very complicated. The interaction between two nucleons is analogous to the van der Waals force between two molecules that are electrically neutral overall, but which contain a distribution of electrical charge within them. The force between two molecules can be described in terms of the exchange of photons of radiation. “The pions take the place of the photons in the case of nuclear forces…In this way, the nuclei are bound by a type of van der Waals force.” Pions are described as the exchange particles that mediate, or “carry”, the nuclear force. Nucleon interactions can effectively be described in terms of pion exchange, though “There are small details about the nuclear force that are not completely accounted for by the pion. However, with the addition of other, less abundant particles … which have also been observed, a complete description of the nuclear force does exist.” 3.2.5 A technical note on data sources and calculations sources Nuclear data has been obtained from the Atomic Mass Data Centre (AMDC), at… http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/amdc/ From here you can get to the 2003 Atomic Mass Evaluation (AME2003) and the AMDC mass.mas03 database, at http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/amdc/web/masseval.html, which is based on… G. Audi, A.H. Wapstra and C. Thibault, “The AME2003 atomic mass evaluation (II). Tables, graphs and references”, Nuclear Physics A, volume 729 (2003), pages 337-676 (available as the file “Ame2003b.pdf” in the AMDC files, at… D:\116105936.doc Page 15 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/amdc/masstables/Ame2003/filel.html A prior paper describes how the data was evaluated and prepared… A.H. Wapstra, G. Audi and C. Thibault, “The AME2003 atomic mass evaluation (I), Evaluation of input data, adjustment procedures", Nuclear Physics A, volume 729 (2003), pages 129-336 (file “Ame2003a.pdf” in the AMDC files). AMDC also provide the NUBASE2003 nuclide table, which gives mass excess and decay characteristics, and is based on… G. Audi, O. Bersillon, J. Blachot and A.H. Wapstra, “The NUBASE evaluation of nuclear and decay properties”, Nuclear Physics A, volume 729 (2003), pages 3-128, which can be downloaded from…http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/amdc/web/nubase_en.html The NUBASE2003 table can be downloaded as an ASCII file from…s http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/amdc/nubase/nubtab03.asc AMDC provide the Windows program NUCLEUS to display the contents of the NUBASE table… http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/amdc/web/nubdisp_en.html Nuclide data and graphs given in this chapter are from the mass.mas03 database. This gives values for mass excess, binding energy and atomic mass in ASCII format, that can be converted to an EXCEL spreadsheet. The AMDC mass.mas03 and NUBASE tables give different nuclide properties, but give the same nuclide mass excess values (Audi et al., “NUBASE”, p.6). The NUCLEUS program has been used to create 2-D and 3-D views of the the chart of nuclides. The National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC), at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)…http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/ provides a wealth of information, including the excellent Interactive chart of nuclides, at…http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/chart/ and the Nudat database, at… http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/nudat2/ “Qcalc”, for finding Q-values for nuclear reactions, is at…http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/qcalc/ Other sources of data on nuclides are… The Particle Data Group, http://pdg.lbl.gov/ and The National Institute of Standards and Technology http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/index.html (All web-sites accessed on 6 April 2011) D:\116105936.doc Page 16 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Calculations I've taken 1 amu = 931.494 MeV/c2, and the electron mass, me = 0.511 MeV/c2. Values have been rounded, usually to 1 d.p., so there will be some rounding “errors”. Masses should strictly be given in units of MeV2/c, but I shorten this to just MeV, for simplicity, and as many others do. The mass of a nucleus, that is without its electrons, can be calculated two ways... 1) via the binding energy… mnucleus = mass of free protons + mass of free neutrons – nuclear binding energy. So mdeuteron = p + n – BEdeuteron = 938.27 + 939.57 – 2.2 = 1875.6 MeV 2) or via the mass excess (or mass defect)… matom = (number of nucleons x amu) + mass excess for that atom. So matom = (2 x 931.494) + 13.1 = 1876.1 meV. But this is for the deuterium atom, a deuteron nucleus plus its electron, and we need to subtract the electron mass… So mdeuteron = 1876.1 – 0.5 = 1875.6 MeV. The two deuteron mass values agree. the atomic mass unit (amu) We’ve seen that nucleons lose mass when they combine into nuclei. So we need some reference nucleus to provide a standard value for nuclear masses. That standard is the carbon-12 atom, with a nucleus of 6 protons and 6 neutrons and containing also 6 electrons. The standard atomic mass unit (amu) is 1/12th of the mass of a carbon-12 atom, equal to 931.494 MeV/c2. Unbound free nucleons have masses significantly bigger than 1 amu. We can get at these from their mass excess values. For a neutron, mn = 1 amu + neutron mass excess = 931.494 + 8.071 = 939.6 MeV (1d.p.) We can find the mass of a hydrogen (H) atom, 1 proton plus 1 electron… mH = 1 amu + hydrogen mass excess = 931.494 + 7.3 = 938.8 MeV and then subtracting the electron mass gives us the mass of a proton… mp = 938.8 – 0.5 = 938.3 MeV (1d.p.) D:\116105936.doc Page 17 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei It’s important to know if the data is for “naked” nuclei or for whole atoms (the “mas03” table, for example, is for atoms). Nuclear properties are very accurately measured, and the data is freely available to all – a wonderful resource. Readers are welcome to browse the data and use it to calculate nuclear masses and other properties. In what follows, I'll give nucleus masses and binding energies in MeV; the example of the deuteron nucleus shows how these have been calculated. mass-energy accounting The particle data resources are the result of a huge amount of meticulous work by thousands of physicists, that have been made freely available. The sheer amount of data can be overwhelming, and clearly the full story is very complex. I will stick to the simple picture we’ve seen with the deuteron nucleus – that the total mass-energy of a system of nucleons remains the same whether they are separate or bound together. The mass loss of the separate nucleons in forming the nucleus is the energy involved in their being bound by the nuclear force. From this point of view, I will just be doing the mass-energy accounting. 3.2.6 the simplest nuclide – the deuteron We're now ready to try some mass-energy accounting for the proton-neutron pair, the mass, MeV deuteron – figure 3.4. no 939.6 938.3 p+ Mass of separate nucleons = 939.57 + 938.27 = 1877.8 MeV Binding Energy (BE) = mass loss of system = 1877.8 – 1875.6 = 2.2 MeV So BE/nucleon = 1.1 MeV p+ no 937.8 mass of bound deuteron cluster = 1875.6 MeV so average mass of each bound nucleon = 937.8 MeV Figure 3.4: The bound deuteron has less mass than its components This simple example shows how the mass-energy accounting works (all figures in MeV)... D:\116105936.doc Page 18 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei mass of bound nucleus + binding energy = total mass of separate nucleons = m p + mn 1875.6 + 2.2 = 1877.8 = 938.27 + 939.57 The mass “lost” when a proton and neutron are bound together is about 2.2 MeV – the binding energy for this nucleus. In order to compare nuclei with different numbers of nucleons, we’ll calculate the average binding energy per nucleon. For the deuteron it is quite simply 2.2 / 2, which is 1.1 MeV/nucleon. This quantity, the binding energy per nucleon, will be important when we look at the full range of nuclides.changing the protonneutron balance. the proton-neutron balance The deuteron (pn) is only one way to combine two nucleons - we can also have a pair of protons, a diproton (pp), or a pair of neutrons, a dineutron (nn). We'll use these three combinations in a hypothetical example see the effects of changing the proton-neutron balance in the cluster. Figure 3.5 shows the mass-energies of the three nucleon pairs. proton-rich neutron-rich System energy, MeV neutron-neutron 2mn = 2x939.6 = 1879.2 MeV no 1879.2 no proton-proton 2mp + electrical p.e. = 2x938.3 + 1.5 = 1878.1 MeV 1878.1 p+ p+ change pn in electrical p.e. is bigger than in mass-energy 1877.9 change np in mass-energy no change in electrical p.e. here p+ no proton-neutron mp + mn = 938.3 + 939.6 = 1877.9 MeV Figure 3.5: The proton-neutron pairing has the least mass-energy of the three possible pairings of two nucleons D:\116105936.doc Page 19 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Since a neutron is heavier than a proton, the pp pair should have the least mass and the nn pair the most. However, we also need to consider the electric repulsion between the protons in the pp pair. We have to force the protons together, thereby storing potential energy in the system. This is just like a compressed spring - release the protons, and they will fly apart. When two protons are 1 fm apart this electrical repulsion adds ~1.5 MeV to the system’s mass-energy. Protons are lighter, but bring the energy of their mutual electrical repulsion; neutrons have no repulsion, but are heavier. Between these extremes there is a balance of protons and neutrons with least mass-energy, lying at the bottom of a mass-energy “valley”. cluster stability arises from conflicting factors This simple example illustrates the conflicting factors that decide the stability of larger nuclei. In general, a proton-rich nucleus has lighter constituents, but has a bigger total mass-energy due to the protons' mutual electrical repulsion. The transformation of a proton to a neutron (I will use the shorthand pn) will reduce this mass-energy, if the loss of electrical pe is bigger than the gain in mass. Conversely, a neutron-rich nucleus has heavier constituents, but a smaller electrical pe contribution to the total mass-energy. The transformation of a neutron to a proton (np) will reduce this mass-energy, if the loss in mass is bigger than the gain in electrical pe. We can't see this with the nn pair, but we can see it will apply to bigger clusters of nucleons, with more than one proton. Figure 3.5 gives a hypothetical situation, arranged to show the importance of the protonneutron balance. We will see that for real nuclides, stability is found with the balance of protons and neutrons that minimises the cluster’s mass-energy. Proton-rich clusters reduce their mass-energy, and move towards stability by transforming protons to neutrons; conversely, neutron-rich nuclei transform neutrons to protons. Of the three combinations, only the pn pairing, the deuteron, is only just stable, and the bound diproton and dineutron do not exist. This reveals the fundamental nature of the particle-wave, that if it is confined, in effect “squeezing” its wave aspect, then it speeds up: “a particle confined to a very small space must move very quickly, so a large force is required to keep it from getting away”. The nuclear force, powerful as it is, can only just confine a proton and a neutron in a deuteron. The potential energy well for the deuteron is ~100 MeV deep, but the proton and neutron rattle around so fast that “the deuteron almost jumps out from the potential hole!” The deuteron is weakly bound system, that needs only 2.2 MeV to overcome the small binding energy and separate the proton and D:\116105936.doc Page 20 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei neutron - “It is almost unstable; it has no excited state, the smallest rotation or vibration tears it apart”. It turns out that the nuclear force is strongest between unlike nucleons, and so is just unable to confine pairs of neutrons or protons. The universe’s first step in building nuclei is not a very firm one. If the strong force were a little less strong then making the deuteron, the first step in creating the elements, would not be possible. However, if the strong force were much stronger than it is, sufficient to bind diprotons, then this would affect the sequence of nuclide formation in the early universe. why don’t diprotons and dineutrons exist? - a technical section This is a technical section, that the reader can skip, that tries to answer these questions: if the nuclear force is so strong, then (1) why does the deuteron, in a potential well ~100 MeV deep, have a binding energy of only ~2 MeV, and (2) why are the diproton and dineutron unstable? The first part of the answer is to be found in the close confinement of the nucleons in the nucleus. Quantum mechanics tells us that there are no objects but wave-packets; no lumpen “things”, but constructs of energy, aggregates of universal action. Nothing can ever be still, it is always on the move, and cannot be pinned down. The more you try to confine a particle’s position, the less certain you are of how its moving. There is a mathematical relationship between these uncertainties… ∆p x ∆x h This tells us that the product of the uncertainties in momentum (p) and position (x) is approximately equal to Planck’s constant. The more confined the particle, the faster it can be moving. This can be rearranged as ∆p h/∆x If the separation of the two nucleons in deuterium is ~2 fm, then that sets the uncertainty in their positions, ∆x. The kinetic energy, 0.5mv2 can be written as 0.5m2v2/m and so as 0.5p2/m, where p is the momentum, mv. So for a particle with an uncertainty s in its position, will have an uncertainty in its kinetic energy given by ∆Ek 0.5∆p2/m = 0.5h2/m∆x2 = 0.5 x 6.6 x 10-34 / 1.6 x 10-27 x (2.6 x 10-15)2 = 3.4 x 10-11 Joules = 212 MeV D:\116105936.doc Page 21 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei The nucleons in the deuteron may be confined, but they are rattling around very fast in their confinement, with kinetic energies that may be a couple of hundred MeV. This is comparable with the depth of the deuteron potential energy well, about 100 MeV. The powerful nuclear force is only just able to confine the proton and neutron within the deuteron – “the deuteron almost jumps out from the potential hole!” The deuteron is weakly bound system, that needs only a small energy input of 2.2 MeV to separate the proton and neutron - “It is almost unstable; it has no excited state, the smallest rotation or vibration tears it apart”. The two protons in the diproton repel each other, but this adds only about 0.56 MeV, which is much less than the deuteron’s 2.2 MeV binding energy. George Marx says that “the simplest explanation is that the mild electrical repulsion destabilises the 2He [diproton]”. We can see that there’s more to it than this. And also, why is the dineutron, with no repulsion, unstable? The second part of the answer lies in the spin of the nucleons. The nuclear force is stronger between nucleons with parallel spin than between nucleons with opposite spin. The proton and neutron in the deuteron, being different fermions, can have parallel spin. But the diproton and dineutron each comprise two identical particles, and so “the Pauli exclusion principle requires that the nucleons … have opposite spin”. Consequently, the nuclear force is weaker and not able to hold these particles together. It is, however, a close-run thing, for an increase of only 9% in the strength of the strong force would make the dineutron stable. A slightly bigger increase of 13% is needed for the diproton, in order to overcome the protons’ repulsion. The diproton falls short of being bound and stable by only ~92 keV. So the extremely strong nuclear force, under the most favourable conditions, is only just able to confine two differing nucleons, with parallel spins, into a stable configuration. If the nucleons are the same, and have opposite spins, then no stable structure is possible. In helium-3 (2p,1n), each nucleon is attracted to two others, and the binding energy per nucleon (BE/A) is ~2.6 Mev, more than twice that of the deuteron. 3.2.7 Conclusion We have a nuclear force that is very powerful but short range, that can bind nucleons when they get as close as their own size, regardless of whether they are protons or neutrons. We thus have a means of building nucleons into bigger structures. It looks fairly D:\116105936.doc Page 22 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei simple, but we've seen that there are conflicting factors: protons are lighter but carry an electrical charge, neutrons carry no charge but are heavier. We can use these simple ideas to explore model nuclei. 3.3 model Building nucleon clusters – a simple nuclear This section describes the factors that decide the stability of nucleon clusters, and the ways that unstable clusters rearrange themselves to become more stable. We’ll start with a simple model of a cluster and see how this can start to explain how each of these factors affects its stability. We’ll see that “the competition between gluonic [strong] and electric forces (which tend to drive the nuclei apart) creates a rich arena of nuclear phenomena and determines which stable chemical elements can exist in nature”. Clusters of nucleons vary in two ways: (1) by their balance of protons to neutrons – the p:n ratio, and (2) by their size. Thus we can think of the cluster-12 “family”, which comprises 12 nucleons in any combination, from 12 protons (12p,0n), through more balanced ratios, like (6p,6n), to 12 neutrons (0p,12n). Each specific combination of protons and neutrons has its own identity and characteristics, and is called a nuclide. Thus the nuclide (6p,6n) is very different from its nearest “sibling”, (7p,5n), in the cluster12 family. We know that nucleons are closely clustered into roughly spherical nuclei, rather like marbles in a string bag. Imagine a simpler, two-dimensional analogue of this, where the nucleons are represented by flat discs, closely packed together, like coins on a table. This would be like taking a slice through the centre of a spherical cluster. We’ll use this to explore the effects of varying the p:n ratio, in a cluster of constant size. varying the proton:neutron ratio Imagine a 2-D cluster of 14 nucleons, about 4 nucleons across, and with a 1p:1n ratio, thus (7p,7n) – the middle cluster in figure 3.6. Changing one neutron into a proton gives cluster (a), and doing the opposite gives cluster (c). We already know that protons are lighter than neutrons and mutually repel. So the mass-energy of a cluster such as this is the sum of the nucleon masses, as bound by the nuclear force, and the mutual repulsions of the electrically charged protons. D:\116105936.doc Page 23 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei proton-rich (a) cluster-14 (8p,6n) 7 more p-p repulsions mass decreases by (mn-mp) Key: proton neutron-rich (b) cluster-14 (7p,7n) ratio 1p:1n neutron (c) cluster-14 (6p:8n) 6 fewer p-p repulsions mass increases by (mn-mp) electrical repulsion Figure 3.6: (a) the arrows show the 7 extra p-p repulsions from changing one neutron to a proton (the dotted circle), (b) cluster-14 with a 1:1 proton:neutron ratio, (c) the arrows show the 6 p-p repulsions that disappear when a proton is changed to a neutron (the dotted circle) If we change one neutron into a proton, going (b) to (a), then there will be 7 more protonproton (p-p) repulsions to add to the cluster’s mass-energy, and a loss of mass (mn-mp). If we go the other way and replace one of the middle cluster's protons by a neutron, then there will be 6 fewer repulsions, and a gain in mass (mn-mp). Whichever way we go, there is the same change in mass, but a different change in the number of p-p repulsions. If we now imagine that the energy gain due to 7 extra p-p repulsions is just slightly bigger (by less than the value of a single p-p repulsion) than the energy loss associated with the mass difference (mn-mp), then the cluster (a) (8p,6n) will have slightly more mass-energy than cluster (b) (7p,7n). Going the other way, the energy due to 6 p-p repulsions will be slightly less than the energy associated with the mass difference (m n-mp), and so cluster (c) (6p,8n) will also have slightly more mass-energy than cluster (b) (7p,7n). Thus the mass-energy of cluster-14 is a minimum for the combination (7p,7n); shifting the p:n ratio either way increases it. The general argument above suggests that every cluster will have some p:n ratio that gives it the minimum value of mass-energy. Too many protons, and the cluster mass increases due to their repulsions, but too many of the heavier neutrons will also increase D:\116105936.doc Page 24 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei the mass of the cluster. Since the “lost” mass is released as binding energy, the nucleons will be most strongly bound in the cluster with the least mass. This is a general extension of the pattern we saw with the deuteron in section 3.2.6. We have seen how energy becomes incorporated in matter, according to Einstein’s equation, E = mc2, and also how a particle is unstable if it can transform to another particle with a smaller mass. Thus we have seen that only the generation I quarks, the ones with least mass, are stable. The heavier quarks in generations II (charm and strange) and III (top and bottom) all decay to the light up and down flavours. This fits with the idea that each cluster family has only one stable p:n ratio, the one with least mass. It is energetically favourable for the other heavier configurations in to “move” towards this stable ratio, by interchanging protons and nucleons within the cluster. varying the cluster size Now we’ll keep the p:n ratio constant, and vary the cluster size. A cluster of protons and neutrons is subject to two competing forces. The powerful nuclear force attracts all nucleons, but is very short range, reaching little further than the next-neighbour nucleon. The much weaker electrical repulsion affects only the positively charged protons, but is long range, and can "reach" across a big cluster. Figure 3.7 shows a series of clusters of increasing size, all with ratio close to 1p:1n. Because we're keeping the proton:neutron ratio the same, we don’t have to consider the proton-neutron mass difference. If we consider the forces acting on one proton at the edge, we can see that the nuclear attractions from the adjacent nucleons compete with electrical repulsions from all other protons in the cluster. (a) cluster-2 1p:1n (b) cluster-4 2p:2n Key: proton neutron D:\116105936.doc Page 25 of 168 (c) cluster-7 3p:4n nuclear force attraction 12/02/2016 (d) cluster-14 7p:7n electrical repulsion “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Figure 3.7: attractive and repulsive forces in small 2-D clusters with a 1:1 proton:neutron ratio We can see that the number of next-neighbours very quickly builds up as the cluster size increases. In this 2-D case the maximum number is three, and this is reached in cluster-4. So while the total attractive forces quickly increase, they also quickly reach their maximum. In contrast, the electrical repulsions build up slowly but steadily. They reach right across the cluster, and are roughly proportional to the number of protons - doubling the number of protons will about double the number of repulsions on the proton at the edge. Figure 3.8 shows the shifting balance of these competing forces, as the cluster grows. The nuclear force attractions are limited by the maximum number of adjacent nucleons. They can't get bigger than this This cluster is most strongly bound, where the nuclear attractions have built up the biggest "lead" over the electrical repulsions Forces on the edge proton attractivenuclear forces, very short range, limited to adjacent nucleons... quickly build up… ...then slowly approach a limit electrical repulsions are potentially limitless The strong and electrical forces are balanced. This is the biggest possible stable cluster. Clusters larger than this are unstable. 0 The electrical repulsions start slowly, and at first lag behind... maximum stability maximum size cluster size …but keep steadily increasing, and finally "catch up" the strong attractions Figure 3.9: how the balance of competing nuclear and electrical forces varies with cluster size, keeping a 1:1 proton:neutron ratio The attractive nuclear forces quickly build up a "lead" over the repulsive electrical forces, establishing a range of stable clusters, with a maximum stability at the lower end of the range. But after an initial fast start, the nuclear forces are soon approaching their limit, and their curve flattens out. The total electrical force is roughly proportional to the number of protons, and is represented here by a straight line. So there must come a cluster in D:\116105936.doc Page 26 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei which the forces are balanced, and beyond which no cluster is stable. It's like the race between the hare and the tortoise, where the hare starts off fast, but the slow patient tortoise eventually catches up. The model suggests that there is a maximum stable cluster size, beyond which clusters will “down-size”, as a proton at the edge is ejected by the repulsions from all the other protons. This is in contrast to the behaviour of clusters smaller than the stable maximum, which look like they will stay the same size, and internally adjust their p:n ratio. Summary The picture that emerges shows a nucleon cluster as being subject to conflicting internal forces, and having a mass-energy that is sensitive to its p:n ratio. The cluster may be unstable, and either fragment, or transform to a configuration with less mass-energy. We can view a cluster as a transient configurations of nucleons, that will transform to a more stable configuration if it gets the chance. A nuclide, a specific configuration of protons and neutrons, is then a stage in this process. Our brief look at a very simple nuclear model suggests that… (1) a cluster of a constant total number of nucleons has a minimum mass-energy, and is therefore stable, at some particular p:n ratio, (2) clusters with a constant p:n ratio have an optimum size, at which they are most tightly bound, and… (3) … a maximum size, beyond which they are unstable, and will down-size by ejecting a proton. We’ll now look at the real nuclides and see if these inferences are valid. 3.4 Real nuclei 3.4.1 what does a nucleus look like? We're ready now to stand "outside" the nucleus, and look at the way the nucleons are packed inside. We're now viewing the nucleons as simple spheres, like marbles gathered together in a spherical cluster in a string bag. However, this simple picture is static, and we will see that the nucleons in the cluster are in incessant motion: “Perceived from outside, a stable atomic nucleus looks like a solid citizen of nature; but way inside there is a boiling microcosm - a world of complex unstable hadron interactions”. D:\116105936.doc Page 27 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei We’ll now look inside a nucleus, and try to get a “feel” of the tiny world to which nucleons are confined. particle scattering tells us the size We probe very small objects like nuclei, by firing even smaller particles at them, and seeing how these are scattered. When we use negatively charged electrons as probes, they respond to the oppositely charged protons in the nucleus, and thereby give us an idea how closely the nucleons are packed. the nucleus has a fuzzy boundary Such scattering experiments show that the nucleus is not a hard sphere, like a snooker ball, but has a “fuzzy” edge, where its density gradually falls to zero. The nucleons are packed tightly together in the central region, giving a constant density, and thin out at the edge – figure 3.10. pictorial visualisation of the distribution of nucleons in a large nucleus central dense region of closely packed nucleons the nucleus "skin" where the nucleons are thinning out and the density is decreasing the outermost nucleons, where the nucleus density has fallen to zero a plot of the density of nucleons in the nucleus Figure 3.10: upper – a pictorial representation of the protons and neutrons in a nucleus. The effective radius can be simply expressed as 1.2 times the cube root of the total number of nucleons (A) – se the text below. lower – a plot of the density of nucleon packing across the nucleus some real nuclei D:\116105936.doc Page 28 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Figure 3.11 shows the charge density plots for several nuclei, from small helium, with only 2 protons, to massive lead, with 82. Here the density of electric charge on the protons is used as a measure of how tightly the nucleons are packed. the approximate plot for hydrogen, H(1p), goes way up beyond this graph lead (Pb) nucleus dense central region skin edge if the lead nucleus was a hard sphere it would have a charge distribution like this Figure 3.11: charge distributions for a range of nuclei: helium, He (2p,2n); calcium, Ca (20p,20n); nickel, Ni (28p,30n); samarium, Sm (62p,90n) and lead, Pb (82p,126n). Only part of the plot for hydrogen, H (1p,0n) can be shown, since the charge is so concentrated. In the lead nucleus the nucleons are tightly packed together, out to about 5 fm, beyond which is the "skin", where they are packed more and more loosely, with the outermost nucleons being about 9 fm from the nucleus centre. Helium has only 2 protons, but is very compact - about 3 fm to the outer nucleons - and so has a large central charge density. The hydrogen nucleus, a single proton, has its single charge concentrated in a very small region. checking the empirical radius formula The nuclear radius depends on the number of nucleons, and approximately follows the empirical equation… rnucleus = r0 A1/3 where A1/3 is the cube root of the number of nucleons, and the constant r0~1.2 fm. The "effective" nuclear size is usually taken as the radius at a point about half way up the charge density slope, as is shown for calcium (Ca) by the red arrow (labelled R) in figure 22. Using this, we can check the empirical formula for some of the nuclei. D:\116105936.doc Page 29 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei For helium-4, He-4, rHe = 1.2 x 41/3 = 1.9 fm, and for lead-208, Pb-208, rPb = 1.2 x 2081/3 = 7.1 fm. In each case, the formula puts the effective nucleus boundary 1-2 fm inside the point where the charge density fades to zero. The charge on a single proton is very concentrated, so only part of its curve can be shown, and this suggests a radius a little less than 1 fm. This agrees fairly well with the current value of the proton charge radius, which is given as 0.877 fm. a simple sum We can also do a simple sum, which might help us get more of a “feel” for the physical presence of the nucleus. The dotted blue line shows the charge distribution in a lead nucleus, if it was truly like a snooker ball, and had a uniform charge density and a sharp boundary. In this form it’s a sphere with a radius close to 7 fm, and a charge density about 0.06 electron charges/fm3 (e/fm3). We can use this to estimate the number of proton charges in the nucleus. So the lead nucleus volume = 1.33 r3 = 1.33 x x 73 = 1437 fm3 With a uniform charge density of ~0.06 e/fm3, this will contain 1437 x 0.06 = 86 proton charges (remembering that protons and electrons carry the same amount of charge, just opposite in sign). This rough figure of 86 is satisfactorily close to the figure of 82 proton charges the lead nucleus actually holds. how big is a nucleon? We can use the figures above to get an idea of how closely the nucleons are packed inside a nucleus. A lead nucleus, with a volume of 1437 fm 3 contains 208 nucleons. So each nucleon occupies a volume of 1437/208 = 6.9 fm 3. If we treat this as a cube, enabling the nucleons to be closely packed in a 3-D cluster, then its side length is the cube root of 6.9 = 1.9 fm. So the nucleons are about 1.9 fm apart; they have a "size" of a bit under 2 fm. This makes the average nucleon radius a bit less than 1 fm, which fits with the value given above for the proton charge radius, and with Bertulani - "The radius of protons and neutrons that compose the nucleus is of the order of 1 fm." So, we have a working grasp of the size of a nucleon – it has a radius of about 0.8-0.9 fm, and so is bit less than 2 fm across. If we scale nucleons up so that 1 fm becomes 1 cm, then a proton will sit on the tip of one finger. A helium nucleus is about 3-4 finger widths, and a lead nucleus is about two hand breadths across. D:\116105936.doc Page 30 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Generally, protons and neutrons are described as having a size of “about a fermi”. In the end, thankfully, precise sizes are not an issue for us here! A football as heavy as Everest We’ve perhaps got a “feel” for a nucleus as something like a string bag full of marbles – something we can imagine holding in our hand. It’s worth reminding ourselves that this is not ordinary material. Nuclei are incredibly dense – “if a solid football were made of pure nuclear matter, it would weigh as much as Mt Everest.” 3.4.2 the nuclide plot Figure 3.12 is a standard plot of the known nucleon clusters - the known nuclides - in “nucleon-space”. the biggest stable nucleus - cluster-208 45o this diagonal line is for cluster-200 (Z+N=200). The p:n ratio varies along the line, with one stable combination, at (80p,120n). large clusters have ratios of 1p:~1.5n increasingly proton-rich arc of stable and long-lived nuclides (black cells) nuclides with p:n ratios further from the stable arc are more unstable increasingly neutron-rich ratio about 1p:1n highly unstable nuclides, with half lives < 0.1 s (red cells) all nuclides on a vertical line have the same number of neutrons (here N=20) all nuclides on a horizontal line have the same number of protons (here Z=20) Figure 3.12: Decay half lives for the known nuclei. The colour code follows the visible spectrum, with black for stable and very long-lived nuclei, then from purple through to red as half lives get shorter. Note that this makes bismuth-209, with a very long half-life, appear as the last stable nuclide. The neutron and proton numbers are plotted along the x- and y-axes, respectively. The nuclides range in size from 1 proton up to massive clusters of about 180 neutrons and 120 protons. There are thus nearly 22,000 potential proton/neutron combinations, out of which, about 3,200 are known, and of these a mere 260 or so are stable, the thin arc of stable nuclides, shown as black cells running diagonally across the diagram. The coloured D:\116105936.doc Page 31 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei cells represent known but unstable nuclides, and beyond these, in the grey area of the plot, the clusters are so unstable and short-lived that they effectively don't exist. There is a limit to the size of a stable cluster - the biggest has 82 protons and 208 nucleons, and is about 14 fm, roughly 7 nucleons, across. Bigger clusters than this are found naturally and can be artificially made, but they are all unstable. moving around in nucleon-space We need to be able to “move around” comfortably in nucleon-space. Vertical lines mark clusters with the same number of neutrons, while horizontal lines mark clusters with the same number of protons. The 45o diagonals are important lines that mark clusters of the same size, where the total of protons and neutrons (Z + N) is constant. So the nuclides on a diagonal line all belong to the same cluster “family”, having the same number of nucleons, but different p:n ratios. The diagram shows the diagonal for cluster-200. Of all the possible p/n combinations in this cluster, only one is stable – the nuclide (80p,120n). We could draw 208 diagonals for all the clusters up to the largest stable nuclide. stability is sensitive to p:n ratio Up to the maximum stable size of 208, all cluster families behave similarly, in that stability is sensitive to the p:n ratio. Shifting a cluster’s p:n ratio along the diagonal away from the stable value in either direction makes it increasingly unstable, and consequently have a shorter half life. The outermost nuclides are very unstable, with half-lives less than 0.1 seconds. This far out, the p:n ratio is so extreme that a nuclide may eject a proton or neutron, so quickly that “the nucleus may not have a distinct existence before the nucleon is emitted”. the shifting p:n ratio and the arc of stable nuclides In small clusters the stable ratio is very close to 1p:1n, shifting to 1p:~1.5n in the biggest stable clusters. Having worked with the simple model, we can understand this shift. Decreasing the p:n ratio (that is, having more neutrons than protons) will tend to stabilise larger clusters, since converting pn will reduce the number of proton repulsions within the cluster. But this can only go so far, for there comes a point where the benefit of removing another repulsive proton is outweighed, literally, by the gain in mass due to the heavier neutron. We thus have the “arc of stable nuclides”, that makes a gentle curve in nuclide space. cluster size and stability D:\116105936.doc Page 32 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei A nuclide plot, with the nuclides colour-coded to show the average binding energy for each nucleon is shown in figure 3.13. unstable clusters - repulsive forces are bigger than attractive forces the biggest stable cluster, where the attractive and repulsive forces are just balanced. This holds 208 nucleons and is about 14 fm across. the spine of the binding energy "ridge" following a constant sized cluster across the “ridge” the colour coding shows binding energy decreasing outwards from the central black region the clusters with the biggest binding energies hold about 60 nucleons (~9-10 fm across), with a p:n ratio close to 1:1 Figure 3.13: Binding energies per nucleon for all nuclei. B/A = binding energy/number of nucleons, colour coding gives values in keV/nucleon The colour coding shows the nuclide binding energies to form a long narrow ridge in nuclide space. The maximum binding energy occurs at a cluster size of about 60, with a p:n ratio of about 1:1. The binding energies steadily decrease as you move away from this size and ratio. the binding energy ridge If we view this as a contoured geographical map, we can see a narrow ridge, with its summit near the south-west end. If we start at the south-west end and follow the spine along its length, we climb steeply to the summit, then have a long gentle descent to the biggest clusters. These still have quite large binding energies, but the steady accumulation of protons and their growing mutual repulsions eventually make the clusters unstable, as we saw in figure 3.9. In walking along the ridge we are changing the cluster size, and keeping the proton:neutron ratio pretty much the same. But what if we walk across the ridge? Now we are keeping the cluster size the same, and changing the proton:neutron ratio. Wherever D:\116105936.doc Page 33 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei we cross, we'll have a short climb to the spine, and then a similarly short descent; the binding energy rapidly peaks and then decreases. the simple model checks out These nuclide plots confirm the inferences of the simple 2-D model of nuclei. Cluster stability is sensitive to p:n ratio, with the stable nuclides in each cluster-family having the greatest binding energy, and therefore the minimum mass-energy (prediction 1). The binding energy per nucleon is greatest for clusters of a certain size, ~60 nucleons (prediction 2). There is a maximum stable cluster size, which is 208 nucleons (prediction 3). stable and unstable The nuclide chart shows us that the vast majority of the known proton/neutron combinations are unstable, either because of their p:n ratio, or because they are too big. The simple cluster model explains this, but questions remain: what do unstable nuclides do? And what decides that a nuclide will be stable? We will see that an unstable nuclide has a limited number of available options, that a nuclide’s stability depends on its neighbours, and that most stable nuclides are not all that they seem. 3.4.3 the nuclear valley We’ve seen that the mass of a set of nucleons is less when they are bound in a cluster, than when they are free, and that this mass loss is released as the binding energy. The greater the mass loss, the more binding energy is released, and the more tightly the cluster is bound. Thus the average mass of the nucleons in a cluster is a measure of how tightly they are bound. If we take the 2-D nuclide plot of figure xXx, and incorporate the average nucleon mass on the vertical axis, we get the 3D plot shown in figure 3.14. This is the “nuclear valley”, in which all the known nuclides reside. D:\116105936.doc Page 34 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei mass per nucleon The most stable nuclides, with the smallest mass per nucleon, are at the lowest point in the valley, around cluster-60 the largest nuclides, and highly unstable neutrons ,N the smallest nuclides proto ns Z The long shallow mass per nucleon curve for all stable nuclides. (black cells) the beta-decay curve for one cluster family (~115 nucleons) add more curves the biggest stable nuclide – cluster-208 nuclides further from the arc of stability have bigger values for mass/nucleon, and are higher up the valley slopes mass per nucleon highly unstable nuclides with very short half lives, <0.1 seconds (red cells) Figure 3.14: A panoramic view of the nuclear valley finding our way around the nuclear valley Plotting the average nucleon mass on the vertical axis has transformed the flat 2-D nuclide plot into the 3-D nuclear valley. The entirety of the valley is best seen from the large nuclide end, with the small nuclides in the far distance. The valley is long and narrow, with steep sides at the small nuclides end, widening in the middle, and becoming more of a broad slope for the very large nuclides at the near end. The 2-D and 3-D plots both show the nuclides colour coded by half life, and can be directly compared. Every one of the roughly 3,200 cells in the valley terrain represents a known nuclide, with the cell height representing its average nucleon mass. Of all the possible proton/neutron combinations, these coloured cells represent the few nuclides that exist long enough to be known and named, and of these, only a small minority are stable. The valley is bordered by the highly unstable, short-lived nuclides., beyond which the nuclides “survive for such a brief period, they can hardly be said to exist D:\116105936.doc Page 35 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei at all”. The terrain of the nuclear valley is the “habitat”, in which the nuclides co-exist and interact. the nuclear valley is defined by two curves The shape of the nuclear valley can be visualised in terms of two curves - or rather, one long curve that is intersected by a set of transverse curves. This resembles the skeleton of a wooden boat, in which the long curving keel is intersected by a set of transverse ribs (figure 3.15). the ribs: individual curves for the cluster families mass/nucl eon the keel: the arc of stable nuclides neutro ns 2-D nuclide plot diagonal for a cluster-family curving arc of stability proton s line for ratio 1p: 1n Figure 3.15: The curves of the nuclear valley superimposed on the skeleton of a boat. The 2-D plot can be seen as a projection of the 3-D plot on to a flat surface. The 2-D nuclide plot is shown as a projection of the boat skeleton, helping us to relate the two views. Thus the arc of stable nuclides can be seen as the “keel” of the nuclear valley, and the set of cluster-family curves then are the “ribs”. All nuclides (up to the 208 stable maximum) lie on a rib, and the keel connects the lowest point of each transverse rib. the arc of stable nuclides follows the valley bottom The 2-D plot (figure 3.12) showed the stable nuclides as the black cells, lying on a long curving arc in nuclide space. We can now see that this stable arc runs along the bottom of D:\116105936.doc Page 36 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei the nuclear valley (figure 3.14), dropping steeply from the single proton at the far end, and then rising slowly to end at the largest stable nuclide, cluster-208. The very lowest point on this stable arc, at a cluster size of about 60 nucleons, represents nuclides with the smallest average nucleon mass. the cluster families traverse the valley In the 2-D plot each cluster family, containing a fixed number of nucleons, lay on a straight diagonal line, that crossed the arc of stable nuclides. In the 3-D view, we can see that each cluster family traverses the nuclear valley in a U-shaped curve, dropping down the slope on one side, crossing the stable arc at the bottom, and continuing up the other side. Just about every cluster family, up to 208 nucleons, has one, maybe two, stable nuclides, situated at or near the bottom of its U-shaped mass-energy curve. The stable nuclide(s) in every cluster are those with the lowest average nucleon mass, that release the maximum binding energy. We can now see that the further a nuclide deviates from its cluster’s stable p:n ratio, the higher it is up the valley slope, and generally its half life is shorter. There are no stable nuclides to be found on the valley slopes. the valley’s lowest point is around cluster-60 The arc of stable nuclides follows the valley bottom, with the lowest point at around cluster-60, where the nuclides have the smallest average mass per nucleon. All the other stable nuclides have more than this minimum value, and are therefore less strongly bound, and so, strictly speaking, they are unstable. an inconsistency? We seem to have an inconsistency. If we look at a transverse curve for a single cluster, the only stable configuration is the nuclide with least mass per nucleon. However, if we look down the length of the valley, there is an almost unbroken series of nuclides carrying excess mass that are stable. It looks as if an individual cluster can readily rearrange itself to the stable lowest mass configuration, but there are constraints to clusters acquiring or ejecting nucleons, and thereby changing size. In terms of the terrain of the nuclear valley, individual clusters can internally rearrange themselves to descend transversely towards the valley bottom, but the stable nuclides can’t gain or lose nucleons, and move towards cluster-60 at the lowest point of the valley. 3.4.4 The nuclear binding energy and mass curves D:\116105936.doc Page 37 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei If we now select only the stable nuclides, and plot their average values for binding energy/nucleon and mass/nucleon, then we get the two graphs in figure 3.16. binding energy/nucleon (MeV) oxygen-16 (8p,8n) neon-20 (10p,10n) magnesium-24 (12p,12n) 9 8 carbon-12: 6p,6n nucleus mass: 12 x 931.24 = 11,175 binding energy 12 x 7.68 = 92 total 11,267 Separate nucleons 6 protons: 6 x 938.27= 5630 6 neutrons: 6 x 939.57 = 5637 total 11,267 7 6 5 4 3 iron-56: 26p,30n nucleus mass 52,090 binding energy 492 total 52,582 Separate nucleons 26 protons 24,395 30 neutrons 28,187 total 52,582 2 deuterium: 1p,1n mass: 2 x 937.8= 1875.6 binding energy:2x1.1= 2.2 total 1877.8 1 proton 938.27 1 neutron 939.57 total 1877.8 mass/nucleon (MeV) 1 hydrogen: 1p mass 938.27 binding energy 0 total 938.27 0 939 938 937 lead-208: 82p,126n nucleus mass 193,687 binding energy 1,636 total 195,323 Separate nucleons 82 protons 76,938 126 neutrons 118,386 total 195,324 helium-4: 2p,2n nucleus mass: 4 x 931.85 = 3,727.4 binding energy: 4 x 7.07= 28.3 total 3,755.7 Separate nucleons 2 protons: 2 x 938.27 = 1876.5 2 neutrons: 2 x 939.57= 1879.1 total 3,755.7 936 935 934 933 932 931 930 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 cluster size Figure 3.16: Graphs of binding energies (upper) and mass (lower) per nucleon for the stable nuclides. The figures in the box for lead-208 appear inconsistent, but this is due to rounding to the nearest whole MeV. mirror image graphs Plotting the average values per nucleon means that the graphs are independent of nucleon identity and cluster size. We have recently been introduced to these curves: the upper graph is the profile of the binding energy ridge (figure 3.13), and the lower graph is the profile of the bottom of the nuclear valley (figure 3.14). D:\116105936.doc Page 38 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei In the upper graph we can see the binding energy start at zero for a single unbound proton, rise rapidly to a maximum of nearly 9 MeV/nucleon around cluster-60, and then slowly decrease as the cluster size increases to the biggest stable nuclide. The lower graph, for the average mass per nucleon, is the mirror image of the upper, since the binding energy of the cluster is "paid for" by the nucleons' loss of mass (see section 3.2.3 on the mass-energy bank accounts). We’ll now see how the mass-energy accounting works with carbon-12. carbon-12 – doing the accounting for mass and binding energy In carbon-12 (6p,6n), the average nucleon mass is only 931.24 MeV, so the cluster of 12 nucleons has a mass of 11,175 MeV, much less than the mass of the separate nucleons. The mass difference of 92 MeV is the binding energy. Thus "we see that [carbon-12] is considerably less massive than the sum of its twelve building blocks. The disappearing mass is caused by the negative energy of the binding of those twelve nucleons together. Einstein's E=mc2 explains the amount exactly !" The “negative energy of the binding” is due to the attraction of the nuclear force. If we want to separate the nucleons in the carbon-12 nuclide, we have to supply the binding energy in order to restore the missing mass. The nucleus of the hydrogen atom is a single proton, so its binding energy is zero. This is the only nucleus that suffers no mass loss. The example of deuterium, that introduced the concept of binding energy, is now shown in context, and there are also figures for other nuclides, with the working shown for helium-4 and carbon-12. The general pattern for the bound nuclei is... mass of bound nucleus + binding energy = total mass of separate unbound nucleons. The helium-4 (2p,2n) nuclide is a very stable cluster, with a large binding energy, and so it shows as a peak on the upper graph. There are nuclides that are multiples of He-4, that also have relatively large binding energies, and these show as smaller peaks on the rising binding energy curve. We'll see later how alpha particles play an important part in the build-up of small nuclides, and also the decay of large ones. energy “invested” in matter If we see a nuclide as the result of the conversion of energy into matter, then the lower graph shows how the relative “efficiency” of this conversion varies with cluster size. For D:\116105936.doc Page 39 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei helium-4 the conversion rate is about 932 MeV/nucleon. For the slightly better rate of 931 MeV/nucleon you can assemble clusters of about 20 or about 180 nucleons. But the nuclide iron-56 has the lowest mass per nucleon of all the nuclides – we get a cluster of 26 protons and 30 neutrons at the bargain rate of only 930.175 MeV/nucleon. No other nuclide offers a better deal. mass per nucleon and binding energy per nucleon – a technical section We’ve got to be a bit careful here, with binding energies and masses. Average mass/nucleon Iron-56 (26p,30n), Nickel-60 (28p,32n), Nickel-62 (28p,34n), 930.175 MeV 930.181 MeV 930.187 MeV Binding energy/nucleon Nickel-62, 8.795 MeV iron-58, 8.792 MeV Iron-56, 8.790 MeV So, if you want to release the maximum binding energy per nucleon, bring together 28 protons and 34 neutrons into a nickel-62 nuclide. If you want to have the least mass per nucleon, then assemble 26 protons and 30 neutrons into an iron-56 nuclide. So nickel-62 is the most strongly bound nuclide, but iron-56 has the least mass/nucleon. Iron-56 has slightly less binding energy, but has a smaller proton:neutron ratio, and so fewer of the heavier neutrons, and so has the least mass per nucleon. Similarly, if you choose the smaller apples from the available selection, then your average price per apple is less. So, the nuclide iron-56 (26p,30n) sets the very lowest point in the nuclear valley, but it is not the most strongly bound. However, the values of mass/nucleon for the different nuclides define the nuclear valley, and allow us to determine whether a nuclear reaction is energetically favourable. If a set of nucleons can be rearranged with a loss of mass, then there will be a release of binding energy, and the process will be energetically favourable. Wallerstein gives a nice example of this for two nuclides in the cluster-36 family: argon-36 (18p,18n) and chlorine-36 (17p,19n). The chlorine nucleus has a slightly larger binding energy, but is slightly heavier, because of the larger proportion of heavier neutrons. Argon should decay to the more tightly bound chlorine, but does not do so, because this would involve a mass increase. Iron-56 has commonly been described as the most tightly bound nuclide, but in fact it comes (a very close) third in the binding energy competition. Yet iron-56 is more abundant in the universe than nickel-62. We shall see that the creation of the nuclides in stars was influenced by the ongoing nuclear reactions as much as nuclide stability. D:\116105936.doc Page 40 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Iron-56 is a very important nuclide, that marks a threshold in the lives of stars and the creation of the chemical elements. I shall describe it as the nuclide with the smallest average nucleon mass. I shall follow the example of Williams who states, “The binding energy per nucleon of nuclei is greatest near A = 60”, where A is the physicists’ symbol for cluster size, and this will be the basis for our understanding fusion and fission processes. 3.5 Cluster-12 - an individual cluster seeks stability We will now look at an individual cluster to start to learn what unstable nuclides do, and what decides if a nuclide is stable. We’ll take the small cluster-12 as representative for all the clusters up to 208, the biggest cluster capable of stability. 3.5.1 the cluster-12 family in nuclide-space Cluster-12, the “family” of 12 nucleons, lies down at the bottom left corner of nuclidespace (figure 3.12). Figure 3.17 shows a detail of this region of nuclide-space, with the cluster-12 family of nuclides lying along the diagonal line. D:\116105936.doc Page 41 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei proton number, Z All nuclides in the cluster-12 family lie on this diagonal line so that in every case Z + N = 12. Arc of stable nuclides 12 (7p,5n) decays by pn T1/2 = 11 ms (8p,4n) decays by ejecting a proton T1/2 < 10 -15 s 11 10 9 (6p,6n) stable 8 7 (5p,7n) decays by np T1/2 = 20 ms (4p,8n) decays by np T1/2 = 21 ms 6 proton-rich 5 (3p,9n) decays by ejecting a neutron T1/2 < 10 -8 s 4 3 2 1 the atomic mass of each nuclide along the cluster12 diagonal is plotted in the graph neutron-rich 0 1 2 3 atomic mass 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 neutron number, N 11,230 11,220 The (6p,6n) combination has the lowest mass of the cluster-12 family 11,210 11,200 11,190 11,180 11,170 4 5 6 7 8 9 neutron number proton emission beta-plus decay and electron capture (pn) stable nuclide beta-minus decay (np) neutron emission alpha-decay (ejection of (2p,2n) Figure 3.17: The cluster-12 mass-energy valley. The decay modes are colour coded as shown. The inset graph plots the atomic masses of the The nuclides in the cluster-12 family run from the very proton-rich (8p,4n) to the very neutron-rich (3p,9n), with only the nuclide (6p,6n) being stable, and the inset graph shows that this has the least mass of all the nuclides in the cluster-12 family. D:\116105936.doc Page 42 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei the weak interaction In the last chapter we encountered the weak interaction, mediated by the W and Z0 bosons, that interchanges protons and neutrons. We can summarise these nuclear reactions as follows… beta-minus (np) decay: n0 p+ + e- + beta-plus (pn) decay: p+ n0 + e+ + We saw in chapter 2 that this reaction is energetically favourable if it reduces the atomic mass by more than 2 electron masses (2 x m e = 1.02 MeV). If this is not the case, then the transformation can be achieved if the nuclide captures an electron. electron capture (effectively pn): p+ + e- n0 + In this chapter, we will see that these beta-decay reactions are the means for an unstable configuration of nucleons to move towards stability. the beta-decays of the unstable nuclides Nuclides with extreme p:n ratios eject a nucleon, to become a smaller cluster, and nearer to the arc of stable nuclides. In less extreme cases, nuclides undergo one form of betadecay, transforming one nucleon type to the other, and moving one diagonal step towards the stable ratio. Thus, “beta decay is the process by which complex nuclei return towards the line of stability by emitting electrons or positrons, or by electron capture.” the cluster-12 family traverses the nuclear valley The cluster-12 family traverses the nuclear valley, and so a plot of the nuclide masses is a cross-section of the valley at that point. The nuclides in the cluster-12 family bear out the predictions of the simple model. A cluster has an optimum p:n ratio that minimises its mass: too many protons, and the mass increases due to their electrical repulsions, but too many of the heavier neutrons also increases the mass. Nuclides on either side of this optimum ratio are unstable due to their excess mass, and undergo beta-decay to interchange protons and neutrons and reduce it. Nuclides further from the stable (6p,6n) ratio have bigger masses and shorter half lives. a sequence of decay steps Unstable nucleon combinations transform themselves in a sequence of decay steps to become the stable minimum mass nuclide. Nuclide (4p,8n) becomes (5p,7n), which becomes the stable (6p,6n), each decay “moving” the configuration one cell down the D:\116105936.doc Page 43 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei slope of the nuclear valley. The beta decay reactions enable an individual cluster to reduce its mass and work towards stability. Clusters very far from stability take a more violent course and eject a proton or neutron, thus becoming a cluster one nucleon smaller, which then follows a similar decay sequence. 3.5.2 the cluster-12 family in the nuclear valley Figure 3.18 shows the view of the nuclear valley as seen from the high peaks at the end with the smallest nuclides. The arc of stable nuclides runs along the valley bottom into the far distance, with the proton-rich nuclides on the left, and the neutron-rich on the right. the nuclides with the least mass per nucleon, at the bottom of the valley eject a neutron (lilac) unstable proton-rich nuclides move towards stability by transforming pn (yellow cells) unstable neutron-rich nuclides move towards stability by transforming np (blue cells) the dotted line shows the nuclides in the cluster-12 family eject a proton (pink) (4p,8n) (8p,4n) proton number (3p,9n) (7p,5n) (5p,7n) neutron number (6p,6n) Figure 3.18: Looking down to the bottom of the nuclear valley from the high peaks of the small nuclides. The decay of the cluster-12 family of nuclides can be seen in the context of the bigger pattern. Nuclides are colour-coded by decay mode. The dotted line shows the atomic mass curve for the cluster-12 family (see back to the last figure). The stable configuration of this cluster has the lowest mass-energy, and sits at the bottom of the "valley of stability". The nuclides to either side are like “boulders D:\116105936.doc Page 44 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei perched up the side of the valley”, and they decay so as to reduce their larger massenergies, "falling" down the energy slopes towards stability. boulders roll, water flows, nuclides decay Every cluster-family has its own mass-energy curve, that traverses the valley and intersects the arc of stability. The unstable nuclides interchange protons and neutrons, and move in a series of beta-decays downhill towards the arc of stability at the valley bottom. Boulders roll, water flows, nucleon clusters decay – all seeking the state of lowest energy. energy invested in matter We have seen that matter is created from energy, according to the equation… E = mc2 or rather, m = E / c2 Thus energy is converted into matter, and in a sense, energy is incorporated or invested in matter. The valley of stability for cluster-12 shows the “efficiency” of converting energy to 12 nucleons of matter. The most efficient configuration of matter is as the cluster (6p,6n), anything else has a greater mass. Thus the unstable cluster-12 nuclides decay to reduce their mass, and thereby increase efficiency of the energy to matter conversion. 3.6 An inner structure to the nuclear cluster We’ve seen that the average mass per nucleon of a cluster is determined by its p:n ratio and its size, and in explaining this, we have regarded nucleons in the cluster as if they are all mixed up, like marbles in a string bag, or like molecules in a drop of liquid water. But there is evidence that indicates that nuclei have an inner organisation and structure, that favours configurations with pairs and “magic” numbers of nucleons. 3.6.1 nucleon pairs - clusters-100 and -101 It has been found experimentally that like nucleons “pair up” in the nucleus, so two protons are always more strongly bound than a single proton – and the same goes for neutrons. The greater stability of nucleon pairs affects the stability of clusters bigger than ~20. We’ll look at two examples – cluster-101 and cluster-100. cluster-101 Figure 3.19 shows the mass of different p:n combinations in cluster-101. D:\116105936.doc Page 45 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei proton-rich pn reaction or electron capture neutron-rich np decay atomic mass (MeV) 94,002 large mass losses, decay by electron capture and pn reaction 94,001 94,000 93,999 Decay by np 93,998 small mass loss, decay only by electron capture 93,997 93,996 93,995 Only one combination is stable 93,994 93,993 93,992 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 neutron number all proton and neutron numbers are odd-even– one Figure 3.19: The mass-energy curve for cluster-101 has only one minimum stable p:n ratio Proton number 47 odd or even? oe 46 eo 45 oe 44 eo 43 oe 42 eo 41 oe The pattern is similar to what we saw for cluster-12. There is one stable p:n combination, with the smallest mass. On either side of this the masses increase, due either to the electrical repulsions between protons on the left, or to the heavier neutrons on the right. Neutron-rich combinations decay by the beta-minus np reaction. Proton-rich combinations can convert a proton to a neutron, either by the beta-plus pn reaction, or by electron capture. We’ve seen that if the atomic mass difference is bigger than twice the electron mass, then both of these reactions can occur, and this applies to nuclides (47p,54n) and (46p,55n). However, nuclide (45p,56n) can only decay to (44p,57n) by electron capture, since the atomic mass difference is only about 0.6 MeV. Cluster-101 has an odd number of nucleons, so whatever the p:n combination, one of them will be odd, and one even. These are shown as “oe” and “eo” under the graph. Thus there is one unpaired nucleon in every combination. cluster-100 Now compare this with cluster-100, whose atomic mass graph for the different p:n combinations is quite different (figure 3.20). D:\116105936.doc Page 46 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei atomic mass (MeV) proton-rich pn reaction or electron capture neutron-rich np decay 93,074 93,072 electron capture only 93,070 two decay routes... by electron capture (~2 in 1,000 decays) or by np (~100%) not completely stable...half life 8.5 x 1018 y, decay by double np to (44p,56n) 93,068 93,066 93,064 the only truly stable combination 93,062 93,060 53 54 55 56 57 58 Proton number 47 Odd or even? oo 46 ee 45 oo 44 ee 43 oo 42 ee 59 60 neutron number 41 oo 40 ee proton and neutron numbers are either “oo” or “ee” Figure 3.20: The mass-energy curve for cluster-100 has two minima - but only one truly stable p:n ratio This cluster has an even number of nucleons, so the proton and neutron numbers are either both odd, “oo”, or both even, “ee”. In the broad valley of stability the alternation between “oo” and “ee” affects the cluster mass, so there are now two minima in the curve – the main one at (44p,56n) and a second at (42p,58n). The first is truly stable - this is the combination with the lowest mass-energy. The second must surely be stable too, after all, the nuclides to either side have larger masses. But if this nuclide (42p,58n) could somehow transform two neutrons to protons at the same time, then it could become the nuclide (44p,56n). And this nuclide is in fact unstable, though it is often shown as stable, having a very long half life of of 8.5 x 1018 years, and its decay mode is by a double np decay. Thus cluster-100 is only truly stable in one combination, (44p,56n), but effectively stable in another, (42p,58n). The combination (43p,57n), in between these two, has two possible decay reactions, one giving a much bigger reduction in mass than the other. The main decay is by the np reaction, losing a neutron, and about 3.2 MeV of mass. But in about about 2 in 1,000 decays it can “move” the other way and capture an electron, and thus lose a proton, but now only lose about 0.2 MeV of mass. clusters 100 and 101 in the nuclear valley D:\116105936.doc Page 47 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei If we position ourselves in the nuclear valley around cluster-90, looking in the direction of the heavy nuclides, we see the view shown in figure 3.21. the peak of the largest nuclides, marking one end of the valley the largest stable nuclide, lead-208 the cluster-101 curve has only one minimum one true stable nuclide 44p,57n the cluster-100 curve has two minima – one truly stable nuclide, and one with a very long half-life 44p,56n stable 42p,58n very slow decay by double np reaction to 44p,56n 43p,57n has 2 modes of decay to a lower mass nuclide Figure 3.21: The curves for clusters 100 and 101 nuclide families are in the foreground, with the mass peak for the biggest nuclides in the background. Nuclides are colour-coded by half life. In the middle distance the end of the black line marks the largest stable nuclide, and beyond that is the summit of the largest known nuclides, marking the end of the valley. In the foreground are the nuclides in clusters 100 and 101. The curve for cluster-101 has one true minimum, and one truly stable nuclide. The curve for cluster-100 has a little bump in it, with a minimum on either side. Thus there is one truly stable nuclide (44p,56n), and the other has such a long half life that it is marked here as stable. Thus the slight effects of nucleon pairings deep in the nucleus reveal themselves in the terrain of the nuclear valley. Patterns of stability If we extend what we’ve seen with cluster-100, this suggests that clusters with an even number of nucleons can have more than one stable combination. This is true, and we can now see why there are more than 208 stable nuclides. Stable nuclei with even numbers of D:\116105936.doc Page 48 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei protons are more numerous than ones with odd numbers, and the same is true for neutron numbers. Consequently, stable nuclides with even numbers of nucleons, “oo” and “ee”, are more numerous, and the latter even more so. Conversely, it looks as if there may be no stable odd-odd “oo” nuclides, and this is nearly true – the only exceptions are four light nuclei, each with less than 20 nucleons: (1p,1n), (3p,3n), (5p,5n) and (7p,7n). 3.6.2 Magic numbers Nucleon pairing is part of a bigger pattern, for it has been found that nuclides with certain numbers of protons or neutrons, commonly called magic numbers, are more tightly bound than neighbouring nuclides. The existence of these magic numbers can only be explained by seeing the nucleus as having a comprehensively organised structure, where nucleons arrange themselves in concentric shells, rather like the spherical layers of an onion, and quite unlike a liquid water drop. The “magic numbers are a signature that the nucleons lie in simple orbits”. The "magic" nucleon numbers which fill an inner shell and confer extra stability on a cluster are: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126 and they apply to both proton and neutron numbers separately (figure 3.22). magic numbers: protons… neutrons proton number, Z 2 8 20 28 50 82 128 the largest truly stable nuclide, lead208 (82p,126n) is doubly magic 82 there tend to be more stable nuclides with magic proton or neutron numbers 50 the doubly magic nuclide (50p,82n) 28 20 8 2 magic proton numbers helium-4 (2p,2n) is doubly magic neutron number, N D:\116105936.doc Page 49 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Figure 3.22: The magic shell numbers in the chart of nuclides A cluster with a full shell of either type of nucleon is more tightly bound, and the nuclide chart shows that there tend to be more stable nuclides when the proton or neutron number is magic. The tightly bound helium-4 (2p,2n) nuclide is doubly magic, as is the largest stable nuclide lead-208 (82p,128n). Elements with magic numbers of protons or neutrons are more abundant on Earth than elements with similar, but non-magic, nucleon numbers. magic numbers 50 and 82 The larger binding energies of nuclides with magic numbers of nucleons means that their average nucleon masses are slightly smaller, and we can discern this in the 3-D nuclear valley. Figure 3.23 shows a region of the nuclear valley where two magic numbers, 50 and 82, intersect at nuclide (50p,82n). neutron number 50 proton number 82 nuclide (50p,82n) all clusters along this line have the magic number 82 neutrons arc of stable nuclides All clusters along this line have the magic number 50 protons. Hence, thay are more stable, have less mass/nucleon, and so make a small step in the local slope. Figure 3.23: The intersection of the magic numbers 50 and 82 in the nuclear valley. Nuclides are colour coded by decay mode. Compare this with the 2-D nuclide plot. All the nuclides on the red dotted line have 50 protons, and those on the green line have 82 neutrons, and each of the intersecting rows of cells makes a slightly uneven step in the D:\116105936.doc Page 50 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei overall valley slope. As with nucleon pairings, the presence of a closed shell of nucleons in the magic number nuclides alters the topography of the nuclear valley. 3.6.3 Super-heavy clusters and the "Island of Stability" At the end of the arc of stability is cluster-208, which is doubly "magic", containing 82 protons and 126 neutrons. The next "magic" number is 184, and so it is believed that there may be an "island of stability" centred on a cluster with 184 neutrons and 114 or 126 protons - there is some uncertainty which of these is the "magic" number in clusters of this size. Various clusters containing 114 protons have been produced, which are comparatively stable for clusters this big. Such super-heavy clusters can be produced by colliding selected smaller clusters together. For example… cluster-48 (20p:28n) + cluster-244 (94p:150n) cluster-289 (114p:175n) + 3n ejected The product of this collision had a half life of about 2.6 seconds, before it decayed by emitting an alpha particle. This is clearly unstable, but the cluster is 9 neutrons short of the magic 184. The doubly magic cluster-298, comprising 114p:184n, is predicted to be more stable, with a half life of around 17 days. This kind of work takes patience: in some experiments it's taken around 5 billion billion collisions to produce a single super-heavy nuclide. 3.7 Fusion and fission – changing cluster size So far, we have focussed on individual cluster-families, each lying on a transverse curve that crosses the nuclear valley. We have seen how the nucleons are interchanged by beta-decay reactions to minimise the cluster’s mass-energy, and arrive at a stable configuration. Now we step back and widen our view to consider all the nuclides along the length of the valley, and look at how clusters gain or lose nucleons in the search for stability. There are two basic nuclear processes that change cluster size. Fusion is cluster growth, where two clusters merge into a single bigger cluster. Fission is the splitting of a cluster into smaller fragments. We have seen how the nucleon mass curve shows that the most energetically favourable cluster size is about 60 nucleons - figure 3.24. D:\116105936.doc Page 51 of 168 12/02/2016 mass/nucleon (MeV) “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 939 fusion of small clusters <~60 reduces the average mass/nucleon 938 937 1 x helium-4(2p,2n) 3 x helium-4(2p,2n) 1 x carbon-12(6p,6n) 936 = 3727.4 MeV = 11,182 MeV = 11,175 MeV saving = 7 MeV 2 x carbon-12(6p,6n) = 22,350 MeV 1 x magnesium-24(12p,12n = 22,336 MeV saving = 14 MeV 935 934 fragmentation of large clusters >~60 reduces the average mass/nucleon 933 932 931 930 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 cluster size Figure 3.24: Clusters of nucleons can reduce their average mass/nucleon by converging on the minimum at cluster size of 60. Small clusters grow by fusion; large clusters fragment by fission. The box gives the energy “savings” from the fusion of small clusters into bigger ones. For small clusters, less than about 60 nucleons, the average nucleon mass decreases as the cluster grows, up to about 60 nucleons. So, it is energetically favourable for a small cluster to undergo fusion and grow, since it will reduce its average nucleon mass, thereby releasing binding energy. For clusters larger than about 60 nucleons, past the minimum mass, the situation is reversed. The average nucleon mass is now increasing with cluster size, so now it is energetically favourable for large clusters to be smaller, and to downsize by fission. We’ll now look at how the processes of fusion and fission operate, and see what are the constraints on them. 3.7.1 fusion - the energetics of cluster growth The inset box in figure 3.24 gives some specific examples of the energy savings in a sequence of fusion reactions. Combining the three helium quartets into a single cluster of a dozen “saves” 7 MeV of mass-energy, which is released as binding energy. Bringing two such clusters of twelve together “saves” another 14 MeV. Fusion is energetically favourable only up to a cluster size of about 60. Further enlargement beyond that increases the average nucleon mass, thus requiring energy, rather than releasing it. D:\116105936.doc Page 52 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei We will see shortly how a sequence of fusion reactions such as these power the stars, and in so doing create many of the elements of our atomic world. small clusters are isolated by their mutual repulsion Clusters of less than ~60 nucleons are, strictly speaking, unstable, since it is energetically favourable for them to enlarge, at least up to a size of about 60. Yet our world is largely made of atoms with these small nuclei - such as carbon, oxygen, magnesium - that have been stable for billions of years. Why have these small clusters not all aggregated into clusters of 60 nucleons? Nucleon clusters carry large positive electrical charges, due to the protons they contain, and so they repel each other strongly. It is only at enormously high temperatures - tens of millions of degrees and more – that small clusters have enough kinetic energy to overcome this repulsion, and come together so their nucleons can mingle into a single larger cluster. At lesser temperatures, anywhere outside the interior of a star or a particle physics experiment, clusters never come together, but are forever isolated by their mutual repulsion. Thus nuclear fusion is a reaction that “wants” to happen, but can’t. What about nuclear fission? 3.7.2 fission - the energetics of cluster splitting the spectrum of nuclear fission reactions There is only one way for nuclear clusters to merge and undergo fusion, but for fission, there is a “spectrum of possibilities in which a heavy nucleus breaks into two (or more) parts…at one end of the spectrum the result is one small part and one large part, at the other it is two almost equal parts.” - figure 3.25. D:\116105936.doc Page 53 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei (a)…by ejecting a single proton or neutron… a nucleus can decay by fission… (b)…by ejecting a He-4 nucleus (2p,2n) alpha-decay (c)…or by ejecting a small nucleus like Ne-24, C-14 cluster decay (d)…or by splitting into two smaller nuclei, and some free neutrons spontaneous fission Figure 3.25: the range of nuclear fission processes Unstable nuclides can decay by ejecting a single nucleon (a), or a small cluster (b) and (c), or by splitting into two clusters of comparable size (d). The ejection of a quartet of nucleons, (2p,2n), is a common mode of decay among larger nuclides. This quartet is the nuclide helium-4, also known as an alpha particle, so this is commonly called alphadecay. A few nuclides that undergo alpha-decay also eject larger nuclides, such as carbon-14 (6p,8n) or neon-24 (10p,14n) - this rare mode is known as cluster decay. the pattern of decay of the known nuclides We’re ready now to view all these decay processes in the nuclide chart, now colour-coded by decay mode (figure 3.26). D:\116105936.doc Page 54 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei alpha-decay (yellow cells) the diagonal for cluster-145 spontaneous fission (green cells) beta-plus (pn) decay of unstable proton-rich nuclei (orange cells) largest truly stable cluster-208 ejection of a proton (red cells) arc of stable nuclides (black cells) beta-minus (np) decay of unstable neutron-rich nuclei (blue cells) ejection of a neutron (purple cells) stable nuclide beta-plus decay and electron capture (pn) beta-minus decay (np) proton emission neutron emission alpha-decay spontaneous fission Figure 3.26: The major decay modes of the known nuclides, colour coded as shown in the diagram. We can see the arc of stable nuclides, curving through nucleon-space from a single proton up to the maximum cluster size of 208 nucleons. On one side of this arc the proton-rich nuclides seek stability by the beta-plus (pn) decay reaction; on the other side, decay is by the beta-minus (np) reaction. The beta-decay reactions are important decay modes for nearly all clusters, up to about 250 nucleons. Decay by the ejection of a single nucleon is associated with highly unstable nuclides, with extreme proton/neutron ratios, that are situated at the edge of the nuclear valley. Alpha-decay becomes a significant decay mode for clusters bigger than ~145 nucleons, especially if they are proton-rich. Spontaneous fission is confined to the massive nuclides, way beyond the maximum stable cluster size. The one process that does not appear on this chart, of course, is fusion. This chart shows only the major decay modes of each nuclide. We shall see that many unstable nuclides, especially the larger ones, decay by more than one reaction, as the following example shows. D:\116105936.doc Page 55 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei the three decay modes of nuclide (77p,90n) Figure 3.27 shows nuclide (77p,90n), situated high up on the proton-rich slope of the nuclear valley. protons the nuclide (77p,90n) has 3 modes of decay… 77 (2) eject a proton mass-energy loss 939 MeV > mass of free proton probability: 32% (1) eject an alpha-particle mass-energy loss = 3734 MeV > mass of alpha particle probability: 48% (3) convert p n mass-energy loss = 9 MeV probability: 20% 76 atomic m Ir-167 (7 Os-166 Re-163 Os-167 Re-165 alpha Ir-167 155,5 3734 75 the nuclide (76p,90n) can only eject an alpha-particle (72% probability) or convert pn (28%). It cannot eject a proton, since this would decrease its mass-energy by only 937 MeV, less than the mass of a free proton. 74 73 87 88 89 90 91 92 neutrons Figure 3.27: the decay choices open to nuclides This highly unstable nuclide (it has a half life of only 35 ms) has three available modes of decay: it can fission, by ejecting either (1) an alpha-particle or (2) a proton, or it can (3) transform one proton to a neutron (beta-plus decay). the energy accounting of fission We have seen that fusion is energetically favourable if merging two smaller clusters into one larger one reduces the total mass. Similarly, fission is energetically favoured if the total mass of the fragments is less than the mass of the initial cluster - that is, the total mass of all the nucleons is reduced by the rearrangement. The initial decaying nuclide is D:\116105936.doc Page 56 of 168 12/02/2016 proton Ir-167 155,5 939.8 beta-p Ir-167 155,5 Os-16 .72… proton “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei commonly called the parent nuclide, and the smaller nuclide that is produced is called the daughter. Thus, proton ejection is energetically favourable if… mass of parent nuclide > mass of daughter nuclide + mass of proton (938 MeV) Similarly, for alpha-decay to be viable the condition is... mass of parent nuclide > mass of daughter nuclide + mass of alpha particle (3,727 MeV) So if the mass difference between the parent and daughter nuclides is bigger than the mass of the fragment to be ejected, then that mode of decay is energetically favourable. It is energetically favourable for nuclide (77p,90n) to undergo alpha-decay, because the mass of the daughter nuclide is less by 3734 MeV, which exceeds the mass of an alpha particle. Similarly, proton-decay is favourable because the the 939 MeV loss exceeds the proton mass. And finally, the nuclide can undergo the familiar beta-plus decay, transforming pn. a balance of probabilities The configuration of nucleons in the parent nuclide (77p,90n) thus has a choice of three ways to reduce its total mass - three decay routes across the nuclear valley terrain, all going downhill. The balance of probabilities is such that of 100 parent nuclides, about 48 will undergo alpha-decay, 32 will eject a proton, and the remaining 20 will undergo betaplus decay. If we piled one million parent nuclides on the cell (77p,90n) of nuclide space, like casino chips, then within a second they would be all gone, and a million new daughter nuclides would appear on the three nearby cells. What then happens to the daughter nuclides? We’ll look at one example, the daughter nuclide (76p,90n). The alpha and beta decay modes are available to this nuclide, but since ejecting a proton would reduce its mass by only 937 MeV, just less than the mass of a free proton, this mode of decay is not energetically viable (see figure 3.27). competition between nucleon configurations We’re discovering that a nuclide is not in itself inherently unstable. What makes a nuclide unstable is the existence of an accessible configuration with a smaller mass. In a sense, configurations compete for nucleons, and any configuration that can rearrange a set of nucleons with a reduction in mass is energetically favoured. If no energetically viable decay reaction is available, then the nuclide is, de facto, stable. D:\116105936.doc Page 57 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei is it enough for a decay reaction to be energetically favourable? We’ve seen that for a decay reaction to be viable, it must be energetically favourable - it must “pay its way”. But that does not mean that every decay mode that is energetically viable will occur - the small stable nuclides of less then ~60 nucleons have shown us that. It’s time for us to look at the fission of clusters larger than 60 nucleons. 3.7.3 Spontaneous fission fission is energetically viable for clusters >~100 nucleons Figure 3.28 is a close-up view of the minimum in the nucleon mass curve for the stable nuclides. We can see the mass per nucleon values fall steeply from cluster size 40 to the minimum at ~60, then begin their slow rise as the cluster gets bigger. mass/nucleon (MeV) 930.40 930.35 no change in the average nucleon mass fission increases the average nucleon mass 930.30 fission reduces the average nucleon mass 930.25 930.20 930.15 40 50 60 70 80 90 nucleons 100 Figure 3.28: The minimum in the nuclide mass-energy curve. Fission only becomes energetically favourable for nuclides bigger than ~100 nucleons We can use the graph to get a rough idea when it is energetically favourable for a larger cluster to split into two equal clusters. The average nucleon mass for a cluster of 80 nucleons is less than for a cluster of 40. Splitting a cluster of 80 nucleons into two clusters of 40 would increase the total mass, so it’s not energetically favourable. However, the graph shows that a cluster of around 95 or so nucleons can split into two equal clusters, with no change in the average mass per nucleon. It is then energetically favourable for D:\116105936.doc Page 58 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei clusters bigger than this to split in half, since the average nucleon mass is reduced, as the cluster-100 example shows. The fission process will become even more favourable as the cluster size increases further. Yet the nuclide chart shows the arc of stable nuclides to be nearly continuous up to cluster-208, and that spontaneous fission is the major mode of decay only for massive nuclides. So what prevents the stable nuclides larger than 100 nucleons decaying? spontaneous fission of very heavy nuclei It is only the very heaviest nuclides, beyond uranium, that decay by spontaneous fission, and usually in conjunction with other decay modes. Figure 3.29 shows a portion of the proton number, P nuclide chart beyond the stable cluster-208 limit. the cluster-238 family of nuclides ...beta-minus, np, ~8% uranium-238 (92p,146n) ...alpha, ~18% cluster-250 (96p, 154n) has 3 modes of decay… ...spontaneous fission into 2 similar size fragments, ~74% cluster-208, the end of the arc of stability neutron number, N Figure 3.29: Very large nuclides decay by a number of processes: spontaneous fission (green), alpha-decay (yellow) and beta-minus decay (blue). Some of the cells have an inset box; this gives information on other nuclear processes. We can see that spontaneous fission becomes a significant decay mode beyond cluster238. Cluster-250 decays by three processes, beta, alpha, and spontaneous fission. The familiar beta pn reaction "moves" the cluster one cell along the cluster-250 diagonal, while the alpha-decay reaction, which ejects an alpha-quartet of nucleons (2p,2n), moves the cluster two cells diagonally in nucleon-space towards stability. Compared to these two D:\116105936.doc Page 59 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei small, precise decay reactions, spontaneous fission is like a hyper-space jump. You can't predict what the fragments will be, though the usual outcome is that one has 90-100 nucleons, and the other has 130-140. Each decay mode has its own probability, as we saw for nuclide (77p,90n). the nucleus as a liquid drop If spontaneous fission is energetically favourable for nuclides larger than ~100 nucleons, why are there stable nuclides bigger than this? The reason is that in order for the nucleons to get to the lower energy state, arranged in two smaller nuclei, they must go through a higher energy configuration, that is, surmount an energy barrier. We’re familiar with the way water drops, falling from a dripping tap, pull themselves into a spherical shape as they fall. We might think of the surface tension, the attraction between the water molecules in the surface, as pulling the drop into a sphere. However, it’s more helpful to think of the surface tension giving the drop a surface energy, which is minimum for a spherical shape. A sphere is the shape with the least surface area for its volume, and any distortion in the drop’s shape increases its surface area, and hence its energy. The nucleus is similarly bound by the attractive nuclear force, and behaves in some ways like a liquid drop, and so nuclear fission then becomes analogous to a water drop splitting (figure 3.30). D:\116105936.doc Page 60 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei (a) A large nucleus, within which the nucleons are all randomly moving and colliding, making the nucleus “wobble”, and its shape change. (b) Nucleon collisions have disorted the nucleus shape – its surface area and energy have increased. (c) The nucleus shape has distorted further. Its energy is now a maximum, and it can either go back to the spherical shape (a), or distort further… (d) …into two smaller nuclei, with a neck developing between them. (e) Two smaller nuclei, of comparable size, with free neutrons and the conversion of the lost mass into energy. Figure 3.30: A large nucleus fissions like a water drop splits in two. A large nucleus “wobbles” due to the incessant movements and collisions of its nucleons (a), so its surface area gets bigger, and its energy increases (b). A large wobble distorts the nucleus, so its shape is something between a large stretched nucleus and two smaller nuclei very close together (c). At this point the nucleus energy is a maximum, and the nucleus may relax back into the single cluster, or carry on (d) and split into two smaller nuclei, with some free neutrons, and a release of energy from the loss of mass (e). We’ve seen that bigger clusters need more neutrons per proton for stability, so when a big cluster fissions into smaller fragments, the products are themselves unstable and there are some free neutron “leftovers”. The energy barrier opposing the splitting of a cluster of 238 nucleons is only 6-8 MeV high, a tiny fraction of the cluster’s mass of more than 200,000 MeV, but this is enough to make spontaneous fission nearly impossible. This energy barrier gets smaller as the cluster size increases, and beyond a cluster size of ~238 nucleons spontaneous fission becomes more common. why there are stable nuclides >100 nucleons D:\116105936.doc Page 61 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei So it is the existence of a small but insuperable energy barrier that prevents clusters bigger than ~100 nucleons undergoing spontaneous fission. Spontaneous fission might be energetically favourable, but impossible in practice. It’s perhaps like having a winning lottery ticket, but you have to post it off to claim your prize, and you can’t afford the price of a stamp. 3.7.4 alpha-decay We’ve calculated that alpha-decay, the ejection of a helium-4 (2p,2n) nuclide, becomes energetically favourable for the stable clusters bigger than ~145, and this is confirmed by the nuclide chart (see back to figure 3.26). We can see that it’s the proton-rich nuclides that favour alpha-decay, since this moves them down the valley slope towards the arc of stable nuclides. why is alpha-decay so common? The nuclide chart (figure 3.26) shows that by far the most common mode of fission is the ejection of an alpha-particle (2p,2n). Why this particular combination of nucleons? We have seen how for a large nuclide to fission, the mass difference between parent and daughter nuclides must exceed the mass of the ejected fragment. Consequently, the more tightly bound is the fragment, the smaller is its average nucleon mass, and the more likely that its ejection will be a viable mode of decay. Hence, the tightly bound helium-4 nuclide, with its small mass per nucleon, is a very suitable candidate for ejection. For example, we saw in section 3.7.2 that the nuclide (76p,90n) can eject an alpha particle quartet, with the small average nucleon mass of 931.9 MeV/nucleon, but not a proton with a large unbound mass of 938.3 MeV. alpha-decay is viable for clusters >145 nucleons We’ve seen that alpha-decay becomes viable if the mass of the daughter nuclide plus alpha particle is less than the parent, or to put this another way… mparent - mdaughter > malpha (3,727 MeV) The parent nuclide can undergo alpha-decay if down-sizing to the smaller daughter reduces its mass by more than the mass of a free alpha particle, 3,727 MeV. The nucleon mass curve tells us that as a cluster increases in size beyond about 60, at some point alpha decay should become energetically favourable. But at what size would D:\116105936.doc Page 62 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei this occur? Some simple mass-energy accounting for the alpha-decay of nuclide mass/nucleon (MeV) (60p,85n), the stable nuclide in the cluster-145 family, will give us an idea - figure 3.31. 939 free alpha particle: He-4 (2p,2n) mass, malpha = 4 x 931.85 = 3,727.4 MeV 938 937 cluster-145: average nucleon mass = 930.7 MeV mass loss… due to ejecting (2p,2n) = 4x930.7 = 3,722.8 MeV of the remaining 141 nucleons = 141 x 0.032 = 4.5 MeV Total mass loss = 3,727.3 MeV 936 935 934 933 alpha-decay energetically favourable alpha-decay energetically unfavourable 932 931 930 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 straight line fit to mass/nucleon graph 140 160 180 200 220 cluster size Above a cluster size of ~100 the graph is nearly straight. Losing one nucleon reduces the mass per nucleon by about 0.008 MeV. So losing 4 nucleons (2p,2n) reduces the mass per nucleon by about 0.032 MeV. Figure 3.31: the mass-energy accounts for the alpha-decay of cluster-145 When nuclide (60p,85n) ejects the (2p,2n) quartet its mass is reduced in two ways… 1) Simply losing the 4 nucleons (2p,2n) reduces the mass of cluster-120 by 4 times the average nucleon mass, that is, 4 x 930.7 = 3,722.8 MeV. This is less than the alphaparticle mass, so this is not enough in itself. 2) The daughter nuclide is now a little closer to the minimum in the nucleon mass curve, and so its average nucleon mass is slightly less. The slope of this straight part of the nucleon mass graph tells us that losing 1 nucleon reduces the average mass/nucleon by about 0.008 MeV. So, in losing 4 nucleons, the remaining 141 nucleons each have about 0.032 MeV less mass. This reduces the cluster’s total mass by a further 141 x 0.032 = 4.5 MeV Adding these two gives the total mass difference parent - daughter as 3,727.3 MeV, almost exactly the same as the mass of a free alpha particle. So there is no energy advantage in cluster-145 undergoing alpha-decay. But what about clusters smaller or larger than this? D:\116105936.doc Page 63 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei The ejection of 4 nucleons reduces the mass of each nucleon remaining in the cluster by 0.032 Mev, regardless of the cluster size, so the bigger the cluster, the bigger its mass loss. Cluster-145 is a break-even size, where the mass loss of the fragmenting cluster is almost exactly equal to the mass of a free alpha particle. But for clusters larger than 145, the ejection of four nucleons will reduce the cluster’s mass by more than a free alpha mass; for smaller clusters, the reduction will be less. Thus, the nucleon mass curve tells us that it is energetically favourable for stable clusters bigger than about 145 nucleons to decay by ejecting an alpha particle. The nuclide chart (figure 3.26) indeed shows that alpha-decay becomes a significant decay mode for nuclides with more than about 145 nucleons, in agreement with the calculation above. So, if alpha-decay is energetically favourable for nuclides of more than ~145 nucleons, then why is there a nearly continuous arc of stable nuclides all the way up to 208 nucleons? why there are stable nuclides >145 nucleons One of the features of alpha-decay is that the the rate of decay is very sensitive to the energy released with the ejected alpha particle. The bigger the alpha particle energy, the faster the decay rate, and the shorter the nuclide’s half life. Nuclides that undergo alphadecay have an enormous range of decay rates, with half lives ranging from microseconds to millions of years. In the cluster size range 144-206, there are seven unstable alpha-emitting nuclides that can be found naturally because they have very long half lives, comparable to the age of the Earth. The very low energies of their emitted alpha particles mean that they can only decay very slowly. Williams concludes, “it is therefore certain that although most nuclei in this range on the line of stability may be energetically able to decay by alpha-emission, they do not do so at a detectable level because the [decay] rate is too small.” Thus, alpha-decay is energetically favourable for the nuclides on the stable arc in the size range 145-208, but for most of them the decay rates are negligible, and so these nuclides are effectively stable. alpha particles in a potential well We have so far seen alpha-decay simply as the ejection of an alpha particle (2p,2n) from the nuclide, and we’ve done the energy accounting for the process. But how does an alpha particle manage to escape from the immensely powerful grip of the nuclear force? D:\116105936.doc Page 64 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Alpha decay is an example of a process known as “quantum tunnelling”. We have seen waves and particle-waves can pass through barriers that would appear to be impenetrable, and we will see that alpha particles can behave in the same way. Alpha-decay differs from beta-decay, in that the nucleons making the alpha particle already exist inside the nucleus, whereas the electron is first created by the weak interaction and then ejected from the nucleus. So our first question is how any nucleons, let alone a quartet, elude the grasp of the nuclear force. Nuclei which undergo alphadecay have a huge range of half lives – from less than a microsecond to nearly a thousands of years. A second question, then, is why is there such an enormous range of rates for what is “essentially the same process”? The nucleons are packed together, “jostling about in a very small volume”, confined in the nucleus by the strong nuclear force. So “when a nucleon approaches the surface and tries to fly off the nucleus, it suffers an attractive force by the nucleons that are left behind, forcing it to return toward the interior. Inside the nucleus it feels the attraction forces of all the nucleons that are around it, resulting in a net force approximately equal to zero. We can imagine the nucleus as a balloon, inside of which the nucleons move freely, but occupying states of different energy”. The nucleons are confined in a potential energy “well”, since energy must be supplied to remove them. Figure 3.32 shows how the potential energy of an alpha-particle (2p,2n) varies with distance from the centre of a typical heavy nucleus of about 236 nucleons. D:\116105936.doc Page 65 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei the energy peak is ~27 MeV potential energy (MeV) 30 (d) an incoming alphaparticle with 9 Mev kinetic energy only gets as close as this to the nucleus 25 20 (c) some of these excited nucleons can briefly come together as a quartet. 15 10 5 0 4 MeV 9 MeV -5 -10 -15 -20 -100 (e) …yet alpha-particles are emitted with a typical kinetic energy of ~4 MeV -80 -60 -40 (b) some nucleons gain extra energy from collisions -20 0 -6 MeV (a) Nucleons filling the potential well from the bottom, up to an energy of ~ - 6 MeV 20 the potential well inside the nucleus, radius ~10 fm 40 60 80 100 distance from centre of nucleus (fm) outside the nucleus, beyond ~10 fm, an alpha particle is electrically repelled Figure 3.32: For a big nuclide to undergo alpha-decay a (2p,2n) quartet must break out of a the nuclide’s deep potential energy well. inside the nuclear well Nucleons fill the central potential well inside the nucleus, up to an energy of about -6 MeV, so that it takes about 6 MeV to remove one nucleon (a). The constantly jostling nucleons can briefly gain energy from random collisions, and so there are always excited nucleons higher up in the potential well (b). This jostling also means that there are brief local groupings within the nucleus, such as the alpha particle quartet (c), though all sorts of groupings will occur. Whilst we should not think of alpha particles (2p,2n) as having a permanent existence inside a larger nucleus, it is very likely that at any moment there is somewhere in the nucleus an alpha-like grouping of nucleons. So, while “the simple intuitive picture of alpha particles bouncing around in nuclei, each with its own unique set of nucleons, is not quite accurate … alpha particle-like structures do occur in the nucleus and sooner or later these appear ouside the nucleus as alpha particles”. outside the nucleus D:\116105936.doc Page 66 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Beyond the very strong but short range attraction of the nuclear force an alpha particle, carrying an electrical charge of +2, is electrically repelled by the protons in the nucleus. It “falls” down the potential energy slope, towards zero potential energy, effectively out of range of the repulsion. An alpha particle needs about 27 MeV of kinetic energy to overcome this electrical repulsion and enter the nucleus. An alpha-particle with, say, only 9 MeV kinetic energy never gets near the nucleus, but runs part way up the potential energy “hill”, and then rolls back down again (d). Similarly, an alpha particle would need 27 MeV to surmount the barrier and escape from the nucleus, but it would then be ejected with 27 MeV of kinetic energy. Yet alpha particles are emitted from decaying nuclei with only 4 MeV of kinetic energy (e). It is as if they somehow “emerge” part-way up the potential energy hill at 4 MeV, and from there roll away from the nucleus. tumbling and tunnelling How do any nucleons manage to escape from the nuclear attraction? And why is it an alpha particle particle, a quartet of nucleons, that emerges? The answer is that the alpha particles escape the nucleus by quantum tunnelling. We know that, like any particle, an alpha particle should be regarded as a particle-wave, and so in colliding with an impenetrable barrier there is the probability that it will pass through. The jostling nucleons, randomly coming together in alpha-quartets, are confined in the nucleus by the strong nuclear attraction. We can see this as alpha particles colliding with a potential barrier, and knowing that an alpha particle behaves as a particle-wave, we can see that its wave function will penetrate some way into the barrier, and has a finite chance of emerging on the other side. Figure 3.33 illustrates the sequence. D:\116105936.doc Page 67 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei potential energy (MeV) 30 (c) a quartet of excited nucleons (2p,2n) collide with the walls of the energy well… 20 (d) …tunnel through … (e) … appear as an alpha particle outside the nucleus, with 4 MeV potential energy 10 4 MeV 0 (b)…and some gain extra energy from collisions with other nucleons. -10 (a) nucleons “jostle” around at the bottom of the potential energy well… -20 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 distance (fm) Figure 3.33: Alpha-particles collide with the walls of the energy well, and have a finite probability of tunnelling through. Nucleons jostle around in the energy well (a), and some gain extra energy from collisions (b). A quartet of excited nucleons, corresponding to an alpha particle with about 4 MeV energy, collides with the barrier (c), tunnels through (d), and appears on the other side (e). The alpha particle is free of the nuclear attraction, is subject only to the electrical repulsion, and so shoots away from the nucleus with 4 MeV kinetic energy (a speed of ~1.4 x 107 m/s, 14 million metres/second).At an energy of 4 MeV the barrier is 50 fm wide (60 -10 = 50 fm, see the graph). But the range of the nuclear attraction is only a few fm at the most – so why must the alpha particle tunnel the full 50 fm? The reason is that energy must be conserved. The alpha particle goes into the barrier with 4 MeV, so it must emerge with the same energy. If it emerged anywhere else on the potential energy hill, say at 20 MeV, then it would have somehow acquired another 16 MeV for free. So in the figure the dotted line representing the tunnelling process must be horizontal – no forbidden energy changes! If the alpha particle has only a little more energy, say 6 MeV, then the barrier width is much less, only about 30 fm (40 -10 fm). We can now qualitatively explain the huge variation in half life for alpha-decay. An alpha particle with more energy, not only has a better chance of penetrating a barrier of the same width, but also finds that the barrier is D:\116105936.doc Page 68 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei narrower. So the probability of tunnelling is extremely sensitive to the alpha particle energy. a “cloud” of possibilities? We’ve seen that some nuclei emit larger nuclear clusters as well as alpha particles – for example, radium-223 emits one C-14 nucleus for every billion alpha particles. Presumably, bigger clusters are brought together less often by random jostlings of nucleons. But very occasionally this happens, and if it is energetically favourable, then the large cluster is emitted by the nucleus. If C-14 clusters can be emitted, then we must infer that all possible nucleon groupings can form inside the nucleus, collide with the potential barrier, and have some small but finite probability of tunnelling through it. We can perhaps envisage a sort of “cloud” of possible particles around the heavy nucleus. But the only permitted outcomes are those that lead to a reduction in the mass of the system – that is, the mass of the daughter plus emitted nucleus must be less than the parent nucleus. We’re reminded of Kaufmann and Freedman’s aphorism: everything is possible, unless it is forbidden. There’s a host of potential possibilities, but only those that are energetically allowed can actually occur. 3.7.5 Why there is an arc of stable nuclides We have seen that a nuclear cluster of ~60 nucleons has the least possible mass per nucleon, and the greatest binding energy. Thus it is energetically favourable for all other clusters to converge on this optimum size. We can now explain why this does not occur, and why there is a long arc of stable nuclides running through the nuclear valley. motive, means and opportunity As in the best murder mysteries, successful nuclide decay depends on motive (a reduction in average nucleon mass, and therefore the release of binding energy), means (a viable nuclear reaction), and opportunity (a significant probability of this reaction occurring). Figure 3.34 summarises this for the stable nuclides. D:\116105936.doc Page 69 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei mass/nucleon (MeV) small nuclides <~60 Fusion: motivation means opportunity 939 nuclides >~100 fission… motivation means opportunity 938 937 nuclides ~60 motivation 936 nuclides >~145 alpha-decay… motivation means ? opportunity 935 nuclides ~60 to ~100 fission… motivation means 934 933 932 931 930 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 cluster size Figure 3.34: The decay options for the stable nuclides that are larger and smaller than the ~60 nucleon optimum size. Small nuclides, <~60 nucleons, would readily merge if they had enough kinetic energy to overcome their mutual repulsions. They have the motive (a reduction in mass), and the means (a viable nuclear reaction), but not the opportunity - they can’t get close enough to undergo fusion. Middle-sized nuclides, ~60 - 100 nucleons, have the motive of mass reduction, but there is no rearrangement that will reduce it - they have no means. Larger nuclides, >~100 nucleons, have the motive and the means, via a fission reaction, but the insurmountable energy barrier denies them the opportunity. Even larger nuclides >~145 nucleons have the motive and the means, via alpha particle ejection, but the opportunities for decay are extremely rare. a surprising conclusion? Thus we have the rather surprising, and maybe unsettling, conclusion that our physical world of ”stable” nuclides is not what it seems. It is energetically favourable for stable nuclides that are smaller or larger than ~60 nucleons to decay, but they are “trapped” because the options for decay are either unavailable, or too slow. These “stable” nuclides, the lowest mass nuclides of each cluster-family, will in time become the nuclei of the chemical elements, and create our atomic world. D:\116105936.doc Page 70 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 3.8 Nuclear reactions The collision of two clusters can lead to a nuclear reaction, rearranging the nucleons into new nuclides. For example, if we fire protons at an aluminium-27 (13p,14n) nucleus, there are a number of possible reactions (figure 3.35). silicon-28* (14p,14n) + p + aluminium-27 (13p,14n) silicon-28* (14p,14n) - an excited intermediate state silicon-27 (14p,13n) + p sodium-24 (11p,13n) + 3p + n magnesium-24 (12p,12n) + helium-4 (2p,2n) Figure 3.35: A nuclear reaction can have a range of possible outcomes The colliding particles combine to make an excited silicon-28 nucleus, indicated by the asterisk (*), which then decays in a number of ways. It may remain as it is, and just lose its excess energy by emitting a photon of gamma radiation. This is rather like a wet dog shaking the water off its fur, except that to properly mimic the nucleus, the dog would have to shake all its water off in one single amount, not a large number of small drops. Alternatively, it may fragment into smaller nuclei and protons and neutrons. In certain situations three nuclei can fuse… 3 helium-4 (2p,2n) carbon-12 (6p,6n) and we’ll soon look at this important reaction occurring in the interiors of stars. A nuclear reaction doesn’t need two colliding nuclei, it can be initiated by a photon of radiation… 1) + copper-63 (29p,34n) nickel-62 (28p,34n) + p 2) + uranium-233(92p,141n) rubidium-90(37p,53n) + caesium-141(55p,86n) + 2n and… In the first reaction a gamma ray photon knocks a proton off a nucleus, and in the second it induces a giant nucleus to fission into two smaller nuclei and a pair of neutrons. nuclear Lego D:\116105936.doc Page 71 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei We can take a simple view of all these reactions as analogous to rearranging Lego bricks. The number and type of bricks are constant, and they can be rearranged in any combinations, as long as they are energetically allowed. Thus, we see the same number of protons and neutrons on either side of the reaction, they are just differently arranged. We’ll see shortly how the hot dense interiors of stars force all sorts of nuclear reactions to occur. nuclear and chemical reactions There is a similarity between nuclear and chemical reactions. The former rearrange nucleons in nuclear clusters, and the latter rearrange atoms in molecules. Both types of reaction can release energy, but nuclear reactions typically yield about a million times more energy than chemical, because the forces between nucleons are so much greater. 3.9 Life in the nuclear valley 3.9.1 a balance of conflicting factors creates the nuclear valley We have seen how nucleons are bound into a cluster by the strong nuclear force, with virtual pions “fluttering” to and fro, constantly interchanging protons and neutrons. The mass-energy, and hence the stability, of a cluster of a fixed number of nucleons is decided by its proton/neutron ratio. But the nucleons in the cluster form relationships, albeit very limited ones; thus, like nucleons form pairs and magic numbers of them form closed shells, with slight effects on the cluster’s mass and binding energy. ”The nucleons are the bricks, and the nuclear forces provide the mortar, while everything is under the control of rigorously enforced planning regulations provided by the quantum rules”. Because the nuclear attraction force is stronger than the electrical repulsion, stable nuclear clusters are possible. Because the electrical repulsion has the longer range, there is a limit on stable cluster size. Because of the protons’ mutual repulsion and the neutron’s greater mass, each cluster has its minimum mass-energy at only one or two precise p:n ratios. Each stable cluster lies at the bottom of its own transverse section of the nuclear valley. The stable nuclides in all the clusters then form the stable arc that runs along the valley bottom. 3.9.2 The pathways towards stability the limited options for nuclide decay D:\116105936.doc Page 72 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei A configuration of nucleons is unstable if there is a viable decay reaction that can rearrange them with a reduction in total mass, and also at a reasonable rate. We have imagined a nuclide as a boulder perched on the slope of the nuclear valley. There may be many nuclides lower down the slope, all with lower values of average nucleon mass, and all closer to the arc of stability, down in the valley bottom. However, this unstable parent nuclide has only a very limited range of nuclear reactions, whereby it can decay to a daughter nuclide, and reduce its average nucleon mass, thereby releasing more binding energy (figure 3.36). proton number, Z proton-rich parent nuclide beta-plus decay (pn) eject p alpha-decay (eject (2p,2n) arc of stable nuclides along the nuclear valley bottom beta-minus decay (np) neutron-rich parent nuclide eject n parent nuclides neutron number, N daughter nuclides Figure 3.36: The limited decay options available to unstable nuclides On one side of the nuclear valley, proton-rich nuclides have only three options: (1) transform a proton to a neutron by the beta-plus decay reaction, (2) eject an alpha particle or, in the case of an extreme proton excess, (3) eject a proton. On the opposite valley slope, neutron-rich nuclides have the “mirror-images” of only the first and last options: beta-minus decay or neutron ejection. Alpha-decay is not available, for it would not “move” the nuclide closer to the arc of stability. average mass/nucleon is absolute, but stability is relative A nucleon configuration may be unstable in principle, but the constraints on the viable nuclear reactions may make decay impossible, or negligibly slow. The balance of competing reactions depends solely on the relative properties of the parent and daughter D:\116105936.doc Page 73 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei nuclides, and takes no account of the origins of the parent nuclide, or of the decay modes of the daughter nuclides. Thus, while the average nucleon mass in a cluster is a fixed quantity, the cluster’s stability, and its mode of decay are relative, and are determined only by the parent and daughter nuclides. decay pathways The nuclear valley is criss-crossed by decay pathways, as the unstable nuclides “move” downhill towards the arc of stability running along the valley bottom. Figure 3.37 shows the final sections of three decay series. nuclide X, (69p,84n) thulium-153 nuclide Y, (63p,90n) europium-153 decay series A decay series B decay series C nuclide Z, (60p,85n) neodymium-145 alpha-decay beta-plus (pn)decay beta-minus (np) decay The thickness of the arrow gives an indication of the relative decay probabilities. Figure 3.37: Decay pathways in the nuclear valley; proton-rich nuclides have alphadecay and the pn reaction, while neutron-rich nuclides have only the np reaction. Decay pathways can branch on the proton-rich side, so an unstable nuclide can produce two stable nuclides. The nuclides are colour-coded by their major decay mode. Nuclide X, part way up the proton-rich side of the valley, is the start of a cascade of decays that run down the slope to terminate in nuclides Y and Z. A minority of nuclides D:\116105936.doc Page 74 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei have two modes of decay, so the pathway on the proton-rich side branches in places. Nuclides Y and Z are the end-points of two other decay series, B and C. We have seen that neutron-rich nuclides can only decay by the beta-minus (np) reaction, so these decay paths do not branch. Nuclides Y and Z share a common “ancestor” in nuclide X on the proton-rich side, and different ancestors on the neutron-rich side. However, nuclide X is not the source of decay series A, for it is itself a decay product of nuclides even higher up the valley slope. The entire nuclear valley terrain is criss-crossed by decay pathways, that run down the slopes and end at a nuclide on the stable arc. nuclide “ancestors” and their “descendents” Thus every unstable configuration of nucleons is on a journey to stability, following a decay path down the slope of the nuclear valley, with each nuclide being a stage on that journey. Every step on the path is downhill, releasing more binding energy, with the nuclides getting closer to stability, and with increasing “efficiency” of conversion of energy to matter. Every stable nuclide is the last “descendent” of a series of unstable nuclide “ancestors”, that no longer exist. Its nucleons were once part of different clusters, and what is now, say, a proton was maybe once a neutron. We can see a nuclide not so much as a fixed thing, but rather as a transient configuration of nucleons. The nuclear valley, then, is the environment, or habitat, in which the different nucleon configurations co-exist and compete for existence. decay pathways are determined by local topography We’ve seen that the balance of the competing decay reactions is determined by the relationships between the parent and daughter nuclides. So, while the decay pathway must always be downhill in the nuclear valley, each step is decided solely by local factors, and the decay series has no overall aim or preferred end-point. Similarly, water on a slope will run downhill, always reducing its potential energy, but the precise path it takes is determined solely by the local terrain it encounters, and not by the overall topography. 3.9.3 a rain of nucleons We have seen all the possible combinations of protons and neutrons laid out like a chess board, so that every possible nucleon combination has its own location in nuclide-space. Now imagine a rain of nucleons, so that every cell is occupied by its nuclide. The great majority of clusters break up almost as soon as they are formed; they are so unstable that D:\116105936.doc Page 75 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei they hardly even exist. Only the clusters within a narrow diagonal region of nuclide-space last long enough to exist as independent entities, and these define the nuclear valley (figure 3.38). N Z a rain of nucleons the lowest point in the valley, at ~60 nucleons some nuclides spontaneously fission into smaller nuclei neutron-rich nuclides decay by the beta-minus (np) reaction towards the arc of stability proton-rich nuclides decay by the betaplus (pn) reaction and electron capture towards the arc of stability very big nuclides undergo alpha and beta decay, and ‘move’ towards the largest stable nuclide, containing 82 protons Figure 3.38: A rain of nucleons on the nuclear valley. Z and N are the proton and neutron numbers, respectively. The nuclides are colour coded by their major decay modes. All over the terrain of the nuclear valley, the nuclides are decaying as the clusters rearrange themselves. The decay pathways show the pattern of nuclide “migration”, always downhill, towards the arc of stability running along the valley bottom. draining the nuclear valley If we watch an unstable nuclide decay, we see the cell it occupied become empty, and the transformed nucleon configuration reappear as the daughter nuclide in a nearby cell. Nuclides further up the slopes are further from stability and decay faster, so we see the outer cells in the valley empty first. Almost all the moves are very short, either to an adjacent or nearby cell by beta or alpha-decay. A few very big nuclides make great jumps right down the valley, splitting into two smaller nuclides by spontaneous fission. D:\116105936.doc Page 76 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei The region of occupied cells shrinks, like water draining out of a bathtub. Finally, all that are left are the stable nuclides, occupying the cells along the valley bottom. If the stable nuclides could flow like water, they would run in two streams downhill and meet at the lowest point, around cluster-60. If you wanted to drain the nuclear valley completely, that is where you would fit the plug. 3.10 The emergent nuclide We have seen the emergence of a new structure – the nuclide, a community of protons and neutrons - figure 3.39. … a nuclide – a cluster of protons and neutrons A stable nuclide has emerged, with a large mass, and carrying as many units of positive charge as it contains protons + p n0 0 0 n + n p p+ n0 …create and sustain… Continuous interactions between protons and neutrons, mediated by pions… + p n0 free protons are stable, but are isolated by their mutual repulsions, and unstable neutrons cannot exist in isolation. We don’t consider the quarks inside protons and neutrons. Figure 3.39: The emergent nuclear cluster is created and sustained by continuous activity within each nucleon. The continual exchange of pions fluttering between protons and neutrons creates “an invisible, evanescent web … binding them together”. Thus a nuclide emerges from the continual interactions between all the nucleons, mediated by pions. This nuclear force that binds nucleons together, is an extension of the colour force operating inside each nucleon. Nuclides are massive particles, carrying as many units of positive electric charge as they have protons. goodbye to quarks and the strong colour force The quarks have effectively withdrawn, gathered into protons and neutrons by the strong colour force. The residual of that force, the nuclear force, binds protons and neutrons into nuclei. Like a building’s foundations, the quarks and colour force are “underneath”, holding everything up. It’s hard now even to distinguish between protons and neutrons – they are just nucleons bound into a cluster by the nuclear force. Inside the nucleus the D:\116105936.doc Page 77 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei weak interaction interchanges protons and neutrons, enabling unstable clusters to “move” towards stability. nucleosynthesis – making nuclei We have now surveyed the array of known nuclides, and seen which are viable and why, and how they transform from one to another. We know quite a lot about how real nuclides behave, but nothing as yet about how they have been made. There have been two phases of nucleus-building – nucleosynthesis – in the evolution of the universe. The first ended when the universe was about quarter of an hour old, and the second has been going on for the last 14 or so billion years. We're now just emerging into a level of the physical universe that we can recognise. It is made of only 4 particles: two quarks - up and down, and two leptons - electrons and their neutrinos. We'll see that anti-matter, as positrons (anti-electrons) and anti-neutrinos, plays a crucial röle in the creation of our world of atomic matter. The u and d quarks make protons and neutrons, but only the proton is stable. On its own a neutron has a life time of about 15 minutes, yet with the proton it has sustained our physical universe for about 14 billion years. Out of all the potential particles, these are all that are viable. How did the Universe cook up its rich material banquet with only these few ingredients in the larder? Almost everything we see when we look up into the night sky is the result of nuclear reactions. Ray Mackintosh et al, p.94 Every atom of carbon and oxygen on Earth (and in us) was forged inside stars that died before our solar system formed. We are stardust: or less romantically, the nuclear waste from stars. Martin Rees, in Craig Hogan, p.viii 3.11 Nucleosynthesis 1 - The first quarter of an hour Here we will outline the events of the first 15 minutes or so after the big bang, when the foundations of the material Universe were being laid. As Lawrence Krauss, writing about oxygen, puts it, “these are the conditions when the gist of our oxygen atom came to be, when nothing became something”. D:\116105936.doc Page 78 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 3.11.1 A time-line – linking temperature, time and energy Figure 3.40 gives an outline of events, and links four important parameters – temperature, temperature (K) time, energy and particle mass. 1.E+15 Particle masses 10 GeV 1.E+13 1 GeV 100 MeV 10 MeV 1.E+11 1 MeV 100 keV 1.E+09 10 keV 1 keV 1.E+07 100 eV 300,000 years 1 year 1 day 1.E+05 10 eV 1 eV 1 minute 1.E+03 1.E-10 1.E-06 1.E-02 1.E+02 1.E+06 1.E+10 1.E+14 time (seconds) Figure 3.40:A time-line for the universe, linking temperature, time and energy. The temperatures are given in scientific notation, so “1.E+05” is 1 with 5 zeros, 100,000 degrees, and “1.E+09” is 1 billion degrees. The relation between the temperature of the universe and its age is well established, so “the cosmic temperature can be used as a sort of clock, cooling instead of ticking as the universe expands.” We’ll now follow the series of temperature thresholds in the early “fireball” universe, with each heading giving the temperature (T) in Kelvin (K), followed by the energy (E) in electronVolts (eV), and then the time (t) - all values being approximate. In doing this we will pass through levels in the universe’s hierarchy, that we have looed at in previous chapters. D:\116105936.doc Page 79 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 3.11.2 Before the first threshold – temperature, T > 1015 K (energy, E > 100 GeV, time, t < 10-10 seconds) At these enormous temperatures, "equivalent to energies far higher than anything achieved at an accelerator on Earth, fundamental particles of matter and antimatter emerged and annihilated continuously. The universe was an expanding froth of quarks, antiquarks, leptons, antileptons, photons, W particles, Z particles, gluons, and maybe other particles as yet unknown to experiment or undreamed of by theorists." Individual protons and neutrons can't yet exist, for "any quarks that did temporarily bind together would be easily blasted apart again by collisions with the high energy photons". This stage is sometimes referred to as the quark plasma, with a tiny excess of quarks over anti-quarks. We can imagine pairs of photons and particles interchanging continually, with particle-antiparticle pairs continually appearing out of the "sea" of background radiation, and then disappearing back into it. 3.11.3 Threshold for creating W/Z particles (mass ~80GeV), T ~ 1015 K (E ~ 100 GeV, t ~ 10-10 seconds) This first threshold temperature is for the heavy W/Z particles, with mass-energies around 80GeV. As the temperature drops, fewer and fewer photons have enough energy to create these, for example… + Z0 + Z0 and the same for the W + and W - The W/Z particles annihilate back to photons, or decay to lighter particles, for example… W - e- + e and the neutral Z0 e- + e+ After this threshold was passed, “the W and Z adopted their role of carrying the weak interactions between particles, and had no independent existence except where they were produced (briefly) in high-energy events involving collisions between particles, either naturally or in particle accelerators designed for the purpose”. The quarks now "came into their own” and started binding into hadrons – both mesons (pairs) and baryons (trios), especially the light protons and neutrons. The temperature is high enough for photons directly to create protons and neutrons in particle-anti-particle pairs... +p+p D:\116105936.doc and +n+n Page 80 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei The tiny quark excess carries over to the same excess of protons and neutrons over their anti-matter counterparts. A slightly heavier neutron needs more energy for its creation than a proton, but at this temperature the radiation photons easily have enough energy to produce both in more or less equal numbers. At the end of this phase the universe comprises photons of radiation and particles of both both matter and antimatter: quarks that are free, or bound in protons and neutrons, and electrons and neutrinos. Because the temperature is well above the thresholds for the formation of all these particles, they are present in their matter and anti-matter forms in almost equal numbers. 3.11.4 Threshold for creating protons and neutrons (mass ~940 MeV), T ~ 1013 K (E ~ 1000 MeV, t ~ 10-6 seconds) The temperature has fallen to the point where the free quarks no longer have enough energy to resist the strong force, and they become bound into pairs (mesons) and triplets (baryons), mostly the light protons and neutrons. We have seen that the nature of the strong colour force is such that it increases as quarks are pulled apart. The result is that quarks will be confined in these particles for the next 14 billion years, up to the present time - except for the few that find themselves at the core of a large star or in a particle accelerator. So, by the time the universe is a millisecond old (t~10-3 s, T~3 x 1011K), single quarks have effectively disappeared, “hiding exclusively inside protons and neutrons”, and will never be seen free again. Photon energies have decreased until they can only create the two lightest baryons protons and neutrons. Finally, the threshold for their creation comes at T~1013 K, and these particles and their anti-matter counterparts annihilate each other back to radiation… p+p + ...and the same for neutrons. The vast numbers of protons and neutrons and their antimatter counterparts annihilate each other, leaving a tiny residue of protons and neutrons. Never again will anti-protons and anti-neutrons be viable constituents of the material universe; they will be only the ghostly, fleeting products of nuclear processes in stars and particle experiments. The tiny matter excess now reveals itself, and we’re left with 1 proton or neutron to about 109 photons of radiation, a ratio we can measure in the universe today. We can summarise it like this… D:\116105936.doc Page 81 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei (109 + 1) protons + 109 anti-protons 109 radiation photons + 1 matter proton The residue of protons and neutrons remain vastly outnumbered in a universe awash with radiation photons. Because the temperature is still well above the thresholds for the creation of electrons and neutrinos, these particles and their antiparticles are still present in almost equal numbers. The numbers of particles were decided by the balance between the processes of creation and annihilation, and the “number and average energy of the photons was about the same as for electrons, positrons and neutrinos.” neutrino reactions Neutrinos interact so little with ordinary matter that they can pass through an entire planet like the Earth, and barely notice. However, the universe at this time is so dense, with the particles pressed so close together, that the neutrinos readily interchange protons and neutrons, via the weak interaction… n0 + e- + p + and p+ + n0 + e + When the universe is a bit less than 1 second old the protons and neutrons are changing their identities in this way about 10 times every second. This at first keeps the numbers of protons and neutrons about equal, but as the temperature continues to fall, and the average neutrino energy decreases, the neutrons’ slightly greater mass becomes an increasing barrier to their creation, and they start to be outnumbered by protons. These protons and neutrons are not yet bound into nuclei. The energy required to break up a nucleus is 6-8 MeV per nuclear particle, and the thermal energy at ~10 11K is more than this, so any aggregates of protons and neutrons are destroyed as fast as they form. 3.11.5 Threshold for creating electrons (mass ~ 0.5 MeV), T ~ 6 x 109 K (E ~ 0.5 MeV, t ~ 1 second) The temperature has now fallen below the threshold for electron creation, so the reaction… + e- + e + can no longer occur. Electrons and positrons (anti-electrons) annihilate, to leave a remnant of electrons. D:\116105936.doc Page 82 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei This is where the original “anti-universe” finally takes its leave. We’re left with the universe of matter – baryons (protons and neutrons) and leptons (electrons and neutrinos) – awash with radiation photons – about 1 billion photons for each baryon. This is the last phase of the creation of matter from photons. As the universe has expanded and cooled the photons’ “spending power” has decreased, and the electron is the last particle species to be created. The situation can be likened to a lottery winner in a time of rampant inflation. Initially his winnings would enable him to buy a stately home, but as time passes their value depreciates, and he can afford less and less – a penthouse apartment, then a detached house, then a small terrace, and finally he can only afford a garden shed. the end of neutron creation The universe has now expanded to be about 1 light-year across, not far off the distance from Earth to the nearest star. All particles are flying apart, and the average distance between a proton and the nearest electron is now about 1000 proton diameters. The neutrinos are becoming increasingly isolated, and effectively cease interacting with matter, so that the production of neutrons ends at T~3 x 109 K (t~13s), when the proton:neutron ratio has shifted to about 83p:17n. The neutron’s greater mass has led to its being outnumbered by protons in the cooling universe. We’ve seen that free neutrons are unstable, and now that their creation has ceased, their numbers slowly fall as they decay to protons. Neutrinos remain in the universe – there are about 550 neutrinos in every cubic centimetre, about the tip of your little finger – but they hardly react with matter, and fly through the Earth and our finger tips at close to the speed of light, almost undetectable. one tick of the clock The universe is about 1 second old - one tick of the digital clock on my desk. So much seems to have happened in so little time. But to get a clearer picture we need a different kind of clock, one that ticks each time one particle interacts with another. Lawrence Krauss calculates that in the universe's first second the particles in a volume of 1 cm3 (roughly the tip of your little finger) experience about 10 89 interactions - a stupendous number. He goes on…”For comparison, during its 5 billion years of burning, in each cubic centimetre in the fiery core of the sun a total of about 1055 interactions have taken place. This is about 10 million billion billion billion times fewer collisions than occurred in the D:\116105936.doc Page 83 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei same volume in the universe's first second. The number of collisions of atoms in this volume of air during the 4 billion year history of life on Earth is about 1045, about 10 billion times smaller still!”. So the clock time is deceptive. The universe may appear very young, but the enormous temperatures mean that the particles have experienced huge numbers of collisions, and opportunities for interactions. In 1 second of clock time, two universes of matter have been created, each capable of independent existence. One has been totally destroyed, and the other very nearly so, such that only one billionth part of it remains, awash in a sea of radiation. energy budgets and lifespans There is a link between this and the link between time and size in animals. The total number of heartbeats in a lifetime is about the same for a hummingbird as for an elephant or a whale. If you divide the life span by the number of heart beats you get about the same number regardless of the size of the animal - "the total budgets for their actions are the same". Metabolism, the rate of chemical reactions that consume biological fuel, decreases as animal size increases; small animals "live faster". Our universe's "metabolism", the rate of its nuclear reactions, increases with temperature and density, so our small and hot young universe "lived faster". 3.11.6 Protons and neutrons start to combine, T ~ 109 K (E ~ 100 keV, t ~ 200 seconds) – the first nuclei As we’ve watched the universe expand and cool we’ve crossed three thresholds – and seen the end of the creation process of three particles; first of the massive W/Z, then of protons and neutrons, and finally of light electrons. We have seen an entire universe of anti-matter annihilated, to leave a tiny residual universe of matter. “For every billion particles of matter and anti-matter, one was left behind. … The little particle that was left behind, for every billion that were annihilated, is what makes galaxies, stars, planets and people”. It is this “small seasoning of leftover electrons and nuclear particles” which are “the main constituents of the author and the reader”. the deuteron So far, the universe has contained only isolated protons and neutrons. Even the strong nuclear force can’t withstand the disruptive energy of very hot photons, and any nucleon clusters were immediately broken up. However, as the universe expands, the radiation D:\116105936.doc Page 84 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei photons are all the time being being stretched and cooled, and we now pass another threshold. This one is marked, not by the end of production of an existing particle species, but by the start of production of a new one. Now that photons have insufficient energy to prevent it, we see protons and neutrons combining to make the first composite particle, the first nuclear cluster – the deuteron, p + n D(p,n) This reaction starts when the temperature has fallen below about 1 billion degrees, and the universe is about 3 minutes old. neutrons are saved by deuteron formation We’ve seen that a free neutron will decay into a proton by the weak interaction… n0 p+ + e- + + 0.782 MeV A free neutron's lifetime, its average "survival" time, is 886 seconds, about 15 minutes. In the 3 minutes or so since neutron production ended they have been decaying, further shifting the proton:neutron ratio, from 83p:17n to about 87p:13n. If things were to continue like this all the neutrons would be lost, but instead, the remaining free neutrons are gathered up into deuteron clusters. This is the first of a series of nuclear reactions that will build up ever-bigger clusters of protons and neutrons. It is the first step in the long and arduous journey towards our atomic world. A free proton can’t decay to a neutron, because the proton is the lighter particle. But there is another nuclear reaction that can consume protons – electron capture to create a neutron and a neutrino e- + p+ 0.5 + 938.3 n0 < 939.6 + ~0 MeV - the neutron is heavier by about 0.8 MeV. The stability of protons is essential to the existence of the physical universe. Fortunately, neither of these proton-consuming reactions can occur, because of mass difference between the proton and neutron, but “it is a very small margin on which our existence depends”. We have seen that the strength of the nuclear force is a finely balanced thing: “a few percent stronger and two protons (or two neutrons) would bind together. Nuclei consisting of just two protons do not exist, but if they did all the hydrogen would have been consumed in the Big Bang leaving none to power ordinary stars, including the sun….A D:\116105936.doc Page 85 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei few percent weaker and the deuteron would not be bound”. In both cases, the development of the physical universe would have been quite different, and the evolution of life would be impossible. All the nuclear reactions The full set of 12 nuclear reactions in hydrogen-burning… cluster size 1 p p 2 n + H-2 p,n 4 H-3 p,2n He-3 2p,n 5 6 7 He-4 2p,2n Li-7 3p,4n n H-2 n p 3 + + H-2 H-3 H-2 2 H-2 H-3 p 2 H-2 2 H-2 + He-3 + p He-3 + n He-4 H-3 n He-4 He-3 He-4 + 2 He-3 He-4 H-2 + H-2 H-3 + He-4 H-3 He-4 + He-3 He-4 + 2p + + Li-7 n p The first clusters of protons and neutrons We have seen that each element is defined by the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms, while the number of neutrons can vary. There are three "versions" of hydrogen atoms, and two of helium, and these are summarised in table 3.1. element hydrogen hydrogen-2 or deuterium hydrogen-3 or tritium helium-3 helium-4 chemical symbol H-1 H-2 H-3 He-3 He-4 1 2 3 3 4 (1p) (1p,1n) (1p,2n) (2p,1n) (2p,2n) number of nucleons in the nucleus protons and neutrons in the cluster D:\116105936.doc Page 86 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Table 3.1: The different atomic “versions” of hydrogen and helium. Thus, hydrogen-3, for example, specifies 1 proton in the nucleus, and a total of 3 nucleons, so there must be 2 neutrons. This is the point where our atomic universe starts to come into view, with names that are familiar. It's perhaps like the return from a foreign holiday - you know the town names, you can read the advertisements, and the radio plays pop songs you know. the creation of helium-4 We have seen that the nucleus of deuterium (1p,1n) is loosely bound – it is broken apart at temperatures above about one billion degrees (1 x 10 9 K). Once the temperature is low enough for deuterium to be stable, further reactions quickly occur that build up nuclei of helium-4 (2p,2n). Figure 3.41 shows a particle view of the main nuclear reactions in the fireball. p n p n H-2 or deuterium p p p p n p n n n He-4 or helium-4 or... n + He-3 or helium-3 + p p p p n p n n n n + + H-3 or tritium p n p and n collide and create a pn pair, hydrogen (H-2), deuterium... p …then two pn pairs collide and create trios of p and n, either He-3 or H-3… n …and these trios collide with more pn pairs and create helium-4 (He-4) quartets. Figure 3.41: The sequence of nuclear particle reactions producing helium-4 (2p,2n) – to save space protons and neutrons are given as p and n respectively We can imagine particles flying at high speed through space, colliding, fusing, fragmenting - continually rearranging themselves, but steadily building up larger clusters, mainly helium-4. This sequence proceeds in 3 stages, with protons and neutrons produced in the intermediate stages being fed back into the mix. We can think of these D:\116105936.doc Page 87 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei nucleons behaving rather like Lego bricks, "clicking" together to make a variety of larger clusters. Nuclear “snakes and ladders” However, this diagram can only show a few of the many reactions, and doesn't make clear the systematic build-up of larger clusters. An alternative is to plot the nuclear reactions in a graphical format in what we might call "nucleon-space" (figure 3.42). Here the proton and neutron contents of each cluster are plotted on the y- and x-axes respectively; adding protons moves upwards, adding neutrons moves to the right. We thus have a 2-dimensional view of nuclear reactions as moves on a sort of nucleon chessboard. protons, p Li-6 (3p,3n) Li-7 + p 2 He-4 (3p,4n) + p 2(2p,2n) lithium-Li, 3 the proton is fed back into the mix He-3 (2p,n) He-4 (2p,2n) He-4 + H-3 Li-7 (2p,2n)+ (1p,2n) (3p,4n) He-3+H-2He-4 + n helium-He, 2 Li-7 3p,4n +n Hydrogen-H, 1 0 +p +n H-3 (p,2n) H-2 p,n +p add 1 proton free proton, p 2H-2He-3 + p H-1(p) +p +n the neutron is fed back into the mix free neutron, n add 1 neutron 0 1 2 3 4 neutrons, n Figure 3.42: The nuclear reactions in the fireball plotted as a series of moves in "nucleon-space”. Follow the arrows, add up the nucleons, see where you land. The coloured squares represent unstable nuclides- we’re not concerned with these yet. This figure shows the reactions given previously in figure 3.41, and a few more, including the one producing lithium-7, where cluster (2p,2n) acquires cluster (1p,2n) and so moves 2 squares along and one up to arrive on the (3p,4n) square. If this cluster is hit by a D:\116105936.doc Page 88 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei proton it can fragment into two helium-4 clusters. There is thus a rich tapestry of interactions; small clusters fusing into larger ones, larger clusters being broken down into smaller ones, and leftovers being recycled - all can be plotted as "moves" in nucleon space. The nuclear reactions in the rest of this chapter will be shown as moves in nucleon-space. This will allow us to see the details of reactions and also the inexorable progress to the right and upwards, as bigger nuclei are formed. 3.11.7 The end of nucleus formation – T ~ 3 x 108K (E ~ 30 keV, t ~ 13 minutes) In order for small nuclei to fuse into bigger clusters they have to approach close enough for the short range nuclear force to bind them together. This means the background temperature must be high enough so they have enough speed to overcome the mutual repulsion of their positive charges. When the universe is about 13 minutes old the temperature has dropped so far that the nuclei are moving too slowly to make contact, and the nuclear reactions cease. We left the universe at t ~ 3 minutes, with the ratio 87p:13n. Out of every 200 particles the 26 neutrons will combine with 26 protons to make 13 helium-4 clusters, each four times the mass of a proton. This gives a mass ratio of helium as 13 x 4/200 = 26%, which is in good agreement with measurements, and is one of the several experimental confirmations of the big bang theory. This is an impressive example where calculations based on the behaviour of sub-atomic particles in a particle accelerator give a result that agrees with measurements made on the entire visible universe. So far, all the stars in the universe have burned very little (about 4%) of their hydrogen to helium, so the current ~24 - 28% cosmic abundance of helium is well explained. “It is a profound fact that the universe is made almost entirely of hydrogen and helium, and this is because of what happened early in the Big Bang”. After 13 minutes, about the time to the first ad-break in a commercial tv programme, the universe looks a bit like this (figure 3.43). D:\116105936.doc Page 89 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei p+ p+ protons or hydrogen-1 ~ 93 particles in 100 (74% by mass) neutrino hardly interacts with matter hydrogen-2 (p,n) or deuterium about 0.01% by mass p + hydrogen-3(p,2n) or tritium, about 0.0001% by mass n0 0 helium-3 (2p,n) about 0.001% by mass helium-4 (2p,2n) ~6-7 in every 100 particles (26% by mass) - n0 n0 p+ p+ n + n0 p - p+ . - electron 1 for every proton . n - - - 0 - . p+ n0 0 0 n p+ n p+ n0 - lithium-7(3p,4n) about 10-7 % by mass, 1 particle in about 5 billion Figure 3.43: Nucleons and electrons in the cooling fireball; protons and neutrons are gathered into small clusters, photons strongly interact with the charged nuclei, so the universe shimmers with scattered light The intense but brief heat of the early universe has fused all the surviving neutrons and some of the protons into small clusters; pairs (H-2, deuterium) and trios (H-3 and He-3), but mostly quartets of helium-4, and also a few septets of lithium-7, the biggest cluster made. The electrons and the oppositely charged protons and nucleon clusters are mutually attracted, but as soon as they combine as neutral atoms “another photon would collide with the atom and knock the electron free. With 1 billion energetic photons per electron, the cards [are] stacked against the latter”. Photons interact strongly with electrically charged particles, so they don't travel much further than the nearest electron or nuclear cluster, "following a zig-zag path through space like a high-speed ball in a crazy pinball machine." Thus “the universe was completely filled with a shimmering expanse of high-energy photons colliding vigorously with protons and electrons. This state of matter, called a plasma, is opaque, just like the glowing gases inside … a neon advertising sign.” This would be like being in a fog, where the light is scattered by the tiny drops of water suspended in the air, so that the whole fog glows and you can’t see your way. 3.11.8 The threshold for ionisation - T ~ 3,000 K (E ~ 0.3 eV, t ~ 300,000 years) - the first neutral atoms D:\116105936.doc Page 90 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei After this burst of activity, the “rush of creation began to subside. Physical processes slowed … minutes turned to hours, hours to days, days to years, years to millenia.” "Nothing much happens now for the next 300,000 years or so”. The fireball universe expands and cools, the particles gradually slow down, the wavelengths of the photons steadily increase. After about 300,000 years the temperature has fallen to about 3,000 K, close to the boiling point of iron, and the average photon energy is now only ~0.26 eV. The photons have a range of energies, however, and a tiny proportion of them have the full 13.6 eV needed to remove an electron from the proton to which it is bound. But even with 1 billion photons for each proton, this becomes insufficient, as the average energy decreases. As the temperature keeps falling, the balance keeps shifting in favour of the electrons, which settle in greater numbers on the protons and the nucleon clusters. “Suddenly the face of matter was ready to change” and the universe now looks like this (figure 3.44). p+ - - p+ hydrogen-3, tritium hydrogen-2, deuterium n0 - n0 n0 hydrogen-1 . - . neutrino p+ . neutrino - p+ p+ p+ n0 + n0 p n0 - helium-3 - p+ n0 0 0 n p+ n + p - n0 - helium-4 lithium-7 Figure 3.44: The separation of matter and radiation after the fireball. The nuclei are the same, and in the same places, but now they are combined with electrons, and the photons fly through without interacting. The universe is now transparent. Space becomes transparent No new particles have been created; things are merely rearranged. Each nucleon cluster has gathered a number of orbiting electrons to make an electrically neutral atom. The photons of radiation rarely interact with these neutral atoms, and fly unimpeded through space. The "fog" of charged particles has cleared and space becomes the transparent D:\116105936.doc Page 91 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei medium we're familiar with. The neutrinos continue as if nothing had changed – and they still do! We can imagine electrons settling around the nuclei rather like falling snow gently settles on a landscape - on trees, fences, houses, cars. We know it’s the same solid, hard-edged world underneath, but the shapes and patterns of things have changed and softened. So it is with the electrons – they enfold the nuclei and enable a new level of subtle and intricate particle interactions. All we've seen is the universal "fog" clear, and the light shine freely, but the universe is transformed, and ready to emerge at a new level of complexity, as we shall see in the next chapter. Atoms of matter and photons of radiation now follow a quite different paths. We now have separate matter and light - radiation has decoupled from matter. There are about 1 billion photons for each proton or neutron, “a large number because matter when it was created was only a trace contaminant born of the light”. The tidal wave of energy has subsided, leaving small composite matter particles washed up on the shore of existence. So "nothing" has become "something". What is this something? The first atoms For the first time there are atoms of substances we can recognise. There is hydrogen: the flammable gas that lifted the first airships; the gas produced when we drop zinc into acid, or if we over-charge a car battery. There is helium: the gas used in party balloons, that also makes our voice go squeaky. And there is lithium: the metal used in batteries and also to treat bipolar disorder. There the list stops - where are the familiar elements such as carbon, oxygen, iron and copper? But if nucleons can gather in clusters of up to 7, and containing up to 3 protons, then maybe they can go further. 3.11.9 review From radiation-dominated to matter-dominated We’ve gone from a universe dominated by radiation, where photons directly created matter, to a universe that is now dominated by that matter. In our current universe the average density of matter is tiny, equivalent to a few hydrogen atoms in each cubic metre. In contrast, there are on average about 550 million radiation photons in every cubic metre, with all possible wavelengths from radio through visible light to gamma-rays. “In other words, the photons in space outnumber atoms by roughly a billion to one. In terms of total number of particles, the universe thus consists almost entirely of microwave photons.” D:\116105936.doc Page 92 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei However, despite their overwhelming numbers, these photons have little influence over matter, since their wavelengths have been stretched, and their energies reduced, by the universe’s expansion. In the matter-dominated universe we will see matter go its own way, more or less regardless of the huge numbers of photons passing by. Steven Weinberg gives a perspective; “well before the contents of the universe became transparent, the universe could be regarded as composed chiefly of radiation, with only a small contamination of matter. The enormous energy density of radiation in the early universe has been lost by the shift of photon wavelengths to the red as the universe expanded, leaving the contamination of nuclear particles and electrons to grow into the stars and rocks and living beings of the present universe”. the first ad break The first phase of nucleosynthesis – nucleus-building - has lasted about thirteen minutes, roughly the time to the first ad break in a TV programme. We’ve seen how nuclear reactions can only occur at modest temperatures, high enough to bring the nuclei together, but not high enough to break them up. But the temperature window for this is small – between 100 and 1,000 million Kelvin (10 8 – 109K), and the universe cooled through this window in a few minutes, enough time for only three elements to appear. The next phase of nucleosynthesis has been running for the last 13 billion years or so, starting when the universe was about a billion years old. Nuclei are built up in stars, which recreate the heat and pressure of the early universe, and yet this phase is powered by the weakest of the universal forces – gravity. We'll look at this in section 3.12, but before this we need to understand the principles of nucleon clustering. The physical universe now comprises: nuclei – that is, protons and their clusters with neutrons, up to cluster-7, each carrying a positive electric charge electrons, carrying negative electric charge, in numbers that equal the protons neutrinos, with no charge, that barely acknowledge matter’s existence photons of radiation, about 1 billion for each nucleon, that interact weakly with matter So there are just two “players” left on the universal stage: negatively charged electrons and nuclei, nuggets of highly dense matter, and as far as the electrons are concerned, differing only by their positive charge. The weak and strong interactions confine their busy D:\116105936.doc Page 93 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei activities in the nuclei. The much weaker electric interaction binds the oppositely charged nuclei and electrons into neutral atoms. And the even weaker gravity can now act on the atoms because they have neither attract nor repel, and they have mass. All the time the neutrinos and radiation photons pass by, effectively indifferent to the doings of the neutral atoms. Matter is now subject to gravity, by far the weakest of all the forces, but the only one remaining. 3.12 Nucleosynthesis 2 - the next 14 billion years The universe, having cooled to below 3,000K, now comprises almost exclusively neutral atoms. This simple change has two enormous consequences: (1) matter and radiation now go their separate ways, and radiation photons are free to stream without restraint through the entire universe; (2) the electrical interaction is effectively confined into neutral atoms, so the universe is a uniformly neutral medium, with no long range electrical attarctions or repulsions. The weak and strong interactions are fundamentally very shortrange, and don’t extend outside the nuclei. This leaves the force of gravity, so much weaker than the other three interactions, free to work its infinitely patient attraction on these neutral atoms that now fill space. We’ll look now at what follows from these two changes. 3.12.1 The cosmic microwave background matter and radiation go separate ways The fog of scattered light cleared, and our universe became transparent - but what was there to see? There came a moment when each photon interacted with a charged particle for the last time, after which it travelled freely through space, uninfluenced by neutral atoms. When we look all around us out into space we see this radiation as the cosmic microwave background, from the last time photons were scattered by matter at an temperature of about 3,000 K. photons are stretched by expanding space What does an object at 3,000 K look like? The temperature of the tungsten filament in a incandescent light bulb is 2,000 – 3,300 K; the visible surface of the sun is about 6,000 K. So we can imagine the high energy photons, corresponding to the white-hot matter from which they were scattered. But the universe has expanded to be about 1,000 times bigger since then. Photons with energies corresponding to 3,000 K have had their wavelengths D:\116105936.doc Page 94 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei stretched by a factor of about 1,000, and consequently their energies reduced by the same factor (figure 3.45). The big bang singularity separate nuclei and electrons - Radiation decouples from matter… + - …and arrive at the here and now. …and photons can now travel freely through space, with their energy reducing as the universe expands… expanding space stretches the photons + - + Time: 0 about 14x109 y ~300,000 y the universe has expanded by a factor of ~1,000 Temperature: 3,000 K the temperature has fallen by a factor of ~1,000 3K Figure 3.45: The source of the cosmic microwave background radiation We are now surrounded by photons that have been travelling unimpeded through space, that now have a temperature of about 2.7 K. “The sky is not actually dark; it is just like the surface of the sun, only 2,000 times cooler”. We can no longer see these photons with the naked eye, for they are microwaves, but if we look out into space with the right detector, in every direction we see this cosmic microwave background (CMB) – figure 3.46. Figure 3.46: Left: The cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation from the universe all around us. The temperature is almost uniform, but there are tiny D:\116105936.doc Page 95 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei “ripples”, with cooler (blue) and warmer (red) regions differing by a few millionths of a degree from the 2.73 K average. Even the smallest details in the inset picture are big enough to develop into clusters of galaxies (100 μK is 100 millionths of a degree). Right: The colour coding gives an idea of the size of the tiny temperature variations across the universe. (1 K = 1 millionth of a degree) a wall of light The microwave background, this “wall of light” from the last scattering of radiation photons off the charged nuclei at ~3,000 K, shows us the entire universe at an age of about 300,000 years. We can’t see further back than this, the dotted line in the diagram, for the universe was then an impenetrable fog of scattered light. The average temperature is 2.73 K, just above absolute zero, and is almost, but not completely uniform. The false colours suggest big temperature variations, but the differences are tiny - only millionths of a degree between the coolest blue and the warmest red regions. ripples in the microwave background It's thought that these temperature ripples originated in tiny quantum fluctuations in the energy density of space in the very early universe, and were stretched by the universe's subsequent expansion. “Tiny temperature differences are the scars left by the quantum vacuum on our universe. These irregularities, created in the first moments of existence by the teeming quantum vacuum, meant that the matter of the universe didn’t spread out completely evenly. Rather, it formed vast clumps, that would evolve into the galaxies and clusters of galaxies that make up the universe today. … It now appears as if the quantum world, the place we once thought of as empty nothingness, has actually shaped everything we see around us.” The temperature "ripples" show that the density of matter in the early universe was very slightly uneven. The scale of these ripples was huge; even the smallest features in the inset picture would expand to be as big as a whole cluster of galaxies. These density fluctuations were the seeds that later formed the enormous chains and clusters of galaxies that we see today. Our own galaxy is the result of one such quantum fluctuation. “The idea that an object with billions of stars, like the Milky Way, began life as a quantum fluctuation … of the vacuum, an object of sub-microscopic scale, is mind-boggling.” 3.12.2 Collapsing gas clouds gravity takes over the show D:\116105936.doc Page 96 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei This brings us to the second consequence of radiation decoupling from matter - the work of gravity. Once there were no long range repulsions between charged nuclei, "gravity completely took over the show", and started to work on the almost imperceptible clumps of matter. Gravity can't create clumps of matter in a perfectly uniform gas, it can only amplify pre-existing clumps. As the universe expanded, these clumps expanded very slightly less than the surrounding regions; every time the universe doubled in size these clumps did not quite double, and the density differences slowly grew. Once the local gas density was more than about twice the average value, then the local effect of gravity was strong enough to overpower the universal expansion. Huge clouds of gas atoms thus developed, their mutual attraction brought the local expansion to a halt, and they then began to draw in on themselves - they started to collapse. Their slight density excesses grew at the expense of their surroundings - "the rich get richer, the poor get poorer". After about 1-2 billion years, the first super-clusters of galaxies were well established, within which our own Milky Way galaxy emerged. We're now going to follow one large gas cloud, with 8-50 times the mass of our sun – that is, 8-50 solar masses - as it collapses. Large gas clouds create large stars, which undergo all the processes of building up the heavy nuclei, so we can use this to learn how the all the elements in the modern universe have been created. the first stages of collapse We now have a cloud of gas that has started collapsing; the atoms are falling in on themeselves. You can perhaps think of the giddy feeling at the top of a fairground ride, as you start to fall slowly at first, then faster and faster. Our gas cloud will experience millions of years of such falling, as its atoms of matter come together. When this starts, the cloud's average density is about 1 atom/10 cm 3 (1 atom in your little fingertip), so the distance between atoms is over 100 million times their individual size. The chances of collisions between atoms is tiny, but the cloud is so huge, and there are are so many atoms, that collisions will occur, and become more frequent, and more energetic. The gas cloud is starting to compress under its own gravitational attraction, its own weight - this is the birth of a star. Gravity and matter meet and compete, and this will be the constant theme throughout the cycle of the star's life and death. We'll see that gravity will always win, even to the extent of crushing some of the star out of its material existence, but the universe will be immeasurably enriched in the process. pumping up a bike tyre D:\116105936.doc Page 97 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei So, let's start with the process of compressing a gas, for example, in pumping up a bike tyre. After only a few vigorous strokes, the end of the pump feels hot - where has that heat energy come from? It's worth taking a moment to think about the processes going on inside the bike pump - figure 3.47. gas particle rebounds slightly faster from the moving piston piston moving in collisions with the walls produce the gas pressure to tyre average particle speed is about 500 m/s. gas particles collide with each other the same number of gas particles are confined in a smaller volume so the pressure increases… the end of the pump feels hot when the pressure inside the pump is bigger than the tyre pressure, then air will flow into the tyre. …and the particles are moving faster…they are hotter - increasing the pressure still more. Figure 3.47: How compressing a gas heats it up A typical bike pump, with the piston drawn back will contain about 5 x 1021 particles of air five thousand billion billion. At a "normal" room temperature of about 20 oC (close to 300K) these air particles are moving at an average speed of close to 500 metres/second - half a kilometre each second. The gas particles also collide with and rebound from each other. In the air we breathe, the particles have a size of about 0.1 nm, and are on average about 3 nm apart, a distance they can cover in about 7 million millionths of a second (7x10 -12 s). The average air particle will then be experiencing something like 150 billion collisions each second, with other particles and with the walls of its container. It's the huge numbers of these tiny collisions against the inside walls of the bike tyre that keep it inflated. This is a world of unceasing and furious activity. And yet at normal temperatures the energies involved are tiny. Remembering our rule of thumb, that a temperature of ~12,000K is equivalent to an energy of 1 eV, we can see that at our normal air temperature of 300 K, D:\116105936.doc Page 98 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei the average particle kinetic energy is a mere 0.03 eV - the slightest pat on the back for an atom. compressing leads to heating In the bike pump the air particles gain speed when they rebound from the incoming piston. Faster means hotter; compressing the gas heats it up. For a gas cloud in space, gravity is the piston; the gas particles fall in on each other, converting potential to kinetic energy; the gas cloud warms as it is compressed. The gas particles strike each other with more and more energy as time passes and the cloud shrinks. At first the particles rebound from each other with no loss of energy, but as the temperature rises, some of the energy of collisions is emitted as light radiation. So in our shrinking gas cloud, we see gravitational potential energy converted to kinetic energy and radiation, in roughly equal proportions. The loss of energy as radiation means the gas cloud does not heat up so much, and this speeds up the contraction. the gas cloud starts to glow The gas cloud thus starts to emit radiation, starting in the invisible infra red, and working towards visible light. The intensity of radiation can be enough to blow away the outer layers of the cloud, ejecting as much as half of its original mass. When the temperature reaches several thousand degrees the hydrogen molecules and helium atoms have their electrons stripped from them, leaving just naked nuclei. The last time the nuclei were free of electrons was in the early universe, about 300,000 years old. The presence of charged nuclei means that the radiation can't escape, but is trapped inside the gas cloud. The gas cloud dims and its contraction slows as the internal temperature starts rising rapidly, reaching several million degrees. the hot gas cloud becomes a true star Our huge diffuse gas cloud has compacted and heated up, and is emitting huge amounts of energy as radiation - but it is not yet a star, for its energy output has come from converting its gravitational energy to heat and light. Finally, with a core temperature of about 10 million degrees, there occurs the first of a series of nuclear reactions that generate energy - our gas cloud has become a true star. Figure 3.48 shows the development of galaxies and stars, enormously dense concentrations of matter, from the slight ripples in the CMB. D:\116105936.doc Page 99 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei a b c e d Figure 3.48: From ripples in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) to galaxies and stars: (a) the view of the CMB across the whole sky; (b) a cold spot in the microwave radiation; (c) within the forming clouds of gas the first stars light up (about 100 million years); (d) the early universe is lit up by a variety of stars and galaxies, and (e) the WMAP satellite looking through today's universe back in time to the CMB. We're ready now to look at the remarkable processes whereby our star assembles protons into all the elements in the universe. 3.12.3 Stars and the elements Our story of stars focusses solely on their rôle as nuclear furnaces that forge light elements into heavier ones. We've seen how nucleosynthesis - the formation of the nuclei of the elements - in the fireball was limited by the rapidly falling temperature and short time available. Now we'll see stars recreate the conditions in the fireball and sustain them for millions of years. We'll continue the story of our gas cloud, now that it has become a large star, and this will show us in one narrative, the main processes that have laid the foundations of our material existence. ”Thus it is possible to say that you and your neighbor and I, each one of us and all of us, are truly and literally a little bit of stardust”. The basic nucleosynthesis reactions the battle between gravity and matter D:\116105936.doc Page 100 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei A star reveals – in a sense, it embodies - the conflict between gravity and matter - (figure 3.49). Gravitational contraction gas cloud ? Exhaustion of fuel Core heating Nuclear burning Figure 3.49: The conflict between gravity and matter: stars go round the gravitymatter circuit, undergoing a series of nuclear reactions, until all their fuel is exhausted. A gas cloud contracts under gravity, until its temperature and pressure are high enough to ignite a nuclear fuel, when the cloud becomes an active star. The fuel “burns” and releases the energy that supports the star’s weight, and halts contraction. When this fuel is exhausted, further contraction under gravity increases the star’s core temperature until the next nuclear fuel ignites. Each fuel represents one lap of the gravity-matter circuit. Gravity always wins in the end, because it never gives up, whereas a star's nuclear fuel supply is finite. The star spirals in towards its end, which is largely dependent on the mass of the gas cloud from which it formed. Thus “stars live their lives on the brink of disaster”, always on the inwards gravity-matter spiral. Temperature and pressure are the dominant factors in a star’s gravity-driven life. They decide when a star’s life begins, and we will see a star’s life end when the matter it is made of can no longer sustain the temperature and pressure imposed on it. the creation of the elements Oliver Sacks has written how “I was pleased when I was told that we ourselves were made of the very same elements as composed the sun and stars, that some of my atoms might once have been in a different star. But it frightened me too, made me feel that my atoms were only on loan and might fly apart at any time, fly away like the fine talcum powder I saw in the bathroom”. For the stars have created the elements of our material world, through a set of 3 basic nuclear reaction processes. These can be summarised as follows… D:\116105936.doc Page 101 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei enlarging nuclei o fusion reactions - in which the main nuclear fuels “burnt” are: hydrogen, helium, carbon, neon, oxygen and silicon, whereby nuclei combine into bigger clusters to release binding energy, and generate heat o single nucleon captures - including neutron capture processes, where a nucleus picks up stray neutrons: the slow "s"-process and the rapid "r"-process, and proton capture – the p-process. fragmenting nuclei - the "spallation" process, in which nuclei in space are broken into smaller fragments by cosmic rays In addition, any unstable nuclei will seek stability by a beta-decay process, whereby protons and neutrons interchange by the weak interaction (described in the last chapter). 3.12.4 Describing nuclear reactions How can we describe nuclear reactions? One of the important stellar reactions is the "triple alpha" process, whereby three quartets of nucleons, each one (2p,2n), fuse together into a cluster of a dozen, (6p,6n)… 3 (2p,2n) (6p,6n) This is how the nuclear reactions in stars should, strictly, be described. This is the world of protons and neutrons, that operates on its own terms. However, the nuclides created by the stars are the foundations for our atomic world, made of elements we are familiar with. Thus the nuclide (2p,2n) will become helium-4, with a total of 4 nucleons in its nucleus. The nuclide (6p,6n) will become carbon when it is ejected from the star into space. When this carbon atom aggregates with others it becomes the material carbon we know - the "lead" in a pencil, the diamond in a ring, or your burnt toast under the grill. For now, it is just a cluster of 6 protons and 6 neutrons - a total of 12 nucleons, jostling with other nuclear clusters in the heat and pressure of a star’s core. So the nuclear reactions will be described like this… 3 helium-4 (2p,2n) carbon-12 (6p,6n) D:\116105936.doc Page 102 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei including the chemical element name as well as the nucleons. While this is cumbersome, we can see the elements created, and also follow the arithmetic of the protons and neutrons. This reaction is also called helium burning. We normally think of burning as a chemical reaction with oxygen like a bonfire or gas flame. But this is a nuclear reaction, in which helium nuclei are consumed and transformed to something else. We can also think of the reactions as "nuclear Lego”, where nuclei can be built up or broken down, just like assemblies of standard Lego bricks. As with the first nuclear reactions in the cosmic fireball, I'll show the nuclear reactions as moves in nucleon-space, and figure 3.50 shows the major nuclear reactions in this way. protons, p gain a helium-4 nucleus (2p,2n) - an alpha particle +2 gain a proton beta-minus decay: n p +1 lose a neutron gain a neutron -1 lose a proton beta-plus decay: p n -2 -2 -1 +1 +2 neutrons, n Figure 3.50: Some of the possible nuclear reactions in a star, shown as moves in nucleon-space. Humanity has grown up with the stars in the heavens: “In the great cities of the world, we have detached ourselves from night. If you are a city dweller who doesn't believe this, travel at least a hundred miles into the countryside, mount the highest hill, and stare at the sky. It is not the same sky at all. … On a clear night in the mountains, you become part of the sky. The stars reach out and touch you, and suddenly, you feel the embrace of a galaxy”. Our recent understanding of stars as nuclear forges is the latest and truest conception of their nature. Perhaps as a heritage of the other ways we've seen them in the past, we tend to anthropomorphise them; we speak of their life-cycles, of their birth and inevitable D:\116105936.doc Page 103 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei death. We may find ourselves thinking of their purpose as being to create the heavy elements, so we might talk of a star burning its nuclear fuel to generate the heat necessary to halt the compression due to gravity. We will see that the sequence actually is: the crush of gravity heats up the star's interior…which ignites a nuclear fuel…which generates heat…which temporarily halts further compression…until that fuel runs out…and the cycle repeats itself with the next nuclear fuel that “burns” at a higher temperature…until all the available fuel is consumed. Through gravity, the stars recreate the conditions in the fireball soon after the big bang. But whereas the fireball cooled within minutes, the stars can maintain enormously high temperatures and pressures for billions of years, and thereby accomplish what the entire universe could not - the creation of all the viable clusters of nucleons, all the elements of the periodic table - the basis for our atomic existence. We're ready now for our newly-formed star's first nuclear reaction. 3.12.5 Hydrogen-burning - the proton-proton chain no free neutrons The cosmic fireball reactions easily started with protons combining with free neutrons, and then numerous reaction steps to produce helium-4 (see section 3.11.6). But our new star contains no free neutrons, so the nuclear reactions must start with only protons. We've seen how neutrons are vital to stable clusters, so the star must somehow generate its neutrons from the protons. Once a proton has changed to a neutron, it can join with another proton to make hydrogen-2 (deuterium), and things can go on from there. We'll focus on one proton, in the midst of the other protons dashing about, and repelling them, due to their mutual electrostatic repulsion (figure 3.51). D:\116105936.doc Page 104 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 2. a proton needs ~1 MeV to reach the top of the "potential hill" 3. a proton with an average kinetic energy of ~1 keV can only get a little way up the "potential hill" before it is repelled p+ 4. a proton with ~10 KeV kinetic energy can get close enough for its matter-wave to penetrate through the hill, so it can tunnel through p+ p+ 1. a proton surrounded by a "potential hill", which repels other protons Figure 3.51: A single proton surrounded by a potential “hill”, repelling other protons; the vertical axis is not to scale This is the reverse of alpha-decay, where alpha particles escape from a large nucleus by quantum tunnelling through the wall of the “energy well” that confines them. In the figure above, our single proton is not so much in a well, as surrounded by a potential energy “hill”, arising from the repulsion between protons. Other protons “climb” part-way up this hill, come to a stop, and then “roll” back down again, as they are repelled. Here the protons are shown as simple particle matter-waves. a proton tunnels in Even at 10 million degrees the average proton has around 1 keV of kinetic energy, nowhere near enough to get over the energy hill; so it “climbs” part way up the slope, and is then repelled. However, at any moment the protons have different speeds. Think of the dodgem cars at the fair; at any one moment, a few cars will have stopped because of head-on collisions, and a few will be moving extra fast due to collisions from cars behind. In the same way, there is a distribution of speeds among the protons. About 1 in 10 million protons has 10 times the average kinetic energy, and can climb further up the hill and get closer. Even this rare proton has only about 1/100th the energy needed to get to the top of the electric potential hill. But if it is on an exact collision course with the other proton, then it can briefly get close enough that its matter-wave extends through the potential hill into the inside; that is, there is a small but finite chance that the proton can tunnel through the potential hill, and join the other proton inside. So, out of a multitude of proton collisions one will result in a proton-proton pair. the weak interaction transforms a proton to a neutron D:\116105936.doc Page 105 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei But we have seen that the nuclear force is not quite strong enough to bind a pair of protons – there’s no such thing as a diproton. However, if one of the protons were to transform to a neutron the pn combination would be stable. While this is energetically favourable, it can only happen by the weak interaction, which is very slow, or to put it another way, is very unlikely to happen. So we mostly see our two protons almost immediately fly apart. However, there is just a tiny chance that, in the very short time they are together, one of the protons transforms to a neutron, in which case we now have a stable nucleus of hydrogen-2, or deuterium. We write this simple nuclear reaction as… p + p hydrogen-2(p,n) + e+ (positron) + (neutrino) neutrinos from the sun All this is taking place now, deep in the heart of a star like our sun. How do we know it's happening? The proof is in the neutrinos produced, which were first detected in 1988. “The multitude of neutrinos generated by nuclear reactions in the solar core pass through a half million miles of sun as if it were a thin sheet of glass, emerging in a matter of seconds. They reach Earth in eight minutes, and pass through it with no resistance, either. About 500 billion neutrinos from the sun fall on each square inch of ground in a second. Our bodies are pierced by them unceasingly, day and night. They leave not a trace.” a very slow nuclear reaction The star has taken the first step on the long road of building up bigger nuclei. It looks so simple - there's no hint of its incredible difficulty. This reaction is so rare that it has never been observed in laboratory experiments. Even in our own sun it takes an average proton around 10 billion trillion collisions, lasting about 14 billion years, to to bind with another proton and transform to a neutron at the same time. However, this unbelievable slowness ensures that stars like our sun consume their fuel very gradually over billions of years, thus ensuring that life can evolve slowly on Earth under steady conditions. But for now, the universe and organic life just wait. flipping a coin There is an old story about a student who flips a coin to decide what to do that evening: if heads, then go to the cinema; if tails, then go to the pub, and if the coin should stand on its edge - then study. We've seen the three enormous obstacles that must be overcome: (1) only very few protons have enough energy to get near enough to another proton; (2) of D:\116105936.doc Page 106 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei these, very few tunnel through the potential wall; and (3) it is extremely unlikely that either of the pair of protons will transform into a neutron in the very short time before they repel and separate. Thus, the p-p reaction is “just about the most inefficient nuclear reaction imaginable”. Flipping a coin and getting three "edges" in a row is easy by comparison! But, it's not impossible, only unlikely. If pairs of protons collide enough times, then the nuclear reaction will happen. If you flip a coin enough times, then you will get not only an edge, but at some point, three edges in a row will occur. And a star contains so many hydrogen protons which are undergoing huge numbers of collisions each second, that the proton-proton reaction happens in abundance. Our own sun "burns" some 600 billion kg of protons each second - that's over 3 x 1035 protons - or nearly 400 trillion trillion trillion, and it contains enough protons to do this for about 10 billion years. We saw how a few of the lightest nuclei were assembled in the cosmic fireball, in the first few minutes after the big bang, but this was very limited because of the rapid expansion and cooling. “Stars, on the other hand, stay dense and hot for millions or even billions of years”, long enough for the rarest, most unlikely of nuclear reactions to occur. the proton-proton chain So our star has fused two protons; this is the first stage in a series of reactions called the proton-proton chain – figure 3.52. D:\116105936.doc Page 107 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 2. …another proton collides…is gripped by the strong nuclear force…and a nucleus of He-3 (2p,n) is made… 1. Two protons collide, and one of them transforms to a neutron - to make a nucleus of deuterium (p,n)… positron e+ neutrino 3. …another He-3 joins with this to make stable He-4 (2p,2n)…releasing 2 protons in the process. gamma ray photon p p n p p n p p p p n n p p n p p p p n p p e+ recycled This can be summarised as… 4 p p p n n He-4 (2p,2n) + 2e+ + positrons (antielectrons) meet electrons and mutually annihilate to produce gamma radiation 2 neutrinos leave the star and fly through space at nearly the speed of light + 2 + gamma ray photons slowly make their way though the star's outer layers and leave as sunlight 16.7 MeV the fomation of one nucleus of helium-4 releases 16.7 MeV of heat energy Figure 3.52: The nuclear reactions in the proton-proton chain The three steps in the proton-proton chain successively create deuterium (p,n), then helium-3(2p,n), and finally helium-4(2p,2n). The two protons left over at the end are recycled back into the mix. The reaction series creates two photons which will leave the star as light radiation. The positrons will meet electrons and will annihilate to create more radiation. The neutrinos scarcely interact with matter and escape from the star into space, taking some of the reaction energy with them. Once two protons have been fused to make hydrogen-2, then subsequent progress is much faster. Steps 2 and 3 only require the strong nuclear force to bind the larger nuclei together, and can occur within minutes. D:\116105936.doc Page 108 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei where does the energy come from? This is the summary of the hydrogen burning reaction… 4 protons + 2 electrons 1 helium-4(2p,2n) + 2 neutrinos + energy (4x938.3) + (2x0.5) = 3754.2 MeV 3727.4 MeV mass loss = 26.8 MeV The reaction sequence produces two positrons, which annihilate with two electrons back to radiation energy, so these two electrons are included in the energy accounting. Four unbound nucleons become bound into a nucleus, and the energy of their binding, which is released as heat, is “paid for” by the particles’ loss of mass. Thus the mass loss of the system of particles gives us the energy released. Hydrogen burning, the rearrangement of four nucleons into one nucleus, releases 26.8 MeV of energy, about 6.7 MeV per nucleon. This reaction, when free nucleons are first bound into a nucleus, releases an enormous amount of energy. We’ll see that subsequent reactions, rearranging already bound nucleons into progressively bigger nuclei, are not nearly so productive. hydrogen burning sustains the star’s weight This, then, is the proton-proton chain, otherwise known as “hydrogen burning". “The energy liberated in these [nuclear] reactions yields a pressure … which opposes compression due to gravitation. Thus an equilibrium is reached for the energy produced, the energy liberated by radiation, temperature and pressure”. The reaction releases energy, so the nuclei in the core get hotter, that is, move faster, thereby exerting a higher pressure, which can support the weight of the star and halt the star’s contraction. In the same way, the moving air particles inside a car tyre support the weight of the vehicle. We deliberately increase the pressure in a tyre by pumping more air particles into it, but the core pressure in a star depends on its temperature, which is governed by the nuclear reactions taking place there. A star of one solar mass burns its hydrogen steadily in its core at a temperature of ~15 million degrees and a density of ~150 g/cm3. It’s worthwhile pausing to think about density, because this will be an important factor in the star’s life. Gold is one of the densest metals, with a density of close to 20 g/cm3 – that is a gold lump the size of the tip of your little finger would have a mass of ~20 grams. So, the hydrogen burning in the core of a star is compressed to about 8 times the density of gold. D:\116105936.doc Page 109 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei nuclear reactions are self-regulating Stellar nuclear reactions are inherently self-regulating – as long as there is nuclear fuel available to release energy. “If the core gets hotter, the pressure increases, causing the gas to expand against gravity, thus cooling the core.” Conversely, if the reaction slows down, the core cools, the pressure drops, and the star contracts. This then heats up the core, and the nuclear reaction speeds up again. This is sometimes called a “natural thermostat”, and this suggests that the star somehow “sets” the temperature, but of course, it’s not like that. A star compacts, and its core heats up until a nuclear reaction starts that can generate the heat energy to halt the compaction. We’ll see soon what happens when a heat generating nuclear reaction is not available. Stars in the hydrogen burning phase are very stable; a star the mass of our sun will burn hydrogen steadily for about 10 billion years, though we will see later that this time depends on the star’s mass. the star’s radiation takes a long time to escape What is surprising is that energy is generated so slowly in the sun's core that a human sized volume of our sun burns its nuclear fuel slower than a human converts food into energy. Then this energy takes a very long time to escape. The proton-proton chain reaction produces high energy gamma ray photons. Each photon's way is blocked by the nuclei in the star's core, like a crowd of shoppers in a busy market. The photons bounce back and forth in a zig-zag path, repeatedly scattered by the charged nuclei, and finally emerge from the sun's surface with a range of smaller energies, spanning the electromagnetic spectrum. After working their way out of the sun (a distance of about 700 million metres) in about 30,000 years - light would travel that distance in space in just 2 seconds - they then reach the Earth (200 times further) in about 8 minutes. the proton-proton chain in nucleon space Figure 3.53 shows the proton-proton chain as a set of moves in nucleon space. D:\116105936.doc Page 110 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei protons, p lithium-Li,3 He-3 (2p,n) He-4 (2p,2n) helium-He 2 H-1 (p) (2) + p (3) 2He-3He-4+2p H-2 (p,n) Hydrogen-H 1 H-3 (p,2n) (1) p + pH-2(p,n) free protons (4) the 2 protons are recycled back into the mix 0 NO free neutrons! 0 1 2 3 neutrons, n Figure 3.53: The proton-proton chain as a set of three moves in nucleon space With no help from free neutrons, protons have worked their way diagonally in nucleon space to helium-4. We will see the further stellar nuclear reactions work their way steadily up and to the right in nucleon space, creating ever larger nuclides. entering the nuclear valley Thus the hydrogen-burning star has entered the nuclear valley. The entire universe got little further than this, though that was with the temperature and pressure rapidly falling. We can look through the helium “pass”, and glimpse the nuclear terrain which the stars will explore (figure 3.54). D:\116105936.doc Page 111 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei the end of the arc of stable nuclides a proton – a hydrogen nucleus Figure 3.54: A view of the nuclear valley through the helium “pass”. The central black arc of stable nuclides separates the blue neutron-rich nuclides from the orange proton-rich nuclides. The largest nuclides form the peak in the far distance. 3.12.6 The carbon (CNO) cycle a richer gas mix The first generation stars, starting with only hydrogen and helium, have only the enormously difficult proton-proton cycle as their first nuclear reaction. However, stars of later generations form from a richer mix that includes heavier nuclei from previous generations of stars. One of these, carbon, present even in small amounts, can greatly speed up the production of helium - figure 3.55. D:\116105936.doc Page 112 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei protons, p 5. second beta decay, pn oxygen-O, 8 O-15 (8p,7n) 2. first beta decay, pn N-13 (7p,6n) nitrogen-N, 7 O-16 (8p,8n) 7. …and then the O16 nucleus splits …into He-4 and C12… …and the cycle starts again… N-14 (7p,7n) 6. capture a fourth proton… N-15 (7p,8n) 1. capture a proton carbon-C, 6 C-12 (6p,6n) 3 and 4. capture two more protons C-13 (6p,7n) …back to He-4 boron-B, 5 5 6 7 8 9 neutrons, n Figure 3.55: The CNO cycle produces helium: the C-12 nucleus follows a zig-zag path through nucleon space, capturing 4 protons and decaying twice, to end up as O-16, which emits a He-4 nucleus, and so returns to C-12. Proton capture is accompanied by gamma ray photon emission, and beta decay is accompanied by the emission of positrons and neutrinos – these are not shown here. A carbon-12 nucleus captures a series of 4 protons, 2 of which decay to neutrons. The net result is the gain of 2 protons and 2 neutrons, and moving 2 squares diagonally, landing on oxygen-16. This nucleus fragments to helium-4, and carbon-12, which undergoes the cycle again. This cycle is incredibly fast compared to the proton-proton cycle, and can produce a helium nucleus in about a day. We can see why this is called the CNO cycle, since it creates in sequence the nuclei of carbon, nitrogen and finally oxygen. It's described here because of its rôle in building hydrogen rapidly into helium. It's also the major source of nitrogen in the universe - the same nitrogen we breathe on Earth. The CNO cycle certainly powers many of the stars shining now, because they contain some carbon and other nuclear species that had been produced by earlier generations of stars. The first generation of stars would have been powered solely by the proton-proton chain. D:\116105936.doc Page 113 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei once around the gravity-matter circuit We have now described the major energy generating process of the majority of stars, in which hydrogen burns, building up helium in the star's core, like ashes in a fireplace. Our star has consumed the first of its nuclear fuels, and has gone once around the gravitymatter circuit (see back to figure 3.49). Let’s follow our star round the circuit again, and see how the ashes from the first reaction become the fuel for the second. 3.12.7 Helium burning - the " triple alpha" process when the hydrogen runs out The accumulation of helium ash and the depletion of hydrogen slow down the hydrogenburning reaction. The weight of the outer layers can no longer be supported, and the star contracts, further heating up the core. This is the profound difference between nuclear “burning” in a star and our familiar chemical combustion. In a chemical combustion reaction on Earth, once the fuel is consumed, the fire simply goes out. In a star, everything is driven by gravity, like the inexorable demands of a blackmailer. Gravity produces the enormous temperatures and pressures needed to start and sustain nuclear reactions. The energy thus produced halts the star's contraction - as long as the reaction has fuel to continue. When the fuel runs out, that reaction ceases, and gravity, now unopposed, compresses the star further, driving up the temperature and starting the next reaction in the series. When the hydrogen burning ends, the temperature of the star’s core rises to ~120 million degrees or more, its density increases to ~20 kg/cm3, the mass of a dozen house bricks in your little fingertip, and the helium that has accumulated now ignites. The outer layers also get hotter, so hydrogen-burning spreads to the layer outside the core. improbability and coincidence If we think of the star's reactions as "nuclear Lego", then we'll be comfortable with heliumburning. If we can put together singles, pairs and trios of nucleons to make quartets, then we can put together quartets to make bigger nuclei - all we need is higher temperatures and energies - right? We've seen how a star accomplishes the fantastically improbable first step of the proton-proton chain with ease. Like flipping a coin and getting an "edge" this is merely improbable - flip enough coins enough times and you're certain to get "edges". Helium burning, however, depends on a set of conditions that appear quite coincidental. There is a universe of difference between improbability and coincidence. D:\116105936.doc Page 114 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei no stable clusters of 5 or 8 nucleons The problem can be stated simply: there are no stable nuclei of 5 or 8 nucleons. A star can't add a proton to helium-4, because a cluster of 5 is unstable. Similarly, two helium-4 nuclei can't fuse to make a cluster of 8. There appears to be no route to the heavy elements, that comprise our physical world. beryllium-8 is unstable but with a long lifetime In the now very hot star's core two helium-4 nuclei have enough energy to collide and stick. This gives a beryllium-8 nucleus, which is unstable, but with a mass only very slightly greater than the original pair of helium nuclei, it has a unexpectedly long lifetime about 10-15 s. This seems vanishingly short to us, but it's quite long-lived in the nuclear world, and so there is a small but sustained population of beryllium-8 nuclei in the star's core - about one for every billion helium-4 nuclei. With trillions of collisions occurring each second, this lifetime is long enough for about 10,000 encounters with a helium-4 nucleus, in which the two might possibly fuse to make a carbon-12 nucleus. This is shown in figure 3.56. protons, p oxygen-O, 8 nitrogen-N, 7 4. …some of which joins with another He-4 to make O-16. There are no stable clusters of 5 or 8 nucleons carbon-C, 6 3. …to make stable C-12… boron-B, 5 beryllium-Be, 4 2. …unstable Be-8, which lasts just long enough for a third He-4 nucleus to join… lithium-Li, 3 helium-He, 2 1. Two He-4 nuclei join to make… hydrogen-H, 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 neutrons, n Figure 3.56: The helium burning process: helium-4 nuclei successively fuse, creating an alpha-particle “staircase” in nucleon-space. (The cell outlined in red was the centre of the display) D:\116105936.doc Page 115 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei This shows the two main reactions in the helium-burning phase: the ‘triple-alpha’ process in which three He-4 nuclei fuse to make a C-12 nucleus, and this C-12 then fusing with another alpha particle to make O-16. Much of the oxygen in the universe comes from this second nuclear reaction. Beryllium-8 is like a stepping stone that starts crumbling under your weight, but holds up just long enough for you to jump to the next stable position. The degree of instability of beryllium-8 is critical. If it were more stable then on reaching the helium ignition temperature the star's nuclear reactions would quickly transform all helium to carbon. The sudden release of energy would blow the star apart, and this would prevent the appearance of all elements heavier than carbon in our universe. the excited carbon-12 nucleus But with so few beryllium-8 nuclei available, it's vital that the collisions between beryllium8 and helium-4 have a high chance of leading to fusion. In the normal run of things even 10,000 collisions aren't enough. This is where coincidence first steps in. It turns out that the carbon-12 nucleus can exist in an excited energy state which is just right for the fusion of beryllium-8 and helium-4. The combined mass-energy of the beryllium-8 and helium-4 nuclei is 7.37 MeV. They will fuse most easily, if the product nucleus has a favoured energy of vibration that is close to, but less than this value. It turns out that the carbon-12 nucleus has a favoured excited state at an energy of 7.65 MeV - close but just too high. However, the temperature of 100 million degrees inside the star core is enough to raise the combined energy of beryllium-8 and helium-4 to just above the excited carbon-12 energy, so the fusion reaction can occur with its greatest efficiency. resonance in swings and radios Think of pushing a child on a swing. The pendulum of the swing has a natural frequency, say 1 complete swing every 2 seconds. We know that if we match the frequency of our pushing to the swing’s natural frequency then we will transfer our energy to the swing most quickly and build up a large amplitude. Our push and the swing have the same frequency – we say they are in resonance. When we tune a non-digital radio, we alter the natural frequency of the oscillating tuning circuit to match the frequency of the radio signal. This “resonance allows a radio to be tuned so it is millions of times more sensitive to radio waves of a certain frequency than signals of all other frequencies”. D:\116105936.doc Page 116 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei resonance and the formation of carbon-12 In a similar way, the carbon-12 nucleus has an excited resonant state at just the right energy for it to be formed rapidly by the fusion of beryllium-8 and helium-4. We see nuclei grow in steps of helium-4 nuclei, ascending an alpha-particle “staircase” in nucleon space. Lawrence Krauss explains the cosmic significance of this: “Once carbon has been formed, the gateway to creation of all the heavy elements that dominate our own existence on Earth is opened”. the energy yield of helium burning The net result of the triple-alpha reaction is to combine three helium nuclei into one carbon nucleus… 3 He-4(2p,2n) (3x3727.4) = 11,182.2 C-12(6p,6n) 11,174.9 mass loss = 7.3 MeV So the rearrangement of 12 nucleons from three nuclei into one yields 7.3 MeV energy, or about 0.6 MeV per nucleon. This is a lot less than the 6.7 MeV per nucleon produced by hydrogen burning. a trio of cosmic coincidences Carbon-12's precise excited energy state is a remarkable coincidence, but there's more. The newly made carbon-12 nuclei can combine with helium-4 to make oxygen-16. If this reaction is too easy then all the carbon-12 will be transformed to oxygen-16, with consequences for subsequent carbon-based life forms. If this reaction is too slow, then there will be insufficient oxygen produced for these life forms to breathe. So, “A delicate balancing trick is required if neither oxygen nor carbon is to be over-abundant in the universe, at the expense of the other. ... Life is possible because nature has fine-tuned the properties of three atomic nuclei. Beryllium-8 is unusually long-lived for an unstable nucleus. Carbon-12 possesses the exact energy state needed to promote its production. And oxygen-16 lacks an energy state that would promote its production at the expense of carbon”. We've thus seen two nuclear fusion processes: first, hydrogen burning, which is highly improbable, and second, helium burning, which is contingent on a set of coincidences. And now you and I, oxygen-breathing carbon-based life forms, are here to consider them. after helium burning D:\116105936.doc Page 117 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei The star has now burned its first two nuclear fuels, and is developing a concentric layered structure, with a core of carbon-12 and oxygen-16, surrounded by a layer of burning helium, which itself is surrouded by burning hydrogen. The sequence of burning reactions is spreading outwards through the star, so each layer comprises the ashes of the previous reaction, that is now proceeding in the next layer out. We’ve seen two of the nuclear fusion reactions; it’s now time to look at the other processes that build up nuclei. 3.12.8 Filling in the gaps - capturing protons and neutrons We have seen earlier the major role played by helium-4 nuclei in the alpha-decay of large unstable nuclei, and we now see its rôle in the fusion reactions that assemble larger nuclei in stars. The small size and great stability of the helium-4 nucleus, makes it a favoured unit of currency in nuclear transactions, both fission and fusion. But how do the stars create the intermediate nuclei, ones that are not multiples of (2p,2n)? And also, how are the large nuclei, way beyond the stable maximum of lead, created? These are the work of the nucleon capture processes. The p-process – making proton-rich nuclides We know that stars are rich in protons, so they will be constantly colliding with any nuclei that are formed. If the energy of collision is enough to overcome their mutual repulsion, then the two can fuse – the nucleus “captures” the proton. The first step in the CNO cycle is an example of proton capture, which moves the nucleus one step upwards in nucleon space (see back to figure xXx). carbon-12 (6p,6n) + p nitrogen-13 (7p,6n) However, this nucleus is unstable, and decays by the weak interaction… nitrogen-13 (7p,6n) carbon-13 (6p,7n) + e+ + and another form of carbon has been made. In principle, proton capture can produce the proton-rich nuclei, that lie above the arc of stable nuclei in nucleon space. Unstable nuclides will undergo beta-plus decay and move back towards the stable arc, as we saw in the CNO cycle. Because nuclei and protons repel each other, direct proton capture plays a minor rôle in building up nuclei, and is associated with light nuclei (small charges) and high temperatures (high collision energies). D:\116105936.doc Page 118 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Proton-rich nuclides can be produced by the removal of one or more neutrons from a nucleus, following a collision with a high energy photon or neutrino, and this is the way that large proton-rich nuclides are created. Neutron capture processes it all depends on the rate of neutron arrival In contrast with protons, a stable nucleus can easily capture an uncharged neutron, and this shifts its proton:neutron balance, moving it one step up the neutron-rich slope of the nuclear valley. In time, this nucleus will undergo beta-minus decay (np) and move diagonally back down the slope towards the arc of stability (see back to section zZz). However, if the nucleus is hit by a second neutron before it has time to decay, then it is driven another step away from the arc of stability, and further up the nuclear valley slope. If the nucleus is subjected to a series of neutron collisions, then there is a competition between the rate of neutron capture and the rate of nucleus decay. If the rate of neutron arrival is slow, with a long time between captures, then the nucleus will be able to decay back to the arc of stability before the next neutron arrives. If the rate of neutron arrival is fast, then the nucleus will be driven far up the slope of the nuclear valley, and be unable to return to the stable arc at the valley bottom. We see both neutron capture processes at work in stars, the slow “s-process” and the rapid “r-process”, and they build up quite different sequences of nuclei - figure 3.57. D:\116105936.doc Page 119 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei the unstable r-process nuclei decay back to the stable arc the rapid r-process: very short delays between neutron captures, so the nuclei cannot undergo betaminus (np) decay, and are driven up the nuclear valley slope arc of stable nuclides beta-plus (pn) decays are part of the s process the slow s-process: the long delays between neutron captures allow the nucleus time to undergo beta-minus (np) decay back to the line of stability slow s-process beta-plus (pn) decay the s- and rprocesses are shown here starting from the same iron-56 (26p,30n) nuclide rapid r-process Figure 3.57: The s- and r-processes, starting at iron-56, in the nuclear valley. The path of the s-process meanders along the nuclear valley bottom, but the path of the r-process runs up the neutron-rich slope, and even goes outside the valley. The slow s-process A star is a rich mix of nuclear reactions, some of which produce free neutrons. A major source of neutrons is the carbon-13 mentioned above, which can step out of the endless CNO cycle (figure 3.55) and undergo this reaction… carbon-13(6p,7n) + helium-4(2p,2n) oxygen-16(8p,8n) + n Neutrons from reactions like this hit and are captured by other nuclei. It is a very slow process – there may be hundreds or even thousands of years between successive captures. This means that any unstable nucleus formed will very likely undergo betaminus decay (n p) before the next neutron comes along. Notice that neutron capture may take a nuclide into the beta-minus (np) decay zone, but it decays back to stability before another neutron comes along. “The effect is that the nucleus works its way along the floor of the energy valley towards heavier and heavier nuclei”. The s-process creates D:\116105936.doc Page 120 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei nuclei up to a size of about 90 nucleons, somewhat bigger than the most tightly bound iron-group of nuclides, and well short than the largest effectively stable nucleus – bismuth 209. the rapid r-process If we imagine the s-process nuclides as produced by a dripping “neutron tap”, then in contrast, the r-process nuclides are produced by a dam-burst of neutrons. Instead of a wait of thousands of years between neutron captures, there may now be a thousand captures per second. Each nucleus is hit by neutrons so frequently that it is driven high up the slope of the nuclear valley, to become so unstable that its half life is comparable with the time between successive neutron captures. The neutron deluge starts with an iron ‘seed’ nucleus, and produces a string of nuclei high up on the neutron-rich slope, moving at great speed up the nuclear valley towards the largest nuclei at the end. The nuclides high up the valley slopes have extremely short half lives, mere fractions of a second, and so they can “move” through nucleon space very quickly. Once the neutron deluge stops, each nuclide descends to the arc of stability at the valley bottom, following a diagonal path set by beta-minus decay. the three nucleon capture processes in nucleon-space We can summarise the work of the three processes of nucleon capture on the nuclide chart - figure 3.58. D:\116105936.doc Page 121 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei the slow s-process creates nuclei along the arc of stability, but only as far as the biggest stable nucleus the rapid proton capture rp-process creates light proton-rich nuclei 50 the rapid r-process creates neutron-rich nuclei up to the heaviest known nuclei 82 126 magic neutron numbers iron ‘seed’ nucleus, Fe-26p,30n), the start of the r-process Figure 3.58: The three nucleon capture processes, shown in nucleon-space The p-process creates many nuclides on the proton-rich side of the arc of stability. The sprocess creates many of the stable nuclei, as it meanders along the nuclear valley bottom, taking perhaps thousands of years on each step, and going no further than the largest stable nucleus. About half of the abundances of the elements between iron and bismuth are produced by the s-process. The r-process creates, in a only few seconds, a long arc of highly unstable, neutron-rich nuclides, all the way up to the largest known nuclei. The arc is kinked where the nuclei have magic numbers of neutrons, conferring additional stability. We will see later how the violent death of a large star provides the explosive conditions that create the r-process nuclei. a bigger context We have looked at the how the nuclei at the two extremes of the nuclear valley are created - the light nuclei by the burning of the first two fuels, and the heavy nuclei by the explosive r-process. These processes mark the beginning and end of a star’s lifetime. We are ready now to see these reactions in a bigger context, and look at the life cycles of stars. 3.12.9 The life cycles of stars stars of different masses D:\116105936.doc Page 122 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei The Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram plots a star's total energy output (magnitude or luminosity - with our sun set at 1.0) against its surface temperature (calculated from its spectrum - hence the "spectral class" plotted on the x-axis) – figure 3.59. mass: 30 Ms Lifetime: 1 My T ~25 MK mass: 15 Ms Lifetime: 10 MY mass: 1 Ms Lifetime: 10 BY T ~12 MK mass: 0.3 Ms Lifetime: 800 BY T ~10 MK Key "30Ms" = 30 solar masses "800By" = 800 billion years "60My" = 10 million years; "25MK" = 25 million degrees Kelvin Figure 3.59: The Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram plots luminosity on the right hand y-axis against surface temperature on the x-axis. Stars burning hydrogen lie on the diagonal main sequence; massive stars are bright, hot and short lived, and small stars are dim and cool and have long lives. All the stars burning hydrogen lie on the main sequence line, running diagonally across the diagram. At the lower left are the white dwarf stars - very hot, but small, so they don't emit much radiation energy. In contrast, the red giant stars in the upper right are cooler, but so big that they emit large amounts of energy. Larger stars run hotter and have shorter lives Small objects, of less than ~0.1 solar masses, do not ignite their hydrogen, and only glow in the infra-red as they slowly relase their gravitational energy, thus being somewhere between stars and giant planets. A star needs to start out with at least ~0.1 solar masses to achieve a core temperature of 10 miilion degrees and start hydrogen burning, and such a star would then slowly burn hydrogen for an estimated 800 billion years, longer than the current age of the universe. The greater a star’s mass, the faster it must burn its nuclear fuel in the core, to support the greater weight of the surrounding layers, and so we see that more massive stars on the main hydrogen-burning sequence have shorter lifetimes. Thus, a star with 30 solar D:\116105936.doc Page 123 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei masses consumes its hydrogen (protons) in only about 60 million years, and has 10,000 times the energy output of our own sun. So, “the more fuel a star starts off with, the sooner it runs out. This is because the more massive the star is, the hotter it needs to be to balance its gravitational attraction”. Meanwhile, “the lower-mass stars consume their hydrogen fuel in a very frugal manner … [and] ... scrape along from year to year while spending virtually nothing. In contrast, the most massive stars bear an uncomfortable resemblance to rich and profligate heirs, who run shamelessly through a multimillion dollar estate over the course of a single weekend”. Our sun - the life cycle of a star of 1 solar mass Figure 3.60 shows the life cycle of our sun - a modest star of 1 solar mass. 7: …so there is a helium/carbon core inside big planetary nebula… 6: …swells to a red giant…helium is now burning in the core…the outer layers are being blown away… The end of the sun's life 5: The hydrogen in the core is consumed, and now starts burning in the outer layers…the sun leaves the main sequence… 3: …H-burning starts, and the new sun joins the Main Sequence… 4: …where it steadily burns hydrogen in its core for about 10 billion years. 8: …which has now blown away, exposing the core as a white dwarf, with about half the sun's original mass… 9: …which now slowly dims and cools. 2: …collapses under gravity and heats up, so that…. 1: A large cool gas cloud… Figure 3.60: The stages in our sun's life cycle Our sun is about half way through its 10 billion year phase of hydrogen burning, with a core temperature of about 15 million degrees. We've seen that when the hydrogenburning reaction slows, the core heats up further, so hydrogen burning spreads outwards, and heats up the outer layers of the star, which then swell. The surface area increases faster than the energy output, so the star surface cools, and becomes redder, even D:\116105936.doc Page 124 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei though it is emitting more luminous energy. The star is moving through its red giant phase. Our sun is expected to increase its luminosity 10,000 times and expand 200 times, thus engulfing the Earth, though its surface will cool slightly to 4,000K. The core temperature, however, continues to rise under gravitational contraction, until at ~120 million degrees helium ignites, burns for about 100 million years, and builds up carbon in the sun’s core. With hydrogen continuing to burn steadily outwards through the star, the outer layers are inflated and the star separates into a highly dense core of helium/carbon surrounded by a swollen nebulous cloud of gas, rich in carbon and nitrogen, most of which is blown away. a white dwarf star The core is not massive enough to raise its temperature high enough to ignite carbon, the next fuel after helium. So, with no further nuclear reactions accessible, it shrinks and becomes a white dwarf star, that just cools slowly for billions of years. A white dwarf star is very hot, but, being small is not very luminous, so it is at the bottom left in the HR diagram. matter under pressure Even a modest sized star, like our sun, has a mass of about 2 x 10 30 kg – two thousand billion billion billion kilograms. The matter at the star’s centre must support this enormous weight. How does matter behave under such extreme pressures? We have seen earlier that in the recombination event, when the universe cooled to a temperature of ~3,000 degrees, each nucleus gathered enough electrons in “orbit” around itself, to make a neutral atom. But for atoms in the hot core of a star, the electrons have too much energy to remain in settled orbits, so the “nuclei are immersed in a sea of free electrons that tend to cluster near the nucleus”. degenerate electrons and the Chandrasekhar mass The matter in the core of a modest sized star is supported by this sea of free electrons, which exert an ’electron degeneracy pressure’, which is itself a consequence of the uncertainty principle. The uncertainty in the positions of the electrons is equivalent to tiny motions, and these exert a pressure. In a white dwarf star, “this pressure is exerted by electrons that are crowded together as the collapse of the star squeezes atoms together until they overlap”. We can think of the electrons' matter-waves starting to overlap each other, and because the electrons are fermions, they can't occupy the same volume, they D:\116105936.doc Page 125 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei must always be separate. So “the material of the star stiffens and, even without the benefit of additional energy, supports its own weight“. This degenerate electron pressure brings the gravitational contraction to an end in a moderate sized star, such as a white dwarf. However, the greatest mass that degenerate electrons can support is about 1.4 solar masses, known as the Chandrasekhar mass, in which matter is compressed to a density of about 1000 kg/cm3, that is, 1 tonne/cm3, or about the mass of a small car in your fingertip. degenerate neutrons and neutron stars In stars up to ~1.4 solar masses the electrons are viable independent particles, and can sustain the pressure at the core. However, in a more massive star, the pressure forces the particles so close together that the protons in the nuclei are able to capture the free electrons, and form neutrons by the reaction… p+ + e - n0 + with the excess energy being carried away by the newly created neutrinos. Thus, the star’s structure of separate nucleons and electrons is destroyed, and “all nuclei decay and only a ‘puree’ of neutrons is left”. The star’s core becomes, in effect, a single gigantic nucleus, composed only of degenerate neutrons - a neutron star. A typical neutron star has the mass of two suns crammed into a sphere 20 km in diameter. The density is now hard to imagine – approaching 1 billion tonnes of matter in each cubic centimetre. We can think perhaps of a moderate sized mountain compressed into your fingertip, seemingly an impossible condition, but this is the density of the nucleus of every atom our world is made of. Nucleons are independent entities with a viable physical presence at these extreme pressures. Yet there is a limit to what even nuclear matter can withstand, and the greatest mass that degenerate neutrons can support is ~2-3 solar masses. black holes Beyond this mass, physical matter undergoes total collapse into a black hole, from which no light can escape. The theory of General relativity predicts that space-time is distorted by gravity. Thus in a gravity field clocks tick and crystals vibrate more slowly. This is a tiny effect in the Earth’s gravity field, but big enough that the highly accurate clocks on the satellites used in the GPS navigation system need regular correction. The enormously strong gravity field near a black hole slows down time so much that radiation from it is so D:\116105936.doc Page 126 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei redshifted that it disappears from view.Thus a stellar core that collapses to a blck hole has reached the "end of time", and is "cut off forever from the rest of the universe", for not even light can escape. nuclear fuel thresholds we can thus see a series of thresholds for nuclear fuel burning and stellar fates – figure 3.61. core pressure ~1 ton/cm3 the maximum for degenerate electrons core temperature (millions of degrees K) ends up <1.4 Ms white dwarf core pressure ~1billion tons/cm3 the maximum for degenerate neutrons ends up 1.4 to-~3 Ms neutron star ends up >~3 Ms black hole 10000 silicon burns: 3,300 MK oxygen burns: 2,000 MK neon burns: 1,500 MK 1000 carbon burns: 700MK helium burns: 120MK 100 oxygen burns: 2,000 MK hydrogen burns: 15MK 10 hydrogen burns: 15MK carbon burns: 700MK helium burns: 120MK 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 initial star mass (solar masses) Figure 3.61: A summary of stellar nuclear fuels and fates (Ms stands for solar mass) This graph outlines the story so far, and also shows the way ahead. The more mass a star starts out with the more nuclear fuels it can burn. A star with more than ~0.1 solar masses can ignite hydrogen, and with more than ~0.25 solar masses it can burn helium to carbon. The graph shows that stars with more than ~4 solar masses can then ignite carbon, with more than ~8 solar masses they can ignite oxygen, and with more than ~15 solar masses they can make it all the way to the last fuel, silicon. A star’s outer layers are blown away in the process of burning its nuclear fuel, especially helium, and so it ends up as a much smaller remnant. A star starting out with ~8 solar D:\116105936.doc Page 127 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei masses will lose so much material that a core of ~1.4 solar masses is all that remains. This is the most that can be supported by degenerate electrons, so stars up to ~8 solar masses end their lives as white dwarf stars, composed mainly of carbon and oxygen. Stars with initially between ~8 and 20 solar masses end up as neutron stars, and beyond this they end up as black holes. going all the way It's time now to look at a massive star, in which the nuclear reactions will consume all the available fuels, and end up with a neutron star core. We will see how the enormous temperatures and pressures developed by a massive star bring about its inevitable destruction, but also enrich the universe. 3.12.10 The alpha-process - burning all the way to iron We will follow the life of a large star, starting out with about 15 solar masses, which has burned helium-4 largely to carbon-12, with some oxygen-16, by the triple-alpha process. Once helium-4 is depleted in the star's core, gravitational compaction pushes up the pressure and temperature, and now heavier nuclei are built up by the alpha process. This is a mix of nuclear reactions, broadly based on transactions involving helium-4 nuclei, at steadily increasing temperatures - up to more than 3 billion degrees. These enormous temperatures introduce two new features to nuclear fuel burning. The first is the entrance of neutrinos into the stellar economy. We have seen that a star in the hydrogen burning phase loses a small portion of its energy by the emission of neutrinos, in addition to light radiation. With rising temperatures this becomes more significant, and with a core temperature more than ~500 million degrees, neutrino losses come to dominate the star’s ‘energy budget’. Second, at the very high temperatures of the alpha-process the thermal photons have enough energy to break up nuclei, and this ‘photo-dissociation’ becomes an important feature of nuclear burning reactions. So in addition to the normal fusion process, whereby two smaller nuclei merge into a larger one, we also see a progressive rearrangement of nucleons, involving the capture of protons, neutrons and alpha particles. The alpha process has four distinct stages, distinguished by their principal fuels - carbon, neon, oxygen, and finally silicon. The first and third burn by simple fusion reactions; the second and last involve the break up of nuclei by thermal photons. carbon burning D:\116105936.doc Page 128 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei At a temperature of ~700 million degrees, the carbon-12 nuclei have enough energy to overcome the mutual repulsion of their 6 protons, and they collide and undergo a set of competing reactions, producing a mix of different nuclides. We’ll look at this stage in some detail, because it illustrates the important features of the alpha process – figure 3.62. Ne-20 + (10p,10n) He-4 (2p,2n) O-16 + n (8p,8n) C-12 (6p,6n) Na-23 + (11p,12n) energy-bearing neutrinos escape from the stellar core p C-13 + e+ + (6p,7n) C-12 (6p,6n) beta-plus (pn) decay C-12 (6p,6n) N-13 (7p,6n) Mg-24 (12p,12n) e+ + eO-16 + He-4 + He-4 (8p,8n) (2p,2n) (2p,2n) carbon-burning core 700 million degrees electronpositron pair + neutrino antineutrino pair helium-burning shell 180 million degrees hydrogen-burning shell 35 million degrees Figure 3.62: The mix of nuclear reactions that constitute carbon burning. The main reactions produce neon (Ne-20) and sodium (Na-23), but magnesium (Mg-24) and oxygen (O-16) are also directly produced. Further reactions produce oxygen and also neutrinos. The most energetic photons have enough energy to create electronpositron pairs, a few of which then create neutrino-antineutrino pairs. The diagram shows a tumble of nuclear reactions, producing a variety of nuclei in the size range 16-24. Some of the reactions involve single nucleons. Thus, a loose proton reacts with a carbon-12 nucleus to give nitrogen-13, which is unstable and undergoes beta-plus (pn) decay to carbon-13, which then reacts with a helium-4 nucleus to give oxygen-16. The main nuclear products of carbon burning are: oxygen-16, neon-20, sodium-23, and magnesium-24. neutrinos enter the scene D:\116105936.doc Page 129 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei The star’s core has now regained the temperature of the universe when it was about 3 minutes old (see back to section 3.11.6). At 700 million degrees, the average photon energy is about 60 keV, that is, about one eighth of the mass-energy of an electron or positron. The fastest thermal photons have enough energy to sustain a substantial population of electron-positron pairs, either directly, or by colliding with a nucleus in the core. Furthermore, “when the electrons meet and annihilate with positrons, a neutrinoantineutrino pair is occasionally produced. These neutrinos escape the star with ease and force the burning to go faster to replenish the loss”. Figure 3.62 shows that some of the nuclear reactions themselves produce additional neutrinos. From the carbon-burning stage onwards “the dominant energy loss from the star is due to neutrinos streaming out directly from the stellar nuclear furnace, rather than by [light] photons from the surface”. Even a main sequence star, burning hydrogen, loses a small fraction of its energy – about 6% - as neutrinos (see back to section 3.12.5). The carbon-burning star core loses ~84% of its energy as neutrinos, leaving very little to oppose gravitational collapse, and forcing the nuclear burning reactions to go even faster. Moreover, the nuclear reactions are yielding less energy. The rearrangement of 24 nucleons from two carbon nuclei into one neon and one helium nucleus… C-12 (6p,6n) + C-12 (6p,6n) Ne-20 (10p,20n) + He-4 (2p,2n) mass loss 4.7 MeV releases only 4.7 MeV, about 0.2 MeV per nucleon. So the star is losing energy at a faster rate, and the nuclear fuel is yielding less energy. Temperatures and densities are starting to stretch the imagination. The temperature is approaching one million degrees, and the core density is ~240 kg/cm3 , around a quarter ton of mass in your little fingertip). summary of carbon burning Helium burning produced nuclei ~12-16 nucleons in size, and carbon burning has raised this to a size range of ~16-24 nucleons. We are seeing a mix of fusion reactions, and also the nuclei reshuffling themselves, mainly by transferring alpha particles, but also single nucleons. The star is building up a multi-layer structure, with the latest reaction in the core, surrounded by the previous reactions in successive outer layers. neon burning and photo-dissociation When carbon is depleted, the star compacts further, driving the core temperature to about 1,500 million (1.5 billion) degrees, and now the most energetic photons start breaking the up the neon-20 nuclei, that were assembled in the carbon burning phase. D:\116105936.doc Page 130 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei neon-20 (10p,10n) + photon oxygen-16 (8p,8n) + helium-4 (2p,2n) The loose helium then reacts with surviving neon… helium-4 (2p,2n) + neon-20 (10p,10n) magnesium-24 (12p,12n) This photo-dissociation process - breaking up by light - has reshuffled the two neon nuclei. We will see this process become increasingly significant as the star continues to heat up. At the end of the neon-burning stage the star’s core contains mainly oxygen-16, magnesium-24 and silicon-28. oxygen burning The core temperature now rises to ~2,000 million (2 billion) degrees, and compresses to a density of ~7 tonnes/cm3, which is sufficient for oxygen nuclei to overcome their mutual repulsion and react directly, with two main outcomes: 1) oxygen-16 (8p,8n) + oxygen-16 (8p,8n) silicon-28 (14p,14n) + helium-4 (2p,2n) 2) or… sulphur-32 (16p,16n) Oxygen burning also creates a large range of nuclides up to ~40 nucleons in size, with the alpha-nuclei being favoured, due to their higher binding energies. Thus a number of familiar elements appear: phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, argon, potassium and calcium. silicon burning The core temperature now exceeds 3 billion degrees, and the density is about 40 tonnes/cm3, the mass of around 40 cars in your little fingertip. Now the thermal photons have so much energy that the processes of photo-dissociation and fusion are finely balanced. A simple but helpful view is of highly energetic photons breaking up Si-28 nuclei, and the fragments - protons, neutrons and alpha particles - then being incorporated into larger nuclei. Nuclei in the size range 28-65 nucleons thus compete for survival under the barrage of photons, and the larger nuclei are favoured because they are more tightly bound. So, “nuclei with smaller binding energies are destroyed by photodissociation in favor of their more tightly bound neighbors, and many nuclear reactions involving alpha-particles, protons, and neutrons interacting with all the nuclei … take place”. This has been called "nuclear melting" to distinguish it from nuclear burning. antarctic penguins D:\116105936.doc Page 131 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei At the South Pole, the male Emperor penguins huddle together for warmth, as they guard their eggs through the antarctic winter. The bigger the huddle, the more penguins there are in the warm interior. In a similar way, the nucleons in a stellar core gather in progressively bigger and more tightly bound huddles, against the rising fury of the photons. growth v. fragmentation The nuclear melting process thus broadly favours the tightly bound iron-group of nuclides, at the peak of the binding energy curve, with 56-60 or so nucleons. Silicon burning produces a clutch of nuclides in this range: isotopes of chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt and nickel. However, in the enormously hot stellar core the processes of nuclear fragmentation and growth are finely balanced, and the viability of a nuclear huddle depends as much on its resistance to photo-dissociation as on its binding energy. Under these circumstances, the two main products of silicon burning are Ni-56, the most tightly bound of the series of alpha-nuclei, and “the natural end of the alpha process”, and Fe-56, with the third highest binding energy of all the nuclides. The balance of products is sensitive to the neutron population in the stellar core, so that a small neutron excess favours the formation of the more Ni-56(28p,28n), and a large excess favours the neutronrich Fe-56(26p,30n), which has an excess of 4 neutrons. a poor energy yield The transformation of two silicon-28(14p,14n) nuclei into one nickel-56(28p,28n) nucleus yields little energy… Si-28 (14p,14n) + Si-28 (14p,14n) Ni-56 (28p,28n) mass loss = 10.9 MeV This rearrangement of 56 nucleons yields 10.9 MeV, that is, only 0.2 MeV per nucleon. Ni-56 is unstable, and undergoes beta-plus decay twice to Fe-56... nickel-56 (28p,28n) n + cobalt-56 (27p,29n) n + iron-56 (26p,30n) Thus Fe-56 is the favoured nuclide in the star’s core, either produced by silicon burning or by the decay of Ni-56. Iron-56 has an excess of 4 neutrons, and we'll see these neutrons play an important rôle later. silicon is the last nuclear fuel The iron-group of nuclides have the highest binding energies of all the nuclides, and are at the peak of the binding energy curve. We’ve seen how the nuclear burning reactions D:\116105936.doc Page 132 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei fuse smaller nuclei into bigger reduce mass and hence release binding energy to support the star’s weight. However, this only works as far as the iron-group nuclides. Beyond these, further enlargement increases mass, and takes energy from the star, rather than donate it. So, with the “burning” of silicon, the star has used its last nuclear fuel. The main steps in the alpha process are shown in nucleon space, in figure 3.63. Ni-56 has the largest binding energy of the alpha-nuclei, and is favoured by a small neutron excess protons, p zinc-Zn,30 copper-Cu,29 nickel-Ni,28 cobalt-Co,27 iron-Fe,26 manganese-Mn,25 chromium-Cr,24 vanadium-V,23 titanium-Ti,22 scandium-Sc,21 calcium-Ca,20 potassium-K,19 argon-A,18 chlorine-Cl,17 sulphur-S,16 phosphorus-P,15 silicon-Si,14 aluminium-Al,13 magnesium-Mg,12 sodium-Na,11 neon-Ne,10 fluorine-F,9 oxygen-O,8 nitrogen-N,7 carbon-C,6 boron-B,5 beryllium-Be,4 lithium-Li,3 helium-2,He hydrogen-H,1 clusters containing… 56 60 nucleons nucleons 3. …finally, silicon burning creates nuclides in the tightly bound iron group, mainly Ni-56 and Fe-56… 2. …oxygen burning creates Si-28 and other nuclides, up to ~40 nucleons… 1. C-12 burning creates O-16 and nuclides up to ~24 nucleons… iron-56 has the third largest binding energy of all the nuclides, and is favoured by a large neutron excess the line of alphanuclei, where proton and neutron numbers are equal C-12 (6p,6n) 5 10 15 20 25 neutrons, n Figure 3.63: The alpha process starts with carbon-12 and builds ever larger nuclei, up to the iron group of nuclides the alpha-nucleus staircase The dotted line in the diagram marks the series of alpha-nuclei, that have equal numbers of protons and neutrons. We can see the alpha process as a kind of stair-case, working in regular steps diagonally upwards in nucleon space. The tightly bound helium-4 nucleus is the preferred currency of "trade", so the alpha-nuclei are favoured, and we'll see later that they are noticeably more abundant in the universe than the ones in between. The major D:\116105936.doc Page 133 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei fuels in the alpha process - helium-4 (2p,2n), carbon-12 (6p,6n), oxygen-16 (8p,8n), neon20 (10p,10n) and silicon-28 (14p,14n) – are all even-even nuclei, and two of them are also doubly magic. This means they all have larger binding energies than nuclei in between, and so are the major fuels in the alpha-process. a roll call of familiar elements The proton axis in figure 3.63 is a roll call of elements, many of them familiar - the fluoride in toothpaste, the sodium in salt, the aluminium in a saucepan, the silicon in beach sand and computer "chips", the chlorine in bleach and swimming pools, the calcium in our teeth and bones, the chromium in shiny electroplate, the iron in a car body and in our red blood cells, the cobalt in the magnets in our earphones and in vitamin B12. The foundations of the substances of our material world and of ourselves are emerging from the stellar inferno. an onion-like structure The star has now developed a structure of concentric layers, like an onion, with a different nuclear fuel burning in each layer (figure 3.64). 15 300 million stellar surface hydrogen burning to helium-4, 35 million K (also nitrogen) 12 9 6 5,000 3 1,000 0 Included mass (solar masses) 0 distance from centre (km) helium-4 burning to carbon-12, 200 million K (also oxygen, neon) carbon-12 burning to oxygen-16, 800 million K (also neon, sodium, magnesium) oxygen-16 burning through to silicon-28, 2 billion K (also phosphorus, sulphur, chlorine, argon, potassium, calcium) silicon-28 burning through to nickel-56, 3.3 billion K (also titanium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt) iron-56 and nickel-56 core, 7 billion K centre of the star Figure 3.64: The interior of a star of 15 solar masses at the end of silicon burning. The blue scale shows how much of the star’s mass is inside that point – for D:\116105936.doc Page 134 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei example, there are about 3 solar masses of matter inside the helium burning shell; the yellow scale gives the approximate distance from the star’s centre. This cross-section gives us the star’s nuclear burning history. The main fuels are laid out in the sequence of their ignition, with subsidiary reactions building up the nuclei that are not in the alpha sequence. At the base of each layer a burning front is moving outwards, igniting the nuclear ash produced by the layer above. The silicon burning reaction has accumulated around 1-2 solar masses of nickel and iron at the star’s core, and continues to add to this. The nuclear fuels are burning in a dense small core about the size of the earth, at the centre of a huge, bloated star, that may be as big as the orbit of Jupiter. 3.12.11 running out of nuclear fuel climbing the binding energy curve The star has in its lifetime gone six times around the gravity-matter circuit, and burned the major nuclear fuels: hydrogen, helium, carbon, neon, oxygen, and finally silicon. Each burning rearranges the nucleons into bigger nuclear configurations, which are more tightly bound. The binding energy released in each stage of burning has sustained the star, and temporarily halted its gravitational collapse. We can follow the sequence on the nuclear Binding Energy/nucleon (MeV) binding energy curve – figure 3.65. 9 8 burning oxgen silicon 30 months at 2,000 MK Energy: ~0.3 MeV/nucleon 7 6 burning carbon neon 2,000 years at 700 MK Energy: ~0.2 MeV/nucleon 5 4 burning silicon nickel/iron 18 days at 3,300 MK Energy: ~0.2 MeV/nucleon burning helium carbon 2 million years at 180 MK Energy: ~0.6 MeV/nucleon 3 2 burning hydrogen (4p) helium (He-4) + 27 MeV 11 million years at 35 million degrees (MK) Energy: ~7 MeV/nucleon 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 nucleons 60 Figure 3.65: The sequence of fusion reactions generating heat in a star of 15 solar masses. D:\116105936.doc Page 135 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei As long as the fusion reaction moves the arrangement of nucleons further up the binding energy curve, mass will be lost, energy will be released, and the star’s collapse is deferred for a little longer. Hydrogen burning, the first reaction, that binds the free protons, yields a huge amount of energy, ~27 MeV for binding 4 nucleons, about 7 MeV per nucleon. After helium, the curve is much less steep, and the burning reactions have to rearrange more and more nucleons to get even a small energy yield. Moreover, the star is losing energy at an ever faster rate, through neutrino emission, and so each successive nuclear fuel lasts a fraction of the time of the previous one. The figures in the graph show that from hydrogen to oxygen, each fuel lasts only about one tenth as long as the preceding fuel. In the star's onion-like structure we can see the retreat of matter under the inexorable pressure of the star’s gravity. Successive reactions throw new fuels on the nuclear fire, but these yield less and less energy. Finally, the nuclear rearrangements of the alpha process produce nuclei in the iron group, with around 56-60 nucleons, and having the largest binding energies of all the nuclides. Enlarging these will take energy in rather than give it out. There is no viable way that a nuclide like iron-56 can be made to yield further binding energy; the star’s core has finally exhausted its nuclear fuel. the “death” of a star The gas cloud that started maybe 10 million years before as the merest breath of slightly cooler hydrogen and helium in almost empty space, has become a turmoil of heavy nuclei and high energy photons of radiation. The nuclear reactions that for so long have powered this star and kept its enormous gravity at bay, have now run their course. Millions of years have homed in on a single day, and on the last seconds at the end of the last day. Lawrence Krauss captures this moment well for a star originally of 30 solar masses: “For 10 million years all of the nuclear reactions holding the star up against gravitational collapse have been leading to this single last gasp. Almost 10 million years of hydrogen burning, followed by 1 million years of helium burning, 100,000 years of carbon, 10,000 years of oxygen, and then a single day for the rest of the trip. Once it is over there is no hope. In fact, the dense inner core of the star, now surrounded like an onion by shells of oxygen, carbon, helium and hydrogen, is about to undergo one of the most traumatic events in all the visible universe”. a technical note - why not nickel-62? D:\116105936.doc Page 136 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei I don’t feel I‘ve understood why the main products of silicon burning are Ni-56 (~60th in the binding energy rankings) and Fe-56 (3rd highest binding energy). If binding energy is so important in the competitive melée of the super-hot core, then why not Ni-62, Fe-58, and then Fe-56, which are ranked one, two and three? Fewell suggests that the Ni-62 nuclide is preferentially photo-dissociated. And certainly, resistance to break-up by photons would be as important as binding energy, in deciding which nuclides are produced by silicon burning. Wallerstein and WHW suggest that the proton/neutron ratio plays a rôle in deciding which nuclides are made. WHW describe how the main Si-burning products are those nuclides that are most tightly bound at the value of neutron excess pertaining in the core. Both sources say that a small neutron excess in the core leads to the preferential formation of Ni-56, with its proton/neutron ratio (Z/N) of 1.0. If the neutron excess increases, then the preferred products will be the neutron-rich isotopes of iron, Fe-54, Fe-56 or Fe-58. WHW state that for still greater neutron/proton ratios “the equilibrium shifts to heavier isotopes”, and note that the most tightly bound nucleus is Ni-62. Wallerstein (fig. 24) relates binding energies to the proton/neutron ratio: “Fe-56 could be made as itself in equilibrium if the ratio of neutrons to protons in the nucleosynthetic environment were around 0.87. … In fact, nature seems to have chosen to assemble most of the solar system’s iron-group nuclei in matter that had equal numbers of neutrons and protons. In this case Ni-56 was made and later decayed to Fe-56.” (fig. 24 caption) The figure below plots binding energies against cluster size for three sets of nuclides, with different proton/neutron (Z/N) ratios. The bottom graph shows that Ni-56 is the most strongly bound of the alpha-nuclei, that have equal number of protons and neutrons (Z=N, so Z/N=1.0). The second (blue) plot shows how a slight neutron enrichment has increased binding energies, and that Fe-56 is the most tightly bound nuclide of this group. Further neutron enrichment (the green plot) has not really increased binding energies, and now it’s Fe-58 and Ni-62 that are the tightest bound. D:\116105936.doc Page 137 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Z/N = 1.0 Z/N = 0.85 to 0.90 Fe-56(26p,30n) Z/N = 0.87 8800 Z/N = 0.80 to 0.85 Fe-58(26p,32n) Z/N = 0.81 Ni-62(28p,34n) Z/N = 0.82 BE per nucleon (keV) 8750 8700 Ni-56(28p,28n) Z/N = 1.0 8650 8600 8550 8500 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 nucleons Perhaps the more neutron-rich nuclides, even with their large binding energies, simply cannot be made unless the stellar environment is sufficiently neutron-rich to start with. So silicon burning in a core with very few excess neutrons produces mainly Ni-56, with equal numbers of protons and neutrons. Increasing the neutron excess enables the production of Fe-56 and the even more neutron-rich Fe-58. Ni-62 is then competing with these two nuclides that have almost the same binding energies, but are smaller, and hence easier to form by aggregation. So, maybe this is why Ni-62, the most tightly bound nuclide of all, is not produced in quantity in the star’s core: it is more susceptible to photo-dissociation, there needs to be a bigger neutron excess in the core, and if there are the excess neutrons available to make it, then it is in competition with two other nuclides, Fe-56 and Fe-58, that are equally tightly bound but significantly smaller. 3.12.12 Supernova A star’s continued existence as a self-supporting entity depends on a continuing nuclear burning reaction, and the ability of the matter in its core to withstand the conditions there. A star that is massive enough to make it to the silicon burning stage imposes temperatures and pressures that atomic matter, comprising nucleons and electrons, can D:\116105936.doc Page 138 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei only just withstand. If the core gives way, then the entire stellar edifice collapses. The core and the outer layers of the star now go very different ways. We'll first tell the core's tale. The Core's Tale The life cycle of the core of a massive star “can be thought of as just one long contraction, beginning with the star’s birth, burning hydrogen on the main sequence, and ending with the formation of a neutron star or black hole. Along the way, the contraction ‘pauses’, sometimes for millions of years, as nuclear fusion provides the energy necessary to replenish what the star is losing to radiation and neutrinos.” Eventually a nickel-iron core of about 1.5 solar masses builds up, in effect, a white dwarf inside the massive star. The temperature is so high that even the tightly bound iron-group nuclei are on the edge of being fragmented by the high energy photons, and the pressure is so high that the degenerate electrons can only just support it. The iron-group nuclides are at the top of the binding energy curve, and so no further energy can be released by nuclear fusion reactions. The star has exhausted its nuclear fuel at the core, yet continues to lose energy at an enormous rate through the emission of neutrinos. Consequently, the core contracts, and its temperature and pressure increase even further, and the matter in the core finally gives way. Two processes then occur that remove energy from the core, speeding its collapse. the unravelling of iron-56 The core temperature rises as high as 7 billion degrees, and the thermal photons now break up the iron-56 nuclei back to alpha particles from which they were formed… Fe-56 (26p,30n) 13 He-4 (2p,2n) + 4 n mass gain 124 MeV This rearranges the nucleons into less tightly bound nuclei, with a mass gain, which is ‘paid for’ by taking energy from the star’s core, so it collapses faster. electron capture and ‘neutronisation’ As the increasing core pressure pushes the density past 10,000 tonnes/cm 3, the electrons are “squeezed into iron-group nuclei”, initiating the ‘neutronisation’ reaction, in which an electron and a proton combine to make a neutron, and emit a neutrino.… e- + p + n0 + D:\116105936.doc - ~0.8 MeV Page 139 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Electrons and protons effectively disappear, leaving only neutrons. This removes all the electrons that have so far supported the star's weight, and also consumes energy to create a burst of neutrinos, which leave the core. doomed either way Both these processes are inevitable, for failure in one respect triggers failure in the other. These two events, the unravelling of iron-56 nuclei and the neutronisation reaction, remove a huge amount of energy from the star, maybe as much energy as it has radiated in its entire lifetime. The star’s core collapses so fast that it falls inward at about one quarter of the speed of light, shrinking from about the size of the Earth (~12,000 km diameter) to a sphere about 60 km in diameter, in around 1 second. a neutron star What happens to the core now depends on its mass. If it is more than ~3 solar masses it collapses completely to a black hole, the "ultimate triumph of gravity over matter”. But for cores less than ~3 solar masses, the outcome is a sphere of neutrons, a neutron star; with a density of around 200 million tonnes/cm 3 – “a mass in excess of a million Earths confined to a region the size of a small city, and with a mass of Manhattan contained in each cubic centimetre of material”. Neutron stars are “at the limit of density that matter can have, the subsequent step being a black hole”. This state of matter would seem beyond comprehension, yet a neutron star resembles a giant atomic nucleus, and it has about the same density as the tiny nuclear nuggets that are at the heart of every atom, from hydrogen to lead. But, whereas an atomic nucleus, with its specific balance of protons and neutrons, has an identity, a neutron star, has none. During the star’s lifetime, the protons and neutrons in its core were continually being rearranged in ever-bigger nuclei as star burned its series of fuels. Now that rich diversity of nuclei has been unravelled by the temperature, and crushed to neutrons by the pressure. “Matter this compact loses its atomic identity. Electrons blend with protons; intervening space effectively disappears.” A neutron star represents matter in its most lumpen condition, faceless and nameless, imprisoned by its own gravity. As far as the stellar core is concerned the star's patient "journey-work", building large nuclei over millions of years, has been undone in an instant. It is “as if the real business of the star, the conjuring of nuclei, was now monumentalised as a giant nuclear tombstone”. But the core is only a fraction of the entire star. Its collapse has produced a huge amount D:\116105936.doc Page 140 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei of energy, creating enormous temperatures and numbers of neutrinos and neutrons, and these now erupt into the star’s outer layers, and the creation of nuclei continues there. The outer layers’ tale It is not easy to convey the scale of a supernova explosion, for it is not just the sheer amount of energy, but also the speed of its release. a gravity-powered neutrino explosion A nickel/iron core of ~1.4 solar masses, collapsing to a neutron star, converts about 10% of its mass to energy, releasing about 1046 J in a few seconds. The supernova’s light output can increase by a factor of 100 billion, so that for a few days it can outshine the 100 billion or so stars in its galaxy. But this visible light is only 1% or so of the supernova’s total energy output. The other 99% of the energy is in the form of neutrinos, one for each proton in the star’s core, about 1058 in total, streaming out from the core at almost the speed of light. We have already encountered neutrinos, and seen that they “are the closest thing to nothing that one can imagine. …they have … virtually no effect whatsoever on ordinary matter… under ordinary conditions, a neutrino could penetrate millions of miles of lead as if it were window glass.” About 500 billion neutrinos from the sun hit every square inch of ground every second, and pass through the Earth with no resistance. "Our bodies are pierced by them unceasingly, day and night. They leave not a trace." But now deluge of neutrinos produced by the supernova is enormous, about 10 58 in a few seconds, and the inner layers of the star are so compressed that the densely packed nuclei deflect the streams of neutrinos. As far as the neutrinos are concerned, “the star offers ony a slight resistance – just a bit more than if nothing was there at all”. They expend only about 1% of their total energy in penetrating the star’s outer layers, but even this amounts to about 1044 J, more energy than the Sun emits in its entire lifetime. This rips protons and neutrons from the star’s neutronising core, and creates a shock wave that blows away the star’s outer layers in the supernova explosion. The numbers on their own perhaps convey little, but pause to consider that only 1% of the total energy released in the supernova explosion is enough to blow away the star’s outer layers, at least several solar masses, at speeds of thousands of kilometres per second. A supernova has been summarised as a “gravity-powered neutrino explosion”. In fact, without neutrinos, the core mass would just keep increasing from layers of star falling on it D:\116105936.doc Page 141 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei until it collapsed as a black hole, and no supernovae would occur. It’s a nice irony that gravity is by far the weakest of all the physical interactions, and neutrinos are by far the least substantial of all matter particles. two sets of reactions The nickel/iron core with a radius of ~1,000 km, has collapsed to a neutron star with a radius of ~10 km or so, and a temperature of ~100 billion degrees. The photo-dissociation of iron has produced free neutrons, and the neutronisation reaction has released a flood of neutrinos, which rip protons and neutrons free from the neutron star’s surface. These neutrinos drive a hot neutron-rich ‘wind’ lasting about 10 seconds, through the inner layers of the star, inducing two main types of reactions there. The reactions in the innermost layers rapidly assemble nuclei from free protons and neutrons, while a little further out, the nuclear fuels that have remain unconsumed undergo explosive nuclear burning. Figure 3.66 shows the main nuclear reactions in these layers. D:\116105936.doc Page 142 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Temperature, in billions of degrees 1. A ‘wind’ of neutrinos blows for ~10 s, carrying free protons and neutrons out into the star. Distance from centre, km 100,000 the turbulent neutrino wind stirs up the material in the star 2 5 13,000 10,000 5,000 3,700 1,000 5. …Fe-group nuclei capture n rprocess nuclides (T~0.1bK, t~2 s). 4. …alphas combine Fe-group nuclei + free n (T~6bK, t~0.55 s)… 10 100 3. …p + n combine alpha particles + free neutrons (T~10bK, t~0.5 s)… Explosive burning, in a few seconds, of super-heated Si, O and C. For T>~5 billion degrees, complete burning to irongroup nuclides. For T between ~2 and 5 billion degrees, incomplete burning to a diverse mix of nuclides. 2. Neutrinos rip free protons and neutrons from the neutron star (t=0)… 10 100 neutron star 1 ~1.4 ~3 included mass (solar masses) Figure 3.66: The nuclear reactions in the outer layers of a star in a supernova explosion; bK stands for billion degrees. rapid nucleus assembly – the r-process The neutrino wind leaves the neutron star with a temperature of ~50 billion degrees, then it cools, and at ~10 billion degrees, and about half a second after the start of the neutrino wind, the free protons and neutrons it carries have started assembling into alpha particles. Very shortly after this, as the temperature drops further, these alpha particles themselves combine into larger nuclei, especially those in the iron-group, that have the greatest binding energies. The wind now carries iron-group nuclei, alpha particles and neutrons. In the next couple of seconds, as the temperature falls below 1 billion degrees, the iron-group nuclei rapidly capture neutrons, to build up the r-process nuclei. There can be as many as 100 neutrons for each iron-group nucleus, and the neutron flux is so great that “the time to capture a D:\116105936.doc Page 143 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei neutron is generally less than one-thousandth of a second”. This drives the nuclei high up the slope on the neutron-rich side of the nuclear valley, until they can hold no more neutrons. When the neutron flux ends, these unstable nuclei undergo a series of betaminus decays, maybe as many as twenty, taking them down to the nuclear valley floor (see back to the section on the r-process). It is this r-process that produces, in a couple of seconds, an array of nuclides heavier than zinc, containing from about 70-250 nucleons. The amount produced is small, only about one millionth of a solar mass, but this is about one third of the mass of the Earth, and includes some rare nuclides. explosive burning All nuclear fuels will burn very fast if they are heated well above their normal temperature of burning in a stellar core. A fuel that will burn steadily for millions of years, will undergo explosive burning in seconds if super-heated. This explosive burning can occur at temperatures above 2 billion degrees – about 13,000 km out from the neutron star - and will go to completion if the temperature exceeds 5 billion degrees – about 4,000 km out (see figure xXx). Much of the shells that have been steadily burning carbon, oxygen and silicon lie within 13,000 km, and so these fuels will undergo explosive burning - partial in some regions, complete in others. Any nuclei within ~4,000 km of the neutron star will in a few seconds be processed all the way to iron-group nuclei. Explosive burning yields the same nuclides as stable core burning, but the presence of free alpha particles and protons and neutrons results in a rich diversity of nuclides, from ~20 up to ~90 nucleons, well beyond the iron-group, and rich in protons and neutrons. a few nuclides are formed by fragmentation A tiny fraction of the torrent of neutrinos knock single protons or neutrons out of nuclei on their way through the star’s outer layers. In this way boron-11 is created from carbon-12… + C-12 (6p,6n) B-11 (5p,6n) + p and similarly, neon-20 (10p,10n) loses a proton to make fluorine-19 (9p,10n). High energy photons can eject neutrons, to produce proton-rich isotopes of many elements, such as mercury, tungsten, barium and xenon. spallation in deep space - the last nucleosynthesis mechanism We now look at the last stellar mechanism for creating nuclides, and this occurs, not inside stars, but outside them, and operates, not by fusion, but by fragmentation. The D:\116105936.doc Page 144 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei supernova explosion blows the nuclei in the star’s outer layers into space at enormous speeds, up to near the speed of light. These high speed nuclei, known as cosmic rays, are predominantly single hydrogen protons and helium nuclei, and travel through ‘empty space’ for very long times, typically 10 million years. However, the space between the stars, the interstellar medium, is by no means empty, but contains a scattering of particles of different kinds, typically around a few tens to a few hundreds in a cubic centimetre. This is better than any vacuum that can be made on Earth; compare it with ‘thin air’, which has nearly 30 billion billion gas particles in a cubic centimetre. The particles are primarily atoms of hydrogen and helium, from the brief burst of nucleus formation after the big bang. There is also a small proportion of larger nuclei, produced by earlier stars and supernovae. Finally, there are a large number of molecules of compounds, such as water, formaldehyde and ethanol, in great clouds between the stars. The high speed cosmic ray particles, on their long journey through space, collide with larger nuclei, and break them into smaller nuclear fragments; this is the spallation process. The fragmentation of carbon and oxygen nuclei is the source of small nuclides, such as Li-6 (3p,3n), Be-9 (4p,5n) and B-10 (5p,5n). None of these nuclides can be formed in stars; they are all destroyed before hydrogen burning starts. Thus the massive star’s last act, as it explodes as a supernova, is the creation of rare light nuclides by spallation collisions, that will occur far away and long after the star has ceased to exist. Supernova SN1987A The first outward sign of a supernova is the burst of neutrinos, followed by the blast wave, and the rapidly expanding shell of gas - within a day this is an incandescent ball a billion miles across. The neutrinos from the explosion of supernova SN1987A, a star of ~15 solar masses in the large Magellanic cloud about 160,000 light years away, were detected on Earth at 07.35 GMT on 23 February 1987, followed some hours later by the visible light. This was the first supernova observed in that year, hence its designation, and also the first to be visible to the naked eye for nearly 400 years - the previous one being in 1667. Two neutrino detectors picked up a total of 19 neutrinos passing through Earth in about 12 seconds. The probabilities of detecting these extremely elusive particles is minute, so D:\116105936.doc Page 145 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei these few captures tell us that a total of about one hundred thousand trillion neutrinos (~1017) passsed through the two detectors. From the captured numbers and energies we can calculate that the supernova emitted about 1058 neutrinos, at a temperature of over 10 billion degrees, carrying a total energy of around 10 46 Joules, “more energy than an entire spiral galaxy gives off in a year’s time. … The neutrinos give us a glimpse into the interior of a hellish fireball. It verges on the miraculous - 19 flashes of light in subterranean darkness reflect the blazing heart of a supernova.” The neutrinos were emitted when the star's core collapsed to a neutron star; the light was emitted when the blast wave broke through the star's surface, maybe a day later. For the next 160,000 years the neutrinos raced through space towards their meeting point with Earth, with the light from the blast wave, only a few hours behind. By the time neutrinos and Earth converged at the same location, we had evolved from the stone age, and had learned how to make telescopes and neutrino detectors, and derive mathematical models of supernovae. The blast wave from SN1987A blew threw outer layers of the star at speeds up to about 40,000 km/second, more than one tenth the speed of light. These layers contained a huge amount of radioactive nickel-56, and the decay processes, first to cobalt-56 and then to iron-56, “produced gamma rays (energetic photons) that heated the surrounding gas to incandescence”. Six months later, when the debris had thinned, a rich mix of heavy elements were detected, including, iron, calcium, strontium, nickel, cobalt, argon, carbon, oxygen, neon, sodium, magnesium, silicon, sulphur, chlorine, potassium and calcium. It's estimated that the the amount of nickel alone was about 7% of the mass of our sun, or about 23,000 Earth masses. Thus we see supernovae as not only creators, but also distributors of the elements. Figure 3.67 shows SN1987A about 20 years after the explosion. The shock wave, about 1 light year across, is clearly visible, but the distribution of the elements is not yet apparent. D:\116105936.doc Page 146 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei A pair of bright stars in SN19878A's galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud Debris from the supernova blast. Hidden inside this is a neutron star or black hole The supernova shock wave is colliding with a sphere of material ejected from the star maybe 20,000 years before it exploded. The ring is here about 1 light year across, so debris has been hurled into space at speeds of up to 20 million miles/hour - about 9,000 km/s, "seeding" space with heavy elements Figure 3.67: SN1987A 20 years after the explosion. Anoher supernova, Cassiopeia A, around 300 years after its explosion, clearly shows the elements in the expanding star remnants, now about 10 light years across – figure 3.68. a b c d D:\116105936.doc Page 147 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Figure 3.68: X-ray images of the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A, viewed about 300 years after the light from its explosion reached Earth. The expanding cloud of debris is about 10 light years across. (a) broadband image, using all X-ray wavelengths, showing the gas at about 50 million degrees (b) Image using selected X-rays to show the silicon nuclei in the hot gas - this shows a bright jet of silicon-rich gas breaking out of the left side (c) the distribution of calcium nuclei (d) the distribution of iron nuclei The colours show the intensity of the X-rays: from yellow as the most intense, then through red and purple to green as the least intense. And finally, “where did the energy come from to produce the sound and fury which is a supernova explosion? Energy is conserved: who paid the debts at the end? Answer: Gravity! … The ultimate energy source in the stars which produce the greatest amount of energy is gravity power.” 3.13 Review 3.13.1 Seeding inter-stellar space - the "cosmic stock-pot" enriching the universe About 100 million supernovae have erupted in the Milky Way galaxy since it was formed about 10 billion years ago. They and other stars have steadily enriched our galaxy in all the elements beyond helium. These have been added and stirred into the mix like the ingredients of a family stock-pot. Just as the meals taken from the stock-pot reflect the history of what has been put in, so the compositions of new stars and solar systems reflect the growing enrichment of the galaxy “Dust to dust, atom to atom, the cycle of stellar life and death progresses - with a larger fraction of heavy elements in each successive generation.” The earliest stars, starting with only hydrogen and helium-4 could make only a limited range of primary nuclei: for example, carbon-12, oxygen-16, silicon-28, calcium-40 and iron-56. It's only later generations of stars, that start with these primary nuclei already in the mix, that can go on to make secondary nuclei, neutron-rich isotopes of the primary nuclei, for example, carbon-13(6p,7n) and oxygen-18(8p,10n). "Supernovas are the engines of creation. Not only do they give birth to new elements, but they scatter those elements to the currents of space." The amounts of heavy elements that one supernova can produce are awesome; for example, about 1,500 Earth masses of sodium, 5,000 of aluminium and 30,000 of magnesium. Supernovae also disturb the local D:\116105936.doc Page 148 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei gas clouds which can trigger the formation of new stars and solar systems from the now enriched galactic mix. our solar system Our solar system, formed around a third generation star, contains about 74% hydrogen and 24% helium, nearly the same mix as in the very earliest universe. But now the heavy elements add a small but crucial 2% to this mix. The large planet Jupiter, with about 25 times Earth's gravity, is close to the composition of the overall solar system. The Earth, with its weak gravity, was not strong enough to hold on to these light gases, so they blew away to leave our rocky planet, containing just about every nuclide created in the big bang and the stars. 3.13.2 Reviewing nucleosynthesis processes a stellar time-line Figure 3.69 shows the life of a large star as it accelerates towards its destruction as a -hours -minutes -seconds -days Supernova explosion explosive burning r-process - rapid n capture Temperature, K 10 billion alpha process burning C, Ne, O, Si - up to Fe 1 billion 100 million -years -thousands of years -millions of years -billions of years Timescale: supernova. He-burning s-process Slow neutron capture H-burning 10 million 1 billion 1 million 1 thousand 0 Time, years Figure 3.69: Scales of temperature and time for the stellar nuclear processes up to supernova D:\116105936.doc Page 149 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei We can see the temperature climb a thousand-fold, and the time scale shrink from billions of years to mere seconds. 3.13.3 Flooding the nuclear valley We have viewed the creation of the nuclides as a series of moves across the nuclear chess board, starting from just a single proton in the bottom left corner – recall the view into the nuclear valley through the helium “pass” (figure 3.54). Figure 3.70 gives an overview of the individual processes. p-process - makes unstable proton-rich nuclei, which decay back towards stability Fusion processes – making bigger nuclides hydrogen burning to helium… …helium burning to carbon… …carbon burning through neon, oxygen, silicon, to iron. the r-process makes nuclei beyond the last stable nucleus (r-process) - rapid neutron capture makes unstable neutron-rich nuclei, which decay back towards stability (s-process) – slow neutron capture makes stable nuclides from iron to lead-208 iron-56 Start here, with single protons! Figure 3.70: The activity of nuclide building surges up the nuclear valley We can see the sequence of fusion reactions building up single protons to nuclides in the iron-group. The slow s-process works its way along the arc of stability as far as the last stable nuclide. The p- and r-processes make the proton- and neutron-rich nuclides, on either side of the arc of stability. Only the spallation process is not shown here. We can imagine the energy level rising with the temperature in the star, and like a tide, flooding the "nuclear valley", with waves of nucleosynthesis surging ever higher. Neutron and proton capture processes wash up the valley sides to produce unstable nuclei, which then decay back towards stability. When the nuclei are ejected into the coolness of space D:\116105936.doc Page 150 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei the stable clusters of protons and neutrons remain. In a similar way, when the tide recedes, it leaves a series of rock pools, small stable bodies of water in isolated hollows. the array of nuclide species Every single nuclide is an individual, descended from a series of ancestors via a sequence of nuclear reactions. Some are ancient, only a few minutes less old than the universe itself; some are only a few thousand years old, like the nuclei made in supernova 1987A; some have taken millions of years to assemble by the infinite patience of stars; some were made in a fraction of a second in the convulsions of a supernova; and a few are here as the fragments of something larger, that was broken up by collisions in deep space. All have their different stories to tell; each is as unique as a biological species “the personalities of [tantalum-181] and of [iron-56] differ as dramatically as those of the seagull and the tiger”. 3.13.4 Nuclides and the stellar eco-system We think of the the populations of living species in terms of a dynamic ecological balance. Each species feeds on other species lower down the food chain, and is itself devoured by "predator" species higher up. Species populations then reflect the numbers that can coexist within this ecological balance. Nuclei within stars also have populations (usually called abundances). They are created by the fusion of smaller nuclei, and are "consumed" by being fragmented, or capturing protons or neutrons, or by being incorporated into yet bigger nuclei. The population of a nuclide species is decided by the balance of such nuclear reactions. Nuclear populations vary hugely; for example, carbon is nearly 100 million times more abundant than gold in the solar system. The different conditions that can exist within stars create environments – that we can perhaps think of as habitats - that favour one group of nuclei rather than another, with consequences for their populations. We have seen how a big star develops an onion-like structure, shortly before it explodes as a supernova. We can see this perhaps as a range of habitats, within which certain nuclei are favoured, with nuclei in one habitat "feeding" on the product of the next layer up, thus the carbon-burning layer consumes the ashes of the helium burning in the layer above. 3.14 The emergent atom 3.14.1 From nuclides to atoms D:\116105936.doc Page 151 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei With the life cycle of a massive star, and its end as a supernova, we have seen all the reactions that create the nuclides. We now imagine them blown out into cool interstellar space, and gathered into a newly forming solar system, no longer subject to the enormous temperatures and pressures in a star. The unstable nuclides will undergo decay in their own time, but the stable nuclides, ejected from the stellar ecosystem, are isolated by their mutual repulsion, and will remain fixed and unchanging. Since every proton carries one unit of positive charge, each nuclide carries as many units of positive charge as it has protons. As the nuclides ejected from the star cool in space each attracts a number of negative electrons, equal to the number of protons, to achieve overall neutrality. Each nuclide acquires and tethers a number of electrons, that would otherwise be roaming freely, thus creating a new physical entity, an atom - figure 3.71. the strong force binds a colour-neutral trio of uud quarks into a proton the nuclear force binds a group of protons and neutrons into a nuclear cluster, overcoming the protons’ mutual repulsion the electrons are electrically attracted to the nucleus, overcoming their mutual repulsion - u ~5 MeV removing a neutron requires an energy input of ~5 MeV... p+ n0 0 0 n p+ n p+ n0 u d the mutual attraction of all nucleons means a nuclide has no centre... ...whereas an electron can be removed with only ~5 eV ~5 eV ... whereas an atom has a central nucleus the numbers of protons and electrons are equal, so the atom is electrically neutral Figure 3.71: Quarks are bound by the strong colour force into nucleons, which are bound by the nuclear force into nuclei, which bind electrons to themselves. parallels and contrasts D:\116105936.doc Page 152 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei This diagram shows the parallels and contrasts between the worlds of quarks, nuclides and atoms. First, the colour charges of quarks are balanced in a single proton or neutron, so it has overall colour neutrality. Similarly, the electrical charges are balanced in an atom so it has overall electrical neutrality. Second, in a stable nuclide, the nuclear force binds protons and neutrons together against the mutual repulsion of the protons. In a similar way, the electrons are bound to the central nuclide against their mutual repulsion. However, because the nuclide holds all the positive charge, the atom has a centre, whereas a nuclide cluster has none. disparities in mass and energy The atom displays big disparities in mass and in energy. The nuclide shown here is a quite small inhabitant of the nuclear valley, only 7 nucleons, about 6,500 MeV, but this hugely outweighs the combined mass of the electrons, which is a mere 1.5 MeV. The electrons are like party balloons tied to a bag of bricks. There are also big differences in energy; it takes about a million times less energy to remove an electron from a neutral atom than to remove a neutron from the nuclide. This is an indication of how much weaker the electrical force is compared to the nuclear force. If we think of nuclides as deaf to anything less than a shout or a bellow, then an atom will respond to the merest whisper. At the moderate temperatures on Earth, where the interaction energies are small, the electrons will readily respond where the nuclide will not. The low energy interactions between atoms are now mediated wholly by their attendant electrons. We can perhaps think of the electrons tethered to the nuclide in figure 3.71 as resembling a bunch of party balloons tied to a bag of bricks. A breeze blows, the balloons sway and gently bump into each other, but the bag of bricks is indifferent to these gentle interactions. the nuclide is now an atomic nucleus The nuclide is no longer in its normal habitat, interacting with other nuclides, and with an identity defined by its mix of protons and neutrons. It is now the inert centre of a cluster of tethered electrons, whose number is fixed by the proton number, with the neutron number now irrelevant - it is now an atomic nucleus. We have seen how very soon after the big bang the quarks were bound up into protons and neutrons, and have never been seen free since that time. The same has now happened to the nuclides, for under Earth’s gentle conditions they are inaccessible, each buried deep inside its atom. the electrons are now confined D:\116105936.doc Page 153 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei The electrons were created by the time the universe was a second old. In themselves, they appear negligible - a swarm of light particles, mutually repelling each other, and apparently incapable of any corporate activity. However, each nuclide, by its positive charge, gathers a specific number of electrons around itself. In this unnatural arrangement the electrons are forced to co-exist in a confined space, contrary to their urge to be separate. This is the atom, a conflict of inclinations, a totally novel construct in the emergent universe. We have seen how a cluster of nucleons in a nuclide form pairs and closed shells of magic numbers, making a structured community. We will see in the next chapter how, with nuclei acting as stable foundations, electrons also form structured, hierarchical communities, and create wonderful patterns of intricacy and elegance, opening up a whole new level of complex possibilities. the chemical elements So, instead of the 2-dimensional array of nuclides as we have seen them in the nuclear valley, we now have a series of about 100 neutral atoms, that is, tethered clusters of 1 to about 100 electrons. These are the chemical elements. Thus we shift our focus from the nuclides, as they have been made in the big bang and the stars, to the elements, as they interact chemically on Earth, mediated by their electrons. It is sometimes said that the elements were created in the stars, and this is approximately true. It is only the nuclides that are made in the stars, but each then captures the electrons to create an atom that behaves as a chemical element. from the 2-D nuclear valley to a 1-D series of elements We’ll use some specific elements to illustrate the shift from a world of nuclides to a world of atoms and chemical elements - figure 3.72. D:\116105936.doc Page 154 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei 8 Nuclides acquire electrons to match the proton number. So... C-14 (6p,8n) decays to N-14 (7p,7n) protons Cluster size... 9 ...8 electronsoxygen N-13 (7p,6n) decays to C-13 (6p,7n) 7 ...7 electronsnitrogen 8 6 ...6 electronscarbon 7 5 the isotopes of lithium, Li, all have 3 protons 6 4 ...5 electonsboron ...4 electronsberyllium 5 3 ...3 electronslithium 2 ...2 electronshelium 1 ...1 electronhydrogen Li-5 (3p,2n) ejects a proton to become He4 (2p,2n) 1 2 Li-8 (3p,5n) undergoes beta-decay to (4p,4n), which then alphadecays to He-4 (2p,2n) Li-6(3p,3n) and Li-7(3p,4n) are stable isotopes 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 neutrons Figure 3.72: How the chemical elements are related to the nuclides, and how nuclear decay transforms one element to another. The diagram shows the 2-dimensional array of the smallest nuclides in the nuclear valley, where diagonal lines connect members of a nuclear cluster “family”. However, in Earth’s low energy environment, we only discriminate the number of electrons that are tethered around each nuclide. Thus all nuclides containing 3 protons, shown in the horizontal box, will each gather three electrons, to make atoms that are chemically identical, and distinct from atoms with different numbers of electrons. In this way we distinguish the atomic elements, depending on their number of tethered electrons, and the first few are listed up the side of the diagram. So we move from a 2-dimensional array of nuclides in the nuclear valley, to a 1-dimensional series of atomic elements. isotopes - same proton number, different neutron number Thus atoms with the same number of electrons, whilst chemically identical, can have different nuclides at their centres. An element can have a number of isotopes - atoms with the same number of protons, but a different number of neutrons. These different nuclides may have very different ancestries. D:\116105936.doc Page 155 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei lithium old and new The element lithium, defined by its 3 electrons in each atom, has a number of isotopes, shown in the horizontal box in figure 3.72, of which only 2 are stable - Li-6 (3p,3n) and Li7 (3p,4n). The lithium-6 isotope is only made by cosmic rays from dying supernovae undergoing spallation reactions in deep space. In contrast, much of lithium-7 was made in the last nuclear reaction in the cooling fireball after the big bang. Thus, in a lithium battery in a calculator or a mobile phone, some of the nuclei will be quite recent, maybe just predating the solar system, while others will will be only a few minutes younger than the universe itself. lithium can transform to helium The nuclides in the other lithium isotopes are highly unstable, for example, (3p,2n) and (3p,5n) each decay to the nuclide (2p,2n), which creates atoms with only 2 electrons, making the element helium. Speaking in chemical terms, we say that these unstable isotopes of lithium decay to helium. This would appear to be magic, or nonsense - how can a soft grey metal become a light gas? But we can see that the protons and neutrons in the atom’s central nuclide rearrange themselves, and electrons are then acquired or discarded to match the new proton number. With their enormously bigger energies, the nuclides take precedence, and the electrons arrange themselves accordingly. carbon and nitrogen Figure 3.72 shows some other element transmutations. The elements carbon and nitrogen are defined by the number of electrons in their atoms, 6 and 7, respectively. The loss or gain of just one electron will transform one element into the other. Thus the neutron-rich nuclide in the isotope C-14 (6p,8n) undergoes beta-minus decay to become (7p,7n), one of the two stable isotopes of nitrogen. Conversely, the proton-rich isotope N13 (7p,6n) decays to become the stable isotope C-13 (6p,7n). The atomic transformations involve gaining or losing one electron, and because electrons can be removed from atoms so easily, there are always temporarily free electrons available, if needed. the transmutation of the elements These specific examples show how the decay of an unstable nuclide decays and adjusts its electronic “clothing”, removing or adding “garments” to maintain neutrality. The atomic elements are not immutable, but can be transformed from one to another, driven by the enormous energies contained within the atomic nucleus. D:\116105936.doc Page 156 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Oliver Sacks writes: “The feeling of the elements’ stability and invariance was crucial to me psychologically, for I felt them as fixed points, as anchors, in an unstable world. But now, with radioactivity, came transformations of the most incredible sort. What chemist would have conceived that out of uranium, a hard tungsteny metal, there could come an alkaline earth metal like radium; an inert gas like radon; a tellurium-like element, polonium; radioactive forms of bismuth and thallium; and, finally, lead - exemplars of almost every group in the periodic table? … Radioactivity did not alter the realities of chemistry, or the notion of elements; it did not shake the idea of their stability and identity. What it did do was hint at two realms in the atom - a realtively superficial and accessible realm governing chemical reactivity and combination, and a deeper realm, inaccessible to all the usual chemical and physical agents and their relatively small energies, where any change produced a fundamental alteration of the element’s identity.” the volcano We can imagine standing on the edge of a volcano, looking down to the rich plant life growing on the volcanic slopes, and also down into the crater full of red hot magma. The plant life is suited to the cool lower slopes, and would be destroyed if exposed to the heat of the volcanic core. The magma churns deep in the crater, and takes no account of the plant life above. Standing on the lower slopes, you would have no hint of the huge energies in the red hot rock underneath. If the volcano erupts, people die and the plant life is destroyed, but after a while the people return and plant life re-establishes itself, and things go on as before. An atom is similar to a volcano, in that there is a huge turbulent nuclear core, deep beneath the superficial electrons. If the nucleus is stable, there is no hint of this enormous energy. But when an unstable nucleus erupts, this huge energy reveals itself, and the electrons are disrupted. But then, like the volcano, electrons gather round the new nucleus and neutrality is achieved once more. With the volcano, things go on as before, but with another layer of fertile soil. But with nuclear decay, the balance of the nucleons, and specifically the number of protons has changed. Consequently, the number of electrons in the atom changes, and a new atom, with its own chemical identity appears. The protons and neutrons in their nuclear world, take no account of what the electrons are doing "outside". A cluster of nucleons is only concerned with its own stability, so it will decay by any process that is energetically suitable - interchanging protons and neutrons, or down-sizing by ejecting an alpha particle (2p,2n). The electrons regroup around the D:\116105936.doc Page 157 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei new nucleus, and a “new” atom, with its own physical and chemical identity appears. The nucleons pay no more attention to the electrons, than a volcano heeds the humans living on its slopes. Element abundances and ancestries Figure 3.73 shows how the different nucleosynthesis processes have created the abundances of the elements in our solar system. Big bang - the first 3 elements (hydrogen to lithium) in the first three minutes Nuclear fusion Burning H to He to C to O to Si to Fe/Ni - elements 1 - 26 (hydrogen to iron) Iron peak: the most tightly bound nuclei Spallation: cosmic rays in deep space - elements 3 - 5 (lithium to boron) Neutron capture: by the slow sprocess, and the rapid r-process in supernovae - elements beyond iron Figure 3.73: The abundances of the elements in the solar system. The atomic number, on the x-axis, gives the number of protons in the nuclei, which determines the element. The vertical scale gives relative abundances, referenced to 1million silicon nuclei. This is a logarithmic scale, so the silicon abundance is 6 since log 1,000,000 = 6. Thus oxygen (O) at about 7 on the abundance scale is about 10 times more abundant than silicon (Si). Fluorine at 3 has about For every million silicon there are ~1,000 atoms of fluorine (log 1,000 = 3), and only ~1 atom of beryllium (log 1 = 0). It may help to view the positive numbers on the y-scale as the number of zeros after 1. Many of the elements are named with their standard chemical symbol. Hydrogen and helium, the big bang nuclei, vastly outnumber all others. After them, there is a steady downward trend to larger and rarer nuclei, that is punctuated by the dip for the light elements (containing 3-5 protons, that is, Z=3-5) and the peak for the highly stable iron-group nuclei (Z=~26). Abundances decrease steadily after the iron-group peak, since “element formation beyond this point costs energy”. The graph covers all the elements up to uranium (Z=92), with most being identified with their chemical symbol. Only elements 43, technetium, and 61, promethium are missing, since they have no stable isotopes. D:\116105936.doc Page 158 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei “Only the first five lightest elements owe their abundances to origins outside stars - the first three in the big bang and the fourth and fifth (beryllium and boron) by cosmic ray interactions with interstellar atoms. From the stars came all the rest. From atomic number 6 (carbon) to atomic number 94 (plutonium) we look to the stars This range of atomic numbers includes all the common elements of human experience on Earth, save for the hydrogen within water that blesses the earth’s surface.” The abundances are clues to the natures of the nuclides in the elements, and the processes that made them. The prominent “iron-peak” is due to the extreme stability of these nuclei – “it’s very easy to make iron, for example; but it turns out to be very hard to make fluorine or boron”. The elements lithium to boron (Z=3-5) do not feature in stellar fusion processes, and were made by spallation processes, as fragments of carbon and oxygen nuclei in deep space. Fluorine (Z=9) is comparably rare, and if abundances were represented as dwellings, then “fluorine would be a shack between two mansions” – between oxygen and neon. Like the elements lithium to boron, fluorine is largely made by a spallation process, the ejection of a nucleon from neon (Z=10) in a supernova explosion. Elements with more stable nuclei tend, understandably, to be more abundant. We have seen that nucleons pair up, so nuclides with even numbers of protons or neutrons tend to be more stable. Thus the abundances follow a zig-zag path across the graph, with the elements with even numbers of protons (such as C, O, Ne, Si, S…) being consistently more abundant than their odd-number neighbours. We have seen that nuclides are more stable if they contain “magic numbers” of nucleons - 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82 or 126. The graph shows a slight abundance peak for elements 50-55, for these have around 50 protons and 82 neutrons. Similarly, lead, with 82 protons and 126 neutrons, has a large abundance. Every different isotope of every element has its own genealogy - its nuclear ancestry. Donald Clayton writes, “If I could write an epic poem, I would lyricize over the history of the universe writ small by their natural abundances. I would rhapsodize over the puzzling arrangements at different times and places of the thousand or so different isotopes of some ninety chemical elements. These different arrangements speak of distant past events”. Lawrence Krauss describes a very plausible history of a nucleus of oxygen: “Each atom of oxygen on Earth, by its very existence, suggests a veritable treasure trove of detailed history: the life and death of millions of stars, the slow dynamic evolution of our galaxy, D:\116105936.doc Page 159 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei and indeed the history of matter from well before the galaxies existed. Our oxygen atom began life as 16 particles”, which fused to create 4 He-4 nuclei, 3 of which then made a C12 nucleus. “Finally, 2 particles, the nucleus of carbon and the nucleus of helium, are brought together from originally disparate parts of the cosmos, with completely different individual histories, to make a single nucleus, the nucleus of oxygen.” 3.14 The emergent atom We are now in a position to review the series of emergent physical structures that culminate in an atom – figure 3.74. D:\116105936.doc Page 160 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei … an atom - a stable cluster of electrons, around a massive nucleus, containing up to ~100 electrons. e- e- A stable atom has emerged, a tethered cluster of a number of electrons equal to the number of protons in the nucleus, and sensitive to very small energies Z+ e…create and sustain… Continuous interactions between nucleus and electrons, mediated by photons… (or…“photons bind electrons to the nucleus”) Z+ e c … a nuclide – a cluster of protons and neutrons, with the mutual repulsion of the protons overcome by the stronger nuclear attraction between all nucleons. About 300 varieties of nuclide cluster are stable. free electrons are stable, but are isolated by their mutual repulsion. We don’t (usually) consider the protons and neutrons inside the nucleus. A stable nuclide has emerged, with a large mass, and carrying as many units of positive charge as it contains tethered protons p+ n0 0 0 n + n p p+ n0 …create and sustain… Continuous interactions between protons and neutrons, mediated by pions… (or…“pions bind protons and neutrons”) + p n0 b … a colour-neutral quark trio (baryon); only 1 baryon is stable – the proton, the neutron is nearly stable. A stable cluster of quarks has emerged, as a proton, with a large mass, and carrying a unit of positive electric charge u u free protons are stable, but are isolated by their mutual repulsions, and unstable neutrons cannot exist in isolation. We don’t consider the quarks inside protons and neutrons. d …create and sustain… Continual interactions between quarks, mediated by gluons carrying colour charge… (or…“gluons bind quarks”) u quarks and gluons cannot exist in isolation u d a D:\116105936.doc Page 161 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei Figure 3.74: Successive stages in the emergence of the atom. From bottom to top…(a) the emergent nucleon, (b) the emergent nuclide, and (c) the emergent atom. emergent nucleons We have seen how the colour-neutral quark trios we know as protons and neutrons, emerge from the continual interactions between quarks, mediated by the gluons that carry colour-charge. emergent nuclides Protons and neutrons are each surrounded by a “cloud” of virtual pions, that “flutter” between them if they are close enough, creating “an invisible, evanescent web … binding them together”. It is perhaps ironic that neutrons, in themselves unstable, are essential to the stability of all nuclides. Thus a nuclide emerges from the continual interactions between all the nucleons, mediated by pions. The nuclear force, an extension of the colour force operating inside each nucleon, binds protons against their mutual repulsion, into compact massive centres of electric charge, with up to ~100 units of positive charge. emergent atoms The atom emerges from the electrical attraction between a positively charged nuclide and electrons, mediated by the exchange of photons of electromagnetic radiation. The nuclide thus tethers a cluster of electrons, against their mutual repulsion, and creates the range of chemical elements, based on atoms with up to ~100 electrons. a hierarchy of emergent structures Thus we have a hierarchy of emergent structures, each one building on the one below, and introducing a totally novel feature into the universe. So the strong colour force creates a stable cluster of quarks, a nucleon, that can have 1 unit of positive electric charge; the residual nuclear force binds these into clusters, carrying up to ~100 units of positive charge; and these provide the foundation for the electromagnetic force to gather clusters of up to ~100 electrons. Each level in the hierarchy is created and sustained by continual activity in the level below. At each level in the hierarchy, the activity “underneath” is subsumed in a new emergent behaviour: quarks “disappear” inside nucleons, and nuclides “disappear” inside atoms. atoms can interact and yet keep their identity D:\116105936.doc Page 162 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei A nuclide has no centre, so small nuclides can fuse to make one larger cluster, and lose their identities in the process. But the electrons in an atom respond to very small energies, about one millionth of those involved in nuclide interactions. So atoms can interact and join together through their electrons, and yet retain their unique identities within a larger structure. A nucleus binds as many electrons as it has protons, to make a neutral atom. Thus the nucleus of an atom decides its identity as an element, yet the nucleus plays no part in the chemical interactions of the electrons. Electrons can be removed with very small energies, and the nucleus remains unchanged; the elemental identity is fixed regardless of any electronic rearrangements. In a similar way, someone remains the same individual regardless of what clothes they wear. 3.15 The next chapter In the next chapter we will leave behind quarks, gluons and nucleons, and look at the behaviour of communities of tethered electrons – we will enter the realm of the chemical elements. The 3,000 or so known nuclides can create only about 300 stable combinations, which then become the nuclei of only ~100 different elements. Yet we will see these few elements create millions of different stable combinations – the different compound substances of our material world. We will see the amazing structures that communities of electrons can create. “We could get rid of every electron in our bodies, and we would never notice the difference if we stood on a scale. Yet, in spite of their puny heft, electrons may be the most important particle in nature, at least to us, because they determine almost every observable aspect of our existence.” D:\116105936.doc Page 163 of 168 12/02/2016 “The Emergent Universe - how did we get from there to here?” Chapter 3: Protons and Neutrons – Nuclei References Fred Adams and Greg Laughlin, "The Five Ages of the Universe", Touchstone, 2000 Jim Al-Khalili, “Everything and Nothing”, broadcast on BBC4; programme 1, “Everything”, 21 March2011, and programme 2, “Nothing”, 28 March 2011. http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/ Jonathan Allday, "Quarks, Leptons and the Big Bang", Institute of Physics publishing, 2003 AME 2003a, “The AME2003 atomic mass evaluation (I): Evaluation of input data, adjustment procedures”, A.H. Wapstra, G. Audi and C. 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