MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Start taking advantage of the benefits and services available to Latinos in Development (LID) members by becoming a member today. We encourage you to join LID and participate in our educational workshops, seminars and publications; and attend our events and meet fellow fundraising professionals in Chicago. The benefits of membership are numerous, so start taking advantage of them by becoming a member today! Founded in 1997, LID serves as a conduit to empower Latino fundraising professionals through professional development, networking, and serving as a voice to advance philanthropy and promote social equity within the Latino and broader communities. APPLY FOR MEMBERSHIP Please print this form, and complete, sign, and fax it with your payment information to Latinos in Development c/o Membership at (773) 890-7650. Is this a new membership or a renewal? □ New First Name __________ Last Name □ Renewal ________ Title _________ Company/Organization _________ Address1 _________ Address2 ________ _______ __________ City ________ Office Telephone State ________ Zip Code _______________ __ Fax Home/Alternate Telephone Email _________ _________ Company/Organization Website _______ How much of your time is involved in fundraising activities/resource building? _________ Are you? □ paid staff □ consultant □ volunteer □ other? 1 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION In which area(s)? Please select all that apply: Education Faith-based Social Services Community Organizing Healthcare Other Briefly describe your organization. (Optional) What is your primary purpose for joining LID? Check all that apply. To attend educational events To attend networking events To become involved in the community through LID Other (please specify) Are you interested in serving as a mentor? Are you interested in joining a committee? If yes, which one? Marketing Yes Yes Education No No Membership MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION How did you learn about LID? LID Website Word of Mouth Attended LID event (Which event? ) Referred by LID member (Please tell us who referred you: Other ) (please specify) Please let us know if there is anyone else whom you recommend we invite to join: Name (First and Last) _________ Title ________ Company/Organization Address1 Address2 City State Postal Code ________ Office Telephone _________________ Fax ___________________ Email _______________________________ MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS Annual Dues Membership Description $30 Individuals $15 Students (must provide valid identification) METHOD OF PAYMENT Please print, complete and sign this form, and then fax it with your payment information to Latinos in Development, C/O Membership, at (773) 890-7650. □ Enclosed is a check for $ ___________________ To pay by check, make check payable to Latinos in Development and mail it with the Membership Application to: Latinos In Development, NFP Attn: Membership P.O. Box 803157 Chicago, IL 60680-3157 Please read and check box: □ Member agrees with the LID mission statement and will abide by the Association of Fundraising Professional's Code of Ethical Principles and Standards of Professional Practice. Signature Date Confirmation of receipt will be sent via to you email. If you have any questions, please contact Membership at MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION MISSION Latinos in Development (LID) empowers Latino fundraising professionals through professional development and by serving as a voice to advance philanthropy and promote social equity within the Latino and broader communities. To achieve this LID will: Serve as a vehicle for continuing professional education, networking, and relationship-building for Latino fundraisers and other professionals engaged in developing resources for Latino constituencies. Increase the visibility and status of Latino professionals within the broader fundraising community and advocates on behalf of communities, challenging exclusion and discrimination in the philanthropic field. Recognize the philanthropic contributions of Latinos and promotes philanthropic giving to Latino causes. Build alliances with like-minded organizations to promote diversity within the field of philanthropy. Adopted June 8, 2006 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Membership in Latinos in Development (LID) is open to all fundraisers interested in pursuing the mission of the association. LID exists to: organize professional development and educational activities for its members, serve as a conduit for technical assistance for professional development resources to its members, serve as a networking vehicle for Latinos in development, advocate for increased philanthropic support of Latino communities, and advocate for Latino leadership development in fundraising and philanthropic professions. Members understand that LID offers membership to the individual and not to institutions. Members must be engaged in fundraising activities, usually on a paid basis, or as volunteers. Members agree to support LID activities by in any number of ways, including but limited to the following: attending events, participating in general membership meetings, helping to promote Latino philanthropy, working to improve the quality of life in Latino communities, or becoming an active volunteer of the association. Members must complete a Membership Application. Members agree to pay the annual membership fee of $30.00 for individuals or $15.00 for students (must provide valid identification). Members understand that communication regarding LID meetings, events and activities will primarily be communicated via email. For more information about LID, please visit