Comparing Iron Age people and Romans activity sheet

Comparing the Romans and Iron Age People Activity Sheet
Were the Roman invaders, similar or different to Iron Age people who lived
here before they invaded? Read these sentences and match them with either
Iron Age people or the Romans. Cut out (or write) the sentences where you think
they belong in the table.
Our soldiers wear uniform and are very well organised
Our warriors wear body paint
Sometimes the women of our tribe fight in our battles
Only men can fight in our armies
We raid other tribes and then return to our farms
Our military campaigns last a long time
We make buildings out of straw and mud
Our buildings are made out of stone
We live in villages and hillforts
We live in towns
We wear pale colours
We wear brightly coloured woollen clothes
We wear togas not trousers
We wear dresses & our men wear trousers
Our religious leaders are called Druids
We built large stone temples to our gods.
Iron Age people
What we wear
In battle
Belief and religion
Where we live