UDK 004.032.26 V.O. Lazarev ADVANTAGES OF THE USE OF ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS IN THE ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION AND DATA-MINING APPLICATIONS. Summary. The publication is dedicated to the usefulness of artificial neural networks in the analysis, forecasting, and support decision making. Considered arguments about the benefits of artificial neural networks for data-mining applications. Key words: artificial neural networks, decision support system, forecasting. Formulation of the problem. Computer Information Systems used in enterprises have been a number of stages in its development. In the beginning were the most in demand data collection system, then their formalization and storage. At the present time any enterprise there is a need analysis of huge volumes of business information of all kinds. The most pressing is the problem of converting large amounts of tabular information, typically stored in a database, in a concise set of rules of business strategy, a clear forecast for the procurement of goods or promoting optimal management decision. At the moment, most of the sources define this process as a data-mining (process analytical study of large volumes of economic data in order to identify specific patterns and systematic relationships between variables, which can then be applied to new collection of data). For brevity, we will assume that the data-mining is the process of extracting knowledge from structured data. The main methods of production of knowledge is the analysis of hypotheses and exploratory data analysis. These methods are proven and can be considered classic, but a significant disadvantage of their use is a focus on determine the nature of the process of data distribution, and not on the end result of the forecast. Also we need to look to the rather complex mathematical tools and low parallelism received, on this basis, algorithms. A skilled user of the computer information system during data analysis expects fairly simple and flexible tools that make it easy to add, delete, or modify rules retrieval. At the same time, users will impose strict requirements to the automatism and speed the process of working with data. Such rather contradictory, requirements to the functional information system makes search for new methods of data-mining. An alternative description of the methods above data-mining can offer the use of artificial neural networks. Analysis of the latest research and publications. Topic various practical applications of artificial neural networks are widely disclosed in the domestic and foreign literature. The most well-known authors: Mohamad H.Hassoun, A.A.Ezhov, S.A.Shumsky, S.Haykin, L.G.Komartsova, A.V.Maksimov, A.I.Galushkin, R.Duda, P.Hart, V.A.Golovko, G.E.Yahyaeva, D.A.Tarhov, V.V.Kruglov, M.I.Dli, R.Yu.Golunov. In research of neural networks with general regression and probabilistic neural networks: Burrascano, P., Schieler, H., Hartmann, U., Caudill, M. P.Tavan, H.Grubmuller, H.Kuhnel. Publications on the practical application of artificial neural networks can be found under the authorship: RCFrye, J.Vac.Sci.Technol, KDCummings, EARietman, CMBishop, B.Denby, S.V.Klimenko etc. March 20, 2012 was held X All-Russian Scientific Conference "Neurocomputers and their application." The conference was devoted to topical issues of neural networks and other learning institutions to solve problems in the natural and engineering sciences and humanities. Purpose of the conference unification of professionals working in various fields of application of neural network algorithms, discussion and generalization of their theoretical and practical research, the definition of prospects of the educational structure. The purpose of this publication is to justify the application of the methodology of artificial neural networks in computer information systems, data mining (data-mining) and the support of decision-making. The presentation of the basic material of the research. Artificial neural network is a system of connected and interacting artificial neurons [1; p.9]. A mathematical model of artificial neuron was proposed by W. McCulloch and W. Pitts, along with a model network of these neurons. The authors showed that the network on such elements can perform numerical and logical operations. Practically network was implemented by Frank Rosenblatt in 1958 as a computer program, and later as an electronic device - Perceptron. 1 - neurons transmit signal; 2 - adder weights incoming signals; 3 - transfer function; 4 - neurons of the received signal; Pic. 1. Diagram of an artificial neuron work. By means of an artificial neural simple processors, who are responsible for reception, processing, and forwarding (Pic.1). Artificial neuron can have a large number of input connections for which it receives signals from other neurons [2; p.71]. Artificial neuron can be represented as a function (transfer function) of one argument, which is the combination of the input signals. The result of transfer function is transmitted to the only way out of artificial neuron connected to the inputs of other neurons in the network or external devices. The range of values of triggering artificial neuron is usually defined as [0,1] or [-1,1]. By type of transfer function mainly neurons can be divided in: 1. Step transfer function - the output y of this transfer function is binary, depending on whether the input meets a specified threshold. As long as the weighted signal at the input of the neuron reaches a certain level - the output is zero. As soon as the input signal exceeds the level of the neuron - output signal abruptly changes by one. (1) 2. Linear transfer function - The output of the neuron is linearly related with the weighted sum of signals at its input. (2) 3. Sigmoid transfer function - One of the most frequently used, for the moment, the type of transfer functions. Introduction of sigmoidal functions such as is caused by limitations of neural networks with threshold activation function of neurons - with such activation function of any of the outputs of the network is either zero or one, which restricts the use of networks is not in classification problems. The use of sigmoidal functions allowed to pass from neuron to the binary outputs analog. (3) There are also other types of transfer functions, but they are beyond the scope of this paper. Thus artificial neuron receives input signals of one or more neurons, characterized by a marked source and weight then runs over the resulting array signal transfer function and send the results to one or more neurons, indicating the source and weight as a result of the transfer function [3; p.25]. From the above it can be seen that the artificial neural networks have the highest degree of scalability and flexibility of finite network model. In general, the artificial neural network consists of three parts (Pic.2): 1. Input layer - accepts data from external sources, and provides them with filtering. 2. Hidden layer - it is the main data processing, hidden layers can be quite a lot of it depends on the complexity of the network problems. 3. Output layer - contains the result of data processing in an artificial neural network is used for the final presentation and transmission to an external device. Pic. 2. The scheme of an artificial neural network. To perform its functions, artificial neural network must learn (fitting) [4; p.64]. Fitting network is to tweak the balance transferred artificial neural signals. The process of learning network can be implemented by two main methods: supervised learning and unsupervised learning. In the case of training a neural network with a teacher, a special training set is input to the network, then the network is configured in such a way to display the expected results at the output. Defined above basic concepts of artificial neural networks, we turn to the use of their methodology, business intelligence applications, economic forecasting, support decision-making and data-mining [5; p.89]. One of the main advantages of using artificial neural networks for datamining applications is a fundamental change in the behavior of a computer information system. The classic examples of systems in the first stage, the input data in the store (database), and then you perform the conversion, screening, clustering and data analysis. These operations typically use multiple reads and writes data on the media, which often reduces performance and increases wear. Application of artificial neural network in the first stages of the data allows us to solve problems filtering, clustering, classification and ranking of incoming data in a single process, which is ideally used parallelism that our time is one of the requirements imposed by the development of the hardware. In the case of artificial neural networks, information is saved to the database is more than ready for further use, reduced the proportion of "garbage data" and unprofitable data [6; p.47]. Thus holding data "gauntlet" of neural networks, with the right choice of topology and settings, can reduce the amount of information due to more accurate screening, perform clustering, just data entry, increase the performance of a computer information system through using parallel computing, and reduce the wear of storage devices. The main instruments of data-mining applications are clustering, classification and ranking. When you use these applications to solve business problems in the modern model of a competitive market economy, an unavoidable part of changing the values of criteria for analyzing the data, and often the appearance of new criteria, the gradual demise of the old. In classical computer information systems often narrowly defined ranges of the criteria and the ability to create new boast, it is absolutely not many programs. Is often the case when people are faced with the need to use external programs (such as spreadsheets) for more flexible handling of data, but it entails trouble exports and lack of a single logic. Use artificial neural networks in applications data-mining, if done right, gives a unique designer of the new criteria for data extraction tool [7; p.15]. Practical implementation of this functionality is highly dependent on the network topology. For example using a multilayer perceptron obtain new criteria can be achieved by introducing an additional hidden layer neurons. In other words, when developing applications data-mining, using artificial neural networks to introduce appropriate tools allow experts and advanced users, within certain limits, to upgrade the network architecture in response to changing business requirements [8; p.65]. Such an approach would extend the life cycle of your application. Another positive effect it is to create a community around a similar application configurators and implementers, will have at its disposal an effective platform data-mining, the effect of this effect can be illustrated, for example, a successful software product 1C: Enterprise and the like. Conclusions. The technology is often used solutions peeped in nature. Artificial neural networks are no exception, they copy the structure of the nerve cells of humans. Despite the fact that the idea of artificial neural networks for a long time there was a practical application of this approach reveal their capabilities until now. Development of processors in the direction of increasing the number of cores (execution units) determines the choice of methods and algorithms with a high level of parallel processing. From this perspective, artificial neural networks are ideal because they are arrays of simple process (artificial neurons) are running at the same time (for each layer of the network). The program uses artificial neural networks, have a high degree of modularity, which is a prerequisite of any modern application. Wide scalability caused by the fact that the introduction of new criteria and conditions data is sufficient to add a new hidden layer of artificial neurons, with explicit restrictions on the number of layers does not exist. You can change a wide range of functionality of an artificial neural network retraining it, ie creating new learning samples. Finally, the use of artificial neural networks, gets along well with objectoriented programming [9; p.31], which is the modern standard of development. Each type of artificial neuron is the use of which is scheduled for danno network can determine the appropriate class, in this case, specific neurons will be instances of the class, and the synapses - the class interface. 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