7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics HIC 2006, Nice, FRANCE CALCULATION OF EXPECTED ANNUAL DAMAGE CONSIDERING OF DISCHARGE-PROBABILITIES FUNCTION WOOSUNG NAM School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, 134 Sinchon-Dong, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul, 120-749, Korea JUN-HAENG HEO School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, 134 Sinchon-Dong, Seodaemun-Gu, Seoul, 120-749, Korea In this study, flood frequency analysis and Monte Carlo simulation are used to determine the expected annual damage (EAD) including uncertainties of dischargeprobability function. USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) recommends the logPearson type III distribution as a flood frequency model. However, it is not the case of Korean flood data. Therefore, frequency analysis is applied to flood data of two stations, Dongchon and Seongseo in the Kumho River basin in Korea. Appropriate probability distributions for those sites are selected based on the method of probability weighted moments and several goodness-of-fit tests such as χ2-test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Cramer von Mises test, PPCC (Probability Plot Correlation Coefficient) test. Sample data for each return period of an appropriate underlying probability distribution are generated by Monte Carlo simulation and then an appropriate sampling distribution is found based on the same frequency analysis procedure. Then EAD, including uncertainties, is estimated by applying sampling distributions to discharge-probability functions. As the results, gamma, Gumbel, GEV and Weibull distributions are found to be appropriate to flood data of these two sites. EAD considering uncertainties shows the larger value than EAD without considering uncertainties. The accuracy of EAD depends on the sample size, that is, the accuracy of EAD is decreased as sample size is decreased. EAD calculated by the lognormal sampling distribution is similar to that evaluated by the Weibull sampling distribution. EAD from the Gumbel sampling distribution leads to smaller value than others and the results are reversed in case of 2- parameter Weibull sampling distribution. INTRODUCTION Uncertainty in hydrologic, hydraulic, and economic functions has been considered by safety factors or freeboard due to lack of uncertainty analysis techniques. Recent development of statistics and advances in efficient computer applications enable uncertainty to be explained. Therefore, the concept of risk analysis has come to be included in design of hydraulic structures. EAD (Expected Annual Damage) is the prevailing index of flood damage. EAD is defined as the average flood damage and is calculated by integrating damage-probability 1 2 function. A damage-exceedance function is obtained by combining discharge-exceedance function, stage-discharge function (rating curve), and stage-damage function [4]. Hydraulic, hydrologic, and economic uncertainties are included in the above three contributing functions and lead to uncertainty in damage-exceedance probability function. That results in uncertainty in EAD. The log-Pearson type III (LP III) distribution has been used for estimating flood quantile and non-central t distribution used for describing uncertainty in dischargeexceedance function [1, 3, 4, 5]. However, it is sometimes inappropriate to apply LP Ⅲ model to the regions which have different regional hydrologic characteristics. Therefore, the appropriate probability distribution should be selected by frequency analysis of flood data from observation or conversion of stage data. Uncertainty should be considered by selecting and adding a sampling distribution according to the probability distribution for flood. In this paper, EAD considering uncertainties in discharge-exceedance function is calculated and the effects of uncertainties on the calculation of EAD is investigated by considering probability distribution of flood data and its sampling distribution. METHODOLOGY Damage-exceedance probability function is necessary to estimate EAD. However, it is not easy to express damage-exceedance probability function in the form of numerical formula. For this purpose, another approach such as a Monte Carlo simulation is used to calculate EAD in this study. Sampling distribution is needed to explain uncertainty of discharge-exceedance probability function. And it is selected from frequency analysis of quantiles for each return period from Monte Carlo simulation. The random numbers for each selected probability distribution function are generated and then a goodness of fit test, such as a chi-square test, is carried out for checking the homogeneity of generated data. Then, EAD based on each probability distribution is computed and the effect of sample size on EAD is analyzed. Monte Carlo simulation is performed by the following procedures: (1) Generate flood data for a given parameter estimates of the selected probability distribution, (2) Apply a goodness of fit test for each generated data set to check whether the data set satisfies the selected probability model. (3) Select appropriate sampling distribution for the quantile values of specific return period T (nonexceedance probability q). (4) Generate flood data for selected sampling distribution. (5) Estimate damages for generated flood data from sampling distribution. (6) Estimate EADs by using damages-exceedance probability relation from step (5). (7) Average EADs. Theoretically damage-exceedance function is obtained by collecting damage data and fitting to a suitable statistical model. However, it is hard to gather reliable data in the 3 field. Therefore, damage-exceedance probability function is calculated by using hydraulic, hydrologic, and economic information. In other words, it is obtained by three contributing distributions such as discharge-exceedance probability function, rating curve, and stage-damage function. Discharge-exceedance probability function and rating curve are combined into stage-exceedance probability function. It means that the probability exceeding a target stage is equal to that exceeding a target discharge. Damage-exceedance probability function is obtained by combining stage-damage and stage-exceedance probability functions. Finally, EAD is calculated by integrating damage-exceedance probability function [5]. Another EAD is calculated by using generated data from each selected probability distribution, that is, Monte Carlo simulation. Monte Carlo simulation continues until the average EAD comes to be in the limit of error. EAD is generally estimated by Eq. (1) (Bao, 1987). E D qc* qc* Dq f q dq (1) qc* is the capacity of a hydraulic structure for certain flood, f q is a probability distribution of flood data and Dq is damage function for flood ( q ). It is, however, where difficult to find an analytical solution due to complexity of calculation. So, such a discrete formula in Eq. (2) is generally used D F E D qc* j j (2) j where D j and F j are the average flood damage and a probability deviate of the j th interval. Sampling distribution is employed to consider hydrologic uncertainty. If a sampling distribution is included in Eq. (1), then EAD becomes E D qc* D(q T )h(qT )dqT f (q)dq * q *c q c (3) qT is a flood of return period T and hqT is a corresponding sampling distribution for qT [3]. where ESTIMATION OF EAD CONSIDERING UNCERTAINTIES 4 Flood data are constructed by converting 63 annual stage peak data points at Dongchon site (site number 2 in Fig. 1) and 33 annual maximum stage data points at the Seongseo site (site number 1 in Fig. 1) into flood data by using rating curves [2]. Appropriate probability distributions are selected from frequency analysis of flood data. In this study, Monte Carlo simulation technique is performed to estimate EAD. First of all, the random numbers are generated for given parameters of the selected probability models by using inverse function. In this case, the random numbers such as 10, 20, 30, 50, 80 and 100 are generated to figure out the effect of finite sample size. Appropriate sampling distributions are selected to include uncertainty of parameters by frequency analysis of flood data for each return period from Monte Carlo simulation. Incorporating the sampling distribution, EAD considering uncertainties is estimated. Figure 1 Stations in Kumho river basin FLOOD FREQUENCY ANALYSIS Flood frequency analysis was performed for given flood data of the two sites considered. The applied probability distributions for frequency analysis are the 13 models: 2- and 3parameter gamma, 2- and 3-parameter lognormal, log-Pearson type III, GEV (general extreme value), Gumbel, 2- and 3-parameter log-Gumbel, 2- and 3-parameter Weibull, 4and 5-parameter Wakeby. The parameters were estimated based on the method of probability weighted moments (PWM) which is known to be good for frequency analysis 5 of relatively short records. And then the goodness of fit tests such as chi-square test, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, probability plot correlation coefficient test, and Cramer von Mises test were performed to find an appropriate probability model for a given flood data. Finally, appropriate probability distributions for these sites are displayed in Table 1. As shown in Table 1, these two sites have the same appropriate probability models as those that are located close to each other. Note that as shown in Table 1, log-Pearson type III model is not appropriate to flood data in Kumho River basin even though five models are selected as appropriate models. Table 1. Appropriate probability distribution based on PWM Site Probability distributions Dongchon Gamma-2, GEV, Gumbel, Weibull-2, Weibull-3 Seongseo Gamma-2, GEV, Gumbel, Weibull-2, Weibull-3 CALCULATION OF EAD CONSIDERING UNCERTAINTIES Appropriate sampling distributions are determined for given return period considered and underlying probability distribution. As the results of simulations, the sampling distributions for each site and underlying model are obtained as shown in Table 2. Even though two sites have the same probability models for flood data, their sampling distributions are not exactly the same as each other. Table 2. Sampling distributions for each appropriate probability distribution Site Probability Dongchon Seongseo Distribution GEV Lognormal-2, -3 Gamma-2 Gumbel Weibull-3 GEV Gumbel GEV lognormal-2 lognormal-2, -3 Weibull-3 Gumbel Gumbel Gumbel lognormal-2, -3 lognormal-2, -3 Weibull-2, -3 Weibull-3 Gumbel Gumbel Weibull-2 lognormal-2 lognormal-2, -3 Weibull-2 Weibull-3 Weibull-3 Lognormal-2 Weibull-2, -3 Weibull-3 6 EAD considering uncertainties is estimated by using sampling distributions. Figures 2 and 3 show EAD without uncertainties and EAD considering uncertainties. Figure 2 shows EAD when the underlying model is GEV and five possible sampling models are GEV, Gumbel, lognormal-2, lognormal-3, and Weibull-3 as shown in Table 2 for Dongchon site. As expected, EAD is the smallest when considering no uncertainty, and the second smallest when the underlying and sampling models are the same. Then the other four sampling models have the largest EAD. Figure 3 shows EADs when Weibull probability distribution is assumed as the appropriate model for Seongseo site. In this case, EADs considering uncertainty are well above EAD without considering uncertainty. It is also found that EAD generally converges into a constant value as the number of data increases. 10 GEV NO UNCERTAINTY GEV GUM 9 EAD (MILLION WON) LN2 LN3 WBU3 8 7 6 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 SAMPLE SIZES Figure 2 EAD without and with consideration of uncertainties (Dongchon, GEV) 7 21 WBU2 20 NO UNCERTAINTY GUM 19 LN2 EAD (MILLION WON) LN3 18 WBU3 17 16 15 14 13 12 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 SAMPLE SIZES Figure 3. EAD without and with uncertainties (Seongseo, Weibull-2) CONCLUSIONS In this study, EAD incorporating uncertainty is estimated by using sampling distribution for flood data at Dongchon and Seongseo sites in Korea. Several conclusions obtained from this research are as follows: (1) Several probability distributions are selected for the appropriate models for flood data and several sampling distributions are also selected for each underlying probability distribution. (2) As the number of flood data points increase an estimate of EAD converges into a constant value. That is, the more number of data points there are, the more accurate an estimate of EAD becomes. (3) EAD with uncertainties is bigger than that without uncertainties. (4) EAD is estimated closely in the cases of lognormal and Weibull distributions as sampling distribution of flood data at Dongchon and Seongseo while underestimated in the case of the Gumbel model as sampling distribution and overestimated in the case of the Weibull distribution as sampling distribution. 8 REFERENCES [1] Arnell, N. W., “Expected annual damage and uncertainties in flood frequency estimation”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol. 115, No. 1, (1989), pp. 94-107. [2] Busan National Territory Management Office, “Basic Plan for River Maintenance at Kumho River”, (1997). [3] Bao, Y., Tung, Y., K. and Hasfurther, V. 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