EAD Revision: Response to Call for Comments

EAD Revision: Response to Call for
Bill Stockting: Co-Chair TS-EAD: EAD
Roundtable/EAD Revision Forum: SAA Annual
Meeting, Chicago, 24 August 2011
Great response to call with comments that:
Reflect international nature of EAD: from France, Germany,
Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, UK as well as the US
Come from both technical and archival point of view
127 comments on the spreadsheet – we’ll do further analysis and
de-duplication in advance of working meeting in March and share
this as well
Range from the very general to the very specific and local
Today then a whistle stop tour of main points!
Revision Process
Calls for:
A XML schema alone, no DTD:
Consistent with current best practice for XML, e.g. camelCasing
Use XML and XLINK libraries, e.g. @xml:lang
Updated tag library
Migration script(s) : EAD2002 → EADnew
Fundamentals #1
EAD should:
Be aligned with EAC-CPF in terms of:
 underlying relationship model
 element names and semantics – especially <bioghist>
 but it must remain possible to use EAD alone!
Include data from other XML namespaces: EAC-CPF, MARC21,
Allow rich description of digital representations within <dao> or
reference to them, including technical and structural metadata
Include or reference user generated data
Fundamentals #2
EAD should be:
Simpler and have fewer tags!
Data rather than text centric:
 less concerned with the publication of finding aids: fewer
formatting tags, especially <head>, <emph> and <table>
 more database friendly: fewer opportunities for mixed content
Specific Areas of Tagging #1
<eadheader> should be:
 simpler
 less about publishing a title page and more about description
Structure tags:
 lose numbered <c> and <dsc> tags
 make <archdesc> a wrapper tag containing <c> descriptions at
all levels
Specific Areas of Tagging #2
Wrapper tags:
 role and purpose of <did> and <physdesc>?
 Related to role of <descgrp> but one call at least to lose it!
<*name> tags:
 Allow optional tagging of parts of names including perhaps
subjects and places
 Allow geo-coding of places
Extend the elements that can be qualified by language /script
Ensure ability to encode span, uncertain and complex dates as
well as normalise them