Qualitative changes lead to a deeper investigation of the cell wall proteome of Candida albicans under iron limited conditions Jens M. Wartenberg Bachelor Thesis Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, 1018 WV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Summary Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogenic fungus which is carried by 80% of the human population without causing infection. The fungus is able to become virulent at certain environmental cues and cause infection which may result in death. Immunocompromised patients are at higer risk of developing candidias. Several antifungals have been artificially developed, but overuse led to resistance and thus new drug-targets need to be identified. Iron is an important nutrient for proliferation and growth in almost every microorganism, but due to its toxic nature it is not freely accessible in the host. The human body packages iron in proteins for transport and storage and so Candida needed to develop several uptake systems. Proteins on the cell wall are known to be important in iron acquisition. By making use of mass spectrometry techniques we have looked at changes in the cell wall proteome of Candida albicans under iron limiting conditions at pH 7.4 and pH4. Transcriptional studies indicate the upregulation of several proteins, like the iron acquisition protein Rbt5, but we could not verify that many changes on qualitative protein level. Introduction Fungal research is becoming increasingly important. Although the current health system provides great care of patients, immunocompromised humans remain at high risk of developing fungal infections and this is still the leading cause of mortalities among HIV-1 affected people. Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungus which lives and thrives in 80% of the population without causing harmful effects. A lot of research has been done on this organism and several antifungals have been developed, but overuse of these has led to resistant strains and so the quest for new drug-targets continues. Cell-wall proteins of C. albicans are one of the new targets to develop fungistatic and fungicidal vaccines without causing severe sideeffects. A number of virulence factors have been established in C. albicans which are responsible for its opportunistic behaviour. It is capable of switching from a unicelullar budding-yeast phenotype to an invasive multicellular filamentous form called hyphae and there is also an intermediate form named pseudo-hyphae. This switching is reversible and is induced by environmental cues. The cell wall contains a large repertoire of adhesion proteins which are involved in the formation of stable attachments to the host-tissue. The fungus also secretes proteases which presumably are involved in nutrient supply, degradation of immunoglobins and degradation of host-barriers during invasion. 1 Candida is able to grow in different habitats throughout the human body. Three different forms of infection can be distinguished: cutaneous, mucosal and systemic. Mucosal infections can be subdivided in oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC), esophageal candidiasis (EPC) and vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). OPC and EPC are the main mucosal infections in HIV patients. This research project will mainly focus on mucosal infections. For Candida to grow at different sites of the human body it needs to adapt to the environment it is surrounded by. Not only is it able to withstand different pH levels, but oxygen availability can range from a pO2 of around 100 mm Hg to almost anaerobic conditions. Iron is an essential nutrient for growth and proliferation for almost all micro organisms. It is used in many enzymes as a cofactor due to its favourable reducing potential. Ferric iron is the predominant form of iron, because under standard conditions ferrous iron will auto-oxidize to ferric iron. At pH 7 ferric iron forms a complex with water in which protons are lost. This results in an amorphous gel and so virtually no free iron is available. The human body solves this by packing and transporting iron in proteins like lactoferrin, ferritin and transferritin. The difficulty in obtaining iron leads to a limited number of uptake mechanisms in microorganisms. Iron acquisition can be divided in two major groups: reductase dependent and reductase indepent. The solubility of ferrous iron at ~pH 7 is much higher than that of ferric iron. A logical way of iron uptake would be to reduce FeIII to FeII. C. albicans has two reducing uptake systems: high affinity and low affinity. The latter directly takes up ferrous iron by the FTR1 protein which is a transmembrane permease. The high affinity system first reduces iron to reoxidize it again by ferroxidase. The reason why and how this system works is not known yet. Candida is able to directly take up siderophores which are small molecules capable of binding ferric iron. Surprisingly it is not able to produce siderophores itself but uses those of other micro-organisms. Another way of acquiring iron without reducing is the direct uptake of haeme with Rbt5 a GPI-anchored protein capable of binding and transporting haeme out of haemoglobin across the cell membrane. Iron uptake systems are similar among most micro-organisms. So there is not only great difficulty in obtaining iron, but as well great competition for it. In this study we are investigating the effects of iron limitation on the cell wall proteome of Candida albicans. The cell walls and cell wall proteins (CWP) of fungi have several functions like water retention, but also functions important for virulence like adhesion, cell aggregation, biofilm formation and protection against oxygen radicals. Cell wall proteins are also involved in the uptake of iron. Here we show the effects of iron limitation on the cell wall proteome. We are looking at the first stages of a mucosal infection in the human body which include epithelial adhesion and superficial penetration of the mucosal surface in which hyphae are involved. Mass spectrometry techniques are used to identify the qualitative changes in the CWPs as a consequence of the iron restriction compared to untreated control cells. Also the effects of low iron levels on the ergosterol synthesis are analysed. Materials and methods Strains and growth media The C. albicans strain used for the experiments is SC5314, a clinical isolate. Overnight cultures (ONC) were made by inoculating Candida (stored at 4 C) in 20 mL YPD medium(1% Bactoyeast extract, 2% Bacto peptone, 2% Glucose) for ~24 hours at 30 C and constant shaking (200 rpm). Cells for cell wall isolation were grown on plates 2 for 18 hours at 37 C. (3% agar, 5 mM Mucin, 1.7% Yeast Nitrogen Base without aminoacids and ammonium sulfate, 75 mM Mopso (pH 7.4) or 55 mM Tartaric acid (pH 4), 0.09% Glucose). Iron restricted plates were prepared by adding 100 M of the iron chelator bathophenanthroline di- sulphonic acid(BPS) at pH 7.4 and 150 M BPS at pH 4. Cell wall isolation Invasive cells were harvested by solubilizing the plates with 6 M guanidine Thiocyanate, non-invasive cells by washing off with Mili Q water. Cells were harvested out of the plates with 6 M Guanidine Thiocyanate or washed of with Milli-Q water. A standard cell wall isolation protocol (De Groot et al. 2004) was used in which several adaptations were made. Due to problems with hyphae floating the washing with Tris buffer was reduced to one time and replaced by multiple washing steps with MQ-water. Breaking of cell walls by bead-beating was increased and boiling with SDSextraction buffer containing mercaptoethanol (8 L per 100 mg of cell wall) was increased to four times to get rid off all cytoplasmic proteins. Isolated cell walls were freeze-dryed and stored at – 20 C. Sample preparation for MS A standard protocol was used described by Sosinska et al [2008]. No changes were made. MS identification of cell wall proteins After the tryptic digest the cell walls were centrifuged for 1 minute at 13000 rpm. The supernatant containing the tryptic peptides was transferred to a new tube and a standard protein zip-tip protocol was performed using a C18 100 L zip-tip. Zip-tipped samples were stored at – 18 C or 2 L were dissolved in 23 L of 0.1% TFA for mass spectrometry analysis. For protein identification a tandem MS system was used including a nano-LC column. The eluted peptides are electrosprayed in a Micromass quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer. Ions were selected as described by Sosinska et al [2008]. Ergosterol level determination Cells were washed off plates with MQwater and 2 mL were suspended in 6 mL Methanol. 6 mL of cold PetroleumBenzeen (PE) were added to the sample and vortexed for 1 minute at high speed. The samples were centrifuged for 2 minutes at 3000 rpm. The upper phase containing ergosterol was transferred to a new tube and dryed under a constant flow of gaseous nitrogen. The dryed sample was dissolved in 60 L ethanol to load on the HPLC. As a standard for quantitation 1, 10 and 100 M ergosterol were used. The different samples were normalized by dry weight. Dry weight/growth determination Cells were harvested from soft agarose plates and washed with Milli-Q water. Samples are loaded in pre-weighted eppendorfs and centrifuged for 1 minute at 13000 rpm. The washing was repeated and the samples were dried at 60 C. Results Iron Limitation leads to a reduction in biomass C. albicans is capable of growing under Iron limited conditions to a certain extent. Here we wanted to identify a BPS concentration which leads to a 30% biomass reduction, because this indicates a clear effect of the treatment, but the cells remain viable. In Figure 1A the effect of various BPS concentrations on the biomass is shown. 100 M BPS, which causes a 30% reduction in 3 A 100 uM BPS leads to a 30% growth reduction in Candida albicans at pH 7.4 150 uM of BPS leads to a 30% growth reduction in Candida albicans at pH 4 B 120 120 100 100 Dryweight (%) Growth (%) 80 60 40 80 60 40 20 20 0 0 50μm BPS 100μm BPS 150μm BPS 125μm BPS pH 7.4 150μm BPS pH 4 Fig 1A. Growth diagram of Candida albicans with different concentrations of BPS at pH 7.4. Growth is represented in percentages with pH 7.4 as the reference. 100 μM of BPS leads to a ~30% growth reduction which is the concentration used for further experiments. 1B Growth diagram of Candida albicans with different concentrations of BPS at pH 4. Growth is represented in percentages with pH 4 as the reference. 150 μM of BPS leads to a ~30% growth reduction which is the con-centration used for further experiments. biomass, is used for further experiments at pH 7.4. Figure 1B shows the same experiment at pH 4, where 150 M BPS leads to a 30% reduction in biomass and is used for further experiments at low pH. Supplementation of iron can abolish the BPS induced biomass reduction In order to establish the fact that growth reduction is attributed by the chelating of iron and not by a toxic side effect of BPS or the chelating of other essential ions, iron was supplemented in the media to restore growth. Figure 2A. and 2B. show growth restoration of C. albicans cells when supplemented with A different concentrations of Ferrous Iron at pH 7.4 and pH 4. Iron limitation leads to reduced ergosterol levels in C. albicans Iron is essential in the ergosterol synthesis pathway, since many of its enzymes contain iron, which is needed for their function. Figure 3. shows the Iron supplementation restores BPS caused growth inhibiton at pH 7.4 160 effect of iron limitation on ergosterol levels. 100 M BPS shows a 40% reduction of ergosterol in comparison with control cells at pH 7.4. As a positive control, cells were treated with fluconazole, a widely used fungistatic which inhibits 14α-demethylase, an enzyme of the ergosterol synthesis pathway. 0.5 g/mL fluconazole led to a 90% reduction of ergosterol levels. Effects of iron limitation on the cell wall proteome Peptide mixtures of each sample are loaded in an LC-MS-MS Q-tof massspectrometer and the derived peak list is analysed by MASCOT. Table 1. and 2. show the number of peptides found for each identified protein at both pH 7.4 and pH 4 - a list of all proteins and functions is found in supplementary data table S1. The number of peptides is not quantitative and only gives an indication whether the protein is present or not. Table 1. shows that Ssr1 and Sap9 are found in normal treated cells at pH 7.4, 160 140 140 120 120 100 % growth % growth Iron supple me ntation re store s BPS cause d growth inhibiton at pH 4 B 80 60 100 80 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 pH 7,4 100 μM BPS 100 μM BPS + 100 μM FeII 100 μM BPS + 300 μM FeII 100 μM BPS + 500 μM FeII 100 μM BPS + 1000 μM FeII pH 4 150 μM BPS 150 μM BPS + 100 μM FeII 150 μM BPS + 300 μM FeII Fig 2A. Iron supplementation graph of Candida albicans at pH 7.4. Growth is represented in percentages with pH 7.4 as the reference culture. Different concentrations of ferrous iron are supplemented in plates containing 100 μM of BPS. Higher concentrations of Iron restore growth and promote it. Fig 2B. Iron supplementation graph of Candida albicans at pH 4. Growth is represented in percentages with pH 4 as the reference culture. Different concentrations of ferrous iron are supplemented in plates containing 100 μM of BPS. Higher concentrations of Iron restore growth and promotes it. 4 F C d li ( Iron limited conditions lead to a 40% decrease in ergosterol concentrations in Candida albicans 120 100 [Ergosterol (%)] but not in the iron limited and the other wy around for Als 5. At pH 4 Rbt5 as well as Sod5 are found in the iron depleted cells, but not in the normal reference. The significance of these findings is debatable and will be discussed further. 80 60 40 20 Proteins Als1 Als2 Als3 Als4 Als5 Cht2 Crh11 Ecm33 Mp65 Pga4 Phr1 Phr2 Pir1 Rbt5 Rhd3 Sap9 Sod4 Sod5 Ssr1 Utr2 Ywp1 2 pH7.4 1 3 pH7.4 BPS 2 2 5 1 3 3 7 1 4 1 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 6 6 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 3 7 1 2 7 2 2 1 9 2 2 7 2 4 2 3 1 1 1 9 1 2 3 3 6 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 5 3 6 3 5 2 1 2 1 Table 1. Number of peptides found for each protein identified by MASCOT in normally treated cells and iron depleted cells at pH 7.4 Normal pH 7.4 cells were done three times and Iron limited cells were done twice Proteins Als1 Als2 Als3 Als4 Als5 Cht2 Crh11 Ecm33 Mp65 Pga4 Phr1 Phr2 Pir1 Rbt5 Rhd3 Sap9 Sod4 Sod5 Ssr1 Utr2 Ywp1 pH 4 pH 4+BPS 2 2 1 1 1 5 6 5 3 4 5 8 4 2 1 4 4 4 3 5 2 1 ? ? 1 6 8 6 1 2 6 3 2 3 1 1 ? ? 1 2 3 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 Table 2. Number of peptides found for each protein identified by MASCOT in normally treated cells and iron depleted cells at pH 4. The question marks are peptides which MASCOT wasn’t able to distinguish based on the peptide sequence, but at pH 4 only PHr2 is upregulated. 0 pH 7.4 Fluconazole BPS Figure 3. Ergosterol levels in two differently treated Candida albicans cultures. Ergosterol levels were determined with HPLC in iron limited conditions at pH 7.4 Iron limitation leads to a 40% reduction of ergosterol. Fluconazole (0.5 μg/mL) is shown as a positive controle. Discussion/conclusion In this study we show the effects of iron depletion on growth, ergosterol levels and the cell wall proteome of Candida albicans. Iron is an essential nutrient and growth is markedly affected when iron is restricted using the iron chelator BPS (Fig. 2A/B). At pH 4 a higher concentration of BPS is needed to reduce growth which is probably due to the fact that there is more free iron available than at neutral pH (Kosman, 2003). Reduction of growth by BPS is caused by its iron chelating capabilities only, because when supplemented with iron, normal growth is restored and even promoted (Fig. 3A/B). As stated iron is an inducer of growth and proliferation, thus the overshoot of growth at higher concentrations is due to this fact. Iron is used in many enzymatic reactions because of its reducing nature. Ergosterol is a critical component of the fungal cell membrane and the synthesis is a multistep process in which iron is important. Depletion of iron should therefore have an impact on ergosterol levels. Figure 4. shows that iron limitation leads to a 40% reduction of the ergosterol concentration in the cell membrane of Candida. Ergosterol levels of cells treated with fluconazole – a widely used fungistatic - are shown as a positive control. 5 The cell wall proteome is dynamic and adjusted to the environment the fungus is surrounded by. The protocol used leads to about 25 identified proteins by MASCOT in a clean sample, but normally fewer are identified at one condition. This can be attributed to overlapping peptide peaks and loss of proteins during the washing and boiling steps. Table 1. and 2. show the number of peptides found for each identified protein. At pH 7.4 several differences can be seen. Ssr1 and Sap9 are found only in the control cells. Ssr1 is a βglucan associated protein important for cell wall structure and Sap9 is a secreted aspartyl proteinase involved in adhesion. Although not seen in the iron deprived samples the number of peptides found for the normal samples are not that many and Ssr1 should be present, but maybe at much lower amounts in the iron limited samples as well. The significance of these findings is therefore not clear. Als5 is identified once in the two iron limited samples, but again the number of peptides is only two. To be able to say something about this difference the experiment might be repeated for the iron deprived cells. For pH 4 there are two differences recorded: Sod5 which has a protective role in oxidative stress and Rbt5 which is involved in iron acquisition. Iron is cytotoxic and especially auto-oxidation of ferrous iron results in the formation of superoxide radicals. At pH 4 more free ferrous iron is available and so Sod5 should probably be seen in both normal and iron limited samples. The fact that Rbt5 is seen only in the affected samples gives an indication that Rbt5 is up-regulated upon iron limited conditions. This indication should be verified by repeating the experiment and in the future take a quantitative look at the cell wall proteome. Although there are some qualitative changes on the cell wall proteome of Candida albicans under iron restricted conditions, the significance of these findings have to be supported by further experiments. Future prospects In this research a 30% reduction of growth is chosen by treatment with BPS. The effect of iron limitation on the cell wall proteome could be more at higher concentrations. It might be interesting to repeat the experiments at a BPS concentration which leads to a 50% reduction of growth. Although qualitatively there is no real significant change in the cell wall proteome of Candida albicans under iron limitation, quantitatively it might. The next logical step is to design an experiment by which one can quantify the proteins of the cell wall by making use of mass spectrometry based techniques. Significant down or upregulated cell wall proteins could then be used as new potential drug-targets. Not only iron is essential for growth and proliferation, but oxygen availability is also a key component in many reactions for example the ergosterol synthesis pathway. Sosinska et al [2008] have looked at the effect of hypoxic conditions under vagina-simulative conditions and shown – using immunoblot assays - an up-regulation of Pir1 and Hwp1, but also Pga10 and Rbt5 which are involved in iron acquisition. Addition of the iron chelator ferrozine led to even higher upregulation of the latter. This suggest a related to low oxygen and iron levels. Using the techniques we applied for iron restriction we could take a look at qualitative as well as quantitative changes of the cell wall proteome depending on oxygen availability. Not all proteins on the cell wall are digested by trypsine or give peptides of which MASCOT is able to use. These proteins can be identified using immunoblot assays. Sosinka et al. (2008) have identified several cell wall proteins using these assays at 6 vulvovaginal conditions under hypoxia and iron restriction. It would be interesting to identify these proteins as well for pH 7.4. W. LaJean Chaffin (2008). Candida albicans Cell Wall Proteins. Microbiology and molecular biology reviews, Sept. 2008, p. 495–544 Vol. 72, No. 3 Acknowledgement I thank Stanley Brul and Frans Klis of the Microbial Food Safety Group at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Science for giving the opportunity to help working in a real running research. Special thanks go out for Alice Sorgo and Clemens J. Heilmann who have supervised and helped during the internship. References Daniel J. Kosman (2003). Molecular mechanisms of iron uptake in fungi. Molecular Microbiology, 47 (5), 1185– 1197 Robert Sutak, Emmanuel Lesuisse, Jan Tachezy and Des R. Richardson. Crusade for iron: iron uptake in unicellular eukaryotes and its significance for virulence. Ricardo S. Almeida, Sascha Brunke, Antje Albrecht, Sascha Thewes, Michael Laue, John E. Edwards, Jr., Scott G. Filler, Bernhard Hube (2008). The Hyphal-Associated Adhesin and Invasin Als3 of Candida albicans Mediates Iron Acquisition from Host Ferritin. PLoS Pathogen November 2008 ,Volume 4, Issue 11 Grazyna J. Sosinska, Piet W. J. de Groot, M. Joost Teixeira de Mattos, Henk L. Dekker, Chris G. de Koster, Klaas J. Hellingwerf and Frans M. Klis (2008). Hypoxic conditions and iron restriction affect the cell-wall proteome of Candida albicans grown under vagina-simulative conditions, Microbiology, 154, 510–520 Mathias L. 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Proteins Als1 Als2 Als3 Nomenclature Agglutinin-Like Sequence 1 Agglutinin-Like Sequence 2 Agglutinin-Like Sequence 3 Als4 Agglutinin-Like Sequence 4 Als5 Cht2 Crh11 Agglutinin-Like Sequence 5 Chitinase 2 Congo Red Hypersensitive 11 Ecm33 Mp65 ExtraCellular Mutant 1 MannoProtein of 65 kDa Pga4 Phr1 Phr2 PH Responsive 1 PH Responsive 2 Pir1 Proteins with Internal Repeats 1 Rbt5 Rhd3 Sap9 Repressed By TUP1 5 Repressed during Hyphae Development 3 Secreted Aspartyl Proteinase Sod4 Sod5 Superoxide dismutase 4 Superoxide dismutase 5 Ssr1 Utr2 Cell-Surface Factor Ywp1 Yeast-form Wall Protein Function and features Adhesion, role in virulence Adhesion, biofilm formation Epithelial adhesion, endothelial invasiveness, Iron assimilation Adhesion, germ-tube induction Cell-cell adhesion Chitinase predicted glycosyl hydrolase domain Cell wall architecture possible role in cell-wall glucan metabolism Cell wall organization Glycosidase Glycosidase Structural constituent of cell wall hemoglobin utilization Adhesion, cell surface integrity Superoxide dismutase protective role against oxidative stress Cell wall structure Putative glycosidase, cell wall, adhesion dispersal in host Induction Low iron Hyphae Down-regulated upon vaginal contact Yeast cells fluconazole heat Oral candidiasis High pH Low pH, High Iron, Fluconazole Hyphal repressed, fluconazole High pH Decrease in hyphae, regulated by iron fluconazole Hyphal growth, osmotic and oxidative stress antifungals cell wall regeneration growth phase Table S1. Descriptions of all proteins identified by MASCOT in a clean sample when using our cell wall isolation protocol 9